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A Far More Effective Mindfulness Method


I recorded this tutorial on making progress with mindfulness much easier,

much faster and far more effective, simply because I've been asked so
many questions about so many things by so many people.

As you listen to the tutorial you'll learn more about me, but before we get
into the tutorial properly I just wanted to show you the quickest and easiest
place to start with this.

Absolutely the first thing to do and you'll hear me remind you later is to
download a set of free therapy and change tools. They come as a free
download under the name of PSTEC (Percussive Suggestion Technique).
That will be is your essential first step. You'll see why it's so essential later
but briefly here's one of the biggest reasons to do the free download.

A core principle with traditional mindfulness is the deliberate and

conscious focus attention on the present moment and to accept it for what
it is.

In reality the underlying principle at work is as follows:

Everyone experiences unpleasant or traumatic things in life but a traumatic
event may have been forty years ago or it might have been yesterday or it
might have been just five minutes ago. Whenever it occurred, as soon as
it's over it's then in the past. It is NOT in the present moment.

As such, it's absolutely true that for as long as you can summon the mental
discipline to consciously focus your awareness ONLY on the present
moment .... then it WILL save you consciously experiencing all the
negative emotions attached to any past trauma.

In principle that might sound good, but conscious focus, and conscious
experience isn't the whole story.

Copyright T Phizackerley 2016

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Such a conscious focus doesn't mean for a second that in your

subconscious mind the problem has been solved or even dealt with at all. It

Pre-existing emotional wounds retained in your subconscious don't just

vanish without a proper strategy to remove them. And if they aren't dealt
with, then your subconscious mind will continue to remain attached to
every past trauma, large and small.

Like it or not, that attachment affects you profoundly because ultimately

your expectations, beliefs, and particularly your emotions spring from your
subconscious. Where people can find the self discipline to persist, then
long term mindful practice may indirectly affect old memories of traumatic
things, and the way the subconscious handles them, but that's slow and
also unsure because it's very indirect and it's not strategic.

If you've set out on the mindfulness path then you've probably got some
emotional baggage of your own. What exactly will happen to that
emotional baggage then if you're consciously focused only on the present
moment and you never properly address it?

In reality there could be a great many things that have caused you to feel
truly terrified or extremely angry or extremely upset. Those things set
subconscious patterns or behaviour, action and emotional reaction.

A very good friend of mine (Jeff Harding) has a wonderful expression to

describe the process of mentally choosing not to delve too deep, and never
to properly re-examine or to emotionally reprocess something of genuine
significance in your past: He calls such tactical avoidance, 'creeping past
the graveyard'.

In reality you don't need to creep past such things and it's better not to. It
makes more sense to know how to quickly and effectively remove anger
and fear and emotional pain and to rapidly heal any negative past
experience. Then those past traumas and fears won't bother you now in the
future either.

Copyright T Phizackerley 2016

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Most people think that resolving a past trauma or fear or anxiety will take
weeks months or even years. Actually there are ways that will usually
achieve a complete and permanent emotional healing in MINUTES. Bolt
this kind of effectiveness onto mindfulness and then it takes on an entirely
different character.

Mindfulness teaches a focus on the present but in reality it's far easier to
focus on the present, and also to feel genuine acceptance, when things
from the past don't hurt or bother you any more.

It's also far better to get to a place mentally where you could easily take a
really close look at whatever bothered you deeply before and to be able to
discover it simply doesn't bother you at all any more - not in the slightest.
There is a quick and easy way to do that.

Obviously that kind of change will really speed your progress with
mindfulness or any other kind of personal change work. And with the right
method it's not even hard to do. It can be really easy! That's why, on the
tutorial you'll hear me suggest the use of PSTEC and when you try it you'll
be able to assess its effectiveness for yourself. That's exactly what it's
designed to do.

Anyhow, you don't need to take my word for it. You can download the free
system and the tools to do this for yourself at:

That's just the start though. There's a lot more. On the free tutorial that
follows there's a ton of information about many other ways to speed

For one thing you're going to learn how to accelerate other personal
change by being mindful in some very simple but very particular ways.
These powerful ways of being mindful are not described in usual texts or

Copyright T Phizackerley 2016

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courses on mindfulness. All the same they work truly brilliantly – and they
yield faster more dramatic results and progress. I'll also be showing you
how to avoid the mental illusions that could otherwise trip you up with any
kind of change-work.

Professionally I've built my career as a therapist and I get clients from all
over the world. I specialise in resolving truly major personal problems for
people in just one session. I don't mean minor stuff - I'm talking about a
single meeting with a troubled person in order to resolve serious
behavioural issues or emotional issues. Often these are issues which are
usually considered to be pretty much untreatable or extremely difficult or

For example I work with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Bulimia

Nervosa, Anorexia, Chronic Alcoholism, Chronic Gambling Addictions,
and lots more besides. With the right knowledge and "the know how",
these things can very often be treated in just one session.

If you take an orthodox view then that may sound rather unlikely and
especially if you don't know exactly how to do this yourself. That's why
I'm going to teach you EXACTLY how such major personal change can be
experienced so rapidly. Obviously this means almost anything else can be
quickly dealt with too.

On my therapy website I have a challenge out to the media to pitch me

directly on TV against any psychologist or psychiatrist working for any
major mental health institution. I'm inviting them to take part so that their
methods can be pitched against mine and then we can have the results
publicly and directly compared. So far no one has been prepared to take
that challenge on.

The reality is that I use extremely really simple principles time after time
to get success with these kinds of issues and to create that kind of change.
After years of doing this on a one to one basis I realised that in a therapy
room I can only help one person at a time. That's extremely inefficient.
Instead, by reaching out as I have on this tutorial and in other ways, I can

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reach countless people and they can help themselves. This tutorial is free
because I want you to get benefit from it. As a consequence, over the years
my focus has increasingly been on teaching and in helping more and more
people to help themselves.

So what I'm saying to you is this...whatever change you personally want to

achieve... and whatever you want to deal with... then I'm going to teach
you how easy it really can be achieved.

I'll take you step by step through the underlying principles that I personally
use in order to help other people. Not only that, it's fast!

You'll learn and understand exactly how it's possible. You'll also learn
exactly how to create change for yourself - not quite as fast as I work with
people but still very quickly indeed. This is what I mean about a faster and
more effective kind of mindfulness. It's easy to do and you're going to
learn things that will allow you to take your own personal journey -
whatever it is. You'll do it more easily, more effectively and also more

The place to begin though is by downloading the free PSTEC system

because you're going to need it as we proceed. You'll be using it in
combination with the particular mindful techniques that I teach. Okay -
that's a quick introduction and I'll see you on the main tutorial.

The free PSTEC system and resources are here:

- Tim Phizackerley 2016

Copyright T Phizackerley 2016

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