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April 10, 2010

M. Zillur Rahman
Internship Supervisor
Department of Language and Communication
Faculty of Business Administration and Management
Patuakhali Science and Technology University
Dumki, Patuakhali-8602

Subject: Submission of Internship Report

Dear Sir,

It is my pleasure to submit the report on Overall Banking System of Social Islami Bank
Limited (SIBL, IDB Bhaban Branch as a part of my BBA program.

I have devoted my best effort to make the report an informative one. I will remain ever
grateful to you for rendering me the opportunity of working on such an interesting field.
If you need any clarification regarding this report, I will be available for this.

Sincerely Yours

Abu Zafour
Reg. No. 00680
Session: 2004-2005
BBA Second Batch
Faculty of Business Administration and Management
Patuakhali Science and Technology University

In completing my internship program in Social Islami Bank Limited. (IDB Bhaban
Branch), I got help from different people who assisted me with various information, data
and advice. My deepest gratitude to Mr. Monzurul Hoq Shoaib Vice President &
Manager, SIBL who give me nice opportunity to work in the Social Investment Bank
Limited, as intern to enhance my practical knowledge. I thanked to M. Zillur Rahman,
Lecturer, Department of Language and Communication, Patuakhali Science and
Technology University, for giving me assistance and sincere cooperation with effective
guidelines in making report worthwhile. I am also indebted to Meftah Uddin Ahmad
FAVP & Second Manager. I would like to think all officials of SIBL, IDB Bhaban
Branch, for their co-operation and support.

This report gives a clear idea the activities, the operation strategies, and the performance
of SIBL. SIBL incorporated in 5th July 1995 and being into its commercial operation on
22nd November with a view to provide exclusive service facilities to its client and
accordingly meet the demand of banking service all over Bangladesh. During the short
span of its operation the bank had been widely acclaimed by the business community
from small business persons to industrial conglomerates for forward looking business
outlook and innovative financial solution.
In this competitive age, foreign trade becomes very much crucial for any country in the
world. Specially, in the country like Bangladesh import is becoming very much crucial
with the increasing rate of population. Every year a lot of food grains, machinery spare
parts, dyes and chemicals, industrial raw materials, cotton textiles, pharmaceutical,
cements, steel, fuel etc. are imported from various countries of the world. At the same
time, the exportable goods of Bangladesh are jute, jute goods, jute yarns, carpets, tea,
leather and leather goods, pottery, handicrafts, shrimps, ready-made garments, fishes,
frog legs, spices etc. so the foreign trade is playing an important role for the economic
development of our country. Commercial Banks are playing a vital role in financing
imports and exports of our country. It is not possible to run any business or production
activity in this age. Export and importers need finance in various stages of their activities.
Exporters need finances in two states pre shipment finance and pot shipment finance. Pre-
shipment finances are export cash credit, packing credit, Back to Back letter of credit etc.
post shipment finances are negotiation of documents under L/C, loan against bill in
collection (foreign bills) etc. Again import financing are Payment against Documents
(PAD), Loan against Import Merchandise (LIM) etc. all these facilities are provided by
commercial banks in Bangladesh.

For this purpose, banks consider the borrowers business standing, integrity, liability with
the Bank, terms and conditions of the L/Cs, securities offered etc. There are lots of risks
involved in foreign trade. Therefore, the Financing Banks have to clearly justify the
customers from a neutral point and gather the current information about the market.
In the case of import-export, SIBL has a gradual-increasing trend from 2007. However, in
order to capture higher market share than the competitors, the policy of SIBL in these
regards should be reviewed and it should be made more flexible and competitive than the
present. The whole report may be divided into two parts. The first segment is based on
the SIBL and the service it provides. And the second segment is based on the
performance evaluation and analysis of fund management.
The first part mainly focuses on the different areas the SIBL banking operations. The
various mission of SIBL, organization structure, functional areas, SIBL online banking
status etc are stated in this part.In this second part, the key ratios of financial operation
have been shows and on the basis of financial analysis and brief SWOT analysis has been
pictured in this part. In addition to this an analysis of SIBL fund management has been
added in this part. Fund management basically shows the sources of funds and
application of fund of SIBL in the year under study (2007-2008). CAMEL rating is and
extension of this fund management analysis parts. Finally an observation summary has
been concluded.


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