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Module 6


 Appearance

A Underline the correct word.

1 Laura has long black hair and a(n) chubby/tanned/oval complexion.

2 The brothers both have large blue eyes and round/bushy/plucked faces.
3 Jess is a smartly-dressed woman in her full/straight/mid twenties.
4 The old man has a grey beard and bushy/square/wavy eyebrows.
5 She has the same dark skin and thin/rosy/shaven cheeks as her mother.
6 Tony has got pale/curly/ponytail hair and a goatee.

 Character

B Fill in: kind-hearted, introverted, fun-loving, ambitious, efficient, rude, moody, trustworthy.

1 That sales assistant is so ……………………………. . He never smiles or says hello.

2 People who are ……………………………. are naturally shy and dislike being the centre of
3 Patrick is a(n) ……………………………. worker. He’ll have the report done in no time.
4 My teenage brother is really ……………………………. . We never know if he’ll be happy or
grumpy from one day to the next.
5 Marie is generous and ……………………………. . She goes to a shelter three times a week
to cook meals for the homeless.
6 Alison can look after the children. She’s very ……………………………. .
7 She is a(n) ……………………………. girl who is always the life of the party.
8 Amy is ……………………………. and is determined to run her own business one day.

 Changing one’s appearance

C Fill in: pierced, beard, weight, highlighted, eyebrows, facelift.

1 She plucked her ……………………………. so that they were thin and had a curved shape.
2 Don’t get your hair ……………………………. . Dark hair suits you!
3 Rob looks different now that he has started to grow a(n) ……………………………. .
4 Would you ever have a(n) ……………………………. to try and make yourself look younger?
5 Some young people try to lose ……………………………. even though they don’t need to.
6 She wanted to have her ears ……………………………. so that she could wear earrings.

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Module 6
D Fill in: frizzy, convinced, unflattering, inadequate, flawless, muscular, glossy, enhanced.

1 She is ……………………………. that she looks fat even though everyone is always telling
her how beautiful she is.
2 My sister puts spray on her ……………………………. hair to make it smooth.
3 That shirt is ……………………………. . It makes you look too thin because it’s the wrong
4 The photos in this magazine have been digitally ……………………………. . There’s no way
the models really look like that!
5 The studio employs professional make-up artists to give the actors
……………………………. complexions.
6 Ryan goes to the gym to exercise because he wants to become more
……………………………. .
7 Teenagers can be influenced by the pictures in ……………………………. magazines, but
often they do not show realistic images.
8 Many people feel ……………………………. when they compare themselves with celebrities.

 Dealing with difficult people

E Replace the underlined words/phrases with words/phrases from the list.

take delight in, direct, hostile, admit, assertive, dominate, couldn’t care less about ,
trivial, bizarre, handle

1 I get the feeling that she has no interest in anything I say. …………………………..
2 If someone seems unfriendly, it’s best just to smile and be polite. …………………………..
3 So, did you get Marcy to accept that she was being too sensitive? …………………………..
4 Julio seems to really enjoy complaining! …………………………..
5 Her brother accused her of always trying to control the conversation and never listen to
what he had to say. …………………………..
6 Whatever upset Lizzie may seem unimportant, but she still needs a bit of sympathy.
7 It can be hard to deal with someone who gets angry easily. …………………………..
8 Paul is always very straight and tells people exactly what he thinks. …………………………..
9 Confident people are seldom the victim of bullies. ………………………..
10 Just ignore him. He says strange things in order to get attention. ………………………..

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Module 6
 Haka!

F Fill in the gaps with the correct word derived from the word in bold.

1 The Maori people are the native …………………………….. of New Zealand. (INHABIT)
2 We wear our …………………………….. clothing on national holidays. (TRADITION)
3 The …………………………….. chief was a highly respected man in the community. (TRIBE)
4 Music is an important part of most …………………………….. . (CELEBRATE)
5 The Haka …………………………….. from the Maori tribes of New Zealand. (ORIGIN)
6 The All Blacks rugby team dances to show respect for their…………………………….. .

G Fill in: chants, opponents, war cry, weapons, engravings, powerful, ferocious, feet.

Haka: A Different Dance

The New Zealand rugby team, called the All Blacks, have made the Haka popular the world
over. The Haka used to be performed before battle as a(n) 1) …………………………. but now
the All Blacks often have new 2) …………………………. written especially for them by
experts in Maori culture. While the rugby players’ aim is still to intimidate their
3) …………………………., they do not hold 4) …………………………., such as spears,
as the people of the tribes used to. But although the spears covered in intricate
5) …………………………. are absent, the players still make 6) ………………………….
body movements and 7) …………………………. facial expressions and stamp their
8) …………………………. rhythmically. The Haka has become so much a part of modern
sport that on rare occasions when the All Blacks do not perform the Haka, fans have
If you like, browse sites online to learn how to do the Haka. You will be amazed!

 Body language

H Fill in the gaps with the correct adjective.

1 Someone scratches their head when they are c _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

2 Someone raises their eyebrows when they are s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
3 Someone shows their teeth when they are s_ _ _ _ _.
4 Someone wrinkles their nose when they are d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
5 Someone looks to the right and bites their nails when they are w_ _ _ _ _ _.
6 Someone opens their mouth and eyes when they are s_ _ _ _ _ _.
7 Someone covers their mouth when they are e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

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Module 6
8 Someone frowns when they are a_ _ _ _ _ _.

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Module 6
I Fill in: telltale, human, subconscious, lie, forensic, wool, muscle, contact.

Polygraph: Is it reliable?

A polygraph is a 1) ……………..……..………………. detector that is used frequently by

2) ……………………..………. psychologists and others involved in law enforcement in
the United States and Canada. The polygraph machine records 3) ………….
…………………. signals such as heart rate, blood pressure, and even 4) ………...
…………………. spasms, which are harder to control than other 5) …………………..
……………. signs of dishonesty, such as increases and decreases in direct eye
6) ………………….…………. .
The person being tested is asked both irrelevant questions and questions that are
designed, according to 7) ………………...……………. nature, to make the subject lie.
This establishes a baseline reading. However, it is possible for people to pull the
8) …………………………..………. over the polygraph machine’s eyes, so to speak, by
stepping on a pin to cause physical pain, which creates a similar response in the body to
telling a lie or using legal or illegal medicines to alter their emotions. For this reason,
most courts don’t use polygraph test results unless both disputing parties agree.

J Fill in: truthful, awkward, confidently, tricky, intensely, suspicious, twitch, instinctively.

1 “I know the answer,” he said ……………………………. .

2 He stared at me so ……………………………. that I began to suspect that he was lying.
3 I often find myself in ……………………………. situations and I don’t know how to act.
4 The police brought him in for questioning because his alibi was ……………………………. .
5 There is a nervous ……………………………. in my left cheek which I can’t control.
6 You mustn’t lie to the police. You have to be ……………………………. .
7 Micro-expressions are ……………………………. to spot because they last for less than a
8 People tend to move their hands ……………………………. when telling lies.

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Module 6
 Animal talk

K Choose the correct item.

1 a ……… of puppies a herd b a swarm b flock

a pride b litter colony 6 a ……… of lions
2 a ……… of dogs 4 a ……… of fish a pack b pride
a flock b pack a pod b shoal
3 a ……… of elephants 5 a ……… of bees

L Replace the underlined words/phrases with words/phrases from the list.

sort out, meeting, understand , imitate, developed , interpret, effect, most recent

1 The recording was of very low quality, so I couldn’t make out what was being said.
2 Her latest book is about the pink river dolphin. …………………………..
3 The psychologist tried to decode the meaning of his dream. …………………………..
4 I had a rather alarming encounter with a white shark last summer. …………………………..
5 We must find a way to resolve the conflict before it’s too late. …………………………..
6 Dr Denise Herzing’s research may have a major impact on space exploration.
7 Amazingly, dolphins can mimic human actions. …………………………..
8 It is believed that dolphins have the second most evolved brain after humans.

M Fill in: aquatic, wounds, skilled, whistles, chords, high-frequency, scar, conflicts.

1 One of the dolphins had a(n) ………………………….. where an old injury had healed.
2 He was taken to hospital after the accident, but luckily his ………………………….. weren’t
3 Dolphins are remarkably ………………………….. and can solve problems and understand
human words and gestures.
4 The counsellor tried her best to resolve the ………………………….. between the different
members of the family.
5 ………………………….. animals extract oxygen from the water around them.
6 Dolphins use noises that sound like ………………………….. and clicks to communicate.
7 The doctor tested my hearing by seeing if I could detect ………………………….. sounds.
8 Singing all day made her vocal ………………………….. sore.

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Module 6
 Communication mistakes

N Read the exchanges. Which communication mistakes are the speakers

making? Choose from the list.

have negative body language , put your foot in it, not pay attention ,
interrupt the speaker, insist on your own way

1 A: Weren’t you listening to me yesterday when I asked you to buy some milk for breakfast?
B: What’s the big deal? We can have toast.
Communication mistake: …………………………………………………………

2 A: We should buy Carol a …

B: Well, I think it would be good to throw her a party.
Communication mistake: …………………………………………………………

3 A: You know it’s impolite to yawn without covering your mouth.

B: Sorry, I’m just so tired!
Communication mistake: …………………………………………………………

4 A: Those earrings that Louise is wearing just don’t suit her, do they?
B: I gave them to her for her birthday.
Communication mistake: …………………………………………………………

5 A: Maybe we could change the reservation so that I can visit Lindsey first.
B: No, the reservation stays as it is. You’ll just have to visit her tomorrow.
Communication mistake: …………………………………………………………

 Nature speaks

O Fill in: affection, alarm, antennae, system, prey, chemicals, display, hive.

1 At the aquarium, I was struck by the cuttlefish, which put on a wonderful

……………………….. of colours by changing the pattern and colour of their skin.
2 An animal’s nervous ……………………….. is a complicated structure that controls their every
3 Ants release ……………………….. to send messages to their colony.
4 Dogs are great companions because they’re so good at showing ……………………….. .
5 Bees have to travel long distances to collect pollen to take back to the ……………………….. .
6 Insects use their ……………………….. to communicate with each other and sense danger.
7 Groups of animals usually have some method of signalling ……………………….. if danger is
8 Some creatures release a scent to attract their ……………………….. .

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Module 6
 Phrasal verbs

P Underline the correct particle.

1 They arrived late because they were held up/out in a traffic jam.
2 In a few days, the excitement will die out/down.
3 I was quite amazed by what they managed to come up/over with in such a short space of
4 You shouldn’t let your friends walk all off/over you like that.
5 No problem, I will pass up/on the message for you.
6 If you would just fill out/up this application form, I can process your membership.
7 Susan is trying out/on for the team tonight. I hope she gets in.
8 He’s always showing on/off with that bike. He should be careful or he will hurt himself.
9 It was really good to see Sharon stand up/out for her little sister.
10 I don’t know how you put off/up with him. He never stops talking.
11 If you hold up/on a minute, I’ll come with you to the supermarket.
12 You should try out/on this game. It’s a lot of fun.
13 Brian held up/off booking his holiday until he got his exam results.
14 Malcolm backed out/down when it became clear that he wasn’t going to win the argument.

 Prepositions

Q Choose the correct item.

1 A lot of people have a negative image …… Alex because he is a bit of a know-it-all.

A of B on C with D in

2 Simon wasn’t paying attention in the meeting which resulted …… him missing his boss’s
A of B on C with D in

3 The magazine was bombarded …… letters from teenagers after they printed the article on
cosmetic surgery.
A with B over C from D of

4 Janice is …… the process of getting her hair dyed at the moment.

A at B in C on D to

5 Karl got involved …… some traditional dancing when he visited New Zealand.
A on B in C with D about

6 I was dragged …… helping to organise the end of year show.

A over B onto C from D into

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Module 6
7 Annie complains …… anything and everything. She’s such a whinger.
A about B over C between D with

8 Stop being such a drama queen. You’ve blown this completely out …… proportion.
A on B in C of D at

9 The Haka originated …… the war cries of the Maori people.

A by B after C about D from

10 After the story broke in the paper, the celebrity was …… hiding and didn’t appear in public for
over a month.
A at B in C to D of

11 It’s difficult to distinguish …… the twins. They’re just so alike in looks and character.
A across B with C among D between

12 The image just flashed …… the screen and then disappeared.

A over B across C on D between

13 …… an average day she probably spreads about ten different stories about other people’s
private lives.
A Of B In C For D At

14 Are you familiar …… his books?

A with B of C over D about

15 Claire experimented …… a number of different colours before she chose one for her nails.
A from B over C across D with

16 He is very skilled …… doing tattoos. They look so artistic.

A on B at C in D to

17 When my brother was in Australia he made contact …… a distant relative of ours.

A of B between C over D with

18 I had to cancel the lesson …… short notice so I still had to pay for it.
A with B on C at D in

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Module 6
 Verbs

R Fill in: adjust, tease, bully, boost, exaggerate, contribute, intimidate, dismiss, moan, slap,
switch, rub, conceal, stall, mirror, droop, mimic, invade in the correct form.

1 He was expelled from school for ……………………….. his classmates and threatening to hurt
2 You don’t have to donate money. You can ……………………….. your time to the charity
3 Some people are afraid that children will ……………………….. the violence they see in films
and on television.
4 In the basketball game yesterday, my opponent ……………………….. me because he was so
tall and fast.
5 The flowers were fresh last week, but now they are ……………………….. over the vase.
6 The teacher ……………………….. us from class once we had completed the test.
7 Our cat loves it when we ……………………….. her tummy.
8 William the Conqueror ……………………….. England in 1066 and became the new king.
9 The child didn’t want to go to bed, so he ……………………….. his parents by asking them to
read him a bedtime story.
10 Her views on politics ……………………….. mine completely. We have exactly the same
11 He said it was a true story, but I suspect he was ……………………….. the details.
12 Sam is only a toddler, but we still have to teach him that it is wrong to hit and
……………………….. other people.
13 He ……………………….. easily to life in his new school and he made a lot of friends.
14 I felt guilty for having ……………………….. my friend about her low mark on the exam.
15 If we can score a goal in the first half of the football match, it will really ………………………..
the team’s confidence.
16 I hate it when my brother ……………………….. off the TV before I’ve finished watching my
17 He was so annoyed that he could barely ……………………….. his anger.
18 The car has broken down and the children are ……………………….. because they have to
walk to school in the rain.

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Module 6
 Word formation

S Fill in the correct word derived from the word in brackets.

1 Personally I don’t like piercings and tattoos and I think they are very ………………………..
2 Teenagers should wait until they reach ……………………….. before they think about plastic
surgery. (ADULT)
3 Problems during adolescence can cause feelings of ……………………….. in young people.
4 Not even supermodels have a ……………………….. complexion. (FLAW)
5 My dog looks scary, but really he is ……………………….. and would never hurt anyone.
6 You should be more ……………………….. when you speak to him and don’t let him walk all
over you. (ASSERT)
6 A group of people were ……………………….. when it came to voting on the location for the
concert. (NUMBER)
7 He’s not known for being ……………………….., but I don’t think he’s lying this time. (TRUTH)
8 I believe that chatterboxes have a ……………………….. fear of being alone. (CONSCIOUS)
9 The painkillers helped to ease her ……………………….. . (COMFORT)
10 Psychologists believe that it is important for parents to show ……………………….. to their
children. (AFFECT)
11 She does not have a ……………………….. body image. She thinks she looks like the models
in fashion magazines. (REAL)
12 This face cream is amazing. It makes spots and wrinkles ……………………….. completely!
13 Although he was on a diet, the ……………………….. of chocolate was too great and he had a
piece of cake. (TEMPT)

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Module 6

 Causative form

A Complete the exchanges with the causative form of the verbs in brackets.

1 A: When .......................................................................................... (your hair/highlight)?

B: Last Friday. Do you like it?

2 A: Will Pat be staying in the guest room?

B: No, we ................................................................................................ (it/not/paint) yet.

3 A: Did you enjoy the food at the reception?

B: No, they ....................................................................................(already/dinner/serve)
by the time we got there.

4 A: Have you heard the news about Chris?

B: Yes! He .................................................................................(his article/publish) in an
international magazine next month.

5 A: Where do you get your newspaper from?

B: I ........................................................................................(it/deliver) to my house daily.

6 A: I called you at around 6:00 last night but you didn’t answer.
B: Sorry, I ................................................. (my nails/do) and I couldn’t pick up the phone.

B Read the situations, then write sentences using the causative form.

1 A hairdresser is styling Donna’s hair. What is Donna doing?

2 A gardener was mowing the Browns’ lawn this morning. What were the Browns doing?
3 Jack takes his car to the mechanic to be serviced every six months. What does Jack do?
4 Andrew will ask his sister to mail the party invitations. What will Andrew do?
5 A beautician pierced Jenna’s ears yesterday. What did Jenna do?
6 Mr Watts will ask his assistant to book tickets to the opera for him. What will Mr Watts do?
7 Jason has hired a professional to decorate his office. What has Jason done?
8 Alec had taken his passport to the embassy to be renewed long before he left for Chile. What
had Alec done?

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Module 6
 Logical assumptions/deductions

C Complete the sentences using must or can’t.

1 I’m sure they’ve rescheduled today’s dance lesson.

They .......................................................................................................................................... .
2 There’s no way that Jessica spread those rumours about Carl.
Jessica ...................................................................................................................................... .
3 I don't believe Beth is considering that job offer.
Beth .......................................................................................................................................... .
4 I’m certain Nadia was crying when she called me.
Nadia ........................................................................................................................................ .
5 It’s certain that Claire is hurt by Anna’s constant criticism.
Claire ........................................................................................................................................ .
6 I’m sure Helena is visiting her grandparents this weekend.
Helena ..................................................................................................................................... . .
7 I’m sure Lisa doesn’t keep company with those girls.
Lisa .......................................................................................................................................... . .
8 It’s unlikely that Joshua was sleeping at that time of day.
Joshua ...................................................................................................................................... .

 Clauses of purpose

D Underline the correct item.

Lucy is a model and she has to take care of her appearance 1) for/so as to continue with
her modelling career. She goes to the gym every day 2) in order to/with a view to stay in
shape and she eats only healthy food 3) to avoid/to prevent herself from gaining weight.
When she does a photo shoot, a make-up artist applies make-up to Lucy’s face 4) to/for
give her a flawless complexion. Lucy refuses to have her photographs digitally enhanced,
though, 5) so as not to/in order that show the public an unrealistic body image. “I
became a model 6) in case/so that I could promote healthy eating and exercise,” Lucy
says. “I want people to know that what makes me beautiful is a good lifestyle, not crash
diets and Photoshop.”

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Module 6
E Join the sentences using the words in brackets.

1 Marion dyes her hair. She wants to look younger. (so as to)

2 I bought a new mobile phone. I use it to send text messages to my friends. (for)

3 Take some sandwiches. You might get hungry on the journey. (in case)

4 Mark goes jogging every day. He doesn’t want to gain weight. (so as not to)

5 Amy bought some nail varnish. She wanted to paint her nails. (to)

6 Shirley uses face cream. She doesn’t want to get wrinkles. (prevent)

 Clauses of result

F Fill in: so, such, such a / an.

1 A: Everybody likes Damon.

B: Yes, he is .................................. popular that, at his birthday party last year, all the guests
couldn’t fit inside his house!

2 A: What did you do yesterday?

B: It was .................................. nice day that we went on a picnic by the lake.

3 A: Why weren’t you at school yesterday?

B: I had .................................. terrible pains in my stomach that I went to see the doctor.

4 A: Did you enjoy the theme park?

B: Yes! We had .................................. amazing time that we’re going again next weekend!

5 A: Martin is .................................. arrogant that I can’t stand talking to him!

B: Yes, he thinks he knows everything.

6 A: Michelle, why are you so upset?

B: There’s .................................. a lot of noise from the next door neighbours that I can’t

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Module 6
G Join the sentences using the words in brackets.

1 He is caring and kind-hearted. Everybody likes him. (so … that)


2 It was a huge portion of cake. I didn’t think I could eat it all. (such … that)

3 The film was boring. I fell asleep in the cinema! (so … that)

4 She is a bossy boots. Nobody wants to work with her. (such … that)

5 I have a lot of work. I won’t be home before 9:00 tonight. (so much … that)

6 The play was good. I think I’ll go and see it again. (so … that)

7 We had bad weather. We stayed inside for most of the day. (such … that)

8 It was a beautiful dress. I just had to buy it. (such … that)


 Clauses of reason

H Underline the correct item.

1 Ben fell out with his friends now/because they were spreading gossip about him.
2 Do you know the reason for/the reason why Susie is so annoyed?
3 Since/For you’re going to the supermarket, could you buy some milk?
4 I’ll ask Karen to babysit as/due to she is so trustworthy.
5 You can celebrate because of/now that you have graduated from university.
6 Paul was expelled from school due to the fact/on account of his bad behaviour.
7 He has gone to bed, due to/for he is very tired.
8 Due to/Since the high demand for tickets, Adele is performing three extra concerts at the O2

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Module 6
I Join the sentences using the words in brackets.

1 Kim is difficult to understand. She talks too fast. (since)


2 We didn’t go to the park. There was heavy rain. (because of)


3 He wouldn’t look me in the eyes. I thought he was lying. (because)


4 We have finished the project. We can go home. (now that)


5 Nobody takes Celia seriously. She is a drama queen. (the reason why)

6 We had to turn the heating up. The weather was cold. (on account of)

 Clauses of manner

J Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1 Laura is really quite shy, but she behaves as if she ....................................... (be) a confident
and outgoing person.
2 Rachel looks as though she ....................................... (have) something on her mind. We
should go and talk to her.
3 She felt as though she ....................................... (meet) Alex before.
4 This milk smells like it ....................................... (go off). What’s the sell-by date on the
5 Steve behaved as if he ....................................... (solve) he problem all by himself, when in
reality Keith and I helped him.
6 Now, make sure that you set up your email accounts exactly as I .......................................
(just/show) you.
7 When I saw Tracey, she sounded like she ....................................... (have) a cold.
8 The twins annoy me. They act as if they ....................................... (be) more important than
everybody else.

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Module 6
 Inversion

K Make sentences using so, neither/nor and the words in brackets to complete
the exchanges.

1 A: I think Betsy should apologise to Jane.

B: ……………………………… (I). I believe Jane deserves an apology.

2 A: I didn’t enjoy the film last night.

B: ……………………………… (Sam and I). We thought it was boring.

3 A: Sue and Jason have accepted our invitation.

B: ……………………………… (Mina and Ron). They emailed me this morning.

4 A: Brad isn't talking to Dave.

B: ……………………………… (Ian). They had a big argument with him.

5 A: Vivian is such a chatterbox!

B: ……………………………… (her sister). Once they start talking they just don't stop!

6 A: I won’t have any dessert.

B: ……………………………… (I). I’m trying to lose some weight.

L Rewrite the sentences using the word/phrases given.

1 This is the only way we can make it to the theatre on time.

Only in this way .................................................................................................................... .
2 They had hardly arrived at the office when their supervisor called a meeting.
Hardly ................................................................................................................................... .
3 As soon as I got into the house, the phone rang.
No sooner ............................................................................................................................ .
4 I’ve never met such a know-it-all before.
Never before ........................................................................................................................ .
5 They haven't travelled abroad since they got married.
Not since .............................................................................................................................. .
6 Patrick is moody and introverted.
Not only ................................................................................................................................ .
7 They couldn’t find their missing dog anywhere.
Nowhere ............................................................................................................................... .
8 The waiter was so rude that we complained to the manager.
So ......................................................................................................................................... .
9 The celebrity rarely goes out without her make-up on.
Rarely ................................................................................................................................... .
10 She is such a drama queen that even the slightest thing upsets her.
Such ..................................................................................................................................... .

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Module 6
M Rewrite the sentences beginning with the words in bold.

1 The village lies at the foot of a mountain.

2 The children played in the garden.
3 The free animal ran into the jungle.
4 The Smiths live by the lake.
5 The hot-air balloon rose up into the sky.

 Key Word Transformations

N Complete the second sentence using the word given so that it has a
similar meaning to the first sentence. Use two to five words including the
word given.

1 I’m sure Liam has regretted lying to you.

Liam ......................................................................................................................... you lies.

2 Many flights were cancelled because it was snowing heavily.

Many flights were cancelled .................................................................................... snowfall.

3 A press officer writes the politician’s speeches.

The politician ............................................................................................. by a press officer.

4 She’s good at singing and acts very convincingly.

Not ..............................................................................., but she also acts very convincingly.

5 Their offer was unexpected and caught me off guard.

Their offer was .............................................................................. and caught me off guard.

6 Please stop acting like you are the owner of the shop. You just work here.
Please stop acting ................................................................... the shop. You just work here.

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Module 6
7 They performed so badly that the audience was extremely disappointed.
Such a ......................................................... that the audience was extremely disappointed.

8 Someone robbed the local bank this morning.

The local bank .................................................................................................. this morning.

9 Hardy any people attended the seminar, which made the speaker feel awkward.
There ............................................................. at the seminar that the speaker felt awkward.

10 Jill didn’t say anything about Lucy’s bad haircut so that she wouldn’t hurt her feelings.
Jill didn’t say anything about Lucy’s bad haircut ................................................ her feelings.

11 I’m sure Chris isn't running in the marathon this weekend.

Chris ...................................................................................... in the marathon this weekend.

12 Brian will install their heater.

They ........................................................................................................................ by Brian.

13 He met with his employer because he wanted to ask for promotion.

He met with his employer ................................................................................ for promotion.

14 Colour-blind people have difficulty in telling green from red.

Colour-blind people find it .............................................................................. green and red.

15 He missed his appointment because he got stuck in traffic.

He missed his appointment ............................................................................ stuck in traffic.

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 19

Module 6

Read the text and mark the statements T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say).

There are many things that we do, such as breathing, that come naturally to us. Using our senses
- touch, sight, taste, smell and hearing - are essential parts of this natural intuition. So, if we had
to lose one of them or didn’t have one, how would this affect the way we live? Maybe less than
we think. Losing a sense simply means that our natural instincts are redirected to a different,
functioning sense.

Whereas a sighted person’s world is shaped by what they see, a blind person’s is moulded by
sound. Daniel Kish, who has been blind since he was 13 months old, has adopted a system
used by animals to map out, in his mind, where objects are.
Kish uses echolocation, a sensory system used by bats to navigate in the dark. In the same
way, Kish uses clicking sounds to determine where and how far away objects are. These clicking
noises send out physical sound waves that bounce back from physical surfaces. The length of
time the sound takes to travel to the ear enables Kish to conclude how far away the object is. But
it doesn’t just determine how far away something is; he can recognise the difference between
materials such as wood and metal, as well as an object’s size.
One day, or just eight hours, is all it takes for a blind person to develop such skills, says Kish.
Regular practice is needed in order to be precise in movement and confident in stability, but eight
hours of hard work for independence is a small price to pay.
Although clicking is discouraged in blind schools for attracting negative attention, Kish says
that it’s a good way for a blind person to gain independence. He has dedicated his life to
teaching blind people, particularly children, how to use sound in this special way. Research into
human echolocation has discovered that it has nothing to do with one person’s hearing being
more acute than another’s. It’s about the brain. Scientists found that the part of the brain used for
sight is extremely active in people who can echolocate. So, instead of our brain forming an
image through sight, it forms it through sound.
Echolocation enables blind people to do things that have always been thought impossible
without vision. Kish is an avid hiker and loves to spend time alone in the wilderness. It is there,
he says, that he finds the peace and freedom he has worked hard to get.

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 20

Module 6
1 Daniel Kish uses an animal system to see images. ………
2 Echolocation relies on one sense to work. ………
3 Clapping noises can be used like clicking noises. ………
4 The amount of time it takes to produce an echo determines an object’s size. ………
5 It takes eight hours for sighted people to learn how to echolocate. ………
6 After a day learning how to echolocate, it comes naturally. ………
7 The aim of echolocation is to make blind people less reliant on others. ………
8 Kish wishes echolocation was part of the education system. ………
9 A person’s ability to echolocate is not all about how well they can hear. ………
10 Echolocation enables blind people to do things that sighted people take for granted. ………

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 21

Module 6

You’re going to listen to a woman talking about communicating with deaf

people. Listen and for questions 1-4, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.

1 Brooke Davis is going to talk about

A the difficulties of communication for blind people.
B representing deaf people in the community.
C opportunities in higher education for deaf people.
D the best methods for communicating with deaf people.

2 Deaf people are often difficult to communicate with because

A hearing people are badly informed.
B hearing people change their voice.
C hearing people find it uncomfortable.
D hearing people do not make an effort.

3 The factor which affects whether a deaf person should sign or speak is
A the number of sign schools available.
B their previous schooling.
C the rate at which they learn.
D the age they become deaf.

4 The best way to communicate with a deaf person is

A to sign and then speak.
B to repeat what you say.
C to sign and speak at the same time.
D to talk as slowly as possible.

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 22

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