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10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2814200, IEEE Access

Date of publication xxxx 00, 0000, date of current version xxxx 00, 0000.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.Doi Number

An Improved Three-Phase Voltage Source

Converter with High-Performance Operation
under Unbalanced Conditions
National Active Distribution Network Technology Research Center, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China
Collaborative Innovation Center of Electric Vehicles in Beijing, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China
Department of Electronic Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
Corresponding author: Jiayu Zhou (e-mail:
This work was supported in part by the National key R & D plan: Research and Demonstration of Key Technology of Charging
Facilities Network Combined with Renewable Energy Power Generation (Project No. 2016YFB0900505).

ABSTRACT The unbalance of the three-phase grid-voltages/loads can cause double-frequency power
ripples in the Voltage Source Converter (VSC) system. Such power ripples can further lead to current
and/or voltage ripples on the DC link, which may create instability of the system, lower its efficiency and
shorten the lifetime of DC sources (e.g. batteries). Existing control solutions cannot well solve this issue
and even bring collateral damage. Several hardware solutions have recently been proposed to tackle these
issues, but these methods suffer from large size, high cost and reduced system reliability. Instead, this paper
proposed an improved topology to handle the problems faced by the VSC under unbalanced conditions.
Although hardware modification is also needed, it will not increase the size and cost of the system since
only one connecting line is added, which can be easily made on the power-stage PCB board. Moreover, the
improved topology can also be used to reduce the leakage current in transformerless PV system and to
eliminate the high frequency circulating current in multiple parallel converters. Theoretical analysis,
simulation and experimental results are provided to explain the principle and to validate the effectiveness of
the improved topology.

INDEX TERMS Grid-connected, islanded, power ripple, three-phase unbalance, voltage source converter.

I. INTRODUCTION The control solution contains three types distinct by the

Three-phase Voltage-Source Converters (VSC) have been control objectives: balanced current/voltage control,
widely adopted as the key interfaces between power constant active and reactive power control and flexible
sources and loads in distribution systems. However, power control [6]-[20]. The first one aims to feed balanced
different types of grid/load disturbances and faults exist in current to the unbalanced grid (or balanced voltage to the
practice, which pose great challenges to the normal unbalanced load) [6]-[8]. However, the presence of the
operation of the VSC. Grid/load unbalance is one of such negative-sequence components in grid voltage (or load
abnormal conditions, which may lead to large double- current) results in power ripples and thus the undesired
frequency current/voltage ripples on the DC link [1], [2]. current and/or voltage ripples will appear on the DC link. In
The presence of such ripples is detrimental to the system comparison, the constant power control aims directly at
since it can reduce the MPPT efficiency of PV panels [3], mitigation of the current and voltage ripples on the DC link,
lead to overheating of batteries [4] and shorten the lifetime which is realized by regulating the positive-sequence and
of fuel cells [5]. In light of the operation of VSC under negative-sequence current independently [9]-[13]. Its
unbalanced conditions, many solutions have been drawback is that an unbalanced and distorted AC current
developed, which can be divided into two categories as has to be produced, which may further deteriorate the
shown in Fig. 1, depending on whether hardware unbalanced condition and trigger overcurrent protection.
configuration is changed or not. Although other flexible power control strategies were also
proposed to get a tradeoff between the two objectives, they

2169-3536 © 2017 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only.
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See for more information.
2169-3536 (c) 2018 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2814200, IEEE Access

Lf Lg _
+ + ia va
vdc_ _ Cdc ib vb
is iinc
ic vc
Cf BalancedUnbalanced
Ts p(t)=P0+P2ωcos(2ωt+δ)
+ vab{ vca ia
FIGURE 1. Operation solution of the VSC under unbalanced condition. +
vdc_ _ Cdc
cannot resolve the problems ultimately [14]-[20]. So far, vbc{ ib
is iinc
there is still not a control method in the literature that can Cf Balanced Unbalanced
achieve these two objectives at the same time. 0 p(t)=P0+P2ωcos(2ωt+δ)
On the other hand, it is also possible to handle the three-
phase unbalanced issue by adding hardware components. For
FIGURE 2. The conventional three-phase VSC under unbalanced three-
instance, a neutral line is added between the grid transformer phase conditions: (a) grid-connected mode, (b) islanded mode.
and VSC in [21], which introduces an additional current
control freedom for the zero-sequence current and thus can unbalanced condition, controlling the VSC to inject balanced
achieve better control performance. However, this method current to the grid (or balanced voltage to the load) will cause
cannot realize the balanced AC current and ripple-free DC double-frequency power ripple due to the existence of the
current/voltage simultaneously and long cables have to be negative-sequence grid voltage (load current) components.
used if the transformer is far from the VSC. Besides, it To illustrate it, take the grid-connected mode as an example,
cannot be used for the transformerless PV systems. To when the grid voltages (va, vb and vc) are unbalanced, the
overcome the drawback, another topology was proposed in three-phase unbalanced grid voltage can be expressed as (1),
[22], where additional power semiconductors and passive while the grid currents (ia, ib and ic) are balanced and
components were added to the DC link in order to absorb the sinusoidal which are given by (2).
ripple power. While this method is feasible, it requires extra  va  2Va sin(t  1 ) ia  2 I sin(t   )
hardware which will greatly increase the size and cost of the 
 

system, and thus are not preferred as well. vb  2Vb sin(t   2 ) (1) ib  2 I sin(t  120   ) (2)
 
vc  2Vc sin(t   3 ) ic  2 I sin(t  120   )
To tackle these issues, this paper proposed an improved  
VSC topology with high-performance operation under
unbalanced conditions. For the improved topology, a where Va, Vb and Vc are the root mean square (RMS) values
conducting path is created for the harmonic currents to flow of the grid voltages while 𝛼1, 𝛼2 and 𝛼3 are the their initial
under unbalanced conditions. With a simple control strategy, phases. I is the amplitude of the three-phase balanced grid
the sinusoidal symmetrical AC grid current can be ensured currents, and φ is the initial phase of the phase A grid current.
and the DC link current/voltage ripples can be avoided at the ω is the fundamental angular frequency.
same time. Furthermore, the added conducting path can also For simplicity, the power losses and the power in the
be a common mode path to restrict the high frequency filters are neglected. The AC side instantaneous output power
current components within the converter, which can be pac(t) of the three-phase VSC system can be given as
applied to reduce the leakage current in the transformerless
pac (t )  vaia  vbib  vcic  P0  P2 cos(2t   ) (3)
PV systems or eliminate the high frequency circulating
current in multiple parallel converters. Different from where
existing hardware solutions, the improved topology does not
increase the cost and size of the system since the added P0  Va I cos(1   )  Vb I cos( 2    120)  Vc I cos(3    120)
conducting path can be easily integrated to the power-stage (4)
PCB board. Effectiveness of the proposed approach is finally
P2 cos(2t   )  (Va I cos(2t  1   ) 
validated by simulation and experimental results.
Vb I cos(2t   2    120)  (5)
II. PROBLEM ANALYSIS Vc I cos(2t   3    120))
Fig. 2(a) and (b) show the configurations of the LC-filtered
VSC system under grid-connected mode and islanded mode. P0 represents the average value of the active power while
Generally, balanced grid current (or balanced load voltage) is P2ω and δ are respectively the amplitude and initial phase of
expected to be provided by the VSC. However, under an the double-frequency pulsating power.

VOLUME XX, 2017 3

2169-3536 (c) 2018 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2814200, IEEE Access

vb vc
Unbalanced vab vbc vca Balanced be sinusoidal and symmetrical under unbalanced three-phase
AC currents (p.u.) AC voltages (p.u.)

AC currents (p.u.) AC voltages (p.u.)

1 1
va voltage (load), an improved topology is proposed in Fig. 4. In
0 0 this section, the improved topology will be illustrated from
-1 -1 the following three parts: A. circuit configuration and
ia ib ic Balanced
ia ib Unbalanced operating principles, B. minimum DC voltage and current
1 1
stress analysis, and C. other functions.

A. Circuit Configuration and Operating Principles
DC current ripple
Fig. 4 shows the improved three-phase VSC topology, where
DC current ripple
DC current (p.u.)

DC current (p.u.)

1.5 is 2 is the common point of the three AC filter capacitors is

1 1
connected to the DC negative bus. Without this modification,
0.5 0
the double-frequency component flows mainly through the
DC source as depicted by the black dashed line in Fig. 4,
0 0.02 0.04 0 0.02 0.04 which significantly influences the source performance and
Time (s) Time (s)
(a) (b) AC-side grid current (or load voltage) quality. In comparison,
the proposed solution provides an extra current flow path. As
FIGURE 3. Waveforms of the three-phase VSC systems under
unbalanced conditions: (a) grid-connected mode, and (b) islanded a result, with proper control, the double-frequency current
mode. component ipath can be restricted inside the VSC system as
To better show the low-frequency component for the depicted by the red dashed line in Fig. 4, i.e. the DC source
VSC input current iinc, the high-frequency components can be free of ripples, and at the same time, the AC output
(switching frequency harmonic components) are ignored, currents (or voltages) can be balanced and sinusoidal.
which are far from double-frequency and thus does not Compared with the approach in [22], the improved topology
affect the subsequent discussion. Therefore, iinc can be will not increase the system size and cost, since the added
derived as (6) considering the power balance between AC path can be easily integrated into the power board.
side and DC side. To simplify the analysis, the power and voltage on LC-
filters Cf and Lf (which are normally less than 5% p.u.) is
pac(t ) P0 P2 cos(2t   ) neglected. As the double-frequency current is introduced into
iinc    (6)
vdc vdc vdc the LC filter capacitors, its corresponding characteristics will
change accordingly. Before adding the path (i.e. conventional
It can be observed from (6) that the double-frequency topology), the three AC capacitor voltages should satisfy
ripple will be generated in the DC current when the DC equation (7), whose calculated results are shown in (8).
voltage is constant, which can also be explained by the
simulation results in Fig. 3(a) while DC capacitance Cdc is vCd 1  vCd 2  va  vb  2Vab sin(t   1)
small. This ripple current is detrimental to the DC sources 

vCd 2  vCd 3  vb  vc  2Vbc sin(t   2) (7)
and thus should be suppressed. However, due to the direct vCd 1  vCd 2  vCd 3  0
relation of the AC voltage unbalance and the power ripple, it 

is impossible to achieve the balanced output grid current and
 1
vCd 1  3 (2 2 sin(t   1)Vab  2 sin(t   2)Vbc)
the constant output power simultaneously only using control
strategies. Similar problem also exists in islanded mode, as 
seen from the simulation results shown in Fig. 3(b).  1
vCd 2  ( 2 sin(t   1)Vab  2 sin(t   2)Vbc) (8)
 3
In order to smooth the DC source voltage/current ripple vCd 3  3 ( 2 sin(t   1)Vab  2 2 sin(t   2)Vbc)

while AC grid current (line-to-line voltage) is controlled to

Lf iLa K Lg _
2Cdc iLb ia va
vdc+_ O1
iLc ib vb O
iinc iCd 1 iCd 2 iCd 3 ic vc
is N vCd 1_ vCd 2 vCd 3 Grid
Cf Load
FIGURE 4. The improved three-phase VSC under unbalanced three-phase conditions.

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2169-3536 (c) 2018 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2814200, IEEE Access

where Vab and Vbc are the RMS values of the AC side line- It can be clearly observed from (13) that a double-frequency
to-line voltages, and vCd1, vCd2 and vCd3 are the three ripple power PC_2ω exist in three capacitors. If this
capacitor voltages respectively. component equals to the ripple component of (3) (i.e. all the
On the other hand, after adding the path (i.e. improved double-frequency pulsating power caused by three-phase
topology), the AC capacitor voltages will contain the unbalance is restricted to the added path), then the double-
double-frequency component since the double-frequency frequency ripple current flowing into the DC source can be
ripple current of DC link flows into the AC capacitors. avoided. However, this result cannot be realized only
Apart from the double-frequency component, the AC through circuit modification. Instead a proper control
capacitor voltages also contain a fixed DC voltage should be applied for the improved topology. Furthermore,
component because of the voltage difference between the it is worth noting that there is another fourth-order ripple
phase-leg and DC negative bus. Therefore, the updated power component PC_4ω introduced in (13), which results
capacitor voltage expressions can then be given as from the interaction between the double-frequency
component in the capacitor voltages and currents. In this
 1
vCd 1  3 (2 2 sin(t   1)Vab  2 sin(t   2)Vbc)  vcomp case, the fourth-order ripple power will be transferred into
 the DC link, which further leads to fourth-order current
 1
vCd 2  ( 2 sin(t   1)Vab  2 sin(t   2)Vbc)  vcomp harmonic in DC source. Therefore, to solve this issue, a
 3 fourth-order component should be corresponding added to
 1 the CM voltage of capacitors vcomp as shown in (14).
vCd 3  3 ( 2 sin(t   1)Vab  2 2 sin(t   2)Vbc)  vcomp

(9) vcomp   B 2 sin(2t   )+B 4 sin(4t   1) (14)
vcomp   B 2 sin(2t   ) (10)
2 where B4ω is the amplitude of the fourth-order component
and ϕ1 is its phase difference with respect to the grid phase
where vcomp is the common mode (CM) compensation A voltage.
voltage, which is injected into the three capacitors. B2ω is Thus, icomp and the total instantaneous power in the three
the amplitude of the double-frequency component and ϕ is capacitors can be derived as
its phase difference with respect to the grid phase A voltage.
By differentiating (9) and (10), the capacitor currents can icomp  2B2Cf cos(2t   )+4B4Cf cos(4t  1) (15)
be calculated as
PC _ sum  vCd 1  iCd 1  vCd 2  iCd 2  vCd 3  iCd 3
 1 (16)
 PC_ 2 +PC_ 4 +PC_ 6 +PC_ 8
iCd 1  3 Cf (2 2 cos(t   1)Vab  2 cos(t   2)Vbc)+icomp

 1 where
iCd 2  Cf ( 2 cos(t   1)Vab  2 cos(t   2)Vbc)+icomp 1
 3 PC_ 2 = Cf (9 B 2vdc cos(2t   )  2Vab2 sin(2t  2 1)
 1 3
iCd 3  3 Cf ( 2 cos(t   1)Vab  2 2 cos(t   2)Vbc)+icomp  2Vbc2 sin(2t  2 2)  2VabVbc sin(2t   1   2)

(11) +9B 2 B 4 sin(2t     1))
icomp  2B2Cf cos(2t   ) 
(12) PC_ 4 =3Cf ( B22 sin(4t  2 )+2 B4 vdc sin(4t   1  ))
where iCd1, iCd2 and iCd3 are the three capacitor currents PC_ 6 =9CfB2 B4 sin(6t    1)
respectively. Cf is the capacitance value of the three AC
PC_8 =6CfB42 sin(8t  21)
capacitors. icomp is the CM compensation current, which is
mainly introduced by the ipath. To eliminate the fourth-order ripple power from the
The sum of the instantaneous power of the three filter system (i.e. PC_4ω=0), the magnitude and phase of the fourth-
capacitors PC_sum will be order component in the capacitor CM voltage can be
calculated as
PC_sum  vCd1  iCd1  vCd 2  iCd 2  vCd 3  iCd 3  PC_ 2 +PC_ 4 (13)
 B2
 B4  2
where  2vdc (17)

PC_ 2 = Cf (9 B 2vdc cos(2t   )  2Vab2 sin(2t  2 1)  1  2  
3 
 2
 2Vbc2 sin(2t  2 2)  2VabVbc sin(2t   1   2))
However, it can be seen from (16) that the 6th and 8th ripple
and PC_ 4 =3CfB22 sin(4t  2 )
power are introduced into the system one after another,
which results from the interaction between the 2nd and 4th
terms in the capacitor voltages and currents. All in all, this

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2169-3536 (c) 2018 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2814200, IEEE Access

implies that there is always a residual pulsating power in the _ Lf Lg

+ iLa + _
DC link because of power balance, and thus the complete
elimination of the ripple power is not possible. Fortunately, vcona ia va
the amplitude of fluctuating power is becoming smaller and O1 vconb ib vb O
smaller with the increase of the harmonic order, for example, iLc
the content of 8th pulsating power is generally below 1% of vconc ic vc
+ iCd1 iCd2 iCd3
2nd component from (16) and (17). Therefore, the CM vCdi _ Grid
compensation voltage, which is injected into the three vdc /2 _ Cf

capacitors, can be approximated as (14) for simplification in N
order to eliminate the main harmonic component in the DC FIGURE 5. Equivalent circuit of the improved topology under grid-
connected mode.
The DC voltage and current stress of power semiconductors Description Parameters Value
are particularly of interest because they may directly fsw
Switching frequency 10 kHz
determine the switching and conduction losses. In this
Fundamental frequency fn 50 Hz
section, those two features of the improved topology will be Lf
AC filter inductances 8 mH
analyzed and discussed under single-phase voltage drop General
Parameters AC filter capacitances Cf 30 μF
condition in grid-connected mode as an example.
DC link capacitance Cdc 50 μF
In order to analyze the minimum requirement of DC link
AC voltage (RMS) va vb vc 110 V
voltage and current stress in detail, the equivalent circuit of
Power rating P0 1000 W
the improved topology is shown in Fig. 5, where the
controlled voltage sources vcona, vconb, and vconc are the output Unbalanced ratio of
α1 30%
Grid- AC grid voltage
voltages of the phase-legs. According to the Kirchhoff's
connected Phase A voltage va 33 V
Current and Voltage Law, the phase-leg output voltages and Mode
converter input currents of the improved topology can be Phase B voltage vb 88 V
expressed: Phase C voltage vc 110 V
Unbalanced ratio of
 diLa vdc  dvCd 1 AC load current
vcona  vCd 1  L dt  2 iLa  ia  Cf dt Islanded Phase A load RA 30 Ω
  Mode
 diLb vdc  dvCd 2 Phase B load RB 30 Ω
vconb  vCd 2  L  (18) iLb  ib  Cf (19) Phase C load RC +∞
 dt 2  dt
 diLc vdc  dvCd 3
vconc  vCd 3  L dt  2 iLc  ic  Cf dt generalized analysis of the minimum DC voltage
  requirement can be shown in Fig. 7(a), where it is clear that,
Therefore, to achieve the improved VSC normal the DC voltage index increases with the decrease of phase
operation, the DC bus voltage should be higher than the A voltage value and its maximum is only 1.12 p.u. .
maximum peak value of three capacitor voltages on the  Vpeaki
premise of neglecting the inductor voltage. In this case, the VI =Max[ 2 2Vg ] (i  a, b, and c)
 (20)
three filter capacitor voltage waveforms of the improved 
CI =Max[ Ipeaki ] (i  a, b, and c)
topology obtained by combining equations (5), (9), (14),  2 Ig
(16) and (17), using General Parameters from Table I, are
shown in Fig. 6(a) when phase A voltage dips to 0. It where the Vpeaki is the peak value of the capacitor voltage
should be mentioned here that the three capacitor voltages (vCd1, vCd2, vCd3). Vg is the phase voltage (va, vb, vc) RMS
not only contain fundamental component, but also include value under balanced grid condition. Ipeaki is the peak value
other components due to the CM voltage injection as of the inductor current iLi, while Ig is the grid current (ia, ib, ic)
expressed in (9) and (14). Then, the minimum DC voltage RMS value.
of improved topology is also shown in Fig. 6(a), which is On the other hand, due to the CM current injection, the
equal to maximum peak value of the three capacitor VSC output current (iLa, iLb and iLc) will be affected, which
voltages. Furthermore, it is noted from Fig. 6(a) that the should be discussed to obtain the highest current value for
minimum DC voltage only increases a little compared with system design. From Fig. 5, it is obvious that the output
that of the conventional topology. By defining the DC currents are the difference between grid currents and filter
voltage index (VI) to be the ratio of the minimum DC capacitor currents as expressed in (19). Because the
voltage requirement of improved topology to that of the capacitor currents are much smaller compared with the grid
conventional topology as expressed in (20), a more currents, the highest output current value is just a little

VOLUME XX, 2017 3

2169-3536 (c) 2018 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2814200, IEEE Access

Proposed Proposed
400 10
Conventional Conventional

Voltage (V)

Current (A)
vCd1 -5
100 iLa iLc
vCd2 vCd3 -10 iLb
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
Time (s) Time (s)
(a) (b)

FIGURE 6. The three capacitor voltages and output currents of improved topology while phase A voltage dips to 0: (a) three capacitor voltages and
minimum requirement of DC link voltage (b) VSC output currents and current stress.

1.12 1.14

1.10 1.12
DC Voltage Index


Current Index

1.02 1.02

1 1.0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Phase A Voltage Value (p.u.) Phase A Voltage Value (p.u.)
(a) (b)

FIGURE 7. The DC voltage index and current index of improved topology with phase A voltage values.

higher than the grid current as shown in Fig. 6(b). Similarly,

by defining the current index (CI) to be the ratio of the
highest VSC output current value to the balanced grid VCM +
current value as expressed in (20), it can be seen from Fig. Conventional
_ CM Path ZE
7(b) that the current index increases as the phase voltage
ileak age
dips, and the highest current index is only 1.14 p.u. when
phase A voltage dips to 0. Therefore, a little higher (within ZPV
15%) minimum requirement of DC voltage and current (a)

stress are suffered in order to eliminate the double-

frequency ripple current/voltage of DC source for the
improved topology under the condition of phase A voltage

C. Other Functions for High-Frequency CM Current

Component Restriction (b)
Interestingly, a very similar topology which connects to the
FIGURE 8. CM equivalent circuits: (a) conventional and (b) improved
DC midpoint O1 rather than negative bus N (see Fig. 4) has topology.
been used to eliminate the leakage current in the
transformerless PV system [23]-[24]. Despite the similarity, converters is also high-frequency CM current component
that method cannot handle the double-frequency harmonic [25]. Therefore, the improved topology can also be
issue. Differently, the improved topology can not only extended to other applications such as elimination of the
solve the double-frequency harmonic issue but also high-frequency circulating current in multiple parallel
eliminate the leakage current at the same time since the CM converters with the same principle. This section will
components can be restricted in the added path. Moreover, illustrate the principle of high-frequency CM current
the high-frequency circulating current in multiple parallel

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2169-3536 (c) 2018 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2814200, IEEE Access

components restriction by taking the leakage current vcona

va , vb , vc S1
elimination of the improved topology as example. Balanced
+ vconb S2
Fig. 8(a) shows the CM path of conventional topology in ia , ib , ic current/voltage S3
control + S4
+ vconc
transformerless PV system, where ZPV is the impedance of vdc PWM S5
+ S6
the parasitic capacitors and ZE is the grounding impedance. It +
0 vcomp
can be seen that leakage current circulation will exist +_

between the stray capacitances of the PV grounded array and is Ripple control loop
the system due to the loss of galvanic isolation, which leads
FIGURE 9. Control scheme of the improved topology.
to electromagnetic interference, safety issues, waveform
distortion of the grid currents and increased power losses. In
comparison, the CM equivalent circuit of improved topology vb vc vab vbc vca

Voltage (V)
100 va

Voltage (V)
is shown in Fig. 8(b), which has an added CM path compared
0 0
with the conventional topology. Most of the CM current will
-100 -200
be introduced to the added CM path without control since the
ZCf is much lower than the sum of ZLg, ZE and ZPV (CPV is 10
ia ib ic 5 ia ib

AC current (A)
AC current (A)
around 100 nF for a 1-kW PV system normally [26]) in the 5
switch frequency. Therefore, the improved topology can be 0
implemented in transformerless PV system to limit the -5
ground leakage current without adding any components, -10

Switch current (A) Capacitor voltage (V) DC link current (A)

which can also be extended to other applications for high- Switch current (A) Capacitor voltage (V) DC link current (A) iinc 4 iinc
4 is
frequency CM current components restriction with the same 2 2 is
principle and will hence not be explicitly described. 0 0

-2 ipath -2 ipath
vCd2 vCd3 400 vCd1
As mentioned previously, the high-frequency CM current 300 vCd1
components can be restricted in the added path only by the 200
circuit characteristics and without extra control for the 100 100
0 0
improved topology. Therefore, the control method for
double-frequency harmonic current elimination of DC 10
iLa iLb iLc
5 iLa iLb
source are mainly discussed in this section. The control 5
0 ILc
block of improved topology is shown in Fig. 9, which 0
-5 -5
consists of two parts: balanced current/voltage control loop
-10 -10
and ripple control loop. The main functionalities of the 0 0.02 0.04
0 0.02 0.04
former are to regulate the output power by producing Time (s) Time (s)

balanced sinusoidal current (or voltage), whose principle (a) (b)

was well presented in the past and thus will not be FIGURE 10. Simulation results of the improved VSC systems under
unbalanced conditions: (a) grid-connected mode, and (b) islanded mode.
elaborated in this paper.
In light of the ripple control loop, it also works for
restricting the low-order ripple components in the added 200
conducting path. According to the Kirchhoff's Current Law, 100
is is
DC link current
DC link current

percentage (%)
percentage (%)

iinc 150 iinc

this can be realized indirectly by controlling the ripples of 60
the DC-source current to be zero. To implement it, the 40
source current (is) is used as the feedback variable and the 20
0 0
reference (iref) is set to zero in the control loop. Through the 0 1 2 3 4 5
Harmonic order
6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5
Harmonic order
6 7

expression (14) of the CM voltage, the calculated current

error should be integrated by a resonant controller shown as
vCd1 vCd1
Capacitor voltages
Capacitor voltages

100 100
(21) in order to achieve zero tracking error at particular
percentage (%)
percentage (%)

vCd2 vCd2
80 vCd3 80 vCd3
frequency under unbalanced conditions. Moreover, 60 60
although the DC component also exists in the feedback 40 40
20 20
signal (is), they have no effect on the resonator output
0 0
because the resonator has a zero gain for DC signals. 0 1 2 3 4 5
Harmonic order
6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5
Harmonic order
6 7

Therefore, the resonator controller output is added to the (a) (b)

voltage reference produced by the balanced current/voltage
FIGURE 11. The FFT analysis of DC link currents and three capacitor
control loop to realize the control objective. Certainly, the voltages: (a) grid-connected mode, and (b) islanded mode.
system can operate normally with the proposed control

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2169-3536 (c) 2018 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2814200, IEEE Access

1 Grid-connected mode Power quality

Leakage Current (A)
ileakage 2 Islanded mode
analyzer Power analyzer
1 load
Chroma 61511 Va
0 ia
Idc Vdc
2 ib Vb 1
-1 1
2 ic Vc
1 1
0 0.05 0.1 2 Converter 2
Time (s)
Sample PWM
Leakage Current (A)

ileakage dSPACE 1005 Chroma 61511
0 Unbalanced load

-1 FIGURE 13. Experimental setup in the lab to validate the improved

0 0.05 0.1
Time (s)
(b) without affecting the basic control system, which are
limited within the added conducting path through a simple
FIGURE 12. Simulation results in the transformerless PV system: (a)
conventional topology (b) improved topology. ripple control loop.
Remark 2: the high-frequency components directly flows
method under three-phase balanced condition, which is not into the conducting path without control, thus the improved
affected by the ripple power control loop. topology is a simple and effective scheme to eliminate the
2kn s leakage current or the high-frequency circulating current in
GR  s   s
n  2,4
  n 
2 (21) parallel converters.

where n is the harmonic order, and kn is the gain for the V. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
corresponding n component. To further verify the effectiveness of the improved
To illustrate the working principle of the proposed topology, an experimental prototype was built in the lab as
scheme, the system parameters can be found in Table I, and shown in Fig. 13, which was based on the same parameter
simulation results of improved topology under the grid- values listed in Table I and can operate in both grid-
connected and islanded modes are given in Fig. 10, where connected mode and islanded mode. In the experiments, the
the figures from top to bottom are AC side voltages, AC AC grid and the DC source were emulated by a
side currents, DC link currents (ignoring switching programmable AC/DC source Chroma 61511. Therefore,
frequency components), capacitor voltages and VSC output the DC link was built by the resistive load rather than ideal
currents. It can be seen that VSC input current iinc contains voltage source in the grid-connected mode (See Fig. 13)
the same high double-frequency component as conventional due to the limitation of the experimental conditions, which
topology under unbalanced conditions. However, the is different from the simulation and does not affect to
double-frequency component of DC source current is is validate the effectiveness of the improved topology. The
eliminated since that is introduced into the added path for dSPACE 1005 was used to implement the control
the improved topology, which can be proved by the FFT algorithms. Besides, the voltage and current harmonics
analysis of DC link current as shown in Fig. 11. Moreover, were measured by a HIOKI 3390 power analyzer, and the
the corresponding spectrums of capacitor voltage are shown three-phase unbalanced ratio was measured through a
in Fig. 11, which are in full agreement with the operating KYORITSU KEW 6315 power quality analyzer.
principles as expressed in (9) and (14). To validate the To begin with, Fig. 14 shows the experimental results of
effectiveness of the high-frequency CM current component the grid-connected mode operation. In this case, the
restriction for the improved topology, Fig. 12 shows the waveforms of the unbalanced grid voltages (unbalanced
simulation results in the transformerless PV system. For the ratio 30 %) are given in Fig. 14(a) and the experimental
conventional topology, the leakage current is almost results of the conventional method and the proposed method
800mA as shown in Fig. 12(a), which may lead to harmonic are given in Fig. 14(b) and (c) respectively. When the grid
current, safety issues and electromagnetic interference currents are controlled to be balanced, obvious voltage
issues. In comparison, it can be seen from Fig. 12(b) that ripple with a peak-to-peak value of 65 V is produced with
the leakage current of improved topology is very small, the conventional method. In comparison, this value can be
which is far below the standards DIN VDE V 0126-1-1 and limited within 10 V with the proposed method. Moreover, in
IEC62109-2 limitation (300 mA) [27], [28]. order to compare the traditional and the improved topology
Therefore, through above theoretical analysis and more clearly, Fig. 16(a) further compares the FFT analysis
simulation results, the following are two points to consider results of the DC voltage for these two methods, where the
in terms of the adoption of the proposed method: double-frequency ripple component can be greatly reduced
Remark 1: the double-frequency or other low-order from 6.57% to the 0.06% after using the proposed method,
harmonic currents on the DC source can be eliminated showing its effectiveness in grid-connected mode operation.

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2169-3536 (c) 2018 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2814200, IEEE Access

t (10ms/div) t (10ms/div) t (10ms/div)

(a) (b) (c)

FIGURE 14. The experiment results of the conventional and improved three-phase VSC under unbalanced conditions in grid-connected mode.

t (10ms/div) t (10ms/div) t (10ms/div)

(a) (b) (c)

FIGURE 15. The experiment results of the conventional and improved three-phase VSC under unbalanced conditions in islanded mode.

FFT Analysis of the DC Voltage FFT Analysis of the DC Current

6.57% 65.0%
The Percentage of DC

The Percentage of DC


0.06% 0.53%

(a) (b)

FIGURE 16. The FFT analysis of DC voltage in grid-connected mode and DC source current in islanded mode.

Next, Fig. 15 shows the results with unbalanced loads in can also be observed from the FFT results in Fig. 16(b),
islanded mode, where the output voltages are controlled to where the second-order component only accounts for
be balanced and the unbalanced ratio of the AC currents is 0.53% for the proposed method while it is 65% for the
100% as shown in Fig. 15(a). It can be seen from Fig. 15(b) conventional method. Effectiveness of the improved
that the peak-to-peak value of the ripple current is 3.2 A for topology under islanded mode can therefore be validated as
the conventional method, while it is only 0.6 A (see Fig. well.
15(c)) with the proposed method. This great improvement

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2169-3536 (c) 2018 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2814200, IEEE Access

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improved topology. It should be pointed out that application [17] Mojtaba Nasiri, Reza Mohammadi, "Peak Current Limitation for
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2169-3536 (c) 2018 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2814200, IEEE Access

FEN TANG received the B.S. degree in

electrical engineering and the Ph.D. degree in
power electronics and electric drives from
Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China, in
2006 and 2013, respectively. She was a Guest
Postdoctoral Researcher with the Department of
Energy Technology, Aalborg University, Aalborg,
Denmark, from 2013 to 2014. Since 2015, she
has been a Lecturer at Beijing Jiaotong
University. Her current research interests include
microgrids, wind power generation systems,
power converters for renewable generation systems, power quality, and
motor control.

JIAYU ZHOU was born in Jiangxi Province,

China. He received the B.S. degrees from the
School of Electronic Engineering, Beijing
Jiaotong University, Beijing, China in 2016,
where he is currently working toward the M.S.
degree. His research interest is topology and
control of power converters for renewable energy

ZHEN XIN was born in Shandong Province,

China. He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in
electrical engineering from China University of
Petroleum, China, in 2011 and 2014, respectively,
and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering
from Aalborg University, Denmark, in 2017.
In 2016, he was a Visiting Scholar at
University of Padova, Italy. Since June 2017, he
has been with the Chinese University of Hong
Kong, Hong Kong, as a Postdoctoral Research
Fellow. His research interests include power
quality, modeling and control of power converters for renewable energy
systems, gate-driver design for WBG devices, and Rogowski current

SONGWEI HUANG was born in Fujian

Province, China. He received the B.S. degrees
from the School of Electronic Engineering,
Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China in
2016, where he is currently working toward the
M.S. degree. His research interest is control
strategy of power converters for renewable
energy system.

POH CHIANG LOH received his B.Eng (Hons)

and M.Eng degrees from the National University
of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, in 1998 and
2000, respectively, and the Ph.D degree from
Monash University, Melbourne, Vic., Australia,
in 2002, all in electrical engineering. His interests
are in power converters and their grid

VOLUME XX, 2017 3

2169-3536 (c) 2018 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

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