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Grade 7

I. Objectives

At the end of the period, the students are expected to:

A. define Drafting;
B. classify common drafting tools and materials & demonstrate the proper care of drafting tools; and
C. express the importance of the proper care of drafting tools & to familiarize themselves on these tools
and materials.

II. Subject matter

A. Topic: Drafting
B. Concepts/Ideas: Common drafting tools and materials
C. References: Exploratory Drafting by: Julian Esguerra and Elisa Molino pp 2, 23-35
Technology and Livelihood Education.
Proper Care of Drafting Tools by: Cezar, Ma. Celina F., et al.
Manila: Innovative Educational Materials, Inc., 2003, p. 151
D. Materials: Visual aids, pictures
E. Value Focus: Skills and creativity

III. Developmental Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preliminary

Good morning Class! Good morning, Ma’am!

Please stand for a prayer.

Prayer “Heavenly Father” (video record song) Praying


Students, please remain standing for our Yes, Ma’am!

Unfreezing energizer.

Please follow the actions demonstrated in the


“Hammerhead Game” ( video presentation )

Class; please be seated.

1. Review I have here, an activity on the board, all you

have to do is to connect the string to the
correct answer.

I need a volunteer. (Students raising their

Anyone? hands)

Yes, Student A








Very Good, students!

Last meeting we tackled about the different

lettering styles.

Can you name some other lettering styles?

2. Word Drill So, I have here a flash card. Please read the
words together.

Ready start!  Pencil

 T-Square
 Triangles
 Triangular Scale
 Speedball Pen
 Compass
 Dividers
 Protractor
 French curve
 Erasers

3. Unlocking of This time I want you to familiarize yourself on

Difficulties how this words look like. All you have to do is
to place each word beside the pictures.

 Pencil
1.  Compass
 Dividers
 T-Square
 Triangles
 Triangular Scale
 Protractor
 French curve
 Erasers
 Erasing shield









Very Good, Students!

4. Motivation (The teacher will show a drawing on the

board… The first one is a drawing of a
“flower”, while the second one is a “house”
drawn in a perspective view.)

What can you see in the drawing?

Yes, student C?

Flower and house

Ok. Good!

“Who can tell me which among these two

represents an image done through

Yes, student D?

Ma’am, the flower done
through drawing and the
house is done through

Very good! Thank you, student D!

So, what is the difference between drawing

and drafting?

Yes, Student E?
Drawing is a freestyle
way of sketching self-
thought ideas. While
drafting on the other
hand is drawing
precisely and accurately
with the use of drawing

Very Good!

5. Presentation Today, we are going to discuss about the

“Common Drafting Tools and Materials”. But
before that I have here a video please watch
and observe.

“Pencil & Eraser” (video presentation)

Pencil & Eraser
Who are the characters in the video?

Ok, Very Good!

Pencil and eraser represent as your parent.

So, if you were a drawing tool what would

you like to be and why?

Yes, student F?
I would choose a ruler,
because I want to guide
my younger siblings in
their school/ studies and
I want to guide them in
the right direction.

B. Activity Proper

1. Grouping of Students For the groupings Row 1 & 2 will be the

Group 1,
Row 3 & 4 will be the Group 2 and Row 5
will be the Group 3. And please select your
group leaders.

2. Setting of Standards Before you start your activity. I want you to
be aware of the things that you need to
observe during activity.
What are they?
Yes, student G?
1.Minimize the noise
2.Stay in one place

Ok, Very Good!

3. Giving of Activity It seems that you are all ready. Group leaders
please get your activity sheets.

4. Group Activity Class, I will give you 10 minutes to do your

group activity.

Group 1 – Demonstrate in front of the class,

the proper care of drafting tools.
Group 2 – Present a play or skit on the
advantages of proper care of drafting tools and
the consequences of doing otherwise.
Group 3 – Write a group reflection on the
importance of proper care of drafting tools.

Ok class, you will present your group activity

here in front. The first group to present will be
the group 1 and then followed by group 2 & 3.

Group presentation
Very Good, students!

C. Post Activity

1. Discussion This afternoon you will learn about Drafting

and its common tools and materials. And you
will also learn how to properly care your
drafting tools.

Graphic Organizer

Common Drafting
Tools and Materials


Proper Care of Drawing

Drafting Tools

Drafting- is the study of the communication
of ideas through lines, symbols, codes,
drawings, sketches, charts, graphs, and maps.

Drawing – is an art of sketching an idea

which commonly done through freehand.

Common Drafting Tools and Materials


A. Pencil - the drawing pencil is one of the

draftsman’s most important tools
categorized by different grades of
hardness and softness.

B. T-Square – it is used for drawing

horizontal lines and serves as a guide for
triangles when drawing other kinds of

C. Triangles – these are used for drawing

vertical and oblique lines. Usually comes
in 45° and the 30° x 60°. Ruler -is used to
draw a straight line.

D. Triangular Scale – also known as

“Architect’s Scale”. Its purpose is to
reproduce the dimensions of an object full
size on a drawing or enlarge them to some
regular proportion.

E. Lettering Pen or Speedball Pen - these
are used for drawing letters of different
styles. Drawing

F. Compass – generally used for drawing

arcs and circles.

G. Dividers – are used for dividing lines into

any number of equal parts, and
transferring measurements and spacing
points or lines.

H. Protractor – a semicircular scale divided

into 180 equal parts each of which is
called a degree (°), and is used for
measuring and laying out arcs of circles
as well as angles that cannot be measured
with the 45° or the 30° x 60° triangles.

I. French curve – this is used for drawing

irregular curves.

J. Erasers – used to remove smears, pencil

or ink lines and other unwanted marks

K. Erasing shield – made up of metal or
celluloid with irregular holes. It is useful
to protect the rest of the drawing when
making an erasure.


 Drawing Paper

 Masking Tape

 Pencil Sharpener

Proper Care of Drafting Tools

1. Before starting any drawing, be sure to

keep the hands clean and free from dirt.
2. Maintain the cleanliness of the working
area, especially the drawing table.
3. Do not use T-square, triangles and scale in
any rough surface.
4. After using the tools, instruments and
equipment, clean them first before keeping
in a safe place.
5. Use the tools, instruments, and equipment
6. Speedball pens should be washed and
wiped out with clean rags before storing
them in an upright position in a cylindrical
7. Keep the pencils’ lead sharp.

2.Generalization What is the difference between drawing and

Yes, student A?
Drawing is a freestyle
way of sketching self-
thought ideas. While
drafting on the other
hand is drawing
precisely and accurately
with the use of drawing

What are the common drafting tools?

 Pencil
 T-Square
 Triangles
 Triangular Scale
 Speedball Pen
 Compass
 Dividers
 Protractor
 French curve
 Erasers

Why do you need to take care of your drafting


Yes, student C? If you take good care of

them, they'll return the
favor. Keeping our
drawing tools properly
stored, cleaned, and
maintained will save our
time and money.

So class, any question regarding our topic?

No, ma’am!

I have here pictures of the common drafting

3. Application tools and materials What are you going to do is
to choose one pictures and explain its uses or

4. Valuing Class, I want to test your skills and creativity
in drawing all you have to do is to draw any
freehand drawing and a perspective house
using your drafting tools and materials.

IV. Evaluation A short quiz (10 pts.)

Instructions: Identify the following word or

group of words being described. Write your
answers before the number.

1. It is the study of the

1. Drafting
communication of ideas through
lines, symbols, codes, drawings, 2. Pencil
sketches, charts, graphs, and 3. Drawing
maps. 4. Compass
2. It is one of the draftsman’s most 5. Protractor
important tools categorized by 6. Speedball Pen
different grades of hardness and 7. Eraser
8. Triangular Scale
3. Refers to the art of sketching an
idea which commonly done 9. French Curves
through freehand. 10. Divider
4. These tool is generally used for
drawing arcs and circles.
5. A semi circular scale divided into
180 equal parts each and is used
for measuring out arcs of circles.
6. These are used for drawing letters
of different styles.
7. This is commonly used to remove
smears, pencil or ink lines
8. Also known as “Architect’s
9. It is used for drawing irregular
10. It is used for dividing lines into
any number of equal parts.

V. Remarks Mastery Level (ML): _______ %

Instructional Decision (ID): ________

VI. Assignment Please get your TLE notebook and copy your
assignment here on the board.

For your assignments, research about:

1. The different safety reminders when
using drafting tools and instruments.
2. The different commands in Autocad.

Prepared By:



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