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Roll Number



Class – VIII
Part – I
Time : 90 Minutes Maximum Marks : 90
Read the following instructions before you answer S\Lh|°¥¨V D¾qU IuOfL¢ fOa°OÐf]jO oOÒV
the questions. Answers are to be given in a fLRu RWLaO¾]q]¨OÐ j]¡SÇw°¥ yèÈU
vLp]¨OW. D¾qU j¤SWºfV KqO NkSf|W
D¾q¨asLy]¤ (OMR) BeV. j]¡SÇw¾]jO SwxU
inside this booklet. Break the seal and start
oLNfRo y}¤ fOr¨OvLjOU, D¾qU IuOfOvLjOU
answering the questions once asked to do so. kLaOçP.
1. Please write your ROLL NUMBER very 1. j]°tORa SrL¥ jÒ¡ (KqO Wç]p]¤ KqO A¨U
clearly (only one digit in one block) as given in oLNfU) v|©oLp] j]°tORa NkSvwj kNf¾]¤
your Admission Card. fÐ]q]¨OÐfO SkLRs IuOfOW.

2. There are 90 questions in this test. The 2. CT kq}ƒLkOñW¾]¤ 90 S\Lh|°tOºV .

S\Lh|°¥ fLRu RWLaO¾]q]¨OÐ NkWLqU
questions are arranged in the following order : NWoRÕaO¾]p]q]¨OÐO.
• Questions 1 to 35 belong to Social Science • 1 oOf¤ 35 vRqpOç S\Lh|°¥ yLoPz|
Subjects. wLNñ¾]¤ j]ÐV.
• Questions 36 to 70 are on Science
• 36 oOf¤ 70 vRqpOç S\Lh|°¥
Subjects. wLNñ v]xp°t]¤ j]ÐV.
• Questions 71 to 90 are on Mathematics.
• 71 oOf¤ 90 vRqpOç S\Lh|°¥
3. Select the most suitable answer for each Ye]f¾]¤ j]ÐV.
question and completely darken the circle 3. K L S q L S \ L h | ¾ ] j OU D\]foLp D¾qU
corresponding to the correct alternative as RfqR´aO¾V wq]pLp D¾qR¾ yP\]Õ]¨OÐ
vQ¾U oLNfU fLRu RWLaO¾]q]¨OÐ v]i¾]¤
shown below.
kP¡¹oLp] WrOÕ]¨OW.
Correct Method Wrong Method wq]pLp q}f] RfãLp q}f]
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

4. All questions carry ONE MARK each. 4. IŠL S\Lh|°¥¨OU KqO oL¡¨V v}fU.
5. There is no negative mark. Every correct 5. j|Pj oL¡¨V CŠ. KLSqL wq] D¾q¾]jOU KqO
answer will be awarded one mark. oL¡¨V v}fU sn]¨OU.
6. Do not write your name on any part of the 6. j]°tORa SkqV S\Lh| kOñW¾]R£SpL
D¾q¨asLy]R£SpL KqO nLY¾OU IuOfOvL¢
question booklet or on the answer sheet. kLa]Š.
Class – VIII SAT


Class – VIII SAT

There are 90 questions in all. For each BRW 90 S\Lh|°¥ DºV. KLSqL S\Lh|¾]jOU
1, 2, 3, 4 IÐV AapLtRÕaO¾]p jLsV v|f|ñ
question four alternative answers are given
D¾qU v}fU RWLaO¾]ŸOºV . Avp]¤
marked as 1, 2, 3, 4. From these, find the most wq]pLpSfL JãvOU AjOSpL^|oLpSfL Bp
appropriate answer. The number denoting this D¾qU WºOk]a]¨OW. CT D¾qR¾
answer is there in the answer sheet against WOr]¨OÐ jÒ¡ D¾q¨asLy]¤ AfLfV
the question number concerned. Darken the S\Lh|¾]Rjf]Rq DºV. CT jÒ¡ Aa°]p
circle with Blue/Black Ball Pen only. Record
vQ¾U j}s ARŠË]¤ WrOÕV ox]pOç mL¥
Rk¢ DkSpLY]ˆV WrOÕ]¨OW. D¾q°¥
the answers thus in the OMR answer sheet ANkWLqU OMR D¾q¨asLy]¤ oLNfU SqX
only. Do not write anything in the question RÕaO¾OW. S\Lh|°¥ Aa°]p mO¨]R£
booklet except your Roll Number on the cover Wv¡ Sk^]¤ j]°tORa SrL¥ jÒqOU, rlV
page and rough work in the space provided v¡¨]jO Svº] fÐ]ŸOtt òs¾V Af]jOtt
for the purpose.

1. Some events related to India’s

1. CÍ|pORa y~LfNÍ|yoqvOoLp]
freedom movement are noted below.
mÌR՟ \]s yUnv°tLeV
(A) Salt Satyagraha
(B) Quit India Movement
m]) W~]ã]Í| NkòLjU
(C) Jallianwala Bagh Massacre y]) ^Ls]p¢ mLsLmLYV
(D) Chauri-Chaura Incident WPŸR¨Ls
Identify the correct chronological c]) \Tq]&\Tq yUnvU
order of the above events from among \OvRa fÐ]ŸOçf]¤ j]ÐOU Cv
the following : pORa wq]pLp WLsYejLNWoU
(1) C, D, A, B WRº¾OW.
(2) C, B, D, A (1) y], c], I, m]
(2) y], m], c], I
(3) D, A, B, C
(3) c], I, m], y]
(4) B, C, D, A
(4) m], y], c], I
2. The Carnatic Wars were fought 2. W¡¹LaW pOÈ°¥ jaÐfV
between BRqLR¨ fÚ]sLeV ?
(1) The French and The Dutch (1) NlµOWLqOU, cˆOWLqOU
(2) The Portuguese and The British (2) SkL¡ŸOY}yOWLqOU, Nm]Ÿ}xO
(3) The British and The Dutch
(3) Nm]Ÿ}xOWLqOU, cˆOWLqOU
(4) The French and The British (4) NlµOWLqOU, CU…}xOWLqOU
M-1 -1- P.T.O.
Class – VIII SAT

3. Bhimbedka cave, representing 3. w]sLpOY ojOx|R£ Rft]vO sn]ˆ

evidences of the stone age people in CÍ|p]Rs n]USmcVW YOz JfO
India, is located in the State yUòLj¾LeV ?
(1) Kerala (1) SWqtU
(2) Gujarat (2) YO^rL¾V
(3) Punjab (3) kµLmV
(4) Madhya Pradesh (4) oi|NkShwV

4. The site Catal Hoyuk represents 4. \f¤ RzLpO¨V IÐ SWNÎU

Nkf]j]i}Wq]¨OÐ WLsU
(1) Neolithic age
(1) jv}j w]sLpOYU
(2) Chalcolithic age (2) fLNo w]sLpOYU
(3) Palaeolithic age (3) NkL\}j w]sLpOYU
(4) oi|w]sLpOYU
(4) Mesolithic age

5. The headquarters of the French in 5. NlµOWLqORa CÍ|p]Rs

India BòLjU

(1) Madras (1) oNhLyV

(2) Pondicherry (2) SkLº]Sˆq]
(3) Surat (3) yPrãV
(4) Calcutta (4) W¤¨Ÿ

6. Meaning of the Egyptian word 6. "RRzSrL…]l]WV y V ' IÐ

‘hieroglyphics’ is CT^]kVx |¢kh¾]R£ A¡À
RoÍLeV ?
(1) River Valley
(1) jh}faU
(2) Pyramid
(2) k]qo]cV
(3) Land of Pharaoh
(3) lSrLvpORa jLaV
(4) Sacred Script (4) kOe|s]k]
M-1 -2-
Class – VIII SAT

7. Match the List I with List II and select 7. kŸ]W – I, kŸ]W – II IÐ]v kq]
the correct response from the options SwLi]ˆV wq]pLp] NWoRÕaO¾OW.
given thereafter :
kŸ]W – I kŸ]W – II
List I List II
(i) Flying shuttle a) James Watt (i) læp]UYV xŸ]¤ a) R^p]UyV vLŸV
(ii) Spinning Jenny b) George
(ii) y×]Ð]UYV ^Ð] b) S^L¡^V ð}v¢y¦
(iii) Steam Engine c) John Kay (iii) Bv]pNÍU c) S^L¦ RWpV
(iv) Locomotive d) James
(iv) SsLS¨LSoLŸ}vV d) R^p]UyV zL¡NY}vVyV

(1) i – d, ii – b, iii – c, iv – a (1) i – d, ii – b, iii – c, iv – a

(2) i – d, ii – c, iii – b, iv – a (2) i – d, ii – c, iii – b, iv – a

(3) i – c, ii – b, iii – d, iv – a (3) i – c, ii – b, iii – d, iv – a

(4) i – c, ii – d, iii – a, iv – b (4) i – c, ii – d, iii – a, iv – b

8. Who introduced the ‘Doctrine of Lapse’ ? 8. h¾LvWLw j]SqLij j]poU

jaÕ]sL¨]pfLqV ?
(1) Lord Canning
(1) WLj]UYV NknO
(2) Lord Wellesley
(2) RvŠþ] NknO
(3) Lord Cornwallis (3) SWL¦vLs}yV NknO
(4) Lord Dalhousie (4) c¤zTy] NknO

9. The term used for state treasury in the 9. WTa]s|R£ ykÅLUY y]ÈL;]¤
Saptanga theory of Kautilya X^jLvV IÐf]Rj yP\]Õ]¨OÐ
khSofV ?
(1) Janapada
(1) ^jkgU
(2) Durga
(2) hO¡«U
(3) Dhanda
(3) h¼U
(4) Kosa (4) SWLyU
M-1 -3- P.T.O.
Class – VIII SAT
10. Who is called as ‘Lokmanya’ ? 10. "SsLWoLj|' IÐr]pRÕaOÐfLqV ?
(1) Lalalajpat Roy (1) sLsL s^VkfV rLpV
(2) Bipin Chandra Pal (2) m]k]¢ \NÎkL¤
(3) Subhash Chandra Bose (3) yOnLxV \NÎSmLyV
(4) Balagangadhara Tilak (4) mLsYUYLiq f]sWV

11. Who led the revolt of 1857 at Kanpur ? 11. 1857-Rsv]†vR¾ WL¦kPq]¤
jp]ˆfLqLeV ?
(1) Nanasaheb
(1) jLjLyLz]mV
(2) Bahadurshah – II
(2) mzhP¡xL qºLo¢
(3) Jhansi Rani (3) _L¢y] rLe]

(4) Kunwar Singh (4) WO¢v¡y]UYV

12. WPŸ¾]¤RÕaL¾f]Rj WRº

12. Select the odd one ¾OW.
(1) Chandragupta Maurya
(1) \NÎYOkÅ oTq|¢
(2) Asoka
(2) ASwLW¢
(3) Chandragupta II
(3) \NÎYOkÅ¢ qºLo¢
(4) Bindusara
(4) m]ÎOyLq¢

13. Identify the statement most related to 13. Wº¤ yy|^LsvOoLp] mÌ

Mangrove Vegetation. oOç NkñLvj f]q]ˆr]pOW.
(1) ñPk]WLNYvQƒ°¥ IÐOU
(1) Also known as coniferous forests Ar]pRÕaOÐO
(2) jh}oOX°t]sOU Wa¤¾}q
(2) Prevents erosion in river mouths
°t]sOU AkqhjR¾ R\rO
and seacoasts ¨OÐO
(3) qL^òL¢ oqOnPo]p]¤ WLe
(3) Found in Rajasthan desert
(4) Grows where there is seasonal (4) WLs]WoLp] oLNfU ou sn]¨OÐ
rainfall NkShw°t]¤ WLeRÕaOÐO
M-1 -4-
Class – VIII SAT
14. Which among the following is the 14. \OvRa S\¡¨OÐvp]¤ JãvOU
eastern most longitude. W]u¨V nLY¾V Dç SqXLUwU JfV ?
(1) 8° 4′ (1) 8° 4′
(2) 37° 6′ (2) 37° 6′
(3) 68° 7′ (3) 68° 7′
(4) 82° 30′ (4) 82° 30′

15. Hectopascal is the unit for 15. RzWVSaL kLyVW¤ IÐfV

representing IÍ]R£ JWWoLeV ?
(1) Atmospheric humidity (1) AÍq}ƒ B¡Nhf
(2) Atmospheric pressure (2) AÍq}ƒ o¡ÇU
(3) Precipitation (3) v¡xeU
(4) Cloud cover
(4) SoZ°tORa AtvV

16. NIFE is the name given to 16. j]Rl (NIFE) IÐfV IÍ]Rj
(1) Continental crust
yP\]Õ]¨OÐO ?
(1) v¢Wq nPvsV¨U
(2) Oceanic crust
(2) yoONhfa nPvsV¨U
(3) Inner Core
(3) AW¨LÒV
(4) Mantle
(4) oL£]¤
17. Relate the following terms and
17. kh°Rt mÌRÕaO¾] wq]pLp
identify the correct matches :
S^Lc]W¥ WRº¾OW.
(A) Igneous rocks (i) Limestone
(B) Sedimentary (ii) Marble æ (A) BS®p w]s (i) \O¹LÒV WŠV
rocks (B) AvyLhw]s (ii) oL¡m]¥
(C) Metamorphic (iii) Granite
(C) WLpLÍq]f w]s (iii) NYLRRjãV
(1) A-iii, B-ii, C-i
(1) A-iii, B-ii, C-i
(2) A-ii, B-iii, C-i
(2) A-ii, B-iii, C-i
(3) A-iii, B- i, C-ii (3) A-iii, B- i, C-ii

(4) A-i, B-ii, C-iii (4) A-i, B-ii, C-iii

M-1 -5- P.T.O.
Class – VIII SAT

18. Identify the statement not true to 18. AƒLUw°Rt yUmÌ]ˆ

RfãLp NkñLvjSpfV ?
(1) NiOv°Rt mÌ]Õ]¨OÐ
(1) Curved lines connecting both the vNWSqXW¥
poles (2) oi|SqXàV yoLÍqoLp
(2) Circles parallel to the equator (3) oi|SqXpLeV Cvp]¤ JãvOU
j}tU WPa]pfV
(3) Equator is the longest
(4) 90 AƒLUw°¥ NiOv°

(4) 90° latitudes form the poles tLeV

19. j]°¥ Dhp yPq|Rj SjL¨]

19. If you are facing the rising Sun, what
j]ÐL¤, j]°tORa CafOvwU JfV
is the direction to the left of you ?
h]wpLp]q]¨OU ?
(1) East (1) W]u¨V
(2) West (2) ka]´LrV
(3) South (3) Rf¨V

(4) North (4) va¨V

20. nPka¾]Rs SfLfV IÐL¤

20. Scale of a map is the
(1) h]wLyP\W°tLeV
(1) Indicator of directions
(2) nPka j]¡ÚLe DkWqeoLeV
(2) The instrument with which map is
drawn (3) nPka\]ø°tLeV

(3) Symbols used in maps (4) nPka hPqvOU nPo]p]Rs pgL¡À

(4) The ratio of map distance and hPqvOU fÚ]sOç AjOkLf
corresponding ground distance oLeV

M-1 -6-
Class – VIII SAT
21. If the scale of a map is 1 cm to 5 km, 21. nPka¾]Rs SfLfV 1 Ry£}o}ãr]jV
what is the distance between two 5 W]SsL o}ãrLReË]¤ 20 W]SsL
places on the map which are actually o}ã¡ AWs¾]¤ ò]f]R\áOÐ
20 km apart ?
qºO òs°tORa nPka hPqU INf
pLp]q]¨OU ?
(1) 2 cm (1) 2 Ry. o}.
(2) 4 cm (2) 4 Ry. o}.
(3) 6 cm (3) 6 Ry. o}.
(4) 8 cm (4) 8 Ry. o}.

22. Solid part of the surface of the earth 22. nPo]p]Rs XqLvòp]sOç o¼
is called soLeV
(1) Hydrosphere (1) ^so¼sU
(2) Lithosphere (2) w]sLo¼sU

(3) Atmosphere (3) AÍq}ƒU

(4) Biosphere (4) ^}vo¼sU

23. Choose the article of Indian 23. IŠLWOŸ]W¥¨OU j]¡mÌ]fvOU

Constitution which guarantees free yT^j|vOoLp v]h|Ln|LyU
and compulsory education for all DrÕL¨OÐ CÍ|¢ nqeZajL
children. AjO\VSMhU
(1) Article 20 (1) 20-LU AjO\VSMhU
(2) Article 21 (2) 21-LU AjO\VSMhU
(3) Article 21 A (3) 21 A AjO\VSMhU
(4) Article 28 (4) 28 -LU AjO\VSMhU

24. Among the statements given below, 24. \OvRa S\¡¾]q]¨OÐf]¤ JfV
which one is correct in relation to the NkñLvjpLeV y~¾V yÒLh]¨O
Right to Property ? vLjOç AvWLwvOoLp] mÌ
R՟V wq]pLp]ŸOçfV ?
(1) Included in the Directive Principles
of State Policy (1) oL¡Y j]¡SÇwW ff~°t]¤
(2) It is an Ordinary Legal Right
(2) yLiLqe j]po AvWLwoLeV
(3) It is a Fundamental Right
(3) oTs]W AvWLwoLeV
(4) It is a Political Right
(4) qLNì}p AvWLwoLeV
M-1 -7- P.T.O.
Class – VIII SAT
25. Which of the following is not a 25. \OvRa S\¡¾]q]¨OÐf]¤
qualification of the President of India ? CÍ|¢ Nky]c£]R£ SpLY|f
(1) Must be a citizen of India
(1) CÍ|¢ kTq¢ Bp]q]¨eU
(2) Should have completed 35 years
(2) 35 vpôV kP¡¾]pLp]q]¨eU
of age
(3) SsLWV y nLYU BWOvLjOç
(3) Should have all other qualifications IŠL SpLY|fpOU DºLp]q]¨
required for a member of Lok Sabha eU
(4) Must be a well-educated person (4) Dp¡Ð v]h|Ln|Ly SpLY|f
26. Identify the statement which is correct
26. r]Շ]¨OoLp] mÌR՟ wq]pLp
in connection with a Republic. NkñLvj WRº¾OW.
(1) Head of the state is nominated (1) qLNìfsvRj jLoj]¡SÇwU
(2) Head of the state is hereditary (2) qLNìfsvRj kqÒqLYfoLp]
(3) Head of the state is elected
(3) qLNìfsvRj RfqR´
(4) Head of the state acts as Chief aO¨OÐO
(4) qLNìfsv¢ \}lV ^ð]yLp]
27. The Indian state which has a 27. \OvRa S\¡¾]q]¨OÐf]¤
bicameral legislature h~]o¼s j]po j]¡ÚLeynpOç
(1) Karnataka CÍ|¢ yUòLjU
(1) W¡eLaWU
(2) Goa
(2) SYLv
(3) Kerala
(3) SWqtU
(4) Tamil Nadu (4) fo]uVjLaV

28. The maximum interval between the 28. CÍ|¢ kL¡sRo£]R£ qºV ySÚ
two sessions of Indian Parliament tj°¥¨]ap]Rs kqoLvi] WLs
(1) 2 months
(1) 2 oLyU
(2) 6 months
(2) 6 oLyU
(3) 3 months (3) 3 oLyU
(4) 4 months (4) 4 oLyU
M-1 -8-
Class – VIII SAT

29. The date on which the Constituent 29. CÍ|¢ nqeZajL j]¡ÚLeyn
Assembly of India approved the nqeZajàVV AUY}WLqU j¤W]
Constitution pfV IÐLp]qOÐO ?
(1) November 26, 1949 (1) jvUm¡ 26, 1949
(2) January 26, 1950 (2) ^jOvq] 26, 1950
(3) August 15, 1947 (3) BYðV 15, 1947
(4) November 26, 1950 (4) jvUm¡ 26,1950

30. Which of the following countries have

30. \OvRa S\¡¾]q]¨OÐf]¤
written Constitution ?
s]X]f nqeZajpOç qL^|°¥
(i) New Zealand JRfŠLU ?
(ii) South Africa (i) j|Py]sL£V
(iii) Australia (ii) hƒ]eLNl]¨
(iv) Britain (iii) BSNy›s]p
(iv) Nm]Ÿ¢
(1) (i) and (ii)
(1) (i) DU (ii) DU
(2) (ii) and (iii)
(2) (ii) DU (iii) DU
(3) (iii) and (iv)
(3) (iii) DU (iv) DU
(4) (i) and (iv) (4) (i) DU (iv) DU

31. The country in which Presidential 31. \OvRa S\¡¾]q]¨OÐf]¤ Nky]

Democracy prevails c¢x|¤ ^jLi]kf|U j]s
j]¤¨OÐ qL^|U
(1) United States of America
(1) ASoq]¨¢ RIW|jLaOW¥
(2) Britain
(2) Nm]Ÿ¢
(3) Japan
(3) ^ÕL¢
(4) India
(4) CÍ|

M-1 -9- P.T.O.

Class – VIII SAT

32. Permanent Executive is indicating to 32. ò]qU IWõ]W|PŸ}vV IÐfV fLRu

RWLaO¾]ŸOçf]¤ Jf]Rj yP\]
(1) Ministers
Õ]¨OÐO ?
(2) Prime Minister (1) oNÍ]oL¡
(3) Bureaucracy (2) NkiLjoNÍ]
(3) DSh|LYòvQÎU
(4) Chief Election Commissioner
(4) oOX|RfqR´aOÕV WÚ}xe¡

33. The first Chief Justice of India 33. CÍ|pORa Nkgo \}lV ^ð]yV
(1) H.J. Kania (1) H. J. Wj]p
(2) V.S. Sambath (2) V. S. yÒ¾V
(3) G.V. Mavlankar (3) G. V. ovVsËL¡
(4) K.G. Balakrishnan (4) K. G. mLsWQxVe¢

34. The Constitutional Amendment made 34. CÍ|¢ nqeZajpORa oTs]W

in India by which the Right to Property AvWLw°t]¤ j]ÐOU y~¾v
was deleted from the Fundamental WLwU j}¨U R\pÅ nqeZajL
Rights SnhYf] JfV ?
(1) 42nd Amendment (1) 42- LU SnhYf]
(2) 44th Amendment (2) 44- LU SnhYf]

(3) 83rd Amendment (3) 83- LU SnhYf]

(4) 74th Amendment (4) 74- LU SnhYf]

35. The Article of Indian Constitution 35. CÍ|¢ nqeZajp]¤ yLÒ

which is related to Financial ¾]W Aa]pÍ]qLvòpOoLp]
Emergency mÌR՟ AjO\VSMhU JfV ?
(1) Article 352 (1) AjO\VSMhU 352
(2) Article 356 (2) AjO\VSMhU 356
(3) Article 360 (3) AjO\VSMhU 360
(4) Article 364 (4) AjO\VVSMhU 364

M-1 -10-
Class – VIII SAT
36. Ritcher scale is associated with the 36. r]û¡ RØp]¤ fLRuÕrpOÐv
measurement of p]¤ JfV AtvOoLp] mÌR՟
fLeV ?
(1) Temperature
(1) fLkj]s
(2) Pressure
(2) o¡ÇU
(3) Intensity of earthquake
(3) nPWÒ f}Nvf
(4) Hardness of materials
(4) vñO¨tORa WLb]j|U

37. A metal wire is stretched between two 37. qºV Be]W¥¨]aàV KqO WÒ]
nails and plucked by a force at the vs]ˆO RWŸ]p]q]¨OÐO. WÒ]pORa
middle. The frequency of vibration oi|nLY¾V KqO msU NkSpLY]ˆV
does not depend on fŸOSÒLuOºLWOÐ WÒjLvQ¾]
(1) Force applied Rp y~Li}j]¨L¾fV ?
(1) NkSpLY]ˆ msU
(2) Length of the wire
(2) WÒ]pORa j}tU
(3) Tension of the wire
(3) WÒ]pORa vs]vOmsU
(4) Nature of the metal
(4) WÒ]pORa y~nLvU

38. Rainbow is formed due to ______ of 38. ouv]ŠOºLWOÐf]jV WLqeU

light. NkWLw¾]R£ ___________ oPsU.
(1) Dispersion (1) NkW}¡¹jU

(2) Reflection (2) Nkf]kfjU

(3) Scattering (3) v]yqeU

(4) Both (1) and (2) (4) 1, 2 Cv qºOU oPsoLeV

39. The angular speed of the second’s 39. vLˆ]R£ Ry¨£V yP\]pORa
hand of a watch is SWLe}p SvYU
π π
rad/s (1) Src]p¢/Ry¨£V
2π 2π
rad/s (2) Src]p¢/Ry¨£V
π (3) Src]p¢/Ry¨£V
(3) rad/s 1800
π π
(4) rad/s (4) Src]p¢/Ry¨£V
21600 21600
M-1 -11- P.T.O.
Class – VIII SAT

40. Lowest temperature theoretically 40. RRyÈLÍ]WoLp JãvOU fLuVÐ

possible is fLkj]s
(1) – 273° C (1) − 273 C

(2) − 273 F 

(2) – 273° F
(3) 273 K
(3) 273 K
(4) − 273 K
(4) – 273 K
41. qºV WLÍ]W NiOv°¥¨]ap]
sOç WLÍ]W msSqXWtLeV
41. The diagram given below shows the
\]Nf¾]¤ fÐ]q]¨OÐfV. WLÍ]W
magnetic flux lines between two
NiOv°Rt wq]pLp] yP\]Õ]¨O
magnetic poles. Which of the following
ÐSffV ?
represent the poles correctly ?

(1) I = S II = S
(1) I = S II = S
(2) I = N II = N
(2) I = N II = N (3) I = N II = S
(3) I = N II = S (4) I = S II = N
(4) I = S II = N
42. fLRu fÐ]q]¨OÐvp]¤ JfV
42. Which of the following particle does
We]WpLeV j|P„]pô]¤ WLe
not exist inside a nucleus ?
RÕaL¾fV ?
(1) Proton
(1) SNkLSŸL¦
(2) Neutron
(2) j|PSNaL¦
(3) Electron
(3) CsSNûL¦
(4) None of these
(4) Cv KÐOoŠ
M-1 -12-
Class – VIII SAT
43. Which of the following graphs cannot 43. fLRu fÐ]q]¨OÐvp]¤ JfV NYLlLeV
represent the distance-time relation of KqO vñOv]R£ òLjU& yopU Cv
an object ? yP\]Õ]¨L¢ yLi]¨L¾fV ?

50 50
Distance in m

40 (1) 40

hPqU o}ãr]¤
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Time in S yopU Ry¨£]¤

50 50
Distance in m


hPqU o}ãr]¤
40 40
(2) 30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Time in S yopU Ry¨£]¤

50 50
Distance in m

40 (3) 40
hPqU o}ãr]¤

30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Time in S yopU Ry¨£]¤

50 (4) 50
Distance in m

hPqU o}ãr]¤

40 40
(4) 30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Time in S yopU Ry¨£]¤
M-1 -13- P.T.O.
Class – VIII SAT
44. The telescope which is situated in 44. mz]qLWLw¾V òLk]ˆ]ŸOç
space is KqO RasSØLÕV
(1) Galilean telescope (1) Ys}s]p¢ RasSØLÕVV
(2) Radio telescope (2) Src]SpL RasSØLÕV
(3) Hubble’s telescope (3) zm]¥yV RasSØLÕV
(4) Terrestrial telescope (4) nPfs RasSØLÕV

45. "oUY¥pL¢' IÐfV C¢c|pORa

45. ‘Mangalyan’ is India’s prestigious An]oLjoLp
(1) Mars Orbital Mission (1) oL¡yV KL¡m]㤠o]x¢ BeV
(2) Moon Orbital Mission (2) oP¦ KL¡m]㤠o]x¢ BeV
(3) Space Orbital Mission (3) Sy×yV KL¡m]㤠o]x¢ BeV

(4) Lunar Landing Mission (4) sPeL¡ sL¢c]UYV o]x¢ BeV

46. RRvh|Of NkvLzU IÐfV

46. Electric current is (1) CsSNûLeOWtORa NkvLzU
(1) Motion of electrons only oLNfoLeV
(2) Motion of protons only
(3) Motion of ions only (3) ASpLeOWtORa NkvLzU
(4) All the above oLNfoLeV
(4) CvRpŠLoLeV

47. The fibre which is popularly known 47. WQNf]o y]¤¨V IÐ Skq]¤
as artificial silk Ar]pRÕaOÐ RRlm¡
(1) m|Pe&S
(1) Buna – S (2) Bakelite
(2) Sm¨RRsãV
(3) Nylon (4) Rayon (3) RRjSsL¦
(4) rSpL¦

48. The basic principle of chromatography 48. SNWLoLSãLNYLl]pORa Aa]òLj

f¾~U JfLeV ?
(1) Adsorption
(1) Ai]SwLxeU
(2) Attraction
(2) BW¡xeU
(3) Absorption (3) BY}qeU
(4) Diffusion (4) NkyqeU
M-1 -14-
Class – VIII SAT
49. The cell commonly used in mobile 49. RoLRRm¤ SlL¦, sLkV S aLkV
phones and laptops IÐ]vp]¤ yLiLqe DkSpLY]
¨OÐ Ry¤
(1) Mercury cell
(1) Ro¡¨Or] Ry¤
(2) Lithium ion cell
(2) s]g]pU ASpL¦ Ry¤
(3) Nickel-cadmium cell (3) j]¨¤&WLcVo]pU Ry¤
(4) Dry cell (4) RRNc Ry¤
50. The total number of atoms in 5 50. Wq]Ò]¤ kµyLqpORa 5 fÓLNf
molecules of cane sugar Wt]Rs BRW Bã°tORa I¹U
(1) 24 (2) 120 (1) 24 (2) 120

(3) 45 (4) 225 (3) 45 (4) 225

51. Which of the following elements has 51. fLRu RWLaO¾]q]¨OÐf]¤ JfV
symbol given from its Latin name ? oPsW¾]R£ Nkf}WoLeV Af]R£
(1) Chlorine
sLã]¢ jLo¾]¤ j]ÐOU RWLaO¾]
q]¨OÐfV ?
(2) Sulphur
(1) S„Lr]¢
(3) Potassium
(2) y¥l¡
(4) Calcium
(3) RkLŸLy|U
52. The acid present in apple (4) WL¤y|U
(1) Acetic acid 52. BÕ]t]¤ Aa°]p]q]¨OÐ By]cV
(2) Malic acid (1) Ayã]WV By]cV
(3) Lactic acid (2) oLs]WV By]cV

(4) Citric acid (3) sLû]WV By]cV

(4) y]Na]WVV By]cV
53. The liquid non-metal at room
temperature 53. AÍq}ƒ DTxÜLv]¤ NhLvWLv
òp]¤ WLeRÕaOÐ ASsLzU
(1) Mercury
(1) Ro¡¨Or]
(2) Sulphur
(2) y¥l¡
(3) Bromine (3) SNmLo]¢
(4) Iodine (4) Apc]¢
M-1 -15- P.T.O.
Class – VIII SAT

54. The plastic used to make non-stick 54. KŸ]Õ]a]¨L¾ kL\WkLNf°¥

j]¡Ú]¨L¢ DkSpLY]¨OÐ
(1) Terylene
(1) Rar]s]¢
(2) Nylon
(2) RRjSsL¦
(3) Polyacrylate
(3) SkLt]ANW]SsãV
(4) Teflon
(4) RaSlæL¦
55. The metal not present in the alloy 55. A¤j]S¨L IÐ SsLz yËq
Alnico ¾]¤ CŠL¾ SsLzU
(1) Copper (1) SWLÕ¡
(2) CqOÒV
(2) Iron
(3) j]¨¤
(3) Nickel
(4) AsPo]j]pU
(4) Aluminium
56. oOŸS¾LaV Sj¡Õ]ˆ y¥l|Pr]WV
56. The gas produced when egg shell By]cOoLp] Nkv¡¾]¨OSÒLuO
reacts with dilute sulphuric acid ºLWOÐ vLfWU
(1) Hydrogen (1) RRzNc^¢

(2) Ammonia (2) ASoLe]p

(3) Carbon dioxide (3) WL¡m¦RRcKLWVRRycV

(4) Oxygen (4) KLWõ]^¢

57. Sodium is usually kept in Kerosene. 57. SyLc]pU yLiLqeoLp] oR¹¹

The reason is p]sLeV yPƒ]¨OÐfV. WLqeU
(1) To remove impurities (1) oLs]j|°¥ j}¨L¢
(2) To increase hardness (2) WLb]j|U WPŸL¢
(3) To avoid melting (3) DqOWOÐfV Ku]vL¨L¢
(4) To avoid reaction with air and (4) vLpO, CT¡ÕU IÐ]vpOoL
moisture pOç qLyNkv¡¾jU
M-1 -16-
Class – VIII SAT
58. Which of the following are isobars ? 58. fLRu RWLaO¾]q]¨OÐvp]¤
(1) C12, O16
6 8
(1) C12, O16
6 8
13 14
(2) C , C
6 6
(2) C13, C14
6 6

(3) Ca 40, Ar40

20 18 (3) Ca 40, Ar40
20 18

(4) O18 , F19 O18 , F19

8 9 (4) 8 9

59. Oleum is prepared by 59. Ks]pU j]¡Ú]¨OÐfV

(1) Dissolving SO2 in water (1) SO2 Rvç¾]¤ sp]Õ]ˆV

(2) Dissolving SO3 in Conc. H 2SO4 (2) SO3 YLdy¥l|Pr]WV

By]c]¤ sp]Õ]ˆV
(3) Mixing Conc. HCl and
(3) YLd HCl, YLd HNO3 Cv WPŸ]
Conc. HNO3 Ws¡¾]
(4) Mixing Conc. H2SO4 and (4) YLd H2SO4 YLd HNO3 Cv
Conc. HNO3 WPŸ] Ws¡¾]
60. The pigment that gives red colour to 60. ojOx| q©¾]jV \OvÕO j]rU
human blood is RWLaO¨OÐ v¡e vñO BeV
(1) Haemocyanin (1) z]SoLypLj]¢
(2) Haemolymph (2) z}SoLs]UlV
(3) Myoglobin (3) oSpLS…Lm]¢
(4) Haemoglobin (4) z}SoLS…Lm]¢

61. The quantity of water in milk is 61. kLs]¤ Aa°]p]q]¨OÐ ^s

identified through ¾]R£ AtvV WRº¾L¢
(1) Barometer
(1) mSqLo}ã¡
(2) Thermometer
(2) Rf¡SoLo}ã¡
(3) Lactometer (3) sLWVSaLo}ã¡
(4) Calorimeter (4) WSsLr]o}ã¡
M-1 -17- P.T.O.
Class – VIII SAT
62. Identify the correct pair : 62. wq]pLp S^Lc] WRº¾OW.
(1) RRrSmLSyLU – DT¡² j]spU
(1) Ribosome – Power house
(2) SYL¥Y]SWLU†WVyV – qLyL®],
(2) Golgi complex – Packs enzymes,
hormones etc., in R\rO yµ]
small vesicles Wt]sL¨OÐO.
(3) RRoSãLSWL¦Nc]p – oLUy|
(3) Mitochondria – Protein synthesis yUS˜xeU
(4) I¢ScL†LyÜ]WV – ^sU, v]y¡^|
(4) Endoplasmic – stores water and Rrã]¨OsU vñO¨¥
reticulum excretory materials IÐ]v yUn
63. Monotropa belongs to 63. SoLSeLSNaLÕ JfV v]nLY¾]¤
(1) Total parasite RÕaOÐO ?
(2) Autotroph (1) kP¡¹kqLhU
(3) Partial parasite (2) y~SkLx]W¥

(4) Saprotroph (3) A¡ÈkqLhU

(4) wSvLk^}v]
64. From which of the following organ
urea reaches the blood
64. JfV Avpv¾]¤ j]ÐLeV
pPr]p q©¾]Ss¨V I¾]Sˆ
(1) Lungs qOÐfV ?
(2) Kidneys (1) w~LySWLwU

(3) Small intestine (2) vQ¨W¥

(4) Liver (3) R\rOWOa¤

(4) Wq¥
65. The stage in the process of nutrition 65. hzjNkNW]pp]Rs JfV ZŸ¾]
through which the food components sLeV BzLqZaW°Rt wq}q
become the part of the body ¾]R£ nLYoL¨] oLãRÕaOÐfV ?
(1) Excretion (1) v]y¡^jU

(2) Ingestion (2) BzLq y~}WqeU

(3) y~LUw}WqeU
(3) Assimilation
(4) BY}qeU
(4) Absorption
M-1 -18-
Class – VIII SAT
66. Which one of the component is not 66. fLRu fÐ]q]¨OÐvp]¤ NkWLw
essential for photosynthesis ? yUS˜xe¾]jV Bvw|o]ŠL¾
(1) Water and minerals SffV ?
(1) ^svOU sve°tOU
(2) Oxygen
(2) KLWõ]^¢
(3) Chlorophyll (3) zq]fWU
(4) Carbon dioxide (4) WL¡m¦ cSpLWVRRycV
67. Scientific rearing of silk worm is 67. wLNñ}poLp] kŸOjP¤ÕOuOv]Rj,
(1) Apiculture (2) Horticulture
(1) IÕ]W¥ˆ¡
(3) Pisciculture (4) Sericulture (2) SzL¡Ÿ]W¥ˆ¡
(3) k]y]W¥ˆ¡
68. Tonoplast is the membrane of which
(4) Ryr]W¥ˆ¡
cell organelle
(1) Golgi complex 68. SaLSeL†LyVãV IÐ ñqU JfV
(2) Mitochondria
(3) Vacuole
(2) RRoSãLSWL¦Nc]p
(4) Nucleus
(3) SljU
69. The element obtained by (4) o¡oU
insectivorous plants from insects is
69. Cqk]a]p¢ yy|°¥¨V NkLe]
(1) Sulphur Wt]¤ j]ÐV sn]¨OÐ oPsWSofV ?
(2) Nitrogen (1) y¥l¡
(3) Phosphorous (2) RRjNa^¢
(4) Carbon (3) SlLyVlryV
(4) WL¡m¦
70. Observe Column I and II
I II 70. SWLtU – I DU II DU j]q}ƒ]¨OW.
a) Paddy (i) Ujwal a) RjŠV (i) D^~s
b) Bitter gourd (ii) Lola b) kLv¤ (ii) SsLs
c) Chilly (iii) Priyanka c) kˆoOtWV (iii) Nk]pË
d) Pea (iv) Annapoorna d) kp¡ (iv) AÐkP¡¹
Select the correct matching : wq]pLp] S\qOUka] S\¡ÐfV
(1) a – ii, b – i, c – iii, d – iv WRº¾OW.
(1) a – ii, b – i, c – iii, d – iv
(2) a – iv, b – iii, c – i, d – ii
(2) a – iv, b – iii, c – i, d – ii
(3) a – iii, b – ii, c – iv, d – i
(3) a – iii, b – ii, c – iv, d – i
(4) a – i, b – iv, c – ii, d – iii
(4) a – i, b – iv, c – ii, d – iii
M-1 -19- P.T.O.
Class – VIII SAT
71. The number 2015 is the sum of four 71. jLsV AnL^|yUX|WtORa fOW
prime numbers. The least among
2015 BeV. Avp]Rs JãvOU
them is
R\rOfV INfpLeV ?
(1) 2
(1) 2
(2) 3
(2) 3
(3) 5
(3) 5
(4) 7 (4) 7

72. KqO yUX|Rp 10 RWLºV zq]

72. A number divided by 10 gives 6 as
the remainder. What would be the
ˆSÕL¥ w]ìU 6 W]Ÿ]. ASf
remainder if the same number is yUX|Rp 5 RWLºO zq]ˆL¤
divided by 5 ? IÍO w]ìU W]ŸOU ?
(1) 3 (1) 3
(2) 2
(2) 2
(3) 1
(3) 1
(4) 0
(4) 0

73. Natural numbers are written in rows

73. I¹¤ yUX|WRt vq]pOU j]q
pOoLp] \OvRa WLe]ˆ]q]¨O
and columns as below :
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 11 12 13 14 15

................................................ ................................................

................................................ ................................................

If we continue this, where would be the CfO fOa¡ÐL¤ 123 IÐ yUX|

number 123 ? Iv]RapLp]q]¨OU ?
(1) 23&LU vq], 3&LU yUX|
(1) 23rd row, 3rd number
(2) 24&LU vq], 3&LU yUX|
(2) 24th row, 3rd number
(3) 25&LU vq], 3&LU yUX|
(3) 25th row, 3rd number
(4) 26&LU vq], 3&LU yUX|
(4) 26th row, 3rd number
M-1 -20-
Class – VIII SAT
74. 308025 and 309136 are the squares 74. 308025 DU 309136
DU AaO¾aO¾
of two consecutive natural numbers.
qºO I¹¤ yUX|WtORa v¡Y
What is the square of the next natural
number ?
°tLeV. AaO¾ I¹¤ yUX|
pORa v¡YRoÍLeV ?
(1) 310247
(1) 310247
(2) 310249
(2) 310249
(3) 310251
(4) 310253 (3) 310251

(4) 310253
75. If the sum of the odd numbers
75. 2, 4, 6.........
IÐ]°Rj 200 vRq
1, 3, 5,... upto 199 is subtracted from
the sum of the even numbers 2, 4, 6,... pOç CqŸyUX|WtORa fOWp]¤
upto 200, then what would we get ? j]ÐV 1, 3, 5,.... IÐ]°Rj
(1) 0 199 vRqpOç KãyUX|WtORa
(2) 50
(1) 0
(3) 100

(4) 200 (2) 50

(3) 100

76. A number added to (4) 200

1 1 1 1 1
+ + + + gives 1. What 1 1 1 1 1
2 4 8 16 32 76. + + + + IÐ fOW
is that numbers ? 2 4 8 16 32
SpLaV JfV yUX|WPa] WPŸ]pL¤ 1
1 W]ŸOU ?
128 1
(2) 1
(3) 1
32 (3)
1 1
(4) (4)
16 16
M-1 -21- P.T.O.
Class – VIII SAT
77. One and a half litres of water was 77. KqO kLNf¾]R£ oO¨L¤ nLYU
needed to fill three quarters of a j]ràL¢, KÐq s]ã¡ RvttU
vessel. How much more water is Svº] vÐO. oOuOv¢ kLNfU
needed to fill the vessel ? j]ràL¢ Cj] INf RvçU WPa]
SveU ?
1 1
(1) ltr. (1) s].
4 4
1 (2) s].
(2) ltr. 2
3 (3) s].
(3) ltr.
(4) 1s].
(4) 1 ltr.

78. KqO qº¨yUX|Rp oRãLqO qº

78. A two-digit number divided by another
¨yUX| RWLºO zq]ˆSÕL¥
two-digit number gives 5.375. What
5.375 W]Ÿ]. CT yUX|WtORa fOW
is the sum of these numbers ?
(1) 49
(1) 49
(2) 102
(2) 102
(3) 196
(3) 196
(4) 392
(4) 392

79. The width and height of a rectangle 79. KqO \fOq¾]R£ j}tvOU v}f]pOU
are increased by 10% to make a larger 10% v}fU WPŸ] vs]p \fOqoL¨].
rectangle. By what percent does the
kqÕtvV INf wfoLjU WPa] ?
area increase ?
(1) 10
(1) 10
(2) 100 (2) 100

(3) 20 (3) 20

(4) 21 (4) 21
M-1 -22-
Class – VIII SAT
80. In a class of 40 children, the ratio of 80. 40 WOŸ]WtOç KqO „Ly]¤,
the number of boys to the number of B¦WOŸ]WtORapOU Rk¦WOŸ]
girls is 2 : 3. How many more boys WtORapOU I¹U fÚ]sOç AUw
are needed to make this 3 : 2 ?
mÌU 2:3 BeV. CfV 3:2 BWL¢,
INf B¦WOŸ]W¥ WPa] SveU ?
(1) 10
(1) 10
(2) 25
(2) 25
(3) 20
(3) 20
(4) 35
(4) 35

81. A man deposited ` 10,000 in an 81. KqL¥ 10,000 qPk yLiLqe

account which gives simple interest. ks]wàV j]Sƒk]ˆO. qºO RWLŠU
He withdrew the amount and interest Wu]´V oOfsOU ks]wpOU k]¢
after two years. He would have got
vs]ˆO. ASf j]q¨]¤ WPŸOks]w
pLp]qORÐË]¤ 64 qPk Ai]WU
` 64 more, had interest been
W]ŸOoLp]qOÐO. ks]w j]q¨V INf
compounded. What was the rate of wfoLjoLp]qOÐO ?
interest as a percent ?
(1) 6
(1) 6
(2) 7 (2) 7

(3) 8 (3) 8
(4) 9 (4) 9

82. The number of boys and girls in a 82. KqO „Ly]Rs B¦WOŸ]WtOSapOU
class are the same. On a day when Rk¦WOŸ]WtOSapOU I¹U fOs|
only ten boys were absent, the oLeV. k¾V B¦WOŸ]W¥ oLNfU
number of girls was twice the number vqLf]qOÐ KqO h]vyU, Rk¦WOŸ]
of boys. How many children were
I¹¾]R£ qºO oa°Lp]qOÐO.
present on that day ?
B h]vyU „Ly]¤ BRW INf
(1) 60 WOŸ]WtOºLp]qOÐO ?
(2) 50 (1) 60
(2) 50
(3) 40
(3) 40
(4) 30
(4) 30
M-1 -23- P.T.O.
Class – VIII SAT

83. The sum of the digits of a two-digit 83. KqO qº¨yUX|pORa A¨

number added to the product of the °tORa fOWpOU, A¨°tORa
digits, give the original number again.
Bh|R¾ qº¨yUX| fRÐ
What is the digit in the one’s place of
W]Ÿ]. yUX|pORa KÐ]R£
the number ?
òLjR¾ A¨U IÍLeV ?
(1) 3 (2) 5
(1) 3 (2) 5
(3) 6 (4) 9 (3) 6 (4) 9

84. “The less we subtract, the more we 84. ""WOràOÐfV WOr´L¤, WOrˆO
get ; whatever less, that much more”. W]ŸOÐfO WPaOU; INf WOrS´L,
How do we write this in algebra ?
ANfpOU WPaOU'' CÕr´fV m}^
Ye]f¾]¤ IuOfOÐfV I°Rj
(1) x – (y + z) = (x – y) – z pLeV ?
(1) x – (y + z) = (x – y) – z
(2) x + (y – z) = (x + y) – z
(2) x + (y – z) = (x + y) – z
(3) x – (y – z) = (x – y) + z (3) x – (y – z) = (x – y) + z

(4) x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z (4) x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z

85. \OvRa RWLaO¾]q]¨OÐ NW]p

85. Each shape in the sums and products
Wt]Rs KLSqL qPkvOU 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
given below stands for one of the
IÐ} yUX|Wt]¤ KÐ]Rj yP\]
numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 :

Which number does stand for ? JfO yUX|RppLeV yP\]Õ]

¨OÐfV ?
(1) 2 (2) 3
(3) 4 (4) 5 (1) 2 (2) 3
(3) 4 (4) 5

M-1 -24-
Class – VIII SAT
86. The figure shows two rectangles : 86. \]Nf¾]¤ qºO \fOq°tOºV

3 cm
3 cm

5 cm
5 cm
\q]ˆO vqˆ]q]¨OÐ \fOq
What is the area of the slanted ¾]R£ kqÕtvV INfpLeV ?
rectangle ?
(1) 20 \. Ry. o}.
(1) 20 sq. cm
(2) 18 \. Ry. o}.
(2) 18 sq. cm
(3) 16 \. Ry. o}.
(3) 16 sq. cm
(4) 15 \. Ry. o}.
(4) 15 sq. cm

87. The figure below shows a rectangle 87. \]Nf¾]¤ KqO \fOq¾]Rj jLsO
divided into four rectangles : \fOq°tLp] nLY]ˆ]q]¨OÐO.

18 sq. cm 6 sq. cm 18 sq. cm 6 sq. cm

2 sq. cm 2 sq. cm

What is the area of fourth rectangle ? jLsLoR¾ \fOq¾]R£ kqÕtvV

INfpLeV ?
(1) 4 sq. cm
(1) 4 \. Ry. o}.
(2) 6 sq. cm (2) 6 \. Ry. o}.
(3) 8 sq. cm (3) 8 \. Ry. o}.
(4) 10 sq. cm (4) 10 \. Ry. o}.
M-1 -25- P.T.O.
Class – VIII SAT
88. A figure made up of four squares : 88. jLsO yo\fOq°¥ S\¡¾O
vRˆLqO qPkU

The lengths of the sides of the

squares are 1 centimetre,
yo\fOq°tORa vw°tORa j}tU
2 centimetres, 3 centimetres and
1 Ry. o}., 2 Ry. o}., 3 Ry. o}. ,
4 centimetres. What is the perimeter 4 Ry. o}. IÐ]°RjpLeV. CT
of the figure ? qPk¾]R£ \OãtvV INfpLeV ?
(1) 28 cm (1) 28 Ry. o}.
(2) 30 cm (2) 30 Ry. o}.
(3) 40 cm (3) 40 Ry. o}.

(4) 42 cm (4) 42 Ry. o}.

89. The top and bottom lines in the figure 89. \]Nf¾]Rs oOWt]sOU fLRupOoOç
below are parallel : vqW¥ yoLÍqoLeV.
55° 55°

45° 45°
What is the size of the third angle \]Nf¾]¤ AapLtRÕaO¾]p]
marked in the figure ? q]¨OÐ oPÐLoR¾ SWLe]R£
(1) 120° (2) 110°
AtRvNfpLeV ?
(1) 120 

(2) 110 

(3) 100° (4) 80° (3) 100 

(4) 80 

90. Each angle of a regular polygon is 90. KqO yomzOnO^¾]R£ SWLeO

144°. How many sides does it have ? WRtŠLU 144 BeV. Af]jV INf

vw°tOºV ?
(1) 6 (2) 8
(1) 6 (2) 8
(3) 10 (4) 12
(3) 10 (4) 12
M-1 -26-
Class – VIII SAT

M-1 -27- P.T.O.

Class – VIII SAT

M-1 -28-
Class – VIII SAT

M-1 -29- P.T.O.

Class – VIII SAT

M-1 -30-

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