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Deepak Garg +91-9957630230

Roll Number : 1401071023

B.Tech. - Chemical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati Linkedin:

Degree/Certificate Institute/Board CGPA/Percentage Year
B.Tech Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati 7.75 (Current) 2014 - Present
Senior secondary CBSE board 87.6% 2013
Secondary CBSE board 9.0 2011

Instacart Market Basket Analysis June -July 2017
- Predicted the type of product a user will buy again, try for the first time, or add to their cart next
during a session, on Kaggle using "Ensembling and Xgboost" algorithms in Python. 
 Santander Product Recommendation                                                                                         Jan-Apr 2017 
- Built a recommendation system to meet the individual needs of all customers and ensure their
satisfaction using their past behaviour on Kaggle. 
Facial Recognition using PCA Feb -Apr 2017
Dr. Suresh Sundaram, Assistant Professor, Dept. of EEE, IIT Guwahati
- A set of 200 images from 40 individuals was projected to a smaller dimension subspace to get a set of
'Eigenfaces'. A new face is classified based on its distance to existing faces.
Character Recognition using a Bayesian Classifier Feb -Apr 2017
   Dr. Suresh Sundaram, Assistant Professor, Dept. of EEE, IIT Guwahati
- Designed a Bayesian Classifier to classify a set of 300 test images spread over three classes. The
classifier was trained using 200 images from each class. About 90% accuracy was achieved.
Autonomous Robot Aug 2015 - Nov 2015
- Implemented a communication network to follow a particular path (PID incorporated), or simply
mimicking the other via transmission through Radio Frequency module.

Technical skills
Programming languages : C++, C*
Statistical Tools : R, MS Excel*, MATLAB, Python
Database management : MySQL*
Miscellaneous : Arduino
Operating system : Windows*, Linux*
* Elementary proficiency

Key Courses
Computer Lab Statistical Inference
Machine Learning Optimization
Numerical Methods Numerical Methods lab (in MATLAB)
CS 109 - Data Science (Harvard)  Stat 110 - Probability (Harvard) 
* To be completed in Nov 2016

Positions of Responsibility
Robotics Module Head, Techniche-Technical Festival Of IIT Guwahati                                                 
- Responsible for making problem statements. Mentored and spearheaded a team of juniors to
successfully conduct the module events.
Website Manager, SAIL-Student Alumni Interaction Linkage                                                                 
- In charge of deploying SAIL website and making a bridge between students and Alumni.
Core Team Member, Technothlon                                                                                                                  
- International School Championship, framed questions for 9-12th class students.                     
Conducted in the city of Delhi successfully.
American Express "Analyze This" : Finished among the top 60 teams at National Level in
this Data Analytics Competition held in August.
Mental Maths Contest 2005 : Secured 2nd position in the State level contest.
Joint Entrance Examination 2014 : Ranked in top 0.3% among 1.4 million candidates.

Volunteered for organizing Half Marathon in Guwahati. Around 20,000 people ran for the
Made an Autonomous as well as Manual bot for participation in IRC (International Robotics
Competition) at Techfest (IIT Bombay’s technical fest). 
Volunteered for Arduino workshop conducted by Robotics Club, IIT Guwahati.
Bolt IoT Workshop : Attended a workshop followed by 24 hour Hackathon conducted by

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