Doris Qian - 4

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Individuals and Societies  

​Student  Doris 
Goals  1. Use the source material to ​analyze​ the ​personal​, ​regional​/​national​, and ​global trade ​of goods and services in the future 
2. Use the information you recorded during this unit to give your opinion about the ​opportunities ​and ​tensions ​that trade in the future will 

Role  Futurist: a person who studies the future and makes predictions about it based on current trends. 

Audience  The internet  

Situation  You have been hired by an online publisher to predict the personal, regional and global trade in the future, and to give your opinion 
about the opportunities and tensions it will provide.  

Product  Graphic organizer 

Standards  Criteria C and D 

Criterion C: communicating  Level 1-2  Level 3-4  Level 5-6  Level 7-8 

1. communicate information  Communicates information and  Communicates information and  Communicates information and  Communicates information and 
ideas in a style that is ​not always  ideas in a way that is ​somewhat  ideas in a style that is ​mostly  ideas in a style that is​ completely 
and ideas in a way that is  clear.  clear.  appropriate to the audience and  appropriate to the audience and 
appropriate for the audience      purpose.   purpose. 
and purpose      
TSC​: All of your writing should be completely clear. Completely means no spelling or grammar mistakes. All analysis written in well developed 

2. structure information and  Organizes information and ideas  Somewhat​ organizes information  Mostly​ structures information and  Structures information and ideas 
in a​ limited ​way.  and ideas.  ideas according to the task  completely​ according to the task 
ideas according to the task      instructions.  instructions. 
TSC​: Use the graphic organizer to organize your information and ideas. You need to decide how much information to put in each section and 
how to use information to give your opinion in the opportunities and tensions section.  

Student justifications​: I think I can get 7 because I am communicating a lots of  Teacher Justifications​: 
information and ideas and the people who are reading can understand my purpose  8 
Criterion D: Thinking  Level 1-2  Level 3-4  Level 5-6  Level 7-8 

i. ​analyse​ concepts, issues,  Begins to analyze​ concepts,  Completes a ​simple analysis​ of  Completes a ​substantial​ analysis  Completes a ​detailed​ analysis of 
issues, models, visual  concepts, issues, models, visual  of concepts, issues, models, visual  concepts, issues, models, visual 
models, visual  representation and/or theories in  representation and/or theories.  representation and/or theories.  representation and/or theories. 
representation and/or  a ​limited​ way.       
TSC​: Analyze the personal, regional/national, and global trade of goods and services in this time and place as they are related to ​Time, Place and 
Space, Economic Globalization, Trade, and Globalization and Sustainability.  

ii. summarize information to  Begins to identify​ connections  Summarizes​ information to make  Summarizes​ information in order  Summarizes​ information to make 
between information to make  some adequate​ arguments.  to make ​usually valid​ arguments.  consistent, well-supported 
make valid, well-supported  simple​ arguments.      arguments. 
TSC​: Use the information to give an opinion about the Opportunities and Tensions that trade in this time and place provided. 

Student justifications: ​I think I can get 7 because I did better job then last time in coming  Teacher Justifications: 
up with new and deeper ideas with the quotes. I can analyze the quotes in detail and find  8 
the deeper things about it. I also wrote summary to make conclusions to make it   

Approach to Learning Skills 
ATL Cluster  ATL Grade Level Objectives  Student Evaluation  Teacher Evaluation 

Critical Thinking - analyse, condense and combine relevant I think I did well on this because   
information from multiple sources  I’ve got a lots of ideas from 
- identify and clarify relevant information analyzing the quotes and make 
and prioritise ideas  connection between them.  
Collaboration   - assess the extent to which individual roles I think my group are not team   
and responsibilities enhance group working because some of my 
cohesion and the achievement of group mates were not putting 
personal and group objectives (in other quotes in the shared document 
words: How well did you work as an and they are not working. But I 
individual in a group and how well did you think I am working with the group 
work as a group?) well because I was finding a lots 
of quotes and sharing them to the 

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