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By Mohit Rajput, Maroti Deshmukh,

Neeta Nain, and Mushtaq Ahmed

Securing Data Through

Steganography and
Secret Sharing Schemes
Trapping and misleading potential attackers.

ata hiding is the process of con-
cealing recognizable digital data
by converting it into indiscernible
forms, i.e., those that are impercep-
tible to the human eye, and it uses
numerous techniques to accomplish this task.
In this article, we propose a new data-hiding
technique that uses the concept of steganogra-
phy and secret image-sharing schemes. The
encryption and decryption is carried out at
two levels: at the first level, the encryption
process is done using steganography; it is then
followed by a secret-sharing scheme at the
second level. The decryption process is the
opposite of the encryption process; according-
ly, we use secret sharing at the first level and
steganography in the second level. In the
encryption process, n + 1 shared images are
generated using n cover images and a secret
image. By performing the decryption algo-
rithm on these n + 1 shared images, we get n
recovered images and one stego image. The
proposed scheme is similar to a secret-sharing
scheme because it deceives the attacker by
producing pseudo images. In addition to
de­c eiving the a t t a c ke r, it also provides an

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCE.2017.2716412

Date of publication: 9 August 2018

40 IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine ^ september 2018 2162-2248/18©2018IEEE

additional advantage to the user by capturing the attacker.
The attacker considers n recovered images to be output and
follows his/her wrong intuition. The experimental results
One can find data-hiding
demonstrate that the proposed scheme is secure at both levels ­techniques in various daily life
and altering any of the n shares will not reveal even a portion applications like in digital bank
of secret information. To check the effectiveness of the pro-
posed scheme, which works efficiently for grayscale and color transactions, user authentication,
images, correlation, mean-square error (MSE), and peak sig- securing the cloud, and ­securing
nal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) techniques were used.
sensitive and highly ­classified data.
The 21st century is an era of digitalization. Day by day, the
use of digital media for communication increases, thereby articles have been published exploring the possibility of steg-
expanding the need for effective security measures. Various anography and secret sharing as a solution for data security.
data-hiding techniques have been created to meet this chal- Some researchers have suggested the concept of least-signifi-
lenge [1]. One can find data-hiding techniques in various cant bit modification and the secret key, while others advo-
daily life applications [2] like in digital bank transactions, cate the encryption of secret images into shared images by
user authentication, securing the cloud, and securing sensitive using random grids [4]. In [5], (n, n) and (t, n) secret-sharing
and highly classified data. Some of the data-hiding methods schemes are discussed. In (n, n) schemes, n shares are gener-
are watermarking, steganography, and cryptography. These ated and distributed among n participants. If these n shares
techniques have inherent flaws, e.g., in watermarking, the are combined, only n secrets can be obtained. The same con-
separation of noise-tolerant signals from digital media becomes cept is used in (t, n) [6], the only difference being that any t
impossible for the user. Likewise, steganography fails to or more shares are required to reveal the secret. Many of
recover unaltered data at the receiver side. Therefore, to over- these schemes fail to provide adequate security, like when
come these barriers, cryptography is used. But the downside some partial information is revealed when less than desired
of this technique is the effort associated with securing the shares are combined [7]. To overcome this flaw, many schemes
key. What happens if an unauthorized person gets access to are proposed to hide the secret image. In [9], a secure scheme
the key? He or she can easily crack the cipher and reveal the has been proposed using the concept of steganography with
message. To overcome this flaw and enhance this technique, visual secret sharing. The idea behind this scheme is that no
the advancement of cryptography was introduced, known as fake shadows can pass the authentication mechanism, which
visual cryptography. Visual cryptography was introduced in will provide authenticity so that no other member can gain
[3]. It is used to hide data in such a way that when the shared access. The major flaw in this scheme is that, on stacking any
images are stacked together, only then does it reveal the hid- t images, the secret is revealed, and no encryption is done on
den data. But tampering with shared images iteratively may the cover images, which makes an attacker’s job of decrypt-
sometimes reveal partial information to an attacker. The ing the information easy. In [10], a secure scheme is discussed,
aforementioned discussed data-hiding techniques have no the introduction of false data with true data, so that an attack-
defense for this issue. er can not interpret which data is genuine and which is not.
A good data-hiding technique must not only provide This scheme uses an additive modulo operator, which is fast-
effective security protection from an intruder but should also er than the conventional XOR operation. This secure scheme
mislead him or her toward the wrong path. This ensures that does not provide any security to the cover image, which
there will be no further attacks from that intruder. The pro- makes it easy for an attacker to apply cryptanalysis on a
posed scheme provides extra security by using a secret-shar- cover image and get the secret.
ing scheme and steganography, and it also deceives the
attacker. To achieve improved security from attackers, we PROPOSED METHOD
have introduced two levels. In both levels, we used the basic New approaches are always necessary to overcome the flaws
principles of a secret-sharing scheme and steganography for of previous approaches. As a result, new schemes, some of
the encryption and decryption processes. The output of the which are related to steganography and others to secret shar-
first level tricks the attacker, while the output of the second ing have been introduced. These schemes are less secure, as
level deciphers the encrypted secret data. Some of the appli- only a single technique is used. Because of this, an intruder
cations of the proposed method are shown in Figure 1. can repeatedly try to reveal the secret by continuously tamper-
ing with shared information. The proposed strategy incorpo-
STATE-OF-ART IN IMAGE STEGANOGRAPHY rated both secret sharing and steganography.
Data security has been an issue since the beginning of the The proposed method used the concept of a secret-
digital era, and researchers have considered many ways to sharing scheme to encrypt a secret image SI with n cover
approach it. Visual secret sharing is a method that has risen in images C i, i = 1, 2, f, n, to produce n + 1 shared images S j
popularity with the increased use of digital media. Numerous j = 1, 2, f, n, n + 1. The same concept was used to decrypt

september 2018 ^ IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine 41

n + 1 shared images S j j = 1, 2, f, n, n + 1 to get n recov- shared image T, we had to apply additive inverse modulo
ered cover images R i i = 1, 2, f, n and a stego image ST. This on temporary secret image, X with (n + 1 - j) times of
complete process of encryption and decryption using secret M j, where j = 1, 2, f, n, the generalized equation for T;
sharing is labeled as level 1. In level 2, the steganography T = X (n + 1 - j) M j for j = 1, 2, f, n. Then, to reduce pixel
was used to get recovered secret image G by performing an size, a division operator was performed on T by (n + 1) to get
additive modulo operation on recovered cover images R i our first shared image S 1 . In the next step, we generated the
i = 1, 2, f, n and stego image ST. next shared image by using a temporary cover image and a
The proposed encryption algorithm for n + 1 share gener- previously generated shared image, e.g., to generate S 2, we
ation, S j j = 1, 2, f, n, n + 1, is given in Figure 1. Initially, an used T1 and S 1, and similarly for S 3, we used T2 and S 2, which
additive inverse modulo operation was performed on secret was generated in the previous step; kept executing this pro-
image SI and n cover images C i, to get the temporary secret cess until we got all of the n + 1 shared images. The general-
image, X; X = SI - (1C 1 + 2C 2 + 3C 3 + g + nC n) . The ized equation became S i + 1 = S i + M i for i = 1, 2, f, n, with
temporary secret image X was generated to conceal secret S 1 = T/ (n + 1) . After applying the encryption technique, we
image SI. In the second step, temporary cover image got n + 1 shared images S j, j = 1, 2, f, n, n + 1 from n cover
M i, i = 1, 2, f, n were generated. We initially assigned M 1 images C i, i = 1, 2, f, n and secret image SI.
equal to C 1 and subsequently performed an additive modulo The decryption process to recover secret images is differ-
operation on M j - 1, j = 2, 3, f, n - 1 and C j, j = 2, 3, f, n, ent from the encryption process. This also adds a barrier
respectively, to get M j, j = 2, 3, f, n. The generalized to prevent an intruder from accessing the secret image from
equation for generating temporary cover image M i is shared images. Initially, we used a secret-sharing concept to
i = 1, 2, f, n; M j = M j - 1 + C j . Thereafter, to get temporary produce stego image ST and n recovered cover images R i,

SI – C1 + 2C2+ 3C3 + .... +nCn

– = Additive Inverse Modulo
+ = Additive Modulo
1 2 3 .... n
* = Multiplication Operator
* * * * / = Division Operator
C1 C2 C3 .... Cn SI = Secret Image
X = Temporary Secret Image
X Ci = i th Cover Image
M1 Mi = i th Temporary Cover Image
T = Temporary Shared Image
Si = Shared Image
M2 +

M3 .... +


* * * ...... *

n n–1 n–2 1

– nM1 + (n –1)M2 + (n –2)M3 + .... + Mn


T/(n + 1) + + + + +

S1 S2 S3 S4 Sn Sn+1

FIGURE 1. The proposed encryption technique.

42 IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine ^ september 2018

i = 1, 2, f, n, from n + 1 shared images. The n recovered
images are similar to n cover images and have a high proba-
bility of deceiving an attacker. Because the output of the pro-
Data security has been an issue
posed scheme was identical to the output of the conventional since the beginning of the digital
secret-sharing scheme, it stopped the attacker from using var- era, and researchers have consid-
ious attack methods on shared images to reveal the secret
image. After applying the concept of secret sharing, stegan- ered many ways to approach it.
ography was used on n recovered images R i, i = 1, 2, f, n
and the stego image ST, to get the recovered secret image. To
generate stego image ST, an additive modulo operation was
used on n + 1 shared images S j, j = 1, 2, f, n, n + 1. After ST +
generation of n + 1 shared images, temporarily recov-
ered images were generated by using the additive modulo
operation on shared images S j, j = 1, 2, f, and n, n + 1,
respectively. Thus, the generalized equation for produ­­ S1 S2 S3 .... Sn Sn+1
cing temporarily recovered images TR i, is i = 1, 2, f, n;
TR i = S i + 1 - S i, i = 1, 2, f, n. Subsequently, on the tempo- ....
rarily shared images TR i, i = 1, 2, f, n, the additive inverse – – – –
modulo was implemented to generate n recovered images R i,
i = 1, 2, f, n. In level 2, cryptography was used for decryp-
TR1 TR2 TRn–1 TRn
tion. The additive modulo operation was used on stego image
ST with i times of n recovered images R i, i = 1, 2, f, n to get
recovered secret image G. The proposed decryption technique R1 –

diagram is given in Figure 2.

R2 ....
The proposed scheme worked efficiently on both color and 1
grayscale images. For experimentation, we used grayscale * Rn–1 –
images of dimension 512 # 512 pixels. For binary images, we
had to make some changes in the algorithm, such as remov- 2 ....
ing the multiplication and division operator when updating Rn
the modulo value to two. The experimental results of the pro- *
posed scheme are illustrated in Figure 3. We used a secret
n –1
image SI [Figure 3(a)] and four cover images C 1, C 2, C 3, C 4,
as illustrated in Figure 3(b)–(e). Figure 3(f)–(j) illustrates
five shared images S 1, S 2, S 3, S 4, S 5, respectively. No shares + n
revealed any information about the secret image or cover
images. Recovered cover images RC 1, RC 2, RC 3, RC 4 are dis- G
played in Figure 3(k)–(n), with Figure 3(o) as stego image
ST. Recovered secret image, G, which is the same as secret – = Additive Inverse Modulo
image SI, is shown in Figure 3(p). + = Additive Modulo
* = Multiplication Operator
Here, we discuss the general characteristics and efficiency of Si = i th Shared Image
the proposed method by checking the analogy using correla- TRi = i th Temporary Recover Image
Ri = i th Recover Image
tion, PSNR, and MSE. The proposed scheme shared a single
secret image using n cover images to generate n + 1 shares G = Recoverd Secret Image
and worked efficiently for grayscale and color images. The
secret image was not revealed when less than n + 1 shared FIGURE 2. The proposed decryption technique.
images were stacked, and the computation time for encryp-
tion and decryption was approximately the same. The pro- check the similarity between the input and output of both lev-
posed scheme used an additive modulo operation, which took els. For correlation, the closer the value to +1 or −1, the more
less computation time than the Boolean XOR operation. For they are related to each other. A value close to 0 represents
the four cover images, the time taken for encryption and that they are not related to each other. In the MSE, the lower
decryption was . 0.125 and 0.127 s, respectively. We use the value, the higher the similarity between the compared
three similarity measures, correlation, MSE, and PSNR, to objects. In PSNR, excellent values range from 30 to 50 dB,

september 2018 ^ IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine 43


(b) (c) (d) (e)

(f) (g) (h) (i) (j)

(k) (l) (m) (n) (o)


FIGURE 3. The results of the proposed scheme for grayscale images with n = 4: (a) the secret image, (b)–(e) the cover images
^C 1, C 2, C 3, C 4 h, (f)–(j) the shared images ^S 1, S 2, S 3, S 4, S 5 h, (k)–(n) the recovered cover images ^RC 1, RC 2, RC 3, RC 4 h, (o) the stego image
(ST ), and (p) the recovered secret image (G) . (Images courtesy of Image Processing Place and the USC-SIPI Image Database.)

while an acceptable range in wireless transmission settles at image SI and shared images S i, i = 1, f, n, n + 1. Hence, no
roughly 25 dB for 8-bit data. data of the secret image was partially revealed.
The correlation, MSE, and PSNR values between secret Quality measure techniques were used on secret image SI
image SI and shared images S i, i = 1, f, n, n + 1 are illustrated and stego image ST in a combination of recovered cover
in Table 1. Both came out to be not related as the correlation images R i, i = 1, 2, f, n. When all n recovered cover images
coefficient for each pair was . 0, which means both compared were combined with the stego image, the secret was recov-
images were not related to each other. The MSE and PSNR ered. The recovered secret image was identical to the secret
came out to be greater than 9,500 and less than 8.5 dB, respec- image as the correlation value for this pair came out to be
tively, which represents a high dissimilarity between secret 0.9998, which was approximately . 1, i.e., fully correlated to

44 IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine ^ september 2018

only secure but also helped a user trap and mislead an attack-
Table 1. A comparison of secret images with er. The concept of secret sharing was used to provide better
shared images. security and to deceive the attacker by giving pseudo images
as a result. Steganography was used to conceal secret images
Secret and
Shared Image Correlation MSE PSNR (dB)
into a stego image.
The limitations of the proposed scheme are 1) the pro-
SI, S 1 0.0003 14,455.15 6.56 posed scheme uses a division operator that reduces pixel size,
SI, S 2 –0.0062 10,232.37 8.07 allowing a user to use this algorithm for fewer than 255 images
at one time (if more than 255 are used, the algorithm will not
SI, S 3 0.0036 9,616.29 8.33
work) and 2) the stego image comes out to be ­random, which
SI, S 4 0.0035 9,638.36 8.32 could alert an intruder that they are being deceived. In future
SI, S 5 0.0001 9,799.87 8.25 tests, we will use an alternative for the division operator. We
will make a stego image systematic so that an intruder will
not know they are being tricked.

Table 2. A comparison of a secret image with stego ABOUT THE AUTHORS

in combination with recovered cover images. Mohit Rajput ( is with the Georgia
Institute of Technology, Atlanta.
Secret, Stego, and Maroti Deshmukh ( is with
­Recovered Cover Image Correlation MSE PSNR (dB)
the National Institute of Technology, Uttarakhand, India.
SI, ST 0.0130 9,588.17 8.35 Neeta Nain ( is with the Malaviya
SI, (ST, R 1) –0.0289 10,050.06 8.14 National Institute of Technology Jaipur, India.
Mushtaq Ahmed ( is an assis-
SI, (ST, R 1, R 2) 0.0282 9,546.88 8.14
tant professor in the Department of Computer Science
SI, (ST, R 1, R 2, R 3) –0.0588 10,529.23 7.94 and Engineering, Malaviya National Institute of Technol-
SI, (ST, R 1, R 2, R 3, R 4) 0.9998 1.99 45.77 ogy Jaipur, India.

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