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Hydrogeology Journal

Official Journal of the International Association of Hydrogeologists

Executive Editor: C.I. Voss

▶ Official Journal of the International Association of Hydrogeologists

▶ Executive Editor: Dr. Clifford I. Voss, U. S. Geological Survey
▶ Publishes research integrating subsurface hydrology and geology
with supporting disciplines
▶ Explores theoretical and applied aspects of hydrogeologic science
▶ Offers subscription-based publication (no publication fee) or Open
Choice and IAH members enjoy a substantial fee discount when
publishing their article with open access
▶ Provides English language editing for accepted manuscripts by an
IAH-appointed hydrogeologist at no cost to the author
▶ All articles are peer-reviewed and receive their initial publication
8 issues/year
decision on average within 3 months of submittal
Electronic access ▶ No page fees (but there is guidance on article length, see author
▶ 98% of authors who answered a survey reported that they would
Subscription information publish in this journal again
Hydrogeology Journal was founded in 1992 to foster understanding of hydrogeology;
to describe worldwide progress in hydrogeology; and to provide an accessible forum
for scientists, researchers, engineers, and practitioners in developing and industrialized
countries. Since then, the journal has earned a large worldwide readership.
Its peer-reviewed research articles integrate subsurface hydrology and geology with
supporting disciplines, such as: geochemistry, geophysics, geomorphology, geobiology,
surface-water hydrology, tectonics, numerical modeling, economics, and sociology.
Articles explore theoretical and applied aspects of hydrogeologic science, including
studies ranging from local areas and short time periods to global problems and geologic
time; innovative instrumentation; water-resource and mineral-resource evaluations; and
overviews of hydrogeologic systems of interest in various regions.

Impact Factor: 2.071 (2017), Journal Citation Reports®

On the homepage of Hydrogeology Journal at you can

▶ Sign up for our Table of Contents Alerts
▶ Get to know the complete Editorial Board
▶ Find submission information

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