Baby Cradle - Mini Project Synopsis

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Dept of Electrical and Electronics Engg.
Sem: 6th Academic
Seminar Synopsis
Year: 2017-18

Project Title: Arduino Based Baby Cradle and monitoring for Infant Care
Name: USN:
1. Advita A Gaonkar 1.2KE15EE002
2. Vasanti 2.2KE15EE041
3. Chaitra D B 3.2KE16EE401
4. Heena Kouser 4.2KE16EE406
Group Number: Date: 5/2/2018


Parents in the present world are busy in their professional life, so they do not get sufficient time
to take care of their babies. It may be expensive for the household to afford a nanny. Today’s
woman has to manage home along with their office work simultaneously. After long working
hours, they have to take care of the home along with the baby. They may not get enough time to
swing the cradle manually and sooth the baby. Moreover, in today’s life style, it is very difficult
even for the housewives to sit nearby their infants and sooth them whenever they cry. Enhancing
sleep quality is an important research topic, as quality sleep is important for everyone, especially
for infants . A comfortable electric cradle with a low power consumption that can let infants fall
asleep quickly is desired by many parents and numerous novel inventions based on swing
mechanisms in the form of springs or rods have been developed .Hospitals have neonatal and
maternity units. Nurses in these units have to take care of baby and sooth them whenever they
cry. The proposed system is designed to help parents and nurses in infants care. The design aims
at following points: a) Cradle starts swinging automatically when baby cry and swings till the
baby stops crying. Buzzes an alarm if baby doesn’t stop crying within a stipulated time.
b) Sounds an alarm when mattress gets wet.
K.L.E. Society’s
Dept of Electrical and Electronics Engg.
Sem: 6th Academic
Seminar Synopsis
Year: 2017-18


Generally, the baby cradle is used for to make sleep and soothe to baby. For example guardian
has to take care of their child till as they asleep. However, conventional cradle are not
electronically equipped such as like battery or adapter to automate the cradle automatically. In
Addition to that, these kind of conventional cradle is used in villages areas or non-developed
cities due to its low prices. But the problem of this kind of designated cradle is that you need
manpower to take care of your child and your child may not be safe and feel comfortable in the
conventional cradle. Thus, we need automatic cradle to take care of child which uses the battery
or power source. Besides, there are extra features or function is provided by the newly automatic
cradle that is beneficial for parents. Because in the present world people are very busy in their
professional life so they do not get ample time to take care of their infants. It will be very
difficult control the babies and if someone is hiring professional to take care of their infants. It
may increase your expenses from monthly expenditure. Moreover, in today’s life it is very hard
to even for the homemakers (mummy) to sit nearby their babies and sooth them whenever they
feel uncomfortable. Though, it is automatic this application is very useful for the nurses in
maternity units of hospital.
K.L.E. Society’s
Dept of Electrical and Electronics Engg.
Sem: 6th Academic
Seminar Synopsis
Year: 2017-18

Block Diagram:-

Regulated Power Supply

Sound Sensor
(Audio Output)

Wet Sensor

Arduino Driver Circuit

PIR Sensor

Temperature Sensor
Baby bassinet

Fig 1 Block diagram of the proposed concept

The above figure 1 represents the block diagram of proposed system. When the baby cries the
Cradle need to be waved this is implemented by using a microphone which captures the baby cry
sound and the generated sound level in dB x is compared with a preset value y and if x is greater
than y, it indicates that the baby is crying. If it is sensed that baby is crying, the cradle starts
waving. Cradle movement is controlled by dc motor which will provide back and forth motion.
Motor’s clockwise and anticlockwise movement moves the cradle on the either side and in this
K.L.E. Society’s
Dept of Electrical and Electronics Engg.
Sem: 6th Academic
Seminar Synopsis
Year: 2017-18

way the system will keep working and rhymes are played to make the baby asleep. Wet sensing
system is implemented to determine the moisture condition i.e. urine detection, two pairs of
copper electrodes are placed under the cloth on which baby is sleeping. The signal obtained is
given to Arduino microcontroller. When urine is present switch is closed transistor turns on.
When urine is absent switch is open, transistor turns off. Thus, if mattress gets wet, Alarm is
buzzed to alert the parents. Environment temperature is sensed using temperature sensor which
operates at 5 V and can measure temperature up to 125 C which is sufficient for the targeted
environment temperature range. If the temperature is too high, parents get alerted by voice
message. A DC motor fan is fitted to give ambience for the cradle and maintain proper
temperature for the child to sleep.

[1] Steven Bang; Richard Lam; Natallia Lo Cicero (2011), “Rock Me Baby: The Automatic
Baby Rocker” Project for, San Jose State University, Department of Mechanical and
Aerospace Engineering, May 17.

[2] Yang Hu; WeihuaGui; “Adaptive Sway Control for Baby Bassinet Based on Artificial
Metabolic Algorithm” School of Information Science and Engineering, Central South
University, China.

[3] Marie R Harper; La Mirada; Maxine R Blea (1973), “Automatically rocking babycradle”,
US 3769641, Date of Patent: November, 6..

Guide : Prof. Chaitanya K J Signature

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