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The chart below shows the process of waste paper recycling

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where

The chart presents the process of waste paper recycling which can be outlined by 6 consecutive steps in
water industry

To begin with the waste paper collection, waste paper could be find from public paper banks and from
business. In the second step, waste paper was sorted by hand, waste paper was graded and unsuitable
waste paper was removed another place. In the third step, the transportation of waste paper happened
, waste paper was delivered to paper mill . In the forth step in the paper mill, waste paper was cleaned
by several methods like cleaning, pulping, and removal of other materials. In the fifth step, waste paper
was de -inking - the method of removal inks and glues. And the final of step was paper making machine,
in this step, waste paper change into usable paper by machine manufacture.

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