Practical 4 Aim:: Data Flow Diagrams and Data Dictionary For Library Management System Data Flow Diagrams (DFDS)

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Practical 4

Aim: Data Flow Diagrams and Data dictionary for Library Management System
Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs)

A data flow diagram is a way of representing a flow of a data of a process or a system. The
DFD also provides information about the output and input of each entity and the process
itself. A data flow diagram has no control flow, there are no decision rules and no loops.
There are many different types of requirements like functional requirements, non-functional
requirements, user requirements etc. These are shown below by using different level of data
flow diagram.

DFD level-0:

Here inside 0 level data flow diagram, there will be one process called library
management system.
There are many entities that can directly interact with this system.
For example, student can issue a book, pay fine, get library card, issue books as well as request
or return a book.
Demanded book will be displayed inside the system.
DFD level-1:

Librarian will provide return date and book.

It is possible to describe this process more deeply and we can get many processes inside
DFD level-1.
Here process of library management system is divided into many process like, get books,
find books positions, list of borrowed books, search by topic etc
For this purpose there will be some data dictionaries required like, book shelf, list of authors,
list of titles, list of topics etc
Further process 1.0 can be further decomposed to get internal insights of it.
DATA DICTIONARY: A data dictionary is a collection of data about data. It maintains
information about the definition, structure, and use of each data elements that are
organization uses.
Author table detail:

Author table is connected with the author form.

In this table included field name, data type, size of the character, and description.
In the author table form included author-id, author-name, address,
phone number, fax, email. Author –id used for primary key.
Author information is available for in this table.

Category table:

Category table connected with the category form.

In this table included field name, data type, size of the
character and description. In the category form included
category-id, category-name, category-description.

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