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l. d - - 7. c - - 13. d - - 19. c - - 25. c - -

2. c - - 8. d - - 14. b - - 20. b - -
3. c - - 9. c - - 15. a - - 2l. c - -
4. c - - 10. c - - 16. b - - 22. c - -
5. d - - 11. b - - 17. c - - 23. c - - 1st: _125 := - %
6. d - - 12. c - - 18. a - - 24. c - - 2nd: _125 := - %


A. Characteristics swer (c) is incorrect because the customer may recover from
both under tort law.
1. (d) A power of attorney is written authority con-
ferred to an agent. It is conferred in a formal writing. A 6. (d) In general, the employer is not responsible for
power of attorney can be general or it can grant the agent the crimes of the employee unless the employer aided or
only restricted authority. Answer (a) is incorrect because the , permitted the illegal activity, even if the activity was within
power of attorney must be signed only by, the person grant- the scope of the employment. Answer (a) is incorrect be-
ing such authority. Answer (b) is incorrect because the , cause if the employer did nothing to instruct the employee
power of attorney does not have to be for a definite, speci- about the use of the weapon, this could help establish negli-
fied time period. Answer (c) is incorrect because the death gence on the part of the employer and would not prevent the
of the principal constitutes the termination of an agency use of the doctrine ofrespondeat superior, which makes
relationship by operation of law. employers liable for the tortious acts of their employees
2. (c) The relationship between a principal and agent is within the scope of the employment. Answer (b) is incorrect
because the employer is liable for torts of the employee
based upon the consent of both parties, also involving a
committed within the course and scope of the employment
meeting of the minds. Answer (d) is incorrect because
even if the employee was violating the employer's instruc-
specified consideration is not needed to create an agency
tions. Answer (c) is incorrect because even if the em-
relationship; the relationship between theprincipal and the
ployee's suspicions were correct, the shooting <'1f an innocent
agent need not be contractual. Answer (a) is incorrect be-
passerby should establish at least negligence for which the
cause although the principal and agent relationship may be
employer and the employee are liable. )
written, a written agreement is not required. Answer (b) is
incorrect because power of attorney is not needed to create A.S. Types of Principals
an agency relationship.
7. (c) A principal, whether disclosed, partially dis-
3. (c) An employee is generally subject to control as to closed, or undisclosed is liable on contracts where the agent
the methods used to complete the work. An independent has actual or apparent authority, or where the principal rati-
contractor is typically paid for the completion of the project fies an agent's contract. Actual authority includes express or
rather than on an hourly, weekly, or monthly basis. Answer implied authority projected by the principal to the agent.
(a) is incorrect because supervision by Sew Corp. personnel Apparent authority of an agent is authority perceived by a
shows an employment relationship. Answer (1;» is incorrect third party based on the principal's representations. There-
because independent contractors typically provide their own fore, apparent authority can exist only where there is a dis-
tools. Answer (d) is incorrect because the work of both closed or a partially disclosed principal. It follows, then,
employees and independent contractors can require a high that an undisclosed principal will not be liable to third par-
degree of skill. . ties if the agent acts outside the grant of actual authority.
A.2. Employee (Servant) B. Methods of Creation
4. ( c) Since Harris was acting within the scope of his 8. (d) An agent must merely have sufficient mental
employment when he negligently injured Wolfe, both Harris and physical ability 'to carry out instructions of hislher prin-
and his employer are liable. Wolfe can recover from either cipal. An agent can bind the principal even if the agent is a
one or both. Answer (a) is incorrect because both are liable minor. If the memorabilia collection was destroyed before
since Harris was acting within the scope of the employment. Trent found a purchaser, Post would not be liable to Trent.
The ownership of the vehicle does not change this. An- Upon the loss or destruction of the subject matter on which
swer (b) is incorrect because Harris is liable for his own tort the agency relationship is based, the agency relationship is
even though the employer can also be held liable. An- terminated.
swer (d) is incorrect because Wolfe may recover the full
damages from either or may recover a portion of the dam- 9. (c) The fiduciary duty is an important duty owed by
ages from both. agents to their principals. Gage as Blue's agent was autho-
rized by Blue to appoint subagents to assist in the sales
S. (d) Because the repairs Sherwin did were within the transactions. Since Gage did appoint Vond as a subagent,
scope of the employment, the 'employer is also liable. This legally Bond is an agent both of Blue and Gage. Therefore,
is true-even if the employer was diligent in creating excellent Vond owes a fiduciary duty to both Blue and Gage making
rules that were not followed by an employee. Answer (a) is (a), (b), and (d) all incorrect.
incorrect because the repairs were within the scope of the
employment. Answer (b) is incorrect because the customer 10. (c) Resulting authority is not one of the types of
can sue for negligence and hold both parties liable. An- authority that an agent might have. Answer (a) is not chosen
because actual express authority is a common type of au-

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