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The anticurvature filing method to prepare the

curved root canal

M arw an Abou-Rass, D D S, PhD

Alfred L. Fran k , DDS
Dudley H. Glick, D DS

A m e t h o d o f p r e p a r a t io n o f th e
c u r v e d ro o t c a n a l is d e s c r ib e d b y
w h ich en d o d o n tic fillin g m a te r ia l
ca n b e in tr o d u c ed w ith little r is k
o f d a m a g e to th e c a n a l w alls.

TJL he transition to the use of gutta­

percha as the preferred endodontic
F ig 1 ■ S c h e m a tic d ra w in g o f a p ic a l stop and
filling material and the increased use d isp la ce m en t s p a c e p re p a re d fo r g u tta -p e rch a
of condensation methods (lateral and p o in ts, th ereb y a v o id in g a p ic a l o v erfill.
vertical) have resulted in definitive
changes in the design of the endodon­
tic canal preparation. Gutta-percha is the bulky or safety zones and away F ig 2 ■ S c h e m a tic d ra w in g o f ro o t c a n a l p rep a ­

biologically acceptable and more per­ from the thinner portions or danger ra tio n by a n tic u rv a tu re filin g sh o w s m od ified

zones of the root structure where per­ d ir e c t a c c e s s to a p e x , a v o id in g th in n e r d a n g er

manent, but it is difficult to manipu­
z o nes, an d d e fin itiv e a p ic a l sto p an d d is p la ce ­
late. This paper introduces a clinical foration or stripping of the canal walls
m en t s p a ce fo r c a r e o f fillin g w ith g u tta -p e rch a .
method—anticurvature filing— for the can occur (Fig 3).
preparation of the curved or narrow — Stripping. Thinning of the dentin
canal to receive gutta-percha filling to the cementum border, which can strument fracture, and overfills and
m aterials.1,2 develop into a perforation (Fig 4).3 underfills, can occur during the prepa­
— Danger zone. The thin area in the ration of root canal therapy. The pur­
root canal wall that is vulnerable to pose of anticurvature filing is to file
D efin ition o f te rm s
stripping by injudicious filing (Fig 3). the bulkier root structure away from
— Apical stop. The apical lim it of the the curvature and thinner danger zone.
root canal preparation located within 1 THE NEED FOR ANTICURVATURE FIL­ The anatomy of the root canal, cur­
mm from the radiographic apex to con­ ING. The preparation of curved and vature direction, and canal diameter
fine the filling material during the dis­ narrow root canals presents-a special should be carefully analyzed before
placement and filling process (Fig 1, challenge to the dentist. Many pro­ access and canal preparation. The
2). cedural errors, such as ledge forma­ original internal m orphological de­
— A nticurvature filing. The co n ­ tion, loss of root length, perforation sign of the canal should be modified to
trolled and directed preparation into and stripping of the canal walls, in- produce the proper canal design, con­

792 ■ JADA, Vol. 101, November 1980


densation space, and apical stop to can be irregular and variable.5 In the canal. The access preparation is never
obliterate the canal and prevent per­ b u c c o lin g u a l or m e s io d is ta l d i­ static and should be altered as neces­
forations of the canal walls. In round rections, circumferential filing could sary to provide convenience or root
and nearly straight roots, in which the be hazardous (Fig 3). The danger of canal preparation.
canal is centered in the root, wall perforation is greater as preparation is
thicknesses are approximately equal performed to larger sizes.6 RADIOGRAPHIC AND FUNCTIO NAL
in the buccolingual and mesiodistal CONSIDERATIONS. The root anatomy
cross sections, and circum ferential A C C E S S P R E P A R A T IO N . A w e ll- and morphology is all-important in the
filling can be used. In curved canals, executed access preparation makes it planning and execution of root canal
anticurvature filing is necessary to easier to locate all canal orifices and to preparation. The practitioner should
prevent perforation and weakening of facilitate the preparation stage. To maintain digital and directional con­
the root structure by stripping. Anti- prepare the apical stop with the anti­ trol over the endodontic instrument
curvature filing is based on radio- curvature filing method (Fig 6), the ac­ when performing the following steps:
graphic and topographic analysis of cess outline and extension may have to — The danger zone where the walls
the root and root canal anatomy.4 The be modified. Clinically, the access out­ are thin is located.
curved canal should be straightened as line may have to differ from the tradi­ — To minimize torquing of the en­
much as possible to ease the cleaning, tional geometric forms; an accurate ac­ dodontic instrument, a functional ac­
designing, and filling of the apical cess outline should blend smoothly cess opening that allows for as much
third. In an extreme apical curvature, into the pulp chamber. It should in­ direct and unobstructed access to the
the canal is straightened as close as clude the total removal of the pulp apical stop level as possible is made.
possible to the point of apical curva­ chamber roof and all pulp horns and —A radiograph of the region with a
ture (Fig 5). provide, as much as possible, a direct size no. 15 file in place should be ex­
The wall thickness of curved canals and unobstructed approach to each amined to determine the torque of the

F ig 4 ■ C lin ic a l ex a m p le s o f s trip p in g an d p e rfo ra tio n s th a t co u ld h a v e been p rev en ted by a n tic u rv a tu re filin g .

A b o u - R a s s - F r a n k - G lic k : A N T IC U R V A T U R E F IL IN G F O R R O O T CAN AL ■ 7 9 3

Fig 6 ■ Anti curvature filing directs preparation into bulky portions away from thinner zones of
root to avoid perforation or stripping of canal wall.

instrum ent generated by the canal. — The canal orifice may be enlarged Dr. A b ou -R ass is a s s o cia te p ro fesso r and ch air-
This w ill disclose the degree of canal using a suitable rotary instrum ent m an, d ep artm en t o f en d o d o n tics, and director,
gradu ate en d o d o n tics; D rs. F ra n k and G lick are
curvature and indicate where the fil­ such as a no. 1 or a no. 2 Peeso reamer.
c lin ic a l p rofesso rs, g rad u ate en d o d o n tics, S ch o o l
ing should be directed. Rotary instruments should not be in­ o f D entistry, U n iv ersity o f S o u th ern C aliforn ia.
— The endodontic instruments are serted into the canal more than 3 mm A d d ress req u ests for re p rin ts to Dr. A bou -R ass,
curved to ease insertion and negotia­ from the floor of the pulp chamber S c h o o l o f D en tistry, U n iv ersity o f S o u th ern C a li­
forn ia, PO B o x 7 7 9 5 1 , Los A n g ele s, 9 0 0 0 7 .
tion of the canal. level. A manual instrument should fol­
— The curved canal is progressively low the use of rotary instruments to re­ 1 . H aga, C .S . M ic ro s c o p ic m ea su re m e n ts o f
and directionally filed away from the capitulate and blend the canal walls. ro ot ca n a l p rep aration s fo llo w in g in stru m en ta ­
thin areas in the regions where bulky tio n . B r J Endod S o c 2 :4 1 -4 6 , 1 9 6 8 .
tooth structure is present. If the curve 2 . S c h n e id e r , S .W . A co m p a ris o n o f ca n a l
Summary p rep aration in straig h t and cu rv ed roots. O ral
of a root is to the distal, the canal is
Surg 3 2 :2 7 1 - 2 7 5 ,1 9 7 1 .
filed mesially, buccally, and lingually. The anticurvature filing method main­ 3. M eister, F ., Jr., and o th ers. E n d o d o n tic per­
— Overzealous circumferential fil­ tains the integrity of canal walls at foration s w h ic h resu lted in a lv eo lo r bon e loss.
ing and restricted access openings their thin portion and reduces the pos­ R ep ort o f fiv e ca se s. O ral S u rg 4 7 (5 ):4 6 3 -4 7 0 ,
should be avoided, as they lead to per­ sibility of root perforation or stripping. 1979.
4 . K u ttler, Y . M ic ro sc o p ic in v estig a tio n o f root
foration or stripping. With this method, the dental practi­
a p exes. JA D A 5 0 :5 4 4 -5 5 2 , 1 9 5 5 .
— Evaluation of radiographs and tioner maintains digital control over 5. S k ille n , W .G . M o rp h o lo g y o f ro o t can als.
frequent irrigation during the proce­ the endodontic instrument, and the JAD A 1 9 :7 1 9 - 7 3 5 ,1 9 3 2 .
dure, and the use of sharp instruments preparation of the curved canal is 6 . W ein e, F .S . E n d o d o n tic th erap y , ed 2 . S t.
L o u is, C. V . M o sb y C o., 1 9 7 6 , pp 2 2 4 -2 2 5 .
w ill ease the preparation. eased.

794 ■ JADA, Vol. 101, November 1980

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