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l. b - - 1l. b - - 2l. a - - 3l. b - - 4l. b - -

2. a - - 12. d - - 22. b - - 32. d - - 42. a - -
3. b - - 13. a - - 23. c - - 33. a - - 43. d - -
4. a - - 14. b - - 24. a - - 34. d - - 44. d - -
5. d - - 15. b - - 25. c - - 35. d - -
6. b - - 16. a - - 26. a - - 36. c - -
7. d - - 17. c - - 27. b - - 37. d - -
8. c - - 18. a - - 28. d - - 38. a - -
9. a - - 19. c - - 29. d - - 39. d - - 1st: _/44= -%
10. d - - 20. b - - 30. a - - 40. c - - 2nd: --"44 = - %


A. Federal Social Security Act rity benefits. Answer (b) is therefore correct, since "direc-
tor's fees" are considered earned income. Answers (a), (c),
1. (b) Taxes payable under the Federal Unemployment and (d) are incorrect because proceeds from an annuity, pen-
Tax Act (FUTA) are used to provide unemployment com- sion payments, and stock dividends are not considered
pensation benefits to workers who lose jobs and cannot find earned income.
replacement work. These taxes paid are deductible by the
employer as a business expense for federal income tax pur- 7. (d) Unemployment insurance tax must be paid by
poses. Therefore, answer (b) is correct. Answer (c) is incor- the employer if the employer employs one or more persons
rect because only those employers who paid wages of covered by the act. Payments for unemployment insurance
$1,500 or more during any calendar quarter or who em- are not deducted from employees' salaries. Workers' com-
ployed at least one employee for at least one day a week for pensation is a form of strict liability whereby the employer is
twenty weeks must pay FUTA taxes. Answer (d) is incor- liable to the employee for injuries or diseases sustained by
rect because it is the employer, not the employee, who pays the employee which arise out of and in the course of em-
the taxes. Answer (a) is incorrect because the taxes payable ployment. The insurance is paid by the employer and the
under the FUT A are calculated as a fixed percentage of only cost is passed on as an expense of doing business. Thus,
the first $6,000 of wages of each employee. worker's compensation insurance also is not paid by the
2. (a) Unemployment compensation is intended for
workers who lose jobs through no fault of their own and 8. (c) Social security tax applies to wages, defined as
cannot find replacement work. Answer (a) is correct be- all compensation for employment. Employment compensa-
cause a CP A fired as a result of the employer's business tion does not have to be in the form of cash to be included in
reversals is entitled to receive unemployment compensation. wages taxed under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act
Answer (b) is incorrect because an accountant who refuses (FlCA). Therefore, a car received as a productivity award is
to accept replacement work offered himlher would not re- considered employment compensation subject to the social
ceive unemployment compensation., Answers (c) and (d) are security tax and answers (a), (b), and (d) are incorrect, be-
incorrect because unemployment compensation is not in- cause these are not wages.
tended for an employee whose actions led to his/her loss of a
job. 9. (a) Both a failure to supply taxpayer identification
numbers and a failure to make timely FlCA deposits would
3. (b) Directors' fees are generally treated as self- be violations of the Act. As all employees are required to
employment income and thus are subject to social security participate in Social Security, their identification numbers
self-employment tax. must be supplied in order to track employment and cumula-
tive FlCA tax paid to rhe government. The Act also explic-
4. (a) Answer (a) is best since the nondeduction of the
itly states that an employer's failure to collect and deposit
FICA tax and the payment of it by the employer effectively
taxes in a timely manner subjects himlher to penalties and
raises'the income of the employee. Answer (d) is not correct
because although the employer is required to withhold tax
on wages and is liable for payment of such tax whether or B. Workers' Compensation Act
not it 'is collected, the employer's liability can be relieved
after showing the employee's related income tax liability has 10. (d) Workers' compensation benefits arise out of a
been paid. Therefore, since the employer has paid the taxes, type of strict liability whereby employers are liable for inju-
the employer is not subject to penalty. Answer (c) is not ries or diseases sustained by employees which arise from the
correct since no mention is made of a gift. Answer (b) is not scope of the employment. Temporary office workers are
correct since no reference is made to wages not being an
ordinary and necessary business expense. usually either independent contractors or are employees of a
separate employment agency. Answer (a) is incorrect be-
5. (d) Social security benefits may include payments to cause the employment laws are especially meant to protect
spouses, including divorced spouses in somecases, and to minors. Answer (b) is incorrect because truck drivers are
children. It may also include medicare payments but not not exempted. Answer (c) is incorrect because union af-
medicaid payments. filiation does not create an exemption.
6. (b) Earned income in excess of the annual limita- 11. (b) Under workers' compensation laws, any em-
tion will cause a reduction in a retired person's social secu- ployee injured during the course of employment is entitled
to workers' compensation benefits regardless of fault, as

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