Assignment #02 BRW Name Muhammad Anas (60383) Talha Ahmed (60267) Shaheer Khan (60995) Paraphrasing

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From the states of America History Henry Holt (1920) wilderness life came scholarly
attributes of significance. Crafted by explorers along every wasteland from establish days
forward represent certain basic characteristics, and these qualities have, while smooth down, still
persevered as survivals in the spot of their beginning, even at the point when a higher social
association succeeded. The outcome is that to the rough country the American sharpness owes its
striking qualities. That roughness and quality joined with intensity and materialism that handy,
imaginative turn of brain, speedy to discover catalysts that amazing handle of material things,
ailing in the imaginative yet ground breaking to impact incredible closes; that anxious, concerned
strength; that overpowering independence, working for great and for evil, and that lightness and
abundance which comes with opportunity these are attributes of the backwoods, or qualities got
out somewhere else due to the presence of the border.

The work of travelers along each frontier from regal days of America History Henry Holt
(1920) describe certain common traits, and these traits have, while softening down, still
persisted as survivals in the place of their origin, even when a higher social organization
succeeded that dominant individualism, working for good and for evil, and withal that optimism
and energy which comes with freedom these are traits of the frontier, or traits called out
elsewhere because of the existence of the frontier.

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