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1. Name :
2. Age :
3. Gender :
4. Occupation : Student Employees
Professionals Business Others
5. Annual Income :
Below 60000 60000 – 100000
100000-150000 150000-200000
above 200000
6. Name & brand of your two wheeler …………………..
7. Specify the engine capacity (CC) of your two wheeler ………………
8. Reason for the purchase of particular brand?
Price Durability & Resale value
Riding comfort Appearance & Convenience
Low maintenance & after sale service
9. Was it a first hand purchase?
Yes No
10. Was your purchase decision affected by advertisements?
Yes No
11. If yes, specify the medium
Print media television
Exhibition Others
12. If the following factors have affected your purchase decision, Rank them
in the order of importance
Price & financial accommodation by the dealer
Fuel efficiency and pick-up
Durability and resale value
Riding Comfort
Appearance and convenience
Low maintenance and after sale service
Others (if any specify) ………………
13. How did you raise the finance for purchasing the two wheeler
Own source loan from bank Both
14. Are you satisfied with your vehicle?
Yes No
15. If yes, rank the reasons
Riding comfort
Low maintenance and after sale service
Fuel efficiency and pick-up
Durability and resale value
Appearance and convenience
16. Are you satisfied with the after sale service provided by the dealer?
Yes No
17. If you want to purchase a new two wheeler will you opt for the same
Yes No
18. If yes, specify the reason …………………..
19. Would you recommend your two wheeler brand for your friends?
Yes No
20. Do you have any complaint about your two wheeler?
Yes No

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