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Now if we're being honest with ourselves, we need to know we aren't 2 perfect church. Again, if we polled the church family about areas we need to improve upon we'd get a variety of answers and some agreement too. Here are my thoughts on where we could grow as a church family: Adult scripture study/Sunday school, more consistent worship attendance, getting families to stay for worship after Sunday school, Sunday morning jokes, and expanding our involvement in missions. Again, not an exhaustive list..what would you ade? Now that you've made your list of ministries we do well and ministries ‘we can grow stronger where do you fit in? It’s easy to say here’s where the church needs to do better. It is another thing to be a part of that solution. I am very good at pointing out growth areas in various things I’m involved in. What I need to be berter at is being part of the solution to help that growing edge. What about you? Are you a complainer or a doer/fixer? Our church is superb, wonderful, a true light of Christ in a time and place that needs the love and grace of Christ. I am convinced that God has blessed and will continue to bless our church family. We have done and will continue to do amazing ministry. What | belleve God Is asking of our church family Is to take a good look at our church and if you see a need then work to help fill it. We all have different gifts and abilities that God is just waiting to use to bless others. What God wants from us is the guts and discipline to step up and make those gifts and abilities available. So, are you willing to step up and be part of making this church family even better? We want to work with you and we can‘t wait to see the blessings God has in store. Minden UCC Board Meeting-3/10/19 Members in attendance: Jerry Murley, Bonnie Dollen, Amanda Murley, Tracey Roane, Caroll ‘Olsen, Charlie Leaders, Pastor Brian Pastor's Report: Paid for music copyright license for another year. Pastor is doing another ‘wedding in November, Marty Dollen. Eloise Haight’s funeral is May 18 and Mary Kahler’ is May 25. Prayer updates on Rae C, Bryce Behrens, Mel R. and Paula S. April 28™ is last day of Sunday school and youth talent Sunday. Confiemation boys willbe doing a small skit atthe 10:00am Easter Service. Pastor Brian attended a conference committee meeting on Saturday. Pastor will take a vacation Sunday on June 30". Pastor was asked to be a mentor for a pastor in Columbus NE. Talked more about sabbatical leave in the end of July and August. Mare Info on that to come. Possible batism in the future. ‘Treasurer's Report: Chicken dinner profited about $2600 and offering form last Sunday was just under $4000. Transferred $5000 from operation loan to checking account. Some of the bills were worship expenses (cepyright license for music and Sunday school material). Amanda moved to accept Treasurer's Report, Charlie seconded-approved. ‘Mission Fund: They have racelved 1 request for a scholarship thus far ‘Trustees: water came in under the north stairs and in that room on the north east corner. Charlie, Joe Leaders and Jon Krohn took carpet up and helped move snow away from the church.-leak slowed. Amore permanent fx willbe applied this sprint. Wille VanNordstrand helped fixa broken downspout earlier in the day..thank you tothe City of Minden for the use ‘of a small chunk of PVC pige to help move water away from church. Parsonage is still having, issues with water softener..a coupe fixes willbe tried. Steve Griffin quoted $1200 for anew ‘water softener and Lynn from Soft Touch Water quoted $1100. ‘Memorial Committee: decided not to purchase banners for Minden downtown at this time Youth: Lock in on March 28%. Had a fantastic Ash Wednesday Soup dinner and worship. Ran out of soup..probably the alggest crowd we've had for both dinner and worship! Unfinished Business: Boy Scouts insurance covers them..stil trying to obtain a copy of thelr Insurance. Work continues forming our church's safe church policy Easter Breakfast: Menu: egg bake, biscuits and gravy, fresh fruit, milk and juice. All people serving on a board at church are invited to help. Easter schedule: 7:00am sunrise service, 8:00am breakfast, 9:00am Sunday school and Easter Egg hunt, 10:00am regular worship. Discussed distributing the Cornerstone newsletter electronically..nathing decided. Discussion held about upkeep of the church building and possible tems that may need fixing in future. Board will take a tour of building in the future to see what may need ta be done and inthe fall welll discuss with church body budgeting for needed repairs.

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