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Review of Related Literature and Studies

This part presents the literature and studies that has connection to the present

study. The literature and studies cited will help the researchers in the interpretation of

findings. This made the researchers broader perspectives in conceptualizing and

understanding the study of dangerous drug prevention program in the Philippines

particularly the Bato Municipal Police Station.

Related Literature

According to Fercsey (1993), drug abuse is rife in many countries. Billions of

dollars are spent in preventing drug abuse and its proliferation. Drug abuse is not only

a domestic problem, but also a worldwide issue. It has caused many different

problems across all the levels of society.

Drug Education is teaching and communicating to help people avoid harm

caused by the abuse of various drugs (Wilson & Kolander, 2011). Drug Education is

usually done with young people in schools and it is also taught in some communities

both the young and the old.

According to Horman and Fox, one of the greatest difficulties in discussing

drugs is the lack of understanding of the terminology used. Substances with abuse

potential range from simple kitchen spices through common flowers and weeds to

highly sophisticated drugs. All these substances may be divided into five categories:

1) narcotics, 2) sedatives, 3) tranquilizers, 4) stimulants, and 5) hallucinogens.

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Medically defined, narcotics are drugs which produce insensibility or stupor due to

their depressant effect on the central nervous system. Included in this definition are

opium, opium derivatives (morphine, codeine, and heroin) and synthetic opiates

(meperidine, methadone). As regulated by Federal Narcotics Law, the term

“narcotics” also embraces the coca leaf and its derivative, cocaine.

Pharmacologically, this drug is a stimulant, not a depressant, but for law enforcement

purposes it is considered a narcotic. All other drugs susceptible to abuse are non-


According to Schroeder, worldwide church of god, alcohol is technically and

pharmacologically classified drugs because it alters the body in a food normally do

not. The drug that is also classified as a food is small amount because it provides

calories and in some beverage as beneficial nutrients.

According to Hanson and Venturelli (2008), many people think that today’s

problems with drug use and abuse are unique to this era. As one reads about ancient

culture, however, one realizes that drug use has always been part of human history.

For example, the Grecian oracles of Delphi used drugs, Homer’s Cup of Helen

induced sleep and provided freedom from care, and mandrake root supplied

hallucinogenic belladonna compounds.

In accordance to Dupont drugs are never real or lasting solutions to human

emotional problems. Certain medical drugs and painkillers serve at a time to save

lives. But they are not the solution to the most personal and emotional problem.
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Chemical shortcuts to cope with personal anxieties and difficulties may seem to give

temporary relief from suffering or distress. But it persists to their mental side effects

resulting in serious irreversible physical, mental or emotional personalizes drugs.

Temporarily allow one to avoid facing problems and density with the cause of the


According to Llamas (2009), to enhance a quick and comprehensible study of

the Dangerous Drugs Act and its application is simply by requiring much effort in

understanding the penalties to be imposed for a particular drug or group of drugs. The

purpose of law enforcement and of the institution and prosecution of criminal cases

and other related proceedings in this Act will not be enough because when you put

the law in motion, this will require a basic or working knowledge of pertinent

provisions of the rules of criminal procedure and evidence. It is in the non-observance

of these legal procedures or rules that criminal cases are sometimes dismissed

although the evidence against an accused is strong. The subject of the Dangerous

Drugs Act is crucial in addressing the problems on illegal drugs. It is, therefore, a

must for everybody, especially public officers engaged in law enforcement and

related works, lawyers, prosecutors and judges, to be well informed about the

different facets concerning dangerous drugs; their sources; manner of preparation and

use; how they work and affect users; what physical signs to watch out that will

indicate drug, use, abuse or addiction.

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According to Vidal, “War against Drug Abuse”, has main thrust to involve more

effectively and intensely the barangay leaders in the crusade against drug abuse and

the rehabilitation of drug users and abusers into productive and civic spirited

members of the Filipino community.

Gordon the personality of an individual may be assessed in terms of the values he

holds. A person’s values may determine to large degree what he does and how well

be performs. His immediate decisions and life goals all influence consciously or

unconsciously his value system.

Gloria reminds teachers of their role in preventing drug abuse among Filipino

people who teaching learning process. The need to provide immediately or prompt

action on this drugs menace, reminds the teachers vital role in helping the students to

be free drugs by means of proper education. With the knowledge that drug abuser are

mostly young and belong to school age group it is therefore necessary that as early

elementary pupils should be made aware about the effects of drugs to man. Teachers

should not be contented with simply making their students to learn but they also

ensure the students are not hooking up on prohibited drugs or neglected or abused.

Estrada in his keynote speech in the international conference on school

community partnership toward Drug Prevention in Schools, he lauds the effort of the

educators to discuss the drug problems in school and by organizing an army of

civilian crime fighter, trained officers can also be assigned to campuses to lecture on

drug prevention and bring the students close to the law-enforcers.

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Further lardizabal cities that the teacher is main factors in learning situation.

Teaching is all about inspiring, engaging, and empowering our young children and

youth considered complex and many sided task. It is about making a difference to

make future generations. The teacher’s major task is to guide learning but he has also

multi-furious responsibility related to his work. No matter a superior a teacher’s pre-

in-service education has been his preparation for teaching , he has to keep abreast

with all that is happening in his profession.

Related Studies

According to Vinluan (2005), drug abuse in our society is not new. It is

difficult to sort out all of the factors contributing to this epidemic experimentation

and involvement with drugs but several are obvious such as pressure from associates,

curiosity, easy availability of drugs, and the teen-agers relationships with their


To Wish in his articles, he stresses that some drug in the united states is

viewed by the majority of American as acceptable behavior. Many adults and

children believe that there is nothing wrong in taking certain drugs to lose weight;

drinking several cups of coffee, tea or cola each day; smoking cigarettes, having one

or two before or after dinner; or using an over the counter on prescription drugs to get

rid of headache. He further expounds that many billions of dollars are spent by

Americans each year on prescription drugs, caffeinated drinks, cigarettes, and various

alcoholic beverages. Similarly, according to Chaiken it is important to recognize that

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the use and abuse of many legal society acceptable drugs can be just as dangerous to

society and the individual as the use of the illicit or street drugs.

The human brain is the most complex organ in the human body. Although it

may weigh less than 3 pounds, it somewhat mysteriously controls both your thoughts

and the physiological processes that keep you alive. Drugs and alcohol change the

way you feel by altering the chemicals that keep your brain working smoothly. When

you first use drugs, your brain releases a chemical called dopamine that makes you

feel euphoric and want more of the drug. Over time, your mind gets so used to the

extra dopamine that you can’t function normally without it. Everything about you will

begin to change, including your personality, memory, and bodily processes that you

might currently take for granted National Institute on Drug Abuse (2012).

In health complications, drug and alcohol use impacts nearly every part of

your body from your heart to your bowels. Substance abuse can lead to abnormal

heart rates and heart attacks, and injecting drugs can result in collapsed veins and

infections in your heart valves. Some drugs can also stop your bones from growing

properly, while others result in severe muscle cramping and general weakness. Using

drugs over a long period of time will also eventually damage your kidneys and your

liver. Its also infectious when you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, you

may forget to engage in safe sex practices. Having unprotected sex increases your

chances of contracting a sexually transmitted disease. Sharing the needles used to

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inject certain drugs can give you diseases like hepatitis C, hepatitis B, and HIV. You

can also spread common colds and flu National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2012).

Dangerous drugs have the impact on family and community. Prevention of

drug problems can employ knowledge about family dynamics to address personal and

social concerns of family members that otherwise would lead to drug abuse, both with

respect to dysfunctional as well as intact families. Family factors that may lead to or

intensify drug use are thought to include prolonged or traumatic parental absence,

harsh discipline, failure to communicate on an emotional level, chaotic or disturbed

members and parental use of drugs, which provides a negative role model for

children, lack of household stability, income or employment for a parent may increase

stress on the family and its vulnerability, pushing marginal individuals to find

"solutions" or solace in alcohol or drugs. Single-parent families may have increased

difficulties, with the single parent being forced to function beyond his or her ability.

In legal consequences, drug and alcohol abuse not only has negative effects on

your health but can also have legal consequences that you’ll have to deal with for the

rest of your life. Many employers require that you take a drug test before offering you

a job—many of them even conduct random drug tests even after you become an

employee. Refusing to give up drugs could end up making you unemployed, which

comes with even more issues. Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol can

lead to a suspended driver’s license, usually for 6 months to 2 years. You’ll also need
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to pay heavy fines and may even spend some time in jail (New Jersey State Bar


The relationship between drugs and crime is complex, and one question is

whether drug use leads people into criminal activity or whether those who use drugs

are already predisposed to such activity. Many illegal drug users commit no other

kinds of crimes, and many persons who commit crimes never use illegal drugs.

However, at the most intense levels of drug use, drugs and crime are directly and

highly correlated and serious drug use can amplify and perpetuate pre-existing

criminal activity. There are essentially three types of crimes related to drugs: Use-

Related crime; These are crimes that result from or involve individuals who ingest

drugs, and who commit crimes as a result of the effect the drug has on their thought

processes and behaviour. Economic-Related crime; these are crimes where an

individual commits a crime in order to fund a drug habit. These include theft and

prostitution. System-Related crime; these are crimes that result from the structure of

the drug system. They include production, manufacture, transportation, and sale of

drugs, as well as violence related to the production or sale of drugs, such as a turf

war. Those with a drug use dependency are more likely to be arrested for acquisitive

crimes such as burglary or shop theft, or for robbery and handling stolen goods --

crimes often related to “feeding the habit.” For example, in 2004, 17% of state

prisoners and 18% of federal inmates said they committed their current offense to

obtain money for drugs. There are also close links between drug use and women, men
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and children who are involved in, or exploited by, the sex trade, many of whom are

caught up in the criminal justice system. However, there is evidence that drug use is

both a pre-determining factor in such sexual exploitation and a means of coping with

it (National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence).

Botvin and Griffin (2003) report that programme intensity is another strategy

that brings success to drug and alcohol abuse prevention. There is evidence

suggesting that preventive approaches that allow for frequent and multiple sessions

are associated with greater impact. This is supported by other researchers (Whites and

Pitts, 1998). Tobler et al. (1999) also found out that the inclusion of booster sessions

that build upon the initial intervention enhanced the effectiveness of preventive

education. However, other previous reviews have found that the impact of booster

sessions may be dependent on other factors in the intervention programme such as


Today, the problem of substance use/abuse remains as one of the major social

problems in the Philippines. It was estimated in 2004 that drug users nationwide

numbered 3.4 million (Esguerra, 2004).

This is despite the very stiff penalties, including death, imposed by the law on

the sale and consumption of prohibited drugs.

One disturbing aspect of the problem is the fact that drug abusers are getting

younger. The statistical figures over the last decade revealed a trend towards a

decreasing age. In the 50s, the age of drug offenders ranged between 40-55 years. In
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the 80s the average age of drug users was 25. More recent data indicate that initiation

to drug use starts at the young age of 8 to 9 (Bordadora 2003).

The undergraduate thesis made by Canding, Cortez and Metrillo entitled

“Assessment of the Local Government Response to Drug Addiction in the

Municipality of Dasmariñas, Cavite 1994 -1998”found out that the local government

of Dasmarñas has programs for their anti-drug campaign such as the creation of the

Municipal Physical Fitness and Sports Development Council (MPFDC). In this study,

the citizens of Dasmariñas affirmed that they are aware of the program regarding

preventive education and information found in newspapers. However, the citizens are

not aware of the said program of the Local Government of Municipality of

Dasmariñas because of some reasons such as lack of funds, poor implementation and

lack of participation from the community.

The most effective weapon in thwarting this problem in our society is still

prevention. And we can only achieve this by drug education—carried out, honest to

goodness, on a national scale and included in the school curricula as a separate

subject, as suggested by Education Secretary Briones, and started as early as Grade 4.

For sure, this will do a great deal in eliminating the continuing demand for illicit

substances (Floriño A. Francisco, MD, July 2016).

Sandico (2010) study entitled “concerted efforts towards drug abuse” is not the

sole responsibility over the police and other law enforcement officer, the active

responsive community correlates each other in terms of curbing this drug menace.
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The family place a vital role considering that the parents are the responsible for the

moral fibre of their children, to educate them being the first teacher and to discuss the

will of drugs. Through this, there will be a strong foundation in terms of drug

prevention. The education institution has the moral responsibilities and obligation to

inculcate in the mind of the students the adverse effects of taking dangerous drugs.

Theoretical framework

There are three theories where the theoretical framework of the study is

anchored. The Deterrence Theory by Kiven C. Kinnedy for independent variable,

Bandura’s Social Learning Theory for dependent variable and the researchers own

theory on Self-Discipline. These three theories form the theoretical paradigm of the

study. The theoretical framework of this study illustrated in figure 1.

Bandura’s Social Learning Theory posits that people learn from one another, via

observation, imitation, and modelling. The theory has often been called a bridge

between behaviourists and cognitive learning theories because it encompasses

attention, memory, and motivation

People learn through observing others’ behaviour, attitudes, and outcomes of

those behaviours. “Most human behaviour is learned observationally through

modelling: from observing others, one forms an idea of how new behaviours are

performed, and on later occasions this coded information serves as a guide for

action.” (Bandura). Social learning theory explains human behaviour in terms of

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continuous reciprocal interaction between cognitive, behavioural, and environmental


Deterrence has been the foundation for Anglo-American jurisprudence for

centuries (Fentiman, 2011,). Deterrence Theory is heavily influenced by Classical

Theory, the criminological theory that dominated the late 1700s and much of the

1800s. These concepts stem from the concepts purported by the late 18th century

criminologist Cesare Beccaria. The British philosopher, jurist, and social reformer

Jeremy Bentham was also an early proponent of deterrence (Cullen, Agnew, &

Wilcox, 2013,).

Deterrence Theory advances the proposition that individuals are rational beings

and wish to maximize their pleasure and minimize their pain. Rooted in this concept

of Deterrence Theory are three elements that contribute to the expected cost of

punishment: the probability of arrest, probability of conviction, and the severity of the

punishment. To dissuade individuals from participating in prohibited activities the

cost of committing the crime must be high enough to deter the commencement of the


Deterrence theorists concentrate on the deterrence effect of punishments.

Deterrence Theory categorizes deterrence into two categories: specific deterrence and

general deterrence. The former is the concept that punishment dissuades the

perpetrator of the crime from recidivating. General deterrence is the concept that

punishing an offender can deter others in the society from committing an analogous

offense. .Deterrence Theory has exerted a major influence on contemporary crime

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reduction strategies. Understanding these underlying principles is imperative to

addressing whether or not Deterrence Theory is successful in its application on

contemporary drug legislation.

More than forty years have passed since President Richard Nixon declared the

War on Drugs when he said, “America’s public enemy number one is drug abuse. In

order to fight and defeat this enemy, it is necessary to wage a new, all-out offensive.”

The War on Drugs and Deterrence Theory are inseparably linked as the vast majority

of drug policies are based on this theory. The aspiring Nixon echoed the tenants of

Deterrence Theory when he wrote “America’s approach to crime must be ‘swift and

sure’ retribution.

The rise of prominence of Deterrence Theory was due in part to the works of

American economist Gary Becker. University of Chicago economists Gary Becker

and George Stigler crafted formulas to address the proper penalties to deter criminal

acts based on the pros and cons of committing crimes. These methods of deterrence

have become part of the justification behind “three strikes,” and “truth in sentencing”


During the 1970s, ‘80s, and ‘90s politicians accented the important of sentence

severity to deter crime in conjunction with heightened penalties for drug offenses on

both a state and federal levels. Consequently, the deterrent element of incarceration

has become a dominant tool in the War on Drugs in an attempt to deter potential

offenders and reduce recidivism through general and specific deterrence.

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Arrest in abstract Deterrence Theory is both robust and applicable. Take for

instance the probability of arrest. If law enforcement could achieve a 100% rate of

apprehension for those using illicit substances the number of individuals participating

in that behavior would surely plummet. While 100% apprehension rates are simply

unrealistic, the theory states that the higher the chance of apprehension the greater the


The use and sale of drugs are different in that both the user and provider of drugs

are committing crime incentivizing both parties to avoid the detection of law

enforcement. The result of law enforcement activities is that use and sale of drugs is

pushed further underground to avoid apprehension. Because no victim emerges law

enforcement must change from its traditional reactive role to proactively searching

for offenders and the result is a reduced likelihood of apprehending offenders.

Imprisonment deterrence Theory states that the severity of punishment should

possess a deterrent effect. This deterrent effect takes two forms. The first is specific

deterrence by reducing recidivism of the offender and the second is general

deterrence by deterring others from committing the same offense. From a deterrence

perspective the more severe the imposed sentence the less likely recidivism should

be. “Three strikes”, “zero tolerance”, and “minimum sentence” laws are a based on

this presumption.

Compatibility law enforcement and public officials adhere to the viewpoint

that both addicts and users are responsible moral agents who choose freely to offend

and accordingly should be punished. Therefore threats of arrest and prosecution can
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deter use. Both of these viewpoints have simultaneously influenced current legislative

policy on illicit drug consumption. The application of Deterrence Theory is the

amount of interference between rational decision making and methods of deterrence

are substantially elevated.

The motivations to cease illicit drug use are generally independent of deterrence

factors such as legal status and risk detection. They have been ineffective at

discouraging drug use and have been unable to outweigh the influence of fashion,

peer influence, social and economic influences. The gravity of punishment should

commensurate with the offense committed by the perpetrator as it possesses the

severity of penalty.

Self-discipline theory by Batacan, Napoles, Pecundo, Roncesballes (2018) is

the ability to forego acts that provide immediate or near-term pleasures, but that also

have negative consequences for the actor, and as the ability to act in favor of longer-

term interests. An individual’s level of discipline is influenced through nature and

nurture. Once established, differences affect the likelihood of delinquency in

childhood and adolescence and crime in later life. Persons with relatively high levels

of self-discipline do better in school, have stronger job prospects, establish more

stable interpersonal relationships, and attain higher income and better health

outcomes. As such, it acknowledges the general decline in crime with age, versatility

in types of problem behaviors engaged in by delinquents and offenders, and the

generally stable individual differences in the tendency to engage in delinquency and

crime over one’s life-course. It applies to a wide variety of illegal behaviors (most
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crimes) and too many non-crime problem behaviors, including school problems,

accidents, and substance abuse.

Self-discipline is the ability to get yourself to take action regardless of your

emotional state. Self-discipline can empower you to overcome any addiction or any

bad habits. It can wipe out procrastination, disorder, and ignorance. Within the

domain of problems it can solve, self-discipline is simply unmatched. Moreover, it

becomes a powerful teammate when combined with other tools like passion, goal-

setting, and planning. The five pillars of self-discipline are: Acceptance, Willpower,

Hard Work, Industry, and Persistence.

Acceptance means that you perceive reality accurately and consciously acknowledge

what you perceive. It is the most basic mistake people make with respect to self-

discipline is a failure to accurately perceive and accept their present situation.

Willpower is the difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of

strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.- Vince Lombardi

Willpower is your ability to set a course of action and say, “Engage!”

Willpower provides an intensely powerful yet temporary boost. Think of it as a

one-shot thruster. Willpower is the ability to control yourself, strong determination

that allows you to do something difficult.

Hard Work is the biggest secret in life. Whatever your goal, you can get there if

you’re willing to work. Is that which challenges you. It is also using a lot of love and

skills with time working together.

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Industry-is working hard. In contrast to hard work, being industrious doesn’t

necessarily mean doing work that’s challenging or difficult. It simply means putting

in the time.

Self-discipline requires that you develop the capacity to put in the time where

it’s needed. A lot of messes are created when we refuse to put in the time to do what

needs to be done — and to do it correctly

Persistence nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not;

nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not;

unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of

educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.

Persistence is the ability to maintain action regardless of your feelings. You press

on even when you feel like quitting.

This study is intended to examine the influence of drug and substance abuse

on management of discipline in terms of drug addiction. Today, drug abuse or drug

addiction is one of the problems facing by almost all of the governments in the

country. The consequences on the drug users are disastrous and devastating

particularly the negative effect of their act in the community.

Through the three theories where the insights gained, it should be incorporated

together to achieve the theoretical framework of the study which is to prevent the

proliferations of dangerous drugs. The entire paradigm could serve as the basis to

reduce or eliminate the dangerous drugs. The researchers was able to anchor the
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following theories to the variables stated on the research problems that will lead to the

formulation of solutions offered based on the findings of the present study.

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1983 1977

Figure 1

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Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the level of effectiveness of dangerous drug

prevention program of Bato Municipal Police Station. Specifically, it seeks to answer

the following queries;

1. How effective is the drug prevention program of Bato Municipal

Police Station in terms of;

a. Law enforcement

1.) Agencies Involved




b. Legal consequences

1.) Correction and penalties

c. Society; Effects

1.) Drug awareness/ educations

2.) Effects of dangerous drugs

2. In what ways does the community show its support in participating

to dangerous drug prevention program of Bato Municipal Police Station?

3. What actions are taken by Bato Municipal Police Station in

eradicating the proliferation of dangerous drug along the municipality?

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