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how are you? = mich thedjedh?/ mle7 cha?/ kuchi mle7?

-fine.= al 7amdoulilla7./ kuchi mel7.

-not good.= ewa chwait./ 9an sallak (we try!)

-whats your name?= michdham 9an (gril!); michdhach 9an (boy)

-my name is Taras and yours? = isam ino taras, o isam nem/nech?

-where are you from?= manis chim/ chik?

-what do you want?= min takhssadh?/ min tasoudh? khessak chi7aja?

-what is your main hobbies?= ewa min t3awadhedh?/ min tegadh dhi
lhayat nim/nech?
1/What books do You like to read?
Man lkitab idam/k ita3jiben atghad

2/ I like to read historical books/ novels;

ita3jibay adghakh lketeb n ttarikh & lqissas timazyanin

3/ What kind of music You prefere?

Man music idam/k ita3jiben

3/ I like... etnic music/ classic music;

ita3jibay music etnic =(allemand +francais + russe )/ classic

4/ What kind of sport do You like?

man aryada idak/m ita3jiben

5/ I like boxing/ swimming'

ita3jibay box + ad3ummakh "assibaha"

6/ What is Your profession/

mindi itkhadmad

7/ I'm a... psychologist/lawer/doctor/manager/bussines(man,lady)

nech dh
psychologist Adbiba n l'a3sab (tabib nafsani)
lawyer = almuhami
manager = modir
doctor = doctor
bussines = tajir
1. Please = 3afak/ Mara thaxsadh
2. Good = Mlih , Bad = A3affan
3. Big = Amaqran , Small = Amazyan
4. Long = Azirar , Short = Aqodad
5. This is = Wanitin ( male )/ Thanitin ( Female)
Boy = Ahanjar/ Ahamoch, Girl = Thanajath/ Thahamocht. Brother = Uma,
Sister = utchma. Man = Argaz/Agaz/Ayaz, Woman= Tamghart/Tamghath.
Table= Tabra/Missa, Chair= Rkoasi. Room= axam, flat=?. bed = Kama,
Carpet= Thazabith.

Is this a table or a chair? = Thanitin ma d Tabra ma d Rkoasi?

- How much does it cost? = Mach'har Itag?
- It costs 1,2 Euro = Tag Ijan,Thnayan ( Yan= One, Sin= Two, Krad=
Three... this is the real Tamazight numbering, but we use some of
Arabic numbers in our dialy life)

2- It is Cheap/ Espensive = Thxas ( Female) Yaxas( Male)/ Thighra (

Female) Yighra( Male)

3- What do you want to eat? = Mintazzod Atachadh?

4- I like = Azzox / Ita3jibay

- Cheese = D'han, Fruits = Rxodath, Bananas = L'banan, Oranges=
Allachin, Limon = Alaymon, Appel = Attafah, Grapes = Adhir,
pomegranates= Araman,
- meat = Akson/ Aysom, Roast meat= Aksom ichanfan
- Potatos = Batata, Fries = Batata Frita

5- is this tasty? = Irad cha manaya?

- Yes = wah, Allae= No
- it is not tasty = Wayrad cha
Tell me, please;= inayi sahhad
Repeat, please; = 3awdad sahhad
Where is ...central mosque, shop, restaurant, theatre, hotel?
mani idyusa / mani iyadja thamzida lmarkazia / ssuq / ristora / almasrah
/ Hotel
Can You show me? tzemmad aytamrad?
Can You help me? tzammad ayt3awnad?

You are so kind ? chem/chek d lamlih (latif)

1. friend/friends;== amadduker/ imaddukar
2. friendship;== ssadaqa
3. I want... == azzukh/x
4. I want to now Tamazight better;= Azzux adasnax tmazight mli7
5. Now/ Now I study Tamazight; == ruxa / ruxa 9akh/x Tamazight
6. Tamazight is a beautiful lenguage;== Tamaight dijn llugha thasbah
7. I want to introduce You my friend;== Azzoukh/x ach3erfekh/x
x/khumeddouker inou
8. I'm very happy!== aqay mlih attas (sa3id)
1. Meeting in the house
- Amsagar di thaddath

2. Sit down, please!

- Aqqim 3afak

3. Feel like at Your home!/ Feel free!

- Shas amachnaw a9ach di thaddath anach,!/ shas s thirally!

4. What do You want to drink? Tea or coffee?

- Mintazod ataswad? Atay nix rqahwa?

5. I want to drink coffee!

- Azzox adaswax Rqahwa

6. Black coffee or with milk?

- Rqahwa tabarchant nix so chaffay?

7. I prefere with milk...

- Azoxt so chaffay

8. Give me, please...

- Awid mara thaxsadh...

- a cup;
- R'kas

- a plate;
- Attabsi

- a knife;
- Ozzar

- a spoon/a fog ( I think you mean Folk, because fog is the mist);
- Thaghanjayth / Forchita

- a djezva/turka (coffee maker);

- Machina narqahwa
1. Let's go to the restaurant!
- Awah anraham gha resto

2. What kind of traditional Amazigh meals do You have?

- Minta3na lmakla thamazight aghakom dha ?

3. Exuse me/ I'm sorry!

- Samhay / 3afak mara thakhsadh ( used instead of sorry. It means
please if you will )

8. Waiter(Garcon)
- Kamariro ( it's a spanish word)

9. Main meals:
- Lmakla

- salad;
- Chladha

- soup;
- Thahrath

- roast meat;
- Almachwi, aksom ichanfan

- cow's meat; ( we don't say cow's meal. We don't eat cow's meat. We
eat Bull's meat)
- Aksom ogandoz ( agandoz = bull)

- chicken;

- fish;

- mushrooms;
- Aghrum n Tbaghra (or Champinion)

- sandwich;
- Bokadiyo

- fried potato.
- Batata Frita

10. Do You like this dish/Yes, it's very good dish!

- I3ajbak chi lmakla ? Wah, dallamlih attas!

11.Account, please!
- Rahsab, 3afak!
Enjoy the lesson, and good luck!

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