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PJL Corps

Meeting for Annual Dinner


Chairperson’s address

I am glad to welcome all members to the second meeting of the our

CP company.

Thank you, thank you for coming. Can we call this meeting to order?
All Yes.
Apologies For Absence

CP Are there any apologies for absence for today’s meeting?

1 No absence for today’s meeting sir.
Minutes of Previous Meeting

CP Thank you. Can we now proceed to the next item, minutes of the previous
All Yes.
Please take a minute to read through the minutes of the previous meeting
CP which were distributed earlier.

Are there any amendments?

1 No Mr Chairperson, all the discussions were correct and recorded very well
due to our event selection.
3 Thank you, I will take it as a compliment.
Well done (3)
Thank you. Can someone propose the minutes be passed as a true record?
1 I propose the minutes be passed as true record.
2 I second the motion.
Matters arising from the previous minutes

CP Let’s move on. Any matters arising?

Yes, Mr. Chairperson. I would like to ask Mr Secretary about the preparations
for our Annual Dinner. Have all the arrangements been made?

Not yet. We still don’t know the event’s:

1. Time
2. Venue
1 3. Activities
4. Food and Drinks
5. Guest

Mr Chairperson, I suggest our dinner should be held on 31 Dec 2018, as the

4 new years celebration is around the conner , we shall celebrates together and
enjoy the new years holiday in the next morning.
CP That’s sound great! I like your idea, well done, any other suggestion?
That’s great! But when is the time for dinner? I suggest that the dinner starts
at 8:30pm until the new year countdown starts. We can put some interesting
activities that night.

I don’t agree. I suggest we starts the dinner at 9:00, so that we can done our
prayer first. First thing first!

ALL Agree

Hotel Pintar might be interesting venue for our dinner. They have the best
service in town!

I have already ask Hotel Pintar, but unfortunately their main hall have been
1 booked by other event. We can’t conduct our dinner there.

How about Dewan Penyu, UTHM. Its always unoccupied there.

But the hall is not well equipted, the place might have no electricity and
other facilities. It’s in really bad conditions.
How about DSI UTHM? I heard the hall has 4 Stars rating and affordable to

Secretary All right. I’ll get that done by Friday.


Chairperson That’s fine. Thank you. Glad we managed to settle that matter fast. Let’s go
on the second item under Special Business – improving the Reading Room
which is very popular, especially among our senior members.
Treasurer Well, we definitely need new TV set. Our present one has only a 16-inch
screen and it was purchased back in 1995.
Shahee I’ve heard some very sarcastic comments about that set.
Chairperson It seems like everyone is in favour of purchasing a new TV set. Are we all
agreed on this matter?
All Yes.
Chairperson Okay. It’s resolved that we buy a new TV set.
Treasurer Mr. Chairperson, I suggest we set a ceiling of RM3000 for the purchase of
the new TV set.
Salmah Yes, yes. I think that’s reasonable. Can I volunteer to look into this?
Chairperson Yes, thank you. Can you work with Mr. Krish, our treasurer?
Salmah Fine. I’ll do that.
Shahee Mr. Chairperson, I have another proposal. Why don’t we subscribe to some
British newspapers for our Reading Room? Everybody’s talking about
improving their English proficiency and surely this is one way to do it.
Fana Sorry, but I oppose the idea. It’s going to be far too expensive. Besides, are
we really interested in goings-on Britain? I’m sure that as Malaysians, we are
keen to know our own local news. In addition, our newspapers can compete
with English newspapers from any part of the world. So, why do we need a
foreign newspaper?
Eina Exactly. I too think that our local newspapers are good enough. And of
course, they are so much cheaper. The money in our fund could be put to
better use.
Shahee That’s really not true. Our senior members will enjoy a wider variety of
reading material and British newspaper really do not cost that much.
Azman Mr. Chairperson, what about renovating the Reading Room?
Treasurer I think we’re going to spend enough on the Reading Room. The budget is a
bit tight.
7. Any other business

Chairperson Shall we leave that to another time? Let’s move on the Any Other Business
Fana Yes, Mr. Chairperson. The parking system for our club is really in a mess.
Chairperson I don’t quite follow you. What exactly do you mean?
Fana Well, some of our members can be considerate. They double park and block
other cars without a thought.
Shahee Yes! Maybe we should include a reminder in our next newsletter. Members
must park in allocated spaces only. They really should show some
consideration for others.
Chairperson Okay Mr. Shahee, as the Editor of the newsletter, could you please put in a
column on this?
8. Date, time and venue of the next meeting

Chairperson Thank you. Our next item is date, time and venue for the next meeting.
Secretary Mr. Chairperson, since there are many activities to be completed before that,
can I send a notice about the next meeting to the members later?
All Yes, sure.
Chairperson That’s that then. Anything else? Any questions? Comments? No? well then,
thank you for coming. Will someone propose the meeting to be adjourned?
Fana Yes, I propose the meeting be adjourned.
Chairperson Seconder?
Azman I second the motion.
Chairperson Thank you. The meeting is adjourned. Have anice day.
All Thank you!

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