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Simply Active

By: Cassidy Koviak

“I’m way too busy to workout”

This is a phrase that we have all either said or heard before. According to the Centers of
Disease Control and Prevention, the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans
recommend that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical
activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity each week. Even though this
is a common excuse made by many, there are multiple other ways to make physical
activity part of your daily routine. However, it takes someone who is truly serious about
making it a priority. The person who is determined enough to stay active will throw
away those excuses and use some of these simple tips.
Take the stairs. Park farther away.
If you are able to walk, there is no need to take the Isn’t it frustrating when all the front row spots
elevator or an escalator. Yes, when you first start this in the parking lot are full you now you need to
habit, I’m sure you’ll be breathing heavy once you get to walk far? Instead of looking at this as a
the top. However, your body will soon adapt while disappointment, start thinking of it as an
burning calories along the way. On average, stair opportunity to be more active. Walking burns
climbing burns around 8-11 calories per minute. anywhere from 90-200 calories per 30 minutes.
Specifically, on an average flight of stairs with 12 steps, If you consistently start parking far everywhere
heading up and back down would burn you around 2.5 you go, those calories will add up.
to 5 calories. The Oxford Journal states that stair climbing
is an effective way to reach moderate-intensity exercise.

Take advantage of body-weight workouts.

If you can’t get out of the house, at home body-weight workouts are perfect
for you! It also provides the body with better balance and awareness. Since
there is no extra weight being used, it’s important to do each exercise for a
longer period of time and to leave little room for rest periods. A beginner
can start off by doing 30 seconds of an exercise with 15-20 seconds of rest.
Afterwards, you can repeat that circuit 5-6 times for a higher intensity
workout. A few examples are planks, push-ups, squats, and mountain

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