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Pisor Family Newsletter: Leia edition

Who am I?
My name is Leia Pisor and I have never lived in
Arizona before coming to ASU. I was so nervous
about moving here but I was also excited! I
packed all of my things in two suitcases and flew
over the Pacific Ocean to get here! I lived in Ja-
pan most of my life and I have never been to Ari-
zona, nor had any connections in Arizona before
ASU. My father learned Japanese for a year
here, but he never knew that I would end up go-
ing there for college. Since ASU has a great Rus-
sian program and AFROTC, I couldn’t wait till I
moved here! I especially love the dry heat!

Let me show
you all the fun
I had so far!

Inside this issue

Renaissance Fare .................. 1

Pop-up Cards!........................ 2
AFROTC ................................ 3

School Organization .............. 3,4

 Silver Wings
 T.H.E.M
 BL+C

Renaissance Fare
I have never heard of Renaissance Fare
until a friend of mine told me about one
in Arizona. Her family worked there and
I was able to join an organization called
Croft. Its an Irish reenactment group
that focuses on Irish culture and reen-
actment of it. All of our clothes are
handmade! I hand stitched my corset
myself! I now volunteer every Saturday
and I get free food! All the food is made
over the fire and it tastes amazing!

My Pop-up card side gig!
I have been working on my crafting skills whenever I can! I
love everything from drawing to sewing, but I love making
paper craft the most. I made several birthday cards for my
friends but I am hoping to kickstart my custom pop-up card
shop this year!
It started as a G10 school project but I love how intricate pa-
per crafts can be. There are so many folds you can do to make
things look alive.

I have been in the Air Force Reserve

Officer Training Corps since I started ASU.
It has been amazing working with other
cadets and challenging myself to become
a better person.
I am now physically and mentally strong- AFROTC
er because of my training to become a
better AF Officer in the future.
Student organizations!
Silver Wings is a sister group of Arnold Air Society ( an AFROTC
affiliated honors group). SW is a civilian organization that fo-
cuses on professional development and bettering the commu-
nity. We do a lot of volunteer work as well as weekly meetings
to better ourselves. As a Public Relations Officer, I get to reach
Silver Wings a lot of people on the campus as well as in the military!

[Silver Wings Logo] Retrieved on 3/19/2019 from http://
Russian Language and Culture Society is the first club I
made with my friend, Kristina. We both have Russian as our
Major and wanted to peruse it outside class! We are having
our first meeting next Monday and if you are interested in
Russian culture please join us!
We are planning to have Russian movie nights, Russian
snacks and speech practice too!

Asian Business Leaders Associations is an amazing club that

ABLA also focuses on leadership. We pay close attention on Asian
Americans in the workforce. Learn about the model minori-
ty and the bamboo ceiling. I learned so many resume and
interview tips in this club that I got hired at the spot for my
new position!
Food is provided!
T.H.E.M. doesn't stand for anything…
But this club is the best! It is essentially
a nerd club that have separate groups
inside of this club. I regularly participate
in D&D games and their movie nights. Leia Pisor
I found friends that were into the same Publisher Application
TV shows and love sci-fi in general! I
bought my first dice sets with them and
go out to eat with them every week. T.H.E.M. Primary Business Address
454 Pisor farm Hill 4567
I worked on a short story project with
them too! It's just so fun!

This is a Barrett LGBT+ Club! One of the

only LGBTQ+ clubs that regularly meet
every week at Tempe.
Most meetings revolve around some
sort of educational topic on LGBTQ+.
I learned a lot about Traveling as an
LGBTQ+ member last week. Since I was
going to study abroad this summer it
was nice to know what NOT to do as a
member of this community. (My coun-
try was much safer than Russia!)

Life in the East Coast
by Ysabell

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