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Roll Number


Class – VIII
Part – II

Time : 90 Minutes Maximum Marks : 90

kq}ƒL¡À]W¥¨Oç j]¡SÇw°¥ :
S\Lh|°¥¨V D¾qU IuOfL¢ fOa°OÐf]jV oOÒV
Read the following instructions before you answer fLRu RWLaO¾]q]¨OÐ j]¡SÇw°¥ yèÈU
the questions. Answers are to be given in a vLp]¨OW. D¾qU j¤SWºfV KqO NkSf|W
SEPARATE OMR ANSWER SHEET provided D¾q¨asLy]¤ (OMR) BeV. j]¡SÇw¾]jO SwxU
oLNfRo y}¤ fOr¨OvLjOU, D¾qU IuOfOvLjOU
inside this booklet. Break the seal and start kLaOçP.
answering the questions once asked to do so.
1. j]°tORa SrL¥ jÒ¡ (KqO Wç]p]¤ KqO A¨U
1. Please write your Roll Number very clearly
oLNfU) v|©oLp] j]°tORa NkSvwj kNf¾]¤
(only one digit in one block) as given in your fÐ]q]¨OÐfO SkLRs IuOfOW.
Admission Card.
2. CT kq}ƒLkOñW¾]¤ 90 S\Lh|°tOºV.
2. There are 90 questions in this test.
3. Select the most suitable answer for each 3. K L S q L S \ L h | ¾ ] j O U D\]foLp D¾qU
question and completely darken the circle RfqR´aO¾V wq]pLp D¾qR¾ yP\]Õ]¨OÐ
vQ¾U oLNfU fLRu RWLaO¾]q]¨OÐ NkWLqU
corresponding to the correct alternative as kP¡¹oLpOU WrOÕ]¨OW.
shown below.
wq]pLp q}f] RfãLp q}f]
Correct Method Wrong Method 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

4. IŠL S\Lh|°¥¨OU KqO oL¡¨V v}fU.

4. All questions carry ONE MARK each.
5. j|Pj oL¡¨V CŠ. KLSqL wq] D¾q¾]jOU KqO
5. There is no negative marking. Every correct oL¡¨V v}fU sn]¨OU.
answer will be awarded one mark.
6. j]°tORa SkqV S\Lh| kOñW¾]R£SpL D¾q
6. Do not write your name on any part of the ¨asLy]R£SpL KqO nLY¾OU IuOfOvL¢
question booklet or the answer sheet. kLa]Š.

7. Rough Work can be done in the space 7. rlV v¡¨]jOSvº] CT mO¨VRsã]R£ AvyLj
provided at the end of this booklet.
Class – VIII MAT


M- 2
Class – VIII MAT

There are 90 questions in all. For each BRW 90 S\Lh|°¥ DºV. KLSqL S\Lh|¾]jOU
question four alternative answers are given 1, 2, 3, 4 IÐV AapLtRÕaO¾]p jLsV v|f|ñ
marked as 1, 2, 3, 4. From these, find the D¾qU v}fU RWLaO¾]ŸOºV . Avp]¤ wq]
most appropriate answer. The number pLpSfL JãvOU AjOSpL^|oLpSfL Bp
denoting this answer is there in the answer D¾qU WºOk]a]¨OW. CT D¾qR¾ WOr]¨OÐ
sheet against the question number jÒ¡ D¾q¨asLy]¤ AfLfV S\Lh|¾]Rjf]Rq

concerned. Darken the circle with Blue/ DºV. vQ¾U j}s ARŠË]¤ WrOÕO Wt¡ ox]pOç

Black Ball Pen only. Record the answers mL¥ Rk¢ DkSpLY]ˆV WrOÕ]¨OW. D¾q°¥

thus in the OMR answer sheet only. Do ANkWLqU OMR D¾q¨asLy]¤ oLNfU SqX
RÕaO¾OW. S\Lh|°ta°]p mO¨]R£ Wv¡
not write anything in the question booklet
Sk^]¤ j]°tORa SrL¥ jÒqOU, rlV v¡¨]
except your Roll Number on the cover page
jOSvº] fÐ]ŸOtt òs¾O ja¾OÐ WOr]ÕO
and rough work in the space provided for
the purpose.

1. What number should replace the

1. S\Lh| \]ø¾]R£ òLj¾O
question mark ?
vqOÐ yUX| JfV ?

(1) 4 (1) 4

(2) 3 (2) 3

(3) 5 (3) 5
(4) 2 (4) 2

M- 2 -1- P.T.O.
Class – VIII MAT
In questions 2 and 3 find the missing term. S\Lh|°¥ 2-3 IÐ]vp]¤ v]ŸO SkLp
khU WRº¾OW.
2. 3, 7, 14, 18, 36, 40, ___
(1) 74 2. 3, 7, 14, 18, 36, 40, ___
(2) 76 (1) 74
(2) 76
(3) 78
(3) 78
(4) 80 (4) 80

3. 2 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 11 , ___
3 5 7 11 13 3. 2 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 11 , ___
3 5 7 11 13
(1) 17 19
(1) 17 19

(2) 13 15 (2) 13 15

(3) 13 17 (3) 13 17

(4) 13 9
(4) 13 9

Questions 4 and 5 : Which term will come S\Lh|°¥ 4-5: S\Lh|\]ø¾]R£

in the place of question mark ?
òLj¾O vqOÐ khU JfV ?

(1) EDR (1) EDR
(2) SRD (2) SRD
(3) DRS (3) DRS
(4) SRE
(4) SRE

5. A1A, D4E, G7I, ?, M13U

5. A1A, D4E, G7I, ?, M13U
(1) J10 O
(1) J10 O
(2) J 10 Q
(2) J 10 Q
(3) P10 Q
(3) P10 Q
(4) G 10 P (4) G 10 P

M- 2 -2-
Class – VIII MAT

6. In this question arrange the given 6. CT S\Lh|¾]¤ fÐ]q]¨OÐ

words in a meaningful sequence and vL¨OWRt A¡Àv¾Lp NWo
then choose the most appropriate ¾]¤ IuOf]pSwxU D¾q
yP\]WWt]¤ fÐ]q]¨OÐvp]¤
sequence from amongst the
j]ÐOU wq]pLp NWo¾]¤ DçfV
a) Delhi
a) c¤z]
b) Universe
b) NkkµU
c) Taj Mahal
c) fL^Voz¤
d) World
d) SsLWU
e) India
e) C¢c|
(1) aebcd
(1) aebcd
(2) baced
(2) baced
(3) caedb
(3) caedb
(4) edbac
(4) edbac

In questions 7 and 8 find the odd one out S\Lh|°¥ 7-8 IÐ]vp]¤ fÐ]q]
from the given alternatives. ¨OÐ D¾qyP\]WWt]¤ j]ÐOU
WPŸ¾]¤ RkaL¾fV WRº¾OW.
7. (1) Stream

(2) Sea
7. (1) AqOv]

(3) River (2) yoONhU

(4) Brook (3) jh]

(4) RRWS¾LaV
8. (1) VCAX

(2) PKJQ 8. (1) VCAX

(3) NFDP (2) PKJQ

(3) NFDP
(4) KHGM
(4) KHGM
M- 2 -3- P.T.O.
Class – VIII MAT
9. Find the odd one from the set 9. fÐ]q]¨OÐ Ye¾]¤ j]ÐOU
WPŸ¾]¤ RkaL¾ yUX| WRº

(1) 269 (1) 269

(2) 164 (2) 164
(3) 587 (3) 587

(4) 456 (4) 456

In questions 10-12 which set of letters/ 10-12vRq S\Lh|°t]¤ JfV Aƒq

symbols when sequentially placed at the °¥ /AapLt°¥ NWo¾]¤ v]ŸOSkLp
gaps in the given series shall complete it ? nLY¾O vÐL¤ B Sèe] kP¡¹
10. – – ––
10. – – ––
11. a–c–d–f–g––j
11. a–c–d–f–g––j
(1) bcefgh
(1) bcefgh
(2) bcefhi
(2) bcefhi
(3) bcdfgh
(3) bcdfgh
(4) bceghi
(4) bceghi
M- 2 -4-
Class – VIII MAT
12. b – aba – bab – aba – ba 12. b – aba – bab – aba – ba
(1) abba (1) abba
(2) baba (2) baba
(3) baab (3) baab
(4) abab (4) abab

13. fÐ]q]¨OÐ jLsO yUX|Wt]¤

13. In the given four numbers three of
oPRйU JRfË]sOU fq¾]¤
them are alike in someway and one
yLo|oOçvpOU KRq¹U v|f|ñ
is different. Select the odd one.
vOoLeV. v|f|ñoLpf]Rj WRº
(1) 739546 ¾OW.

(2) 457639 (1) 739546

(2) 457639
(3) 936754
(3) 936754
(4) 594738
(4) 594738
14. Manipulate the symbol and find the
missing number. 14. fÐ]q]¨OÐ Nkf}WU f]q]ˆr]´V
v]ŸO SkLp yUX| WRº¾OW.
4 Δ 3 = 21
4 Δ 3 = 21
7 Δ 5 = 36
7 Δ 5 = 36
6 Δ 2 = 24

8Δ9 = ? 6 Δ 2 = 24

(1) 36 8Δ9 = ?

(2) 34 (1) 36

(2) 34
(3) 48
(3) 48
(4) 51
(4) 51

M- 2 -5- P.T.O.
Class – VIII MAT

Questions 15-18 : Read the following letter/ S\Lh|°¥ 15-18 : fLRuR¨LaO¾]q]

symbol/sequence carefully and answer the
¨OÐ Aƒq&Nkf}W NWoU èÈ]ˆO
ojô]sL¨]p SwxU S\Lh|°¥¨V
questions given below. D¾qU WRº¾OW.

15. How many times the symbol

15. IÐ Nkf}WU INf fve KqO
precedes a symbol and follows a Nkf}W¾]jO k]Ð]sOU KqO Aƒq
letter ? ¾]jO oOÐ]sOU vqOÐOºV .
(1) One (2) Two (1) KÐV (2) qºV

(3) Three (4) Four (3) oPÐV (4) jLsV

16. oOWt]¤ RWLaO¾]q]¨OÐ NWo

16. If all the symbols are dropped from the ¾]¤ j]ÐOU IŠL Nkf}W°tOU
above sequence which letter will Wt´L¤ fLRukrpOÐvp]¤
come in the middle. JfV AƒqoLp]q]¨OU oi|
(1) Q (2) S nLY¾V vqOÐfV ?
(1) Q (2) S
(3) P (4) E
(3) P (4) E

17. If all the symbols from the above 17. oOWt]¤ RWLaO¾]q]¨OÐ NWo
sequence are dropped and all the ¾]¤ j]ÐOU IŠL Nkf}W°tOU
letters are written in the reverse order Wt´ SwxU Aƒq°¥ NWoU
what will be the position of ‘P’ from f]q]ˆV IuOfOWpLReË]¤ ‘P’
left ? pORa òLjU Ca¾O j]ÐV INf
pLp]q]¨OU ?
(1) Tenth
(1) k¾LofV
(2) Nineth
(2) KÒfLofV
(3) Twelfth
(3) kNͺLofV
(4) Eleventh
(4) kf]RjLÐLofV

18. If the second half of the above 18. oOWt]Rs NWo¾]R£ qºLU
sequence is written in the reverse kWOf]Rp NWoU f]q]ˆV IuOf]
order, which of the following will be pL¤ RoL¾U NWo¾]R£ oi|
nLY¾O vqOÐ S^Lc] JfL
middle pair of the whole sequence ?
p]q]¨OU ?
(1) SK (2) S#
(1) SK (2) S#
(3) KS (4) S@ (3) KS (4) S@
M- 2 -6-
Class – VIII MAT

In Questions 19 and 20 there exists some 19-20S\Lh|°t]¤ : : IÐ AapLt

relation between the terms to the left of the
¾]jV oOÐ]sOç vL¨OW¥ fÚ]¤ KqO
mÌU DºV . :: AapLt¾]jOSwxU
sign : : as between the terms to the right.
CSf mÌU kLs]¨OÐ q}f]p]¤ v]ŸO
Identify the missing term. SkLp khU WRº¾OW.
19. Well : Depth : : Word : ? 19. W]e¡ : BuU :: vL¨V : ?
(1) Letter (1) AƒqU
(2) Height (2) DpqU
(3) Sentence (3) vLW|U
(4) Meaning (4) A¡gU
20. Petal : Flower : : Chapter : ? 20. Cf¥ : kPvV :: Ai|LpU : ?
(1) Paragraph (1) X¼]W
(2) Book (2) kOñWU
(3) Title (3) w}¡xWU
(4) Author (4) q\p]fLvV




22. If RUST = 9 – 6 – 8 – 7 and DONE = 22. RUST = 9 – 6 – 8 – 7,

23 – 12 – 13 – 22, how will you code DONE = 23 – 12 – 13 – 22
j]°¥ I°Rj SWLcV R\áOU ?
(1) 7 – 23 – 25 – 13
(1) 7 – 23 – 25 – 13
(2) 7 – 22 – 26 – 14
(2) 7 – 22 – 26 – 14
(3) 7 – 23 – 26 – 14 (3) 7 – 23 – 26 – 14
(4) 7 – 23 – 24 – 13 (4) 7 – 23 – 24 – 13
M- 2 -7- P.T.O.
Class – VIII MAT
Questions 23 and 24 : Read the following S\Lh|°¥ 23-24 : fLRu RWLaO¾]
information carefully and answer the q]¨OÐ v]vq°¥ èÈLkP¡‹U
questions. vLp]ˆV S\Lh|°¥¨V D¾qU WRº
A + B means A is the son of B
A + B IÐL¤ B pORa kONfjLeV A
A – B means A is the wife of B A – B IÐL¤ B pORa nLq|pLeV A
A × B means A is the brother of B A × B IÐL¤ B pORa ySzLhqjLeV A
A ÷ B IÐL¤ B pORa AÚpLeV A
A ÷ B means A is the mother of B
A = B IÐL¤ B pORa ySzLhq]pLeV A
A = B means A is the sister of B
23. P + R – Q IÐfV A¡ÀoL¨OÐfV
23. What does P + R – Q mean ? IÍV ?
(1) Q is the father of P (1) P pORa A±jLeV Q
(2) P pORa kONfjLeV Q
(2) Q is the son of P
(3) P pORa AÚLvjLeV Q
(3) Q is the uncle of P
(4) P pORa ySzLhqjLeV Q
(4) Q is the brother of P
24. P = R + Q IÐfORWLº¡goL
24. What does P = R + Q mean ? ¨OÐfV IÍV ?
(1) Q R£ AÚLp]pLeV P
(1) P is the aunt of Q
(2) Q R£ kONf]pLeV P
(2) P is the daughter of Q
(3) Q R£ AjÍ]qvtLeVV P
(3) P is the niece of Q
(4) Q R£ ySzLhq]pLeV P
(4) P is the sister of Q
25. 14 WOŸ]W¥ Ca¾O j]ÐOU vs
25. 14 students are standing in a row from S¾LŸV KqO j]qp]sLp] j]¤¨OÐO.
left to the right. After interchanging Af]¤ KÐLoR¾ B¥ 14&LofOU,
their positions, the 1st student goes at qºLoR¾ B¥ 13&LofOU oPÐL
the 14th place, second goes at 13th oR¾ B¥ 12 &LofOU IÐ
place, third goes at 12th and so on. If q}f]p]¤ kqy×qU oLrOÐO. A IÐ
‘A’ was at the 9 th position before WOŸ] Bh|U 9&LoR¾ òLj¾L
change, then after changing he would p]qOÐORvË]¤, òLjU oLr]p
be at which place ? SwxoOç AvR£ òLjU JfL
p]q]¨OU ?
(1) Fifth from right
(1) vsfOvw¾O j]ÐOU
(2) Sixth from right AµLofV
(2) vsfOvw¾O j]ÐOU
(3) Fifth from left BrLofV
(4) Sixth from left (3) Ca¾O j]ÐOU AµLofV
(4) Ca¾O j]ÐOU BrLofV
M- 2 -8-
Class – VIII MAT

26. A man went on tour on 15 th August 26. KqL¥ BYðV 15 &LU f}pf]
which was the third Sunday of the oPÐLoR¾ `LprLuV\ KqO pLNf
month and came back on 30 th SkLp] RykV ã Um¡ 30 jV f]q]
September. Which day of the month Rˆ¾]. RykV ã Umr]Rs JfO
of September did he return ? h]vyoLeV ApL¥ f]q]RW
(1) Fourth Sunday
I¾]pfV ?
(1) jLsLoR¾ `LprLuV\
(2) Fourth Tuesday
(2) jLsLoR¾ R\L‹LuV\
(3) Fifth Thursday
(3) AµLoR¾ v|LuLuV\
(4) Third Saturday (4) oPÐLoR¾ wj]pLuV\

In each of the questions 27-29 three items 27oOf¤ 29vRq S\Lh|°t]¤ RWLaO
¾]q]¨OÐ oPÐO kh°¥ fÚ]sOç
are given which can be presented
mÌR¾ yP\]Õ]¨OÐ wq]pLp
pictorially by one of the answer figures A, \]NfU A, B, C, D IÐ} D¾q
B, C and D. Find the correct answer figure. yP\]WL\]Nf°t]¤ j]ÐOU WRº

27. Mangoes, Fruits, Wheat
27. oL°, ku°¥, SYLfÒV
(1) A (2) C
(1) A (2) C
(3) B (4) D
(3) B (4) D
28. Male, Fathers, Boys
28. kOqOxÓL¡, A±¢, B¦WOŸ]W¥
(1) D (2) C (1) D (2) C
(3) A (4) B (3) A (4) B

29. Liquid, Petroleum, Diesel 29. NhLvWU, RkSNaLt]pU, c}y¤

(1) A (2) B (1) A (2) B

(3) C (4) D (3) C (4) D

M- 2 -9- P.T.O.
Class – VIII MAT
30. A’s salary is 25% more than B’s then 30. A pORa wÒtU B pORa wÒt
by what % B’s salary is less than A’s S¾¨L¥ 25% WPaOfsLeV IË]¤
salary ? B pORa wÒtU A &pORa wÒt
S¾¨L¥ INf wfoLjU WOrvL
(1) 15% p]q]¨OU ?
(2) 25% (1) 15%
(2) 25%
(3) 20%
(3) 20%
(4) 10%
(4) 10%

31. How many pairs of letters are there in

31. AƒqoLsLNWo¾]¤ vqOÐ INf
the word EXCLUSIVE which have as
many letters between them as in the
IÐ vL¨]¤ DºV ?
alphabet ?
(1) 3
(1) 3
(2) 4
(2) 4 (3) 2
(3) 2 (4) 1
(4) 1
32. va¨O ka]´Lr]Rj "W]u¨V '
32. If North-West is called ‘East’, South- IÐOU, Rf¨O&W]u¨]Rj
East is called ‘West’ and South-West "ka]´LrV' IÐOU, Rf¨V ka]
is called ‘North’ and so on, what will ´Lr]Rj "va¨V ' IÐOU v]t]
‘North’ be called ?
ˆL¤ va¨]Rj IRÍÐO
v]t]¨OU ?
(1) South-East (1) Rf¨O&W]u¨V
(2) North-East (2) va¨O&W]u¨V
(3) South (3) Rf¨V

(4) North-West (4) va¨O&ka]´LrV

33. In the sequence 7 5 1 2 2 8 7 4 2 1 5 3 33. 751228742153862171413286CT

8 6 2 1 7 1 4 1 3 2 8 6 how many pairs yUX|LSèe]p]¤ AaO¾aO¾
of successive numbers have a
yUX|W¥ fÚ]sOç v|f|LyU 2
difference of 2 each ?
vqOÐ INf S^Lc] yUX|WtOºV ?
(1) 4 (2) 5
(1) 4 (2) 5
(3) 6 (4) 7 (3) 6 (4) 7
M- 2 -10-
Class – VIII MAT

34. Which of the interchange of signs from 34. JfO \]ø°¥ kqy× q U oLã]
pL¤ 5 ÷ 6 × 3 – 12 + 2 = 17 IÐ
the four alternatives make the equation yovLW|U wq]pLWORoÐV fLRu
R¨LaO¾]q]¨OÐ D¾qyP\W
5 ÷ 6 × 3 − 12 + 2 = 17 correct ? °t]¤ j]ÐOU WRº¾OW.
(1) + and × (2) ÷ and × (1) + and × (2) ÷ and ×
(3) + and ÷ (4) + and – (3) + and ÷ (4) + and –

35. If we make a meaningful word of the 35. ‘INTERPRETATION’ IÐ vL¨]Rs

seventh, tenth, twelfth and fourteenth JuLoR¾pOU,k¾LoR¾pOU
letters of the word INTERPRETATION kNͺLoR¾pOU kf]jLsLo
which of the following will be the third
R¾pOU Aƒq°¥ DkSpLY]ˆV
KqO A¡Àv¾Lp khU IuOf]
letter of that word from the right end
pL¤ fLRu RWLaO¾]q]¨OÐv
of the word ? p]¤ JfLp]q]¨OU B vL¨]R£
(1) P (2) R vsS¾ Aã¾O j]ÐOU oPÐLofO
vqOÐ AƒqU
(3) I (4) A (1) P (2) R
(3) I (4) A
Questions 36 and 37 : Find which word
cannot be made from the letters of the given S\Lh|°¥ 36-37 fÐ]q]¨OÐ vL¨]Rs
word. Aƒq°¥ DkSpLY]ˆV IuOfL¢
Wu]pL¾ vL¨V WRº¾OW.


M- 2 -11- P.T.O.
Class – VIII MAT
38. Find the number of squares in the 38. fÐ]q]¨OÐ \]Nf¾]Rs yo
given figure. \fOq°tORa I¹U WRº¾OW.

(1) 13
(1) 13
(2) 10
(2) 10
(3) 11
(3) 11
(4) 12
(4) 12

39. Select a figure from the alternatives 39. X IÐ \]Nf¾]Rs Ku]´ nLY¾V
which when placed in the blank fLRufÐ]q]¨OÐ qPk°t]¤ JfV
space of figure X would complete the DkSpLY]ˆL¤ \]Nf¾]Rs kLSã¦
pattern kP¡¹oLWOU ?



(2) (2)

(3) (3)

(4) (4)

M- 2 -12-
Class – VIII MAT

40. 21 red flags, 35 blue flags and 56 40. 21 \OvÐ RWLa]WtOU 35 j}s
green flags have to be arranged in RWLa]WtOU 56 kˆR¨La]WtOU
rows such that each row contains the KLSqL vq]p]sOU KSq j]r¾]sOç
same number of flags of same colour
fOs| I¹U RWLa]W¥ vq¾¨
only. Minimum number of rows in
q}f]p]¤ NWo}Wq]ˆL¤ INf
which the above flags may be
arranged is
vq]W¥ DºLWOU ?
(1) 12 (2) 16 (1) 12 (2) 16
(3) 15 (4) 18 (3) 15 (4) 18

41. A boy was asked to multiply a certain 41. KqO WOŸ]SpLaV KqO yUX|Rp 24
number by 24. He multiplied it by 42
RWLºV YOe]¨L¢ Bvw|R՟O.
Av¢ 42 R W L º V Y O e ] ˆ O.
and got his answer more than the
ASÕL¥ wq]pLp D¾qS¾¨L¥
correct one by 252. The number to be
252 WPaOf¤ W]Ÿ]. YOe]S¨º]p]
multiplied was
qOÐ yUX| JfV ?
(1) 14 (1) 14
(2) 12 (2) 12
(3) 16 (3) 16
(4) 18 (4) 18

42. If the digits on the dial of a clock are 42. KqO S„L¨]R£ yUX|W¥¨O
replaced by alternate English kWqU CU…}xV AƒqoLsNWoU
alphabet beginning with Z in the f]q]RˆuOf]p]q]¨OÐfV 1jO kWqU Z,
reverse order such that ‘Z’ replaces
2 jOkWqU X IÐ]°RjpLRe
1, X replaces 2 and so on, then,
Ë]¤ 20.45 yopoLWOSÒL¥
where will be the hour hand at 20.45 O’
S„L¨]R£ oe]¨P¡ yP\] Iv]Ra
clock ?
pLp]q]¨OU ?
(1) Between J and L
(1) J àOU L jOU Cap]¤
(2) Between M and O (2) M jOU O àOU Cap]¤
(3) Between L and N (3) L jOU N jOU Cap]¤

(4) Between I and J (4) I àOU J àOU Cap]¤

M- 2 -13- P.T.O.
Class – VIII MAT
43. A man travelled westwards 4 Kms, 43. KqL¥ ka]´LrV h]wp]Ss¨V 4 Kms
turned left and travelled 4 Kms turned jaÐSwxU CaS¾LŸO f]q]´V
right and travelled 8 Kms. He then 4 Kms jaÐV vsS¾LŸO f]q]´V
travelled North 4 Kms. How far was 8 Kms jaÐO. v}ºOU Av]Ra j]ÐV
the man from the starting point now ?
va¨O h]wp]Ss¨V 4 Kms jaÐO.
(1) 4 Kms fOa°]p òs¾O j]ÐOU ApL¥
CSÕL¥ INf hPq¾]sLeV ?
(2) 8 Kms
(1) 4 Kms (2) 8 Kms
(3) 12 Kms
(3) 12 Kms (4) 6 Kms
(4) 6 Kms
44. S\Lh|\]ø¾]R£ nLY¾V
44. Which number should replace the vqLvOÐ yUX| JfV ?
question mark ?

(1) 54 (1) 54
(2) 18
(2) 18
(3) 52
(3) 52 (4) 55
(4) 55
45. S\Lh| \]ø¾]R£ òLj¾O
45. Which letter should be in place of the vqOÐ AƒqU JfV ?
question mark ?

H P ?
H P ?

(1) T
(1) T
(2) U
(2) U
(3) V
(3) V
(4) Z
(4) Z

M- 2 -14-
Class – VIII MAT
46. What number should replace the 46. S\Lh|\]ø¾]R£ nLY¾O
question mark ? vqOÐ yUX| JfV ?

(1) 69 (2) 79 (1) 69 (2) 79

(3) 85 (4) 82 (3) 85 (4) 82

Questions 47 – 51 : There are four S\Lh|°¥ 47– 51:

intersecting circles in the following fLRu RWLaO¾]q]¨OÐ \]Nf¾]¤
diagram, each representing people who yÌ]¨OÐ jLsV vQ¾°tLeOçfV.
read English, Hindi, Malayalam and Tamil vQ¾°¥ CU…}xV, z]Î], ospLtU,
news papers. fo]uV v¡¾oLj kNf°¥ vLp]¨OÐ
A = 50 vRq yP\]Õ]¨OÐO.
C = 2A A = 50
D=½A C = 2A
F = 2D D=½A
F = 2D


fo]uV ospLtU

47. People who read Hindi, Malayalam 47. z]Î], ospLtU, fo]uV v¡¾oLj
and Tamil news papers are kNf°¥ vLp]¨OÐvRq Nkf]j]
represented by iLjU R\áOÐfV
(1) J (1) J
(2) K (2) K
(3) M
(3) M
(4) L
(4) L
M- 2 -15- P.T.O.
Class – VIII MAT
48. People who are not reading Hindi, 48. z]Î], ospLtU, CU…}xV v¡¾
Malayalam and English newspapers oLj kNf°¥ vLp]¨L¾vRq
are represented by yP\]Õ]¨OÐfV
(1) L (2) G (1) L (2) G
(3) D (4) F
(3) D (4) F

49. People who read all the news papers 49. IŠL v¡¾oLjkNf°tOU vLp]
are represented by ¨OÐvRq yP\]Õ]¨OÐfV ?
(1) J (2) I (1) J (2) I
(3) M (4) L
(3) M (4) L

50. fo]uV v¡¾oLjkNfU oLNfU vLp]

50. How many people read Tamil
newspapers only ? ¨OÐ INf SkqOºV ?
(1) 50 (2) 25
(1) 50 (2) 25
(3) 100 (4) 40
(3) 100 (4) 40
51. z]Î], Ku]RW KqO v¡¾oLjkNfU
51. How many people read only one vLp]¨OÐvqORa I¹U INf ?
news paper except Hindi ? (1) 125 (2) 100
(1) 125 (2) 100 (3) 50 (4) 150
(3) 50 (4) 150
52. \]ø¾]R£ òLj¾O vqOÐ
52. Which is the tile on the place of ‘?’ KLaV JfLeV ?

(1) (2)
(1) (2)

(3) (4)
(3) (4)

M- 2 -16-
Class – VIII MAT

53. A train travelling at 60 Km an hour 53. oe]¨Pr]¤ 60 Km SvYfp]¤

yµq]¨OÐ KqO f}vº] 11.50 a.m.
passes through a station at 11.50 a.m.
oe]¨V KqO Sðxj]sPRa WaÐO
At what time will it pass the next SkLWOÐO. 20 Km AWRspOç
station 20 Km away ? AaO¾Sðx¢ INf oe]¨V
(1) 12.20 a.m. (2) 12.10 p.m. (1) 12.20 a.m. (2) 12.10 p.m.
(3) 12.10 a.m. (4) 12.20 p.m. (3) 12.10 a.m. (4) 12.20 p.m.

54. Which letter replaces the question

54. S\Lh|\]ø¾]jO kWqU vàLvOÐ
mark ?
AƒqU JfV ?
R = 81 Y = 52 R = 81 Y = 52
X = 42 ? = 91 X = 42 ? = 91
(1) O (2) Q (1) O (2) Q
(3) L (4) S
(3) L (4) S

55. In the problem figure there is a 55. NkwÔ \]Nf°¥ KÐOU qºOU fÚ]¤
relationship between the first two KqO NkSf|W mÌoOºV . oPÐL
figures. Find the figure that would oR¾ \]NfvOoLp] CSf mÌU
establish the same relationship with
kLs]¨OÐ \]NfU JfV ?
the third figure :





M- 2 -17- P.T.O.
Class – VIII MAT

56. BpL¤ ?
56. If then ?


(2) (2)

(3) (3)

(4) (4)

57. CÐRspORa jLRt v|LuLuV \

57. If yesterday’s tomorrow was
pLReË]¤ oãÐLRtpORa fSs
Thursday, what day falls on the day
h]vyU JfO h]vyoLp]q]¨OU ?
after tomorrow’s yesterday ?
(1) v|LuLuV\
(1) Thursday
(2) Friday
(2) Rvç]pLuV\
(3) Saturday (3) wj]pLuV\
(4) Sunday (4) `LprLuV\

58. Which figure should replace the 58. S\Lh|\]ø¾]R£ òLj¾O

question mark ? vqOÐ \]NfU JfV ?

(1) (2) (1) (2)

(3) (4) (3) (4)

M- 2 -18-
Class – VIII MAT
59. In a month of 31 days third Monday 59. 31 h]vy°tOç KqO oLy¾]R£
falls on 13th. What will be the last day oPÐLU f]ËtLuV\ 13- LU f}pf]
of the month ? pLeV. CT oLy¾]R£ AvyLj
h]vyU JfLp]q]¨OU ?
(1) Fifth Friday (1) 5-LU Rvç]pLuV\
(2) Fourth Friday (2) 4-LU Rvç]pLuV\
(3) Fifth Wednesday (3) 5-LU mOijLuV\
(4) Fourth Saturday (4) 4-LU wj]pLuV\

Question No. 60 – 62 :Certain numbers are Question No. 60-62 : \]s yUX|W¥
coded as follows. Understand the code and
fLRu¨Le]ˆ]q]¨OÐ q}f]p]¤ SWLcV
R\pÅ ] ŸOºV . SWLcV ojô]sL¨]pf]
answer Q. No. 60 – 62. jOSwxU 60-62vRqpOç S\Lh|°¥¨V
D¾qU WRº¾OW.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
{ ψ α O ⊂ ∩ ⊃ δ ∈
{ ψ α O ⊂ ∩ ⊃ δ ∈

60. Which is the number indicated by the

60. fLRuR¨LaO¾]q]¨OÐ Nkf}W
symbol °¥ yP\]Õ]¨OÐ yUX| JfV ?
δ ψ O α
δ ψO α
(1) 48253 (2) 42935
(1) 48253 (2) 42935
(3) 49253 (4) 49258
(3) 49253 (4) 49258
61. Find which of the following equations 61. \OvRaR¨LaO¾]q]¨OÐ yo
is correct. vLW|°t]¤ wq]pLpv WRº
(1) δ × α + ⊂ = α { ¾OW.
(2) ⊂ ÷ α × ∩ = { (1) δ × α + ⊂ = α {
(3) ×O÷ O=⊂ (2) ⊂ ÷ α × ∩ = {
(4) ∈ + O ÷ { = { (3) ×O÷O=⊂
(4) ∈ + O ÷ { = {
62. Find which of the following equations 62. \OvRaR¨LaO¾]q]¨OÐ yo
is correct. vLW|°t]¤ wq]pLpv WRº
(1) ∈ + δ – O =
(1) ∈ + δ – O =
(2) α + O + ∩ = { ψ
(2) α + O + ∩ = { ψ
(3) + ⊂– E = {⊂
(3) + ⊂– E = {⊂
(4) +⊂ –ψ =∩ (4) +⊂–ψ =∩
M- 2 -19- P.T.O.
Class – VIII MAT

63. Pointing to a woman Daya said, “Her 63. KqO Nñ}Rp \Pº]¨Le]ˆORWLºV
grand daughter is my brother’s niece” hp kr´O ""AvqORa SkqoW¥
How is Daya related to the woman ? IR£ ySzLhqR£ AjÍqv
tLeV ''. hpàV B Nñ}SpLaOç mÌU
(1) Mother
I°RjpLeV ?
(2) Niece (1) AÚ

(3) Sister (2) oqOoW¥

(3) ySzLhq]
(4) Daughter
(4) oW¥
Questions No. 64 and 65 :
64-65S\Lh|°t]¤ 1, 2, 3, 4 IÐ}
For questions 64 and 65 which one of the D¾q yP\]WL \]Nf°t]¤ JfLp]
answer figures marked 1, 2, 3, 4 should be
in the place of question mark ? q]¨OU S\Lh| \]ø¾]R£ òLj¾O
vq]W ?

64. 64.

(1) (1)

(2) (2)

(3) (3)

(4) (4)

M- 2 -20-
Class – VIII MAT

65. :: 65. ::

(1) (1)

(2) (2)



In Questions 66 and 67 there are four 66-67S\Lh|°t]¤ jLsO \]Nf°t]¤

figures out of which one is different. Find KÐV oãOçvp]¤ j]ÐOU v|f|ñoLeV .
the odd one out. WPŸ¾]¤ RkaL¾fV WRº¾OW.


(1) (2) (3) (4)

(1) (2) (3) (4)


(1) (2) (3) (4)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

M- 2 -21- P.T.O.
Class – VIII MAT
Question No. 68 and 69 : S\Lh|°¥ 68-69 :
In each of the following questions which of \OvRa¨LeOÐ \]Nf°¥ fOa¡ˆ
the four answer figures would come in the pLp NWoUkLs]¨OÐORvÐORvË]¤
place of question mark ‘?’, if the sequence fLRu RWLaO¾]q]¨OÐ jLsO D¾q
were continued ? yP\]WWt]¤ JfO \]NfoLeV S\Lh|
\]ø¾]R£ òLj¾O vSqºfV ?

68. 68.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4)

69. 69.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4)

Question No. 70 and 71: Which one of the 70-71 S\Lh|°t]¤ 1, 2, 3, 4 IÐ]°Rj
answer figures marked 1, 2, 3, 4 should RWLaO¾]q]¨OÐ \]Nf°t]¤ JfLeV
come in the place of question mark ? S\Lh|\]ø¾]R£ òLj¾O vSqºfV ?

70. 70.

(1) (2) (3) (4)

(1) (2) (3) (4)
M- 2 -22-
Class – VIII MAT


(1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4)

72. fLRu¾Ð]q]¨OÐ \]Nf¾]¤

72. Find the number to be placed in place
‘?’ R£ òLj¾O vqOÐ yUX|
of ‘?’ in the given figure.
JfV ?

(1) 16 (2) 20 (1) 16 (2) 20

(3) 18 (4) 22
(3) 18 (4) 22

In questions 73 and 74 two pairs of related 73-74 S\Lh|°t]¤ kqy×qU mÌoOç

words are given. Find out from among the qºO S^Lc] vL¨OW¥ j¤W]p]
four alternative words, the one which will q]¨OÐO. S\Lh| \]ø¾]R£ CafV
fÐ]q]¨OÐ vL¨OoLp] CSf mÌU
have the same relationship with the word
kLs]¨OÐ vL¨V fÐ]q]¨OÐ jLsV
given on the left side of the question mark. D¾q yP\]WWt]¤ j]ÐOU WRº
(1) HEAT (2) HEAD
(1) HEAT (2) HEAD
(3) HAED (4) HAET
(3) HAED (4) HAET

M- 2 -23- P.T.O.
Class – VIII MAT


(1) PURE (1) PURE

(2) RPUE (2) RPUE

(3) EURP (3) EURP

(4) RUDE
(4) RUDE

75-76IÐ} S\Lh|°t]SsLSqLÐ]sOU
Question No : 75-76 :
NkwÔ \]Nf°tORa W¹La]p]Rs Nkf]
In each of the following questions choose
m]UmU fLRu RWLaO¾]q]¨OÐ D¾q
the correct mirror image for the problem
yP\W°t]¤ j]ÐOU RfqR´aO¨OW.
figure from the answer figures.

NkwÔ \]NfU
Problem Figure

(1) (2) (3) (4)

(1) (2) (3) (4)


(1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4)

M- 2 -24-
Class – VIII MAT

Question No. 77 and 78 consists of a S\Lh|°¥ 77-78 :

77 oOf¤ 78 v R q p O ç K L S q L
square of 9 cells in three rows and three Cj¾]sOU oPÐO vq]WtOU oPÐO
j]qWtOU RoL¾U 9 Wç]WtOç KqO
columns. You can see that the designs in
yo\fOqU fÐ]q]¨OÐO. KLSqL
each row or column follow same rule. vq]p]RspOU/ j]qp]RspOU \]Nf°¥
KqO NkSf|W j]poU AjOyq]ˆL
Choose the correct answer from among the
ReÐO WLeLU. KqO Wtt]p]¤ RWLaO
given alternatives to suit the cell indicated ¾]q]¨OÐ S\Lh| \]ø¾]R£
òLj¾V vSqº \]NfU fLRu RWLaO
by the question mark. ¾]ŸOç D¾q yP\W°t]¤ j]ÐOU


(1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4)

78. 78.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4)

M- 2 -25- P.T.O.
Class – VIII MAT

79. Gopal is taller than Anand but shorter 79. SYLkL¤ BjÎ]Sj¨L¥ RkL¨U
than Seema. Ashok is taller than
WPa]pvjOU IÐL¤ y}oSp¨L¥
RkL¨U WOr´vjOoLeV .
Pushpa but shorter than Anand. ASwLWV kOx×Sp¨L¥ RkL¨U
Praveen is taller than Ashok but WPa]pvjOU IÐL¤ BjÎ]
shorter than Seema. Who among
Sj¨L¥ RkL¨U WOr´vjO
oLeV. Nkv}¦ ASwLW]Sj¨L¥
them is the tallest ? RkL¨U WPa]pvjOU IÐL¤
(1) Praveen
y}oSp¨L¥ RkL¨U WOr´
vjOoLeV . Cvq]¤ JãvOU
(2) Seema WPaOf¤ RkL¨oOttfLqLeV ?
(3) Ashok (1) Nkv}¦ (2) y}o

(4) Pushpa (3) ASwLWV (4) kOx×

80. When the 45 students of a class were 80. 45 WOŸ]WtOç KqO „Ly]Rs WOŸ]
WRt RRofLj¾V KqO vq]pLp]
asked to stand in a line in the
j]¤¨L¢ kr´SÕL¥, RIw~q|
playground Aiswarya was 19th from B vq]pORa Ca¾O j]ÐOU
the left in the line and Vaishnavi was 19 &LofOU, RRvxV e v] B vq]
31st from the right of the line. Then pORa vs¾O j]ÐOU 31 &LofOU
Bp] j]¤¨OÐO. IÐL¤ RIw~q|
how many students are standing pORapOU RRvxV e v]pORapOU
between Aiswarya and Vaishnavi ? Cap]¤ INf WOŸ]WtLeV j]¤¨O
(1) 5 (2) 2
ÐfV ?
(1) 5 (2) 2
(3) 4 (4) 3
(3) 4 (4) 3

81. Each side of a cube is coloured 81. KqO W|Pm]R£ KLSqL vw¾]jOU
differently. The top of the cube is red KLSqL j]roLeV. W|Pm]R£ oOW¥
in colour. In between blue and green
vwU \OvÕLeV . WrOÕV j]rU
j}sàOU kˆàOU CaàLeV . j}s
is black. White colour is between blue
pORapOU kˆpORapOU CaàLeV
and green. If yellow colour is between Rvttj]rU. o´j]rU \OvÕ]
red and black, then what is the colour R£pOU WrOÕ]R£pOU CaàLpL¤
just opposite to yellow ? o´j]r¾]jV SjRq If]RqpOç
j]rU JfLeV ?
(1) White (2) Green
(1) Rvç (2) kˆ
(3) Blue (4) Red
(3) j}s (4) \OvÕV
M- 2 -26-
Class – VIII MAT
82. Two positions of a dice are given 82. KqO kW]apORa qºV òLj°¥
below. When there are two dots at the fLRu fÐ]q]¨OÐO. kW]apORa
bottom, then how many dots will be W}uVnLY¾V qºV m]ÎO¨tLp]q]
at the top of the dice ? ¨OSÒL¥ oOW¥nLY¾V INf
m]ÎO¨tOºLWOU ?

(1) 6 (2) 3 (1) 6 (2) 3

(3) 5 (4) 2 (3) 5 (4) 2

83. KqO WxVeU WasLyV KqO NkSf|W

83. A piece of paper is folded in a
q}f]p]¤ oa¨] Af]¤ KqO h~LqU
particular manner and a punch is
made. When unfolded, the paper
DºL¨]. IÐ]ŸV j]v¡¾]pSÕL¥
appears as given below. Find out the
B WasLyV fLRu fÐ]q]¨OÐ
manner in which the paper is folded \]Nf¾]SsfO SkLRs WLeR՟O.
and punch is made from the given WasLyV I°RjpLeV oa¨]
alternatives. h~LqoOºL¨]pRfÐV fÐ]q]¨OÐ
D¾qyP\W°t]¤ j]ÐOU WºO

(1) (2) (3) (4)

(1) (2) (3) (4)
84. A clock shows time as 4.45 p.m. What 84. KqO S„L¨]Rs yopU 4.45 p.m.
is the time shown by the mirror image BeV. KqO W¹La]p]¤ Af]R£
of the clock ? Nkf]m]UmU WLe]¨OÐ yopU
INf ?
(1) 6.45 (2) 8.15
(1) 6.45 (2) 8.15
(3) 7.45 (4) 7.15 (3) 7.45 (4) 7.15

M- 2 -27- P.T.O.
Class – VIII MAT

Question No. 85 – 88 : S\Lh|U 85-88 :

fLRu j¤W]p]ŸOç v]vq°¥ yPƒVo
Study the following information carefully oLp] kb]ˆV Af]SjLajOmÌ]ˆOç
and answer the following questions.
S\Lh|°¥¨Oç D¾q°¥ WºO
M, N, O, P, Q, R and S are seven children M, N, O, P, Q , R, S IÐ} JuO WOŸ]W¥
playing in the garden. They are wearing
kPSÍLŸ¾]¤ Wt]¨OWpLeV. Av¡
KLSqLqO¾qOU iq]ˆ]q]¨OÐ vNñ°
clothes coloured black, blue, white, green, tORa j]r°¥ WrOÕV, j}s, Rvç, kˆ,
pink, yellow and brown. Out of the seven
k]ËV, o´, fv]ŸV IÐ]°RjpLeV.
B JuV WOŸ]Wt]¤ oPÐV Sk¡ Rk¦
children three are girls. No girl is wearing WOŸ]WtLeV. JRfLqO Rk¦ WOŸ]pOU
either black, yellow or brown coloured WrOSÕL, o´SpL, fv]SŸL j]roOç
vNñU iq]ˆ]Ÿ]Š. P pORa ySzLhq]
dresses. P’s sister R is wearing pink dress, pLp R iq]ˆ]q]¨O ÐfV k]ËV j]roOç
while he is wearing brown. M is wearing vNñoLeV . ASf yopU Av¢
iq]ˆ]q]¨OÐfV fv]ŸV j]roOç
blue colour dress while his sister N is not vNñoLeV. M iq]ˆ]q]¨OÐfV j}s
wearing green. Q is wearing yellow colour j]roOç vNñoLeV . ASf yopU
AvR£ ySzLhq] N kˆ j]roOç
dress while his friend S is a boy. vNñU iq]ˆ]Ÿ]Š. Q o´ j]roOç
vNñU iq]ˆ]q]¨OÐO ASfyopU
85. What colour dress is N wearing ? AvR£ JãvOU AaO¾ yOzQ¾V S
(1) Brown KqO B¦WOŸ]pLeV.
(2) Pink
85. N JfV j]roOç vNñoLeV iq]ˆ]
(3) Green q]¨OÐfV ?
(4) White (1) fv]ŸV (2) k]ËV
(3) kˆ (4) Rvç
86. What is the colour of the dress of S ?
(1) Yellow 86. S R£ vNñ¾]R£ j]rSofLeV ?
(2) White (1) o´
(3) Blue (2) Rvç
(4) Black (3) j}s
(4) WrOÕV
87. What colour dress is O wearing ?
(1) Green 87. O JfV Wt¡ vNñoLeV iq]ˆ]q]
(2) Black ¨OÐfV ?
(3) Brown (1) kˆ (2) WrOÕV
(3) fv]ŸV (4) Rvtt
(4) White
M- 2 -28-
Class – VIII MAT

88. Which of the following is the group 88. fLRu fÐ]q]¨OÐvp]¤ JfLeV
representing only girls ? Rk¦WOŸ]WtORa yUZR¾ Nkf]
j]i}Wq]¨OÐfV ?
(1) NQR (2) NOP
(1) NQR (2) NOP
(3) NOR (4) ORS
(3) NOR (4) ORS

89. Rakesh and Swaroop start travelling 89. qLSWxOU y~qPkOU AvqORa
in their bike in opposite directions. RRm¨]¤ If]¡ h]wp]¤ pLNf
f]q]ˆO. qLSWxV 3 W]. o}. hPqvOU
Rakesh travelled 3 km and Swaroop y~qPkV 4 W]. o}. hPqvOU pLNf
travelled 4 km. Then Rakesh turned
f]q]´V 4 W]. o}. hPqU pLNf R\pÅO.
right and travelled 4 km and Swaroop ASf yopU y~qPkV CaS¾LŸV
f]q]´V 3 W]. o}. hPqU pLNf R\pÅO.
turned left and travelled 3 km. How
CSÕL¥ Avq]qOvqOU pLNf
far is each from the starting point ? f]q]ˆ òs¾O j]ÐOU INf
AWRspLeV ?
(1) 6 km
(1) 6 W]. o}.
(2) 5 km
(2) 5 W]. o}.
(3) 8 km (3) 8 W]. o}.

(4) 10 km (4) 10 W]. o}.

90. Sagar is now twice old as he was 5 90. yLYr]jV CSÕL¥ 5v¡xU oOÒOç
years ago. His mother was then 6 vpô]R£ CqŸ]vpôLeV. AµO
times as old as he was. What is the
v¡xU oO¢kV AvR£ AÚpORa
vpôV AvR£ ASÕLuR¾ vp
present age of Sagar’s mother ?
ô]R£ 6 oa°Lp]qOÐO. IÐL¤
(1) 30 AÚpORa CSÕLuR¾ vpRôNf ?
(2) 35 (1) 30
(2) 35
(3) 40
(3) 40
(4) 33
(4) 33


M- 2 -29- P.T.O.
Class – VIII MAT

M- 2 -30-

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