Sample Strut and Waler Bolt Connection Example PDF

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3 Connection b/w Strut & Waler

Axial force acting on the member due to diagonal strut = 187.72 MT

Shear force due to accident load + self weight of strut = 2.60 MT

No of bolts used = 20.00 Nos

1 of2
Fx= 9.39 MT

Fy= 0.33 MT

Resultant Force Vsb'=sqrt(Fx^2+Fy^2) 9.39 MT

Bolt Check
Thickness of plate tp= 20.00 mm

Diameter of bolt of 4.6 grade de= 28.00 mm

Hole diameter do= 30.00 mm

Area of Bolt Anb= 615.44 mm2

Ultimate strength of bolt fu= 400.00 N/mm2

Ultimate strength of bearing fup= 410.00 N/mm2

Number of shear plane with threads intercepting shear planes Nn= 1.00

Nominal Shear capacity of bolt Vnsb=(fu/ √3)/〖(Nn*Anb)〗 = 14.21 MT

Design shear strength of bolt Vnsb/ɣmb= 11.37 MT

Bearing strength of a bolt =2.5*kb*d*t*fup 22.96 MT

Bolt value Vdb'= 11.37 MT

Bolt is Safe

# Sensitivity: L12:57 PM Construction Internal Use

Tension created on bolts T=Mx/d= 14.93 MT

Tension on one bolt Tb= 1.49 MT

Tension capacity of the bolt Tdb=0.9An Fub/ɣmo 19.69 MT

2 of2
Bolt is Safe

Combined check shear & tension

(Vsb/Vdb)^2+(Tb/Tdb)^2<=1.0 0.69

Bolt is Safe

Plate Check

Axial compression acting on plate = 281.58 MT

Width of the plate = 2800 mm

Depth of plate = 760 mm

Bearing depth of plate = 229 mm

Presssure on the plate Pb= 4.39 N/mm2

Distance from center of strut to edge = 1400.00 mm

Plate bearing check

Check for Base plate thickness

Depth of section d= 760 mm

Thickness of web tw= 15.90 mm

strength of plate fy= 350 Mpa

Smaller projection, b = 0.00 mm

Larger projection, a = 1020.00 mm

Thickness of the base plate required

IS 800:2007 Cl. Ts = Sqrt (2.5 x w x (a2-0.3b2) x γmo / fy) = 189.47 mm

Provided thickness of base plate = 16.00 mm


# Sensitivity: L12:57 PM Construction Internal Use

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