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Alignment of Competency Units to SPRING Business Excellence Niche Standard (Service)

Leadership Planning Information Customers Results People

Lead A Customer Provide A Quality Interpret And Develop And Customise Manage Service Manage Human
Mgr Focused Service Analyse Customer Service Offerings Improvement Resources To
Organisation Environment Intelligence ---- ---- Achieve Service
---- ---- Manage High Volume Manage Performance Excellence
Set Up And Develop and Customer Contact And Management Processes
Implement Implement Process Communication ----
Systems And To Benchmark and ---- Manage Service Supply
Strategies That Measure Service Manage Service Chain
Support Service Standards Operations

Manage Business Excellence

Assess Organisation for Business Excellence

Lead A Service Team Implement Continual Coach Service

Sup ---- Improvements In Service Teams And
Build Relationships With Delivery Individuals
Customers ----
Lead a Team to Foster
Service Innovation (NEW)

Provide GEMS Service

Ops ----
Deliver Service Excellence Certified Service
Offer Customised And Personalised Service

Cultivate A Service Innovation Mindset (NEW)

---- The Service Innovator
Participate In Service Innovation Processes (NEW)

(NEW) - - These 3 competency units are still in the development stage and will be made available to the appointed
providers at a later stage when they are completed.
Managerial Manage Business Excellence Competency Descriptor: On completion of this unit the learner will
have knowledge and application skills in managing business
excellence journey in a holistic and integrated manner. It
includes planning for business excellence, facilitating business
excellence self-assessment, managing improvements for
business excellence as well as sustaining business excellence.
Elements of Competency:
1. Plan for business excellence.
2. Facilitate business excellence self-assessment.
3. Manage improvements for business excellence.
4. Sustain business excellence.
Managerial Assess Organisation for Competency Descriptor: On completion of this unit the learner will
Business Excellence have knowledge and application skills in providing business
excellence assessment services. This includes planning for
business excellence assessment, conducting business
excellence assessment and reporting assessment findings.
Elements of Competency:
1. Plan for business excellence assessment.
2. Conduct business excellence assessment.
3. Report assessment findings.
Managerial Lead A Customer Focused Competency Descriptor: On completion of this unit the learner will
Organisation have knowledge and application skills in providing strategic
leadership of a customer service organisation. It includes
leading the development and communication of a customer
focused vision, mission and values; and creating a culture of
regular evaluation and improvement.
Elements of Competency:
1. Develop a customer focused strategy.
2. Communicate the organisation’s customer service objectives,
values and standards to stakeholders.
3. Translate customer focused values into desired behaviour.
4. Demonstrate and reinforce commitment to customers.
5. Evaluate and improve personal customer focused leadership.
Managerial Provide A Quality Service Competency Descriptor: On completion of this unit the learner will
Environment have knowledge and application skills in developing a friendly
and hospitable service environment, developing a healthy and
safe service environment as well as managing the service
Elements of Competency:
1. Develop a friendly and hospitable service environment and
service communication framework that meets customer
2. Develop a healthy and safe service environment.
3. Manage the service environment.
4. Foster a culture of service excellence in the organisation.
Managerial Set Up And Implement Systems Competency Descriptor: On completion of this unit the learner will
And Strategies That Support have knowledge and application skills in enabling and
Service Innovation supporting the application of innovative practices in the
organisation. It involves setting up and implementing work and
management practices and procedures, that promote
innovation and provide learning opportunities.
Elements of Competency:
1. Set up and implement work practices and procedures to
support service innovation.
2. Set up and implement management practices to support
innovation in a service environment.
3. Promote innovation in the organisation.
4. Provide information and learning opportunities to foster
Managerial Interpret And Analyse Customer Competency Descriptor: On completion of this unit the learner will
Intelligence have knowledge and application skills in managing and
analysing customer data to establish customer needs,
communicate customer information and analyse customer
Elements of Competency:
1. Identify the needs and expectations of customer populations to
develop customer profiles.
2. Communicate customer information to relevant stakeholders.
3. Analyse customer intelligence to target product and service
Managerial Develop and Implement Process Competency Descriptor: On completion of this unit the learner will
to Benchmark and Measure have knowledge and application skills in determining
Service Standards benchmark requirements, planning and implementing
organisation customer service benchmarking process and
managing improvements from benchmarking implementation.
Elements of Competency:
1. Determine benchmark requirements.
2. Plan and initiate organisational customer service benchmarking
3. Manage improvements from benchmarking implementation.
Managerial Develop and Customise Service Competency Descriptor: On completion of this unit the learner will
Offerings have knowledge and application skills in applying customer
intelligence to develop service offerings that better meet their
needs. It includes planning, developing and implementing the
service range to exceed customer expectations, monitoring
customer response to changes in service offerings and using
technology to improve customised service offerings.
Elements of Competency:
1. Plan, develop and implement improvements to the service
range to exceed customer expectations.
2. Monitor and evaluate customer population responses to
changes in service offerings.
3. Use technology to improve the range and scope of customised
service offerings.
Managerial Manage High Volume Customer Competency Descriptor: On completion of this unit the learner will
Contact And Communication have the knowledge and application skills in managing service
operations with high volume customer contact and
communications related to inbound or outbound service
delivery in order to meet and exceed organisation and
customer expectations.
Elements of Competency:
1. Manage high volume customer service response.
2. Manage high volume customer service delivery.
3. Evaluate and continuously improve high volume customer
contact and operations.
Managerial Manage Service Operations Competency Descriptor: On completion of this unit the learner will
have knowledge and application skills in planning to meet
internal and external customer requirements, ensuring delivery
of quality service and monitoring and review of customer
Elements of Competency:
1. Plan to meet internal and external customer requirements.
2. Ensure the delivery of quality service.
3. Monitor and review customer service.
Supervisory Lead A Service Team Competency Descriptor: On completion of this unit the learner will
have knowledge and application skills in promoting team
effectiveness by developing team plans to meet expected
service outcomes, leading a small service team and proactively
working with organisational line management to improve
service delivery.
Elements of Competency:
1. Plan to achieve team service outcomes.
2. Develop team cohesion.
3. Participate in and facilitate a service team.
4. Coordinate with management on service issues.
Supervisory Build Relationships With Competency Descriptor: On completion of this unit the learner will
Customers have knowledge and application skills to build relationships with
customers in service environments, which include building
customers’ confidence, maintaining and developing customer
relations and handling referred difficult customers.
Elements of Competency:
1. Build customers’ confidence.
2. Maintain and develop customer relations.
3. Handle referred difficult customers.
Managerial Manage Service Improvement Competency Descriptor: On completion of this unit the learner will
have knowledge and application skills in reviewing the external
and internal environment, researching trend and development
in service provision and managing opportunities for service
innovation and improvement.
Elements of Competency:
1. Review the external and internal operating environment.
2. Research trends and developments in service provision.
3. Manage opportunities for service innovation and improvement.
Managerial Manage Performance Competency Descriptor: On completion of this unit the learner will
Management Processes have knowledge and application skills in developing
performance management tools, implementing performance
management process and leading the development of team
and individual performance improvement plan.
Elements of Competency:
1. Develop performance management tools to monitor service
delivery and staff performance.
2. Implement performance management processes within an
existing organisational human resources development
3. Lead the development of team and individual staff performance
improvement plan.
Managerial Manage Service Supply Chain Competency Descriptor: On completion of this unit the learner will
have knowledge and application skills in managing a service
supply chain. This includes reviewing organisational business
strategy, service supply chain strategy, service supply chain
effectiveness, planning for improvements in service supply
chain and implementing continual improvement in service
supply chain.
Elements of Competency:
1. Review organisational business strategy, service supply chain
strategy and service supply chain effectiveness.
2. Plan for improvements in service supply chain.
3. Implement continual improvement in the service supply chain.
Supervisory Implement Continual Competency Descriptor: On completion of this unit the learner will
Improvements in Service have knowledge and application skills in implementing
Delivery continual improvements in service delivery in work teams. It
includes encouraging and coordinating the team to participate
in the planning, executing, monitoring and evaluating of
continual improvements in service delivery.
Elements of Competency:
1. Prepare work team for continual improvement.
2. Execute action plan for continual improvement.
3. Monitor and evaluate results of action plan for continual
4. Address gaps in targets.
Supervisory Lead a Team to Foster Service Competency Descriptor: On completion of this unit the learner will
Innovation have knowledge and application skills in implementing
continual improvements in service delivery in work teams. It
includes encouraging and coordinating the team to participate
in the planning, executing, monitoring and evaluating of
continual improvements in service delivery.
Elements of Competency:
1. Prepare work team for continual improvement.
2. Execute action plan for continual improvement.
3. Monitor and evaluate results of action plan for continual
4. Address gaps in targets.
Managerial Manage Human Resources To Competency Descriptor: On completion of this unit the learner will
Achieve Service Excellence have knowledge and application skills in selecting, developing,
motivating and empowering customer focused staff; and
developing and implementing reward strategies to recognise
service excellence.
Elements of Competency:
1. Undertake human resources planning based on the
organisation’s customer focused strategies.
2. Recruit and select customer- centric staff.
3. Monitor the impact of staff satisfaction on staff performance.
4. Develop effective customer service staff.
5. Implement and manage a customer service award program for
Supervisory Coach Service Teams And Competency Descriptor: On completion of this unit the learner will
Individuals have knowledge and application skills in providing coaching in
organisational service environments where ‘buddy systems’
and on the job coaching are extremely important. It includes
preparing to coach, coaching on the job and following up on the
results of coaching.
Elements of Competency:
1. Prepare for coaching.
2. Coach service teams and individuals on the job to achieve
service objectives.
3. Evaluate and follow up service coaching.
Operations Provide GEMS Service Competency Descriptor: On completion of this unit the learner will
Foundation have the knowledge and application skills in providing going the
Units extra mile service and apply them to the workplace.
Elements of Competency:
1. Prepare for extra mile service.
2. Go beyond first impressions.
3. Go the Extra Mile interactions.
Operations Deliver Service Excellence Competency Descriptor: On completion of this unit, the learner will
Foundation have the knowledge and skills to apply organisational service
Units values and use organisational systems to provide excellent
customer service, follow-up post/sales service support ,utilise
and update a customer database when working individually and
in service teams.
Elements of Competency:
1. Apply organisation service values and systems.
2. Contribute to service team effectiveness.
3. Follow-up post sales/service support.
4. Utilise and update a customer database.

Operations Offer Customised And Competency Descriptor: On completion of this unit the learner will
Foundation Personalised Service have the knowledge and application skills to proactively offer
Units and promote service to customers. It includes accessing and
communicating detailed product and service information sought
by a diverse range of customers; in order to make
recommendations that meet customers’ personal needs.
Elements of Competency:
1. Study and update own knowledge on organisation's products
and services.
2. Develop knowledge that addresses information commonly
sought by organisation customers.
3. Identify and act upon opportunities for offering personalised
and customised service.
4. Deliver service to a diverse range of customers and colleagues.
Operations Cultivate a Service Innovation Competency Descriptor: On completion of this unit the learner will
Foundation Mindset have the knowledge and application skills in recognising the
Units need for service innovation, adopting a service innovation
mindset as well as applying own thinking style for service
Elements of Competency:
1. Recognise the need for service innovation.
2. Adopt a service innovation mindset.
3. Apply own thinking style for service innovation.
Operations Participate in Service Innovation Competency Descriptor: On completion of this unit, the learner will
Foundation Processes have the knowledge and skills in identifying service innovation
Units opportunities, generating ideas to transform customer
experiences, evaluating and selecting service innovation ideas
to develop as well as advancing service innovation ideas
towards implementation.
Elements of Competency:
1. Identify service innovation opportunities.
2. Generate ideas to transform customer experiences.
3. Evaluate and select service innovation ideas to develop.
4. Advance service innovation ideas towards implementation.

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