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Original Article

Reprinted from Radiologic Technology. Copyright 2019 by the American Society of Radiologic Technologists. Original Research
All rights reserved. Used with permission of the ASRT for educational purposes.

Safety Resources and Processes

in MR Imaging Departments
Asher Street Beam, DHA, R.T.(R)(MR), MRSO Ikia Celestine, MS, R.T.(R)(MR)
James M Ketchum, DHA, R.T.(R) Layna Phillips, MS, R.T.(R)(MR)
Audrey Wilson, MS, R.T.(R)(MR) Tyler Patrick, MS, R.T.(R)(MR)
Chris Scoles, MS, R.T.(R)(MR) Zack Gray, MS, R.T.(R)(MR)

Purpose To identify current standards of safety practices, common safety resources in use, and gaps in workflow practices in
magnetic resonance (MR) imaging departments.
Methods Qualitative observational research and visual assessments of safety resources available at clinical rotation sites were
conducted with subsequent open coding analysis.
Results The sample varied in terms of the strength of MR systems, types of facilities, patient populations, and safety resourc-
es available. Qualitative themes included carelessness of personnel, facility design flaws, and inconsistencies in safety prac-
tices and staffing.
Discussion Proper screening of patients and other individuals, appropriate use of barriers, and ferromagnetic detection sys-
tems can be effective tools for ensuring patient and personnel safety. Although various safety resources were available at
most MR imaging facilities, the resources proved to be only as effective as the safety practices of the MR technologists.
Conclusion Safety practices in MR imaging departments can be improved upon continually. This study provides a founda-
tion for future research on MR safety practices.

Keywords MRI safety, MRI zoning, magnetic resonance imaging, MRI projectile, MRI questionnaire
and accidents, fatal MRI accidents, MRI ferromagnetic detection systems, MRI screen-
ing, MRI facility design, MRI personnel training

agnetic resonance (MR) imaging is a widely Especially with recent focus on patient safety in out-
used imaging modality that acquires diag- patient and inpatient facilities, it is essential to reduce
nostic images without using ionizing radia- risks to patients and personnel in imaging departments.
tion. MR obtains images of the body using a For example, the risks associated with the powerful
magnetic field, radio waves, and hydrogen inside the static magnetic fields can be minimized by enforcing
patient’s body. The strength of the primary or static mag- safety policies and using safety resources fully. This
netic field of an MR system is measured in Tesla.1 research seeks to answer the question: What are the
Technologists must understand how MR images are current standards of safety practices, common safety
obtained to ensure a safe environment for anyone enter- resources in use, and gaps in daily workflow practices in
ing the room where the scanner is located. Accidents such the MR imaging environment?
as patient burns, ferromagnetic objects entering the MR
system room, or malfunction of implanted devices can Literature Review
occur if personnel do not adhere to safety requirements. The literature was reviewed to identify key findings
Facility design and personnel training guidelines help to regarding MR safety and associated practices. In addi-
ensure the safety of everyone in the MR department.2 tion, articles were reviewed for information regarding

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Original Article
Safety Resources and Processes in MR Imaging Departments

the use of different ferromagnetic detection systems restricted access doors should be used to separate zones
and the accidents that resulted from safety failures. Key III and IV. These doors can be secured by requiring a
phrases in the search criteria included MRI safety, MRI badge swipe, code access, or other means to enter. Extra
zoning, MR imaging, MRI projectile, MRI questionnaire barriers, such as chains or retractable caution ropes,
and accidents, fatal MRI accidents, MRI ferromagnetic should be added between zones III and IV. Zone IV
detection systems, MRI screening, MRI facility design, and is the room that contains the magnet. To ensure that
MRI personnel training. The common themes identified patients and unfamiliar personnel are aware of the dan-
during the literature review were zoning guidelines, gers associated with the static field, posted signage at
personnel and training practices, screening practices for the entrance to zone IV should state that the magnet is
patients and personnel, accidents, and ferromagnetic always on. 3,4 Zones III and IV should be accessible only
detection systems. to trained personnel, and screened patients should be
accompanied by MR personnel.5,6
Zoning All equipment located in zones III and IV should
The American College of Radiology (ACR) be labeled either MR safe, MR conditional, or MR
guidelines, which have become the industry stan- unsafe. These labels should be visible to anyone having
dard, recommend a 4-zone system for MR suites access to these zones. A green square label is affixed to
(see Figure 1).3 Under these guidelines, each zone MR safe equipment, indicating that there is no known
should be indicated with proper signage and demarcat- hazard associated with any MR conditions. MR safe
ed. Zone I is freely accessible to the public and includes equipment includes nonmagnetic, nonmetallic, and
areas such as the registration desk. Initial interactions nonconductive items. MR conditional objects pose no
between MR technologists and patients typically occur harm under specific MR conditions, which must be
in zones II or III, which include patient screening areas, specified on the device or product labeling. These con-
changing rooms, and family waiting areas. The MR ditions include7:
control desk is located in zone III. Zone III is poten- ƒƒ the static field strength
tially hazardous because of the static magnetic field and ƒƒ spatial gradient
should be labeled clearly with warning signs. In general, ƒƒ time rate of change of the magnetic field
ƒƒ radiofrequency fields
Zone I ƒƒ specific absorption rate
A yellow, triangular label is affixed to MR conditional
objects. Objects considered MR unsafe pose hazards in
Zone II all MR conditions. These objects are known to cause
harm and pose a threat to the patient when introduced
into zone IV. A round red label with a diagonal line
across it—widely known as the international prohibi-
tion sign—should be affixed to items in this category.8,9
Black-and-white versions of the labels also are accept-
able for use (see Figure 2).
Zone III Zone IV
Personnel and Training
Personnel working in the MR setting are categorized
into 2 levels, as defined by the ACR. Level 1 personnel
include housekeepers, transporters, maintenance per-
sonnel, receptionists, engineers, and nurses. For level 1
Figure 1. Example of a 4-zone model system for magnetic resonance MR personnel, minimal training includes issues related
(MR) suites. © 2018 ASRT. to the static magnetic field, projectile hazards, zones,

Original Article
Beam, Ketchum, Wilson, et al

A B C pivotal role in ensuring patient safety and recognizing

those who qualify to be level 1 and level 2 personnel.3,4
The medical director’s primary goal is to ensure that
the qualified MR technologists he or she is overseeing
are practicing all safety precautions. Practicing and
enforcing departmental protocol enables personnel
collaboration and minimizes the likelihood of mis-
Figure 2. Labeling icons. A. Square label indicates that the object is takes. The medical director legally is responsible for
MR safe. B. Triangular label indicates that the object is MR condi- accidents that occur due to safety policies not being
tional. C. Round label with a diagonal slash indicates that an object practiced properly.13 The MRSO’s role is performed by
is MR unsafe. Reprinted with permission from ASTM F2503-13 an MR technologist who has substantial experience.14
Standard Practice for Marking Medical Devices and Other Items for
He or she must be accessible in the department during
Safety in the Magnetic Resonance Environment.
operational hours, which helps to ensure that someone
with adequate experience and knowledge is consis-
tently available to provide safety advice when needed.
implanted devices, site access restriction, and emer- Another MRSO duty is to train and educate all MR
gency protocols.10,11 Someone designated as level 2 MR personnel, ensuring that everyone who comes in prox-
personnel works in zones III and IV and has completed imity to the static field is knowledgeable about required
extensive annual safety training that includes thorough safety precautions. The MR safety expert typically
information on3,4,10,11: is a physicist whose primary duty is to provide scien-
ƒƒ the static magnetic field tific information on the safe use of MR equipment.13
ƒƒ projectile hazards He or she provides MR technologists with insight on
ƒƒ zones sequence modifications and protocols to provide the
ƒƒ implanted devices safest and most diagnostically useful studies. In addi-
ƒƒ site access restriction tion, this expert provides information on safety and
ƒƒ emergency protocols quality assurance programs.13,15
ƒƒ gradients
ƒƒ contrast agents Screening Practices
ƒƒ quench procedures Proper patient screening is critical to achieving a
ƒƒ patient screening safe environment for all who enter the MR department.
ƒƒ pregnancy The screening process should begin during patient
ƒƒ labeling protocols scheduling and requires that the scheduler be MR
Appropriately trained and educated MR personnel trained and understand the risks associated with MR
are vital to a safe and efficient MR environment.10,12 imaging. The procedure should not be scheduled until
People who do not meet the level 1 or level 2 criteria of the patient answers questions regarding the presence of
are considered non-MR personnel (eg, patients, visi- a pacemaker, defibrillator, infusion or insulin pump, or
tors, volunteers, and employees who do not perform aneurysm clip in his or her body, or metal in his or her
MR-related duties); these individuals may not access eye. If the patient answers yes to any of the questions,
zones III and IV without level 2 MR personnel supervi- more information is needed before the procedure can
sion.3,4,10,11 be scheduled. Patients who have devices should provide
Specific MR department personnel are responsible a card with information stating the MR compatibility of
for ensuring that patients receive the highest quality the device. If the patient does not have the card, the MR
care possible. This group can consist of an MR medi- technologist must obtain more information, either by
cal director, an MR safety officer (MRSO), and an reviewing the patient’s chart or by contacting the refer-
MR safety expert.13 The MR medical director has a ring physician. The patient’s occupational history also

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Original Article
Safety Resources and Processes in MR Imaging Departments

is important, especially if the patient works with metal examinations. The list of surgical procedures potentially
or in welding. If the patient is unsure about the pres- provides important information about implants the
ence of metal in his or her eye, radiographs should be patient might have, and the radiologist can use previous
taken to determine the presence of intraocular foreign diagnostic studies for comparison purposes. Questions
objects.8,16-18 regarding patient allergies also are included on the form so
Upon arrival on the day of the examination, the patient the technologist can assess the risk of an allergic reaction
must complete a written questionnaire, commonly to any MR contrast administered during the procedure.
referred to as a screening form (see Figure 3). This form The form also contains an extensive list of implant-
contains questions about the patient’s medical history, able devices and foreign objects that could be inside
including all surgical procedures and previous imaging the patient. Devices and objects can include medically
necessary pacemakers, defibrillators, and
aneurysm clips, as well as foreign objects
such as bullets, body piercings, and hair
pins (see Figure 4).8,16-18
If the patient cannot complete the
form, it must be completed by the next
most qualified individual, which could
be the patient’s spouse, parent, sibling,
adult son or daughter, another family
member, caretaker, or physician. The
form should be completed every time the
patient arrives for a scan. If any informa-
tion seems inadequate, the technologist
should check the patient for surgical
scars or obtain radiographs to search for
implants before scanning the patient.19
The ACR suggests nonemergent patients
be screened at least twice.3,4,20
After completion of the written form,
the patient must undergo an oral inter-
view with the technologist. This allows
the technologist to clarify any questions
he or she has for the patient and any ques-
tions the patient has for the technologist.
Once the patient has completed the
screening process and is deemed safe to
enter zone IV, the scan can begin. The
technologist should remain in commu-
nication with the patient throughout the
scan. Patients who have confirmed the
presence of conditional foreign objects
Figure 3. Sample MR screening form for patients. Reprinted with permission from Frank
should be monitored carefully to ensure
G Shellock, PhD, FACR, FISMRM, FACC, FACSM, adjunct clinical professor of radiol- their comfort during the scan. Implanted
ogy and medicine, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, devices can dislodge or heat up inside the patient and cause harm. If the patient

Original Article
Beam, Ketchum, Wilson, et al

ƒƒ parents, siblings, or spouses who

accompany the patient into the
ƒƒ health care workers who need to enter
with a patient
ƒƒ maintenance workers
ƒƒ custodial workers
ƒƒ firefighters
ƒƒ security officers

Ferromagnetic Detection Systems

Ferromagnetic detection systems are
a crucial physical resource used to detect
any ferromagnetic object being car-
ried by or implanted inside the patient;
however, proper screening should be
performed before using a ferromag-
netic detection system. These systems
are designed to detect ferromagnetic
objects while disregarding nonferro-
magnetic items.21 This differentiates
ferromagnetic detection systems from
basic metal detectors. All patients and
non-MR personnel should be monitored
using a ferromagnetic detection system,
if the facility has the capability. 4 Most
detectors are handheld or stationary
units placed at the threshold of zone IV.
The mobile capability of the handheld
detector allows the operator to inspect a
patient for ferromagnetic objects before
Figure 4. Second page of sample MR screening form for patients, listing devices and objects entering zones III or IV. The stationary
that might be in the body. Reprinted with permission from Frank G Shellock, PhD, FACR, detector provides consistent, whole-body
FISMRM, FACC, FACSM, adjunct clinical professor of radiology and medicine, Keck coverage of the patient and is not opera-
School of Medicine, University of Southern California, tor dependent, which is a disadvantage of
the handheld detector because of incon-
feels uncomfortable at any point during the scan, he or sistencies in operator usage. 6,22,23
she should notify the technologist, who then must ter- In a study conducted in the United Kingdom,
minate the scan immediately. 16,18
patients were screened with a Ferroguard Screener
Not only must the patient complete the screening (Metrasens Ltd) stationary detection system. A total
process before entering zones III or IV, any person of 1032 screenings were performed on 977 patients.
who needs to enter these zones for any reason at Of those screenings, 21 (2%) gave false-positive read-
any time also must complete a screening form and ings after patients being scanned twice, with no false
undergo an oral interview before entering the room negatives. The detection system, used in conjunction
(see Figure 5).16,18,19 These people might include: with other screening methods, was located at the

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Original Article
Safety Resources and Processes in MR Imaging Departments

When improper screening occurs,
an unsafe MR environment can result.
In 2005, an independent analysis of the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s
Manufacturer and User Facility Device
Experience, or MAUDE, database
revealed 389 MR-related events includ-
ing 9 deaths. Three of the deaths were
related to pacemaker failure, 2 to insulin
pump failure, and the other 4 to implant
disturbance. More than 70% of the 389
reports were burns, 10% were projectile
related, 10% were implant disturbance
related, 4% were fire related, and 2% were
internal heating related.24
High-static-field MR systems generate
radiofrequency pulses capable of causing
burns to patients exposed to incompatible
monitoring devices. For example, a 5-week-
old sedated inpatient underwent imaging
in a 3-T magnet. Her nurse was not asked
any screening questions about the patient,
and on completion of the scan, it was dis-
covered that the patient suffered a fourth
degree burn of the forearm due to a non–
MR compatible pulse oximeter that was
not removed before the study. As a result,
the extremity required amputation.25
Another MR issue is the threat of
projectile accidents. When ferromag-
Figure 5. Sample MR screening form for anyone who must enter zones III or IV. Reprinted netic objects and materials are brought
with permission from Frank G Shellock, PhD, FACR, FISMRM, FACC, FACSM, adjunct into the MR suite, the likelihood of a
clinical professor of radiology and medicine, Keck School of Medicine, University of projectile-related accident increases.
Southern California, Many projectile incidents have occurred
as a result of improper screening or fail-
entrance to the patient changing rooms and added ure of proper zone monitoring. One incident occurred
minimal time to the screening process. This was the at an outpatient facility where a patient who worked
final screening process before taking the patient into in law enforcement was allowed to bring a firearm to
zone IV, and it was performed by trained MR person- the department dressing room. While the technologist
nel, using proper technique, with compliant patients. was reviewing the patient’s information away from the
However, because mobility can be an issue with this dressing room, the patient walked into the scan room
screening process, 23 patients were not screened with the gun. The gun was drawn into the magnet bore
because of their inability to stand and rotate within and discharged.26 No one was injured in this incident,
the limited confines of the detector. 23
but it shows why personnel must be mindful of what

Original Article
Beam, Ketchum, Wilson, et al

is allowed into the department and the importance of The second step involved observations of person-
monitoring zone IV. nel safety practices over a 3-week period. To observe
Other objects that often are involved in MR acci- various personnel and shifts, 6 individuals completed
dents are oxygen cylinders. Personnel who enter zone qualitative observations covering 6 8-hour work days.
IV with an oxygen tank put patients at risk for serious Observations were completed at 7 facilities encompass-
injury or death, as the tank becomes a projectile. A case ing a total of 15 magnets. Based on predetermined
was reported of a 47-year-old woman who was sedated criteria, the researchers compiled handwritten field
for her scan in a 1.5-T magnet. As the technologist and notes of their findings, which were transferred to an
an assistant were transferring the patient from the table, electronic, password-protected shared document at
the patient’s physician, who had been warned twice of the end of each observation day (see Box). Data were
the magnetic field before the scan, walked into the room compiled and analyzed using an open coding process to
with an 80.6-kg oxygen tank. The tank was propelled at establish key concepts regarding MR safety. During the
the assistant, causing minor injuries.20 The patient was process, the researchers evaluated the observation notes
not injured, but a controlled magnet quench had to be multiple times, identified key concepts, and made nota-
performed so that the patient could be removed from tions that were compiled into a list on completion of the
the bore safely and the cylinder stabilized. initial analysis process. From this list, they identified
Many of these incidents require the hospital to pay and grouped related items to determine overarching
substantial damages. As a result of the case involving themes. Three individuals independently completed
the oxygen tank, the gradient coils were displaced and manual coding and then compared it to reach consen-
had to be replaced, at a cost of $8000. Other expenses sus. The use of multiple coders enhanced inter-rater
were $10 000 to replace 600 L of helium, emergency reliability. Findings were used to establish common
after-hours services of 60 person-hours at a cost of safety issues in MR departments.
$93 000, and loss of the use of the scanner for 34 hours. An institutional self-certification form was com-
The facility implemented new policies and regulations pleted for this research. Because of the observational
such as nonferromagnetic cylinders, tethering tanks to nature of the study, and because the definition of
the ground, and requiring all visiting personnel to com- human research was not met, institutional review was
plete and sign a screening form detailing the potential not required.
risks of entering the field.20
Methods The study sample consisted of 7 sites in a metro-
Information from the literature search was used to politan area encompassing a total of 15 magnets; 13
establish an observational plan to record acceptable were 1.5 T, and 2 were 3 T. Of the sites included, 2 were
practices and resources for MR safety as well as devia-
tions. The observations were made in a 2-step process.
The first step involved visual assessment of physical
resources and staffing levels and qualifications in the Observation Items
selected sites. These observations were recorded in  Number of times patients are screened
a password-protected shared spreadsheet document  Watching entrance to zone IV
accessible only to the researchers. These observations  Zone III screening of non-MR personnel
were verified by a second assessor for each site at a later  Screening patients who are unconscious, confused, or who
time. Only sites accessible to the researchers through have difficulty with the screening form
clinical affiliations were included in the assessment  Personnel breaks
sample. All of the observational sites are either ACR–  Unattended magnets
MR-accredited facilities or in the process of obtaining  Additional relevant safety information or practices
ACR MR accreditation. Abbreviation: MR, magnetic resonance.

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Original Article
Safety Resources and Processes in MR Imaging Departments

Table 1 location (facility D). This MRSO was responsible for 4

Magnet Demographics magnets and was available during day shift hours. This
Magnet Type of Patient same facility was the only site with technologist assis-
Facility Strength Facility Population tants available to help screen and prepare patients for
their scans. Three of the 7 sites had 2 MR technologists
assigned to each magnet; however, only 1 of the sites
MR system 1 3T Hospital Inpatient and strictly enforced a 2-technologists-per-magnet rule.
Four of the 15 magnets were isolated from other
MR system 2 1.5 T Hospital Inpatient and hospital personnel, meaning they were away from other
outpatient departments. Eight of the 15 MR suites required badge
B access. All of the facilities had signage in the depart-
MR system 1 1.5 T Clinic Outpatient ment noting each zone. Eleven of the 15 magnets had a
MR system 2 1.5 T Clinic Outpatient stationary portal ferromagnetic detection system at the
threshold of zone IV, and 6 magnets had a portable fer-
romagnetic detection system readily available. Six of the
MR system 1 1.5 T Clinic Outpatient 15 magnets had a chain or retractable caution rope at
D the entrance to zone IV (see Table 2).
MR system 1 3T Hospital Inpatient and Carelessness was established as a theme from the quali-
outpatient tative observations. On several occasions throughout the
MR system 2 1.5 T Hospital Inpatient and observation days, multiple sites left the door to zone IV
outpatient open and unattended. Compounding this issue, chains or
MR system 3 1.5 T Hospital Outpatient retractable caution ropes often were detached for person-
nel entering or leaving the room and were not reattached,
MR system 4 1.5 T Hospital Outpatient
making them an ineffective safety barrier. Of the magnets
E equipped with a stationary ferromagnetic detection sys-
MR system 1 1.5 T Clinic Outpatient tem, most alarms were consistently disregarded by MR
MR system 2 1.5 T Hospital Inpatient and technologists and ancillary personnel such as physicians
outpatient and nurses. In addition, 2 of the stationary ferromagnetic
F detection systems frequently were inactivated by MR
MR system 1 1.5 T Hospital Inpatient and personnel. Zone IV was left unattended recurrently for a
outpatient variety of reasons, 1 being the need to enhance workflow
by prescreening the next patient. Occasionally prescreen-
MR system 2 1.5 T Hospital Inpatient and
ing was done while a patient was being scanned.
Inadequate facility design was a main finding dur-
ing the observation. Design flaws restricted visibility of
MR system 1 1.5 T Clinic Outpatient the entrance to zone IV at multiple MR sites. Visibility
MR system 2 1.5 T Clinic Outpatient was limited at some sites by walls and at others by the
Abbreviation: MR, magnetic resonance. control panel. At 1 facility, another design flaw was the
magnet’s orientation in the scanning room: When the
affiliated with each other. Nine magnets were hospital patient table was fully extended, the door to zone IV
based and 6 were at clinics. The patient population could not be closed.
included outpatients only at 6 magnets and both outpa- In addition to facility design flaws and carelessness,
tients and inpatients at 9 magnets (see Table 1). inconsistencies throughout each department were
Of these 7 sites, 1 had an American Board of noted. For instance, patients at 1 site were not screened
Magnetic Resonance Safety–credentialed MRSO on orally, but were screened using forms obtained during

Original Article
Beam, Ketchum, Wilson, et al

Table 2
Safety Resources
Location of Zone Restricted Tester Handheld Chains or
Facility MR System Signage Access Magnet FMDS Stationary FMDS Retractable Ropes
MR system 1 Not isolated Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MR system 2 Not isolated Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MR system 1 Not isolated Yes No No Yes Yes No
MR system 2 Not isolated Yes No No No Yes No
MR system 1 Isolated Yes Yes No Yes Yes No
MR system 1 Not isolated Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
MR system 2 Not isolated Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
MR system 3 Isolated Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
MR system 4 Not isolated Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
MR system 1 Isolated Yes No No No No Yes
MR system 2 Isolated Yes No No No No No
MR system 1 Not isolated Yes Yes No Yes Yes, frequently Yes
MR system 2 Isolated Yes Yes No Yes Yes, frequently No
MR system 1 Not isolated Yes No No No No No
MR system 2 Not isolated Yes No No No No No
Abbreviation: FMDS, ferromagnetic detection system.

prior MR examinations. At the remaining sites, some or search for other personnel. Another inconsistency
patients were screened only once, not twice as recom- was staffing. Often, facilities were limited to 1 technolo-
mended, and with little to no consistency. One site gist per scanner, not allowing time for a sufficient lunch
had simplified screening forms that easily could be break, which frequently resulted in technologists eating
completed by the patient and the remaining 6 sites had at the control desk after leaving the scanner unattended
traditional screening forms. Ancillary personnel also while preparing their lunch (see Table 3).
were observed entering zones III and IV without per-
mission or supervision of an MR technologist. These Discussion
personnel entered these zones to retrieve needed sup- As indicated in the qualitative themes section, tech-
plies from the scan room, make necessary repairs, clean, nologists commonly left open doors to zone IV, which

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Original Article
Safety Resources and Processes in MR Imaging Departments

posed a threat to the safety of patients and personnel and least twice before entering zone IV. This practice is
allowed any hospital personnel to enter zone IV without important to maintaining a safe environment because
supervision by MR personnel. Chains or retractable cau- it prevents patients with contraindications from being
tion ropes are an effective deterrent when used properly scanned.
to prevent untrained personnel from entering zone IV and Ferromagnetic detection systems are popular
serve as a reminder to trained personnel of the potential because of their increasing availability and reliability.
dangers of the static field. These issues demonstrate the These systems can be useful in the patient screening
importance of an MRSO being onsite to oversee that MR process and require minimal time. They also can help
technologists abide by safe practices and protocols. An prevent human errors, as well as alert personnel to fer-
American Board of Magnetic Resonance Safety–certified romagnetic items that might have been missed or not
MRSO who demonstrates a deep understanding of MR properly identified during the routine screening pro-
safety can enhance service and care for MR patients and cess.4,6,22,23 However, MR personnel can develop alarm
research subjects and can be a valuable tool in the MR fatigue and begin to ignore alarms unintentionally.
department.27 Implementing a “lights-off advancement” links the MR
Another factor contributing to individuals enter- room lights to the ferromagnetic detection system, dim-
ing zone IV without permission is poor facility ming the lights on detection of a ferrous object. 6 This
design. Visability of the entrance to zone IV often was technique ensures MR personnel do not ignore the typ-
obstructed because of the layout of the MR suite. Before ical visual and audio warning signs whenever a detector
construction of an MR suite, special consideration is activated. This method could be useful in alerting
should be given to magnet placement in relation to the personnel to overlooked ferrous objects.
control panel and floor plan to ensure optimal viewing This study found that ferromagnetic detection
ability for the technologist. Limitations in existing facil- systems and other barriers frequently are used in MR
ity floor plans should be taken into consideration when suites, in clinic and hospital settings; however, the
installing an MR unit and zoning system. safety resources available at each facility were only as
Proper patient screening is vital to ensuring safety. effective as the safety practices implemented by the
Screening forms vary by clinical site, causing incon- technologists.
sistencies in screening practices. ACR–MR-accredited
facilities could be mandated to use specific approved Conclusion
screening forms to reduce these inconsistencies. The Although MR generally is considered a safe imaging
ACR recommends that all patients be screened at modality, to ensure patient safety, MR personnel must
heed important precautions, such as proper screening
Table 3 practices, zoning, and facility design. The initial patient
Qualitative Themes
screening process can be tedious and time consuming,
but it is a vital aspect of MR imaging safety. Everyone
Carelessness  Doors left open and unattended to zone IV
who enters the MR scan room must be screened before
 Disregarded FMDS alarm
entry to ensure a safe environment for all patients and
 Forgotten retractable ropes or chains
personnel. In addition to initial screening, supplemen-
 Unattended MR systems
tary measures to prevent possible injury include the
Inadequate  Restricted visibility to zone IV entrance use of zones, barriers, ferromagnetic detector systems,
 MR system orientation in scan room and signage. The safety strategies outlined in the MR
Inconsistencies  Nonstandardized screening practices Safe Practice Guidelines document include accurate
 Non-MR personnel entering room without design and signage for zoning purposes, labeling MR
permission equipment as safe or unsafe, and implementing policies
 Number of staff per magnet that restrict personnel access. Precautionary measures
 Staffing personnel breaks are vital to patient safety and should be used to the

Original Article
Beam, Ketchum, Wilson, et al

best of every institution’s ability. Enforcement of the Chris Scoles, MS, R.T.(R)(MR); Layna Phillips, MS,
ACR-established MR zones promotes safety in the R.T.(R)(MR); and Zack Gray, MS, R.T.(R)(MR), work for
MR setting. Furthermore, MR personnel must work St Dominic Hospital in Jackson, Mississippi.
as a team. Each individual has numerous duties with Ikia Celestine, MS, R.T.(R)(MR), works for Dell Seton
the same goal: providing the safest environment for Medical Center at the University of Texas in Austin, Texas.
employees and patients. Synergism is important in the Tyler Patrick, MS, R.T.(R)(MR), works for the University
MR department. By working as a team with a com- of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson, Mississippi.
mon goal and by consistently applying safety policies Received November 28, 2017; accepted after revision
and protocols, MR personnel can help ensure excellent March 6, 2018.
patient safety. Reprint requests may be mailed to the American Society
A limitation of this study was its observational of Radiologic Technologists, Publications Department,
design. Because of the researchers’ inability to interact
15000 Central Ave SE, Albuquerque, NM 87123-3909, or
with the MR technologists, it could not be determined
emailed to
why certain practices were not followed properly.
© 2019 American Society of Radiologic Technologists.
Another limitation was the practices followed by dif-
ferent technologists. Some technologists would follow Reprinted from Radiologic Technology. Copyright
certain protocols, while a different technologist would 2019 by the American Society of Radiologic Technologists.
abide by an alternative set of rules. The relatively small All rights reserved. Used with permission of the ASRT for
number of observational sites might be considered a educational purposes.
limitation as well.
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