Language & Literacy

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There are many factors that can influence the development of both

language and literacy in children between the ages of two and five. In
this lesson, we'll discuss the difference between language and literacy
as we explore the factors that influence the development of each.

Language & Literacy

Most parents would say they often think about the development of
language and literacy in their children. So, what are the things parents
need to look out for as children acquire an understanding of language
and develop literacy skills? What are the factors that influence
language and literacy development?

Language Development
Language refers to all forms of communication. This includes auditory
language, such as speaking and listening, as well as written language,
which involves writing and reading. Language can also include body
language like facial expressions and other non-verbal movements that
express meaning.
As young children are forming their own grasp on language, there are
several factors that might influence development. Children
between the ages of two and five are especially vulnerable to these
influences, so it's important for parents and caregivers to be aware of
These factor include:

1. Health and physical development: Illness can effect hearing

which, in turn, will cause problems with understanding spoken
language or other auditory cues. Hearing problems can, in turn,
effect speech development. Children who are ill also lack
enthusiasm to speak and communicate non-verbally. This can
hinder development of language and communication. In addition
to illness, physical development can influence language. Vocal
cords and speech related facial muscles must be developed in
order for a child to orally communicate effectively. Fine motor
skills are also necessary to write or draw letters and symbols.

2. Environment: It's important that developing children be immersed

in a language rich environment. Children who are spoken to and
read to are more likely to want to speak and learn to read. Social
environment can be a hinderance to language development
when there is a lack of example on which children can base their
understanding of language and all that it entails.

3. Cognitive ability: It's been suggested that there's a correlation

between intelligence and early speech. Children who pick up on
the language early show an increased level of cognitive
development. They tend to develop early use of proper sentence
structure and strong vocabulary. It should be noted, however,
that children who are slow to develop language skills are not
necessarily slow cognitively, as there may be other factors at

4. Gender: Oddly enough, gender has been known to play a role in

a child's language development. Around the age of two, girls
tend to start developing language at a faster rate than boys.
They begin to communicate more fluently, and understanding of
the spoken language develops quicker. This is sometimes
attributed to children's relationships or closeness to their parents.

5. Number of siblings: Some doctors and scientists suggest that

children who come from one-child homes tend to have a stronger
grasp on the understanding and use of language. This is
because there is no competition for the attention of parents or
caregivers, and adults tend to communicate with single children
in a more fluent manner, thereby setting a better example.
Others argue, however, that the opposite is true. More siblings
can mean more opportunities for language use, which can result
in quicker and stronger language development.
6. Motivation: If a child has no desire to communicate or
understand the world around her or him, there will be a lack of
language development. Until he sees the value and need for use
of the language, development may be slow.

7. Bilingualism: Children who begin the process of learning a

second language early in life may develop their first language at
a slower rate than expected. Learning of two languages at once
can cause confusion in children who are not yet of school age.
This confusion may cause frustration that affects motivation.
Most specialists recommend that second language learning not
begin until a child officially begins school (around the age of five
or six).

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