Exam 1 - English Proficiency-AM-Javines, Lilibeth

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AM - Exam 1 - English Proficiency:

I have shared with you a document in Google docs.

This exercise aims to test your proficiency in English. It is an email with spelling,
punctuation and grammatical errors.

You have 20 minutes to correct the spelling and grammatical errors. You have to do
this in Google docs. (Do not write a completely different email)

Once you have opened the file, click file, then click make a copy. A new file will
open in a new window. You will see the same document but at the bottom of the
page, you will find an editable copy of it.

Once you have finished editing, click the file name on the upper left side of the
screen and change the name of the document to​ ​Exam 1 - English Proficiency -
AM - Your Last Name, Your First Name

Finally, click share on the upper right side of the screen and include
andrea.castilla@quantumlinx.com and ​hr@quantumlinx.com

 Hi John,

Accounts passed on your notice of cancellation and that has already been actioned.

Was there a reason why you wanted to cancel? Was there anything in particular
that you were unhappy about that we had been unaware of? You have been
fantastic and it would be a shame for us to lose you.

I just wanted to touch base with you because you have been such a wonderful
client. Your rankings are fantastic, and between now and when you may start
again, it would be a shame for us to go backwards in the rankings. Your rankings
have improved nicely and your site is starting to pick up some serious momentum
in Google. Your organic traffic is increasing as well. If we stop now, we will not only
lose momentum but the rankings will start to slide along with the traffic.

I am in charge of your results and I am quite proud of the top rankings we have
been able to achieve to date. We have you in front of about 15,000 searches and
growing. We have not only achieved these rankings, we have also defended them
against your competitors. I was just curious as to why you wanted to cancel and if
there is anything we can do about it?

I'm really proud of your ranking results and would love to continue the Google

Thanks John, I look forward to hearing from you.

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