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Human Resource Management (HRM) is the term first used in the early 1900s
and then more widely in the 1960s for the people, who work for the organization,
in aggregate.HRM is really employee management with an emphasis on those
employees as assets of the business. In this context, employees are sometimes
referred to as human capital. As with other business assets, the goal is to make
effective use of employees, reducing risk and maximizing return on investment
(ROI). It is a function in organization designed to maximize employee
performance in service of an employer’s strategic objectives.

The modern HR technology term, human capital management (HCM), has come
into more frequent use than the term, HRM, with the widespread adoption by
large and midsize companies and other organizations of software to manage many
HR functions.

Human resource management functions

Areas of HRM oversight include the following:
 employee recruitment, on boarding and retention
 talent management and workforce management
 job role assignment
 compensation
 labor law compliance
 performance management
 learning and training
 succession planning
 employee engagement and recognition





Recruitment & selection Talent management

Payroll & attendance Learning &
Grievance handling Employee Engagement
Loans Performance
Management System
Recruitment and selection process is defined as the process through which the
best individuals are selected among a pool of applicant for particular positions of
job. Mostly managers consider selection process as one of their critical decision
function in the organization. In selection process, the managers actually try to
match knowledge, skills, and abilities of the applicant with the requirement of

Recruitment and Selection is an important operation in HRM, designed to

maximize employee strength in order to meet the employer's strategic goals and
objectives. In short, Recruitment and Selection is the process of sourcing,
screening, short listing and selecting the right candidates for the filling the
required vacant positions.

Scope of Recruitment and Selection

The scope of Recruitment and Selection is very wide and it consists of a variety
of operations. Resources are considered as most important asset to any
organization. Hence, hiring right resources is the most important aspect of
Recruitment. Every company has its own pattern of recruitment as per their
recruitment policies and procedures.
The scope of Recruitment and Selection includes the following operations −

 Dealing with the excess or shortage of resources

 Preparing the Recruitment policy for different categories of employees
 Analyzing the recruitment policies, processes, and procedures of the
 Identifying the areas, where there could be a scope of improvement
 Streamlining the hiring process with suitable recommendations
 Choosing the best suitable process of recruitment for effective hiring of
Any organization wants it future to be in good and safe hands. Hence, hiring the
right resource is a very important task for any organization.

(i) Determine present and Future Requirements.
(ii) How does right recruitment process helps in creating overall
efficiency, cost reduction, on time delivery with reference to external
(iii) To study about the selection at HEG LTD, MANDIDEEP.
(iv) To collect the findings, information & analyze to draw conclusion of
recruitment process.
(v) Increase organizational & individual effectiveness and attract highly
qualified & competent people.

(i) To involve employees in creating an environment of openness, trust,
fun & pride.
(ii) To study about the company to create culturally diverse work place.
(iii) To meet the organization legal and social obligations.
(iv) Increase the pool of candidates at minimum cost, and to increase the
success rate of the selection process.
(v) Evaluate the effectiveness of recruiting techniques and sources.

Research methodology is the specific procedures or techniques used to identify,

select, process, and analyze information about a topic. In a research paper, the
methodology section allows the reader to critically evaluate a study’s overall
validity and reliability. The methodology section answers two main questions:
How was the data collected or generated? How was it analyzed?

The data has been collective through different departments and different section
of the same department and books available in the library and views are collected
through the employee


This project involves the collection of primary data through books and survey
approach is done by going individually to different section and by approaching
the employees of different categories.


The study used a “descriptive design”, this is because the technique is flexible
and appropriate in terms of; the data to be collected, the methods of collecting the
data and the timing of the research. This design is faster and comparatively low
cost methods that adequately helped answer the research questions. This research
includes surveys & fact finding inquires of the different kinds, it describes the
various fact related to the population.


 PRIMARY DATA- When the data are collected directly by the researcher
for the first time is called as Primary Data. It is original in nature and is
specific to a research problem under study.
The following method was used as primary data for gathering the
(i) Questionnaire
(ii) Survey
 SECONDARY DATA - When the data are collected by someone else for
a purpose other than the researcher’s current project and has already
undergone the statistical analysis is called as Secondary Data.
The following method was used as secondary data for gathering the
(i) Internet
(ii) Different books
(iii) Library
(iv) Project reports


SAMPLE SIZE – Sample size being 30 helps in getting reliable results and
information about the recruitment & selection process followed at HEG LTD.

The present study on “Recruitment and selection process” conducted at

HEG LTD. All the units could be of great use for concerned in the
following ways:-
 Study of importance of Recruitment and Selection process for an

 Study of Recruitment and Selection & practices at HEG LTD.

 Employees are satisfied with the recruitment process.

 The study emphasis on finding and analyzing the recruitment needs

in every department of an organization.

 Providing them with what they need by taking feedbacks in order to

make the employees more efficient to increase the productivity.

 The study emphasis on analyzing the needs of the employees to give

them an environment where they would be motivated to work hard
& stay loyal to the organization.

Recruitment has never been an easy since employees may come and leave the
organization and hence it is called as the never ending process. There are certain
limitation to the study of recruitment and selection which are as follows:-

 The major limitation of study was time constraints and collection of data.

 As sample was selected using random convenience sampling, there could

be sampling error as the sample might not de representative of the total

 In some cases the data was confidential so, the data collection can fluctuate
with the results and interpretations.

 Recruitment and selection is the long process so the study to understand the
entire process took lots of time.

 Every organization have different methods for recruitment and selection


Recruitment (hiring) refers to the overall process of attracting, short
listing, selecting and appointing suitable candidates for jobs (either permanent or
temporary) within an organization. Recruitment can also refer to processes
involved in choosing individuals for unpaid roles. Managers, human resource
generalists and recruitment specialists may be tasked with carrying out
recruitment, but in some cases public-sector employment agencies, commercial
recruitment agencies, or specialist search consultancies are used to undertake
parts of the process. Internet-based technologies to support all aspects of
recruitment have become widespread.

The process of recruitment is one of the most significant aspects for operating
business successfully. The quality of the worker determines the performance of
an organization, and therefore, individuals who effectively manage all the
functions of the organization are more suitable for it. Recruitment is defined as a
process that provides the organization with a pool of qualified job candidates
from which to choose. Before companies recruit, they must implement proper
staffing plans and forecasting to determine how many people they will need. The
basis of the forecast will be the annual budget of the organization and the short-
to long-term plans of the organization—for example, the possibility of expansion.
In addition to this, the organizational life cycle will be a factor.

Effective recruiting means that the person employed for the job is the best
possible candidate for it, with all the required skills, talents and qualifications of
the job. Efficient recruiting, on the other hand, means that the process has been
carried out without incurring a lot of costs on the part of the organization

“Recruitment is the discovering of potential applicant for actual or anticipated

organizational vacancies.”

According to Edwin B. Flippo,

“Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and

stimulating them to apply for job in the organization.”

According to Barber,

Recruitment includes those practices and activities carried out by the organization
with the primary purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees.”

According to Dale Yoder,

“Recruitment is a process to discover the source of manpower to meet the

requirements of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for
attracting that manpower in adequate number to facilitate effective selection of an
efficient working force.”

 Human Resource
 Recruitment policy
 Size of the firm
 Cost
 Growth and expansion

 Supply and demand

 Unemployment Rate
 Labour Market
 Image/Goodwill
 Political-Social-Legal
 Competitors

The internal factors also called as “endogenous factors” are the factors
within the organization that effect recruiting personnel in the organization.
The internal forces i.e. the factors which can be controlled by the
organization are:

1. Recruitment Policy
The recruitment policy of the organization i.e. recruiting from internal sources
and external also affect the recruitment process The recruitment policy of an
organization specifies the objectives or recruitment and provides a framework for
implementation of recruitment program. It may involve organizational system to
be developed for implementing recruitment programs and procedure by filling up
vacancies with best qualified people.

Factors Affecting Recruitment Policy

 Need of the organization.

 Organizational objectives
 Preferred sources of recruitment.
 Government policies on reservations.
 Personnel policies of the organization and its competitors.
 Recruitment costs and financial implications.

2. Human Resource Planning

Effective human resource planning helps in determining the gaps present in the
existing manpower of the organization. It also helps in determining the number of
employees to be recruited and what qualification they must possess.

3. Size of the Organization

The size of the organization affects the recruitment process. If the organization is
planning to increase its operations and expand its business, it will think of hiring
more personnel, which will handle its operations.

4. Cost involved in recruitment

Recruitment incur cost to the employer, therefore, organizations try to employ
that source of recruitment which will bear a lower cost of recruitment to the
organization for each candidate.
5. Growth and Expansion
Organization will employ or think of employing more personnel if it is expanding
its operations.


1. Supply and Demand

The availability of manpower both within and outside the organization is an
important determinant in the recruitment process. If the company has a demand
for more professionals and there is limited supply in the market for the
professionals demanded by the company, then the company will have to depend
upon internal sources by providing them special training and development

2. Labour Market
Employment conditions in the community where the organization is located will
influence the recruiting efforts of the organization. If there is surplus of
manpower at the time of recruitment, even informal attempts at the time of
recruiting like notice boards display of the requisition or announcement in the
meeting etc. will attract more than enough applicants.

3. Goodwill / Image of the organization

Image of the organization is another factor having its influence on the recruitment
process of the organization. This can work as a potential constraint for
recruitment. An organization with positive image and goodwill as an employer
finds it easier to attract and retain employees than an organization with negative
image. Image of a company is based on what organization does and affected by
industry. Managerial actions like good public relations, rendering public service
like building roads, public parks, hospitals and schools help earn image or
goodwill for organization.

4. Political-Social- Legal Environment

various government regulations prohibiting discrimination in hiring and
employment have direct impact on recruitment practices. For example,
Government of India has introduced legislation for reservation in employment for
scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, physically handicapped etc. Also, trade unions
play important role in recruitment. This restricts management freedom to select
those individuals who it believes would be the best performers. If the candidate
can’t meet criteria stipulated by the union but union regulations can restrict
recruitment sources.
5. Unemployment Rate
One of the factors that influence the availability of applicants is the growth of the
economy (whether economy is growing or not and its rate). When the company is
not creating new jobs, there is often oversupply of qualified labour which in turn
leads to unemployment.

6. Competitors
The recruitment policies of the competitors also affect the recruitment function of
the organizations. To face the competition, many a times the organizations have
to change their recruitment policies according to the policies being followed by
the competitors.


 Transfer
 Promotions
 Job posting
 Employee Referrals
 Former employees
 Previous applicant

 Direct method
 Indirect method
 Third party method
 Internal Recruiting - An internal source of recruitment involves recruiting
candidates internally. Employees currently working in their own company
are departed to other department or higher position. If the employees’
performance are excellent and up to the mark, they are given chance to
occupy higher level from the current post. If extra skills required,
organization are ready to provide training. This is one of the easiest ways
of selecting candidates as the performance of their work already known by

 Advantage of Internal Recruitment

1) Easiest
2) No deep interview required
3) Less time consuming
4) Employees stay for a long period in the company when they are promoted
to higher position.
5) Competition among employees to occupy high level when co-employee
gets promoted.

 Disadvantage of Internal Recruitment

1) Discrimination may exist in respective to caste, language, religion for
2) No opportunities for external employees.
3) ) Lack of innovative
4) Dissatisfied co-employee may quit the position because of jealous or

 Methods of Internal Recruitment:

1) Transfer
2) Promotions
3) Job posting
4) Employee Referrals
5) Former employees
6) Previous applicant

1. Transfer: Transfer means shifting an employee from one job to another,

typically of similar nature, without any change in his rank and responsibility. The
purpose of an employee transfer is to enable him to get well-versed with the
broad-based view of the organization which is essential for the promotions in
2. Promotion: Promotions are the most common form of internal recruitment
wherein the employees are moved to the upper levels of the organization with
more responsibility and prestige. When the higher level positions fall vacant
companies recruit from within the organization so as to capitalize one of the
following benefits:
 The employee is familiar with the working of the organization.
 Less cost is incurred as compared to hiring the person from the external
 The chances of selection are bright since the performance card of the individual
is readily available with the firm.
 It boosts the morale of the employee.
 The others in the organization also get motivated to work harder to get
promoted to the higher levels of the organization.
3. Employee Referrals: The present employees can refer their friends and family to
the job. They are well aware of the organizational culture, working conditions
and job requirements. If they find their friends or family suitable for such position
can recommend their names to the management for recruitment.

The organizations encourage employee referrals as the cost and time could be
saved than from hiring people from the external sources. Some organizations, in
order to motivate employees to pay “finders fees” in the form of incentives for
each successful hire.

4. Former employees: The former employees are also considered as an internal

source of recruitment. These are the persons who have left the job and wants to
come back to work on a part-time or full-time basis.
 External Recruiting -An external source involves recruiting candidates
externally for better performance and innovation. External employees
always feel young and innovative for new companies, more active enough
to find business problems and fix it. Though recruiting external candidates
might be tougher but it has more positive effect on business compared to
internal source.

 Advantage of External Recruitment

1) Create new opportunities for job seekers and experience employees.
2) Increases business strategy.
3) Ability to recruit the candidates with special skills employer need.
4) Branding increases externally.
5) New innovative ideas and improvement.
6) High productivity
7) More applicants from external employees.

 Disadvantage of External Recruitment

1) More time consuming
2) High cost
3) Sourcing quality profiles becomes difficult
4) External candidates ask for more salary and benefits
5) Candidates may quit the job within short period if they are uncomfortable.

 Methods of External Recruitment:

1) Direct method
2) Indirect method
3) Third party method

1) Direct Method:
In this method, the representatives of the organization are sent to the potential
candidates in the educational and training institutes. They establish contacts with
the candidates seeking jobs. These representatives work in cooperation with
placement cells in the institutions Persons pursuing management; engineering,
medical etc. programmes are mostly picked up in this manner.

Sometimes, some employer firms establish direct contact with the professors and
solicit information about students with excellent academic records. Sending the
recruiter to the conventions, seminars, setting up exhibits at fairs and using
mobile office to go to the desired centers are some other methods used to
establish direct contact with the job seekers.

2) Indirect Methods:
Indirect methods include advertisements in news papers, on the radio and
television, in professional journals, technical magazines etc.

This method is useful when:

(i) Organization does not find suitable candidates to be promoted to fill up the
higher posts

(ii) When the organization wants to reach out to a vast territory, and

(iii) When organization wants to fill up scientific, professional and technical


The experience suggests that the higher the position to be filled up in the
organization, or the skill sought by the more sophisticated one, the more widely
dispersed advertisement is likely to be used to reach to many suitable candidates.
3) Third Party Methods:
These include the use of private employment agencies, management consultants,
professional bodies/associations, employee referral/recommendations, voluntary
organizations, trade unions, data banks, labour contractors etc., to establish
contact with the job- seekers.

Recruitment planning

Identifying Recruitment

Contacting Sources Evaluation and control

Application Pool

Selection Process

Process of Recruitment

The Selection is the process of choosing the most suitable candidate for the
vacant position in the organization. In other words, selection means weeding out
unsuitable applicants and selecting those individuals with prerequisite
qualifications and capabilities to fill the jobs in the organization.

Finding the interested candidates who have submitted their profiles for a
particular job is the process of recruitment, and choosing the best and most
suitable candidates among them is the process of selection. It results in
elimination of unsuitable candidates. It follows scientific techniques for the
appropriate choice of a person for the job.

The recruitment process has a wide coverage as it collects the applications of

interested candidates, whereas the selection process narrows down the scope and
becomes specific when it selects the suitable candidates.


According to Terrie Nolinske,

“Selection is the process of making a hire or no-hire decision regarding each

applicant for a job.”

According to Schermerhorn, Hunt, and Osborn,

“Selection is a series of steps from initial applicant screening to final hiring of the
new employee.”
Advantages of Selection
A good selection process offers the following advantages−

 It is cost-effective and reduces a lot of time and effort.

 It helps avoid any biasing while recruiting the right candidate.
 It helps eliminate the candidates who are lacking in knowledge, ability, and
 It provides a guideline to evaluate the candidates further through strict
verification and reference-checking.
 It helps in comparing the different candidates in terms of their capabilities,
knowledge, skills, experience, work attitude, etc.
 A good selection process helps in selecting the best candidate for the
requirement of a vacant position in an organization.

1. Preliminary interview: the selection process generally starts with this step
where the totally unsuitable applicant is eliminated. Thus the organization is
saved from the expenses of processing the applicant through the remaining steps
of selection. The candidates who pass this step are only asked to fill the
application form.

2. Receiving applications: after passing the preliminary interview the candidate

is asked to fill the standard application form. The application form generally
consists the information about the age, qualification, experience etc. of the
candidate on the basis of which the interviewer gets the idea about the candidate
and this information also helps in formulating questions.
3. Screening of applications: after receiving the applications the screening
committee screens the applications. Only the candidates who qualify the criteria
of the screening committee are called for the interview. Usually the candidates
selected for interview are four to six times than the number of posts. Interview
letter is sent to them or they are called telephonically.

4. Employment test: after getting the interview letter and before going to the
interview there is one more step and that is the employment tests. These tests are
done to check the ability of the candidate. These tests vary from organization to
organization and change as per the need of the particular job. these tests are
intelligence tests, aptitude tests, trade tests, interest test, personality tests etc.
these tests must be designed properly otherwise they will not good indicator of
one knowledge.

5. Employment interview: the candidates who qualify the above tests are called
for the employment interview. This interview is done to get more information
about the candidate, to give him the actual picture of what is required from him,
to check the communication skill of the candidate etc. for senior position post; a
panel is prepared who take the interview. At the end of interview of each
candidate the members of panel discuss about the candidate and give him the

There may be direct interview or indirect interview. The interview should be

conducted in a room free from the noise and disturbance only than the candidates
will be able to speak freely and frankly.

6. Checking references: before selecting the employ the prospective employee

generally look out for the referees given by the candidate. To check about the
candidate’s past record, reputation, police record etc.

7. Physical examination: The organizations generally prefer medical

examination to be incurred of the person to avoid time and expenditure spend on
the medically unfit person. Sometimes the organization may ask the candidate to
get them examined from the medical expert.

8. Final selection: after all these steps the candidate is selected finally. He is
appointed by issuing appointment letter. Initially he is appointed on probation
basis after finding his work satisfactory he is appointed as permanent employee
of the organization or otherwise he may be terminated.
Selection tests are only part of the selection process and you will still be asked to
complete an application form, send in a copy of your resume and attend at least
one interview. All of these things will tell the employer something about you and
help them to choose the most appropriate candidate for the vacancy position.

Types of selection test:

Different selection test are adopted by different organization depending upon

their requirements. These tests are specialized test which have been scientifically
tested and hence they are also known as scientific test.

Types of selection test

Aptitude Achievement Situational Interest Personality

test test test test test

Intelligence test job knowledge test

Mechanical aptitude test work sample test

Psychomotor test
Types of selection test:

 Aptitude test :-

Aptitude tests are test which assess the potential and ability of a candidate. It
enables to find out whether the candidate is suitable for the job. The job may be
managerial technical or clerical. The different types of aptitude test are

Mental ability/mental intelligence test:-

This test is used to measure the overall intelligence and intellectual ability of the
candidate to deal with problems. It judges the decision making abilities.

Mechanical aptitude test: - This test deals with the ability of the candidate to do
mechanical work. It is used to judge and measure the specialized knowledge
and problem solving ability. It is used for technical and maintenance staff.

Psycho motor test:-

This test judges the motor skills the hand and eye co-ordination and evaluates the
ability to do jobs lie packing, quality testing, quality inspection etc.

Intelligence test:-

This test measures the numerical skills and reasoning abilities of the candidates.
Such abilities become important in decision making. The test consists of logical
reasoning ability, data interpretation, comprehension skills and basic language

 Personality test :-

In this test the emotional ability or the emotional quotient is tested. This test
judges the ability to work in a group, inter personal skills, ability to understand
and handle conflicts and judge motivation levels. This test is becoming very
popular now days.

 Performance test :-

This test judges and evaluates the acquired knowledge and experience of the
knowledge and experience of the individual and his speed and accuracy in
performing a job. It is used to test performance of typist, data entry operators etc
One of the assessment and evaluation techniques for a candidate is interview. It is
a type of oral examination. Selection interview is the next process to conduct of
tests. Even though written tests and psychological tests are conducted, still one-
to-one communication between individuals always remains the crucial part in
selection of a candidate. Behavioral traits, presence of mind and psychological
bearing capacity can be tested through interview.


Depending up the requirements, situations, locations and time, the interviews are
broadly classified into ten different categories. Recruiters should be
knowledgeable enough to understand which type of interview should be used

The ten different types of interviews are as follows −

 Structured Interview − In this type, the interview is designed and
detailed in advance. A structured interview is pre-planned, accurate, and
consistent in hiring the candidates.
 Unstructured Interview − This type of interview is an unplanned one,
where the interview questionnaire is not prepared. Here, the effectiveness
of the interview is very less and there is a tremendous waste of time and
effort of both the interviewer and the interviewee.
 Group Interview − In this type of interview, all the candidates or a group
of candidates are interviewed together. Group interviews are conducted to
save time when there is a large number of applications for a few job
vacancies. A topic will be given to discuss among the candidates and the
interviewer judges the innovativeness and behavior of each candidate in
the group.
 Depth Interview − Depth interview is a semi-structured interview, where
the candidates have to give a detailed information about their education
background, work experience, special interests, etc. And the interviewer
takes a depth interview and tries in finding the expertise of the candidate.
 Stress Interview − Stress interviews are conducted to discover how a
candidate behaves in stressful conditions. In this type of interview, the
interviewer will come to know whether the candidate can handle the
demands of a complex job. The candidate who maintains his composure
during a stress interview is normally the right person to handle a stressful
 Individual Interview − In an individual interview, the interview takes
place one-on-one i.e., there will be a verbal and a visual interaction
between two people, an interviewer and a candidate. This is a two-way
communication interview, which helps in finding the right candidate for a
vacant job position.
 Informal Interview − Such interviews are conducted in an informal way,
i.e., the interview will be fixed without any written communication and
can be arranged at any place. There is no procedure of asking questions in
this type of interview, hence it will be a friendly kind of interview.
 Formal Interview − A formal interview held in a formal way, i.e., the
candidate will be intimated about the interview well in advance and the
interviewer plans and prepares questions for the interview. This is also
called as a planned interview.
 Panel Interview − Panel interview, as the name indicates, is being
conducted by a group of people. In this type of interview, three to five
members of the selection committee will be asking questions to the
candidates on different aspects. The final decision will be taken by all the
members of the panel collectively.
 Exit Interview − Exit interviews are conducted for those employees who
want to leave the organization. The importance of the exit interview is to
discover why an employee wants to leave his job.

Meaning Recruitment is an activity of Selection refers to the

searching candidates and process of selecting the
encouraging them apply for it. best candidates and
offering them job.

Approach Positive Negative

Objective Inviting more and more Picking up the most

candidates to apply for the suitable candidate and
vacant post. rejecting the rest.

Key Factor Advertising the job Appointment of the


Sequence First Second

Process Vacancies are notified by the The firm makes applicant

firm through various sources pass through various levels
and application form is made like submitting form,
available to the candidate. written test, interview,
medical test and so on.

Contractual As recruitment only implies Selection involves the

Relation the communication of creation of contractual
vacancies, no contractual relation between the
relation is established. employer and employee.

Method Economical Expensive


HEG operates in an industry where technical competence and expertise is

paramount. The company maintains that Human Resources is a key driver of
business growth.

The Company’s human capital focus was reinforced through its well-defined
people-centric strategy. The Company’s 944-member team combined youthful
energy and experience.
The Company’s objective is to address organisational challenges, establish
sectoral superiority, innovate effectively and ensure career growth. As a result,
the Company’s people initiatives and programmes remain aligned with its
business needs.
The Company’s HR team looks into four key areas: attract, develop, engage, and
inspire talent

 Attracts the best talent available in the industry.

 Develop talent by entrusting of roles / responsibilities and honing skills.
 Engage talent by improving standards and inculcating problem-solving
 Inspire talent by embracing the vision and mission of the Company.



Job Rotation

Transfer Agency



 Job Rotation- Job Rotation is a management approach where employees

are shifted between two or more assignments or jobs at regular intervals of
time in order to expose them to all verticals of an organization. It is a pre-
planned approach with an objective to test the employee skills and
competencies in order to place him or her at the right place. In addition to
it, it reduces the monotony of the job and gives them a wider experience
and helps them gain more insights.

 Transfer- Transfer means shifting an employee from one job to another,

typically of similar nature, without any change in his rank and
responsibility. The purpose of an employee transfer is to enable him to get
well-versed with the broad-based view of the organization which is
essential for the promotions in future.
 Promotion- : Promotions are the most common form of internal
recruitment wherein the employees are moved to the upper levels of the
organization with more responsibility and prestige. When the higher level
positions fall vacant companies recruit from within the organization so as
to capitalize one of the following benefits:
1. The employee is familiar with the working of the organization.
2. Less cost is incurred as compared to hiring the person from the external
3. The chances of selection are bright since the performance card of the
individual is readily available with the firm.
4. It boosts the morale of the employee.
5. The others in the organization also get motivated to work harder to get
promoted to the higher levels of the organization.


 Consultancy- The major source of hiring applicants are through these

consultancy. There are 3 consultancy situated at-
o Bhopal
o Indore
o Nagpur

The candidate drop their resume in these consultancy and then

according to the requirements and needs in the organizations the
applicants are shortlisted according to the qualification required. After
the selection of the resume the following points have to be highlighted
by the consultancy-

o CTC – Cost To Company

o Experience

1. Telephonic round- the very first round in the process of recruitment

and selection is the telephonic round, where the HR person conducts
this round to know the communication skill and the other skill which
can be identified through this round of the candidate.

2. Preliminary Interview- after clearing the first round the applicant is

sent to the second round of recruitment and selection process, where
the first interaction is with the HR person.

3. Final Interview- after qualifying the preliminary interview, in next

step the candidate is interviewed by the panel of the organization.

TAT- Turn Around Time

For staff- 60 days

For Executives- 90 days


Recruitment Requirement Form

Search / Short listing

Selection process screening

Selection process Preliminary Interview

Selection process final interview

Post interview

Medical checkup

Post joining

Essential amenities

Confirmation/ Regularization


This chapter provides details of LNJ Bhilwara Group and Hindustan Graphite
Limited (HEG Ltd.).The corporate mission, Vision are provided. Functioning
of various departments such as Production, Marketing, Finance and Human
Resource Department is described. The flow charts of production and packing
process is provided. The detailed Organization chart and list of Board of
Directors are included in this chapter. Finally, the key success factors which
made LNJ Bhilwara group the largest manufactures of Graphite in India are


The 500 Million Dollar Lnj Bhilwara Group Is A Diversified Group With
Interests In Graphite Electrodes, Textiles, Steel , Power Generation And It
Enabled Services, Headquartered In Noida (New Delhi) India. In It’s Over Four-
Decade Long Existence, The Lnj Bhilwara Group Has Come To Be Identified
With Quality And Technology. Six Of The Group Companies Have Been
Awarded Iso 9001:2000 Certification For Their Exemplary Quality Standards.
The Fact That Export Earnings Comprise Over Forty Percent Of The Group’s
Turnover Underlines Its High Quality Standards.

The esteemed journey of the LNJ Bhilwara Group started in 1960, when the
Group’s founder, Mr. L. N. Jhunjhunwala established a textile mill in Bhilwara,
Rajasthan, characterizing the very beginning of the Group’s unfaltering success
and prosperity. The Group has completed 50 glorious years and today that single
textile mill of 1961 has expanded into several plants; the Group has strategically
diversified and stands proud as a multi-products and services conglomerate. The
Group is proud to have played a pioneering role in many contemporary
businesses and today, has six listed companies with impeccable financial health.

Industry pioneers in many cases, the Group has also established itself as one of
the top Indian business groups.

 The marriage of traditional values and foresight has been Group’s

guiding business principle. Hence, while expanding its original
business of yarn, it has moved into manufacturing fabric, technical
textiles, automotive fabric, knitted and ready-to-wear garments and

  Opportunity is the window to the future and we are looking out of it.
The Group has successfully diversified into areas that few players have
ventured into; Graphite Electrodes business is one such example. The
Group has the largest single site graphite electrodes manufacturing
plant in the world located at Mandideep near Bhopal in central India.

  Self-reliance is our mantra. The success of Group’s first Hydro
Captive Power plant led it to set up India's first merchant hydro power
plant. Today, the Group's power business is growing with many
projects already in hand and the Group’s in-house power consultancy
firm consolidates its position in this segment.

  Aligning the Group with the times and market forces has always
been a keystone of strategy. Today, one of its Group Company,
features among the top ten BPOs in the Healthcare sector.
 In addition, Group’s IT support company is making strides in a
technology-intensive market and is in the process of consolidating
position in this sector.
 Moving forward, The Group will continue to not only utilize
opportunities but also create new ones and foster its future growth as an
industry leader which sets its own benchmarks.

“Moving forward, we will continue to not only utilize opportunities

But also create new ones and foster our future growth as an
Industry leader which sets its own benchmarks.”

Vision – Mission Statement


A vibrant globally acknowledged top league player in Graphite Electrode & allied
business with commitment to growth, innovation, quality & customer focus.


To become a leading international player in Graphite Electrodes & related businesses

by leveraging our core competence and there by enhancing value to our customers,
shareholders, employees & society.
The Head Quarter of LNJ Bhilwara Group is in headquartered in Noida (New
Delhi) Indiaand the main plants of LNJ Bhilwara Groupof companies are situated
in Bhilwara ,Mandideep and Rajasthan. The following are the associate companies
of LNJ Bhilwara Group:














HEG Ltd, a premier company of the LNJ Bhilwara group, is today India’s leading
graphite electrode manufacturer. It has one of the largest integrated Graphite
Electrode plants in the world, processing sophisticated UHP (Ultra High Power)

The company exports over 70% of its production to more than 30 countries of the

The position the company enjoys today in India and abroad is largely due to its
commitment to constant upgradation of its product quality to match international
standards and to meet new challenges to win and excel in all situations.

In the 1990s, we set our “Vision” to be : “ A vibrant globally acknowledged top

league player in Graphite Electrodes and allied businesses with commitment to
growth, innovation, quality and customer focus.”

In Graphite, our focus is on UHP grade electrodes, and we have expanded our
product range and established the same on some of the toughest furnaces of our
customers. Today, we have years of experience supplying quality UHP grade
electrodes all over the world.

The encouragement from our customers has led us to increase production capacity
and become a significant global producer of quality UHP grade electrodes for EAF
application. Our ability to source the best raw material from sources worldwide and
the skills of our human resources has been the key to our growth.
To maintain our competitiveness, we have set up a Captive Power Plant totaling
more than77 MW. As a responsible graphite electrode manufacturer, we continue to
invest in technology, development of new products environment and in our human


Graphite Electrode Division

The main business of HEG is graphite which accounts for 80% of the revenue. Set up
in 1977, in technical and financial collaboration with Societies Electrodes Et
RefractairesSavoie (SERS), a subsidiary of Pechiney of France, HEG is now the
largest integrated graphite plant in the world. Spread over an area of about 170 acres,
HEG (graphite division) has facilities for production of Graphite Electrodes and
Graphite Specialties. Its plant is located at Mandideep near Bhopal (MP).

The plant has a annual capacity to make 80,000 MT of UHP grade electrodes. It has
three captive power generation facilities which can together produce around 77 MW
which fulfills almost the entire requirement of the graphite plant.

HEG also has a dedicated R&D Set-up for Carbon and Graphite.

One of the major bottlenecks plaguing the Indian industry has been the shortage of
power. At HEG Limited, we realized this as early as 1995 and overcame this
problem by setting up the group’s first hydropower project of 13.5 MW rated
capacity in Tawanagar, district Hoshanabad (M.P.) which was commissioned in
1997. The power generated at this unit is wheeled to the graphite plant at
Mandideep.. This not only ramped up the efficiency of the graphite plant but also
opened a window of opportunity in power generation
Subsequently, when the Graphite Electrode capacity was increased from 30,000
Tones/annum to 66,000 tones/annum, two Coal Based 30 MW and 33 MW captive
Power Plants were also commissioned and are running successfully. The main
equipments including the turbine were sourced from BHEL, India.

Carbon Specialties

A. Carbon Blocks
HEG also makes Fine Grain Carbon Blocks for various applications on special
orders. These blocks are used by the customers to make value added products like
Heat Exchangers, etc.
B. Graphite Specialties
HEG has a graphite Specialty division to cater to the requirements of customers who
need Graphite Products in specific sizes and shapes. These are manufactured to
individual customer requirements.

C. Activated Carbon Fabric (ACF)

ACF is a flexible form of activated carbon. The activated carbon fabric is

mechanically weak but highly porous in nature. Due to this, it possesses unique
characteristics as compared to conventional activated carbon, which is commonly
used in granular, palletized, powdered and molded form. Due to a thin fibrous shape
in activated carbon fabric, fast intraparticle adsorption kinetics takes place in gas and
liquid phase adsorption.
Molecules/atoms of pollutants have an affinity towards activated carbon fabric
surface by physical adsorption at low temperatures.
In physical adsorption there is a Van Der Waals interaction, having a long range, but
weak forces. Molecules of pollutant bouncing across the activated carbon fabric
surface gradually loses its energy and finally comes to rest on it. Due to weak bonds
in the physical adsorption molecules can be removed from the activated carbon
fabric surface by giving a heat energy. This property is utilized in regenerating
activated carbon fabric.
Features of ACF

 It is of minimum 90% pure form of activated carbon

 It is soft and easy to handle
 It has a BET surface area (SBET) of the range from 1,000 to 2,500 m2 g-1 with a
high degree of adsorption and desorption characteristics. Effective adsorption is
several hundred times higher than that of GAC, PAC or palletized activated carbon.
 ACF is made up of filament yarn, due to which ACF is electrically conductive and
hence it can be regenerated by passing a low voltage current across the ACF surface
or by heating ACF at 100 oC for 15 to 30 minutes.
 The distribution of pore size is in narrow range > 10 nm.

ACF is used in:

 Air-conditioner filters.
 Air purifying filters.
 Clean rooms.
 All other types of pollution control filters.
 Anti pollution masks – for personal protection against gaseous vapours / fumes and
bad odours.
 Refrigerator deodorizer – to arrest odors in refrigerators.
 Cigarette filters – to trap harmful chemicals present in cigarette smoke.
Production Department:

The flowcharts of production and packaging process of UHP Graphite

electrode is shown below.

 Needle coke is crushed, screened and mixed with pitch in controlled

proportion and extruded to make green electrodes.
 Green electrodes are then baked slowly by heating up to 800 0C to coke the
pitch and remove the volatile matter.
 UHP electrodes are then impregnated with special pitch to increase the density
and strength. They are then baked again to coke the pitch.
 Baked electrodes are then heated up to 2800- 30000 C in lengthwise electric
resistance furnaces to convert carbon to graphite.
 After stringent quality tests the graphitized electrodes are machined in
required diameter and matching end sockets to accept threaded nipples
Human Resource Department

HEG operates in an industry where technical competence and expertise is

paramount. The company maintains that Human Resources is a key driver of
business growth.
Human resource department of the organization caters to the need of both
employees and workers of the organization, resulting in a good relation between
employees and workers. They are well satisfied with the attitude of the management
towards them and in the facilities provided to them. So there are no labor strikes,
absenteeism and attrition.
The company provides excellent training programs for the employees to improve
the skills and productivity with in a lesser time. The employees are getting the
statutory benefits like Bonus, ESI scheme, Employees Provident Fund, Festival
Holiday Allowances from the company. They are often given awareness class
related to cleanliness, health and safety. HR department maintain a help desk in
order to redress grievance of the workers and answer to their queries. There are
more than 1000 workers in the organization.

The Company’s HR team looks into four key areas: attract, develop, engage, and
inspire talent

 Attracts the best talent available in the industry.

 Develop talent by entrusting of roles / responsibilities and honing skills.
 Engage talent by improving standards and inculcating problem-solving techniques.
 Inspire talent by embracing the vision and mission of the Company.
The Company continued to implement its training calendar formulated on need-
based training and skill development exercises which covered majority of the
team. Adhering to the comprehensive talent management programme – the
Company provided the necessary platform to every employee for skill
development through in-house and external training drills. Career progression of
employees was ensured through a transparent performance management system
which aimed to fill gaps, hone skills and improve communication.


Recognized as a Key Potential Business Partner and Catalyst by adding value in

synergizing human potential for business & society along with nurturing best
human resource practices & services within the organization, helping in
achievement of company’s vision & also continuously ensuring embedding core
values as a way of life & to make HEG the most desired place to work for top


We commit to the HR vision i.e. we will strive to weave in the core HEG drivers
namely Quality, Trust, and Leadership & Excellence in all our actions & HR
processes so as to make every HEGians a Proud member.

Shri Lakshmi Niwas Jhunjhunwala Chairman – Emeritus


Shri Ravi Jhunjhunwala Chairman, Managing Director and CEO

Shri Shekhar Agarwal Vice-Chairman

Shri Dharmendar Nath Davar Independent Director

Dr. Kamal Gupta Independent Director

Smt. Vinita Singhania Independent Director

Dr. Om Parkash Bahl Independent Director

Shri Satyendra Nath Bhattacharya Director

Shri Satish Chand Mehta Independent Director

Shri RijuJhunjhunwala Director


In this chapter, Profile of LNJ Bhilwara group and HEG LTD. The mission,
Vision and Focus, functioning of various departments such as Production, and
Human Resource Department was described. The detailed Organization chart and
list of Board of Directors were included in this chapter. Finally, the key success
factors which made HEG LTD the largest manufactures of in India were

1. Does the organization clearly define the position objectives, requirements and
candidate’s specification in the recruitment process?

No. of Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

respondent agree disagree
Rating 13 15 2 0 0


Number of respondents




0 0
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Rating scale

 This graph shows that out of 30 employees 13 employees are strongly agree
that the organization clearly define the position objectives, requirements and
candidate’s specification in the recruitment process.
 And other 17 employees have rated as agree that the company provide
proper information related to recruitment process.
 And rest of 2 employees have rated neutral that the organisation clearly
defines all the related information at the time of recruitment.
2. Does HR provide an adequate pool of quality applicants?

No. of Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

respondent agree disagree
Rating 12 12 6 0 0


No. of respondents


12 12
0 0
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Rating Scale

 This graph interpret that out of 30 employees, 12 employees have rated as

strongly agree that HR provide an adequate pool of quality applicants.
 And other 12 employees have rated as agree, that HR provide an adequate
pool of quality applicants.
 Rest employees out of 30, i.e. 6 employees have rated as neutral.
3. Do the process adopted for Recruitment helps in hiring effective candidates?

No. of Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

respondent agree disagree
Rating 10 15 6 0 0


No. of respondents


15 13
0 0
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Rating Scale

 In the above graph it shows that out of 30 employees, 10 employees have

rated strongly agree that the process adopted for Recruitment helps in hiring
effective candidates.
 Other 13 employees have rated this question as agree that it helps in hiring
effective candidates.
 And 6 employees have rated as neutral for this question.
4. Does the organization provide any Educational assistance or training for

No. of Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

respondent agree disagree
Rating 22 8 0 0 0


No. of respondents



10 8

0 0 0
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Rating scale

 This graph shows that out of 30 employees, 22 employees have rated as

strongly agree that the organization provide any Educational assistance or
training for employees.
 And other 8 employees have chosen the second option as agree that the
organization provide any Educational assistance or training for employees.
5. Do the recruitment & selection policies are up to the mark?

No. of Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

respondent agree disagree
Rating 8 14 8 0 0


No. of respondents


15 14

10 8 8

0 0
Strongly agree Agree Nuteral Disagree Strongly

Rating scale

 This graph shows that out of 30 employees, 8 employees have rated as

strongly agree that the recruitment & selection policies are up to the mark.
 And 14 employees have rated as agree that the recruitment & selection
policies are up to mark.
 Other 8 employees have rated as neutral that the recruitment & selection
policies are up to the mark.
6. Does the HR department is efficient in selection policy of the employees?

No. of Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

respondent agree disagree
Rating 21 4 5 0 0


No. of respondents



4 5
0 0
Strongly agree Agree Nuteral Disagree Strongly
Rating scale

 This graph shows that out of 30 employees, 21 employees have rated as

strongly agree that the HR department is efficient in selection policy of the
 And 4 employees have rated as agree that the recruitment & selection
policies are up to the mark.
 Other 5 employees have rated as neutral.
7. Do you agree that company provides the healthy environment and proper

No. of Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

respondent agree disagree
Rating 14 6 7 3 0


No. of respondents


15 14

6 7
5 3
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Rating scale

 This graph shows that out of 30 employees 14 employees have rated as

strongly agree that the company provides the healthy environment and
proper security.
 And 6 employees have rated as agree.
 And 7 employees have rated as neutral that company provides healthy
environment and proper security.
 Other 3 employees have rated as disagree that company provides healthy
environment and proper security.
8. Does organization provide time-to-time Review of employees?

No. of Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

respondent agree disagree
Rating 9 13 5 3 0


No. of respondents


15 13

10 9
5 3
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Rating scale

 The above graph interprets that out of 30 employees 9 employees have rated
as strongly agree that organization provide time-to-time review of
 And 13 employees have rated as agree.
 And 5 employees have rated as neutral that the time-to-time review is
 Other 3 employees have rated as disagree that the organisation don’t
provide time-to-time review of the employees.
9. Are you aware about the current recruitment & selection policies and

No. of respondents YES NO

Rating Scale 16 14


No. of respondents

15 14


Yes No
Rating scale

 In the above graph out of 30 employees, 16 employees have selected yes that
they are aware about the current recruitment & selection policies and
 And the other 14 employees have selected No that they are not aware about
the current recruitment & selection policies and procedures.
10. Is there any provision for evaluation and control of recruitment?

No. of respondents YES NO

Rating Scale 17 13


No. of respondents

15 13


Yes No
Rating scale

 In the above graph out of 30 employees, 17 employees have selected yes

there are provisions for evaluation and control of recruitment.
 And the other 14 employees have selected No there are no provisions for
evaluation and control of recruitment.
11. Does the organization provide proper Job Description at the time of

No. of respondents YES NO

Rating Scale 24 6


25 24
No. of respondents




Yes No
Rating scale

 In the above graph out of 30 employees, 24 employees have selected yes that
the organization provides the proper Job Description at the time of
 And the other 14 employees have selected No that the organization don’t
provides the proper Job Description at the time of recruitment.
12. Do you agree that internal hiring helps in motivating the employees?

No. of Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

respondent agree disagree
Rating 12 4 5 9 0


No. of respondents


15 12
10 9

4 5
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Rating scale

 The above graph interprets that out of 30 employees, 12 employees have

rated as strongly agree that the internal hiring helps in motivating the
 And 4 employees have rated as agree.
 And 5 employees have rated as neutral that it motivates the employees.
 Other 9 employees have rated as disagree that the internal hiring helps in
motivating the employees.
13. Are you satisfied with the present recruitment & selection practices in your

No. of respondents YES NO

Rating Scale 19 11


No. ofrespondents

20 19


Yes No
Rating scale

 In the above graph out of 30 employees, 19 employees have selected yes that
they are satisfied with the present recruitment & selection practices in their
 And the other 14 employees have selected No that they are not satisfied with
the present recruitment & selection practices in their organisation.
14. Does the organization adopt proper appraisal system for employees?

No. of respondents YES NO

Rating Scale 12 18


No. of respondents

20 18


Yes No
Rating scale

 In the above graph out of 30 employees, 12 employees have selected yes that
the organisation adopt proper appraisal system for employee’s welfare.
 And the other 14 employees have selected No that the organisation doesn’t
adopt proper appraisal system for employee’s welfare.
15. Do you have any suggestion for recruitment & selection process in your

 New methods for Recruitment & selection should also be adopted.

 HR should provide an adequate pool of quality applicant.
 Time-to-time Recruitment and selection polices & procedures should be
 More number of educational and training sessions may be organized for the
improvement in performance and skills of employees.
 More internal hiring should be done because it will help in motivating the
employees of an organization.
After the data analysis and interpretation the following are the observations –

 The most significant observation of the study of recruitment and selection

process prevailing in the organization is very effective.

 The study shows that the employees who have put in long years of service
have recruited via a open competition. This shows the transparency in
recruitment & selection process at the organization.

 Majorly it was observes that the employees are clearly defined with the
position objectives, requirements and candidate’s specification in the
recruitment process.
 The employees are working for the long period of time which shows the job
security & satisfaction offered by the company to their employees.

 90% of employees signifies that the organization provide educational and

training sessions for their improvement in performance and skills

 It was found that the employees are satisfied by the current recruitment &
selection process adopted by the organization.
After the data analysis and interpretation the following are the finding:-

 According to the survey, recruitment differs from company to company for

each category.

 At HEG LTD. The major source of getting applicants are the agencies here
they are tied up.

 It was found that the employees are satisfied by the current recruitment &
selection process adopted by the organization.

 The company does utilize internet sites for the recruitment process and for
finding talented and skilled candidate.

 Both internal and external method is used for recruitment in the


Human Resource are the vital source of every organization .every employee in
an organization increases the productivity and goodwill of every company.
Recruitment and Selection is an important operation in HRM, designed to
maximize employee strength in order to meet the employer's strategic goals and
objectives. In short, Recruitment and Selection is the process of sourcing,
screening, short listing and selecting the right candidates for the filling the
required vacant positions. Identifying the areas, where there could be a scope of
improvement and Streamlining the hiring process with suitable
recommendations. Choosing the best suitable process of recruitment for
effective hiring of resources .Any organization wants it future to be in good and
safe hands. Hence, hiring the right resource is a very important task for any

From the analysis of data at HEG LTD. It can be said that employees are aware
and satisfied by the current process, policies, and procedures followed at the

Internal recruitments helps to motivate the employees and they feel secured in
the organisation.

 Recruitment and selection process is very important part of an

organisation,though proper panel should be framed for conducting
 Recruitment should be done according to the need and position required.
 Different techniques can also be adopted for the purpose of recruitment and
 Employees should be motivated for there welfare and improvement in
performance and skills.
 Organization should clearly define the objective, Job Description at the time
of recruitment process.
 Employees should be aware and satisfied about the current process,
policies, and procedures followed at the organization.

 Mamoria C.B. (2011); ‘Personnel Management’ Himalaya publication

house, 21st Edition, New Delhi.
 Aswathapa K. (1997); ‘Human Resource and Personnel Management’ Tata
McGtaw Hills, 1st Edition, New Delhi.
 Kothari, C.R. (2000); ‘Research Methodology’ Vishwa Prakashan, 2nd
Edition, New Delhi.


NAME - __________________

Ec NO. - __________________

DESIGNATION - ____________

1. Does the organization clearly define the position objectives, requirements and
candidate’s specification in the recruitment process?
A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) Neutral
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

2. Does HR provide an adequate pool of quality applicants?

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) Neutral
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

3. Do the process adopted for Recruitment helps in hiring effective candidates?

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) Neutral
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

4. Does the organization provide any Educational assistance or training for

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) Neutral
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree
5. Do the recruitment & selection policies are up to the mark?
A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) Neutral
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

6. Does the HR department is efficient in selection policy of the employees?

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) Neutral
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

7. Do you agree that company provides the healthy environment and proper
A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) Neutral
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

8. Does organization provide time-to-time Review of employees?

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) Neutral
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

9. Are you aware about the current recruitment & selection policies and
A) Yes
B) No
10. Is there any provision for evaluation and control of recruitment?
A) Yes
B) No

11. Does the organization provide proper Job Description at the time of
A) Yes
B) No

12. Do you agree that internal hiring helps in motivating the employees?
A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) Neutral
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

13. Are you satisfied with the present recruitment & selection practices in your
A) Yes
B) No

14. Does the organization adopt proper appraisal system for employees?
A) Yes
B) No

15. Do you have any suggestion for recruitment & selection process in your


1. Recruitment Requirement form
2. Application blank
3. Interview Rating sheet
4. Date of birth certificate
5. Degree certificate
6. Other certificates (Relieving certificate
7. Medical checkup
8. Welcome circular
9. Nomination form
(Gratuity/superannuation / DRF)
10. Joining report
11. Induction Training Schedule
12. Punching card
13. Confidentiality undertaking
14. Account number
15. Pan card
16. Aadhar card
17. Offer letter
18. Appointment letter

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