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Literature of France

Madame Bovary and Comparative Reception

in France and Indonesia

Muhammad Tifal Nawwafin

1. preliminary authors who are interested in it is

Madame Bovary is a novelworks Gustave Flaubert. He took the reality
of Gustave Flaubert, a writer bloody of what happened in the French
French, first published in 1856 or in society at the time of making his
the 19th century. This novel is work as a guide Madame Bovary.
considered a reformer of French Therefore, literature Madame Bovary
literature from the romantic era regarded as mimesis or depictions of
monotony royalty obeying language life at that time.
into postivisme period realism that This work brings social change at
connects truth and nature so that the the time of publication. At that time,
literary works not only with fantasy Gustave Flaubert's Madame Bovary
and imagination but something real. as the author of the law caught for
There are 3 large flow of French violating the norms prevailing in
literature in the 19th century is society at that time. Gustave
Romanticism, Positivism realism and Flaubert to describe the degradation
idealism simbiolisme. Author- of values in society by recording the
penagarang famous at that time fact that occur in society and
such as Gustave Flaubert, implement the footage to the literary
Baudelaire, Emile Zola, and works of Madame Bovary.
Alexandre Dumas. Different cultures, ways of
The transition from romanticism thinking, and a publication of literary
towards realism positivism occurred works for the discrepancies between
in the 1850s in which something that the public reception Indonesia and
is real is the subject of interest to be France. The reception difference is a
used as a literary work. One of the matter that needs to be investigated.
The goal was to determine that requires artifacts or originals that
differences in the function of this can support the research.
literary work in French society and The study is based on literary
the people of Indonesia through the criticism is not only viewed from the
work of Madame Bovary translation. perspective of the individual but from
the perspective of the prevailing view
2. Reception Theory of Literature of society at a particular time.
Literary reception is a notion that Through this research, it can be
makes the reader as the respondent seen opposition from the prevailing
as one of the factors to criticize a view in society with the idea or
literary work. innovation expressed by the authors
At the reception of literature, the through literary works.
reader has an important role in the 3. Comparison reception in
study, because the readers are France and Indonesia
people who read, enjoy, assess, and There are differences in the
take advantage of a literary work. A public reaction to the publication of
text has open spots that occur due to Madame Bovary in French literature
the asymmetric nature of literature and Indonesia through the work of
and the reading process is to fill the translation. This can occur due to
open spots. If the reader can fill in different ways of thinking,
the open spaces of the then perspectives, cultures, and a
communication between literary text publication of literary works.
and the reader can be achieved and Differences in people's reaction is
it is central to the theory of literary evidence that there are differences
reception. between the French public reception
In this paper the authors utilize and Indonesia. How a novel can
the terms ktitik penilitian literature for bring revolution in French literature
Madame Bovary is a literary work of while in Indonesia is not too big
the past so it does not allow the use influence on literary style that is used
of experimental research method at this time.
Differences reception in France people with writing. Therefore,
and Indonesia is an interesting thing Madame Bovary is something new in
to discuss because to know why the future society that is considered
these differences occur it can be as a revolutionary literary work.
seen also why literary Madame In the early days of the
Bovary can bring a revolution and a publication of the novel Madame
change in the time of publication. In Bovary in 1856, this work reap a big
addition, it is known also the controversy because of Gustave
perspective and culture of French Flaubert with his work is considered
society at that time to happen furor in violation of the norms prevailing in
at a time when literature was society.
published. Controversial novel Madame
Bovary dragged its author, Gustave
3.1. Reception Madame Bovary in Flaubert, to be prosecuted in court in
French 1857. Gustave Flaubert considered
Novel Madame Bovary is damaging norms prevailing in society
considered as one of the at that time. He described vividly the
revolutionary work at the time of events sensual regarded as a
publication. The novel is regarded as disgrace, even as it as something
mimesis or imitation of life in his time natural but with smart Gustave
because realistically depicts how life Flaubert can twist all the charges
at that time. Gustave Flaubert made against him. He can convince the
observations on the events and public and the court that his work
circumstances of people's everyday can make someone afraid to sin. The
lives. This is something new in those fear of the burden of sin and a
days in the previous era is the era of lifetime of regret will make one's life
romanticism. Works of literature in on the right path. Thanks to his
the era of romanticism tends to intelligence in breaking the
contain about fantasy and demands, Gustave Flaubert freed
imagination and very rare writer who from the law and found not guilty.
combines the reality that occurs in
Charges of Gustave Flaubert is menjunjung tinggi realisme. Tidak
inseparable from the role of the mengherankan jika Gustave Flaubert
bourgeoisie in power at the time. A diakui Bapak Kesusastraan Modern
people hypocritical moral but a dan banyak sastrawan besar seperti
corrupt preacher, a clan that Kafka, James Joyce, Vargas Llosa,
dominates the capitalist regime and dan masih banyak lagi menyatakan
have the ability to produce in other diri sebagai pewaris-pewaris
words people are to enjoy the luxury, Gustave Flaubert.
wealth and privileged. Gustave
Flaubert in his attack of the 3.2. Resepsi Madame Bovary di
bourgeoisie as the main character, Indonesia Melalui Karya
Emma Bovary, having an affair with Terjemahan
her friends who is also the Karya terjemahan Madame
bourgeoisie. The bourgeoisie is also Bovary yang berjudul Nyonya Bovary
demanding for a literary work that is terbit pertama kali di Indonesia pada
considered to attack their families, tahun 2016, tahun terbit yang sudah
but because the case is also novel terlampau lama sekali dari pertama
Madame Bovary into a hard sell kali novel ini diterbitkan pada tahun
because besides selling the storyline 1856. Perbedaan waktu ini
that's new at the time, is also selling berpengaruh kepada perbedaan
novel sensation of cases of Gustave resepsi masyarakat Indonesia dan
Flaubert. Perancis pada masa awal
Novel Madame Bovary mendapat penerbitannya di abad ke-19.
respon atau tanggapan yang luas di Masyarakat Indonesia di tahun 2016
Perancis pada masa penerbitannya. sudah banyak disuguhkan cerita-
Selain mendapat respon dari kaum cerita semacam perselingkuhan
yang berkuasa saat itu karena seorang istri dan seorang wanita
dianggap dengan berani mengkritik yang menikah dengan orang yang
atau menyerang gaya hidup mereka, tidak dicintainya sehingga respon
novel ini juga mendapat pengakuan masyarakat Indonesia tidak seheboh
dari para sastrawan besar yang respon masyarakat Perancis pada
abad ke-19 dimana hal-hal tersebut Indonesia lebih mengenal khazanah
masih tabu untuk dibicarakan karena kesusastraan dunia.
dianggap sebagai sebuah aib yang
harus ditutupi. 4. Kesimpulan
Minat baca masyarakat Indonesia Dapat disimpulkan karya sastra
yang masih rendah juga Madame Bovary mendapat
mempengaruhi reaksi dari karya tanggapan besar di Perancis pada
sastra terjemahan Nyonya Bovary. masa awal penerbitannya namun
Pada umumnya yang membaca tanggapan tersebut cenderung
karya sastra ini hanyalah sastrawan- bersifat negatif sehingga menyeret
sastrawan Indonesia yang penulisnya Gustave Flaubert untuk
melakukan penelitian terhadap berurusan dengan hukum. Karya
sebuah mahakarya Bapak sastra ini dianggap melanggar
Kesusastraan Modern, Gustave norma-norma masyarakat dan
Flaubert, sedangkan hanya segelintir cendrung menyerang kaum borjuis
masyarakat Indonesia yang yang memiliki kekuasaan.
membaca bahkan yang tahu tentang Karya Madame Bovary disambut
karya revolusi sastra Perancis ini. dengan positif oleh para sastrawan
Walaupun tidak terjadi perubahan Indonesia. Karya ini dianggap
besar pada aliran sastra Indonesia sebagai sebuah karya besar dan
akibat karya terjemahan Nyonya sudah menjadi milik kesusastraan
Bovary, penerjemahan karya sastra dunia namun karena minat baca
Madame Bovary tetap merupakan masyarakat masih relatif rendah
hal yang tepat untuk dilakukan. Hal maka penikmat karya sastra ini
tersebut tepat untuk dilakukan kebanyakan adalah para sastrawan
karena karya sastra Madame Bovary atau pelajar sastra dan hanya sedikit
telah membawa perubahan besar masyarakat biasa yang membaca
pada masanya dan karya sastra ini novel ini. Namun demikian
juga sudah menjadi milik sastra penerjemahan karya sastra ini
dunia sehingga penerjemahannya merupakan suata langkah yang tepat
tepat dilakukan agar masyarakat untuk dilakukan.
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