Heavy Metal Contamination of Urban Soils and Street Dusts in Hong Kong

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Applied Geochemistry 16 (2001) 1361–1368


Heavy metal contamination of urban soils and

street dusts in Hong Kong
Xiangdong Li *, Chi-sun Poon, Pui Sum Liu
Environmental Engineering Unit, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Due to rapid urbanisation and scarcity of land, most of the urban parks and recreational areas in Hong Kong are
built close to major roads or industrial areas, where they are subject to many potential pollution sources, including
vehicle exhaust and industrial emissions. An extensive soil survey was conducted in urban parks of Hong Kong to
study the current conditions of heavy metals contamination in soils. Soil samples and associated street dusts were col-
lected from more than 60 parks and public amenity areas in old urban districts, industrial areas and New Towns of the
territory. Soils were also sampled in the remote country parks to establish the baseline conditions. The total con-
centrations of heavy metals and major elements in the samples were determined. The results indicate that urban soils in
Hong Kong have elevated concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn. The parks with high metal concentrations are located
in old urban commercial districts and industrial areas, indicating that the major contamination sources in these soils
are traffic emissions and industrial activities. In addition, the application of Cd containing phosphate fertilizers may be
an important source of Cd in urban park soils. The street dusts have highly elevated Zn concentration, particularly
along the main trunk roads. The high Zn content in the street dusts may come from traffic sources, especially vehicle
tyres. Selective soil and road dust samples were also analysed for potential chemical speciation by a sequential chemical
extraction method. The chemical partitioning results show that Pb and Zn are mainly in the carbonate/adsorbed and
Fe–Mn oxide phases, while Cu is largely associated with the organic and sulphide fractions. The high exchangeable Cd
in urban soils and high concentration of Zn in street dusts need further investigation for their ecological and health
implications. # 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Heavy metals may come from many different sources in

urbanized areas, including vehicle emissions, industrial
With a population of over 6.8 million and an area of discharges and other activities (Harrison et al., 1981;
only 1067 km2, Hong Kong is one of the most densely Gibson and Farmer, 1986; Thornton, 1991). Atmo-
populated areas in the world. The rapid urbanization spheric pollution is one of the major sources of heavy
and continuous demand for land for housing and infra- metal contamination. Heavy metals can accumulate in
structural development have put great pressure on the topsoil from atmospheric deposition by sedimentation,
local environment (EPD, 1993). Due to the scarcity of impaction and interception. The persistence of heavy
land, most of the parks in Hong Kong are built close to metals in soils is a long process (Alloway, 1990; Kelly et al.,
busy roads or near industrial areas, where they are sub- 1996). Top soils and roadside dusts in urban area are indi-
ject to potential pollution from various sources. cators of heavy metal contamination from atmospheric
deposition. It has been noted that roadside soils near heavy
traffic are polluted by Pb and other metals (Culbard et al.,
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +852-2766-6041; fax: +852- 1988; Leharne et al., 1992; Wong and Mak, 1997).
2334-6389. If children and elderly people are exposed to an envir-
E-mail address: cexdli@polyu.edu.hk (X. Li). onment with high metal contamination, their health
0883-2927/01/$ - see front matter # 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0883-2927(01)00045-2
1362 X. Li et al. / Applied Geochemistry 16 (2001) 1361–1368

may be affected. Studies of metal concentrations in play- and the remaining 22 were in the New Territories (Fig. 1).
ground dusts ingested by children via the hand–mouth The urban parks may be classified into three different
pathway have been carried out in a number of places land use areas, namely, residential, commercial and
(Davies et al., 1990; Watt et al., 1993). There is sub- industrial areas according to its adjacent land use. Street
stantial evidence that a high Pb level in the environment dust samples were collected around the selected urban
could affect blood Pb level, intelligence and behaviour parks during the sampling programme. In total, 505 soil
(McMichael et al., 1985; Bellinger et al., 1990; Dietrich samples and 45 roadside dust samples were collected. In
et al., 1990). order to obtain the general baseline condition, about
Cadmium, Cu, Pb and Zn are good indicators of 300 soil samples were also collected from 15 country
contamination in soils because they appear in gasoline, parks in the study (Fig. 1).
car components, oil lubricants, industrial and incin- Each soil sample consists of about 4–5 sub-samples
erator emissions (Adriano, 1986; Alloway, 1990). There collected from the sampling plot of about 4 m2 in an urban
have been a number of previous studies on the distribu- park lawn. At each sampling point, the top 10 cm layer of
tion of heavy metals in road dusts and soils in Hong the soil profile was taken using a stainless steel trowel.
Kong (Wong and Tam, 1978; Tam et al., 1987; Yim and Roadside dust samples were collected along major roads
Nau, 1987; Wong et al., 1996; Chen et al., 1997). How- near the selected urban parks using a plastic brush and
ever, these studies focused only on limited locations, tray. The soil and duct samples collected were stored in
particularly along major traffic roads and there is no plastic bags for subsequent sample preparation and
extensive survey on general soil conditions in urban analysis.
parks. In addition, the chemical forms of heavy metals The samples were dried in an oven at 35 C for 3 days.
in urban soils have seldom been studied in the past. The The dried samples were sieved in a 2-mm plastic sieve to
present investigation aims to assess heavy metal con- remove gravel-sized materials and large plant roots, and
tamination in urban parks and roadside dusts in Hong then homogenized with a mortar and a pestle. A small
Kong, and to study their possible sources and potential portion of the sample (0.5 g) was microwave-digested in
ecological implications. 10 ml of 69% nitric acid using a CEM Corporation
microwave extraction system. The microwave extraction
method USEPA3051 was used according to the CEM
2. Materials and methods Corporation (1996). The digested solutions were filtered
and made to 50 ml with deionized water, and stored in
2.1. The study area plastic bottles. Concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn
were determined by ICP-AES (Perkin-Elmer Optima
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) 3300DV).
consists of three geographical areas, namely the Hong In the quality assurance programme, standard refer-
Kong Island, the Kowloon Peninsular and the New ence materials obtained from the Resource Technology
Territories (Fig. 1). Most of the central commercial and Corporation (RTC, Laramie, WY 82073, USA) were
traditional residential areas are located in the northern used for each batch of 12-sample analysis. The tested
part of the Hong Kong Island and the Kowloon Penin- values were all > 90% of the certified values provided
sular. Since the 1970s, rapid urbanisation has been tak- by RTC. Reagent blanks and duplicate samples were
ing place in the New Territories with a number of new also used in the analytical programme to assess con-
towns built up in the north and west parts of the tradi- tamination, precision and bias. The precision and bias
tional agricultural area. The new towns usually consist in the analysis were generally < 10%.
of residential and commercial sites, and industrial Selected soil and road dust samples were also subject
estates. However, the industrial activities in Hong Kong to sequential chemical extraction in order to study the
have been much reduced in the last 20 years following possible chemical forms of the heavy metals. The details
the migration of industrial operations to Mainland of the sequential chemical extraction procedure and the
China. Most of the hilly forest areas in Hong Kong are ICP-AES analysis have been given by Tessier et al.
managed as country parks, which are mainly located in (1979) and Li et al. (1995a,b). The extraction was car-
the New Territories, Lantau Island and the southern ried out progressively on an initial weight of 1.0 g of test
part of the Hong Kong Island. material. The extractants and operationally defined che-
mical fractions are as follows: (1) fraction 1: exchange-
2.2. The sampling and analysis able; (2) fraction 2: bound to carbonate and specifically
adsorbed; (3) fraction 3: bound to Fe–Mn oxides; (4)
Soils from 65 urban parks in Hong Kong were sam- fraction 4: bound to organic matter and sulphide; and
pled in this study to reflect the different land use and (5) fraction 5: residual phase. Multi-element analysis
traffic conditions. Of these 65 parks, 21 were on the was performed by ICP-AES using an ARL34000C
Hong Kong Island, 22 were in the Kowloon Peninsula, model (Ramsey and Thompson, 1987). The accuracy
X. Li et al. / Applied Geochemistry 16 (2001) 1361–1368 1363

Fig. 1. The location map of the urban parks and country parks in Hong Kong.

and precision were assessed by use of international Table 1

reference materials and analysis of duplicate samples (Li Heavy metal concentrations (mg/kg) in soils of urban parks
et al., 1995 a,b). The precisions were around 5% for and country parks in Hong Kong
most of elements determined. The overall recovery rates Cd Cu Pb Zn
(the sum of 5 fractions/the independent total con-
centration) ranged from 85 to 110%. Urban parks
(594 samples from 65 parks)
Range 0.02–5.89 5.12–190 5.27–404 38.7–435
3. Results and discussion Mean 2.18 24.8 93.4 168
Geometric mean 1.95 22.3 89.7 146
Standard deviation 1.02 12.0 37.3 74.8
3.1. The heavy metal concentrations in urban parks and
country parks Country parks
(300 samples from 15 parks)
The concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in urban Range 0.02–0.37 2.57–13.8 3.58–28.2 23.8–164
Mean 0.15 5.17 8.66 76.6
park soils and country park soils are given in Table 1.
Geometric mean 0.13 4.90 7.70 74.0
The heavy metal concentrations in the country park soils Standard deviation 0.09 1.86 4.84 22.6
are generally low. The major parent materials for the
country park soils are granite and volcanic rocks with
low concentrations of heavy metals. In addition, the
surface soils in the country parks are also under possible comparison with the country parks, the urban soils show
strong leaching process under the subtropical weather significant enrichment in all the metals, particularly for
conditions. As most of the country parks in Hong Kong Cd and Pb. The metal concentrations in urban park soils
are located in elevated forest areas, they are not subject could represent the long-term contamination of heavy
to many contamination sources as in the urban areas. In metals from various sources in the city environment.
1364 X. Li et al. / Applied Geochemistry 16 (2001) 1361–1368

The results of two urban soil studies in the UK and a reflect the strong influence of industrial activities in the
previous survey in Hong Kong are listed in Table 2. In new development areas despite of the shorter history of
comparison with the old industrial cities, like London industrial land use.
and Glasgow, the heavy metal (Cu, Pb and Zn) con- It is interesting to note the Cu, Pb and Zn concentra-
centrations in urban soils of Hong Kong are generally tions in the urban park soils were significantly related to
lower. This may reflect the long history of industrial the age of the parks (Fig. 3). The newly built parks were
contamination in urban environment in these two cities. generally less contaminated with heavy metals. This
However, the Cd concentration in Hong Kong urban may be due to the shorter accumulation time for heavy
soils is about two times higher than those of London metals from many contamination sources in the urban
and Glasgow, which may indicate the presence of some areas as the soils in the newly built parks were mostly
special sources for this element. It has been shown that imported from uncontaminated agriculture land.
the application of fertilizer to soils can be an important
source of Cd (Mattigod and Page, 1983; Alloway, 1990).
The analysis of five common fertilizers used in the
urban parks revealed that the mean concentration of Cd
in the fertilizers was 3.1 mg/kg. Therefore, the long term
application of fertilizer can probably cause the accu-
mulation of Cd in the topsoil of urban parks in Hong
Compared with a previous study on school play-
ground soils in Hong Kong (Wong et al., 1996), the
concentrations of Cd, Cu and Pb in the current study are
quite similar while the Zn concentration is higher in the
present study (Table 2). This indicates the contamina-
tion conditions in the school playgrounds are similar to
urban parks.
The mean concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in
different land use areas in Hong Kong Island, Kowloon
and the New Territories are shown in Fig. 2. In Hong
Kong Island, high metal concentrations in urban soils
occur in the commercial areas and to a less extent the resi-
dential area. This reflects the nature of land use in Hong
Kong Island that most of commercial areas are located in
the old urban districts along the northern coastal line of
the island. There is a similar trend in the urban soils in
Kowloon where the commercial areas have the highest
heavy metal concentrations reflecting the long history
of land use in the traditional urban districts of Kow-
loon. However, in the new development areas of the
New Territories, the industrial areas dominate the high
metal concentrations in park soils. This trend may

Table 2
Comparison of mean concentrations (mg/kg) of heavy metals
in urban soils

Londona Glasgowb Urban playgrounds This study

in Hong Kongc

Cd 1.0 0.53 1.89 2.181.02

Cu 73 97 27.5 24.812.0
Pb 294 216 100 93.437.3
Zn 183 207 93.9 16874.8
Thornton (1991).
Gibson and Farmer (1986). Fig. 2. The mean concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in
Wong et al. (1996). urban park soils in 3 geographic areas of Hong Kong.
X. Li et al. / Applied Geochemistry 16 (2001) 1361–1368 1365

Table 3 general, the street dusts have higher concentrations of

Heavy metal concentrations (mg/kg) in street dusts in Hong the four metals studied than the urban park soils.
Kong Compared with metal contents in the road dusts in a
This study Previous studya Londonb
similar study in London (Thornton, 1991), the con-
centrations of Cd, Cu and Pb were lower, particularly Pb.
Mean Geometric Standard Mean Mean However, the mean concentration of Zn in the street dusts
mean deviation in Hong Kong was more than three times higher than that
in London. As Zn is used as a vulcanization agent in
Cd 3.77 3.61 2.25 7.6 4.2
Cu 173 126 190 635 115 vehicle tyres (Alloway, 1990), the higher wearing rate at
Pb 181 160 92.9 1287 1354 the high temperature subtropical area in Hong Kong may
Zn 1450 1170 869 2902 513 contribute to the high Zn content in the street dusts.
When comparing with a previous survey (Yim and
Yim and Nau (1987). Nau, 1987), the heavy metal concentrations in road
Thornton (1991). dusts in this study are significantly lower, particularly
Pb (Table 3). This trend may reflect the effects of the
introduction of lead free petrol and the reduction of
industrial activities in Hong Kong over the last 20 years.

3.3. Chemical partitioning of heavy metals in soils and

street dusts

The general chemical partitioning patterns of Cd, Cu,

Pb and Zn in the road dusts and the soils from the
sequential chemical extraction results are shown in
Fig. 4. The results are usually described in terms of the
percentage distribution within each fraction. Although
the chemical partitioning patterns showed some varia-
bility among the individual soil and dust samples, the
averaged partitioning patterns can indicate several clear
trends between the road dusts and the urban soils.


The lead in the road dusts is strongly associated with

the carbonate and Fe–Mn oxide phases (ca. 70%) with
small amounts in the residual and organic/sulphide frac-
tions. The percentage of exchangeable Pb is very low in
road dusts. The results for urban park soils are similar,
but with less association with the carbonate phase and a
higher percentage with the residual fraction. These
results are in broad agreement with some previous stu-
dies in other urban areas (Harrison et al., 1981; Gibson
and Farmer, 1986). The Ca concentrations in the road
dusts are about 5 times higher than that in the soil
samples, and about 60–70% of the total Ca are asso-
ciated with the carbonate phases (Li et al., 1997). These
results indicate the strong influence of the carbonate
Fig. 3. The relationships between the Cu, Pb and Zn con-
phase on heavy metal chemical forms in the road dusts
centrations in urban soils and the opening dates of the parks.
as calcite (CaCO3) is one of the major minerals in the
street dusts derived from road surface materials (Harri-
3.2. Heavy metal concentrations in street dusts son et al, 1981).

The concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in street Zinc

dusts sampled are listed in Table 3. Roadside dusts can
indicate the short-term contamination released from More than 60% of Zn in the road dusts are associated
vehicle exhaust emission and component wearing. In with the carbonate fraction while another 30% of Zn
1366 X. Li et al. / Applied Geochemistry 16 (2001) 1361–1368

Fig. 4. The mean chemical partitioning of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn among various fractions in street dusts and urban park soils in Hong

are related to the Fe–Mn oxide phase. There is very little concentrations are in the range of 0.6–1.6 mg/kg, which
Zn in the other three chemical phases in the road dusts. may need further study to investigate its bioavailability
In soils, the predominant fraction for Zn is the Fe–Mn and ecological implications.
oxide phase (ca. 40%). The next important fractions are
the residual and the carbonate, at 25 and 18%, respec- Copper
tively. Similar to Pb, the carbonate phase is also the
most important phase for Zn in the road dusts reflecting The chemical association of Cu within the street dusts
the influence of calcite in the dust samples. The very high is dominated by the organic/sulphide phase (ca. 70%),
concentration of Zn in the relatively active carbonate with the carbonate, Fe–Mn oxide and residual phases
phase indicates the high mobility of Zn in the road being of secondary importance. In soils, the organic/
dusts. Rain and storm water may wash the soluble Zn sulphide phase still dominates (ca. 40%), and the asso-
away into the nearby harbour area through the drainage ciations with the Fe–Mn oxide and residual phases are
system. The environmental implication of high Zn con- significantly enhanced. As Cu is closely associated with
tent in road dusts may need further assessment. organic/sulphide, there is little influence of the carbon-
ate phase for Cu in road dusts in comparison with Zn
Cadmium and Pb.
It has been suggested that the mobility and bioavail-
Most Cd in road dusts is concentrated in the first 3 ability of metals decrease approximately in the order of
phases with the carbonate as the most important phase. the extraction sequence, from readily available to una-
The organic/sulphide fraction accounts for about 15% vailable, because the strength of extraction reagents
of Cd in road dusts. In soils, the first 3 fractions contain used increases in this order (Tessier et al., 1979; Harri-
over 95% of Cd, and more than 50% of Cd in soils is son et al., 1981). The exchangeable fraction may indi-
within the exchangeable phase. The exchangeable Cd cate the form in which metals are most available for
X. Li et al. / Applied Geochemistry 16 (2001) 1361–1368 1367

plant uptake. The second step extracts metals bound to organic and sulphide fractions. The exchangeable Cd in
the carbonate and specifically adsorbed phases, which soils is relative high compared with other metals. More
can become easily mobile and available under condi- than 60% of total Zn in road dusts is in the relatively
tions of lower soil pH. Metals bound to the oxide and mobile carbonate forms. Their ecological and health
organic/sulphide fractions are generally more strongly implications need further detailed investigations.
held within the soil constituents than the first 2 frac-
tions. The residual phase usually represents metals
incorporated in the lattice of minerals, which are una- Acknowledgements
vailable to plants and animals.
Considering the first 2 extraction steps, the exchange- This project was funded by the Hong Kong Poly-
able and carbonate/specific adsorbed phases, the relative technic University through the Area of Strategic Devel-
mobility and bioavailability of the heavy metals in street opment programme. The authors gratefully acknowledge
dusts and soils probably decrease in the following order: Professor I. Thornton, Dr. M. Ramsey and Mr. B.
Cd > Zn > Pb > Cu. The mobility of these metals is Coles of Imperial College, London for their advice and
usually higher in the street dusts than that in the urban help on the sequential extraction analysis of the soil and
soils. This is probably due to the high calcite content dust samples. We wish to thank Rachael Chan for her
and physical characteristics (e.g. larger grain size) of the sampling and analytical work at the early stage of the
road dusts. The high concentration of Zn (1450 mg/kg) project.
and its close association with the carbonate phase (64%
of total Zn) in road dusts need further studies for its
environmental implication to the surrounding areas. It References
is also noted that the relatively high concentrations of
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4. Conclusions
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