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Interfacing SEE Electrical to PDM Software

Interfacing SEE Electrical

to PDM Software
1 General remarks
There are several levels of integration between SEE Electrical and ERP/PDM systems like
1. Use part list data in ERP system
2. Manage SEE Electrical workspaces with PDM system
3. Insert equipment information from ERP system into SEE Electrical.
All levels require customization in the ERP/PDM system, normally not in SEE Electrical.

1.1 Check In/Check out

Checking in/ out of a workspace should generally be done in the PDM system, because the
information concerning the content of a project is stored such as customer name, system,
solution and why the project is checked in/out (information about revisions) etc.
So in the PDM software processes should be defined. These processes could be for
- Check out a project, open SEE Electrical with this project (if desired on a specified
page); after the project is stored and SEE Electrical is closed, the project is checked
in again.
- Check out a project only for viewing purposes, start the program, print the project,
close SEE Electrical, check in project.
Commands to start SEE Electrical via the command line are described below.

2 Command line options to start SEE Electrical

from other applications
SEE Electrical can be started from other applications by using the syntax described below.
There are some different options available:

1) Open a project specified by a string only:

If a project shall be opened by a PDM-Software, this is a possible way to do it. If a
second action shall be carried out directly after opening of the project (for example
open a certain page) the project is to be specified by its name (parameter /P). This
option is described below.
\CAEMANAGER.EXE <harddisk:>\<path>\<projectname.sep>
for example:
\CAEMANAGER.EXE C:\Data\Example.sep

Important! If the path contains a space place it between quotes (“”):

\CAEMANAGER.EXE "C:\Project Data\CAD\Example.sepj"

2) Open a project in viewer mode:

If a project shall be opened by a PDM-Software only to view it, though a license
activated on this computer (and changes would be possible), the parameter /V is a
useful one. With the parameter /V the SEE Electrical program does not allow changes
to the project. Because SEE Electrical can be used as an editor or viewer, this is a
Interfacing SEE Electrical to PDM Software

option to give a user the right to carry out changes or not according to the rights
defined in the PDM-Software.
\CAEMANAGER.EXE /V <harddisk:>\<path>\<projectname.sep>
for example:
\CAEMANAGER.EXE /V C:\Data\Example.sep

3) Open a project specified by name:

If the command is used in this form, a second action shall be carried out directly after
opening of the project (for example open a certain page). This option is described
\CAEMANAGER.EXE /P <harddisk:>\<path>\<projectname.sep>
for example:
\CAEMANAGER.EXE /P C:\Data\Example.sep

4) Open a project specified by name and a page inside this project:

\CAEMANAGER.EXE /P <harddisk:>\<path>\<projectname.sepj> /PG <page>
for example for page 3:
\CAEMANAGER.EXE /P C:\Data\Example.sep /PG 3

If necessary, the kind of document (circuit diagram, cabinet) function, location and
page index are to be specified like follows:

/PT = page type (circuit diagram: 1000, cabinet: 1100, house installation: 1010 etc.,
optional, default is 1000 (circuit diagram)
/PF = page function (optional, default empty)
/PL = page location (optional, default empty)
/PG = page number
/PI = page index (optional, default empty)

So the command with all options needs to be used as follows:

\CAEMANAGER.EXE /P <harddisk:>\<path>\<projectname.sep> /PT <kind of document> /PG <page
number> /PI <page index> /PF <page function> /PL <page location>
Example written below will open project Example.sep and locate Function D1, Location A2 and page 3:
\CAEMANAGER.EXE /P C:\Data\Example.sep /PG 3 /PF D1 /PL A2

5) Open a project specified by name, open the first page in this project, print all pages
and close the application (if a project is to be printed, the command that opens the
project is not /P any more, but /PO; despite of this, the rules defined in point 4 are
\CAEMANAGER.EXE /PO <harddisk:>\<path>\<projectname.sep>
for example:
\CAEMANAGER.EXE /PO C:\Data\Example.sepj
or for example open project specified by name and open page specified by number in circuit diagram
and then print and close application
\CAEMANAGER.EXE /PO C:\Data\Example.sep /PG 3 /PF D1 /PL A2 /PT 1000

6) Open a project specified by name and open a page specified by component name (or
print this page and close application):
If there are master and slave components it is the page where the master is located
that’s opened (for example for coils and their contacts), if a component with the name
specified is found more than once, the first page where it is found will be opened.
\CAEMANAGER.EXE /P <harddisk:>\<path>\<projectname.sep> /CN <component name>
for example if component Q2 is to be searched for:
\CAEMANAGER.EXE /P C:\Data\Example.sep /CN Q2
If a project with function/location is to be processed, the component name has to be inserted in accents
for example `-Q2`:
\CAEMANAGER.EXE /P C:\Data\Example.sep /CF E1 /CL A1 /CN `-Q2`

If the project is be opened or printed and the program is directly closed, choose with
the parameters /P or /PO.
Interfacing SEE Electrical to PDM Software

If necessary, the kind of document (circuit diagram, cabinet) function, location of the
component can be specified as follows:

/PT = page type (circuit diagram: 1000, cabinet: 1100, house installation: 1010 etc.,
optional, default is 1000 (circuit diagram)
/CF = component function (optional, default empty)
/CL = component location (optional, default empty)
/CN = Component name (have to be in accents ` ` if using function location)

So the command with all options needs to be used like follows:

\CAEMANAGER.EXE /P <harddisk:>\<path>\<projectname.sep> /CF <page function> /CL <page
location> /CN <component name> /PT <kind of document>
Example written below will open project specified by name and open page specified by component -Q2,
function D1, location A2 in circuit diagram
\CAEMANAGER.EXE /P C:\Data\Example.sep /CF D1 /CL A2 /CN `-Q2 /PT 1000
Or next example will open the page specified by componend and then print and close application
\CAEMANAGER.EXE /PO C:\Data\Example.sep /CF D1 /CL A2 /CN `-Q2 /PT 1000

7) Open a project specified by name, open the first page in this project, print all pages
and close the application (if a project is to be printed, the command that opens the
project is not /P any more, but /PO; despite of this, the rules defined in point 4 are
\CAEMANAGER.EXE /PO <harddisk:>\<path>\<projectname.sep>
for example:
\CAEMANAGER.EXE /PO C:\Data\Example.sep
or for example open project specified by name and open page specified by number in circuit diagram
and then print and close application
\CAEMANAGER.EXE /PO C:\Data\Example.sep /PG 3 /PF D1 /PL A2 /PT 1000

8) Create a new project based on a certain workspace template:

\CAEMANAGER.EXE /P <harddisk:>\<path>\<projectname.sep> /T
<harddisk:>\<path>\<template name.sep>

9) The following command allows PDF files to be generated from command line, if the
Intelligent PDF generator module is licensed:
\CAEMANAGER.EXE /P <harddisk:>\<path>\<projectname.sep> /CMD workspace2PDF
for example
\CAEMANAGER.EXE /P c:\example.sep /CMD workspace2PDF c:\example.pdf
This command will start SEE Electrical, open the workspace Example.sep and start
the command to generate the PDF file. After this is done, SEE Electrical is closed.

10) Auto generate diagrams:

\CAEMANAGER.EXE /P <harddisk:>\<path>\<projectname.sep>/E <harddisk:>\<path>\<name of MS
Excel file.xls>

Interfacing SEE Electrical to PDM Software

2.1 How to create a SEE Electrical project directly from windows

file explorer.

For general management or in combination with PDM-systems like EPDM from SolidWorks it
is sometimes useful to have the possibility to create a SEE Electrical project directly from the
Windows Explorer. By default this is not possible because a SEE Electrical project with the
file size = 0 is created. So the trick is to have the possibility to define the default project
template that will be the base for the newly created project. In fact the operating system has
built-in functionality to control this. Follow these steps:
1. Create a new registry key called Shellnew, if it does not already exist in the following
registry key Hkey_Classes_Root\.sep
2. Create a new string value called Filename under the registry key that you created in
step 2.
3. Modify the Filename registry value that you created in step 2 so that it is assigned the
name of the template project that you want to use as a base for all new project. As
example Standard.sep
4. Now copy your Standard.sep file to either c:\windows\SHELLNEW (Windows XP) or
for Win 7 and newer, check the folder location in this registry key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders\Templates

Interfacing SEE Electrical to PDM Software

5. Now you are ready to create a project directly from file explorer. This works for all
versions of SEE Electrical.

3 How to start other application from inside SEE

To add a category that contains a command that opens the PDM software you have to change the
customization of SEE Electrical. This can be done quite easy.

The creation and customization are made with Customizer.exe which is delivered with your SEE
Electrical installation. The file is found in the SEE Electrical folder.

Important: Close SEE Electrical before you start the customization.

 Execute the Customizer.exe from Windows Explorer by double clicking the file.

 Click Next to start the customizer.

Use the "Select module" field to choose the part of the program from which you want to take the
commands for the user defined category.

The "General" module provides commands available when no page in a module like "Circuit
diagram EN" or "Circuit diagram IEEE" or "House Installation" is open.

 Click Load.

 The available commands are listed in the window.

Interfacing SEE Electrical to PDM Software

You can choose from the "Basic categories" available in the left part of the dialogue or from the
commands available in the "Commands Explorer" or add an external command for example
Microsoft Word or the PDM software.

 Open the "User Defined Categories" on the right side in the window.

When you right click to the "User Defined Categories" entry, you can add a new category.

When you right click a category you can either edit the name of the category or add a new

Interfacing SEE Electrical to PDM Software

When you right - click a panel you can either edit the name of the panel or add a new external
command like Notepad, Microsoft Work, Text processing software like Microsoft Word or your
PDM software to your SEE Electrical panel.

 Create your categories and panels.

 Define the SEE Electrical commands that shall appear in your user defined panels.

 Right-click the pop-up command in the "User Defined Categories"

To add an external command to a SEE Electrical panel:

 Right-click in the desired panel.

 Select the "Add command" option in the pop-up menu.

The Add New Command window appears.

 Define the necessary entries such as the path to the external command and its name.

Name can be the name of your PDM system or "Check in to PDM"

Since the functions are inside your PDM system, we do not know how to access them. We just
can give an example of how an external program like Microsoft Word can be started from inside
SEE Electrical.
In the Command line in this window, add the path to the program to start:

In the example we searched for the WINWORD.EXE and (with the help of ) and added that.
So you can open your PDM system. It is not opened inside SEE Electrical but as a separate
If there is the possibility to have an argument how to tell the PDM to give only the functionality to
"check in" for example, you can add this argument to the Arguments line in this window.

Interfacing SEE Electrical to PDM Software

The example above will create a function that starts WORD with the file TEST.DOC, that is
stored directly on C:\.

 Click OK to close the window.

 Save your changes by clicking the Save button.

Now you can define the commands for another module of the software.

 Close the Customizer with Exit.

4 How to access information from inside a SEE

Electrical project
There are 4 options to reuse data found in database list of SEE Electrical:
1) Open the database list containing the desired information, mark the content, copy the
content with the help of CTRL C and paste it to an Excel sheet by CTRL V.
2) If the module "Open data" (Excel Export/Import) is part of your license, you can export
all database lists you need to an Excel file with one click.
3) If you use SEE Electrical in level Advanced (not for Chinese language), you can
create templates for the tool List and Label that allow you to generate Excel files with
columns you select and in sort order you might need. Export of the database list is
then done with this template.
4) All options mentioned above require the user to export the list from SEE Electrical
and import it to ERP/PDM system. There is a danger that the list is not imported again
after changes have been made or even that a wrong list is imported. The highest
level of integration and security is that a SEE Electrical project is linked to a specific
job in the ERP/PDM system and that at proper procedure in the ERP/PDM workflow
system reads the necessary information from the project (it is an Access database

4.1 Export Excel files with module "Open Data"

Information how to use this module is found in online help of SEE Electrical in chapter
"Additional modules". Please contact if you can not access it from there.

4.2 Export Excel files with tool "List and Label"

Information on how to use this module is found in online help of SEE Electrical in chapter
"Commands", sub chapter "File" and examples for templates are created in training manual.
Please contact support if you cannot access information from there.

4.3 Reading from the Access database

Access 2000 database is used in SEE Electrical, DO NOT convert to higher versions.
Interfacing SEE Electrical to PDM Software

In this example, the project "Example 2" is used, as it contains function/location.

If you try to open the project with Microsoft ACCESS 2000, you can look into the structure
(make a copy of a project if unsure because you can do a lot of damage to a project using
Access!) If you do not have ACCESS 2000, you can also use ACCESS 2003, but then
answer the question "do you want to convert with "no" and make no changes.

Please make sure you only read from the tables or queries!

Check with your local support team for the password.

4.3.1 Access to table of contents

Interfacing SEE Electrical to PDM Software

1. Choose the tab "Queries" now.

2. Open the query "Export_3001" by double clicking it´s entry.

$drawingtypeid Inside the column $drawingtypeid the kind of document is described:

1000 = circuit diagram for example
180010 This column contains the name for the kind of documents like to be
seen in the project tree

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Interfacing SEE Electrical to PDM Software

180015 function(=) to be found in this column

180018 location (+)to be found in this column
120010 page number to be found in this column
120020 sheet index (if in use) to be found in this column
120100 page description 1 to be found in this column

4.3.2 Access to product list/terminal list/cable list

1. Product list: the information you find in the query "Export_3010".

1a. Open the query "Export_3010" by double clicking it´s entry.

$drawingtypeid Inside the column $drawingtypeid the kind of document is described:

1000 = circuit diagram for example
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Interfacing SEE Electrical to PDM Software

140020 function (=) of the component to be found in this column

140050 location (+) of the component to be found in this column
160010 component name (-) to be found in this column
160030 description text of the component found in this column
160040 type of the component to be found in this column

2. Terminallist: the information you find in the query "Export_3020B".

The IDs of the column are the same like for the Productlist

3. Cablelist: the information you find in the query "Export_3030A".

The IDs of the column are the same like for the Productlist

4.3.3 Access to part list/part list for wires

1. Part list: the information you find in the query "Export_3100".

1a. Open the query "Export_3010" by double clicking it´s entry.

12000007 manufacturer/deliverer (entry from head part in type database, see

picture below)
160040 type
12000005 description text for the part (also from head part)
12000006 goods group
180040 amount

Other information from type database available too, please refer to IDs
in type database (open Type database, choose "Functions" in menu,
then choose "Settings" in this menu, in the window appearing then, you
can see the IDs of the values.

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Interfacing SEE Electrical to PDM Software

2. Partlist for wires: the information you find in the query "Export_3063".

5 How to read/write workspace information text

Access 2000 database is used in SEE Electrical. So DO NOT convert to higher
For a high level integration in a PDM system you might like to read or even write workspace
information text from the PDM system.
Three options are available here:
1) If you use E PDM from Solidworks, IGE+XAO offers a module to integrate.
2) The module PDM connect offers the possibility to extract an XML file each time
workspace is closed and import this file again if workspace is opened.
3) You can read / write into the project database of the SEE Electrical project directly,
because this is a Microsoft Access file.

5.1.1 Interface to E PDM from SolidWorks

Please contact if you need more information about this.

5.1.2 Module "PDM Connect"

Information how to use this module is found in online help of SEE Electrical in chapter
"Additional modules". Please contact if you can not access it from there.

5.2 Reading from /Writing to the Access database

Access 2000 database is used in SEE Electrical. So DO NOT convert to higher
If you open the project with Microsoft ACCESS 2000, you can look into the structure (Please
for the first approach make a copy of a project, because in Access you can do a lot of
damage to a project!) If you do not have ACCESS 2000, you can also use ACCESS 2003,
but then answer the question "do you want to convert with "no" and make no changes.

The codeword to open the database we will tell you on request.

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Interfacing SEE Electrical to PDM Software

The workspace information text is found in the table "ProjectText".

You can read / write to this table, but please make sure, you do not change the content of the
ID 100009 (folder where workspace is found) and ID 100010 (workspace name) if these text
are present.
In the template used to create the SEE Electrical workspace you should make sure the
workspace information text you want to use are already filled with some dummy text.
Because in the table "ProjectText" only those text appear that contain a value.
The meaning of the different ID´s can be looked up in "Workspace properties" in the
"Workspce" tab.

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Interfacing SEE Electrical to PDM Software

6 How to access equipment information defined in

the ERP system
6.1 Export to Excel in ERP system - import via Excel file in SEE
This can be done without the need to adapt anything inside the ERP system.
SEE Electrical is capable of reading form Excel file (a function in type database in the
"Import/Export" menu allows this). The definition which column to read and to use in which
SEE Electrical property can be setup once.
If (manual) workflow can be setup that defines for example each Friday afternoon the export /
import must be made, this is an easy way to stay up to date. (Of course import can be started
at any time if necessary).

6.2 Write type information from ERP system to SEE Electrical type
database directly (no user must work with SEE Electrical when
Access 2000 database is used in SEE Electrical. So DO NOT convert to higher
If you open the database with Microsoft ACCESS 2000, you can look into the structure
(Please for the first approach make a copy of a the file, because in Access you can do a lot
of damage to it!) If you do not have ACCESS 2000, you can also use ACCESS 2003, but
then answer the question "do you want to convert with "no" and make no changes.

The type information is found in the file TYPES.SES inside the folder for the symbol libraries.
The file can be opened with Access 2000 directly, you do not need a key word.

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Interfacing SEE Electrical to PDM Software

All information is found under the tab "Tables" in here.

1) Supplier information
Open table "Supplier" by double clicking.

The link to the other tables is made by the "Counter".

2) Goods group information
Open table "Goodsgroup" by double clicking.

The link to the other tables is made by the "Counter".

3) Type information
Open table "Type" by double clicking.
This contains only the information "type" and the description for the type and the links
to supplier and ware group.

The link to the different properties for a certain type is made by the "Counter".

4) Type property information

Open table "Typeproperties" by double clicking.

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Interfacing SEE Electrical to PDM Software

You can get the meaning of the different "TypepropertyIDs" by opening the table
"Typepropertydescription" inside the Access database.

General information about the equipment (like part number, order number,
description, height, width, voltage, power, … and user specific like company internal
number used in the ERP system can be added here from outside SEE Electrical. SEE
Electrical specific information like for the channel information should be added from
inside SEE Electrical.
5) Type property description
Open table "TypepropertyDescription" by double clicking.

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