Amaravati Concept Handbook - Modified PDF

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SMART CITY AMARAVATI INTEGRATED INFRASTRUCTURE MASTER PLAN A ine : “A GREAT HONOUR TO THE VILLAGERS FOR THEIR ACTIVE PARTICIPATION IN LAND POOLING” 4 ‘tas [AMARAVATI DEVELOPMENT _ ANDHRA PRADESH CAPITAL CORPORATION LTD. REGION DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY \ the People’s Capital BCAPAVAL tre ponies canal Message {gives me immense pleasure fo state that, we have come a long way in accomplishing our dream 10 ‘onsoret the new Capital Amravati asa People's Capital, capturing is Mstore and cultural heri- lage. We must be proud and delighted in the advancements we have made i tis short time by bulding the milestones we set forward to make Amaravat a glorious city. Staring from successful delivery of Land Pooling Schemes tothe inauguration of Inerim Government Complex, Seed Access Road, now ‘Phase-I roads, LPS infrastructure and lod mitigation works, we have geared up ta ive shape to the Speciacalar vision we have. This could not have been posribde when tremens participation from ‘ow farmers hailing from the Capital City and is budding entrepreneurs ave faith in our citizen ‘more than ever. now and this success gives an incredible motivation to the Andhra Pradesh Governments dream, in ullding the Captal Cy As declared, the Government of Andhra Pradesh is developing Amaravat in over 217 39. kms. area ‘Master Plans for Amaravati have been prepared by highly reputed inteational consultants such as Surbunalurong, Aarvee-GUC, TCE-Arcadis, Norman Faster. It would nt lng enough, before we cam wits the new copia, here in Amaravati elt glory. Tem extremely glad ody o release the Blueprint ofthe Smart Integrated Infrastrctare Master Plan (SHIMP), encompassing te echno- logical advancemens, we have in today’s world. in infrastrueture design. The plan has been set, con- sidering the aspirations of people, to met the demands from across al the sector, for a horizon year 0f 2050, We seek your support in creating Amaravati as a World Clase City withthe best Smart Integrated Infrasratur. I would like o congratulate the Ministry of Municipal Adminsiration& Urban Devel ‘opment, Andira Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority, Amaravat Development Corpor tion Lad and a handful of other agencies tho are involved in building the Capital Ci. leo extend ‘my warm greetings to everyone, on thi occasion when we are all inching towards the creation of World Class Captl Cy Amaravatt, Nara Chadra Babu Naidu Chief Minister, Andhra Pradesh

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