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ABOUT A. D. 1030.





Druck der Dieterich'schen Univ. - Buchdruckerei.
W. Fr. Kaestner.

§ 1. Indica Arabica.
An Arabie book on Brahmanical India is a rarity in literature and al
most a contradiction in terms. It seems strange that an author who writes
in the language of the Coran should command sufficient breadth of view to
choose the Hindu world of thought as the favourite object of his studies and
the theme of a book. The early Arabs knew admirably how to spread their
faith sword in hand, how to conquer foreign countries and to colonize many
of them, but they never cared for archaeological researches, for what had
been in those countries before them. And indeed all that Muhammadan au
thors relate about the Antemuhammadan times of Egypt, Syria, Asia Mi
nor, Spain &c., is a mass of confusion and is, with very rare exceptions, to
tally devoid of historic interest. Traditions of this kind have only occasion
ally a special merit of their own by allowing us a glance into the develop
ment of literary fiction and folklore, when the single threads of their web
are unravelled by scholarly sagacity and laid open to inspection. Islam is to
embrace the whole world , and all that was before Islam and all that is not
Islam, is devil's work condemned to all eternity. The less therefore a Mus
lim minds it, the better for his soul.
This ruling tendency of Islam is preeminently illustrated by the deeds
of that Muhammadan prince in whose reign the present book was composed.
The picture which Indian history draws of the great Mahmûd of Ghazna is
all destruction of temples and idols. However, under the shadow of his vic
torious banner there was a quiet scholar at work, a hero in the camp of
spiritual achievements who was not engaged in fighting the Hindus, but in
trying to learn from them, to study Sanskrit and Sanskrit literature and to
translate Sanskrit books into Arabic. Though convinced of the superiority
a2 .

of Islam, he admired the acuteness of the Indian mind and its productions
in art and literature. Acting on the principle that those who want to meet
the Hindus on the battle-ground of intellectual warfare and to deal with
them in the spirit of justice and equanimity, must first learn all that is
peculiar to them in manners and customs as well as in their general modes of
thought, he produced a comprehensive description of Indian civilization, al
ways struggling to grasp its very essence and depicting it with due lights
and shades as an impartial spectator. The title of the book, the awkward
ness of which seems to arise from the punctiliousness of a delicate conscience,
runs as follows : nAn accurate description of. all categories of Hindu thought, as
well those which are admissible as those which must be rejected« i. e. o1^-^' <3' ^^
iJy3w» }\ ¿AJ¿\ j tij+ЯА УЗуЯА Q, чХЦИ U (JpM? (j ¿í^l ^1 QÍ ¿+¿¿

No doubt, much of the subject matter of the book, if not all, was per
fectly new to the Muhammadan readers of the time. But will it be able to
teach something new about India also to the learned Europe of our century
after the unparallelled progress which Sanskrit and Indian studies in general
have made since the days of Sir William Jones? Apart from his own opi
nion, the editor is entitled to state that it was specialists, Sanskrit scholars,
who never wearied in proclaiming the desirability of its being edited and
translated. Ever since a few portions were made known, they have been
largely and conscientiously used by Sanskrit scholars, who never, even when
contradicting the author, denied him the deference due to a first rate autho
rity in historic matters. And we are inclined to believe that the fame and
credit of Albèrûni will greatly increase , after his immortal work has been
now for the first time in its entirety and in the form in which it left his
pen, laid before the learned world.
A clear cut through the different strata of the earth's crust teaches
the geologist its origin, the history of its development, its past, its present
and its future, In a similar way the work of Herodotus, the Germania of
Tacitus and the Indica of Albêrûnî afford as it were a clear cut through the
stratification of the Greek-Oriental. Teutonic and Indian civilizations of their
times. If these authors show us what they found and how they found it, it is
our task to investigate how it had attained to that stage and what was its sub
sequent development. When Tacitus wrote, the Teutonic tribes were still in
very primitive conditions, they had not yet learnt from their Roman masters
the art of making successful wars and of founding large states, and Irish
and other missionaries had not yet appeared among them, to sow the first
seeds of Christian civilization. When Herodotus travelled in the east, the
specific civilizations of both Egypt and Western Asia looked already back
upon a long course ef national development which had extended over nun
dreds and thousands of years, but they were on the eve of entering a period
of decline, which preceded and prepared the way for the sway of the Greek
mind over the Oriental world.
Our Muhammadan author does not, like Tacitus, portray the infancy of
a great nation. At his time the dome of Indian civilization had long ago been
finished both at large and in every detail, its initial stages had long ago
faded away from the memory of the nation. Like Herodotus in Babylonia
and Egypt, Albèrunî found in India an exotic civilization, as strange and
marvellous as it was perfect in its way, but on the eve of being encroached
upon by foreign invaders. The time of Albcruni. that of the great Mahmud
of Ghazna, is the end of the political independence of India, and the inau
guration of Muhammadan rule , in fact the beginning of a historic develop
ment which terminated in the establishment of British rule throughout the
whole of the peninsula. Already before Mahmûd, foreign invaders had con
quered parts of India, but they again had in their turn been conquered by
Indian civilization, so as to become Indians by the same process of assimila
tion by which the Bulgarians, originally a Turkish tribe, have become Sla
vonians and the great tribe of the Ghilzai in Afghanistan, who originally
were Turks, have become Afghans. The Muhammadans, however, remained
in India what they were when they entered. Though adopting the language
of their subjects and many of their customs, they remained in law and reli
gion foreigners to the country. India as sketched by Albèrunî, is India at
the close of its national existence. Its civilization was then essentially Brah-
manical as it had come to be in a protracted struggle with Buddhism. Al
bèrunî does not know Indian Buddhism from personal experience, though it
had not yet entirely withdrawn from India and in some parts was still a po_
litical power.
The literary predecessors of Albêrûni were a Greek diplomatist and
Buddhist pilgrims from China. About 295 B. C. king Seleucus 1. sent Mega-
sthenes as an ambassador to king Sandrocottus or Candragupta in Pàtali-
putra or Patna. The envoy traversed nearly the whole breadth of northern
India and seems to have had access to good sources of information. Unfor
tunately his countrymen were not prepared to do justice to his most excel
lent report, and it is mostly in consequence of this that only fragments of it
have been transmitted to our age. Was it an initial stage of Indian civili
zation which Megasthenes saw and described? Hardly. Civilization in India
goes back to a more remote antiquity. Certain parts of his account are evi
dently derived from Paurânic sources and the Purânas are not considered as
representing a primary stratum of Indian literature.
Four hundred years before Albèrûnî, Hwen-Thsang, a Chinese monk,

travelled in India, and on his return compiled his book of travels from what
he had seen and heard. His predecessors in this line had been Fa-Hian
399 — 413 and Sung-Yun 502 A. D. These works are of great importance
and have met with all the credit due to them, especially in questions of geo
graphy and history. Hwen-Thsang visited India in the years 629 to 645
A. D.
Albêrûnî belongs to a much later period. He has not seen as much of
the country as Megasthenes, and his travels are, in comparison with those
of Hwen-Thsang, perfectly insignificant. Though in this respect he cannot
successfully compete with his predecessors, yet he excels them by most re
markable qualities of a very high order, which fully bear out the following
estimate pronounced by one of the most distinguished Sanskrit scholars of
our day : »Both the accounts left us by the Greeks and the Chinese pilgrims read,
by the side of Beruni's work, like children's books or the compilations of uneduca
ted and superstitious men, who marvelled at the strange world into which they had
fallen , but understood its true character very little *)«.
The fragmentary condition of the Indica of Megasthenes does not admit
of its being compared with the work of Albêrûnî, but we may state that the
latter certainly comprehends a much wider range of Indian subjects than
Hwen-Thsang. It is an archaeological investigation, as this term is under
stood in our time. Alberuni did not only study the country and its inhabi
tants, but also its language and literature, and in doing so he had more and
better sources of information at his disposal than either Megasthenes or Hwen-
Thsang. He tells us that which he has seen himself, that which he has
heard and, more extensively, that which he has read. Approaching his sub
ject with a mind trained by mathematical and philosophical studies, by the
study of Aristotle and Plato, Ptolemy and Galenus, he investigates every sub
ject in the spirit of modern criticism , in such a manner as is sure to win
him the admiration of modern scholarship. He is almost free from any su
perstition, he seems fondly devoted to his subject and he never spares any
trouble or time for the purpose of carrying on his studies in general or for
ascertaining the truth of any single fact in particular. He is, though a Mus
lim, able to sympathize with those heathen Hindu philosophers, and to approve
their theorems. In order to curb Muhammadan haughtiness and self-com
placency, he never fails, when speaking of any dark feature in Hindu life,
to contrast it with the savagery of old Arabian heathendom. The author's
impartiality, which to many a Muslim may seem to exceed due limits, is such
that the reader may peruse many pages of his book without even noticing
• —' -" • ' m*

1) G. Bühler in Trübner's Becord 1885 August p. 63.

that the author is a Muslim. More than any thing else he loves truth, and
is a stern adversary of untruthfulness and want of sincerity. Whilst he ne
ver unduly obtrudes his own personality in the learned discussions of his
book . on certain occasions , when roused to moral indignation , he himself
comes forward as a champion of the truth, a sharply cut character of a highly
individual stamp, full of real courage and not refraining from dealing hard
blows, when anything which is good or right seems to him to be at stake.
If Muhammadans may with just pride consider the present book as a
star of the first magnitude in the heaven of Arabian literature, Hindus may
on their part acknowledge it as a particular favour of fortune, that a truth-
loving and highly cultivated man has left them a picture of the civilization
of their ancestors as it was in his time. They will not agree with many
details in his description, they will perhaps find their feelings ruffled by some
of his criticisms, but at the same time they will readily admit that his only
aim is to arrive at historic truth and to represent it sine ira ac studio, nor
will they overlook the fact that on other occasions he speaks of their civili
zation in words of unconditional admiration.

§ 2. Fate of the book in Europe.

The book may be said to have a history of its own even prior to its
publication. Referring the reader for more copious details to the treatise of
Prince Baldassare Boncompagni, Intorno all' opera d'Albiruni sulF India, Roma
i860, we must briefly notice the fate which it has experienced in Europe.
The Paris manuscript (Bibliothèque Nationale, Fonds Ducaurroy 22) entered
the library 1816.
It was not until 1839 that it attracted the attention of M. Reinaud.
Soon afterwards, April 1843, S. Munk promises to edit and translate
the whole work.
Reinaud publishes his »Fragments Arabes et Persans inédits relatifs à
tlnde« in thé Journal Asiatique 1844 — 1845, and soon after as a separate pu
blication in 1845. This treatise contains, besides other valuable materials,
chapters 18, 40 and 49 of the Indica.
M. Reinaud reads his »Mémoire géographique, historique et scientifique sur
finde« before the Institut in the years 1845 and 1846, and publishes it in
1849. Its contents are almost exclusively drawn from the Indica.
In Germany, Alexander von Humboldt was the first to direct public at
tention to the book in his Kosmos, 1847.
In 1860, 13th October, Jules Mohl proposes to the Société Asiatique of
Paris to charge Messieurs Woepcke and Mac Guckin de Slane with the edi

tion, and the former gives the first fruits of his labours on the book in his
»Mémoire sur la propagation des chiffres indiens, Paris, 1863«.
After Woepcke had died in 1864 and Munk had become blind and died
in 1867, Mac Guckin de Slane, then already far advanced in years, under
took to carry out for the Société Asiatique the work which it had not been
given to his predecessors to finish. Meanwhile, the course of my studies led
me to Paris in the spring- of 1872 and when one day collating the manu
script of the great chronological work of Alberilni, which I have since pu
blished (Chronologie Orientalischer Völker von Albérunî, Leipzig, 1878) and trans
lated (The Chronology of Ancient Nations, London, 1879), I was accosted by a
tall, venerable old gentleman of military appearance who gave me his name
— it was de Slane — and proposed to me to undertake the edition of the
Indica in his stead, as he believed himself to be to old too complete the task.
At the same time he desired me to pledge myself by word of honour, that
I should endeavour to bring out an edition of the Arabic original and its
translation in some European language. I gave him my word, being well
aware of the importance of the book and at the same time feeling honoured
by the confidence of a man whom I esteemed as one of the greatest Arabic
scholars the world has ever seen.
At a meeting of the Société Asiatique, 12*h April 1872, Jules Mohl pro
posed to the Société to abandon their long cherished plan of an edition of
the Indica and to cede the work to me. The proposition was carried. Mohl
sent me the materials left by Woepcke1), and at the same time M. Schefer
entrusted to me his manuscript, a treasure quite unique in its way. Thus
it has come to pass that the confidence and the kindness of M.G. de Slane,
Jules Mohl and Ch. Schefer have laid on my shoulders a burden the whole
weight of which I did not realize when I charged myself with it. And cer
tainly if the work has been brought to a successful end , the learned world
is before all indebted to the: exceptional liberality of M. Chrétien Schefer,
Membre de l'Institut, etc. My edition is little more than a reproduction of
his manuscript and it would have been quite impossible for me to prepare
it, if he had not, by leaving it entirely in my hands up to the present hour,

1) These materials consist

1. of the copy of some parts of the manuscript Schefer (fol. 3" 12% fol. 39a—40T,
fol. 44»—46Ь, fol. 84»- 1 36');
2. of some leaves containing certain tables of the Indica with a transliteration of
the Indian words into Devanagari characters, the numbers, planets, months, zodiacal signs,
the 7 earths and heavens, the dvîpas; the manuscript of a treatise, published in the Mé
moires de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres torn. XVIII, p. 331, and some
slips of paper with various jottings.

enabled me to refer to it over and over again in the long course of my

In a letter dated 8tb April 1876, Her Majesty's India Office, I was in
formed that the Secretary of State for India in Council had sanctioned the
grant of the necessary expenses for printing the Arabic original of the In
dica. By this new proof of the high-minded protection which Her Majesty's
Indian Government has always accorded to any literary or scientific work
connected with the interests of Her Indian subjects , every difficulty in the
way of this publication was definitively removed.
Fourteen years have elapsed since I received the Indica at the hands
of de Slane, who died 1878 the 4. Aug. During the first part of this pe
riod I could only occasionally set hands to the work, as my time was taken
up partly by previous literary engagements partly by the duties of my pro
fessoriate in the Universities of Vienna (1869 — 76) and Berlin (since easier
I must apologize to the reader for introducing my own person in the
very first pages of the book. Its importance seemed to justify a short com
munication as to the fate which it has hitherto met in Europe, and the
long delay of my publication requires a word of explanation and ex
cuse to all those who have taken a deep interest in my work and have
never tired in urging me to labour on. Foremost among these friends were
the late Edward Thomas and James Fergusson, and it will ever be a subject
of painful regret with me , that it has not fallen to my lot to present them
with the work which they so ardently desired to see finished.

§ 3. When and where the book was written.

When Alberuni wrote his Indica, his sovereign, king Mahmud, who
had caused him to exchange his native country in Central-Asia for Afghanistan
in the spring of A.H. 4081), was no longer among the living, as throughout
his book he attaches only such formulas of benediction to his name as are used
in the case of deceased persons. His death had occurred on Thursday 30th
April A. D. 1030 = A. H. 421, 23. Rabí' II.
On the last page of the manuscript Schefer (fol. 161a) there is a note
in Arabic which informs us that Alberuni had finished his autograph copy
in Ghazna I8t Muharram A. H. 423 = 19th December A. D. 1031, i. e. one
year and a half after the death of Mahmûd. Consequently the Indica must
have been composed at some time between 30th April 1030 and 19th Decem
ber 1031.
1) Vide Chronologie Orientalischer Völker, Einleitung p. XXXI.
This period of time is more narrowly limited by a statement of the
author on page I1o, 20, where he says that the constellation of Ursa major in
his time i. e. Sakakâla 952, occupied the space between lljt° Leo and 131/»0
Virgo. The year Sakakâla, 952, corresponds to the time A. D. 1030, S.March
— 103t, 25. Febr. i. e. the year following the death of Mahmûd.
A further limitation is obtained from a passage on page 111. 9, where
the author identifies the year in which he wrote with the year of Alexander
1340. However, as the year A. D. 1030 corresponds to the year 1341 of
the Seleucid era and not to 1340, this statement requires explanation. As
the beginning or epoch of the Seleucid era is 1st October 312 B. C., on 1st
January A.D. 1030 there had elapsed of this era 1340 complete years and
three months, and on the 1st of October 1030 there had elapsed full 1341 years.
If therefore Alberuni wrote after 1st October 1030, he could no longer iden
tify the current year with A. Alex. 1340. However, writing before let Octo
ber 1030, he was perfectly justified in calling the time in which he wrote,
A. Alex. 1340, reckoning only complete years and dropping the fractions of
a year from his calculation.
By these considerations the fact is established that he composed the In
dica between 30th April and 30th September A. D. 1030.
It seems astounding that in so short a space of time Alberuni should
have composed a book of considerable size, of the most exact research and
written in a thoroughly polished style. It may fairly be supposed that he
had written parts of the book at some previous period and now simply re
produced them from earlier publications of his (e. g. the theological and phi
losophical parts1). Most likely also he had the astronomical and other tables
ready at hand as a result of former studies and investigations, more particu
larly those requiring lengthy calculations. Lastly, we have some reason to
suppose that he could avail himself of the aid of very learned amanuenses.
The summer in which Alberuni wrote (1030), was a very stormy time,
and every thing in the whole Ghaznavi empire which at that tima compre
hended Persia, the western half of Central Asia, Afghanistan and parts of
India, seemed to be tottering. When the storm began to threaten, Alberuni
disappeared into the retirement of his study and buried himself in literary
work, and when it had spent its rage, he hastened to bring it to a conclusion.
It seems somewhat tempting to connect this fact with the political events of
the time.
Before dying (1030, 30tb April), Mahmud by a formal declaration nomi
nates as his successor his son Muhammad who then resided in Balkh. The

1) Cf. p. f, 20.

new king marches to the capital, Ghazna, and arrives there after 40 days,
i. e. about 9th June.
His brother Mascud, who was just then far away in Ispahan, being
about the same age as Muhammad, claims the succession in the western half
of the empire. To this effect he writes to Muhammad, but gets a rude rebuff.
Muhammad, in order to settle the dispute with his brother, sets out
with his army from Ghazna in the direction of Herat and arrives on the first
of Ramadan (2. Sept.) at a place called Takinabad. There he remains during
the month of the fast. But on 3d Shawwâl (4. Oct.), while drinking and
carousing, he is attacked by his own soldiers and made a prisoner. The
leaders of the conspiracy were his uncle, the prince Yûsuf, a brother of his
father Mahmûd and °Ali Khêshâvand, a favourite officer of Mahmud. The
conspirators hastened to meet Mas'ud and to deliver the prisoner into his
Mas'ud, after having settled his dispute with Ispahan, marches to Rai,
Nîshâpûr and Herat. In the latter town he finds the conspirators, and there
they meet with their doom. ГАН Khôshâvand is killed at once, his uncle
Yûsuf thrown into prison and his brother Muhammad blinded.
In the month Dhulka'da (31 Oct.—29 Nov.) Mas'ud receives general ho
mage as the undisputed successor of his father. He spent the winter north
of the Hindukush, stayed some time in Balkh and then entered the capital
Ghazna A. H. 422 8th Jumada II. (i e. 3th June 1031). Mas'dd is the same
king to whom Alberuni afterwards dedicated the greatest work of his life,
called Al-Kdnun Al-Masrudt i. e. Canon Mas'udicus,
When the rumours of those events penetrated from afar into the study
of our author, they do not seem to have produced a favourable impression
upon his mind. It is not a cheerful mood in which he writes. He is rather
gloomy and desponding, rather inclined not to take the best view of doubtful
matters. Was it sorrow over the sudden end of a glorious reign, one of the
most glorious periods in Eastern history, anxiety over the result of the pen
ding contest between the two rival princes, forebodings of coming evils which
cast a shadow over the mind of Alberuni? Perhaps so. We cannot judge
for certain , as he throughout his whole book grimly sticks to his subject
without looking right or left, and only in rare instances favours us with side
glances into contemporary history which we shall try to explain in an other
place. He was 58 years of age, when he wrote the Indica. During 13 years,
1017 — 1030 A.D., he had been a witness of the unparallelled career of the
great Mahmûd whose exploits had opened a new chapter in the history of
Islam and of India in particular.
Alberuni calls the year in which he writes our year, in conformity with

the general usage of the Arabic language. From this year must be distin
guished another year which he likewise calls our year, viz the gauge -or
test-year which he uses as a gauge or test in all the chronological computa
tions of the book, and to which he reduces all the dates occurring in it, re
lating to both preceding and following times. It is also called UJli«, i. e.
our standard. Whilst in the first part of the book, until page I1o. the term
our year means the time of the composition, in the latter part (on page IM"
sqq.) it means this gauge year. The author has chosen it on grounds of
technical chronology and has taken great pains in fixing it by expressing it
in dates of the Hindu, Persian and Arabian eras. It is A. D. 1031, 25th Febr.
a Thursday.
The gauge -date is, it must be kept in mind, a day simply chosen for
convenience and in no way connected with the time of the composition of
the book. When the author wrote, it belonged to the future, falling indeed
five months after he had finished his work.
With regard to the place where Alberuni wrote, we have no direct in
formation. We can only refer the reader to the above-mentioned note at
the end of the manuscript Schefer (vide p. ix , which states that he had fi
nished his autograph copy in Ghazna. We may therefore conjecture , that
the Indica was composed in Ghazna, at that time one of the largest capitals
in Asia. In Ghazna he had plenty of opportunities of consulting Hindus
of all description. In fact the Hindu population of the town must have
been a very large one, consisting of indigenous Hindus of Kabulistan and
prisoners of war as well as free men who were attracted towards the great
centre of power and riches, in order to act there as servants, as artists
and handicrafts men, building mosques and palaces for the Muslim con
queror, just as Greek architects had done for the Chalifs of the house
Umayya in Damascus. Further there were soldiers and officers , men of po
litics, scholars and merchants, in short representatives of all castes and tribes,
from nearly all parts of northwestern India
But it was not only in Ghazna that Alberuni studied India. He tra
velled in India itself and probably stayed there many years. Reserving the
description of his study of Sanskrit for a later chapter, we shall here for
want of more definite information limit ourselves to enumerating those places
which, according to his own statement, he visited. Whether he lived and
travelled in India in any official capacity or simply as a private man under
the protection of the Ghazna government, is a question regarding which he
leaves us entirely in the dark. The towns which he has seen, besides Ghazna
and Kabul , are the following :
Gandí i^xü', also called Ribât atamir, i. e. the station of the prince. Per

haps it is Gandamak or some place in the neighbourhood. According to the

Canon Masudicus it has long. 95° 50' and lat. 33° 40'.
Dunpur jy¿¿, which I feel inclined to identify with Jalalabad. The Ca
non Masudicus (London Ms.) writes ;уЦР and gives it long. 96° 25' and lat 33° 45'.
Lamghân, Peshâvar, Waihand or Attok, Jailam, Siydlkote (Salteóte), Lahore.
Nandna, a fort on the mountain Bâlnâth, a conspicuous mountain overhan
ging the Jailam and now generally called Tilla, v. Elliot, History of India II,
450, 451. According to Alberuni p. IT, 6 it had lat. 32°, according to his
Canon Masudicus it had long. 98° 30' and lat. 33° 10'.
Mandakakur ^&\XJU, perhaps identical with the place Mandhûkur ^^ЛЛл
likewise mentioned by Alberuni, has according to our author lat. 31° 50',
and seems to have been a castle somewhere to the north of Lahore, cf. Elliot,
1. c. I, 530; II, 129. According to Canon Masudicus which calls it the for
tress of Lahore, it has long. 99° 20' and lat. 31° 50'. The London Ms.
writes ¿jlXiiX^, the Berlin ms. the same.
Lastly Multan.
Of all these places he has himself determined the latitude. Accordingly,
the valley of the Kabul river and the Panjab are all that Alberuni has seen
of India, as he himself states on page IT, 8, that he, in the country of the
Hindus , has not travelled beyond these places. So he has not seen Sindh nor
Kashmir, but on the southwestern frontier of the latter country he has seen
two strong castles which he calls Râjagirî and Lahûr ^ (page l.r, 2. 3). Not
knowing the position of Râjagiri, I may refer the reader with regard to La
hûr to Cunningham , who mentions a village Lahor , 3 '/» miles north-east of
Waihand and identifies it with Sâlâtura, ttie birthplace of Pânini (Ancient
Geography of India p. 57). According to the Canon Masudicus the castle ^^
in the mountains of Kashmir has long. 98° 20' and lat. 33° 40' Râjagirî de
scribed in the same way, has long. 99° 55' and lat. 33° 20 /1).
In various places of his book Alberuni refers to the town of Multan in
such a way as makes me think that he had a more intimate knowledge of
this place than of the others, He gives on page 1.Г, 1 4 a note regarding
the climate of Multan which he says he heard there from the inhabitants ;
further a note about the beginning of the year as reckoned in Multan (page
M, 16. 17), and about a festival peculiar to the Hindu population of Mul
tan (p. C.f, 14; И., 15— 18). He knows the local history and topography of
Multan (p. el, 1 — 6) and twice he quotes a scholar, a native of Multan, Dur-
labha (p. P.v, 2 ; m, 8).
1) Alberuni reckons in the Canon Masudicus the coast of the Atlantic Ocean as
0° long. His longitude may he reduced to our longitude by comparing his statement
about Kabul, which has according to him long. 95° 20' and Ш. 33° 45'.

Finally we have to mention that according to his own words he has

seen the Hindus beating a drum and blowing a shell, thereby announcing the
time of the day, in a place which he calls Purshur ^j^. I do not know a
place of such a name and suppose that he meant ^buj, i. e. Peshâvar.
The high schools of Hindu science and learning, Kashmir and Benares,
were in Alberuni's times unapproachable for Muslims (page It, 12; or, 9).

§ 4. The autor's study of Sanskrit.

Alberuni began his study of India by studying the language in order
to gain access to the literature, a fact which will appear singular to all those
who are conversant with the general current of the mind of Eastern nations
and of their scholars in particular. Muhammadans , for instance born Turks,
will learn, besides their mother-tongue, also Arabic and Persian, but that a
Muslim should take up the study of a foreign language outside the range of
Islam , simply for scientific purposes , seems next to incredible. I do not
know of any Arab who learned literary Greek for the purpose of studying
Greek literature, and it is perfectly certain that Averroes and Avicenna were
totally ignorant of the language of Aristotle and Galenus. Although they
made the most extensive use of Greek learning, they never thought of dra
wing from the fountain head, but contented themselves with mediocre Arabic
translations of Syriac translations of the Greek originals. In this respect
Alberuni is phenomenal in the history of Eastern civilization. In a spirit
akin to that of modern times he tries to pull down the barrier-wall which
in the shape of the difference of language has been erected between different
nations, he endeavours to learn Sanskrit, and the difficulty of this enterprize
will be appreciated by all those who undertake the same task in our time.
With what success did he study Sanskrit? To me it seems quite im
possible that, without a grammar and dictionary to help him, he should have
attained such a command over the language as to be able to read books on
philosophy, astronomy and astrology by Patañjali, Varahamihira and Brahma-
gupta and to translate them into Arabic, proprio Marte and without the help
of learned Pandits. Such an extent and accuracy of linguistical knowledge
may be acquired in our age, but we must not expect to find it in the East,
at the beginning of the eleventh century. According to my opinion Alberuni
spent much time on the study of the Indian language. He knows the pho
netic system both of the classical and vernacular dialects, and he is to some
degree acquainted with the general features of the structure of Sanskrit, so
that, for instance, he was able to translate lists of proper names of the Pu-
ranas into Arabic by himself alone, though not without blunders. As a rule,

however, he seems to have read Indian books with the aid of Pandits and
to have written his translation simply from their dictation. On the other
hand he may in the course of years and in the progress of his study have
become able to control them to a certain degree, for he, no doubt, knew the
meaning of many single words, particularly of all technical terms, and his
inquisitive mind was attentive to all details of literary tradition, for instance
to the metrical form of the books (cf. Chap. XIII) and to the deterioration
of manuscripts through the negligence of the copyists.
The following passages will serve to illustrate the subject of this
In ch. I he relates that he stood to the Hindu astronomers in the re
lation of a pupil to his masters, being a foreigner among them, i. e. not
speaking their language. After he had learnt something, he turned the ta
bles upon them, and the pupil, being an accomplished mathematician and
astronomer, began to teach his masters. The Pandits are in utter amazement,
they will not believe that he speaks from his own knowledge and press him
to tell them from what Hindu master he had received such learning. Too
proud to admit that a foreigner should rival them on their own ground, they
declare him to be a sorcerer and call him in their language the sea and the
water which surpasses vinegar in acidity (v. page 1C, 2 — 7).
He speaks of the difficulty of the study of the language, comparing it
in this respect with Arabic. He complains of the fact that one and the same
thing, e. g. the sun, may be expressed by many different words, and that on
the other hand one and the same word has many different meanings, so that
he only can correctly translate it, who knows the context in which it occurs
(v. pagel, 5—9; t., 3. 4).
Treating of the sounds of the Indian language , he is aware that some
of them are so peculiar that Muslims could not pronounce them and that
some of them resemble each other to such a degree that Muslims in hearing
could not distinguish between them (v. page лИ, 3 —5).
He teaches that in the Indian language the sounds A, kh and sh fre
quently interchange, as e. g. in the word barhu, barkhu, barshu = skr. varsha
(page К 7).
He further explains that the Hindus pronounce the d, ¿ (he means ¿)
as a sound intermediate between d and r, in consequence of which the word
» "

Arj/abhata has become Arjabharu (page HI, 17. 18)1).

He gives a perfectly clear description of the Hindu system of writing
in Nagarî characters (page *•?, 5 — 8).

1) Cf. his general notes on the phonetic changes of languages on page If1, 7 sequ.

He makes on page 1«, 9 the following remark which seems rather odd
at first sight : » They magnify the nouns in their language by the feminine gender
as the Arabs magnify them by the diminutive form«. The Arabs magnify the
nouns in their language, i, e. give them a greater bulk, when putting them
о >
into the diminutive form , as e. g. the word cfc***fc represents a magnification
in comparison with i^**=*>. Similarly, in the Indian vernaculars, nouns may
be magnified by an d, í, u being added at the end of them without an ac
companying change of signification. These vowels are contractions of the ori
ginally diminutive suffixes aka, ika, wAra1) and were mistaken by Alberuni
for the same vowels which in other cases both in Sanskrit and vernacular
denote the feminine gender.
Throughout the whole book the author quotes numerous Indian words
together with their equivalents in Arabic, and, as a rule, the reader will find
his translations to be correct. I here only mention a few of them :
samhitd = that which is collected or put together p. vo, Ю.
jâtaka = nativity p. f*, 21.
0-jU manushyaloka = the human world p. 14, 9. 10.
éîtâméu = having a cold ray p. 1.1, 2.
i niéesa = lord of the night p. 1.1, 1 .
dvijeávara = lord of the Brahmins p. M, 2.
kurmacakra = the circle of the tortoise p. lr\ 12.
avyakta = something shapeless p. C., 2.
a vyakta = something having a shape p. f., 8.
t fjí karmendriyâni = the practical senses p. It, i .
éabda = that which is heard.
sparéa = that wich is touched.
rûpa = that which is seen.
rasa = that which is tasted.
Jf gandha = that which is smelled, v. p. И, 1 — 3*).
Did Alberuni give these translations from his own knowledge or were

1) Cf R. Hoernle, A comparative grammar of the Gandían languages, §195,203,205.

2) In some instances, however, the author's translation is not, as in the examples
here given, a literal one, but is rather a rendering of a specific Hindu notion by a cognate
one of the Muslims. As a rule he translates moksha by uo^Ls» = salvation, liberation,
than which there could hardly be found a more appropriate equivalent. But on p. rf. 21
he explains moksfia as iuSuJi which is certainly wrong as far as the literal sense of the
word is concerned. For moksha means liberation, and E*5le means end, issue, recompense.
However, Alberuni understands by ä*3büt the last of days, the day of judgment, and this
was for his readers i. e. Muhammadans the nearest possible approach to the idea con
veyed to the Hindu mind by the word moksha.

they suggested to him by Hindu collaborators? There are two circumstances

which make me believe that they represent the author's own knowledge.
First he says in the introductory words to the table on p. до — лл; ni
exhibit in this table all the words which I used to hear from them (i. e. he
has not taken the table from a book), for it is a cardinal requisite for the un
derstanding of their astronomical books. And when I shall know the signification
of the single nouns , I shall add them, if God permits.« Hence it follows that
he did not know the meanings of those nouns when he first composed
the table in question, but he must soon afterwards (I suppose before he fi
nished his autograph, i. e. before 1st Muharram A. H. 423), have learnt them.
For in the manuscript, as we have it, to very many of the nouns, the mea
nings have been added, but not to all. If Alberuni had simply consulted a
Pandit, he might at once have added translations of the whole of the nouns
mentioned there, for every Pandit would have told him that J-**- yamala means
a pair, {fs**>1) raemi a beam, ^^b- jaláéaya a lake, цЬ' ishu an arrow, o^LU*
masardham, half a mouth, (JSJL««^«» , sahasrâmsu, having 1000 rays, <-»>£? bhiipa
lord of the earth, &c.
A second circumstance which proves to my mind that for most transla
tions of single words Alberuni himself is to be held responsible, is this, that
some of them show blunders which no Pandit could ever have committed.
The word ahargana i. e. sum of days = ahar -\- gana, is divided into ah
= the days and árgana =• the sum (v. p. IAO, 14, repeated on p. Ito, 21).
In the word parardha, i. e. para -f- ardha, he considers parar as the first
component part and gives it the meaning of heaven, instead of para (v. p.
лГ, 1 1 where the reading of the ms. Jtf ought to have been retained).
Finally, a Hindu Pandit would scarcely have explained mulasthdna as
consisting of mala -\- tana (v. p. If1, 9).
The following mistakes gleaned at random from the whole work will
furthermore confirm my opinion, that he has tried to explain Sanskrit texts
by himself alone , and they will at the same time serve to show , with what
degree of accuracy he was able to carry out his purpose.
On p I1f the manuscript mentions as the kings, descendants of Indra,
who will rule in the 13th and 14th manvantaras
IpLxS? до».«»' and ^¿LPAj ^y^S^
In both cases the Sanskrit text has been wrongly interpreted. The former
passage is citrasena-vicitrâdyâ, i. e. Citrasena, Vicitra and others. The second
urur-gabhîra-budhnyâdyâ, i. e. Uru, GabMra, Budhnya and others. These state
ments ( are given according to the Vishnupurâna III, 1.2, of which I use the
Bombay edition 1866.
On p. tlv in the table of the seven Eishis of the different manvan-

taras taken from Vishnupurâna III, I. 2, the word ¿1^1 is mentioned as the
seventh of the 12th manvantara. The text is tapodhritirdyutiécânyah saptamas-
tutapodhanah, i. e. tapodhriti, dyuti, and another, a 7th one. tapodhana. Alberuni
renders this by

mistaking iscânyah for a proper name, and dropping the real one tapodhana.
The seventh Rishi of the 6th manvantara he calls J¿¿r, where the text
has saptâsanniticarshayah. He has mistaken carshayah = and the rishis for a
proper noun.
The fourth Rishi of the 5th manvantara is called J> , i. e. another =
apara, mistaken for a noun in the verse urdhvabdhustatftdparah.
The second Rishi of the 1 3th manvantara is called £.^¿,000, where the
original has tatvadarei-ca, i. e. and Tatvadaréin.
The sixth and seventh Rishis of the 2d manvantara are called gJSJls and
jt)^. The original text is : virajdácorvarívamécanirmohádyds, i. e. Viraja. Ur-
varivant, Nirmoha and others. Alberuni divided the verse thus : viraja-ascorvart-
vâmèca-nirmoha, as it occurs on p. W, 1 1 : ¿¿*j (jjíj^F^ tf
Further he reads aécârvari instead of aécorvarî, nirmoaha or nirmoka instead
of nirmoha. Cf. Vishnu Purâna (Wilson-Hall), 2nd edition, vol. Ill, ch. II page
24 note.
On p. lof in an extract from the Brihatsamhità of Varâhamihira , Al
beruni gives the names of two countries as ^^ and ^-&>ц, which are mi
stakes for the three names: salva JL-» -+- ñipa V_A*J -f- ujjihána c¿#>^. The
Sanscrit runs as follows : sâlvanîpojjihâna , v. The Brihat San hitâ of Varaha-
Mihira, edited by H. Kern, Calcutta 1865, ch. XIV, v. 2.
On p. loi in the same table, he writes j**«b and ol¿Jüúí" instead of
Daseraka and Vdtadhdna.
And further on pp. loi* and lev ¡.¿л
and -LxAIi",
(•/ «^ ^
instead of Meruka
and Nashtarâjya; cf. The Brihat Sauhitâ, ch. XIV, v. 26 and 29.
It is useless to produce more mistakes of this kind. They are detected
when e. g. the lists of proper names as given by Alberuni are compared
with his Sanskrit sources1). Most of these blunders are such as, according
to my impression, were committed by Alberuni himself, not by Hindu colla
After having thus examined the way in which Alberuni tried to read

1) I shall give the results of this comparison in the notes to my translation.


Sanscrit texts by himself alone, we shall now point out those passages, in
which he directly refers to his Pandits.
He relates that he endeavoured to collect Sanscrit books and to find
people who understood them (p. If, 8). I suppose he means Pandits who
were able to explain them to him.
Of particular interest are those passages which directly refer to his
Pandits. Criticizing a certain class of traditions, he supposes that either the
author in whose book they occur gives names devoid of any order, or that
the copyists have introduced blunders into the text. »For, he continues,
those who explained the translation to me (i. e. those who translated the book
to him) knew the language thoroughly and were not known as people who would
cheat, to no purpose« (p. Iff, 16. 17).
On p. Mr. 9 he declares that a certain passage in the Veda, as it
was read to him , is incorrect and with this incorrectness he charges the rea
ding translator, i. e. the Pandit who dictated the translation to him.
On p. T, 8 he gives a list of the names of the Purânas as it was
read to him from the Vishnu-Purana , i. e. dictated by his Pandit.
After having given an extract of the Paulisasiddhânta of Pulisa he
again charges the copyists or the translator with having made blunders (p.
PIT, 1 2 ; ПА, 8). The same suspicion he utters on p. 1Г1, 5 with regard to a
passage of the Brahmasiddhânta of Brahmagupta. With these remarks of
his we must compare p. vl", 21, where he speaks of his translation of the
Paulisasiddhânta and Brahmasiddhânta.
A more definite conclusion is arrived at in the case of the BrihatsaJi-
hitâ of Varâhamihira. For on p. Ifv, 16 he says: »we shall relate these
things (from the Brihatsainhitâ) according to our translation«1}; andón p. Po1, 8,
after having quoted some verses from the same book, he expresses his
suspicion, that the translator has made a blunder. The translator is not Al-
beruni himself, but the Pandit who dictated to him the meaning of the book
which Alberuni expressed and edited in Arabic.

§ 5. The author's work as a translator and his publications on

Indian subjects.
His work as a translator was a double one. He translated from San
skrit into Arabic and from Arabic into Sanskrit. He wants to give Muslims
an opportunity of studying the sciences of India and on the other hand he
feels called upon to spread Arabic learning among the Hindus.

1) Cf. also p. Ho, 12.


The books which he translated into Arabic are these :

Sâmkhya by Kapila,
The book of PatanjaM,
Brahmasiddhánta , both by Brahmagupta. The translation of these
two books was not yet finished, when he wrote the Indica, v.
p. vl", 21.
Laghujâtakam , the latter two by Varâhamihira.
Whilst writing the Indica, he was at the same time occupied with
Euclid's Elements,
Ptolemy's Almagest and
A treatise of his own on the construction of the astrolabe
into Sanscrit Slokas. Probably he dictated the meaning to his Pandits and
they moulded the words into Slokas 'p. 11, 4 — 7)
Further he expresses his wish to be able to make a new translation
of the Pancatantram, as the existing version was not trustworthy (p. vl, 7).
That his translations and publications on Indian subjects had gained
him a certain reputation in India itself, seems to be indicated by the fact
that Hindu astronomers and certain people in Kashmir proposed questions to
him which he answered in special treatises, cf. Chronologie Orientalischer
Völker von Alberuni, Einleitung p. XLIV, nr. 11. 12.
As a further illustration of his desire to propagate Arab learning amongst
the Hindus is the fact that he wrote for a certain Syâvabala (?) of Kashmir
a canon or a handbook of astronomy in the Arabic language, called, in imi
tation of the famous work of Brahmagupta. The Arabian Khandakhâdyaka,
v. p. Г.., 13. 14.
How many of the works which he was preparing whilst composing the
Indica, have been finished, may he learnt from the catalogue of his publi
cations which he himself compiled five years later, viz. A. H. 427 = A. D.
1035 and which is published in the Arabic original in my edition of his
Chronology, in the introduction p. XL — XLVIII. In order to show the ex
tent of his Indian studies, we shall here enumerate all the numbers of this
catalogue which seem to refer to Indian subjects.
1) A treatise on the Sindhind, i. e. the Arabic version of the Siddhânta
of Brahmagupta, which was then used by Muhammadan scholars. The title
is ,»-sfO^ v)L-*Mj> «3 *V*N J0]^" ó^^ fV^
2) A new edition of the canon of Al-Arkand, the then current Arabic
translation of the Khandakhâdyaka of Brahmagupta. As this old translation

was unintelligible, he remodelled it, closely following the wording of the

Sanskrit original.
3) A book called Khayâl-alkusufain, on Hindu calculations of the eclip
ses; he mentions it in the Indica, on p. P.., 13.
4) A treatise on arithmetic and on the system of counting with the cy
phers of Sindh and of India.
5) On the method of the Hindus in learning arithmetic.
6) A treatise showing that the Arabian system regarding the degrees in
numeration is more correct than that of the Hindus.
7) On the râsikas of the Hindus, i. e. the rule of three.
8) On the samkalita or system of numbers.
9) Translation of the mathematical methods of the Brahmasiddhânta.
10) Determination of the present moment of time according to Hindu
1 1 ) A treatise on the determination of the fixed stars belonging to the
single lunar stations, mentioned in the Indica on p. W, 24.
12) Answers to questions proposed to him by Hindu astronomers.
13) Answers to ten questions addressed to him from Kashmir.
14) On the Hindu method of computing the length of life.
15) Translation of the minor book on nativity (laghujatakam} by Varâha-
mihira (v. p. XX).
16) Story of the two idols of Bâmiyân.
17) Story of Nilufar.
18) Translation of the Kalpayara (?), a treatise on loathsome diseases.
19) A treatise on the next appearance of Vasudeva.
20) Translation of a book which comprehends all sensibilia and intettigi-
bilia, by which I suppose the book Sâmkhya is meant.
21) Translation of the book of Patafijali on deliverance (moksha) from the
fetters of material existence.
22) A treatise on the cause of the halving of the equation (?) according
to the school of the sindhind, i. e. the Brahmasiddhânta.
In the same catalogue he speaks of his intention of continuing the
translating of Indian books for which, as he himself says, he requires much
time, a long life and good health. Probabily some more of the other works
enumerated in this catalogue also refer either entirely or in part to Indian
subjects, but as we only know the titles, not the books themselves, we shall
refrain from conjectures.
Alberuni had been in his second home, the Afghan-Indian empire of
Mahmûd, already thirteen years, when he wrote the Indica, viz. from 1017 —
1030 A. D. During this period he must have made a most diligent use of

his time. If in our days a man began studying Sanskrit and Hindu lear
ning with all the help afforded by modern literature and science, many a
year would pass before he would be able to do justice to the antiquity of
India to such an extent and with such a degree of accuracy as Alberuni has
done in his Indica.

§ 6. On the forms of the Indian words, both Sanskrit and

vernacular, and their transliteration.
Alberuni who knows the terminology of Hindu sciences so well, no
where mentions the words Sanskrit and Prakrit. When speaking of the lan
guage of India or of the Hindus, he simply calls it Hindi ÄJ<AÄJJ| (p. vl,
8; !•«>, 1). At the same time he is perfectly aware of the difference bet
ween the language of the books and that of common life (p. HP, 17. 19),
the classical language and the vernacular, that of scholars and edu
cated people and that of the crowd (p. 1, 9— 11; *b, 15; l.v, 6; 1*1*, 1). In the
classical language the day is called Ц»А> i. e. Skr. divasa, in common language
u*wO, i. e. dimasu which is neither Pâli (divaso} nor Prakrit (diaho) nor Sindhi
(dimhu) nor Hindi din.
As regards the transliteration of pure Sanskrit words, as they e. g. occur
in his extracts from Sanskrit books, we must look upon them simply as ef
forts to render, by means of the Arabic alphabet, the pronunciation of San
skrit as accurately as he found it possible, viz. that identical pronunciation
which he heard from the mouth of his Parujits and which of course may
have greatly differed, as these men were natives either of Kabulistân, or
the Panjâb, or Sindh or Kashmir, or the more eastern and southern parts of
Another cause of differences in his system of transliteration is to be
found in the fact that whilst he sometimes wrote the words according to oral
tradition, on other occasions they were dictated to him from a book, when
perhaps, if he had not at once caught the right pronunciation, he might
have recourse to the manuscript itself and correct his transliteration in accor
dance with the manner in which the word was spelt there.
Howewer, there still is a third class of peculiarities in his translitera
tion, showing differences from Sanskrit, which can only be explained by a
certain negligence on the parts his Pandits. They seem, when reading or
relating to Alberuni, to have mixed up colloquial or vernacular modes of
pronunciation with their pronunciation of Sanskrit words. This is much the

same, as if in the middle ages an Italian scholar read Latin with an Italian
First we give some words which are transliterated differently in diffe
rent places. Alberuni gives on p. IIм two lists of the names of the eighteen
Purânas, one (I) taken by ear from the mouth of people, i. e. his Pacdits,
another (II) read or dictated to him from the Vishçu-Purâna (111,6 p. 66.67).
Here the word matsya in written
in I, in II,
cf. Prakrit maccho.
On p. lot1 the same word is written
The word bhavishya is written
in I, in II,

The name Yâjnavalkya is written in two different ways :

-üb- and id£JUi L».
Names which the author declares to be classical, and which neverthe
less show considerable deviations from the Sanskrit forms, are found e. g.
on p. t.v. Alberuni mentions the names of the months in the classical form,
stating that hitterto he had used the vernacular ones. Nevertheless some of
these names are not Sanskrit:
1) yijü-e, Skr. mârffasîrsha. The purely vernacular form which also oc
curs in the Indica is ^t&*, which seems a near relative of Sindhi maighiru.
2) c^^Lfj, Skr. bhddrapada. Of this word too we have in the Indica
the purely vernacular pronunciation, viz. ;у«>Ц*, cf. Sindhi badró.
3) Oj*»., Skr. jyaishtha. Further in a passage of the Vishnu-Purâça (II, 6),
the description of the various hells literally translated from Sanskrit into
Arabic, there occur the following names :
mahâjâla = Skr. mahdjvdla,
fj vahnijâla = Skr. vahnijvdla,
lárabhakaha = Skr. lâlâbhaksha.
Of these three forms larabhaksha is perhaps a varia lectio for lâlâbhaksha,
but the omission of v in JUH-p and Jbs^j is decidedly an example of care
lessness in the Sanskrit pronunciation of Alberuni's Pandits, a deviation to
wards vernacular speech.
Alberuni, when speaking of Indian words, does not always distinguish
between Sanskrit and vernacular. So e. g. he explains <A*xu = 60 years.
This is not the Sanskrit shashtyabda, but some vernacular equivalent (sha-
dabdu?}. On p. tfl, 9 he explains 0^= the Piace, meaning a Prâkritic thdnam,
vernacular thdnu (Hoernle, Comparative Grammar § 128 p. 72), not the Sanskrit

sthdna, which in this case where the author speaks of the meaning of the
word mûlasthâna (Multan), would have been the correct form.
The non Sanskritic or vernacular words occurring in the Indica may be
divided into two groups : such as have passed through a Pràkritic stage of
development, and such as have not passed through such a phase, but must
have been directly derived from Sanskrit1) The former of these two groups
is represented by such words as
£-« maccho (Vararuci III, 40), Skr. matsya.
uppalo (Vararuci III, 1), Skr. utpala.
tanduâ =. Skr. tantuka; cf. Skr. bhîruka — l'r. bhîrua; Skr. paryut-
suka — Pr. pajjussua.
Specimens of the latter class are :
A* (in ui-pjw«) madda = Skr. madhya; Pr. majjho.
âditu (cf. Sindhi aditu] = Skr. âditya, Pr. âiccho (?).
biddddharu, cf. Skr. vidyâ, Pr. bijjâ.
I do not know of any Indian dialect which completely agrees with the
vernacular words of the Indica. They probably belong to a dialect current
about 1000 A. D. in the Kabul- valley and the conterminous parts of India,
a dialect of which we have, as far as I am aware, neither epigraphic nor
literary remains. The Prithirâj Rdsau by Chand Bardai, was hitherto consi
dered the most ancient monument of Eastern Hindi, but its language is al
ready essentially modern and we have no book -tradition in ancient Panjâbi,
Multâni or some more western form of Indian speech.
One of the best tests for the examination of this particular vernacular
dialect consists of the numerals (ordinals) from one to fiften, which occur
twice in the table on p. Pb :
1 cf. Sindhi barkhu
2 biô
3 trió
4 cothd
5 PanJô
6 chahs
7 satô
8 athd
9 nao

1) Both these groups occur in every Neo-Aryan vernacular of India, cf. J. Béâmes,
J. R. A. S. 1871, On the treatment of the nexus in the Neo-Aryan languages of India,
p. 151, 152.

11 yarhô
12 bdrha

^ 14
Ц>Ц? 1 5 pandrahd
These numerals as well as a great many other words seem to show, as
far as I have been able to compare Indian dialects, that the vernacular of
Alberuni is more nearly related to Sindhi than to any other of the modern
Neo-Aryan languages of India.
Alberuni's method of transliteration is of course not as systematic as
the scientific ones of modern times1), and it is more imperfect than need be.
especially in rendering the vowels. In order to make the Arabic alphabet
more suitable for expressing the Indian phonetic system, he has introduced
some innovations partly taken from the Persian usage of his time. So he
•-> p by the side of *-» b
Ъс " " " " Ъ J
w 0 n » » » «5 A"
о с2) » » » » (j у
j zh « » » » j г
The latter two are of rare occurrence, ^ corresponding to Sanskrit j, с and y,
vj to Skr. », which more frequently is rendered by v or 5.
Evidently Alberuni felt the want of a systematic rendering of all the
different Indian sounds and wished to construct a system of his own, but we
cannot judge to what degree he has been successful therein. For unfortu
nately the only manuscript we have, is not consistent in this respect, writing
sometimes <-> for 6, <£ for k, -, ÎQÏ j and vice versa ¿ for g, ~ for с and v for^.
Quite as well as in Hindustani, the Indian sounds might have been expressed
by the Arabic consonants, vowels and diacritic points. However, besides the
just-mentioned confusion of characters in the manuscript Schefer, there is
another circumstance which greatly impairs the effectiveness of its system of
At the time when the manuscript Schefer was copied, i. e. the twelfth
century of the Christian era the modern way of writing Arabic, as regards

1) He himself complains of the difficulties of transliteration on page 1, 13—15.

2) Cf. Codex Vindobonensis sive liber fundamentorum pharmacologiae, ed. Selig-
mann, Vienna 1859, Prolegomena, p. XXV.

consonants, vowels and points, which may be called the Naskhi - system , had
not as yet been universally adopted. Orthography was in a state of transi
tion from the more ancient system, as found in manuscripts of the 4th, 5th
and 6th centuries of the Hijra. to the more modern one making its appea
rance in manuscripts since the latter half of the 6th century. And this sort
of vacillation easily engenders ambiguity which in the Arabic words may be
overcome by an accurate knowledge of the language, but which in Indian words
of unknown origin is apt to cause difficulties. If the copyist had simply
written и« for s and цЬ for sA, there need not have been much uncertainty
in the rendering of the Indian sibilants, but unfortunately he sometimes ex
presses, according to the more ancient system, sh by ц« and s by ц«1) The
consequence of this double system is that you never know for certain whe
ther у» is a s or a sh. To distinguish £ from ¿, and - from -., he writes
с and - according to the ancient system2). Happily the latter two ways of
writing are not fraught with ambiguity for the deciphering of the Indian
words, as £ and ^ do not occur in the Indian phonetic system.
However, in spite of these imperfections, the reader will ftnd that on
the whole the consonantal skeletons of the words are very trustworthy and
offer a sufficient basis for their reconstruction, whilst the notation of the
vowels does not reach the same standard.
It will not be superfluous to draw the reader's attention to the fact that
the Indian words which Alberuni quotes from earlier Arabic publications or
translations from Sanskrit are in many cases very corrupt , indeed sometimes
to such a degree , that it is extremely difficult to trace them back to their
Indian original. One example will suffice. The word dharma (p. f., 3) in
the Buddhist trinity Buddha, dharma, sanchti, although it was perfectly known
to Alberuni and is explained by himself on p. V, 2, he transcribes {#>• jharma,
which would defy any attempt at identification. The apparent cause is that
Alberuni quoted these words and the context in which they occur not di-

1) (- .= s in -^JL.v p. 1, 14, JajUuJl Iv, 3, С¿^.v- oo, 6, ^^uJ\ ГЦ 13, xJLsN« \ 8,

^тг v * .- '
«Jut« I., 20.
u» = sh in oXw = oXi 1, 16; of, 13 ; v^j = ¿¿¿3 U, 17 ; «jtt«~« — хйх
о, 6; fcäüb».) = *SU¿u 1, lit.
2) e with a small с under it = =, not £_ in «Jucl of; 18, «.^viJUL, Г, 2, ^luu I4f, 4,
UUiM, 7, tf^o^iS IM, is.
с = ¿ e. g. in «*v= = «JÜ¿ It, 2.
g = c, not g or £ in jb.
b. IT, 19,
19 ^. in, 4, IplX^lj W, 12.
_ frequently stands in the place of _ and ^
O G/ О

rectly from an Indian source, but from the Arabic book of Al-Eranshahri.
which, as he himself declares, was the principal and perhaps unique source
of his information about Buddhistic subjects (cf. p. Ifv, 1 7) ').
Originally I had inserted in this place the description of the phonetic
details of the author's transliteration, consisting of three chapters: the
rendering of the consonants, the rendering of the vowels and notes on the
terminations of some classes of nouns. It was. however, too extensive
merely to form part of a preface, and shall therefore be published in another
In examining the Indian words as transliterated in the Indica, the rea
der will not overlook that certainly most of them have for the first time
been introduced into Arabic by Alberuni . but not all, that a number of them
were current both in Arabic and Persian long before his time, such as >_**>
dvîpa (dip, dieu], J-^li nâlikera. j+t vihâra, j*jí.¿ devagriha, &*~ a Buddhist =
éramana, ¿ч* veda, &j4¿ bhárata &c. If Alberuni had been the first to trans
literate veda and bharata, he would have written чХ-o ando,Ljj, but in writing
tA*j and &j\-& he followed the Persian orthography which was in general use
in the literature of his time.

§ 7. On the manuscript Scheier and the other manuscripts.

The only manuscript from which we have taken the text of our edition,
one of the gems of the rich collections of Monsieur Schefer in Paris, was
finished A. H. 554, Sunday, 4^ Jumada I i. e.
A. D. 1159, 24th May.
Thus between the writing of this copy and the composition of the book 129
years have elapsed. The copyist does not mention his name nor does he
relate from what original he copied*).
He has written nearly the whole of the manuscript Schefer, but he has
left lacunae, partly omitting single words, partly leaving whole pages in blank.
These gaps have in part been filled up by a secunda manus, which is easily
distinguished from the prima manus both by the much more modern character
of the writing and by the fresher colour of the ink.
The writer of this secunda manus has added the following note on the

1) Therefore it would have been better to keep the reading of the manuscript
and not to alter it into ».«о.
2) X tl <«.«
Note at the end of the manuscript.

last page of the manuscript *) : »It has been copied from a copy in the hand
writing of the author , God be merciful to him , and has been collated with
it as carefully as possible. And the author had written at the end of it that
he had finished it in Ghazna the 1st Al-Muharram, the beginning of the year
423«. However we are bound to state that this second writer has done less
for the copy that he claims in this note. He has compared the whole book
with the autograph, which is proved by the notes of correction ¿Ju and f^°2)
found every where in the margin, but he has never corrected the text where
it was wrong, nor has he filled up all the lacunae. What he has done is
this :
1) Wherever there is a blank in the text indicative of a lacuna, he has
added the letter -b on the margin*). However he has not noticed all of them
(v. e. g. on p. HI, 22), and sometimes he blunders in mistaking a space inten
tionally left open, for a lacuna, v. p. IIP, 10 and П*, 10.
2) He has tried to fill up the lacunae only in ch. 80 , that on astrology,
but in a manner which clearly shows that he did not understand the context.
Such passages are Г.А, 15; Г.1, 3; П., 3. 21. In the same chapter he has
added the missing tables, i. e. all its tables with the exception of the
first half of the first one. In the margin of the last of these tables he ex
pressly declares: »This table was not written in the original« 4) (i. e. in the ma
nuscript Schefer).
Lastly, he has added on the first page of the book two notes, the one
stating that on the back of the original were written the words : »property
of Abu Raihân«, the other to this effect that the word Ghazna was written on
the title-page6).
As I understand the case, the history of the book has been this. The
autograph of Alberuni is the only copy which the copyist and collator had
at their disposal. It has been complete with this exception that in some

LJJ Jo..-. д!5! хГ; v^I«a,tl _¿á?. iüSUJ Q* _ч**Х)'

2) Both words mean to say that in his correction the corrector had arrived at such
and such a spot.
3) Fol. 10a,12; lia, 13; 16a, 4. 18; 32», 6; 9?a, 20; 156a, 16; 160a, 19. On fol. 40&,
18 and 157b, 21 such a gap in the text is marked by the letter ^ in the margin. The let
ter -t> probably means ylb 1. e. evident. What the letter ,j* means, I do not know.
4) J-rfi А Ьу^ otf U
5) Jw^l iüíuó ^ J* «¿а?. ЬуУС. Otf Obr^l ¿\ iuy j and «¿a?. l
M *

parts single words had become illegible cither because they were rubbed out
or because the paper had become worm-eaten.
The writer of «S i. e. manuscript Schefer copied the whole, leaving a
blank only where he could not read a word. Besides, for some reason un
known to us, he omitted copying the last tables on p. Г.1" and f.f, Г.о and Г.1,
nf, HI and Hv.
Several centuries afterwards an Arabic scholar, into whose hands both
books had fallen, compared the copy with the autograph. I do not venture
to guess at what time or in what country he lived, but he seems to have
taken a special interest in astrology, as he has bestowed most of his care on
the astrological chapter 80.
This discussion is of some importance in to far as it proves — that the
whole manuscript-tradition — for the two copies of Constantinopel and the
Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris are reproductions of S — goes back to one and
the same source, viz. to the autograph of Alberuni.
Regarding the state of this autograph we have to öfter a few remarks.
When it was copied by prim. man. and collated by sec. man., the last leaves,
I suppose the leaves of one quire or Kurrds, were in such a confusion as
entirely to disturb the context of the book. This has escaped the notice of
both copyist and collator. Confusions of this kind generally arise from the
back of a quire being rubbed through, and the quire being thereby reduced
to single disconnected leaves (4 or 8 or 16), which in consequence will easily
get out of their original order.
That portion of the autograph manuscript which had fallen out of its
proper sequence, is represented in S by page Ht, J9 — Ил, 111).
The confused state of the text strikes the attention of the reader from
the fact that astrological and meteorological matters are huddled together in
an impossible manner, and this confusion is proved to a certainty by a com
parison of the LaghujiUaka and the Brihat-Samhita of Varâhamihira , since
the text in question consists mostly of extracts from these two books. Guided
chiefly by Varâhamihira, I have reestablished the proper order. The fractu
res fit to eachother, but in one place something seems to have been lost.
In order to complete our description of «S we have to draw the attention
of the reader to some notes on the titlepage, in which former possessors have
recorded their names.

1) For the details see the foot-notes to the text. Of the whole book the text of
the last chapter is the least satisfactory. In a number of places the writing has
been rubbed out and something else been written instead of it, places where the copyist
probably was not certain how to read the original.
Thus in the year A. H. 865 Rabic II. (= A. D. 1461 January) it was
acquired by one 'Ubaid-Allah Muhammad ibn 'Umar.
Perhaps it once belonged to the library of a Turkish Sultan, as there
is a seal on the title page with a togrâ.
On the first fly-leaf there is an entry for a library in a modern Tur
kish hand. Besides, there occurs a small seal twice on fol. 3a and 161b. un
readable to me in both places.
To the title of the book , as we have given it on p. 1 , a modern Tur
kish hand has added the following explanatory words gj^lyJi^ о1^ДдЛ J-¿ Q»,
i. e. regarding scientific subjects and chronology.
No doubt, S is a manuscript of very rare merit, one of the most
accurate I have ever known, and this single one proved much more
useful to me than the three manuscripts which I used in editing the Chro
nology. The copyist did not perhaps understand .Sanskrit nor any Indian
vernacular , and possibly he was not quite able to follow the author into all
the details of his astronomical computations, but we cannot deny him the
testimony that he has with first rate diligence and accuracy, produced a copy
of a book which, for any reader howsoever learned he may be, is very
difficult to understand. The text will in the main stand as it is in $, though
many a mistake may still lurk beneath its surface not perceived by myself,
and it will in all probability not undergo many material changes in case
more manuscripts should be found.
Excellent as the manuscript is , it is not without blemishes , both blun
ders as well as lacunae which are indicated in the foot-notes to the text.
In detecting them I have in many instances been aided by the comparison
of the Sanskrit texts used by Alberuni.
Besides /S there are two more manuscripts of the book in Europe :
1) That of the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris, Fonds Ducaurroy Xo. 22.
It is on a fly-leaf of this manuscript that the book is called iX¿$> g-!;lj, i. e.
Ta'rîkh-i-Hind, by which it has hitherto frequently been quoted1). This title
is of no authority whatsoever, as Alberuni gives the title mentioned on p. 1 ,
exactly in the same wording in his autograph reproduced by /S as in the
catalogue of his own books (see my edition of the Chronology, Introduction
p. XLV).
2) The manuscript in the library of the Mehemet Köprülü-Medrese in
Stambul, in the street called Divan Yolu, opposite the Turbé or mausoleum
of Sultan Mahmûd. The latter manuscript I collated from beginning to end
in the hot summer of 1873.

1) Cf. Reinaud, Mémoire sur l'Inde p. 31 note 1.


Both these manuscripts are copied from S, agreeing with it in every the
most minute detail, but in many cases corrupted by the mistakes of the co
pyists who did not understand what they wrote. At first I intended to make
use of them, thinking that their writers had perhaps read some of the Indian
words better than I, but soon I became aware that I could entirely dispense
with their help. For every thing in them which might at first sight appear
as a varia lectio, is after a closer examination recognized simply as a blunder
of the copyist.
The geographical chapter 18 is also found in the Paris manuscript of
the geography of Edrisi (marked with A in the translation of Jaubert). Rei-
naud has compared it (see Fragments, p. XXXV), but with no useful result.
It is directly or indirectly derived from S.
I have written to various parts of India, inquiring for other manuscripts,
but have invariably received the answer, that the book is not known to
exist there. Perhaps it will one day turn up in the libraries of Kabul, Kan
dahar or Herat. And we can perfectly understand why Muhammadans had
so very little interest in getting it copied. It is full of tales of idolatry
and heathenish abominations, and a Muslim might think he jeopardized the
eternal bliss of his soul simply by reading it. On the other hand, the pu
rely scientific interest, which among the Muhammadans seems to have reached
a sort of climax in Alberuni, began soon after his time to decline and to
die away, never to awake again. It gave way to theological researches and
discussions, in fact to those struggles from which resulted the foundation of
Islamic orthodoxy about A. H. 500.
»Jre this kind of research« Alberuni stood quite alone in his time, if we
may believe his complaints (page IF, 8. 9). But soon after, things grew
worse, the darkness of medieval times closing in upon the Muslim mind
from all sides. All this readily explains why the Indica was not much copied
and why our whole manuscript - tradition of the book goes back, as we have
shown, to one and the same source, to the autograph of Alberuni, repre
sented to us by the manuscript Schefer, the basis of this edition.

§ 8. On the palaeographic Charakter of the manuscript.

The enormous geographic spread of the Arabic language has this conse
quence that its alphabet varies much both according to time and place.
Arabic manuscripts of the 5th or 6th centuries from Ghazna and neighbouring
parts seem to be very scarce in European collections, and I confess I have
never seen any other but this. The characters are rather small, but
perfectly clear, although they show a marked tendency towards the cursive

writing in which single letters are improperly connected and written in one
single stroke1). There is no luxury of punctuation. The vowels are scarcely
anywhere added except in the Indian words, and most frequently also the dia
critical points , distinguishing the several consonants from eachother, are omit
ted. Therefore the punctuation as it appears in my edition, must entirely be
put to my own account, not to that of the manuscript.
Besides the palaeographic details already mentioned on p. XXVI. we have
further to state that the ~ in the middle of the word, when connected both right
and left, is written in two different forms, cf. /4/^1 p. I"-1' col. 12 lines 12. 17,
p*£¿\ PfT, 21. If it denotes the number three, the lower part of it is curtailed, ~.
The long a at the beginning of a word is expressed both by Я and !.
The Tashdid is frequently put above the vowel (olyuli! page v, 4) , but
not always (суЦ/° 'öl<» 12).
The final ^ is in most cases marked by two points above it (see ,^1 II", 12,
ьДя> II, 1, o¿ К 10, ¿ tv, is. 17, ^1*ЛН Iv, 21). More rarely the dots are put
under it, e. g. in ¿ II, 6; U, 22 and elsewhere.
In Indian words the Sukun is frequently added to denote the absence of
a vowel. However, in a certain number of cases the copyist seems to have
3 c*
mistaken the Damma in Alberuni's autograph (as is ¿) for a SuMn (¿}. So e. g.
the termination of the words j* and ^1 (page M, 14, 1л., 1) ought to be a Damma
У ) ~* & O ff
(jí and Qjí), but the manuscript has ^ and ^. Theoretically, of course, Sans
krit vara and ayana may terminate without a vowel as in Hindi, or they may
terminate in a short и as in Sindhi, but the overwhelming majority of
all vocalised words throughout the whole book decides in favour of the
latter pronuntiation. The same mistake of writing Damma instead of Sukun
* (f „ ->-O J
I suspect also in^Ou« Madura (instead of j^>]. ^1*ЛЛ siéumâra (instead of ^UAA),
> o^ *-
£*j namuci (instead of g-»J) &c.
This mistake is to be accounted for by the fact, well known in Arabic
palaeography, that at certain times and in certain countries the signs Damma
and Sukun were depicted in a way much to resemble eachother. Cf. for ex
ample, in the publications of the Palaeographic Society, plates VI, VII and
LX, dated A. D. 866, 990 and 974 (?). Most likely the handwriting of Al-
beruni was such as to make it impossible for the copyist to distinguish bet
ween Damma and Sukun in Indian words.
Regarding the vowel - notation of the manuscript we must observe that

1) The letters o>, ^, 5 &c. are frequently connected with the following letters,
\ with a following J, and the letters ^ -j- « are moulded into one figure.

the kesra is frequently written from left to right, cf. 3^ теги 5b 4, j*f 1
abhira 77b ц iX>! indu 55a 4, g^y.¿ devejya 55a 10, &c. This is not for
the purpose of distinguishing between the different Indian vowels г, î, e
and ai, as the reader might feel inclined to suppose, but is simply an indi
vidual peculiarity of the writing of the copyist.
On the orthography of the manuscript we need not enlarge here , as,
for instance, the Alif otiosum at the end of IJ^AJ i^b?. (in the singular), the
various ways of expressing i,^ and (j hamzata, and other things are peculia
rities common to Arabic manuscripts of all ages.
As we have already said (on p. XXVI), the consonantal skeleton of the
book deserves the highest praise. It is not faultless, as in certain cases can
be proved to a certainty e. g. from the comparison of the Sanskrit texts.
Whereever I felt called upon to correct the text, I have given the reading
of the manuscript at the foot of the page.
The writer has not bestowed the same care on the vowels as on the
consonants (cf. p. XXXII). Not knowing the vowel-system of that Indian
vernacular dialect which Alberuni heard and perhaps spoke , I could not do
anything save reproduce the vocalization exactly as it is given in the manuscript.
I have only taken away as perfectly superfluous a Fatha from a medial a,
3 J -
writing jl where the manuscript has jb.

§ 9. On the Arabic language as used in the Indica.

As regards the Arabic style of Alberuni in general, 1 must refer the
reader to my introduction to the edition of his Chronology p. LXIX. All
his sentences are very precise and most of them very short. The connection
of the sentences with eachother is very strict and bears a close relation to
the method of geometry, as each sentence is so constructed as to fit closely
on to the preceding one. The nature of his style seems to betray the ma
thematician by profession. When he wrote the Indica, he was 27 years older
than when writing the Chronology. During all this time his style was conti
nually developing those qualities which were already, at that early period
prominently characteristic, and which furnish unmistakable marks of a strong
individuality. Much more than in the Chronology, the style of the Indica
gives us the impression of being finished omnibus numeris, showing a high
polish and a remarkable uniformity from beginning to end. His language is
so condensed and at the same time so artistically constructed that you could
scarcely anywhere take away a single word without destroying the whole

The difficulty of understanding the work does not so much lie in the
words and in their construction as in the subject-matter, and in the peculiar
way whereby the single ideas are linked together which sometimes requires
some reading between the lines. Generally, a sentence which seems obscure
at first sight receives the necessary light from the following passage or pas
sages and I would give the same advice to the reader of the Indica as to a
reader of Herodotus, not to stop in a difficult sentence or context, but at
once to consult that which follows. A cause of much perplexity in this, as
in most Arabic books, is the frequent use of the personal pronouns, Speak
ing of a person or a thing, the writer afterwards for a long time simply
refers to it by he or she or it, leaving the reader to the necessity of guessing
what is meant.
It is perfectly certain that an author like Alberuni, in his academical
education, passed through a course of Arabic grammar and that he knew it
as well as any writer of his time , though he lias not composed books on
grammatical subjects. Nevertheless, here and there he takes liberties with
grammar which much he characterized as medieval Arabic. For instance it
seems to have been a misuse in the language of the mathematicians to con
nect the numbers 3— 10 with the singular of the word v_*J! = 1 000, in direct
opposition to the usage of the classical and also the modern vernacular lan
guage. Cf. vjJt >jAe instead of o^T s-i^ page IU, 9. 19; IH, 19; 111, 19; »1,
l; Ifv, 15. vjut XiJLi Ifv, 7, vJul x*-o Ifv, 19, vjül iuu^t 111, 17 &C.1). I explain
this construction by a wrong application of the analogy of the construction
of the numbers 3— 9 in connection with the word *iU = ЮО in the singular
A second peculiarity in his construction of numbers is, that a numeral
sometimes appears in the status constructus, although the second half of the
'Ida/a does not follow it immediately, as is required by grammar, but is se
parated from it by an intervening word. Cf.

on page Ifл, 4. 5. We exspect

tfff. xSUUíj 0^
or, if the first о5у> is to be dropped, we expect

This construction is a sort of abbreviation. The word oji)^ which ought

to be used twice, is used only once, but the grammatical government remains
the same, as if it were used twice. Cf. further
1) The same peculiarity has been referred to by Baron V. v. Rosen in the Publi
cations of the Oriental department of the Imperial Russian archaeological society, Peters
burg 1886 p. 31. 32. (Russian).

on page vv, 4 ;
on page vv, 21 ;
JiiU on page VA, 9 and ^\ on page I'fl, 15. In all these cases the сейш
constructus is contrary to the rules of classical Arabic.
It is an extension of this kind of construction, when the numeral ap-
peares in the status constructus, although it is not followed by a genitive, but
simply by an accusative necessitated by one of the numbers tl — 99. See e. g.
the following expression on page Ho, i 5 :

We expect :

We detect here the same tendency to abbreviation. Instead of *u*. and *-u»,
the word is used only once and at the end of the sentence, but its gram
matical influence is the same as if it were used twice. In fact, the accu-
9 to f

sative KÀ*. acts on the preeding ,¿ify, as if it were a genitive. Cf. ^>
p. 111, 20, i/Sl p. И, 14.
In fractions sometimes the status constructus is used where there does
not follow a genitive but a preposition with a genitive, a construction which
similarly occurs in Syriac. S«e e. g. «l^t or (^Цз instead of p*&aj (p.4*, 21
m, 2) ; *i- ¿jiH, instead of »JU ^^аЦ, (р. 11Ч, 6).
Besides the medieval use of the accusative instead of the nominative1),
there are some other harsh constructions chiefly of the numerals and of the
word ^ = both weighing on the conscience of an Arabian grammarian,
•where the author seems to stand in much need of absolution from his more
punctilious countryman Zamakhshari.
The connection between a numeral (3 — 10,100) and its noun when de
fined, may be a fourfold one, viz.

iM , the latter two of which are the most frequent in the Indica.

1) When using Indian words in the plural (pluralis santis mase, gen.), he generally
uses the accusative, v. CE-UJÍ! the Rishis, ^.J^ the Pitris, l:£ru;SlJJI the Brahmarshis &c.
Bather exceptional is oy^*ii i- e. the Vasus on p. Ifo, 18.

Cf. 0Aji fí^l p. in, 3,

~Jî p. llf, 24,
p. "f, 20,
A*A*Jt = ¿Ae «eue« RisAi's on p. HO, 8.
xïij! 53 p. llf, 17.
*juJI — the centennium p. ur, 8.
In the manuscript Schefer as in many other manuscripts, in derivatives
from roots tertiae infirmas the final i with or without nunation is most fre
quently expressed by a long Î i. e. ^5 in conformity with the pronuntiation
of the vernacular language, See e. g. ^l—l instead of pl«( p. Iv., 1 1 ; Kf, 7 ;
instead of ^ IVA, 2 1 ; ¿L = J!e ff1, ] 6 ; $>U = Л1« rf1, 1 3 ; ^^> = ,lj=*
13; cí'já = ¿у. 111, 19 &c.
Further, the manuscript has
j instead of ^i-\j p. I«, -2; vl, 6.
instead of outt*.t p. fir, 2 1 .
instead of Jb*. ¡¿$$\ ¿ p. ffo, 3
by a wrong application of the analogy of the numbers 1 1 and
13 — 19.
instead of sl«a¿- X^wJ» p. 1л., 7.
instead of JeL» p. Uf, 13.
The damîr-alfasl is apparently used in a very free manner. See e. g.
"ir^'j^ P- Uf) 22, iibUjJi )S> p. IU, 8, оЦ£$>_^* р. Ил, 6, where classical grammar
requires ^.
As regards the words v' and A\, the short forms v' and <->\, ±\ and ¿I
are sometimes used instead of_>ji, Ы, j^>t, Ls»l.
It is my impression that for deviations from classical Arabic of the kind
here described not only the writer of the manuscript Schefer, but also Albe-
runi himself is to be held responsible. It is the classical language en négligé,
as used by most medieval authors who did not pique themselves upon being
very precise in matters of grammar.
When Alberuni used the Arabic language to depict Indian civilization,
he put it to such a test as no Arabian author has ever done before or after.
He had, like Colebroke, Wilson and Lassen, to grapple with the difficulty
of rendering all the subtleties of Hindu thought by corresponding terms of
another language, and I venture to say that he has done so with complete suc
cess. Everyone who takes the trouble of following his train of thought, will

find that throughout the whole book there reigns a classical perspicuity which
proves that he handled not only the subject, but also the language with a
perfect mastery. In order to express new notions foreign to the Arabian
mind, he either borrows Indian words using them in their original or in an
Arabized form, or secondly he translates them into Arabic, or in the third
place , if he cannot find an appropriate Arabic translation , he uses Arabic
words, but in new significations which he assigns to them1). In this task
he was greatly assisted by the enormous wealth of forms of Arabic inflection
and their capability of expressing the very finest and most intricate nuances
of thought, by the inexhaustible treasures of the Arabic dictionary and the
wonderful elasticity of Arabic syntax. Alberuni directed the language into
a new channel, where it might have undergone a new and peculiar deve
lopment of its own, but this development has not taken place. The impulses
given by Alberuni, who rises like a solitary rock in the ocean of Arabic li
terature , have not been taken up by subsequent generations , and the ivsult
was that his work soon became unintelligible to Muslim readers and was
utterly neglected. He was too far in advance of his countrymen, and they
have never tried to follow in his wake.
The perusal of the Indica requires a certain familiarity with Arabic
terminology as it occurs in books on theology, philosophy, mathematics,
astronomy and astrology. On considering the question whether a glossary of
rare or unknown words was to be added to this edition, I came to the con
clusion that it would be preferable to explain all the words which need an
explanation , in the notes to my translation , as they are not sufficiently nu
merous to justify a special glossary being made of them.

1) See his own principles on this subject on p. ir, 2—6.

As examples of Arabized Indian words we mention
1. oHí P™r- *^ЦЛ the daily revolution of a planet, derived by a Prâkritic bhutti
from Skr. bhukti, cf. Sûryasiddhânta П, 27 note and p. Iv1,l; !Гл, 4; W, 8. 9. 11; По
9; 141, 18.
2. yyo plur. olj^jo temple = Skr. devagriha p. IVv, 18; M, 15.
As examples of Arabic words with Indian significations stamped upon them see
1. selifl» = amrita i.e. Ambrosia, the food of the Devas, p. in, 6; rrt, 2; fof, 9. 10.
2. oLoaJ = ûnarâtra or tithikshaya i. e. the difference between the lunar and civil
years, cf. Sûryasiddhânta I, 40 note.

Other subjects connected with the author and his book will form the
introduction to the English edition.
The last word of this preface in to be an expression of my deepest
gratitude to all those who aided me in the course of my work.
In the year 1873, when professor in the Imperial University of Vienna,
I was enabled by the liberal support of the Imperial Austrian Government,
in particular by the Ministry of Public Instruction to travel to Constantinople
and to collate there the manuscript of the Mehemet Köprülü Pasha Library.
It has already been stated on p. IX that it is to a grant of Her Bri
tannic Majesty's India Office that I am indebted for the means of printing
this edition. In the India Office Sir Henry Rawlinson and Dr. Reinhold
Host have always during a long course of years accorded me their untiring
assistance in furthering my literary plans.
Under what obligation I am to Mr. Chr. Schéfer, Membre de l'Institut
in Paris, the reader has already been told on p. VTII.
Further I have, chiefly in the former stages of my work, applied for
the explanation of single Indian words to several Sanskrit scholars and have
invariably experienced their ready assistance.
Prof. Ferdinand Wüstenfeld lent me the help of his learning and of
his eyes, assisting me in reading the proofsheets from beginning to end.
The transliteration of the Sanskrit alphabet which I use, is the following :
Vowels : aáiiuúrift }i
Diphtongs : e ai о аи
Gutturals: k kh g gh ù
Palatals: с ch j jh ñ
Singualß : t th <} dh n
Dentals: t th d dh n
Labials : p ph b bh m
Semivowels: y r l v
Sibilants s sh s h
Anusvâra : m
Visarga : h.

Berlin, February 1887.

Edward C. Sachau.
Table of contents.

Introduction and table of contents p. f

Chapter 1. On the Hindus in general as an introduction to our account of them p. 1
„ 2. On the belief of the Hindus in God p. ir
„ 3. On the Hindu belief as to created things both intelligibilia and sensibilia p. to
„ 4. From what cause action originates and how the soul is connected with
matter p. IT
„ 5. On the state of the souls and their migrations through the world in
the metempsychosis p. rf
„ 6. On the different worlds and on the places of retribution in paradise
and hell p. П
„ 7. On the nature of liberation from the world, and on the path leading
thereto p. ft"
„ 8. On the different classes of created beings and on their names . . p. fr
„ 9. On the castes, called colours and on the classes below them . . . p. f*
„ 10. On the source of their religious and civil law, on prophets and on the
question whether single laws can be abrogated or not p. ol
„ 11. About the beginning of idol-worship and a description of the indivi
dual idols p. op
„ 12. On the Veda, the Purânas and other kinds of their national literature p. 1.
„ 13. Their grammatical and metrical literature p. to
„ 14. Hindu literature in the other sciences, astronomy, astrology &c. . . p. vl"
„ 15. Notes on Hindu metrology, intended to facilitate the understanding
of all kinds of measurements which occur in this book p. vl
„ 16. Notes on the writing of the Hindus, on their arithmetic and related
subject, and on certain strange manners and custom of theirs . . p. A.
„ 17. On Hindu sciences which prey on the ignorance of people .... p. 11
„ 18. Various notes on their country, their rivers and their ocean. Itine
raries of the distances between their several kingdoms and between
the boundaries of their country p. 11
„ 19. On the names of the planets, the signs of the zodiac, the lunar sta
tions, and related subjects p. I.S"
„ 20. On the Brahmanda p. U

Chapter 21. Description of earth and heaven according to the religious views of
the Hindus, based upon their traditional literature . . . . . . p. Ill
„ 22. Traditions relating to the pole • p. 111
„ 23. On mount Meru according to the belief of the authors of the Purânas
and of others p. ц-t
„ 24. Traditions of the Purânas regarding each of the seven Dvipas . . p. |l-a
„ 25. On the rivers of India, their sources and courses p. ii\
„ 26. On the shape of heaven and earth according to the Hindu astronomers p. lit
„ 27. On the first two motions of the universe (that from east to west
according to ancient astronomers and the precession of the equino
xes) both according the Hindu astronomers and the authors of the
Purânas p. in
„ 28. On the definition of the ten directions p. Iff
„ 29. Definition of the inhabitable earth according to the Hindus . . . p. Ifv
„ 30. On Lanka or the Cupola of the earth p. IOA
„ 31. On that difference of various places which we call the difference of
longitude p. И.
„ 32. On the notions of duration and time in general, and on the creation
of the world and its destruction p. 11Г
„ 33. On the various kinds of the day or nychthemeron and on day and
night in particular p. Ill
„ 34. On the division of the nychthemeron in minor particles of time . p. 111
» 35. On the different kinds of months and years p. Ivo
„ 36. On the four measures of time called mana : . p. |УЛ
„ 37. On the parts of the month and year p. lvl
„ 38. On the various measures of time composed of days, the life of
Brahman included p. Uf
„ 39. On measures of time which are larger than the life of Brahman . p. ur
„ 40. On the Saindhi, the interval between two periods of time, forming
the connecting link between them p. \\r
„ 41. An explanation ofKalpa and Caturyuga, and a definition of each in
terms of the other p, IAO
„ 42. On the division of the Caturyuga into Yugas and the different opi
nions regarding the latter p. W
„ 43. A description of the four Yugas and of all that is expected to take
place at the end of the fourth Yuga p. U1
„ 44. On the Manvantaras p. IT
„ 45. On the constellation of the Great Bear p. Ho
„ 46. On Nârâyana, his appearance et different times, and his names . . p. ti*.
„ 47. On Vasudeva and the wars of Bhârata p. Г..
„ 48. An explanation of the measure of an akshauhini p. Г.С
„ 49. A summary description of the eras p. f.r
„ 50. On the star-cycles in a Kalpa and Caturyuga p. Г.л
„ 51. An explanation of the terms adhimâsa, ûnarâtra, and the aharganas,
as representing different sums of days p. PIP
„ 52. On the calculation of ahargana in general i. e. the resolution of

years and months into days, and vice versa the composition of years
and months out of days p. HI
Chapter 53. On the ahargana or the resolution of years into months, according
to special rules which are adopted in the calendars for certain da
tes or moments of time p. (to
„ 54. On the computation of the mean places of the planets p. ir.
„ 55. On the order of the planets, on their distances and their magnitudes p. fH
„ 56. On the stations of the moon p. ifc
„ 57. On the heliacal risings of the stars, and on the ceremonies and
rites which the Hindus practice at such a moment p. ifl
„ 58. How ebb and flow follow eachother in the ocean p. fol
„ 59. On the solar and lunar eclipses p. fof
j, 60. On the Parvan p. fov
„ 61. On the dominants of the different measures of time in both religions
and astronomical relations and on connected subjects p. Pol
„ 62. On the sixty years-samvatsara, also called shashfyabda p. ПГ
„ 63. On that which especially concerns the Brahmans and what they are
obliged to do during their whole life p. CV
„ 64. On the rites and customs which the other castes besides the Brah
mans, practice during their lifetime p. Pv.
„ 65. On the sacrifices p. M
„ 66. On pilgrimage and the visiting of sacred places p. CvC
„ 67. On alms, and how a man must spend what he earns p. M
„ 68. On what is allowed and forbidden in eating and drinking ... p. M
„ 69. On matrimony, the menstrual courses, embryos and childbed . . p. fw
„ 70. On lawsuits p. M
„ 71. On punishments and expiations p. ГА.
„ 72. On inheritance and what claim the deceased person has on it . . p. Сл!
„ 73. About what is due to the bodies of the living (i. e.. about burying
and suicide) p. РлГ
„ 74. On fasting and the various kinds of it p. IVf
„ 75. On the determination of the fast-days p. Сл1
„ 76. On the feasts and the festive days to come p. PAV
„ 77. On days which are held in special veneration, on lucky and unlucky
times , and on such times as are particularly favourable for acqui
ring in them bliss in heaven p. PI.
„ 78. On the Karanas p. P1f
„ 79. On the Yogas p. Pli
„ 80. On the introductory principles of Hindu astrology with a short de
scription of their methods of astrological calculations .... p. r.l — Пл
Index of words of Indian origin p. И1 — rio
Page Г, 8 read *jLç>j instead of *
» v, 1 0 » Jf vj » »
» P., 19 » ¿¿ » »
» M, l » (j~*¿* » »
» ft, 4 » u*4*-^' в "
» о«, 4; Т, 12; 1o, 4; IIf, 12 read ^ instead of •>/
» ov, i after (»4*Л^ there is a lacuna.
» II, 1 9 read «Jus*^ Ue-lj *>¿>b £ (•*** instead of *JUs> ¿I Лг>15 j»j>^ jf
» Т note 5) ¿yK delendum.
» 1«, 1 5 read J* instead of J^
» 41, 2 instead of u**» the ms. has £
» vt, 20 » » £J/ » » » *

» vf, i 8 after о^ there is a lacuna.

» l.f, 14 read 1«лЬ instead of IÂJ (ms.).
' * '\
» 1.1, 5 » wAJu »
» Iff, 14 » fo1f.. »
» IfA second figure. Read j*%- instead of
» lio, 10 read «¿Jbu. ^ (ms.) instead of «**J
» Г.А, 7 ^V** The ms. has
» fff, 8 yyUS The ms. has
» CAÁ, 1 4 read и«Ч7»# instead of
» П1, 16 instead of ot 0,0^ the ms. has
» rtv, 1 6 read \и~£*ь* instead of
» Pfo yü Jj'b pâtaliputra.
» tTf j$j = bhai-a.
» (To l-y«-tX!o vidâsinî.
» ГГ1 »jlj = tara.
» rf. o^?- = cettham, not jitu.
Additions to the Index.
V, add 289, 1 — «Jljj ГГ., add 152, 15 — oUo ГГ., add 131, 6 —
W, add 170, 5 — «ÍJüLíJu» gJu ("It, add 293, 10 — v^JU ГТТ, add 247, 17
0-b- 300, 20 — ¿у**ъ- 298, 19 — »I, raAw 312. 5 — y^ 303, 1.

"Words of unknown pronuntiation.

309, 5 (— âyus?)
3H, 3 (= hutàsasutâh, Brihatsamhitâ XI, 11).
j^ 289, 14.
Ьм 261, 20.
«^í>Jü 309, l .
.~¿i 303, l .
(secunda manus) 309, 3.
288, 19.
Uur (vyatipâta) 301, 13.

203,7. 247,7.9; 262,13.

¿*S> hayagriva 114, 5. U щъ£& ashtamâtrâs 59, l .
-s» heli 105, 3. ? himarasmi 105, 5.
Je*** hematâla 156,13. himagu 105,4.
.A* hemagiri 155, 11. -^ hemagiri 124, 15.
*s» hemakúta 124,15. oyiî hemakúta 123, 19.
^> hemakutya (?) 153, 17. himamayúkha 105, 5.
*и*о> hemalamba 266,2. himavant 57,13; 123,6.7.18; 124,
•A* hemna 105, 9. 3; 128,18.19; 131,2; 147,4.8.18;
¿~a>heraanta 180,19; 302,15; 305,9. 156,21; 159,8; 288,1.
10. sindhu 267, 9.
*9 haihaya 155, 17. :,- ¿3JU5> (— caitra) 287,18.
vajrabrahmahatyâ 281, 5. & hamsapura 149, 8.
AS rasmiketu (?) 316,9. ¿& hamsamarga 131, 17.
vimisra (?) 303, 1 . j>fl> hotrin 49, 1 5.
253, 8. 'hora 104,15; 173,21.22; 174,8; 307,
¿frij utakhanda? 101,4; 129,6; 130,5; 3.
163,5. •H^y horâdhipati 174,3.
ekâdasa 295, 19. 20.
¿v. ¿LoCiJ 114,2. tf homa 62,8; 269,13.
ekanakta 285, 7. 055> hûna 151,13; 156, 4; 315,6.
hudaka (?) 152, 2.

NB. This Index contains, besides Sanskrit and vernacular words, also
a small number of words which in reality are neither Sanscrit nor vernacular,
but wich the author misled by an erroneous interpretation, has taken for
-ó nila 114,6; 123,21; 273,8. j nalini 131,1. 17.
gw*ló nilamukha 131, 12. mmav 99,11.
t*» nemi (?) 303, 2. namuci 114, 2.
¿jjjíJ niyutam 84, 11. *¿ nimesha 170, 1 1. 14. 17. 18. 20. 21 ;
„ó nivra 67, 9 171, 2.4; 183, 10.13.
49,10.15. 99,13.
hará 67,14. J ananta (?) 261, 7.
~& hâraliaura 149, 5. nanda 86,18; 114, 9; 200,14.16.17.
j,LS> hârîta 63,15. iXü nandipurâna 63, 4.
128,15. »Xo namdivishtha (sic) 157,14 col. 2.
havya 197,13. nandagola 200,16; 276,1.
havishmat 197, 10. ü nandikesvara 45, 12.
havishmat 197,14. 15. J nandana 128,16; 265,18.
hasta 79,11. a^xü nandanavana 249, 13.
<j»U0> hutâsa 265, 11. oiXü nandanavana (?) 122,1.
0ÄlÄ5> hutàsana 85,20. *j 163,6.

^л* arbuda (?) 151,8. л nahusha 45, 13.

J> hari 126,16; 173,14; 183,12; 199, navan 86,20.
18. navâmsaka 307,6.
¿L.J» 288,17. 130,3.
harivarsha 124, 16. vXí/jj navakhan^aprathama 147, 6;
haripurusha 125,13. 148,2.
harivamsaparvan 64, 2 1 . navakhandavarga 149,1.
o haryâtman 199,16. 267, 7.
harsha 205, 5. navan 295, 17.18.
harshana 301,10. JL.AJ nepâla 98,12.13.14.
101,15. •i? netra 85, 13.
hiranyâksha 114,13; 272,8. *j naircika (?) 151, 7.
hiranyaroman 197,9. \j nicasthá 305,14.
hiranyâksha 54,19; 184,3. nila 124, 13.
hiranmaya 124, 14. лЗ nairrita 145,10; 146 fig.; 148 fig.;
haribhatta (?) 67,17. 155,12; 298,18.
hastin 67,15.20; 70,15. *A,-*j ni-rishabha (sic) 197, 6.
hasta 107,18; 148 fig., 243,15; j¿ 206, 1 5.
j-Лу niscara (!) 197, 6. lî nâijî 170,6; 171,4.
«¿у naraka 118, 6. ü narímuklia 155, 2.
<¿>Jy' naraloka 29, 8. li nâsikya 151, 13; 154,7.
Joy narmadâ 99,12; 128, 12; 130,18. Ъ nâga 44,18; 86,15; 123,20; 133,15;
y narmada 128,14. 261,4.5; 295,15; 296, 7.
nirmogha 194, 1 1 . ¿li nagadvípa 148,3.
nirmoha 197, 17. ¿Tli nâga kulika 174,21.
^pjuyu-j nistrimsa 298, 12. r/li nâgârjuna 92, 20.
^ç?wj niscirâ 129, 8. li nâgara 82, 11.
oluJ nishada 154, 6. swjjfli v. c^-Jflj 148, 11.
(J.LÜJ v. (jJ-ujI nihsvâsa 172, 4. k nâgarapura (?) 75,4.
/LÄJ nisâkara 173,15. /li 128,3.
v^-ixj 131,12. ii nâgaloka 29, 8.
v^us^jjij nishprakampa 197, 17. ii nâlikera 153 12 col. 4.
улйЗ (ms. yP*»i) niscara 197, 15. ¿Iinâlî270, 15.
ÀAJ nishadha 123,19; 124,8.15; 273, (..í J.J nâmakarman 279, 4.
8. «.li nâva 306, 1 .
OLjXAJ nishkulâda 114, 2. oli nyâyabhâshâ 63, 18.
0~~bJ nisesa 106,1. AJ nabhaga (?) 194,10.
o^yu nagarkot 130, 7 ; 207,12. 265, 11.
«3o nakha 88, 3. -o nitala 113, 5.
«*j naga 86, 9. c^sr niyuta 84, 6.
¿& anagha (!) 197,15. (¿¿¿F niyutam 84, 5.
Oyu nyagrodha 127, 19. «Jc^ nishadhâ 128,14.
усЛЛ nakshatra 179,9; 232, 17.18. V>^' nikharva 83, 16; 232,20.
oU^Xi nakshatramâna 178,17; 179, ¿ï,Ai nidâgha 180,17.
4. uJù v. wJuo 266,12.
olj-лЛЛ nakshatranùtha 106,2. y nara 194, 7.
Jj nalva 79,12. nirâmaya 194, 12.
v>Jo nakula 201,14. s->y nripa 87,12.
v-jiu nagna 59, 1 . jy nyarbuda 83, 1 4.
OjxÁÜi nagnaparaa 154, 10. oy nirutsuka 197, 17.
U nalaka 151, 12. ¿y nirriti 181,14; 262, 5.
Jli niraksha 133, 16. «j nrisimbavana 156, 4.
mûlika (?) 151, 5. o.f« mahàràshtradesa 99, 13.
maitreya 81, 20; 195, 4; 199, 4. maharloka 115,11; 119,10; 165,
maitrcyi 285,21. 21.
meghavân 155,11. ji^mahisha 126,16; 165,20.
meda (!) 152, 15. mâhisha 150,9.
mîrut 101, 1. mahâkâla 99, 8.
marici 77,15. 130,4.
meru 6,4; 121,11; 128,2.20; 133,3. mahendra 154, 4.
14.16; 134,6.15; 135,3.17.19; 186,1. muhûrta 119, 16; 143, 19.21; 144,
7.19; 137,15; 139,14.17; 140,6; 142, 5; 170,21; 171,;
3.10; 143,10; 144,10; 156,7.22; 159, 172,1. 21; 173,2. 3ff.; 184,19; 260,
6.9; 162,11,13; 166,7.19; 167,17; 4. 6; 300,25; 302, 10; 313, 13.19.20.
168,8; 242,16; 249,11; 267,7; 273, 24.
4 5. mahoshnisha 114, 7.
meshâdi 180, 8. madhvî (?) 101, 12.
-yo mesha 108,15. mahidhra 86, Ю.
jt mewar 99,9. mahendra 121,6; 123,16; 128,
megha 114, 7. 4.
mekala 151,12; 153,8. maya 75, 13.
jy« mimâmsâ 63, 19. bodha 150,10.
mina 108,20. modakam-dehi 65, 16.
mainâka 251, 16. 17. 79, 4.
ус-чу« 181,12. mausala 64, 18.
jfLiíli nâbhâga 197,14. mùshika 150, 5.
otSnâtha 252,10. moksha 34,21 ; 269, 10.
^13 nârâyana 7, 6 ; 46, 2. 3 ; 52,1 ; 57, 2 ; o vju^y> mokshadharma 64,16.
62,1 7 ; 63, 7 ; 64, 2 ; 84, 2 ; 95, 4 ; 99, 4; « mùla 107,11; 148, fig.; 149,9; 244,
105,17; 120,21 ; 121,4; 173,14; 183, 7; 262, 5; 288,9.
14; 198,1. 14. 19; 199,9.1 8; 201,6 ; 265, ^. multan 56,1.4.6; 58,16; 73,15;
3; 274,20; 283,2. 149,8; 152,6; 155,16; 159,7; 163,6;
ojli nârada 55, 1 8 ; 63,10; 118,19; 180, 205,18; 206,16.17; 207,2; 229,8;
17; 249,14; 313,3. 274, 14; 276,2; 290,15.
nâradaparvata 251, 16. mûlatrikona 304, 4; 305, 14.
l3 narasimha 63, 3 ; 184, 1 5. mûlasthâna 11, 4; 149, 9.
203,14; 204,; 205,1; malipur (malayapuram) 98, 6.
209,19; 216,21; 217,1; 218,21; 219, cr manas 21,21.
1; 259,21; 260,7. er manu 63,14; 64,3; 75,7; 87,9; 120,
mukha 102, 9. 16.17; 186,3; 193,16; 194,1; 194,4;
manojava 194,9. 196, 25; 256, 2. 7; 260, 1 ; 265,2; 281,
jV manushyâhorâtra 167, 1. 17.
mahapadma 83,16; 84,8; 123,20; er muni 45,14; 86, 11; 119, 6.
261,12. vi>-^ manittha 75, 13.
mahâbhùta 20, 15; 164, 6. <sJU munja 114,12.
mahàvegâ 128, 13. manda 105, 1 4 ; 273, 1 0.
mahâtavi 154, 5. mandâkini 128, 11 ; 273,10.
mahâtala 113, 7. mandavâhinî 128,9.
kfl maliajambha 114, 5. mandaga 127, 1 1.
mahâjvâla 30, 3. 163,6.

* mahacína 101, 16. murula 150, 6.

mahâdeva 27, 3.4; 45, 8.12; 46,4; manéala 131,20.
56,14; 57,8.12; 58,4.20; 63,5.10. 99, 12.
И; 65, 19; 75,19; 84,2; 87,3; 89, 101, 3.
19; 146,4; 173,4.12; 183,1. 5. 12; mandeha 126,20.
205,12; 252,9.14; 261,1; 264,13; màrgasirsha 107,10; 294, 17.
274,1.3.4; 275,14.16; 288,1; 289, maiígala 86, 1 4 ; 105, 6 ; 131, 3.
8.14; 290,14; 294,15; 303,6; 315, maùgalavâra 104, 5.
5. 318,6.
Äljle* mahârâshtra 150, 8. màrgasirsha 106,16; 107,2; 181,
jlf mahârnava 155,19. 14; 201,2; 206,16.17; 207,4; 285,
mahâsankha 84, 8. 18; 289,20.
mahâvirya 194, 12. maniketu 317, 7.
mahâgriva 154, 3. mongîr, mudgagiri 98, 8.
mahâkalpa 169,2. manmatha 265, 17.
^Lp mahâgaurî 128, 15. manvantara 7, 4; 61, 6; 120, 17;
145,21; 182,; 183,1; 185,
mahânadi (?) 128, 1 1. 10; 186,3.4.14; 187,10; 188,7; 189,5;
mahânavami 288, 10. 193,15.20; 194,1.3; 195,1.4.6; 196,
mihiradatta (?) 75, 3. 25; 197,1.2 3. 5; 198,7.9; 199,10;
mritasamjîvan 126, 1 5. matsya 63. 12.
mrigavyâdha 247, 11. J-ï- mithila 153,9.
marukucca 156, 10. ^ mithuna 108, 1.17.
mrigasirsha 201, 5. ** unmattavanti (?) 287, 15.
mrigasirsha 107,10; 148 fig. ; 173, matsya 63, 8.
12; 243,7; 245, 2: 262,5. matsya 131, 10.
mrigalanchana 66, 9 ; 252, 4. g*» matsyapurâna 63,2; 80,5; 117,1;
manimân 155. 10. 118,2; 123,10; 125,10.20; 126,21;
maru 131,4; 152.3. 127,2.9.12; 128,18; 130,21; 135,
marucipattana 154, 16. 16; 142.10; 165,20; 231,18; 232,24.
0,S 131,6. 26; 233. 4; 251.14; 252,1; 273. 5;
gj.* marici 195, 16.18. 318,2.
mucukunda 114,18. %'atsa 150,12.
mashaka (!) 150, 6. 125, 13.
¿C« maga 11, 2; 58,20. madhyadesa 82,10; 97,4; 125,
&A mriga 127,11. 11; 145,10; 148,7.
¿^maghal07,l5; 148 fig. ; 195,14; 196, « madra 155. 17.; 243,12; 262,10; 288,15. » madura 149, 5.
v»oC* mukta 154, 16. » madhra (?) 152,7.
J¿* magadha 149. 4;- 150. 10; 153,7. iX« madraka 156, 1 7.
О1Л&« magadha 131,10. 76, 20. 21.
yU makara 100,8;; 248, 5. matsya 152,8.
¿lyC« makarâdi 180,3. madhusûdana 201,10.
¿~* mala 212.17. iX« mudrakaraka 150, 1 1.
J-» mala 150.9. madhu 83. 1 6; 197, 1 0.
J- malla (?) 152, 11. madhyamayus 309, 1 7.
JOL» malada 151, 10. Jw. 273. 7.
^laL. (sic) marvàri (?) 82, 12. madhu (?) 67,14.17.21; 69,11.16;
yi^b 82,13. 70,13; 71,5.
&«UL* malamasa 212, 17. .л muru 131.6; 194,9.
>• malaya 123,16; 128,6. 124,15.
t^ malaya 154, 2. mrityu 199, 1 2 ; 296, 24.
malayaparvata 124, 5. Jljy mritâla 113,8.
mleccha 10,7. jU-jw« mrityusara 174, 15.
12; 290,4; 291,6. lavanasamudra 117, 3.
fU mâgadha 127,11. vtf^-Aw« QjJ lavanamushti 74, 21.
?U mâgadha 197,18. ¿W>5 lavaùga 159,14.
jjJU mâlavartika 150, 4. j^ 205,18.
яЛл mâlindya 154, 5. 162,19.
mâlava 124,13; 150, 3; 152, 4; 156, 162,19.
18. lohâvar 101,3; 102,2; 129,6; 206.
raâlava 82,11; 93,19; 99,9.11; 159, 15.
7. lohita 114,3.
jyJU mâlyavant 124, 5. lohita 129, 9.
màlyâvaat (?) 124, 7. lohitya 153,15.
~«U 114,14. lohitanada 273, 12.
0U mâna 6,17; 79,5; 178,15; 179,9.19. 100, 18; 102. 10; 130,11.
«-AX3U mândavya 75,9; 152,16; 155,13; 163. 3.
156,8. ¿SU likshâ 77, 7.
^ leya 108,19.
U mânasa 75, 6. 7; 123, 1 5; 127, 1 1.
^•U mâtra 67,6 bis.
13; 185, 4; 273, 13; 318,10.
.y,Jlo 290, 10. yiU mathura 152,9.
^.jj^wjU mânasottama 127, 21. oU maclhyaloka 29,9.
,J5JU mânushaloka 29, 9. mâdhava 201, 7.
JU manábala 156, 2. mâraka 155, 7.
•LPU 290,10. margaùa 86, 5.
jyu>U 290, 4. jU 114,14.
»j^U rnathurâ 97,11; 99,5; 159,8; 200, ;U mârkaijdeya 27, 2; 63,10; 121,
11.16; 201,3; 205,7; 275,21; 286,7. 1 ; 164, S; 172,10; 182,13; 187,13;
10. 193.21 ; 204, 210; 232.20.21 ; 233,5.
_^U mâheya 105, 7. olj^jJUÎ;U mârkandeyapuràna 63, 6.
^ju/jl« mâ-udakam-dehi 65, 15. té ^U marikala 156, 10; 206,14.15.
,a>U maboya 151, 3. и-и mâsa 87, 6; 182, 2.
W- maya 174.14. O¿,L.U mâsârdhara 86, 8.
¿i* mathara 155, 4. \j.\y¿* mâsavâsa 285,13.
¿* mitra 106,16.17; 121,5; 173,6; 262, *AUmâsha 76,18; 77,5.9.
2; 296.16. mâgha 103,19; 106,18; 107,14;
¿* mitrâkhya 258, 16. 181,16; 201,7; 263,17; 285,19; 287,

v^ lava 170, 20; 171, 2. 4; -^ ketu 194,12; 312,5.6; 313,2.

183, 10. 13. gîta 14,10; 19,14; 35,3; 36,12;
oJ litta (?) 152,10. 37, 9; 38,15; 39. 7.12; 59,5; 107,2.
«Jü 100,20. sS keturúpa 312, 1 9.
¿5J laghu 66,13; 67,6; 70,21. u/ ketumàla 124,14.
«^Xi likhita 63, 1 5. kíra 157, 5.
0U,yC>Ü 208, 4. 157. 17.
SJÜ laksha 83,14; 118,5.6; 142,15.18. -/ kerala 150. 14.
lakshmana 204, 11. L/ keralaka 154,3.
lakshmi 27. 3; 289, 1 6. ¿ 289, 12.
0l*L lamghan 163, 5; 206, 16. •g 66, 8.
«ÍUü lampáka 152,4 col. 3. é 114,16.
«5y^ lampáka 2^6,16. -/ kesava (vishçu) 183, 1. 4.
y¿S lamghan 130,2. ¿ kesadhara 156,4.
J liñga 56, 1 4 ; 58,16; 63,11; 89,19; i/khesvara (kha-isvara) 173,12; 262,
252,9.13. 4.
«&¿ lañka 6,11; 102,16; 133,18; 134,13; ~¿ kesava 107, 2 ; 201, 5.
154,13; 157,1.9; 158,7.12; 159.3.6. 131,12.
14.15.19; 160,2; 161,15; 162,10.13; -^ kaikaya 156, 12.
186, 10. kailâsa 124, 3. 5; 156,20; 273,9.
u-^LJCL! 160,4.
Я& lahûr 102,3. ^LÍ kailàvata 156, 13.
^128,17. LJ- kilaka 266,9.
O^jJ locana 85, 1 3. -ÁAÍ' kimpurusha 124, 1 6 ; 125, 1 1 .
loka 29, 7.12; 85,16; 114,20; 115, ^ kendra 306, 2.
5; 166,1; 231,17. * la 67, 8.
lokáloka 118, 10.21; 125,1; 142, oblata 73,12; 134,10.12.14; 140,14;
13; 143,8. 300,19.
lokânanda 75, 8. 0^ hrâdini 131,1.12.
laukâyata 63,19. 0^ 102, 13.
lokapâla 123, l 5. uiX.^ lalábhaksha 30, 8.
lokakâla 206,10. tjijpj'* látadesa 100, 15.
JK «5Ü^ laukikakâla 207, 2. 3; 229, 9. U¿* cf. lata 82,15.
o^' lavana 117, 3. ^yu^ laíigulini 128,5.

gau4aka 153, 4. 176, 17.18; 183, 10.12; 184,19; 228,

>у> gauras*riva 152, 14. 6; 230,1. 4; 293,9; 295,4. 8; 297,3.
kûrraa 63, 12. kishkindha 102,17.
jj ^ kûrmapurâna 63, 3. ?,^.!?; 69.16; 70,11; 71,1.
fjyí kiirmacakra 148, 12. kumbhakarna 204, 12.
kuru 64, 6 ; 87, 4 ; 191, 2 ; 201, 5. kuhû 129. 7.
cf. gauda 82, 15. ghosha 152,5.
J—У kosala 150, 3; 151,5; 153,15.
kausalaka 153, 12. ghosha 157, 7.
kausiki 129, 8; 181, 10. khendu 87, 1.
gokarna 79, 17. go 86, 17.
ola 180, 8. gwalior 99,1.
kollagiri 154, 8.
kulinda 149, 5. kupa(?) 152, 10.
УУ kaulava 195,17.21; 296,16. gupta 205,6; 206,2.6.21; 226,19.
kauraari 58, 1. guptakala 206, 6. 21 ; 227, 4.
gomad 129, 8. govinda 201,8.
114, 6. kûta (?) 157,11.
gomedha 117, 8. gautama 63, 15; 197,11; 199,14.
gomedhadvípa 127, 8. koti 84? 1 1 .
kona 105, 14. J.IÁJ ^y kotipadraa 84. 6.
289, 5. godâvari 99,12.
114, 2. y" godâvari 128, 7.
Ц^ konga 98. 6. kodara (?) 152,12.
üí" kauninda 157, 19. jjgaurí 57,13; 261,24; 288,1; 289,
gonarda 154, 2. 20; 290, 4.5.
govinda 150, 11. £ gaura 63, 17.
kohala 156,5. ,/ 273,15.
174,13. ^ kavara 131, 3.
,>Ajy kapisthala 101, 2. У;У kaurpya 108, 1 6.
^/j/ 130,19. kûraparvata (?) 74, 20.
oL/ khyâti 194,7. 287,12; 288,1.
¿L/ 298,18. koti 45. 8; 83,14; 84,; 118,
j*t-/ kâveri 128, 8. 5. 6; 124,11; 142,17.18.
ganarâjya 154, 5. 128,15.
kunatha 157, 6. 208, 6.
82, 14. kamantfalu 57, 5.
kamsa 172,13; 200, 11. 12. 18. 19; gana 202, 1 6.
201,1; 288, 13. kanya 108, 5 20.
¿àJj kanashtharâjya (sic) 157,2. tf gunakâra (?) 293, 2.
3 gangâ 97, 9.20; 101,16; 125,20; <¿¿ kumblia 108, 10. 19.
126,9.21; 129,7; 130, Uir 102,11.
21; 131,6.10; 182,15; 253,5; 256. ijAJií' kimpurusha 131. 8; 273, 8.
8; 271,7; 274, 1. 3.6.7; 284, 4. 12. kambala 114, 7; 123, 21.
16; 293.16. , 6-
kaùka 153,5; 251,16; 314,17. kanthadhâna 156, 14.
kanaka 155.9; 314,9. kuntala 150, 15.
kanik (kanishka) 207, 13. kuñjaradarí 155, 10.
ganakâ 314, 1 6. T khanda 155, 7.
gunakâra 217, 19. Í gandha 21, 3.
gaùgâsàgara 98, 9; 130,17. 300,18. 25.
kankata 154, 7. gaçdaki 129,9.
kanishka-caitya 207,13. tf khandakhádyaka 74, 19; 161, l ;
gangâdvâra 97, 14. 206,4,6; 225,13; 226,1 ; 227,4; 231,
99,2. 14; 241,7. 8; 242, 25; 245. 9; 247,3.
kaunkuma 314, 1 2 9; 258, 19; 260,11; 290,16; 291,19;
konkana 99, 1 3 ; 154, 1 2. 300,14.
gañgeya 99, 2. «i5o^jü^ khandakhâdyakatippâ 75,
ï 289, 7 2.
-tfkanauj, kanyàkubja 11,5; 79,3; 82, i' kandakasthala 154, 5.
10; 97,4. 9. 20; 98,21; 99,5; 100,18. gandhamâdana 124, 7.14.
2l; 130,16; 162, 21; 205, 8; 206,17; ^ gandha 99, 16. 19; 276,21.
207,14; 267,3. i" gândhâra 156, 1 0.
(?) 261,26. gandharva 119,6; 123,14.19;
^ agnîdhra 197, 18. 131,7; 157,19; 273,9.
206,13. i khândava (?) 99, 11.
140,6; 141,13; 143,14; 169, Jtf gundamak (?) 163, 4.
16.19; 170,4; 171,; 172,1; * kimnara 44, 16; 131,7.
178,8.9; 179,5.11; 182, kus'aprâvarana 131,16.
14; 183, 3. 4.14;; kshatriya 45, 1 7 ; 49, 3 : 50, 9 ; 60,
186, 3.11; 187. 4.10; 188, 7.18.19; 17; 123, 12; 190, 16; 191. 1; 195,
193,16. 18.20.21; 203, 14; 204. 8,11. 4; 250,18; 268.14; 270,16; 278.15;
19. 21. 22; 208,13; 209,15; 211,1.2. 279.5; 281,1.7.11; 284,11; 293,18;
5; 214,7.8. 21; 216,1.14.18; 217, 5. 303, 2. 4.
18; 220,2.6; 222,11 ; 223,5; 224,2; kshatriya 249. 8.
228,10; 230,7.9; 231,1.4.5; 232,20. kusadvîpa 165,21.
21.22; 236,19; 237,31; 259,2.21. kisliku 79,17.
Í kalpâhargana 185,14; 259,2. 131,14.
jJÎ kalpana 185, 19. kishkinda 151,4 col. 4; 154,4.
kuninda (?) 131, 3. kusumanaga 154, 9.
?UÍ kaliyuga 166, 4 ; 187,18; 188,3; kasmira 56,15; 100,21; 101,5;
190,20; 191,2.6; 196,17; 199,7. 157,6;163,2.3; 169, 17; 196, 5.23;
20; 203,16; 205,2; 210,1; 211,1;; 253,6; 276,1; 287,
216,14; 217, 4; 219, 5. 8; 221, 16; 14; 289,6.9; 300,14.
231,4. 5. 6; 291, 7. kshana 170,9; 171,4.
208, 3. kshetrapâla 58, 4.
kalasi 79,5. kshîra 117,8; 142,18.
kulika 174,21; 175, 5. kshîrodaka 117, 4.
kalikâla 203, 15; 205, 2. kaserumat 148,6.
ilgit 101,21 ijéAÍ 291, 5.
(Jtf gulma 202,16. kukura 153, 8.
/JÍ 261,21. karkàdi 180,5.
Utf kalinga 114,3; 149,4; 150,10; gagana 85.2.
153,16. Jikalâ 76,19; 170,10. 17.19.21; 171,4;
«urukâ 156, 9. 183,10. 12; 185,19.
(v.jb*) 296,16. $ kali 67. 8; 187,17; 192,2; 199,7; 203,
kulûta 157,10 col. 1. 15; 296,3.
kulûtalahada 155, 19. rl/ v*? kalâpagrâma 131, 8.
ulya 150,3.14. «50-^ 102, 1 .
kulira 108,17. fjt QÜ/ kalyânavarman 75, 15.
kuraârî 128, 9. ч-J^ kalpa 7,1.10; 27,4 ; 83,9 ; 140,5 ; 141,
kumuda 127,9; 317,4. 10; 166,1.3; 169,1.10; 177,3.4.9;
krûrâkshi 105, 7. krimísa 30, 7.
„/ krûragraha 302, 4. 128,12.
krosa 79, 12; 80, 1. O/ kirana 314.2.
(jbj^i karûsha 151,11. 0/ karna 64,10.
05/ kuru 131. 9; 150, 4. olí/ karana 8,17; 74,16.18; 179,12;
gJ./ kraufica 117, 6. 7; 156, 4. 294,18.20; 295,12.13; 296,1.2.11;
^чр gój/ krauñcadvipa 126, 20; 154,10. 297.2. 3. 7.
8j/ krosa 79,13; 80.3; 97,21; 233,8 9. o'j/ karnata 82, 13; 154, 4 ; 270, 7.
,д/ kriya 108, 1 5. цацр o!i/ kai-natadesa 82,14.
vss»/krita 187, 8; 188, 3. üo OJ" karana pata 76,6.
w^Uü/ kritayuga; 188.6; ojíljá lyjí" karnapravarana 131,19; 151,
190,14; 191, 5; 192, 4; 198,10; 199, 12; 155,8.
5.20; 216,21; 217,1. jjí Q/ karanaparatilaka (?) 75, 4.
^(XíwjjS' kshírasamudra 153, l 6. karanatilaka 75,3; 161,5.6;
*2 gríshina 180,1 6 ; 302,1 2 ; 305, 3. 4. 174,2; 206,7; 227,6; 231,14; 241,
128,7. 9; 299,13; 300, 2.26.
OjjJ^j/ 156, 16. 70, 14.
j^gaja 153,12. üj^ karanacûdâmaçi 75, 6.
ЫАТ^ gujarùt 99, 4. 0/ karaçasâra 75.4; 163,2; 196,16;
gajakarna 114,11. 206,7; 229,15; 231,14; 241,7.8.
khastha 156, 5. ¿ girinagara 154,17.
kisadya 150,13. ií o/ karanakhandakhâdyaka 74,
kinstughna 295,16; 296,9. 19.
kusuma 67, 16; 70, 14; 71,2. »/ kudava 79, 4.
kusumakara 180, 16. »/ graha 67, 8; 302, 3.
kusumapura 84,5; 123,6; 162, **/ kora 98, 1 .
13 168,2; 170,6; 186,21. • ¿ kuravas 146, 4.
U^S kunhar 101, 12. >¿ 156, 8.
kusa 117. 5. 6: 126,13. >/ kshaya 266,17.
kasha 157, 7. 5/ gaura 76, 19.
kushàra 117,3. o¡j/ krodhin 266, 6.
khasa 131, 8. krodha 266,17.
uá- kasyapa 105,18; 121,6; 126,2; kroda 174,17.
145,20; 249,11 ; 251,10. / 131, 5; 205,18.

kritayuga 56,2.11; 289,18; 291, (cf. Sindhî khat] 101, 8.

5.8. 101,1.
krittikâ 67, 1 2 ; 174, 1 9. gaja 86, 1 5.
UÍ3/ krittikâ 1 07, 8; 145,21; 148 figure; kuja 105, 6.
243. 5; 262,3. kaccha 102, 9. 1 1 ; 130, 6.12; 155,9.
>/ kritamâla 128,6. kacchâra 156,20.
t* o/ ghritamanda 117,5. khajara 156, 16.
g-tf/ kritañjaya 199. 1 4. kucika 157, 9.
114,7. kharjûrabhâga 99,1.
karatoyâ 129,11. ^ kacchíya 151,5.
kricchra 285.7. gadâ 64, 1 1 .
kshudramína 156, 10. kadrû 126.2.
garuda (not •>/) 55,4: 63,12; 95,4; kadara 267,7.
114.12; 126,5.6; 175,'2. khadira 251, 2.
kurura 126,13. kadamba 136, 1 5.
131,2. /giri!56,2.
karaskara 151,12. / guda 152, 17.
b/ karsha 77,17. /kuru 153,6; 275,19.
krishna 30,15; 114,5; 127,8; 199, / gara 295.18.22; 296,20.
16.17. /gurú 66,14; 67.6; 70,14; 71,1; 105,
krishnapaksha 182, 4. 10; 173,13; 262,8.
krishca bhauraara 113, 3. of/ kirâta 131, 9.13.
*¿ СГ1/ krishnavaidurya 154,6. «y/ 289,3.
garga75,9; 172,23; 192,2; 195,14; Jt/ karâla 151,8 col. 2 ; 174,11; 298,11.
196,4.7; 249.11; 256,2; 312,15. »I/ graba 100,10.
karkata 108, 1 8. V/ kripa 118,8; 128,9.11; 197,12.
261,10. V/ kravya 155, 8.
karkotakal23,20; 261,12. v/ kudava 77,10.
kurukshetra 159, 7; 162, 13; 275, v/ karabha 79,18.
19. ^oL/ garbbâdhàna 279, 1.
163,1. «*ji/ karvata 158, 3.
r/ karma 131, 21. *«Ч/ kharapatha 131, 1 5.
f/ karman 164, 7. o/ kriti 88, 4 ; 267, 9.
0UJü! f/ karmendriyâni 22, 1 . 0/ krita 85, 24.
jsM kâlaûjara 99, 1. s gandhâra 101, 4.
Ouytí kâlavrinta 267,7. oi kirâta 130, 3; 152, 5; 155,6.
jJvM kâlodara (?) 131,13. UJ-jA* krisa 192,11.
t~№ kâlanemi 114,11. X gâ 67, 9.
^ 114,4. tf kha 85,1; 169,10,12; 177,11.18; 316,
fî kâma 67,15; 70,14; 71,4. 8.
O*&«K kâmyakavana 204, 14. v* kâvya 197, 8.
gjAJK kâmboja 155,13. JJUiuli kâpishthala 153, 1 1.
gjtf 154, 15. -j-uli kauverya 154, 1 2 col. 3.
¿sX kânci 98, 5 ; 102,13. ^alïtf kâtyâyana 63, 15.
jlpjûtf gândhftra 131, 5; 152, 3. ycjcitf kâtantra 65, 9.
y.ijùtf gândharva 43,17.19; 44,14; 148, ¿f 131, 4.
9. «5U,tf kârttika 106,15; 107,8; 181,13;
kânda 62, 5. 201,16; 206,14; 250,17; 285,18;
kâvana 129,10. 287,8; 289,14; 291,5; 294,18.
j.K kadphises, kadaphes 130. 1. yt&ji karttikeya 27, 3.
yülí gâyatri 71,16. &Ju»Ji kârmaneyaka 1 54, 1 1 .
ч_лА>К kâsyapa 197,11. kâsi 150,2; 153,7.
0iflOùV kavâtadhâna (!) 156, 8. kâsyapapura 149, 8.
Í kapâlakctu 316,4. kâshthâ 170,17 — 21; 183,10.
**i 131, 6.14. 12.
kapila 35,20; 63,17. 18; 127, 8; 155, kâkutstha 286, 1 7.
19; 164,5; 166,2; 199,5. W kâlânisaka 246,19.
vXUi' kabandha 314,18. ULS" gâlava 197,12.
jJJL^AÎ gabhastala 113,6. Jtf 308,17.
^A-kfti" gabhastimat 113, 6. kolavana 151, 4.
0L«,7lM.g>< gabhastimân 113, 6; 148,2. yülí kâlatoyaka 152, 1 2.
C5ffigabhira(?) 194,17. ooo- Jtf kàlayukta 266, 15.
.iuS kuvera 57,18; 258, 11. ¡y**- Si kâlayavana 205, 3.
«,1^ kutâra 58, 6. ^ kâlâjina 154,14.
raktâksha (?) 266,17. jl; Jtf kâlarâtri 174,9.
^ kuttaka 74, 8. Jtf kâlarâtri 298, 8.
oi kuntala 151,9. kâlaka 131, 4; 155,13.
¿X ganda? 301, 6. kâlâkoti 153,7.

15; 284,10; 293,18; 303, 5. 293, 3.

sivarâtri 290,14. éukla 265, 2.
sûrpâraka 151,3. i sukla paksha 182, 2.
sùrpakarna 153, 5. u suklabhûmi 113, 4.
sûrasena 150, 8; 152, 13. sakuni 128,13; 295, 24; 296,4.
soshini 174, 17. ццл^Хд sishyahitâ vritti 65, 10.
^u sokakrit 266, 6. salya 64, 10.
sala 57,12; 120,9; 301,14. А silâtala 113, 8.
sabala savala 30, 5. 119,14.
*JLu 101,21.
sûladanta 114, 3. srihatta 98,11.
svamukha 156,2. sloka 61,12; 64, 7. 14 ; 66, 4 ; 71,
sûnya 85, 1; 128,11. 12; 84,14.
>А saunaka 38,2; 54,10; 61,1; 191, svâsini? 129,11.
5; 274, 19. savara 154,11.
чуй sveta 273, 6. A s'masrudliava 153, 16.
;/ CJ^JJA svetaketu 316, 7. sami 272,18.
-Ь syâmâka 156, 19 col. 4. sami? samin? 170,16; 171, 1.
sîta 85, 8; 124,13. 101,12.20.
U-yu sitâmsu 105, 5 ; 106, 2. santanu 52, 10.
ЛА>*& sîtadîdhiti 105, 5. sañkha 55,4; 63,15; 171, 9.
ZaA sitarasrni 105, 4. saùku 79,14; 83,16; 84,8.
suA^A sîtamayùkhamâlin 264, 1 2. л 114,6.
u sesha 114,19. sañkara 46, 4 ; 275,13.
AA seshâga 118,15. ¿A sriñgakaica (?) 114, 2.
odâ 273,14. jña 105,8.
x-J-yu saila-sutâ-pati 264, 12. sanaiscara 104,6; 105,14.
A 110,1. siva 183,11.14.19; 266,5.
130, 2. jÄ svâpada 114, 3.
jb vâmsca (sic) 197, 6. i sobhana 301,10.
var (?) 207, 6. Aaùdra49,12; 50,6.20; 60,17; 123,
* va<}avâmukha 298, 4. 12; 191,7.18.19; 200,12; 205,16;
*Jlí 310, 21. 249, 9 ; 250, 1 9 ; 270, 20 ; 271, 3 ; 276,
a kâmarûpa 98, 1 2. 14; 277,3; 278,15.18; 279, 6; 281,
0.yÄ sroni 128,12. satânika 38,1.
ä. sri 56,20; 57,17; 205,19; 296,23. satadru 129,6.
jyb sripâla 78, 9; 120, 8; 301, 3. 303,1.
^jä, sriparvata 124,4. vi>_u satasiras 114, 17.
-a sridhara 201, 13. satakratu 198, 8.
-u sriraukha 265, 6. satadru 129, 6; 130, 7.
^5-ü sriharsa 205, 5. 6; 206, 5. A satamána (?) 151, 10.
sastra 316, 4. suci 194, 17; 197,18.
sasin 85, 6; 258,7. sikhi 131,21; 194,7.
u sishya 61, 19. o saka 226,17.
susall! ¡ 194, 6. 222, 5.
A sisupâla 78,17; 172,13. u satáyus 309,3.
sasideva (?) 65, 9. shashtyabda 8, 1 ; 205,1 1 ; 263.1. 3.
sasîdevavritti (?) 65, 9. 12.
sisira 180, 1 6 ; 302, 1 7 ; 305, 11.12. A satabhishaj 107,16; 148%.; 244,
sasilaksha 252,2 3. 13; 245,16; 246, 20; 262,11.
¿ sisumâra 114,9; 120, 14; 121,3. sadrá (?) 155,4.
sushmin 126,20. А suddhodana 191,6.
siva 301, 7. satam 83,14.
saka 152, 8; 155, 10; 205,5.14. 20; sara 86, 1 .
206,1. 12; 267, 3. Lu srâvana 103,17; 106,12; 107,14;
sakti 183,13.16. 201, 13; 250,16; 285,16; 287,3; 288,
¿Л saktimaiit (?) 128,13. 8.
Л sakti 57, 9.10. Lu 293,10.
i saktimán (?) 123, 17; 128, 9. sûrpa 77, 18.
Xu sakra 181,13; 261,23; 262,4. m.» V.J.Ä sarvavarman 65, 9.
sukra 64,3; 105,12; 181,8; 197,18; Olï-u saradhâna 156, 19.
296,12; 301, 11. Луй saiad 180, 19; 302, 14; 305, 7. 8.
sakranala 266, 1 1 . nfl^lu-й 100,19.
sukravâra 104, 6. «5о-й 197, 12 v. «¿3-й (Ji;
sakakâla 185, 5; 195,15.20; 206, ylX>-u sriñgadri 124, 13.; 207,2.3; 216,17; 225, a, sarabha 99,14.
14; 226,2; 227,; 228,2; 98, 8.
229, 9.16; 263. 9.11; 267, 4 ; 292, 8 ; i 130, 2.
jj-üUjyw simantonnayana 279, 2. sdryâdri 154, 8.
sneha 126,20. súryaputra 105, 15.
i**v senâmukha 202, 16. çj-f* sûryasiddhânta 73, 1 1.
saintara 73, 13. sauramâna 178,17.19; 179,10.
***, sindhu (?) 194,8. suvarna 76,16; 77,9.
saindhava 82, 1 3. ;y» suvarçavarija 113, 9.
saindhava 131, 6. -v_j o,--" suvar^abhumi 157, 12.
256,8. suvarçadvipa 103, 2.
v. ,_<>~ 79, 2. 5. 6. susainbhâvya 194, S.
а sâtâtapa (?) 63, 14. Jj*, v. OJÄ
lu sàtaka 156, 7. «5ü>Av saulika 153, 5.
¿,lÄ sârada 56,16. «¿J^*. sùlika 152, 6 ; 156, 1 4.
¿;la sârada 157,8. fr, soma 105, 4; 126,1.8; 173,12; 252,
¿Uaâka 117,4. 8. 10.
u sâkata 65, 8. saumya 105, 8; 106,6; 148,2; 174,
sâkatâyana 65, 8. 10; 181,14; 266,9.
sâka-dvipa 125, 1 9. somavâra 104, 5.
sâkvara 120, 14. somapurâça 63,5.
áalmala 117,5.7. somadatta 119,17; 120,3.
0,5 ¿JIA sâlmaladvipa 127, 2. , somasushma 199,16.
sânti 64, 1 4 ; 194, 13. s/ fy» somagraha 106, 1 ; 302, 3.
sântika 155,16. _~u j.^ somamantra 250, 1.
*JLA 194, 7. somanâtha 56,13; 77,2; 79,3.4;
273, 7. 92, 20 ; 100, 1 5 ; 102,1 0 ; 180,1 3 ; 202,
v.^u siva 63, 10; 173. 4. 8; 252,10; 253, 5.12; 287, 3.
sabda 21, 1. saumya 43, 1 7.
*A savara (?) 150,14. ** 300,14.
fu sibira (?) 153,8. **v sîtâ 131, 2.
sibika 154,7. 10. sîtâihsu 85, 7.
иЬЬа 174,16; 301,10. **• setubandha 102, 1 5 ; 1 59, 1 .
o/fri-й s'ubhakrit 266, 6. #ЧАА*< setuka 150, 4 «Л. 4.
Л. срг.>й 292, 4. Лу«, 262, 2 v. ¿*
Ь shat 86, 8. -y» sairindha 157, 11.
и 287,5. sairikirña (?) 154,15.
13; 245,2.20; 247,15; 254,7; 256, 128,15.
10; 258,2; 263,8; 264, 17; 274,15; rU*» 101, 2.
294, 11; 312,14. samvatsara 8,1; 121,5; 205,11.
simhikâ 254, 8. 13; 206,9.21; 263,1.13; 264,10;
sriñkhala? 76, 1. 267, 3. 5.
s ¡liil in l a 155,2. samvarta 317, 22.
¿~ 131,3. samyamani pura 135,1 7. 20. 21.
sananda 166, 2. vX¿~siridhul29,6; 131,2.5; 149,5; 152,
sanandanâtha (?) 166,2. 5; 155,12. 15; 267,9; 270,6.
sanaiscara v. j^&**¿> samdhi 6,21; 183,21; 184,16.21; 185,
sahadeva 201,13; 202, 4. 38; 186,8.15; 187,10. 15. 17. 18. 20;
293,3. 188, 1.7; 193,1 7; 204,21; 209,19; 217,
sahasrâmsu 87, 7. 1; 255,16; 269,14; 305,;
sahasram 83, 14 ; 84, 10. 308,11.18; 317,23.
sahishnu 197,10. samdhi udaya 184, 1.
99, 3. !-w samdhi astamana 184, 1.
r» svâti 107, 20 ; 148 fig.; 244, 3 ; 245, 102,12.
16; 250,20; 251,12; 262,15, 289, sindhusâgara 130, 12.
12. sandaràsaka (?) 30, 1 7.
>s¿]fj~ svâdûdaka 117,9. siddhânta 169,2; 185,16; 246,
svârocisha 194, 5. 18; 393,15.
svârocisha 194, 5. saçgha (?) 20,3.
svâyambhuva 120, 19 ; 194, 4. simba 108,19.
102,12. ¿5U-. sanaka 166, 2.
suptaka 64, 1 1 . saùkha 154,15; 261,13.
saubhâgya 301, 9. saùkupatha 131, 15.
sauvira 149,5; 152,6; 155,16. saùkrânti 176,9; 292,3.11;
sutâla 113,4. 296, 12.14 etc.
savitri 76, 4. samkarshana 199, 18.
>~ sûtaka 179, 1 5. siihhaladvipa 102, 13; 116, 7.
suri 105,11. samhitâ 56,17; 75,10.12; 78,6;
saura 105,15; 213,4. 79,20; 148,13; 149,7.19; 152,9; 153,
saurâhargaça 216, 7. 1. 13.14; 154,1.12; 155,1.8.12; 156,
^^y-sûrya 73,19; 87,5; 105,2. 1.19.21 ; 164,2; 195,11; 196,12; 233.
surenu 125, 1 2. siddhânta 66, 1 0 ; 73,10.18; 74,
128,7. 15.16; 79,14; 110,10; 133,9; 172,1;
sukshetra (?) 197, 14. 188,11; 211, 15; 218,8; 228, 2.
JM, svargabhûmi 131,14. siddhântikâ 206, 7; 227, 18.
liTÀw svargarohana 64, 20. sandhyâùisa 187,;
svarloka 22,16; 29,7; 115,10; 188,1.7.
116,3.5; 199,2. sudharmûtman 194, 14.
261,7. surâ 117, 5. 7.
^ «¿SU sukhâpura 135,18. 20.21. surâshtra 151, 6 col. 3.
/-sagara 10,14; 273,16; 286,17. ¿~¿.~ surashtra 155,16.
sarkara 113, 5. y-* 267, 9.
sukriti 197,14. V-" sarpâs 262,9.
sukrita 131,21. y-» sirvâ (?) 128,14.
sukarman 301, 12. OP^-( sarpis 117, 6.
sugriva 74, 19. vy» sarvari 266, 2.
sukshetra 194,13. y,—• sarvadhârin (!) 265,15.
131,6. JX*» sarvatraga 194, 14.
JJu. 131,2. f.jHt sarvajit 265, 1 5.
-^ sama 187, 3. sarvadhârin 265, 1 5.
súmala 114, 12. j*- 273, 13.
satñvarta 63, 14. f~ sarayû 129, 7; 273, 13.
samatata 153, 10. b..*, sarjad 194, 10.
samudra 83, 1 6 ; 85, 22. (j-ww surasâ 128, 11.
smriti 63,13; 178, 9; 187,14 ; 188, sarasvatî 129,7; 130,15. 17; 152.
5. 6. 7 ; 193. 19; 256, 2. 7.9. 7; 273,9.
ycw saihvartaka 251,17. *. 202,7; 253,13.
sulivâhana (?) 65, 14. sarasvatî 251,8.
sumanas 127, 9. 114,5.
Ьч* 147,20 (bis). 102, 13 ; 103, 11 ; 159, 2.
sumantu 61, 20. sarayû 129, 7; 130,19.
suhma 153,2: 251,16. srutayas? 75,19; 169,17.21; 170,
samûhaka (?) 131,18. 15; 174,7; 182,21; 205,12; 261,1;
cf. íS4¿ü 292, 8. 294, 14; 298, 1.
-н« sumedhas 197, 10. j^w surejya 265, 5.
bisî 79,2.5. 6. sâketa 153, 4.
V***** svayambhú 199, 12. Jl~ sâlva 150, 6.
«««sattva 20,3; 199,21; 303,2.3.6. siyalkot 103, 6.
o—satya 75,13; 197,13. sâlva 152, 17.
shashta 295,21.22. pl» sâman 62, 17.
sita 105,12. sâmavêda 61, 1 8 ; 62, 1 6.1 8 ; 198,
~ sutâla 113, 8. 18; 303, 4.
ji-oU« tamasa (!) 194, 7. samanta 208,6.
.J«A* sutapas 197, 17. _o-~ samba 57, 6.
-y.jo*» satadyumna 194, 9. o¡.j »_AJL. sâmbapurâna 63, 5.
x-sattra 174,12. jjj V*JL" sâmbapura 149, 8.
^-x« sthirarâsi 305, 16/17. jj'lj^jj vJU» sâmbapuruyâtrâ 290, 15.
5/-. strí 64,14. Jl~ 181,11; 292, 5.
lXx- sitakala 180, 14. jL, sàmkhya 4,18; 14,20; 24,1; 31, 7;
~ sutala 113, 8. 32, 3 ; 37,8; 40, 6 ; 41, 2 ; 45, 1 ; 63,
x« satyaloka 115,14; 116,3.4; 119, 17.
11. « 130, 2.
**-» stambha 197,6. sâyaka 86, 4.
~ sutaya 197,16. subâhu 197,9.
yí« saptama 295, 22. 23. **. sivapura 131, 5.
ya (?) 197,14. vi>4-savitri 105,20; 106,9.14; 199,
g* sahya 123, 17. 12.
¿¿s* scârvarî (!) 197, 6. o-î-w saptan 86, 12.
g— sukhâ 135,16. Ix**, savitâ 262,13.
Ju.siddha 45,15; 119,6; 123,21; 187, sbu« sphutâyus 309, 1 7 .
17 18; 188,1; 301,12. A*» saptarshayah 195,8; 197,3.5.
sadâsiva 183, *« taptakumbha (?) 30. 2.
128,17... •u» siprâ 129, 1 1.
sudivya 194, 6. sparsa 21, 2.
jJu. siddhapura 133,18; 134,13; 157, j.^*« 128, 8.
3. 17. ¿jx-savana 197,13.
*jUXw sidclha-mâtrikâ 82, 8. 0^4* 128,7.
siddha 301, 8. UJ.J (4**. sabhâ-parva 64, 8.
siddhârtha 266,15. *« subhânu 265, 1t.
194, 8. ; 267, 7.
á, raivata 194, 8. ramana 150, 6.
j>a, raivataka 155,15. ramyaka 124, 14.
¿^j revati, 107,19; 146,2.3; 148 fig.; *f^ rinajyeshtha 199, 14.
173,7; 186,10; 233,6; 244,16; 245, randhra (?) 86,19.
2; 246,21; 262,14; 287,8; 288,12; ; raùka 94, 12.15.
316, 5. 130,19.
j-i; revanta 57, 17. 100, 16.
; 287,13. rûpa 21,2; 67,8; 85, 8.
л) jringa 155, 7. Vs>> 288, 7. 8.
3 yama 85,10; 157,12. rûpaka 151,9.
yamokoti 133,17; 134,5.13; 136, yuù,, rodhakrit 266,9.
13; 157,2.4.9. sj raucya 194, 16.
) 273, 6. ) rudhira (?) 30,14.
SJJ) 131,5. •>) raudra 174, 9; 181, 8; 266, 15; 316.
j yûka 77, 7. 5.
$ y°ga 8' ! 8 ; 293' * 9 ; 299> * • >S) rodha 29,21.
yogayatrâ 75, 17. jj rodhini 174,10.
savitri 262, 13. J,^ rûvdhvabûhu (sic) 197, 9.
sâvarçi 194, 1 1. 131, 5.
sâvana 167, 1. raurava 29, 20.
l Qil*» sâvanâhargana 216, 12. y romaka 73, 19 ; 133, 1 8.
0U ^U sâvanamana 178,17; 179,1.14. oxx._, romakasiddhânta 73, 14.
^Lj'U, sâtavâhana 65, 15. rumí(?) manéala 131, 20.
«Soi« satyaka 194, 8. 77, 3ff.
¿U sâdhya 301, 9. rohinî 107,9; 148 fig.; 200,15; 233.
çylaoL. sâdhuraça 266,9. 6; 243,6; 247,7.9; 249,10.14.15;
;U 54, 9. 250,; 251,11.13; 252,6;
J^Usarâvalî 76.15. 262,4; 286,11.14; 287,6; 289,5.
^U. sârpa 181,9. x^^ rohitaka 159, 7 ; 162, 1 1 .
sârasvata 76,1 ; 151, 4 ; 273, 9. raibhya (?) 194,16.
sârasvata 199, 12. Ajj raivata v. c^j, 194, 8.
290,3. raibhya (?) 194, 16.
sâgara 85, 22. renu 77,6.
¿i oíí; râvana 87,2. devikfi 129, 7.
«^ rajan 207,14; 208,1. ^ devakirti 76.1.
V, ravi 85,12; 105,21 ; 106,8; 173,15. devaloka 311, 19.
o> ritu 180,; 182,5.6.7; devamantrin 105, 1 1 .
302.13. »>*> dvipaka(?) 103, 3 ff.
plÄAJj ritadhâman 194, 1 5. jpjj^. devagriha 191,11; 287,18; 289,
»ratha 202,17. 15.
s; rajas 20,3; 77, 6; 199.21 ; 303, 5. 7. *> 103,7.
ç} rie 61, 21. *> 103, 6.
*j> rishabha 155, 4. P аел^уа 105, 10.
>, rakta-bhûmi 113, 5. râtri 182, 1.
>, rishisa 154,14 col. 4. ЬЛ, 102, 3.
y^rudra 46,4; 87,3; 173,4; 183,12. g^ râjarshi 45, 17.
15; 261,3; 262,6; 272,12. >t; 100,21; 102, 2.
rudraputra 194, 14. 15. 99,4.
rudhirândha 30, 1 1 . râdhâ (?) 114, 8.
, rasa 21,3: 67,14; 86,6; 92,15; 105, bfo râjadharma 64, 1 5.
21. 301, 8.
rasâtala 113,9. râjanya 156, 14.
.^Ц rasâyana39,16; 92,14.18; 93,5.21. râshtra 154,7; 157,12.
¿¡¿i' j-jjLwj rasâyana tantra 74, 18. Ь^^Ь prâgjyotisha 150, 5.
rishi 45. 14.16. 17: 51, 21; 63,6; 76, râkshasa 43,17.20; 44,2.8.15;
3.4; 201,19. 45,3; 114,; 123,15.
*A, rishabha 251, 15. 18; 124,4; 204,12; 266, 11.
u5o_& <jbj rishya-sriiiga 197, 12. rama 46,14; 56,18; 58,16; 79,11;
128, 9. 102, 16.20; 129,5; 158,13; 159, 1. 2;
¿Ц rishikulyâ 128, 4. 160,3; 187, 12; 190, 21 ; 199, 5; 204,
rasmi 85, 9.; 271,4.
P*£AA, rishikesa 201, 14. W, râmâyana 159, 2 ; 160, 3 ; 204, 13.
»j-hAA; rishyamúka 154,13. 128,17.
«M/, rigveda 61,6. 18; 303,6. ; râmesvara 102,14.15.
'j rakta 105, 7. И, râhu-cakra 146, 6.
ü} raktâmala 93.11. i, 5.
rikshavant (?) 123, 17; 128, 11. râvana 190, 21; 204,12.
doraba 49. 10. 16. ! fj ¿ dharraa 20, 3 ; 64, 2 : 121, 4; 145.1 &.
101.1. 21.
-o¿ dvipa 6, 5 ; 80, 6 ; 116, 18.21; 133, J¡ f£¿ dharmaputra 194, 1 3.
2. ,-, j*i> dharmasavaini 194, 14.
*j.v5 divársa 154. 17. dharmâranya 152, 12.
*j¿ divâkara 105, 2. 100.20.
«¿.LJLjo devânika 194, 14. t dhanu 79, 1 1 ; 1C8, 1 7 ; 306, 2.
0U~j¿ díptimat 197, 12. c dahana 85, 19.
**> devaka 168,2; 178,9; 186,1; 187. c dhanya 127,1.
15. &¿ dhanamjaya 199, 14.
«*> devala (?) 64, 3 ; 102, 6.10; 312, 1 5. « j?¿ dhanishthil 107,15; 145,22: 148
«> daitya 114, 5. 11. 13. 16. 18; 118, ! fig.; 244,12; 245.21; 247,5; 262,10;
19; 123,15; 124,1; 133,15; 136, 8; j 263,15.17.
140,8.9.15; 184,3; 254,8; 256,8; 131,4.
272,7. j> 290,12.
,*jUp daityântara (?) 133,16. 86,14.
ib 04^ daityadânava 44, 12. dasama 295, 18.19.
¿¿ dírghagríva 156, 15. »» dhívara (?) 131, 12.
-/ «Sy.¿ dirghakesa 156, 18. }¿ dvâpara 61,5; 76,3; 187,8.17; 188,
¿^* t¿Lp dírghamukha 156,17. 1. 3; 190, 19.21; 199,; 205,
_JAÍAJ¿ desàntara 160,13; 161,16. 4; 291,6.
o díkshita 49,15. dvâra (?) 101,13.
*> 92, 20. i 307,10.
deva 44, 6. 1 O ; 45,6.8; 46,11; 76, u^ tvashtri 173, 17.
5; 84, 2; 123, 14; 124,1; 125, 21; \ya dvadasa 295, 20. 21.
126, 6. 9; 127,20; 133,11.14; 136,7; 286, 2.
168,2. 4.16; 180,16; 232, 2; 233, 9; 99, 7.
251, 7; 272, 5.9.12. 14. 17. 19. .o> tvashtri 106,19; 262,14; 265,14.
j¿ devapati 105, 1 1. tvashtri 181, 6.
devapurohita 105,10. 65> 9-
OH¿ daivata (?) 194,15. A.^ divaspati 194,16.
deva + Vlítha 287, 9. 5¿ 305,17.
tc-y*>j.¿ deva -\- Vsvap 286, 19. 98,10.
devasreshta 194, 1 5. 98, 9.
^_Л.> dasam 83, 14. jy tridhaman 199, l 2.
^¿^xio dushyanta 286, 5. ;^ duryodhana 64, 10.
ui^Äi daseruka (?) 152,3. dardura 154. 3.
&¿ dis 87, 1. darada 131, 5.
^¿308,9. drishadvati 129, 9.
jbiJ daksha 27, 3; 63,14; 145,18; 194. dhrishta (?) 194, 10.
12. durga 128, 1 5 ; 151, 5.
^ (j»í>> dakshaputra 194, 15. ¿)¿ drañkshana 76, 21 ff.
.¿ASb tukshaka 114, 7; 123,20; 261, 9. ¡ч y durlabha 207, 2; 229,8.
¿ß ji¿¿ dakshagola 180, 8. ijvS durraati 266, l 5.
dakshina 145,10; 146, 7. dramida 155, l 8.
dakshinâyana 180, 4. l 8. y> drihala(?) 152,9.
272,8. 288, 20.
*b dilîpa 286, 5. > 130, 3.
174.15. dravida 102, 13.
dimasa, divasa 182, 1. dravida 98, 5.
damana (?) 126, 20. dravida 82, 14.
*1> 101, 4: 103,16; 163,5. i dravidadesa 82, l 5.
jo dantura 153. 13. drona 64,10.12; 77,12; 126,15;
•jXj^ daiitin 86, IG. 197,12; 199,16; 202,12.13; 251,
A> danda 156, 21 ; 250,1. 16.
dundubhi 266, 1 7. > 301. 8.
3¿ dandaka 151, 4. drekkâna 307,5.
•JÍJo-i dandakavana 155,6. 308,9.
,LS>Ju^ 286,17. 79,11.
^?u^ dhanaiiijaya 114, 4. dasra 85, 10; 173,8.
dhâtri 106,10. 14. 15; 265,6. dis 85,21.
dhâtri 173,11. dasàrna 128,12.
dhâtri 119,2. dasapiira 154, 17.
dhârâ 93,19; 99,8. 10. И. dasaratha 56,18; 102,16; 158,13;
¿ dharani 85, 9. 187,12.
99,1. dasasahasra 84, 4.
dhâman 197, 8. dasagîtikâ 75, 7 ; 193, 20.
jlao dhyânagrahâdhyâya 74,13. dasalaksha 84, 4.
V¿ divya 168, 5.17; 185, 12.18; 186,16; o-o- jyaishtha 106,10; 181, 8; 201,11;
187,8,18; 188,9.10.14; 204,4; 312, 288, (i; 294, 16.
17. tiiuo- 308, 13.
dipâpâ 131,21. - 101,3.11.15; 129, Ü; 130,5; 163,
/U> divâkara 76, 1 ; 106, 18. 5.
»j v-O divyavarsha 182, 8. %• jaimini 61, 20; 63, 19.
v. ¿¿ 20,19. .*?- jimuta 251, 17.
" v° divyayuga 187, 8. > 102, 13.
divasa 182, 1. ciña 131, 4; 157,18.
v_o divyâhorâtra 167, 15. jayanta 114, 13; 286,12.
> divya 20,19. íJ cKr?" círanivasana 157,16.
jLj¿ divyatattva 75,10. khâri 78,13.
»-u¿ dvipa 154, 4. iu v;^> shat pancâaikà 75, 16.
QjlxAj-i dvaipâyana 199, 17. f> khara 265, 1 5.
со dyuti 197,16. kharva 83 16; 84, 11.
o¿ datto(-ni) v. v^j*J 197, 6. 86, 7.
oUo dyutimat 197, 13. khasha 153. 6 col. 2.
ju£~;c>j dvijesvara 106, 2. khadira 251, 1.
л> dadhi 85,24; 117, 7. v. a;Lí>¿ 85, 9.
¿¿ dadhisàgara 74, 20; 117, dârva 157, 14.
7. 298, 15.
dadhimanda 117, 6. b dàsameya 156, 14.
212,21. dàsera^ka) 156,7.
ty 213,1. dâsârna 154, 8.
¿ dravina 251, 17. dàkshinâtya 151, 14.
¿ dhruva 119,14; 120, 18; darva 151. dâmara 157, l 5.
14 col. 4; darbha(?) 268,8. dâmodara 201, 16.
.^ durvâsas 201,19. dânava 114,8; 127,20; 136,8; 168,
darbha 267,17. 3.5.15.
oy dhriti 301, 13. b dânavaguru 105,13.
jZA\} Oj¿ dhritarâshtra 52, 13. O!J> dâna-dharma 64,15.
o^/ o,¿ dhritaketu 194, 12. «5ob 99, 14.
>> 187,3. b dânava 114,2; 118,19; 124,1.
0Uy dhritimat 197,17. 174, 19.
237,1.28.31; 238,3.4.6; 239.1; 240, jljiXfc» candrâyana 285, 10.
5; 241,4. »- candraparviita 273, 10.
.ga 108, 15. iXis* candrabliâgà 129, 6.
18; 149, 9; 179, l l ; 185, XL> candrapura 153, 4.
10; 187,19; 188, 7. 8. 20. 21; 189,2. »>^?- candravîra :?) 205, 12.
20; 192,1.2.5; 199,8; 203,15; 204, | UjuXJüs- candramàiia 178,17; 179. 2.
4.22; 211,4; 212,3; 218, 1 1 ; 260, 2; 12.
391, o^î- candanà 129, 10.
=- yoga 263,; 264,5. 14; 114,6.
265; 266; 267,2; 300,26; 301,1. ^. jaùgala 150, 7.
2.4. ^ janaloka 115,12; 119,11; 166,
>> yogin 291,19. 1.
>• cola 154, 9.
caulya 150, 2. s- chidra 86, 1 8.
colika(?) 153,9. s- 130,5; 152,6; 155,16.
c=» yarnuna 97, l 2. 20 ; 129, 7 ; 130, 1 6 ; yava 76, 19 ft'. ; 77,3.8.
152,6; 200,17. jaya 265, 17.
?- yuvan 265, 6. 298. 5.
105,10; 181, 15. . caturtha 295, 19.20.
--o> jayapâla 65, 1 1 ; 208, 6. ! e - jyoti (rdhâmaii) v. flflo 197,8.
¿-.^ jivasarman 75, 1 3 ; 78, 1 1 ; 289, ¡ ¿ isha 152, 1 1 .
6 12. ó>?- jyotishmat 197, 13.
\j\jf *.*+=? jivaharanî 174,16. !- 103,16.
.*> jita 108,20. r yaudheya 156, 17.
>> caitra 103, 19; 106,8; 107,2; 107, caturdasa 295, 22.24.
20; 181,6; 186,10; 201, 9 ; 206, 13. cola(?) 98,5; 102,14.
18; 207, 4; 222. 5; 226, 11. 14. 16; s. cûdâmani 75, 20.
227,1; 263,7; 285,15.16; 286,18; > yojaua 73,16; 80,2.17; 110,16.17.
287, 14.21; 291, 9.17; 294,16. 18; 116,15; 118,5; 121,21; 127,21;
Л>- ^> caitracashati 287,21. 133, 2; 137, 3, 17. 21; 142, 13. 15.
ju> caitraka (?) 194, 5. 17; 143,20.21; 144,1.2.3; 147,7.19;
caitrâgni 197, 8. 148,7.9; 159,; 160,10.16.
*>jyeshtha 107,10; 148 fig.; 172,11; 19; 161,21 ; 205,21; 232,24.26; 233,
244,6; 245,5.16; 262,4.; 234, 1 ; 236,;
^jiiL?- jalâsaya 85. 23. 297, 4.
«Sobéis- jalapradânika 04, 12. ^¿Аэ. yudishthira 172,9.16; 195,14.21;
oJb- 66, 8. 196, 3. 8: 201, 13; 202,11.13; 204.
оахЛз- jala-tantu 100.10. ] 13.
«д^Ц- jalakctu 316. 6; 317,9. ! сА'дг?" cararâsi 305, 16.
m 67,13.17.21 ; 69,8.10.13; ^^ carshayah (sic) 197, 10.
70,12; 71,1 ; 85,20. ' ¿¿> caraka 76,3. 4; 77,12; 192,5.
J> yama 57.18; 63,14; 135,1«; 146, ' &**•»• jarmapattana 154, 3.
2.4; 173, 1 0 ; 258, 1 7 ; 262, 16. v**-ír> carnuulvipa 153. l 3.
> camû 202, 1 5. j-V?- саппагапца 156, 11.
^Juij- jamadagni 197, 11. &*j>- carmakhandika 152, 1 col. 2.
iV*=>- yamala 85, 1 1 . ?f carmanvati 129, 10.
V+z- yamunâ 159, 8 ; 162, 1 1 ; 284, 1 2. •^-ç- carmanvati 128, 1 7 ; 270, 6.
yavana? 205, 3.4. Un" yajnrvecla 61, 18; 62, 4 ; 303,
?- jiña 57,14; 121,17. 7.
?• yasodâ 200, 13. 16.18.
yv^Lü?. janârdana 126, 19; 127, 2. >• cashaka 171, 4.
-^> jambù 117, 3; 267, 9. *• yasovati 156, 12.
*J^ v-1^ jambudvipa 121.13; 125, 9 ; ¿¿> cashaka 169,20; 170,5.
128,18; 147,17: 148.2. 73,15; 133,20.
- cashaka 170. 10.17.20; 228,6; 230,
?u>- yajnopavîta 89, 21. 4.
?u=» cancûka 155, 10. >- 192,2; 199,7.
?u». yajnopavîta 267. 15.18.19; 270. - cikitsâ 179,16.
18.20.21. iA> yuktas-ta[thâ] 197, 18.
¿> chandas 65,21. cakra 55,4; 251,16.
o- cándala 49,10; 174,18; 191.7; ¿=>- cakrasvâmin 56,12.15; 252,
271, 7.9.12; 377.16. .
j¿¿> candra 65. 7 : 85,6; 104,21; 105. yaksha 43, 17. 20; 44,2.15; 45.3;
4; 106,4; 213,3.4; 251,16. 123,19; 131, 7.
> 99,3. J£r- cakshu 131,2. 4.
^iXLa- candráhargana 216, 9. j ^^v^»- cakslmbhadra 261, 13.
^ candrabhâgâ 101,3; 129,6; 130. v. «5iÄ> 169, 20.
>• yajna 121,4.

ч^й- jila 197,18. j tola 76,16; 77,5.

о~- jatt 200,12. j 102,10.
J'i£> jatâdhara 154, 1 l . thohar 94, S.
j*. jatâsura 157, 5. 102,5.
-x». jathara 153,3. Tovca? 99, 2.
л> citrâ 107,19; 148 fig.; 173,17; 243, tarpura (?) 151. S.
16; 262,14. •*¿£ 158, 14.
л> châtra 306, l . >• jâtaka 48, 21 : 75, 13.
J¿> cadur (?) 265,17. ob- jätakarman 279, 3.
x&Us- citrâùgada 261, 6. yadava 64, l 9 ; 201. l 7 ; 202, 6.
Joyo* 128,13. ^b- (sie) dhruvaketu 316, 10.
¿,L£jj¿> citrabhânu 265, 1 1 . й- jugara 113,9; 152,7.
¿¿>¿=>- caturyuga 7,1.2.10; 166,4; 179. câkshusha 194, 9.
11; 182,9; 185,12.13; 186,1.11; 187, câkslmsha 194.9.
7.9; 188,4.19.20; 189,2.6.16; 190,13; yâjnavalkya 62, 7. 9. 10. 13.-15 ;
192,5; 193, IS. 20. 21; 199,10; 203, 285,21.
14; 204, 4. 9. 10. 18. 20; 205,1; 208, yjwJb- jàlandhara 100, 20.
13; 209,15 — 20; 210,1; 211,1.2.5. ГЬ- yàinya 181, 6.
19; 212,1,3; 214,21; 215,18; 216, «ü>UL?. 290,9. 13.
14. 21; 217, 3. 18; 218, 2; 221, 16; ij*l^ cámara 67, 8.
223,4; 224,2; 225,6. 7; 230, 7.9.17. Q^L?. yâmuua 156, 14.
IS; 231,4; 236,19; 237,27.28; 238, câmundà 58, 3.
1; 260, 1; 291, 4. 9. 10. 14; 292, ?• yâmyodadhi 154, 12.
19. ^L^ 174,20.
chittor 99, 9. ; «iJb gj^> yâjnavalkya 64, 3.
•Jüg- citrasâlà 127, 12. .job- cândra 65, 7; 105, 8.
¿=? citrasena 194, 16. jjjb« jânujangha 194, 7.
¿=>- citrakûta 128. l 2; 154, 6. JL> jâùgala 152,2.
jituma 108, 17. OJb- yâvana koti •?) 158, 13.
98,21. ^^> cipitanâsika 156, 5.
jajemow 97, 2l. yavasa (?) 131, 3.
101, 2. 261, 10.
?) 99, 5. yâvana 73, 19; 75,16; 114,9; 152,
catushpada 295, 15; 296, 5; 4; 155,6.

jÄijjj trinetra 157, 17. 3 trâsanîya 174, 12.

*j J tritiya 295. 1 8. 1 9. *J,-5 128, 4.
Л 294,1. «iLijl^jj tripurântika 124, 5.
3 293,21. jj ti-ivrit ?) 199.14.
ö taskara 314, 1 1. ijj trivikrama 201, il.
^j tishya 187,8. tripuri 153.15.
J 127,2. oj'dhriti 88,1.
u¿J takshas'ila 156,10. Q,|J>J trayyâruna 199, 1 4.
i 75,18. vu^>y trijagat 85. 17.
*ï tuladi 180.9. ¿j&=>-¿ tiryagloka 29, 12.
jJJtulâ 78,15; 108,7- 15. vOJi tridivâ 131,21.
o>iï 98, 1 1 . ¿TUJ 128, 4.
va~lï 151,6. -uj trisirasl!4. 8.
Ji tamas 20.3; 118,13; 199,21; 303. Jtf/ trikâla 85, 1 5.
4. 8. ' turagânana 156,22.
JJ-4J 128,12. j trikatu 85,17.
^•y***j tumbavana 154, lu. о// trigarta 152, 3 ; 156, 21.
j*¿3 tumbura 151,9. y J- trikùta 124, 5.
yüo tantra 74, J- tarana 232, 16.
,*¿Uj dhanushmat (?) 156. 4. y tripancàsat, cf. Sindhi trevanjâha
»yjui- tantuka (?) 100, 1 0. 289. 13.
jjtfí&j tuñgabhadra 128.8. j- 294, 3.
^ywbUCu timiihgilâsana (?) 155, 7. j trayodasa 295,21.
-vX-o' tankana 154, 8. 98, 11 .
lyÍAJ' tángana 157. 9. ^ 151,11.
O>LJ 98,13. >.,yí trilocanapâla 208, 6. 12.
V>- 128,15. trayodasa 295, 22.
Jj>f taitila 295, 18.21; 296, 19. J' traipura 151. 6.
¿>> truti 170.12. 13. 16. 17. 18; 171,2.3. treta 187,8.16.21 ; 188,3.
4. l^ï tretâyuga 126, 1 1 ; 190, 1 6. 21 ;
оЬУ 103' 6- 199,5.20; 204, 1 1 . 14.15. 1 7 ; 291,6.
o;«j" târana 265, 11. _j tridivâ 128,13.
«^%j tvashtri 106, 16; 259, 12.
3 taukshika 108, 1 7. , 18.
lï tâlaka 92,13. pis'âca 43,17.20; 44,4; 45,7;
lï tâlikata 154,16. 312, 20.
tâlakùna (?) 152, 5. u vaisâkha 106,9; 107,8; 181,7;
tâlahala 155,16. 201,10; 263,7; 285,15; 288,1.3;
lï tâmbiru 108, 16. 289,11; 291, 5; 294,17.
^Ij támara 152, 6. ju vaisvânara 85, 19.
ojy«lï tâmravarna 128,6; 148,1; 155, AJ bhishmapancarâtri 287, 10.
11. *Î vaishnavi 58, 2 ; 180, 20.
tomara (?) 131,17. jo vaisampâyana 61,20.
**J-*lï tâmraliptika 150, 8. vega 174, 13.
tâmasa 151,10. vyakta 20, 8.
lj tâmasakilaka 314, 1 3. u bhikshuka 82, 16.
lï tâmasakilaka 312, 7. 128,12.
0UJub tâmalipta 131, 10. Ju>JLo 267, 7.
u£x*blj târaaliptikâ 153, 1 1. venumati 156, 7.
oJï tâmrâ (sic) 129,9. venâ 128, 7.14; 154,15.
Olî sthâna 149, 9. (^ vedavyâsa 199, 16.
lûb tâna 100,16; 102,12. phenagiri 155, 5.
sthânesvara 56,12; 97, 12; 100, *j venumati 129, 1 1.
20; 152,17; 153,6; 159,8; 162,11.13. **i dvitîya 295,17.18.
2 1 ; 163, 1 ; 201, 1 0 ; 252, 1 3 ; 274, 1 5 ; j*i vyaya 265, 11.
275,19. ¿^273,8.
,s*Aj taptakumbha 30, 2. pivara 197, 8.
tapasvin 197, 1 6, AJ payoshnî 128, 14.
j tapoloka 115, 1 3. -u vaivasvata 194, 10.
j tápana 85,20. tapi 128, 14.
tapodhriti 197, 16. ij-Jü tâpasâsrama 154, 13.
J' tapomûrti 197, 16. lï târakàksha 114,8.
tithi 179, 2, 1 4 ; 295, 3 ; 298, 2. târakruti (?) 155, 6.
*** dhûtapâpâ 129,8. târkshyapurâna 63, 6.
j tattvadarsi-ca 197, 17. *js 157,10; 232, 16.
Xi tattva 22, 6; 88, 9. ^lï tâla 81,11.
tf tithi 87, 10. yi-.íli' tâkesvara (?) 102, 2; 206, 1 5.
tukhâra 131,4; 155,15. Jlï tâla 79,19; 113, 3; 145,10.

vaitarani 30, 14; 128, 14. j vokkâna 155,19.

130, 4. /^,275,17.
-u vedavati 128, 16. peukelaotis (?) 156,12.
vaidhrita 301, I 4. j paurava 156, 19.
j vaidhriti 299,4.16.17; 300,12. j paulisa 73, 1 3 ; 133, 9 ; 188, 5. 1 1 .
22. pavana 86, 1 9.
-u vedasmriti 128, 16. paumli;i 153, 5; 314, 17.
j vidisâ 128, 17. punarvasu 107, 1 2 ; 148 fig.; 233,
o vridika 151, 7. 6; 243,9; 245,14; 262, 7 ; 286. 16;
,u vaidesa 151, 2. 288,14.
-u vedas, 13; 14,6; 15, 3; 19,16; 30, 4 ; 290, I .
42, 20; 50,17; 60, 13. 19; 63, 13. 18; j 290, 1 5.
, 70, 8; 85,21; 176,12; 197,1; 198,17; vyaya 197, 17.
199, 6. 9; 213,9. 17; 242,16; 249,8; ,Lu vyàdi 93, 1 .
256, 1. 8. 9; 268,3; 270,16; 271, 1.2. vyâsa 50, 18; 52, 11.18; 61,5; 63,
18; 272,6; 277,5; 288.5; 303,1. 15; 64, 3. 6; 65,1.2; 81,18; 119,7;
UXftj vedabâhu 197, 9. 172,9.11.17; 178,9; 186,1; 195,4;
-о vedasmriti 129, 9. 197,12; 199,6. 10.17.
AÍ vedasiní 129, 10. ,j*Lj vyâsaman4ala 119, 7.
Xu vedasrî 197,9. j vyâghramukha 153, 17.
-о medhâdhriti 197, 13. vyâkarana 65, 4.
paila 61, 19. о 300, 22. 24.
j virañcana 183, 3, 7. j vyaghâta 301, 9.
102,10. i vyâlagrîva 154,2.
* 174,11. 28, 16.
-e vipàsâ 129, 6; 130,. 6.
,-u virocana 198, 9 ; 289, 1 7. vaivasvata 135, 1 6.
*i 131,9. vitastâ 101,3; 129,6; 130,5; 289.7.
}_jAj vaûlûrya 154, 14. pita 127, 8.
; o^Uwo vyastatrairâsika 161, 8. viyat 85, 3.
vaisya 49, 4 ; 50, 5 ; 60, 1 7 ; 123, 1 2 ; j pitâmaha 73, 16; 183, 1.
155,8; 249, 9; 250,19; 268,18; 270, * 299,3. 16; 300,12.16.19.
19; 271,1; 278,15; 279,5.21; 284, очя pîtabhûrai 113, 6.
10; 293,18; 303, 3. 131,15.
u**fí bhímapala 208, 7. vi^J t5<Xjj bhukti sphuta 295, 9.
rtJ bhimarathi 128, 7. ju\ ¿&& bhuktyantara 295, 10.
131. 6. j?k\* V_^X$J bhukti madhyama 295, 9.
,^ bhimasena 201, 13. j bhavaketu 317, 12.
bava 295, 16. 20. 23; 296, 12; 297,7. *% bhagiratha 273, 16.20; 274, 5.
^j pustaka 81, 16. bhalla 157, 2.
pujjihânas 152, 2. j bhillamala 73, 1 5 ; 133, 20.
púshan 106, 1 6. ¿Ц» 150,5.
odUm 166,2. pahlava 152,14.
1 bodhana 105, 8. j vahnijvâla 30, 1 6.
puru 194, 9. 4i 287, 20.
290, 1 1 . s¿rtí bhupa 87, 13.
145,11; 146,10; 250, 21. ^ VMí 156,9.
pûrvabhâdrapadâ 107, 1 7 ; 120, «S^bj^j bhuvarloka 22,16; 115,9; 119,6.
10; 148 fig.; 244,14; 262,12; 316, 5. ij^í" QÍjfí bhuvanakosa 147,3.
pûrvaphalgunî 107,16; 146,1; o^j bhúta 44, 4 ; 45, 8. 1 3 ; 86, 2.
148, fig.; 244, 14; 262,12; 266,18. oj$j bhautya 194, 17.
pûrvâshâdhâ 107,12; 145,22; 148 ;jj o^j bhûtapura 156,9 col. 4.
fig.; 244,8; 262,6; 316,5. ¿j4i bhautya 194, 1 7.
_j,jj púrvadesa 82, 1 5. JÄ-Ö^J bhotesvara (?) 98, 14. 1 8; 101, 7.
purusha 15,3; 19, 19; 164, 8; 165, -jfj bhoja 151, 3.
1 1; 169,5.8.9; 177,9.17.19; 182,15; ^j^j bhùrja 81, 13.
187,11; 193,21; 259,20. s^fj bhujaga 173, 5.
purushâhorâtra 169. 2. j bhurishena 194, 1 3.
Я* puru 194, 9. Σ# bhùrloka 22, 16; 116, 2.
0,5*181,18- lúri 83, 17.
purandara 194, 10. ¿>w<..xJ^j bhogaprastha 156, 16.
purnima 176, 7 ; 290, 2 1 ; 295, 23. .j9^.>y^j bhogavardhana 151,8.
paurava 157, 15. »kfi bhaumya 194, 17.
pausha 106,17; 181,15; 201,6; 286, I g—>ii bhaumya 105, 6.
2; 287,11; 290,1; 294,16. »jfírtí 99, 1 1 .
107,12.13; 243,10; 285,19. •bí*í 298, 21.
106,15; 173,7; 181,17; 262, T^J bhishma 64, 10.
14. bhima 208. 6.
í^kí bhâgabhâra (?) 217,19; 293,1- ¿j pândya 150, 13.
2. 85, 4.
«í-^l-jj bhâgavata 58, 20. ii vanarâjya 157,16.
j**4f 178,18. ) 128, 5.
Olfí bhânu 105, 2; 106, 10. ü vanga 153, 17.
LT»ykí bhânuyasas (?) 74, 1 8; 75, 4. &u munjâla? 75, 20.
vî^^UJLtJ 126,13. u puçyakâla 291, 19. 20; 292, 1 ; 294,
_>Jl$j bhânu 87,7. 1.4. 7.
288,12. j píngala 66, 8. 9 ; 266, 1 5.
ál^j 99, 7. 10. j piùgalaka 156,22.
-rtí bhavishya 63,11. j vaùgeya 150, 2.
i 98.11. **l*¿í (leg. vi*-JU\j) 317, 16.
$J bahudhânya 265, 9. j vanavâsi 99, 2 ; 154, 9.
-ifr? bhattila 75,8; 300,14. 17. *i vanaugha 155,12.
ô^i bhadra 152, 8; 153, 3; 155, 13. 131,3.
^j bhadrâsva 124, 13. bhâva 265, 6.
j bhadrakâra 150. 9. 103,15; 130, 7.
j& 62,19. ¿1^100,17.
jlOj^j bharadvâja 197, 1 1 ; 199, 14. 'ki 82, 12.
g^^f? bharukaccha 154, 6. i bhâdrapada 106, 13; 287,5; 294,
jif^i vahirgira 150,13. 18.
е bhûrloka 115,8; 119,5. ^ bhâdrapada 107,1 6; 172,12; 181,
*i 261, 9. 11; 200, 15; 201,14; 206, 13; 250,
Oj« 253- 8. 17; 285, 17; 286, 13; 288, 15. 17. 10
¿j« bharani 107,21; 148 fig.; 243,4; 21.
245,16; 262,16. $j bhâra 78,19.
gírfí barygaza 100,16; 102,12; 130, »^ bhârata 7,7; 14, 1 0 ; 56, 1 5 ; 64, 6 ;
18. 65,1; 147,4; 200,1; 203,16; 205,2;
¿Ц* bhaga 106,13.15.18; 181,17; 262, 275,21; 277,4.
11; 266,17. >jí ¿*jkí bhâratavarsha 124, 15 ; 147, 4.
% bhagavati 57,3; 58,3; 287,4.21; 17; 149,1.
288,10. ^jl^i bhânukacchra 151, 2.
J^j bhagavant 63,10; 127,7. ,1« bhârgava 64,3; 105,12; 187,12.
&& bhukti 295,9. ÄÄL« 251,17.
Jb virocana 114, 1 3. plava 266, 2.
pabla 157, 3. balabhid (?) 265, 8.
puleya 151,7. balabandhu 194, 8.
j vimalabuddhi 75, 20. plavanga 266, 9.
!>¿f»íbrahmanabadll, 4; 82,13; 100,18; valabhi 94, 7 ; 102, 1 3 ; 205, 2 1 .
162,18. balabhadra 74,17; 75,2.10.14;
OÍ 185,19. 110,20; 111, 16; 120, 21; 121,17;
Uj varánasí 98, 7. 122,2; 123,8; 136,18; 137,5; 138,
j vinâdikâ 171, 4. 2.10; 140, 4 ; 141, 3. 9 ; 162, 2 1 ; 200,
oLu vinàyaka 58, 5 ; 65, 1 . 13; 201,12; 236,14; 239,15; 291,
¡ai o* panaphara 306, 3. 19.
muñjadri 157, 18. baladeva 57,2.
pañcálan 131,9. baladevapattana 155, 5.
pañcahí (?) 295, 23. £ & balirajya 289, 1 8.
pañcatantra 76, 7. LrLpulisa73,19; 79,13; 80,15.21; 110,
pañcaratra (?) 287, 1 0. 1 1. 10; 133,9; 134,12; 138,9 ; 134,12; 138,
--.-o pañcasiddhantika 73, 17. 9; 139,13; 160,19; 161,2; 162,14;
u pañcasikha 166, 3. 170, 7; 172, 1; 186,14.16.19; 189,
75, 7; 128,13; 185,4.; 204,19.20.21; 212,
j'U ü pañcamataras 21, 1. 2; 215,18; 218,2.8.9; 223,1.8.12;
ü л-ij pañcanada 130, 7 ; 155, 2. 225, 6; 230, 13; 233,24; 236,9; 237,
_-ij pañcahasta 194, 12. 27; 238,1; 239,3.11.15; 247, 7; 291,
panchir 52, 20 ; 130, 2. 14; 293,1.3; 294,6; 299,16; 300,
^100, 19. 16.
pañcama 295, 20. 21. pulastya 195,16.19.
102,14. 15. ^Jb pulisasiddhânta 73, 13. 14;
vindhya 123, 17; 124,5; 128,14; 84,10; 138, 2; 169,9.
131,11; 153,14; 248,5. plaksha 117,4.
pin<Ja 252, 20. phalgulu (sic) 156,8.
Oj 303, 1 . L vilambin 266,2.
pin(}araka 261, 9. pulindra 1 50, 1 5.
uo bandhujívaka 314, 3. db pulinda 131, 9.
i? vindusaras 273, 15. *bpulaha 195,17.19.
vindhyamûli 151, 2. pahlava(?) 131, 4.
4; 182,13; 187,7; 190, 17; 191,16; 13. 16; 298,1.
193,21; 194,3.12; 199,17; 204,2.10; л visvadevâh 180,20.
213,3; 232,11.14; 233,5; 252,3; visasana 30, 9.
261,16; 272,7; 285,21; 286,11. j visvâmitra 119,20; 164,15; 197,
visve[devâh] 173,10; 262,7. 1 1.
visvâvasu 266, 6. i£j visva 87,8.
ij visvedevâh 180. 20; 181,9. pushkara 117,9; 127,1; 131,3;
0;yio 85, 4. 261, 8.
a visvarûpa 314,14. vasukra 61, 8. 22.
¿ visvakarman 261,27. C^j pushkaradvipa 127,12.19; 142,
jt& vikarin 266,2. 14; 143, 18.
jjj «£j bhagapura 149,8. o pushkala 127,1.
298,24. Oj¿L¿o visalyakarana 126,15.
j vikaca 314, Ю. vishnu 19, 1 5 ; 23, 1 9 ; 46, 7 ; 56, 1 9 ;
jJú vakra 105, 6; 251,16. 57,6.7; 58,20; 63,; 105,17;
oJú vikrita 265, 15. 106, 8.9. 12; 107,2; 114,19; 121, 6;
PjJo vikrama 265, 9; 266, 11. 126,10; 127,11; 181,10.15; 184,9.
oJUyu vikramâditya 93, 1. 16; 205, 5. 8. 11.14; 191,20; 195,7; 197,15; 199,; 206,5; 267,1. 4.8; 201,9; 254,8.9.10; 261,2.22.
jiJÚ paksha 69, 6. 8. 9. 13 ; 70, 1 2; 71,1 ; vishnuputra 194, 13.
85, 1 2; 182, 2. 6; 260, 3 ; 302, 1 6. vishnupada 273, 8.
oySJÚ 300, 18.24. Ot_» ^AJ vishnupuruna 23,17; 29, 1 8; 31,
*& 102,11. 20; 61,5; 63, 7.8.13; 113,1; 115.7;
«5^Xj vighatika (?) 169, 20. 117, 2; 118.14: 124,4; 126,12.19 21;
Jj bali 56,18; 62.18; 114, 18; 194,11; 127,7.10.18; 131. 20; 165,21; 194,3;
198,9.15; 204, 9 -, 274,20; 289, 17. 195.3; 197,1; 199,4; 231.17; 253.18;
Jopala 77,10; 78,18. 2(>S. 2. 11; 269, 2.
Jo bala ? 309, 1 . uîo vishçucandra 73,12; 133,11:
и-^Ь palâsa 268, 8. 189,14; 256,3.
^X. palàsini 128, 10. : Jj^uo pumshanahila (?) 89, 1 8.
L baláhaka 251,15. ! r/o ^yij vishnudharma 27, 2 ; 38, 1 ; 64,
phillaur 100, 20. 1; 105,17; 106,6; 107,1.2; 120,21;
uJb vallabha 94,7.16.17; 205,5.20; 144,6; 145,17; 164,7; 167,11; 168, 14; 169.5; 174,21; 179,1.3.9; 181,
prayutam 84, 1 1 , 4.15; 120,13; 121,13; 133,20; 136,
? 99,4.5.8; 100,14.16. 7; 138,21; 139,2.4; 140,2.6; 141,
vajra 118, 7. 10; 142,6; 160,19; 161,1.15; 170,5;
proshthapadâ (?) 265,17. 185, 20; 186,13. 18.21; 187,14; 188,
i vasu 145,19; 173,8; 197,13. 4; 189,2.11.16. 17. 19; 193,17; 204,
I—? vasâketu 316, 2. 19.20; 206, 4; 209,3.6.11. 15; 210,6.
vasâti 156, 13. 9; 211, 1; 212, 1; 214,20; 216,18;
vishti 297,13. 218, 1; 223,19; 225,14; 228,10; 231,
pascima 145, 1 1 ; 146, 10. 1.4; 233,24; 238,1; 239,2.1316;
vasudeva 200,11. 17. 242,16; 245,13; 247,3.9; 256,10.
vasishtha 55, 15; 63,14; 73,19; 20; 292,20; 294,4. 7.
110,19; 111,2; 119,18.19; 120,1; brahmaloka 116, 4. 5.
134, 10.12; 140,14; 172,12; 195, 16. brahmana 8,2.3 ; 251,9 ; 270,1 5 ; 271,
17.18; 197,7.11; 199,12; 233,7; 249, etc.; 276,16; 277,16; 278,15; 279,1.
11.; 280,19; 281,
:~ix*o vasishtha -siddhânta 73, 10.14.15; 282,18; 284,11; 287,11;
12. 288, 3. 5. 6. 9.13; 289, 5; 290, 2. 1 1 ;
j vasumaiit 156, 22. 291, 1 ; 293, 18; 296, 13; 303, 6. 7.
i vasanta 107, 3; 180, 16; 288, 6; ÎJ brahmanavâta 162, 18.
302,17; 305, 2.13. o brahmottara 131, 10.
vasu 86,13. í vadavâmukha 133,3.15; 135,3;
(Xj pushya 146, 1; 148 fig.; 233, 6; 262, 136,8; 139,15.17; 140,7; 142,3;
8. 155,17; 159, 5; 166,19.
л visha 265, 9. 0\sji 130, 2.
pisâcaka (?) 128,13. JJ!s/j va<}avânala 253, 9.
j pisâca 123,19. í virocana 56, 18.
i 151, 2. virodhin 265,15.
j visakhâ 107, 8; 145, 21; 148 fig.; priyâvrata 195, 7.
196,11.12; 244, 4; 245,14; 262, 16. prayâga 98, 1 ; 284, 13 ; 316, 6.
j vísala 113, 7; 114,9; 129,8; 174, (?) prêta 44, 5. prîta 301, 7.
14. priyâvrata 120, 1 7.
pasupâla 157, 4.
pushpajâti 128, 6. parîksha 38,1; 54,10.
j vishti 295 19.23.24; 296.24; 297, j varíyas 301,14«
bhramara 247, 2 1 ; 250, 9. &¿ varsha 182, 7 ; 302, 1 0 ; 305, 5. 6.
s¡t^bS>-yA¿ paramaucastha (?) 305, 1 1. ubjj vrisha 194, 14.
praraoda 265, 2, <jbjj vrishan 108, 16.
varna 48, 21. j5Lu^ purushâpura (?) 101,4; 103,16;
OJ* varuna 106,13.18; 121,5; 135,18; 130, 3; 163, 5; 207, 13.
146,4; 173,16; 181,16; 187, 12; ' va*^ ü-я» purushaparvata 124, 3.
248, 3; 258, 13. \j¿^j4 prasastâdri 155, 18.
(j-lijí varnâs'â 128, 1 6 ; 129, 9. f\j ЦА^ parasurâma 191, l .
gjjí viriñcya 173, 1 1 ; 295, 19.22; 296, <aU¿ 131, 1 2.
22. varshakâla 103,12.14; 180,13.19;
jj puramdara 199, 4. 248,20.
varsha 182, 7; 300, 20.25. jAß prasnacudâmani 75,21.
varshavyatîpâta 300, 20. &~ji vrishni 174, l 8.
»^ purohita 268,17. >>j-Äjj parasvadha 298. 20.
prahara 171, 7. ^.,171,9.
\j»j> prahlâda 184, 8. parigha 301, 6.
j vrihaspati 63, 1 5 ; 64, 3 ; 105,10; j barkhu 295,16. 17.
199,12, j varaka 197, 8.
Ja оч-«*5у vrihaspati vâra 104, 6. j vrika 150, 7.
¿í$j» brahmâdi 259, 5. purika 154, 9.
0L?j brahmânî 58. 1 . bhrigu 38, l ; 105, 12; 146, 1;
L?y brahmânda 63,12; 108,22.23; 149, 3.
109,1.20; 110,9.19; 111,3; 118, j phanikâra 154, 1 1 .
12. T*^JÍ vrikavaktra 114, 12.
brahraandapurâna 63, 6. í-л bhriguputra 105, 13.
AÎjj brahraapura 157,13. prakriti 20, 9.
-í-u f¿ brahma-vaivarta 63, 1 1 . ri 311,20.
ûiXS1^ brahmadanda 314, 7. 'jí vargottama 307, 10.
ЬД* brahmarshi 45, 16; 123,21. 100,9.
í brahma-rûpa 127, 19. j pramâthin 265,9.
^j brahma-sâvaiTii 194, 13. СГ'Чт? pramâdin 266, 12.
98, l . 0Ц_> pramâna 178, l 5.
i^jjJÜ'j brahmagupta 71, 16; 73, l 5. 18. «Xj ^ paramapada 204, 6.
21 ; 74, 18. 21; 80, 7.11; 84, l 6; 110, g-«j pramukha 194, 9.

^í-í prabhava 265, 2. 18.20; 219, 6. 9; 232, 7; 251, 8.10;

ci^j vritta 70, 8. 9. 254, 13; 255, 12; 256, 1. 2; 258, 5.
о j prithu 146, 4 ; 197, 8. 23; 261,2; 262,8; 275,1 3.1 5.17; 281,
f\f^ Ojj prithusvâmin 162, 1 5. 1; 296, 14; 301,12; 303,5; 314,7.
•j^fji pratiraaujas 197,14. l¿ brabmarûpa 127, 1 9.
^'-j pritanâ 202, 15.16. JL$I¿ brali manda 6, 1.
«¡Цн-> pritbudakasvamin 76. 2. ¿L* j?lj brahmaputra 194. 12.
jj prithivî 119, 7. jytj, p\j> brahmapurâna 63, 7.
До pratharaa 147, 14. Júlfluu« p\ji brahmasiddhânta 66, 10 ; 73,
«U5_i prathanga (?) 150, 14. 14; 110,4.5; 133.21; 138,21; 17S.
«*jb-_i prajâpati 43,17.19; 45,1.2.21 8; 255,20; 257,1.
76. 5 ; 145, 18. 22; 180, 20; 199, 12 j varâhamihira 27, 4 ; 56, 17 ; 73, 1 (i;
252, 6. 8; 261, 25; 264, 11; 265, 2 75,10.13.16; 77,6; 78,6.9; 79,9;
314, 16. 108,2; 133,11; 134,11; 139,1;
J-b-j pariyâtra 153, 9. 148,12; 149,1; 152,9; 164,2; 176,
«"»•-» praynta 83, 1 4. 11; 184,20; 195,12; 196,9.14.22;
206, 7; 227, 18; 233, 13; 236, 11;
»у 311,20.
parjanya 106, 12. 245,2.8.20; 246, 6.17; 247,16; 249,
j prayutam 84,5. 11; 252,17; 254, 7.15; 255,9.11.14;
,» varsha 182, 7. 256, 3 ; 257, 6; 258, 2 ; 259, 6 ; 260, 2;
vrisha 153, 1 1 . 263,8; 274,15: 293, 10; 300, 14. 25;
s-jj purushâda 153, 17. 312, 6.14.
^«ЛЖА».^ vrishabhadhvaja 153,15. j brahmâhorâtra 168,17.
¿-л vriddhi 301, 7. ?iA>.ïjj prâyascitta 179,16.
j 206, 14. i 7, 20; 64,7; 257,21; 258,2.
xj vardhamâna 153,13. 5ff.; 259,5—8.12; 260,7; 293,
.¿ pradyumna 57, 7 ; 76, 1 ; 199, 1 8. 18.
-j paridhâvin 266, 1 1 . jj, 67,14.17.21; 69, 7. 12; 70,14; 71,
jjí virajas 194,11; 197,10. 1; 86,11; 296, 20.
*jjv-j parjanya 197, 9. tf*jjj parvatamaru 131, 20.
«*íjí ^^ 1S4, 3. îj. parivatsara 264, 10.
vi>^.j prastha 77,10; 79, 3. -iXjjj parapadma 84, 6.
oLx*,j.j prasthâna 64, 19. ¿¿barbara 131,3.4; 155,5; 267,9.
s^j vriscika 108,16. *í¿ 176,14.
bhramara 247,21 ; 250,9. varsha 182, 7 ; 302, 1 0 ; 305, 5. 6.
j paramaucastha (?) 305, 14. vrisha 194,14.
praraoda 265, 2, vrishan 108, 16.
varna 48,21. a.ji purushâpura (?) 101,4; 103,16;
ji varuna 106,13.18; 121,5; 135,18; 130, 3; 163,5; 207, 13.
146,4; 173,16; 181,16; 187,12; c^o^j ^ purushaparvata 124, 3.
248, 3; 258, 13. l^^jtf prasastâdiï 155, 18.
ùji varnâsâ 128, 1 6 ; 129, 9. f\j jb^j parasurâma 191, 1 .
gjji viriñcya 173,11; 295,19.22; 296, «U^ 131, 12.
22. j varshakâla 103,12.14; 180,13.19;
jjj puramdara 199, 4. 248,20.
varsha 182, 7; 300,20.25. ~>jí prasnacudâmani 75, 21 .
У*» *ji varshavyatîpûta 300, 20. vrishní 174,18.
»^ purohita 268,17. parasvadha 298, 20.
prahara 171, 7.
j prahlâda 184, 8. igha 301,6.
j vrihaspati 63, 1 5 ; 64, 3 ; 105,1 0 ; «¿ barkhu 295, 16.17.
199,12, j varaka 197, 8.
Ь o^**sy vrihaspativâra 104, 6. vrika 150, 7.
$¿ brahmadi 259, 5. purika 154, 9.
l?j brahmaní 58. 1 . bhrigu 38, 1; 105, 12; 146, 1;
líjí brahmânda 63,12; 108,22.23; 149, 3.
109,1.20; 110,9.19; 111,3; 118, l»jj phanikâra 154, 1 1 .
12. yyC^jj vrikavaktra 114, 12.
^jj «AJl-îjj brahmàndapurâna 63, 6. JÄJ «£j bhriguputra 105, 13.
jj*$ji brahmapura 157, 13. °/jí prakriti 20, 9.
y brahma-vaivarta 63, 1 1 . ¿ 311,20.
brahmadanda 314, 7. vargottama 307, 10.
fcj?jí brahmarshi 45, 1 6 ; 123, 2 1 . i 100, 9.
í brahma-rupa 127, 19. pramâthin 265,9.
j?y brahma-suvarni 194, 13. OjU_i pramâdin 266, 12.
jí 98,1. oUj pramâna 178, 1 5.
j brahmagupta 71, 16; 73,15.18. ^ f^ paramapada 204, 6.
21 ; 74, 1 8. 21 ; 80, 7. 1 1 ; 84, 16; 110, g-«-s pramukha 194, 9.

í-i prabhava 265, 2. 18.20; 219, 6. 9; 232, 7; 251, 8.10;

vritta 70, 8. 9. 254, 13; 255, 12; 256, 1. 2; 258, 5.
prithu 146,4; 197,8. 23; 261,2; 262,8; 275,13.15.17; 281,
Ojj prithusvâmin 162, 15. 1; 296, 14; 301,12; 303,5; 314,7.
pratiraaujas 197,14. l_j brahmarûpa 127, 19.
pritanâ 202, 1 5. 1 6. brahmânda 6, 1 .
tíUjj.j prithûdakasvâmin 76. 2. j brahmaputra 194. 12.
prithivi 119, 7. j brahmapurfina 63, 7.
о prathama 147, 14. j?b brahmasiddhânta 66, 1 0 ; 73,
Jj prathanga (?) 150, 14. 14; 110,4.5; 133,21; 138,21; 178.
prajàpati 43,17.19; 45,1.2.21 8; 255, 20; 257, 1.
76. 5; 145, 18. 22; 180, 20; 199, 12 j varâhamihira 27,4; 56, 17; 73,16;
252. 6. 8; 261, 25; 264, 11; 265, 2; 75,10.13.16; 77,6; 78,6.9; 79,9;
314, 16. 108, 2; 133, 11; 134, 11; 139, 1 ;
pariyâtra 153, 9. 148,12; 149,1; 152,9; 164,2; 176,
prayuta 83, 14. 11; 184,20; 195,12;;
311,20. 206,7; 227,18; 233,13; 236,11;
parjanya 106, 12. 245,2.8.20; 246,6.17; 247,16; 249,
У>>> prayutam 84,5. 11; 252,17; 254, 7. 15; 255,9.11.14;
j varsha 182, 7. 256,3; 257,6; 258,2; 259, 6; 260. 2;
vrisha 153, 1 1 . 263,8; 274,15: 293, 10; 300, 14. 25;
yj purushâda 153, 17. 312, 6.14.
vrishabhadhvaja 153,15. i brahmâhorâtra 168,17.
vriddhi 301, 7. prâyascitta 179,16.
206. 14. J parvan 7, 20; 64,7; 257. 21; 258, 2.
vardhamâna 153,13. 5 ff. ; 259, 5—8.12; 260,7; 293,
pradyumna 57,7; 76.1; 199,18. 18.
paridhâvin 266, 1 1 . .j 67,14.17. 21 ; 69. 7. 12; 70,14; 71,
jji virajas 194,11; 197,10. 1; 86,11; 296, 20.
«jj-j parjanya 197, 9. o^j parvatamaru 131, 20.
bi 124.3. j parivatsara 264, 10.
prastha 77.10; 79, 3. J.J parapadma 84, 6.
oU*._i prasthâna 64, 1«. barbara 131,3.4; 155,5; 267,9.
vriscika 108,16. i 176,14.

'jj parâbhava 266, 6. 21; 204,2.11; 232,21; 301,11.

j virâta 64, 8. . vijaya 265, 12.
Sb prâtragira (?) 150, 13. LxF vijayanandin 75.3; 174,2; 227,
parârdha 83, 5; 247,4.
Aí parârdhakalpa 169,9.10; 183,7. , 6.
? parâsara 31, 21 ; 52, 11. 16; 61,5. . pushkalâvati 156, 12.
75,9.13;178,9; 186,2; 195,4; 197, j* vishuva 292, 4.
12; 199,4.17; 249, 11; 300, 16; 312, ^ buddha 57,14.16; 59, 1; 75,20; 284,
15. 2.
»rt 286, 9. Ou budha 104, 21 ; 105, 8.
и^Ы prâgjyotisha 153, 14. Ou buddhi 20, 3.
varâhamdla 101, 14. yîou vidyâdhara 44, 18; 131, 7.
O^purâna 5,13; 6, 4. 5. 8; 20, 17; 30, 104, 5.
4; 45, 3; 60, 13; 62, 21; 116, 4; П9, J vidyujjihva 114, 14.
13; 133,21; 136,20; 142,7; 184, 3; vidyut 20, 20.
255,18; 257,3; 270,16. vaidarbha 151, 3.
âna 139, 6; 169,21; 170,6; 171, vatsa 152, 4.
2.4; 172,3; 197,6. vatsa 153, 7.
Oljj 136, 20. vidisâ 129, 10.
varâha 63, 11. 102,14.
e\ji varâhapurâça 63, 3. 49, 10. 17.
brahman 6, 19.20; 14,3.6; 26,5; í vidhâtri 106, 1 1 ; 119, 2.
27, 3 ; 35, 20 ; 38, 3. 9 ; 42, 17.20; 43, 251,16.
16. 19; 45, 1. 2.18. 21; 46,2; 47.21; budhnyâdyâ 194, 17.
49, 1; 55, 18; 57, 8; 60,14; 61, 1; 63, buddhodana 20, 3 ; 191, 6.
9. 10. 13; 65, 1; 74,. 17; 75,10; 76, padha 151,11; 214, 4.
5; 84, 2; 109, 6. 8. 11; 120, 16; vidarbha 153, 6.
121,1; 133,12; 164,4. 19. 21; 165,1. j padma 55,5; 63,9; 83,16; 84,8;; 166,2; 168,19; 169,1.5. 261, 11.
6.7.9; 173,11; 177,9.16; 178, 7 — 9; ÀJ padamâsa 214, 4.
182,—16; 183,; (.Jo padma-tulya 153, 16.
185,21; 186,1.2; 187,1.5.11; 188,18; L^«O\j padmanâbhi 201, 15.
189,1; Д91, 5; 193,16; 194,1; 203, 284, 13.
13; 204,2.7^216,18.20; 218,9. para 83, 11.
JÄAJ pavitra 267, 17. (?LJL 128,13.
üj*í vivarna 131, 13. phâlguna 107, 16; 181,18; 201, 8;
0(J>j# vaprakhâna (?) 101, 11. 285,19; 290,11 ; 294,16.
AJ vaprîvan 199, 14. vulmíki 199,16.
rt vipascit 194, 5. lj vâlmîki 204, 13.
* vivasvat 106, 10. lí balava 295, 17.20; 296, l 4.
b*j vivasvân 106, 1 1 . \! 128, 9.
i^ij bhavishyapurâna 63, 7. 0,1, vâmana 62,18; 63, 12; 198,15; 199.
J vapushmat 197,15. l ; 201,12.
¿*j vivamsa 126, 13. OL¿ oJj vâmanapurâna 63, 4.
*i vibhà 135, 16. ^pL Bccfífj,óyovQa 99, 7.
u vibhâvarî 135, 19— 21. Q|J vâna 86, 1.
ri vibhava 265,2. 0Ь vâna (?) 152,10.
o vitta (?) 105, 8. tíLwUjIj vanavâsika 150, 7.
pauti 79, 4. «í**jLj pânipat 101, l .
io patti 202, 17. srb pâncâla64,12; 149,4; 150,5; 153,
pitàmaha 85, 5. 3.
^j pattrí 86, 5. L pându 52, 10. 15; 64, 6. 8; 97,
?tj pathesvara 1 50, 1 1 . И; 152,16; 191, 2; 201, 13; 204,
J± pitar 43, 20; 173,7; 181,10.16; 262, 13.
10. lj pândava 86, 4.
o 288,15. L pândavakâla 203, 16; 205, 3.
Jô pitriloka 116, 5; 118, 1 1 ; ¡119, 1 1 ; gsAi^jJuL vânupadevasca (sic) 194, 15.
311,20. Oyb pânini 65, 8.
j pitaras 45, 13 ; 116, 1 ; 124, 1 ; 168, ¿L pânîya 117, 9.
3; 180,19. Ji^b vâhUka(?) 152, 8.
ÄJ pitrînâih ahorâtra 167, 3. L. vâhinî 202, 16.
АЛ vitasti 79, 1 6. u-to^lj bâhudâ (sic) 129, 8.
vítala 113,4. oi\f pâvani 131, 1.14.
¿«uü vittesvara 75, 3 ; 196, 22. v4L- vâyava 145fig.; 146 fig.; 148 fig.;
>LÄF. vicitrâdyâ 194, 16. 155, 12; 298,12.
XF. bhojadeva 93, 19. ¿¿л I_AJ|J vâyavaraantra 250, 1.
ÄJ vajra 57,10. J^Lj vivâhapatala 75, 18.
vajra 120, 21 ; 164, 7 ; 182, 14 ; 193, U*j vivasvant (?) 105, 3.

»t> vârâhî 58, 2. îshîka 150,12.

о^Ц parata 155, 5. jt ekapada 153, 10.
v*Jjb pârthiva 20,19. | ekavilocana 156, 13.
tEJjb partiría 108, 20. or?- e.W.1 ekacarana 157,10.
^>,Ц> vâricara 154, 2. ekam 83,14.
ójb bharadva 152, 14. .!! itfâputra (?) 261, 11.
j-ljjLj pàriyâtra 123,17; 128,16; 129, ayana 128, 4 ; 180, 1 ; 302, 7.
11. j.1 aindra 65, 7 ; indra 303, 7.
_>А,Ь pàrasava 155,2. ' indrânî 58, 2.
0,1« vàruça 262,11. 1 ayutam 84, 1 1 .
ojk varunamantra 250, 1. s?»^ pàpagraha 106, 1.
t barodâ 102, 11 ; 201, 4 ; 253, 14. vâ(Jha 152, 9.
97. 10; 98,6.10; 130,20. . pâtâla 29, 9 ; 113, 5. 9 ; 199, 3 ; 272,
128, 8. 14.
jvijt vâjasrava 199, 16. Jj'Lj pâtalîputra (?) 98, 8.
t 290, 2. jU patañjali (pâtanjala?) 4, 1 9 ; 13, 1 4 ;
L. vâsudeva 7, 7 ; 14,10; 19,14; 25, 27,16; 34,5.20; 37,20; 40,3.12; 43,
17; 26,11.12.17; 39, 1; 42, 17; 45,3; 3; 45,11; 63,17; 92,18; 116,1.15;
50,1.19; 52,4; 59,7. 11; 63,10; 64, 117,1; 118,4; 119,12; 124,11; 231,
19.21; 78,17; 97,11 ; 107,1; 126,13; 17.
172,; 178,8; 183, vâyu 63, 8 ; 146, 4 ; 233, 7 ; 262, 1 5.
12; 199,7.18.19; 200,; ¿i vàyupurâna 20, 1 7 ; 63, 4 ; 80, 7 ;
201,; 202, 95,7; 113,1; 114,1; 115,4.7; 116,
•2.12; 253,14; 271,11.13; 275,20;
18; 119,15; 120,19; 124/6; 125,11;
276,1; 283,19; 286,; 128,1.18; 135,15; 143,19; 144,4;
287, 7. 8.11.18; 288,10.12; 289, 2.6. 147,17; 149,18; 150,3; 170,20; 231,
17. 22; 232,25; 233,2.4; 273,4; 318,8.
¿M« vâsuki 114, 17; 123,20. ГЭ** O^ pâshânabhumi 113, 7.
1# vasu 262, 10. yb bâdara 155,17.
pâvaka 85, 19. «¿Ц. 76,19.
S'b vâka 150,10. >j para 128,17; 129,10.
phâlguna 106,19. > vâra 104,3; 179,14.
pâli 77,3ff. vârânasî 75,3; 82, 9; 275,10.12.
L. bâlâgra 77, 7. 16.
! 290,12. Obó5i 131,12.
odra 153,11. ¿jjl utpala 75, 5. 7. 21; 149,7; 169,17;
audumbara 153, 10. 171, 1; 182,21; 185,8.
\ udandapuri 82, 16. (J.U k_j^ upavâsa 285, 6.
l uddehika 152,15. tàmasa (?) 194, 7.
udyoga 6é, 9. t uttânapâda 120,17; 121, 4.
udayagiri 163, 2. 194,8.
v^ aurva 251, 18. uttara 145, 13; 146, 14; 250,21.
g.;5l urja 197, 6. uttarâyana 180, 2.15; 283,20.
^ 98,4. Lï,! uttarabhâdrapadâ 107,18; 148
^,5! ûrdhvakaraa 153, 10. fig.; 173, 6; 244, 15; 245, 5. 15; 247,
uru 194,17. 5; 262,12; 265,18.
t uraga 131, 7. uttaraphalguni 107,16; 148 fig.;
98, 4. 243, 14; 245,14; 262, 11.
avasvasa 172, 4. \&\ uttarâshâdhâ 107,13; 148 fig.; 244,
ushtrakarna 131, 12. 9; 245, 14; 262,7.
t huvishkapura 101,,14.18. ¿ uttarakuru 156, 9.
us'anas 38,3; 199, 12. uttarakhandakhâdyaka 75,1;
jî ugrabhûti 65, 10. 245,13.
293, 3. uttaragola (?) 180, 8.
>t 66, 9. l uttaramânasa 273, 7.
-.' om 37,2; 82,16. jl uttaranarmada 151,14.
102, 14. / o5! utkriti 88, 5.
una 213, 4. ! utkala 151,13; 153,6.
¿ 114,11. auttami 194, 6 ; 199, 1 6.
unaratrí7,ll; 212,13; 213,4; 215, ji uttamarna 151,14.
14; 291,12. 16; 294, 3. uttamaujas 194,13.
irâvati 129, 6; airâvata 318, 10. j 131,16.
irâvati 101, 3 ; 130, 6. utsarpinî 187,2.
ishtin 49,14. uccastha 305, 14.
ís'vara 183, 2. 6.13.15. ujjayini 93, 1 ; 99, 6. 10 ; 129, 11 ;
ioV Ís'vara 15, 7 ; 87, 4 ; 265, 9. 149, 4; 154, 16; 158,1.4; 159, 7. 9;
aisána 145,13; 146,14; 148 fig.; 160,13.15; 161,4.5; 162,11.14.16.
156,21; 298,6. 18. 20; 316, 6.
i aíi ka 82,21. ¿y?! afija na 153, 14.
î aùgâra 266,17. t indu 73, 19; 74, 21; 85, 7; 105,4;
i aùgiras 63,14; 105,11; 146,1; 195, 262, 5.
16.18; 265,6. i indra 43, 17.19; 45,1.2.12; 54,12.
oî angula 79,10. 14.17.19; 57,10; 65,7; 76,5; 106,
t anala 266, 1 1 . 13. 14; 114, 17; 120, 2; 126, 1. 18;
jl añila 173,18. 135,17; 146,4; 173,14; 180,17; 182,
¿Jt ananta 118, 15; 123,20; 149,4. 21; 193,16; 194,4; 196,26; 197,
j! ânarta 155, 4. 5; 199,12; 251,15; 252,1; 258,9;
JÎ ânandapâla 65, 1 1 ; 208, 6. 9. 265,9; 266,12; 286,8; 301,13; 318,
3! 101,19. 10.
bj^L^JÎ anhilvâd, anahillapâtaka 73,15; yol andhra 150,9; 151, 10; 153,8.
100,15; 205,21. /JyXit indrâgni 173,13; 181,7; 262,
«*wj>it anutapata 131, 21. 16.
#\ 126, 5. XujiXJt antarvedî 103, 15.
¿jvJtJÎ anikini 202,15. ' indradyumna 131, 15.
J-ôlânîla? 124,7. indradyumnasara 131, 15.
»t ahas 185,14; 215,21. >l antardvîpa 148, 3; 156,20.
jlPt 101,1- ! 131,17.
,jyls>t 288, 8. ! 131,6.
00u/î ahirbudhnya 173,6; 233,7; 262, (ji/xi! indriya 86, 3.
13. 0^иЛ indriyâni 21, 19.
gJT/l ahargaça 7,11.12; 179,15; 212,13; i^xil cf. aranda and eranda 76, 18ÍF. ;
215,20; 216,4; 219,11; 226,1.15; 77,9.
227,11-18; 229,14; 231,10.15; 258, ¿lylanurâdhâ 107,9; 114,8; 148 fig.; 196,
19; 290,16. 5. 22; 244,5; 245, 4; 262, 3; 286,
j\&*\ ahaùkâra 20,11. 18.
yijyrt ahorâtra 182, 2. it ânarta 151, 7.
asoka 288,14. ù aniruddha 199,18.
l amâvâsyâ 176, 7 ; 290, 20. 3! amsu (?) 113,3.
i.,! amâvâsî 295,15. -H amsu 106,11.19.
1o' urvarâ (?) 85, 9. JÏ amsaka 67, 9 ; 69,
*jjí upavaùga 153, 2. OU¿JI amsumàn 106, 8.
upari 145,10. î aùga 86, 7; 153,4.
v^l agnibâ[hu] 197,18. ií asvavadana 153, 12.
agnivesa 76, 4. asvattha 42,17; 153, 2; 272, 15.
agnijihva 114, 13. 18.
agnimukha 114, 8. u! asvatara 114,7; 123, 21.
^Ugneya 145,9; 146,8; 148 fig.; 153, уЫ âsvayuja 106,14; 201,15; 294,17.
14; 181,7; 298,25. g^¿íasvayujal07,20; 181,12; 250,17;
оч^1 agnitya 156, 1 8. 285,17; 287,3; 288,9; 291,6.
j%*i> agnidhra 197, 1 5. «^5 asoka 288, 14.
ji/yt agokiru 108,17. asvin 121, 5.
Л idâ, ilâ 113, 4. svini 76, 5; 107,19; 148 fig.; 173,
о-ЛИ ilâvrita 124, 2. 8; 186,10; 243,3; 262,15; 266,15.
tí)JI alika 151,13. JJ-Ä! sveta 124, 1.
j>rt~~l\ 99, 12. LSjblâtreya cf. ^177,14; 78,1; 192,
umâdevi 27, 4. 11.
amaravatí 135, 15. 20. avanti 149, 4.
amarâvatipura 135, 17. 21. OjSl âvarta 317, 19.
amrita 131, 21 ; 174, 20. aga 86, 9.
*W mleccha 155, 11 ; 271, 10. âkâsa 85,1.
05 ana 170,16; 171, 4. 287,14.
vról ambhas 303, 3. âkara 154, 14.
f. o' anuvatsara 264, 10. o-fl kratu 195,17. 19.
AJl ambara 85, 2; 156,16. agastya 233, 6; 247, 6; 248, 3.
lj^ol ambaratâla 113, 4. agastyamata 64, 1.
bj-jf ambarísha 54, 1 1. akshi 85,14.
*AAJ( ambashtha 153, 9. ikshu 117,4.
jI anuvisva 157, 1 1 . akshara 81, 18.
o? antya 83,16; 108,20. ij¡¿\ ikshurasoda 117. 8.
*Jt antara 86, 20. ikshulâ 128,4.
">it antarikshya 199,14; 312, 18. ikshvâku 194, 10.
82,14. akshauhiní 7, 8; 87,4; 201,11.
Xit andhradesa 82, 14. 14: 202, 14ff.; 203,4. 8. 9. 10. 11.
jl antyaja 49, 6. i 49, 15; 63, 10; 85,20; 121,6;
^x3i antahsilâ 128, 15. 173,10; 180,17; 181,13; 258,15; 261,
íJ antaka 173, 9. 19; 262,3; 264,11; 303,4.
oJLvî skandapurâna 63, 5. 8; 245,4.16; 262,6.
о>*оЛ asvamedha cf.'o~M-ul 64,17; 271, >У 114,16.
20. jflî^ï ardhanâgarî 82, 1 1 .
t svâti 196,10. p!^ 99, 8.
101,21. »У ârki 105,15.
^ 99, 3. У arka 87, 6; 105,2; 106,17; 264,11.
¡jA isu 86, 3. У argha(?) 249,4.
цЫ âsâ 87, 2. ¿} arkatirtha (?) 98, 4.
/•M âshâdha 103, 15; 106,11; 107, 12; [ah]argana 185,14; 215,21.
180,13; 181,9; 201,12; 213,1; 249, ¡ÏJ aharganaieo, 20: 162,9.17; 206,5:
15; 250, 21; 285,16; 286,18; 288,8; 226,15.18; 227, 3.
294,17. ^ âryâ (?) 69, l .
¿Lui 113,6. o;< aruna 127. 8; 273,14; 314,15.
fUAUsvatthâtnan 64,12; 197,12; 199, Oy arunâ 129,9.
16; 202,12. O;l aranya 64, 8.
¿Lut ashtaka 290, 2. cvt âruni 197,15.
jiju&ï scorvarivat (!) cf. Ujij^ 194, «AÎ'iX^Î arundhati 195,17.
11. l*,» cf. â4haka 77,11 ; 78, 8.
014?( ascânyah (!) 197, 16. «•*,! 273, 5.
^Д*-/ • 148 tig.; 244,11; 262, 8. с>^< arhant 57,16; 59, l .
л' sravana 107, 14: 181, 10: 250, *jy àravâmbashtha (!) 155, l 8.
20. aror 100,17; 130,10.
A' âsramavâsa 64, 19. 102, 12.
oJjJujÄt sringavant 124. 1. 3. «Л 105,12.
.jijby»\ asipatravana 30, l 5.
tfcá?yAl srishena 73, 1 4 ; 133, 1 1 ; 189, 1 4 ;
256, 3. £.л*Л âsphujit 105, 13.
asvin 85, 11; 266, 14. asita 105,14; 312,15; asthi 316, 3.
âslesha 107,14; 146,2; 148 tig.; tJlÄ-J sthânabala (?) 308, 5.
243,11; 245,16; 246,15.20; 262.9. ^ ^JÄ*»! strirajya 156, 2.
t-at asmaka 131,19; 151.6; 155,18. А*Л astagiri 155, 13.
*A*Ä\ afîvamedha cf. «>«-s*' 204, 4. ^ asura 44, 8; 123,15; 166, 2; 168,15.
ruf usanas 63, 15. 114,15.
ü-u! âsana 181,12. skanda 57,8; 63, 11; 69, 14; 272,
CLU! ushnakâla 180, 14. 12.
1 1. 17.18; 226,13; 227,8.12.20; 228, 303, 5.
3.5.9; 229,1.11; 230,1.2.6; 231,10; öl?) âvaneya 105, 6.
«251,12; 286,14; 291,11.15; 294,7. aja 173,5; 1.81,11.
Jt>j¿\ âdarsa 156,19. -i âcârya 74,17.
tíU.Jt adhomukha 30, 10. >t âyurdà 309,17.
jt ara 105. 6. ayuta 83, 14.
jt ari[meda] 152,14. ayutam 84,5.
J^,i arbucla 84, 7, 273, 11 (bis).
arbudam 84, 1 1 . ayodhyá 98,7.
157,13. >! 86, 5.
o,t artha 86, 2. adhas 145, 10.
ujt ashtan 86, 13. âdi 85, 5.
oy ashti 87, 11. 0W idâvatsara 264, 10.
150, 4. udvatsara 264, 10.
t âryàvarta 205, 1 5. udbhira 151,11-
b-jt âryâshtasata 75, 8; 193,20. âdipurâna 63, 2.
âryàvarta 82, 10. âtavya 150,13.
àryabhata 74, 17; 75,1.8; 80,11. cot aditi 262,7.
16; 84, 4; 110, 21; 111,18; 121, 20; âditya 56,2; 63,8; 87,5; 104,21;
122, 5.10.13; 123, 6. 7; 133, 1 1 . 20; 105,2. 20; 145, 21.
134,9.12; 138,9; 139,2; 140,14; 162, \i coî . àdityavara 104, 4.
12.15; 168,2; 170,6; 186,14.18.21; j col âdityaputra 105,14.
187,1; 188,4.9; 189,11—18; 193,19; 0L.oo{ âdityapurâna 63,5; 80,6; 106,
208,21; 209,5; 210,7.11; 211,16; 6,7; 112,18; 113,1; 115,7; 124, 8;
212,1; 219,7; 256,3; 293,2. 185, 18.
âryabhata 211, 17. 19. îr$> cot 101, 2.
âryaka 126,12. t atri 154, 17.
aryaman 106,9.12.19; 121, 5; 173, t adri 86, 10.
17; 262,11; 296,18. )jï\ udruvaga 108, 19.
arjuna 25,17; 26, 5; 39, 1; 42,17; adhishthâna 101, 14.17; 289,8.
50,1.9; 59,7; 178,8; 201,13.18; 202, adhimasa 7,11; 212,13,19; 213,5.
8; 271,13. 7; 214, 3.10; 215,1; 216,8.13. 15;
àrjunâyana 156,17. 217.8; 218,4; 219,12; 220,8.12;
ârdrâ 107,11; 148, fig.; 233,6; 243, 221,15. 19; 222, 4. 20; 223, 2; 225,
Index of words of Indian origin.

The first number is that of the page, the second that of the line.

*1 98,1- âpas 173, 9; 262, 6.

âbhâstala 113, 3. apâinmûrti 197, 14.
abhijit233,5; 244,10 ; 245,18;262,8. ОЦ>1 apaña 172, 3.
utf abhira 150, 11 ; 152, 11 ; 154, 13;
155, 9. if1^ abhijit 172, 8. 11. 12. 21. 23.
а-лохМца 306, 3. Jo' abdhi 85, 23.
ol avyakta 20, 2. fJ>¿> -r1' âpaddharma 64, l 5.
0,1 ot atyashti 87,14. Л abhra 85. 3.
tíUlí ol ativâhika 31, 16. jjl apara 197, 9.
U^Uil utpalâvati (?) 128,6. \ aparánta (?) 152,13.
о Л oí atidhriti 88, 2. L»l aparântaka 155, 15.
gjt attâttajâ 286,17. jl apratidhrishya 187, 14.
yl atri 63,15;145,17; 195,16.19; 197,1 1. ii âpastamba 63, 14.
3t âtreya 152, 13. avasarpinî 187, 2.
JÜ! atigan^a 301, П. jl apsaras 44, 1 5 ; 123, 1 4.19 ; 124, 4.
Jil átala 113,3. 99, 2.
0Ui! atinâman 1 9 7, lü. T 150, 8.
'i âtmapurusha 164, 8. avama 224,1; 225,21; 226,9; 227,
l 176, 7. 10. 17; 229, 3.7.
ï ashtama 295,17.23. *jl avanti 154,16.
atharvanaveda 61, 18; 62, 19; ut abhi 157, 7.
' en ($#.*íí*btt Jl*ÄÄt (j^ib-wL, JJüiuo (-f. »^< J-xiï. Ifcle *\ji!. oLJLxll л /-¿ÄJj^j t¿43 Chapter 80.

* j /3, ^ f$ftJt rilí- ^ 1^4 ujLfe -l ^ v^\ ;Й! i&U ^ l+i.

«JLÜI . iuul iüaJU ^^l ¿l,

i. Lu *>Лац U LfJUj xi-vu u.-,-~-ií s_.¿ ÄicJt ¿- ^¿* *J |.cL£JU¿ KJL»- ,_*.^i *ASJ

O j y.^ ¿I jäJI o, «U! 0U4,¿ gUAJIj ¿^1 ¿I o|^s(,

ka^ >JL*il L^J ^yx^^ Юл j&ttj. Ji». ^.JÜI ¿! fceija l^Iíü tj

*^' СГ LT*

Ä«; ¿l L

OU^S! üJL>t.X« ¿\j ^ /ùU/ »U-uaä U*i ^^

«¡St /Äi-Jj »Äjej J>bj ^ ^L\3l rbbül jbäJLis fc.dc j? U

¿JÜ! J* »

11) Lines 1—11 stand on fol. 159b 1—11, the lines 12—15 on fol. 161a 9—12. Cf. note to
page rit, 19.

Chapter 80.

л. ~
JU X^.¡...u[t jftLJ
-~t JUT
* j &LJ CJj

~UÍ '-VJtJ , i
tjt .x

Xuhr j uAJ , » '; -J

^ii :<i—.j' ¡A; LicJt a» Í

!5 ÄJLJ vJ j

У.АЛ« X.» ,> *JLJ

-A; ¿ ï u

J^JJI &AJó Л.Х, . ^ -^У*^ BjAXJ Ц,


.— JAJ. J ;•••-'; 'Vy-- '-'^r -•' ¿1 a


24) This whole table (fol. 15'Ja) is written by the second hand.
Chapter 80.


oj с

¿t ¿
i_*J3 j A!
JOXwi. u\_wJU. ^IV^


¿US ¿l

J* "¿о, Bjjj, 0!
¿J¿ ¿i fcJÓ JU^

er* J! ¿t y^-

J; ^j.A.w.j'1

. eLu

20) This whole table (fol. 158b) is written by the second hand.
Chapter 80. ^ yj^ „^ ¿ sbJ^j (¿о}У\ jú* JOÍL.^ ^1^1 L\¿* üJlc fLöl »Ü3 ¿t oLJJat ,M-J>


--. (jya ; oi . ^_,^. ;vi- .чх ¿ » ^o -^-- . jJLLc ^-- ! . л— ""

. -J A--, (jiLXJt j.xl'i ¿l; JU .' WUOÄJ! s\ JiX^Jt :

ljjJ «#•' 5t *¿i ^bü ^jl J^l! AAíLJí j

I »-«»¿j jc3l *Ui^i _jU3 JjUI LjJLe Зои

Ы^Х^ y» (Jü>3 ó *LJOÜt ¿I Ja^s^eJi ¿ JüJ-« o^aiJÍ 05 Q

8) The words Lji^i j^ U¡>A»- r>?^5 stand on fol> 161a lin> 8> The text continues on f°l-
158» 19, cf. note to #a0e ril lin. 19.
10) The words JJ>! L^ii, till LJjJi ¿I stand on foL 16ia8.9 after the words (J^>- ft^&s
Lji*l Jos (see this page 1 8) and before the words gJÍ «Luo*aä U*J ^у5 (see p.fU, 12). There seems
to be а 1ц<:кич before ü.J

Chapter 80.

¿¿'ей' Го



.Jüijjo- iJí (J.C AJ

>Ь LJ-xJl
o - - o o-
¿UüÜlj BtbJl I.I

ol¿L¿!. "jSJI
. -Ï ,vilí ^ .«^ otj
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-V^-;- ¿UÁit J-e jju l_)

LíJ! JíLej U"


koaJt KJ t-i.-^j

"l*]l jju I^AÜlXtt ^J--^' '• Î "'• • "

¿i e*"
iAÜ Д XAJLt^' ;x»

*" 1^1 и-'/

1) On the margin of this page the note : J^eu! ¿ ЬуоС« ^tf U 2) jjLJl vis' *-*^ <S 3) о
2) jXií" 14) yjJI 19) This whole table, in the ms. fol. 160b, is written by the second hand.

Chapter 80. ^з *№ vb^1 J-a ;М^Ъ >^J ХлЬЛИ, сНДО J* £4

» bjjiJdl J-hjLstN er У} а*** л*>| ^ J&- <^! о^ ^ I3li 4)^ v^l^ *tw (Д?а У) er

; j ji; s_«Jl «Üt J-- Q, ^^x. Лг>'.. xJU «Jl *AS JS Q, *^ -¿ЛЛс ^ tLJjtJI vJiiXr»lj Ji ^,'

^l líyiíi 8»X. ^ JE, ^ys-l о-Л-ü »1\г>15 jLsíu ;уоД Sy^ó v^Xxi?. Ütj Jol, »3l ^jJ^l

U ¿¿\ í-LeJ! oLJÓd! ЛХв ».Juu ^, »^^ ^^ gjuu 8/*3Îï

UJÎ «joe, jJí íüsu-JÜÍ úl, J^^í! U

2) cr 5) ji}«^ 6) y*** added ЬУ the editor- 7) №

o* í! ^V^ ^ J1 сгш' а' ц~>иЛ À **Г* A L5y^! Chapter 80.

х-Ь jLö ,j!

*í оУ^1 ^ Cr oLJeXl! ¿ó j* ¿я^ИА»

* r- •jjj u-b r*"1 1 4^i

ЦЛХй! VU*Ä LjJLc 5,5 vXw. ¿¿ fjiiA ou-l «1^ oLJjai ¿y!

Pol. 160a.

yti U

tío! Q, iáUj ¿I ,JLcl» jijJoJi ^Lx», o^e-^ît gsAÄB jj'l^ij »LpJl ^Lrl^

i5^X**¿lí ¿ JJtSAJ ^5 VK**,^! U j-jJU^

¿t sa^JÜ«, VUT ,y _^!^ № c¿USJl ol^l ^ ^^^ü! f/>. ^ Lf^*Ji ¿i

.' °.' .
I-PJ*^ t^* v^' jjU. ^s l*j J>*TÍ^ owlj T*"'JÍÍ *^V^ »r**^ tí^ ^ yijíAA*.! Joij 1>\ oL-iiA!! lo

JL; -,.*¿s Jo

U¡_j U?1^^ jjOJís JL^I 1^*5 Le^ t«J' i/Ji (jo\ o,. JCo

o;Lb íól ,/Jl Г


Chapter 80. ^ LfcJL, U*i ^JJI ^> ^yjtfls ^yttl ¿bjiN ¿ er ^JJü ^ fjüü U jl¿* <>s



!J Olf 0!5 LúLis Lot 0K Olj y>T ¿Î ^_y. o, JAL. tfjkx gíyJJ olí LÜUx. olí ols

Olí IjJu fS¿\ Otf Ul, iÜLoeJi ^ I.

¿i 03Ui *Х^ ¿Is ^ijJI vJ, J* ¿bjî» j ^ill v^Ûli (yjUX-^j

iJt otf ols ¿¿\ ¿1 ^уЧ^ ¿b^t oJb- ol ¿ILUt


Otf 0\3 tfjXaJH Q* g-i/l Otf 01 o^üi црм-А ¿UaJt 3; ÍUSUÜI

J4AÎI ^ jJLLJI ^ ¿ ^Ji ^J-yíl ¿Juu .Udt y. yasx ^ 05Í45 (jf*iu!

^ J-Jj.

er * r.

U JLii er i cr

19) Here follow the words ц-jUaJI ¡.Liüdl ^^gyLv eíc. (v. page rio, line 8). The words
,o> woLe ел are found in the ms. on fol. 159b 10 (middle of the line) i. e. after the words
¿t LUt^e L^*AAU UT ^r-U^JI p. Пл line 11.
¿Is li^ii^süi ¿л 0L.nä*» «I kilS »>U, o^Lfl U$Ji 5t Chapter 80

K 1JI L¿£Í3 ¿l £>jï

-'— i5 r-^ÄJ ^ BjiXc c^*J o

Ols **3Í Jüö LUI o


A^?. ^ «Ils *>" Ols ot¿Uu¿

o!3 «ib, »>ä LÍJ er


jkAÍ,LS4 Je>!5 ^ j ÍUM ^íüit U lo

!3 Jf ^

3) jLj'ï? by the second hand. 8) y>^ 14) J^S JUAAEU 20) U 21) By the second hand.
Chapter 80.
i j хЬдау'мЧ oUlxJI



w*M*C AJL**JI;
jüu XJLJ

b fcjyj-

(Jt ¡k
, i ' .-

E SJo>t5 iJLJ

jJt <ubLo JL y.-^ lo

уш> y.»*» X^ xLJ vi

e jju SLj J-JJ!
' .í-,
J^JUl 0,5^ ^ Oal


LS ¿1 u¿


24) This whole table (fol. 159a) is written by the second hand.
Chapter 80.


с „

tíJjUt JJLäj

J-i«. '-J-S

4>Ut Jj'Lüj Jai jJu

j.! '-£ H;r! s^^ 'M^^i

¿ *I oyu

_j,j-" <LJ.<^>!

<•_. J! "Ja v_*bu5!_5

В-Де ¿US ¿1 ^i



20) This whole table (fol. 158b) is written by the second hand.

Chapter 80. ¿ -¿ * iOSL.., Ju* x^Jle rU5l KiXS ¿t ouJdl ^ o

Xll ¿I _/о} »As- UХ er

оУ Jl

I ¿\

¿i Aj

..-. k^l 4.AJ3 &£> ¿I P^

LeJ! i'lj *ЦЛ*1 J* ü-j*>- r^^í

! «il)b UI iUSLJ! j jJu ~J)

»JÓ L^Jt ,_«»¿J ^ L»3 JjUIl IfcJle J0u I.


8) The words Lfiíl J* ц^с?- f^f) stand on fol. 161a lin. 8. The text continues on fol.
158» 19, cf. note to page HI lin. 19.
10) The words ¿¿>1 Цвла^ till UiJül ¿I stand on foL 16ia 8. 9 after the words ць^-о- fj^j
Ltl*l Jve (see this page 1 8) and before the words gJi »U*a*aa U*S ^y3 (see p.fU, 12). There seems
to be a lacuna before N^y^t ip-> 'ч^3-.^-

f Chapter 80.
ь f

JJÜÜ J* Jju Го

s .^-" ,k.;
JJ« ¡ü'


JA... x.î' j ;<**.'» . v-:*j Uo

3>AJ otJ


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liJl (Jslsu JU-ÄJ U"

*Аф1Ж с-1лл2^1 '»'; IJ>--^-°



j* 0/
jot ,1 ej*^! ¿! KUU e*»
Alt j KxJL*3 ^
OJutJ! ¿ ^«J,1;

,_0 VLC о^; и-1/

1) On the margin of this page the note : ¿*iï\ ¿ \I¿Í¿A otf U 2) ^LJI J5< «^j> ¿ 3) «
19) This whole table, in the ms. fol. 160b, is written by the second hand.
Chapter 80.


tJ-jl U o> CUJÍ oLJJd! очХл *.0uu. "Í Ь 8Juu

Ji». «A^As-ls Ifcó (^jie ebb- j-jjJÍI ^JoJí ,y Jj^í (jf*Xej /¿ Ujki «Juaa

2) cr 5) лэ«Ь 6) з^^ч added ЬУ the editor. 7) Jbü>

¿ILUt Otf 5Î ¿bj^l J^i 3! о,1ай 5i ^LJl j wyt ¿ UFjXAH Chapter 80.

j, t,

Lo j>, «^A/ iuJJ »«.^ "->* *' " **"' O1 lbjüí

jf Oi ^?ь je (»îs^b ^^s LOJ! l_iwJ4t i *A>L¿I ¡¿Joui v^ 1^' ÎA*^

LjJUs ^^ Joç. ^51 ,^w» Joui ï!^

»Ut u . Fol 160a

15e*" 0U

jSjAXj t^^LUI Ojíí" U ^5 Lejutoi^ ^ Ki-JI

J ¿! ,Дс1г ^»*

yi!5 (j^î^I! «Lot ^.Ju J^iXA*-^! j JJUAj ^5 u^uwjâj' Le ^-yux

A5>lJ ¿I liJ!
' o" „
Ц i)-j.J5 vo*-»ij -uljis «¿У -*^ ^ U yU^I Jou 'S! oLJJdl lo
. Ç1.J O4JIM.J ---J"'.1 ^j J.AÍ-Í. ^>j^fb ч^-^î; ÄÄytlt jxAÄÄJ. ,_;•-> L{jL~.S>- cillât £*^£

Ci _o Li c--j -Í.-1J !_--

»^l СГ ^У^

ulj wJ^XÎ! »jyo Jj: *^\ ^ <^fS ^4 t^li ¿jíó >J iJlJ ^ iJi ÍU ¿Ь5 u^^l J* LAÎÎ, tf

oLb loi 1 Г.


19) 3»

Chapter 80. ~J Ц*Ь U¿i ^JJI "J j^jfctö ^y^\ ->lï^» j o, ^JOJÜ ^ (Jüü U JUU J*s j-ujüJb b

j f&jb li/3 u. ,jLe

s*\ СГ **•>>* cX*«JÜJ Jb. ¡¿¿

¿I j*äH _ybÀj il 0L jüU*¿ j* pjJjüUu^ L*>L> otf J^ IW^

¿ gu/i y ¿LUI j J^j Оуо j» 0,lbe, 8/jJl ^s да U^à о

MÜ>< ob ^.JÜI ¿I


IJ tf I LuLii Lulî tf J T

гjJUt ry> ¿ ^1 yJÜ íui ^ > ^JJI o, liJUí l^-J1 Otf I, Ju yut Oli 1^ ïLùiJl o, I.

0K Ols -y


JÜ1 ¿JLLJ! ^ ¿ Jüi s^yil ,>Juu .UJt ^ yea», о, 0>>ч5 (jp*J!

cr ol^Lil J* J-J^ u^i ¿f LfJU ¿SU», Le»j5*e ,_

tfl^j Q, ^Lbe, JA-JJ tíj^J tíb-j ü, (j^MÎJI 3t g-)it3 tíJ^Aj Q, j*aJt 5I BjSyjj f.

j U

19) Here follow the words ц.уЬЛ püüJi г^ах'Ь' eíc. (v. page По, line 8). The words -*fl
,«> v**"1*9 о» аге found in the ms- on f°l- !59b 10 (middle of the line) i. e. after the words
¿I LUI^c L^a-yaj ЦУ y-.ojJt p. Мл line 11.

Chapter 80

lí \¿\ 1,^,.ал ¿Ij ¿UJi

ua^Ii ¿I j>yi

0L.rri>,;ll x>í là

Ols (jjoj^t y Jüí о^ллД ¿ L^J^ cr j U ¿Ut» o

slJl «*í ij **i-*í 0L*ie¿!S ¡J v«Jy JU ü

^j UfJvXe-t ¿л yaXsi yyLjs. Q, Ol5¿ljj viJUJI g^Л

iiÄÄ. ^ «üla *p&\ Ь 131

U j UJUÜ! u^ljXH L^lxj^ Ц31**аЛ5 Lily *>*

**j y«Jj fOJB Le JLie ^ XÜI^JI j ]¿

U ío

1, Jf tíJ^
bü JJS

x*^ j LfJLi ^ f Vya.?

i Ы, «-

3) jLo^t by the second hand. 8) у>ЭД 14) J^ä *х*^ 20) Li 21) By the second hand.

Chapter 80.^yJi^.^tí)^.~¿j fob¿»Í!ij9bfbeK A r' **^сг J-í в»Ле ¿¿jLäi^l-ö olj

0L3! L^JLt ijl S13

5>» «JLai WÜ ¿lili Ú3 jJLbJlj _,J>J! o, Oolj, JT ^ J* ü^Jat u^-íJJ (j^a «*Лаа Ul


*^" СГ 3^' O^ О1
j^í U

cj JJS J^. J¡i Q* tó^i ^«j ^ ла^ 01 fJLLJJ 14>1уги.Ь i

U 4>Ä»-t LC


31 0)*лЛ #^1 UI, íuJI .«.«aiy U ¿i vtto^. fjl ^

» * > f
. _PiX« JwJiAjíX. ,_Uî LC.--J'; b.=-i ,**.! -

^.cyü JoJuü ¿I -Lzs?' ^ iL.JjM Lfíb ly^il A**- ¿ JUaJS^U. ÛI

3i. JAvJi UULÛ? j.«>fl4 &AÀM ^jli viU3 yj i J. ji »j.¿, _t^j

1) Added by the editor. 3) By the second hand. On the margin Js . 4) .»

10) U,j 13) 05j 15) vj*> 16) ^t5 instead of

9 Äjl !Jl ¿lî, Chapter 80.

er o ü er o о er o o* o*0" er
0K Ols Ifü« bjt ¿l мы jo

^1 ^g^eJI li/J 1ЛР ^yü !J^

J-bw •' ^J j-(-i-jJ »! UÚJuo V^^AJ .' AÄAJ ¿l AJ ^

tf Ioí L ^4 er

' Siü! »Л0 ! 5>5 ^5;Ji yL« OuU ^ä, j, ^SlyS ^ ?¿


^ *[L<jw« *I ll le

¿là - U *¿s Ljj^í xJ5 ¿jlbej ^JüU! jeu ¿I lijÈû o? iuà <u

iùuU! «yuî Wj ï^iu!

*] i j « »JO*.

6) ¿ 5 »».ji 15) The words in brackets are written by the second hand. 20) Sic.

Chapter 80. ^ y^lj o^-JI, j^îs w^l^Jöl ^i ^^J! fl£>l jU- Шия^Ь L^-Jic ,/Jl ¿i^l £ »A»,

^ ücUJI
jí" U« J^l vJboJI., xeL. Q, v-^JjJ ¿ oy^ cj¿\ v_¿*u g^lb 0^ ü


gUSt 5/aAs ^.yJU J* (»-^bi AJÍ (jfj&>

O» «s*jlî J^ СГ U-^^'í t-Лйц« ^ Jí" cr Jj^l

_, -Jt tf)Jj o« e^JuM "¡Oa'j (j»liXJ v_iUut -j-.- c.t*-*-i (»-j /

ob-,i>Ji tíUJ iXju, «• j^i <í)J¿ jüjAeL^t y, íu^ ü5Xj ^«Jit í-J! ,_yf^ (^lÁJls Oo>!5 -^ ¿Jj ¿íy

/ó ^ JC ¿t o* g¿J 0^,

^yJell UA-éj^' lo

¿í «¿la, »(jfiíM ^ ¿iW ^JJ! jJLLJ! Jb. iiJI j ^ £ Л», f L^JI ^.^ jJ



2) gj^í- 16) (jiü\ ^ji added by the editor. 19)

8Uj циуМ >u дШ! Chapter 80.

t? f
J 9
5 fe*


tí 1 Г *— л.






i ¿JLbJI ¿i

xJ! Лы

o**' П?
¿Jlbüt E

:- <?O

Ч О-
i«« г!
This table is written by the second hand.
Chapter 80. s. S • г *
E I W€ i E


t grt. / цис»«^

-j у t l**

* f
* 1

0UJ! u

£?; t аХХлм^«

> l



Li«* UjJI ¿l oLSkli 0«-J4 lo

A k^1

xi^l, оЦ^1 ¿! Lfi

The table on this page is written by the second hand.


t¿L>- Jj>S j?JU* Sj Chapter 80.

. U vJjiXi LÁJÍ ]1 _

.1 ^

•- •L

¿1 1Ь ?w

s Чei


7 í
V ?

i1 l
Aut 4- lo
i» : t
4) This table is written by a second hand. 13) Sic.
Chapter 80.»_*^

jl XílS

J £*\ ul vJjAil ib-,0 *v

i ^Lai !¿U ¿UÜt LUI, jJLbJtj j*iüí ^ Jot, JT ^ J* S^J «JUai Iv3l

jJLtJ! ^ J-as JU* g Jo-t^ Jí o

Ol M_U fc JJ

0 u

Jl U ¿I àjX



ü U *

¿LiJI ¿yüi ¿ jJLLJI ^54-, gíj LJM


ii U

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АЛ eJLÜt ОЬЦ1 ,_...» ¿я


¿_¿ JL .' -Jt>' OUtii? ¿U j _O i j, .í í¿_¿ -f^íJ _.! XAjO j^-J

; Q

1) Added by the editor. 3) By the second hand. On the margin Jó . 4) -ï

10) U^j 13) 0I5 15) yy0 16) ^15 instead of

«oís JLíy LfAí (jfsjl Í3! «julj3 *2% juJlí, JUMAS ^JIj «jAc ¿líj eyu ^¿Ь-5 ч^У^! Chapter 80.

K Ols l|¿t jí ¿I мм **JL> œ JJixJu «üls y



íüyó -^X)J JÜ«KP^ ^^ La,^ ixgl ^t JoUo j^W^ **JUJ! »у»

ü ali 1,51 ;ЦЛ., ^JLblI Ju.0^5 Oú^JL, yJLJatt (jy^Jl «aÜJ ¿( U4v^> cr

tLjJI Jue^' spüí 8L\í> ¿I oy^ J^UJI ¿ uta iXjy gis?, u« 1Л*3 g.5/Ji yU cXi« |^3j j, ^íly jj,! !¿


> U

J^UI lo

» U *AS Lfi^j (jíjrf'Jí _^ ^ ^Jb-j luJI J>jLkc5 ^^А-Ш JEU ¿I lijbi Q

s iüuUí syüt ütj ajjül eJ^P j LÍ^Ui JJiAJ ^e- JuJI ^Ч»е5 ^jÄÄll jbJ

»! ¿i ^jj Q, ,^«5 e^XU, ¿ J^LLuJ^ J^ÜL. JílUIlj jl^jJlj AJ

, ца.0^! vJuojJ! j ^juJJ Lajl J-o^'5 LJW JJJI5 ;Ц*Л ¿I

Jüu^J ols^t *X>\ jj^ ¿L^iO-,^! *¿t JLa,! j^^uuj IJu! j-iLbiJ оуи & O^-^l j сл>^5 Г.

^ 0L^JI 0^ ¿Lti«, v^l^U g^JíUo ^1 .^JÜÍ ^ .¿t» otLJ^ jí», JjfSJI, tRJUJí

6) vj I «»ji 15) The words in brackets are written by the second hand. 20) Sic.

Chapter 80. lX»-l

v_»>aÁJ!5 XeL. er ^Ojji v_A»oJ ícUJí


50им iútí^UJrt s ü, »í (jJls¿ l^jfrtJ s.*« ¿Li' ^JJ KiuSjJI ¿?

¿jjj *JI ,^Ju. ^JJls ^ J.-Ö ¿J5 ¿lyü» J* S/J( tíUJ чЫАл j

cr cr

tí)J3 e ¿Juii iSO «.Jt

tíUJ tí)J¿ í *j juJI ^A ¿J

JT JJ! er 05^ ü'

Ц, i


оЬЬ- ¿t jbiÄ ljjj Jaüi s5irJI ¿^ ¿l

J.L? «Ju

c о»

2) 16) ^9^1 ^ji added by the editor. 19) juu,


lj jí" ^e, x;.8..>.Jt ^ и*!/5*1 (ЗУ ^^"! k-íua;J! o* Lí*4 Chapter 80.

1 l"
t С

1! E


«Л« d

l ¿i



l Чt.- 0.
Ч G--

This table is written by the second hand.

Chapter 80. O»
•1Г Ê
IP0» V ^ ^
' О

г G G
и» * 1 f
* ï
>j G,
i \ЛА

i tî
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1; €

Sjï »_i

Ui UjJI ¿l o

«>oLÜIj ! ¿i
_Jj LS-uoU?. Lt^ О^лл !3

The table on this page is written by the second hand.


Chapter 80.


Jlj LAS., JU US! ^^^(¿

,1 0

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•fe я
¿1 s

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í t
4) This table is written by a second hand. 13) Sic.
Chapter 80. S
CTÍ 1 ~*. ** i i 1,
1 í
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f \ 1
V u«;

I v

fe -fe 1
sí' i_œ

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vi U 11 tí
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í«~""* *t
"**• ^
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Ols iU>¿

i iíftbJÜI JaiL^o vijoj j » ¿i

8) This table is written by a second hand. 13) (M^>.


I- J* Pl*>Vt Я 1 j rtJj*» ¿I V ,JM* £}/aJt ^ Js¿! IJOuaS ¿* -cil I Jib Chapter 80.

¿i ulsj^l ó!Jo*l £ jüt rí^J! *¿\j£i oUJUM

»jí JiS (j^'^'í ¿i*" Ц*

FL. €od
С | 4 1 t
£, 4?"

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, I.

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U-*' г

¿yüt 131 JUCA«

t i h с.
E s- *
г a € 1
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vi ik.
v*~ G E {
^ 1 ïî s-
€ о-
£ JUtu ^

* £ §i 4,

4.; f 1^ Ч И ^ r „
1L G_, £5
\9 f t. Juu» 54,

t 1: E t i C-» íг V**
2) Sic.

Chapter 79.

C*>* J,

b ,
•1 • A—

i•j •1
i <:

*¿4fl ^ЛЛУ

•1 i
•I С

Chapter 80. |0

UT3 Lo «.л^с 15Л>5 U rj iüüt^l ¿5

J4.LaJil.iUJ g, Ui i

Otf J¿3 i-5* «J Jo^i x*JÜI .> ¿* Ui ,^45 J> J=y¿i j l-^И Chapter 79

а ¿i Jv-ou *]|j вШ u/o

XL, ¿l ¿Я 0K 0!3 £ ^ ,-i XUS er

„fS?. U .AjjjjjeaJl vi^J J* jl-

i' o1*
¿Ь U

t 4 Jj.fi.... i i /*J¿'-i aaA- *jiX*i iiA*J *N*

OjiXÚ 55 olí^Aj slAXjl ooj Jj^iH O?^ 13>>-*^( tí*

LJLv= ^óJi oJ! ¿ Le>USas>5 cfc?»

U 3i\*j ^ «^LL¿ ols I.;*,;«. ,^- ,^b X».^. Lj^lij^ ^LiMI L^>já?. Ji Ujj'jw« y^^JUu lo

¿J L^*>-«5 _-uL} ¿ус иЛл ^s. U J^ JjLxiL. oLx.0 ¿Лс 1.^ Jvä, ^^*аЛ Jt¿ ^jW j*»I5 jbS IJli

01 *^ j ^jJi Jj^j J^5 ¿J^l ^Ls?; o^í Ljtj Цл Л>^ J gyJi ¿Is «/¿ U

g5/í X«,l B^LUMJ oyiX, ^ ooK ^^í ^yw 't^ WjU !3i jeiljM Ц]


-Ы X

oj-i^Xjj oLisi'Lu Q, i\»-í5 C SvXi XJj^' oLiJväÄj ^^ Ja^iuJ! (äilsJu sJ«e

u ¿l

4) ol¿ added by a second band.


Chapter 79 . (у&\ ¿fi l*/jüu, в ¿ o^4.j ^ ^! L^^x-o o'äjl «л» ol/^Jl ^¿ j J

¿LUÍ ió j.t

L> j

*baáJL «(.LUÍ ^tols Í iw«bUJ!

J j*S« ^ Ja-.'b» AAS,

Ois __«Ji


er v

a-,^1 J^ oi>J5 ^Is ЦЛл- ^ /fl lo

*s ijjüLc, ¿LSJ! J

U ^aíi ЫЛАХ oö, 0K" Ols Г.

9) b

38 *
i ; * !
Chapter 78.

til >l*
' *• t ! t

ei\j -aSl
f !
U £,t


o LL¿i

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AeJtf _
E •i
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»J -i LAwj

€: i


va*fJl (¿JÏ l^wÄJj (^Ал, ¿ ^ya-íii Ь у-*"!} *i5!>^ Oli-í"

o'j^IÍI ¿í ¿jAJ J ^¿jg v_A*aJ luU Jo-l3 jíj ^aïLiJi OJUÏ

> ^ ¿LII

_ AJ U.

.-- -^c ;—- -^~ . ^-,\*í.' Q jlc *.«AA»J -*j . U

UUä Цха ^Is ^¿' Ü¿¿UM LfJU-. ^c Ailsí JoL ipl ¿I sL«5 J^J! ¿I ьу Líy*wa L^J

. Las

iJJ ¿^! AcUJ! »уЛе

o!cL- s.Ae ,/^^5 íú'ícU l^w (j^í-iJI ¿I íúyJI cot Uba

ÄJj^ÄÜJ Jj xlt^JLkií (.£% Lj^-«)l 05^"- ^ ^^^ 0^5 v^-uo

c iXiu JtAAAJ JUJÜt _-.*: ^г. cUÄ

L ,

?- ^ « Ц*5 »yo U JjJo- ¿ ¿ÄJ Gis 0U>" (Já^i! j o'ujlj iLJUS

^S5j*^ ¿»^1 j ¿Uaj Ц u

4) Uíl

l Chapter 78.

!_5 Ji j. ¿xLsJ w; €~ t

JOc s !jj!.
*ßl ^l J*

лУ' J jk*Jb и~*

[-¿4е (J&Ä
S'! Ц
0W"3l JlUl

XsT Jus UÂ
SÄ ^i

fti ^
JLÖ ^jj L« _>ijj (*JÖ _>-js i^kS «¿ÖL
iüii\»aJ! JvJUJ .lis
Lw lí lóí

^t^*» K 13! t
; iuó «jóUCw«, olí 131


>,*.<aa j*ae ^c

16) 22) Lacuna.

Chapter 78. ols L»/¿

U в ¿л)

KxLJI ^c Lfcw¿it¿ c^ols Jiíl





Jl 0/Iíi

~^_Y QUflJl

f f

„íli lo


, -J?

8,*3 y^j U j Jü3 UXä U j'jd J5(X¿1 j LpÄj li

15) ÁA¿
-Ji ,5 Jl¿l taUcXi., JlXij xJUí?- cr^i *í oylLiJ^ Ц^-« o^î иЦ/ с*У ^'.з Chapter 77

«3ü e^Xiu ^J! Jjl ^ »ys-ïj ¿La ^Jl iji^l fjJI y>t ¿* Jjlj -Ь
* \j\Zs

0.11Г ¿ If j xlc^ibJt r(¡^ ^ «íoyíS'jJ JUc 0><J tí)J¿5 Ly-cí? jlXíj iJU».

^^ S^ibJi j^Xí ^^ ir j ¿S^t f^l o,, lAf 5 If j Кй«.4.Д.И f&K 0,3 с

íj fvf ïL^iJI _-<5 irrvl iüj^JÜ^ xlr;lh» s»S QjXj uJb JU

Lsy.^ JÁJ-ÍÍ ls>jfu í^i ¡ULI ^Jül vaöJlj *-U>t b lllvr

o,^ I. iff о, Г11Г 5 1 j

»^ ^«Л!, I..1¿*¿*5ÍÍ (.C^crjoril o, flf

í^1 й

jí. _¡«-~-. /f^ia (jtf. .«

!< *£ JSai\

. 3. _^ wjUí' (_-• i ¿LÍ3 .vj_ij Lo J.~.. k oxj

r)ji 0)<j ¿из ^ ^ьл »л* ¿ь it-,jáaai ¿л* OA¿I rG^i ¿i^Jv>Lf- ¿i


ÏAJ su»II ¿j-AJI c'^l li/¿ ^xs oy^ j 4t ФйЬ^ ^y^aj y, ybe ¿LiJIj 5^Цл5 Chapter 78.


í o, J^l s,8.rt;ii ^ dUJo- ul va*i<~ l^l Ui^ Г.

.fiJl j 0.Xï ^ Lfll 5Ц> ^ JUulîj^Jj iüu^l

^> 4J

3) Sic.
Chapter 77.

t? О »jlí'LJO XI ^ X} Хммм !..

¿Ut ¿LJ! Vyaj3 11л

Sj Le ^. _j

%•* г» -
1 %^ •JT\
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^1 1 •л

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JUäÄJt OüL* ¿¿i с,.

Q, Ü?sy4 ^ ¿jJ' LoáPÍ j^'u-u« j ^ J! ,JLjü 5? IUJÄÄ^J U Si ^Ufi lo

-,-i ¿>V' ' 0-^* —-ч L'-"; H-^

>J —i^> -



¿t JJixil^ «I

lj- ¿l лиа JJUJij, eliy*

5) y
*Л U Chapter 77.

j ¿I

0UjJt o, c/t* „АР

О ^

LjJ 5(X»j ци^с о!

^ .¿Ji -_.J.^- ^_'.=» Xw ->.

G, >

o U Lj^x >3 er**^' o^'Jiiil 0155! jSt

.; Ц} ¡»

Ои.)5 *j!jL. U -í iO-J! tíUj *J! aOJl v^ö., Ou^î ^ Is J-e^íl ^5 t.

¿LJ! 1 Х


~2 Tí

*л -о
I 1

!^* l t { "j -f*; !. =-.

Xax. If Г Q-. Lv?

it¿S^>O^> J.ÇÎI Lifw 1fr * l.f

лС Г.

Chapter 77. *1ШЬ ,^bj u. ИСЗД

n «¿ЗУ»

O"i У/д^О) VJj

i-.fcjsjy^ - a l- ••A JT-
••• r* •? tu Ji x^
% L-ДJ Lp*-"4 л L^«Lji L^'i^ Ji LÁJLÍ Ocf* j^Aflj (VAxt k^7
/ ¿A~i
• r' >o O
cL«^i^^w»i ^^
^JL-i i^'

,^.Ä^> Л Äju.^1
• _j •. w «^
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¿I b^ Xa^lí А» obi J^¿-^ j l Us

oír Г..

t 4.f 111 ...

I o v v 1 1 v л .. iUíí^JLbJi t^dOüs- |.t li ,jJLj JUc U!j tíl^J^ kXye JL>

«ЛР ^ Jot JCJ í^! C <tJwiíí Otl it t Jw« f O . A ff A . j'

ЦАВ v^^i ^ olSjtjíj fiWjLXj ÍUJ l3J\¿-Ii Ot "^!( W^/JU U Oól A»,

Líya- ib-j ¿t

СГ v

tJ\P ^ Oyü wJuUl! J.L*^I Jiít ¿t i


f* ^^ «L-jJI ЛАС Lajl *AJ JLax*.^ ^ Chapter 76.

L u* siAjsXx it/Jal ¿с KÎLJ! QJ**^?. tíUit ,_£<*-> U*W¿Í *¿*a

XAS QjKlj (•JjLi'l-w 1^*й ¿r*-1^ »*^ er c

•À*3 <Лл£ ^i ÏS O^JU ¿ ^ж+л_^; Uajt ^yf" *~ j pLwuJJ A-- ^, _ ._ .»^^ Lc-"**-r '^ -= СГ* ^

Jí" J

& fl= ¿,LJÏ »4l?

3. |>v) / -H - -4 vi>J^ ,>--'' er* еУ^Н -" -Чл- t- , . --¿-«." • <>- .^- ' * -.t.^- ' •-> L -

, _*Ä." Х^Г iX^J \3-~^- ^-V--J -¿-¿-: 'uV; LP JLfiÄM^t *..-. J.'!

Laut *J JLäj., ¿& Jjú j^wj гО/. OVÄ*J^ ¿JUJI ¡«J^ *Jb»Jî ¿/U^l I.

O3iw ¿i^ ^ ¿JÜb ^ o,LÜt (^J

liLJ xjj О5<Ла^ íJ^SÓ La-jî ^^(wjj ¿Ь5{ ^^í«.? *L*wJJ «Ллс ¿JLäÄ«i ¿,5 X

L^JLi jül ХЫИ ^ XJ.J.J1 ^L> ¿? L^J Qy«^ x^UL?- j/to

*** ^- «^ ^' ^Ш5 lö

-; Ч Л . f . &Ä4 ij^íUJj tíXj'L^'jUí' ¿P ^ ' 1-^¿>»-1 (_' )' <^ytx¿ •--'

*6 . U

Jl^ rie¿l Ц*, »л*> x**Ul Chapter 77


Chapter 76. *juo vX» _¿>' .b.«.r>

» ¿í

î O^4JJ *¿¿ (^«^J' (•!*' i^*!-" lis'

^o _^j

tí\JJ ¿I

¿I 05^-»9 JJjÂJb lô



í er Chapter 76.


er K j* er jj*4 *¿ er

iüL. ¿ L#bi ,?jLsui Oyo} jLAäÄ-yi ¿l f

O.*»- er


(X Jj^'í

¿5 ^yftJ er iP^^ ^ 1—-v¿ ¿)JLc_

jj oy;,Uaii лс JjUI! y>i ¿jJ,

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i v er
^lí iJb J-JJI J^b

^ ^**X¿tj LjiLwÀÎ (jisLoil ¿\ LjJ (-j*;?-

^? er

ca ÄAS xJuoOJl ,Лз^ ^LÜ! 1^ ÄAS Г.

J er
Chapter 75. or


fri СГ


IJls *AÍAÍJ (.^i rU= О)Х.! yjj/ ¿"U cr viJLÜI

Chapter 76.

Uí" fcájjb Ü5jjju > J^j *& >iLjü! йЦ^. Otf Jí ^Лле, rfbJL, ^L lo

¿y^ 0! U¿¿ Olí 0Í5 (HíJ^ j^i li/J

, JL^JI ц»,! tíJJU ^J^í I¿^ o^ iJJ^i* »>"

jfrÄJ' cr r^

lí W


J л> cr

3) jüJU« 10) *¿uj 13) y¡!;

-.»: Chapter 74.

*J ÄJiU ..M Sù

Jí ¿

SiXU cyJJ ¿ e¿^i ^«flj ^ 50-JI J.U-- ¿I ^i jf j tíJüó

Û ^b^t olx>5 vJli ^ *5lj Ui" «¿^y о Chapter 75.

A* ^L¿lj i^UÜI fjsíl ¿t

LJ íü

is »LX.U _

. л

J o^ !¿1 ^' o;
jl^« Q, «


1?5 yL, LfJOe ^¿í1 UT ob^í J^J у» ^¿? »^s lJ!

¿Li! Jj^ j j*aJI olí b"! ;LiiT ¿5 (j-^iü! ^u rye_Jup. Q» u^LJt ^{5 «^ LJ

O» (¿*A) Lj-tli ^üt .


Chapter 74. yy&<í er **Л ^oj, cy^' ^•*-1' ЦУМ о' --^ —^-

t Jilt a, *Ь.} (.LO.ÍJ *Jt ы

^i» i*»..—J".

XXÉ..J (jaj |»s¿ wMsXc^ «LJj i¿LA«i ..ya .»^i

,>::' ;x_j^ 0*.+ ^-.5t. » (>ya |>у. - - > в ^.а.. xx «I |^j>a.i ^ —-* --_-;. о

tôt JfSI ^ (.j-Jl^j у-Ь ^1 ,^.1 ¿yJI tuXp 8-rt¿J! ¿i »J*t .Lu Ot5 o^t tí)J3 Á *fí¿ o]

u r^J ¿ ^лЬи Oi y>5 j>/ ^^ÍWJ y>! £0 *i«j «-1*^0 j^w-i ^ JJO (¿J j^fw-í S-AfEül ¿t »jft«^ СГ ü1^

ü. j*¿ xJ! jJJu U ~ï\ ^Jli« rjrjt ¿ /g ^ JUsJJ vi^o^ ¿UÜi r:rJI J5 e^

5 ¿t í^c >' üJI^ r!rft iülj »jxfaJt cjoj jwUb JJWP. o!_j^3 ¿11 J trr«-i g

««.i |>MâJ ^t ^>. ^¡itjiXÎa» ,^_,-^'— ру >-»•-; &X«Jt L^AS ^t-'gj ^j >jJ\ykA *.' iuJbi [»\«Д^ ^ -<^.1\^ j.Gt t.

¿ L^IjtsPj »LXjo ^ÂJt (.jJt ¿ l^ÄJwajj, ^aJt «J^ XÄAVM jj¿ rL*LJt ^ e^JUj ^JJt r)Ji ¿ j^LUj.,

Ub «jïJJ! ^iLXiU! о, ¿^!уо >' *^а*э Ju.tX5l !Л* J>c U^il J.JJ ¿Ц 0! ¿t l$iL*

чЛлл ^^¿J QÍ ¿t *KÍAÍM MUM Q

! ^^Л.м., oUIi iAju .4.*Ji LXJLc .^^xJ! j |»MoJt tj^> v>i" l_-)-¡UL2¿^ -^' ' **í -^¿ т-2"- ^ -V-i-^ —
'. ->V3.VJ! üLAj o-.jui :-«-i. (CJtJt Jli у1л> ..-i fiyo b

tj JL«J! Jlj ^iyi J-eij iJlj^UJt JlijLuTjüetj 53is *UwJlj ^^Ь> Oj-ç?. J-oî, ut,

t JI5 iuij^t jwc Ыал jjj ^ g^y11 J-°(i '¿'5 i^b^'j i5-*^î «LÄuJIj it^UaJt jj оф^

-!5 AíOi v^Jat ¿ Sjyyl Jli ¿¿¿л J^t^ ijt^ AjJ^t Jlj, (j^\ j j%- йЦ|^ Jwet,

Li J-ot. l Jlj jy«»^' ^ "3±*\ v'-et tí)U J>«!j 1-3(5 jAJJt ^w-Jt Jli o^j J*el5 t3!j,

*s^5 O.-Ü ^3 ki^^u J^l ¿I

13) fci^zv 20)

¿I *J>5 ¿ Chapter 73.

¿t Ljb-«>y> vb Ijjl^1

^Ji ls fjLfJ^I ¿ *jU?( xlu-üJl Lf>-bü tíJJJds ^L^l »Ltl

'j w^3i> ¿! ^»лл*г> Q, ^Jwe! U; ^^ >S Q¿^>5 v-¿*Js

oí U

L^yi ¿í xxi J^r. bU »0^^ ¿ ^ ^> utj c^L^I .Ш ¿ 3!

¿, 2\ íúoj^ xiL^5 «-Le (j»y> ^ ».X*^: p^^jj »J'Uí> j«« tS1^' í'

¿£ xJLc y ú« J-as! jLai LXb лЫдЛ by>ÁI olí^i j y^u ^í ji-o sy>j Ull, ALA» t.

уч O* r

¿i L?^í>t 0Lo¿^¡ Q, ülc>j L^í/ cr jrri "I 14%«1*э ^' u**1' v^! j^?1-^' LT-^

JU: o«*lf jUi u»^i J^> Ott ¿,3* j*é ^j-Jí 54* J* JA-5 ¿I j¿Sl, ^^í! JLJ

ОЬ ,^-ÁJt tílÁJu,! Jjüu Sjy.Xí! e^sUJt »A* JUt, L^ejj JsU^j! -byU LgJ йШ 13 ¿LjJí le

д! xjJ^I i-л**^ o' iW* *>***J J^M o' «As»il ^j**-^ ^ *riy*^!í -btjuw JO tíJJiAXs iXi

s (?оа* Ц г1л*аД ^^ (»^ j- ^fr tií^J *ил> ^Lü! >*. G* Lu J*e3 X^1 ¿^ *^ ^Chapter 74.

^*¿=: »_ídU¿:.^í U «JL« ,.l*íaJ!


Chapter 73. v4¿ ***¿-o o^f- *"-*-« kJ P*rf lLií ¿* !>M^ cN>y' ¿t k*»-Aj f^ os^\ JA, ¿y;

У XAJÍ; 5( XJ^ác 5i jbs o, í^jí LjJU ^yu-j iLa Lfjjajsr. vs^SjJI tíüJ Joa yol I ¿I

lí ,^jí efc*¿ÍJ>*N 4=?- cr kb^íí ¿^' oA^ ^^J ¿ ÍLÍJL"*^IÍ «"/

j'Jis B_jAÍü ^y <^\ (jwc ¿j^4/*' *^^ ^ v& v1^ ¿ Jstyi*. Jis ^-jiiXÜ l;^jj -»\_.

JÜI iÜLaHi Joto ¿^aj.^í J^c ¿ l^iéjCj ¿J^ ^I jls > ^XJU Jsí ^3 j* >^Ла ^1 0( j^tíLu U i_

¿I jí, xi! (j^^Jju.! yil ^ ^^SxH Q. oí Jslyü ^*J «jA-xaJ ¿ u-yl-Jb. JÓ, u^Axl^üt ).

j Jv* Q^ _JU«5 и^У-Ь СГ-^Ы^ ¿ J^ ^ ^ O* «^ à *^ЛШ

Juu vJ^*?. ^ ^LÜL, ^л>^\ vü-Ilí Íj4> ,4^ ^ *U*5" tíUJ ^ ¿л* ЛН ¿i

^ ^ *lK5 ^^1 ¿5 B,UI »Jü»^ «LoJi ¿I ^^«¿ií ¿sj^ o_^l

00* (joLsG ^1 ¿3 0Uó! 0L-J^ L^ ¡CbJÜ О1^0^( j ¿1 ои

Q!Í Uí



¿U v.^3

12) Uí

36 =

er ¿5i olí' ¿' v-o^^'j J*^1 er SJw>b **^ ¿ с/ U ^ ¿'^^ Chapter 72.

^в JA* U,

Ola Ufcü* er ¿,1 ¿ЛИ ^ 0Í5 «*á.*l g*! er ¿i' «i*« сУ! o1 *W^ er

ÄJuJt д c^A-li (3^" er *Ä"^ оЛ'; -;- U

î er

*J ü


o! ьуЬл v»«J! оЙЛло!! Q, li/J Ljw ^Jj uA^r.5 ÄJUJi »Л* Jj!

¿Í «U jjS^ g4*!-^ Xjua* r^ ^ "^ oí**4 íL*«^ u^áXüjíJuí'l er jjlí Ц> *^* j'1^' vt (35*

J^s. ОО.АХЭ i\ju yü^ö ^ C5|JS o! ^y-^c Oyiî VÄ^S er

Ц jLä

ü' k3^ er o
Jb. ¿ ^ AJ^-. ЛАЛ oJLs^ij JL«C¿! о^Ь !Jl »Juu ^gJül ¿5 eL

u* "^ '"*"J '^" , '

U*4 ¿jl( ¿Uc>i ^K ^ (j su.^ а^Хл-л. (j 4^ (3^ L5¿ g^ Chapter 73.

JLc¿! ¿t, L^l ^jlt g/fej Lfri «HU^ oi,lÄ-JI ¿ ^ Olí íUwJ! ¿i jija

*a, *ä)JJ Ouu eL> ^5 ^jL-« ¿t (Ч-лЗЬ !>«>, tjLÍ 0(^ Lia US' ly


Chapter 71. ¿1 JUiü U


olí 1¿! JüUüí ¿Is -

. . .-T-- -,-iX. _¿x_

; -»-.
-.. ^. -,. :. -L .:' 'j >.^.; -*-; LjJls


iUj rL*o Belial ^Jlc isaj ¿i JOúlc tfclxifj! tíJuJUi! cr wjj*á CT

U хми. U

0X U ¿t *S

Chapter 72.

^^U Lo Q L^¡ ¿Is ¡Oj^! iü> U

-A* cr

'л U -_^..~.: . Lfï;

V СГ СГ 0e


l tUlî J,jus tilt -¿jai ja¿\ ÜLX-OU ¿j ¿I s\ )\yül ¡jp-F ijy^í Оц>лл _rfj ¿t ы íLs?. ol «л$> Chapter 70.

¿s?. "J Iso'uo ^>-ü Oi líÑ-r^i ^ «í-^ o1 i/^ **»

Ô цяьлЬ Jf -v.Ji <i)J3 зЛхс .XJ .i ¿uoi lj ..

,j C)! «jli sut UjJUu. «Le .-oA—J' ÍJ. JuüL

, n>j\¿ U tía Ló

*JL». J*

Q) O* tf 1

*júc¿l¿ ¿L


JJ «-e1' ^j{

Le Оу^>и ¿i L«. Chapter 71.

^ü! tí) j- o, }¿Jt Jfc L^ls xliljeJI JLR л^л ¿ JL¿! JLU te

M, ¡JüJI

Xí>¿! o

¿5 A?LJI ¿í ^улих UAJ vi>jií ¿' iú*L-Jt Us

er er J f«

10) L^L¿
Chapter 69. ^ u^. ¿y ^ il uît, Sl, *и. jUJ libj l JJÜ Lib sUoJI U31 ¿ Ul

en £* .y* ¿» i £*^5 y* 0е СЧ l*
ÓL> -i böl у UJJI .J viJIî Lä ^ Lir üU! ^otó lois

, r .

A-JUS J.JÎ.J oyj (.i^! tíUi^ ^ J Ifea l^li 0¿>j ^ «^ ÜP,b o


Uí ^Jüi* -.^1 u^J, JjJlAj ^ yü ^ /b ^ Ot iui5UÍ5 L^J ф Jjtf J^-el Jjyb Uí

r'JLo^i O^AJ ¿ ¿XÍ' ¿t,!)! ¿Is ,*íi>b xfÄ. Q, лжа iü5(j »ule JÚJAJL» j

Q, ík-Jf iXJcí ¿I *JU -jj?. U g^5

Chapter 70. £ oiXx¿! v'jc ^ *I*jíl iüLr nJl óLtot5 *J3JJt Ouae JsP 0

0! "ÏÏ L^ U bu,t

.x¿ ^ h\».yi ¿V.:j 8¿L¿¿j ,»x=i! jLujj. l^A^á ^LüJt iX¿c bj}iU o^-iJ! JÜI^Xc oyCj le

¿í jj ¿fr U ца^Ч ц-1*Ь ^^


cLJLe Q« _j¿J X^>»4."> i^iX) (jo JyAi i¿,r,-*rVÍJ *j^>! f\jOj ЛА ^AJwuJt р

U oí**! JÍ.JU3 Lvu U ¿Upí *U L.31Í o^í t AÍil Г.

o'ií ^i xj'ii s^UJÍ

5) U3Î 13)
U Ä *»Л. r1-^' Chapter 69.


¿l o» *«

^' (3)* ^i

W L oU Ul »U!

СГ5 V' vj

10! 0е

lí U, v,1»^ er

~\ ¿i üxLäX*.! J^: ^js- U úls M v_jys


4? kJ3 &&• о1

u!j, ¿pl ybe ** iüJL »Jiii U ya! l

ióls x

tí* *r^í> Is

12) U
Chapter 68. ^J.^ уцЛ ь^^ё ^ uofta¿i\í J¡» &¿ ¿>_> ¿ u« {-Гл^\ últu ^ U,

Jo J^ «-(^sOJi JA*Í *JLe ^^a^1 Ц*и5 *J _

ó), _i- iA«j -.j- «Jl ^t -i^-! 3-¿i <kAÍ L« ^-.jí AS ( r,. L»LAX ó, —j J~>J» ^-,i yi

j.L-51 Xjujl Jolj ¿-o'ii ¿^5 ó^í iS«^?- ^ ^W^-y1!1 r1^' o*

U3I» **0¿-

.; ,.' JíL .jJ.^ij .-ог-хл-- .ч*^-_". -^'-. »Jó _ix¿ .<^r ju

!i ^ *JLc U V_A¿UOJ s,l

t *!-*i L>J>I tí)Jj Ы Ы ВА JxJLAlI « aUÁÍ tf ÛJ BJüJl auib t.

US' rjî «u-LAJli íLiiJí j Jj

ü, U ^yií ¿ oJe>.J5 л*-^!/ CJ^Ufl 00>5 íOe JJÄJ SwiJlj le

Loi! *\¿c. cy^.1 (íLijJ oí lot, JlA¿^5 ¿íjJí »JO* L^s (_5У^Ч Ä*Jj i>* *** J-вя* 1¿1

éíj >rt¿ «Jls (*\j> v»Jlí jl L^ic *aJÜU«._>j> j» ^ib- I^JÍ vaólí c^ L^c v_¿Jll j tLx

*I цклла *Лс J^¿í ótys^ü y,' k** »í er

Chapter 69. r- er

10) Lacuna. 17) ^^


.,i. X-Ojjj .ч-J ,_:>X».j -. v*-?-*"-? »*«

^xj ^u^ J-j tflJÀi' 0L*J,It Chapter 67.

¿là & C¿A\ Le ry. > ii*>

, «I >MÇ U li wUU.

U T ¿dit

¿5 L-


Süi^üLi Là!, oli o

Le vXej ¿ XäeJÜI - 1Л» jLo


0\ Chapter 68.
¿Я, ¿y US'

y ^ JLiltf

j' , "Si

A. Ulj rl¿jt OLA» u^j'U l<3t

»!>¿Hj jA
TV 0

Chapter 66. O5bu ¿I UT5 ¿ OU^ ¿¿L;* ¿I «¿¿'-^ о* ^у0^

Jü^sí ,iUJ| jjjl (jls- ¿JOT j>"Sl ¿I ¡P»! ^UsaJ ¿«UUJt g* "^ ojfc

¿AJÍ osl¿¿.


cr o I

»JüP JJLe ¿I ^y У1 olJ.L«J(j p^Jt ^ £UbJ! J* v-JLeí, I^JU ^y>! xlejAJt y>!^l ¿ß ÄjjLi!

^.,. jo ";i L¿J .jL*4+u_. Xj^ibx .лс .\.з . _Xx t>Uj J^x..

j*¿ J^'uÄJ. ^3 Цл OJ^t ¿\ ScXÜJÜt ¡ÚÜIJI ^L, JU

JOc J^a». Jüü j^ _-»! A4»- (>. glüJl JuCoLáj otf ?Jt ^ ¿j^II Q£ *iaiíi iü

¿Is j^-ó^lí J*Jb ^ iüloJ! гЦ> Q, j^E« JÄJVI Oü^JJ, «-Ju^l ¿I ^'ASií ^e ¿JUj ^ U u I.

o1 "^í*1 ¿

Xíxs^ sj)l«j; oólíj *JU (j.^'ál иШ Jo.1 ¿blÄsl ¿t íus U^u KejU

d¿ r^J! (¿UJ^. iù.^jJlj ^j^JJ l^JU LaiiM ^yúj, JJíLaJI «Xu JyJiíl J*!,

b ¿Ь ol ¿i ¿^LJI cr 1^*° ^ *^!».|já ^ *j1syex*5 ejueLjw j »u vJ^

' o U »Ju

S^JL vóLsuJí J^u» L¿U> Г

3) 'V0 3) rv

35 !

Jläi &&>Ь. ^е^Цл *í Jó> íuJLJ ¡oLjJt j Uils io.Gl UîLe Chapter 66.

ALl ¿I íuL>lj *JJJ¿ X ;.ÂJW »JLc «¿U ^jc-^- ц- OJ XA* LJle X¿¿t

á *r <u«.¿JLj v^t ^b -^^ u? 7=^

- '-'; -' -^ •

*»; ."-Ч &лЯ.й Q-, .<AJ ' ^ l-


8Lb \lp\ «-»u

L«JW« í^*j

ól^S» j to-jjJt jjJÜ 0>9-I^ b-;>> -fc>^¿ SJUvXs* ¿b^L S^jüUiu« ¡.IjUjJ! BjUiXU I.

^».JLX!! ijo U*s i^ÂJï w?^Ji i^e оУ^5 -^ J^?^' ^l» cr

AXJ! U j-jjys-T Ouue, ^ií jü *JI jjj ^ oLs^J (JyuJlj ^jb

* . Й
j¿J JÜi ^лс ¿I tjL^^t о* Ц*э AcLaJí ^.jXí-j ob-;JÜI 8.SJÜ (Jjjb ,^ix! Ju*3l Líj

ifî? »Алла.;

ioj »M ллЛ? u»L*! jîU «Lw« Sjbj JUA«, Í 05^5

ût U ^j«^ v^Â-

*Jläl3 tí)ó>A «IX». U^y /j ju», t, Jai s\ Цла J^Jb-

^li ÎU^AJ Oi ¿I *UÍA*. u, «Mit Г.

er Ull ¿

5) мл
Chapter 66. fcci > ЦЙ



Jf b

o« lsfAili JU&J! yu

jJl JLU ¿j te

o,L|Jt a xb ^ ^J^ ,.,!

"3's kb^ J |Ч

cr er j

6) y>Lb 18) ^5^, added by the editor.

^ Jis». aS¿\ ¿ LA.; ùtf Д*Л uiUT! oJb- tóli Chapter65.

Bp Jlb Q. 'i

cr j* чал^ ы litf I Jt U go ju^l ^Ujü ^ tí)J3

^!>it cr g^áf ЦЬ>Р ¿I £Hj

Üü U

«{ ,5

^J^--^ K°^' iXwÁll .v>j Ч'-ij'. »J^ i^X¿> l_x>L0 !_У_1Хл.! ^í. _4J _lü «J

LfJLb Ls>JüiaJ< j

jjS? j s^^¿X¿-t5 LfilX« o^íjlí ,»^J' lo

у>5 xKÍoLlbJJ, ХйЬЬ .jJUIj ¿ \j#* L^J

JLi« Л 8-?ufc ¿t

Ubi j ^^U tf,La«i ^ tíULJ uJ^

.^0 _i i. *>*vc СЛ11 Oc : Г.


8) о

Chapter 64. o\ i> /¿И ewl-*5 ^ 8*'Л ¿w1- er



d)JJ f t^ iXÄ-Ö tíUXU j ^JÜ... yj5J (j»,^« j ¿U*J "^(1 luXi? ¿i

*-Jt v^^ LT**Í' ч**'0"!? «^Ц*!' о'

j ;. nÂij'i &ÄAÄÄ ^_L—" j v-"- •4r.-; f^ Ji ^ -^V-ЧАХ ju^xj ^

У er ^' C^1 ^^ ^ C
Й ft u-l^í tí1 g^' 05^ lX¿*J! СГ !>-*J

¿l ,_JLb j^iJu-L. Jls .Aas ^!5 ¡¡«de« (jaxJ ^»âju Ц-ó лД) ^Jî ob-^jJÎ ^Lij Q,

\а *L¿! Jj ^u^j yyo^l^ ^X*«, (JjJu^tj JlA*^ i s^Xi* Л9 Jj

¿.'i _ •.

0JS, Lúa 0L*oiü fL


cr 0е

Chapter 65. о5

E^UJ yvjljä ^ L«*i» SîljJI, йШ ¿, o. L^Ji j^JLi ДЛ йШ Lflt Lfr


Lwsf. 0¿fjJ\ ^Aayí-41 KîljJJ x¿L>, ^ijÀJ ,1 jad uu XïA-JI j!^ Chapter 63


juJt _lXsí Q^ (j^J^ £~ ^i^1 l"»Sl5 «J [Vs?. ^ ¿í iuU v

вл». J* «Ас *Д 0yCj Ol V^K, «j*¿ 5 LK Î Lîl

^JU tíU3 yüi^ «kXs»-^ iüua'i ¿ jurist ихК!^о jy> Q, Х?

o*^$- jfi tfcjj JLfc^iJ! _у^ tXl*J! jjj (^ UAS ^-j^J o' »-^5

?. ^J *l /ó Jüü v^'ji bü i^^f- Á r^'í *=»liyf J.-A^-i tíljXÍI ^Ла» ¿I

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— «f H

> (joJLi л-Jc s »LyLu^t j*.^ j/toij^ yU. v««,*^' Ul*»

oLo -e! jui лЛ J-aJi oLJÜI i. oL

*^! '°Chapter64.
¿ U. J^Wí jUlJ yjuij íJbü ^3 хда.,, iXo yú Ij yciJ' Û

Jls ^^ JJUy,, U.LJI ц.,-^ Lib« *)w= № jbou Ц.О J^' jdl fjo

J^TJ 8*Ы1 JJLc w>l^ (Jl^-JI (jfj., SjL^JI^ A*.^i» xJü цйии U_j

3* О*

Jote V.LJ5! Jdiü ^^í- cr^«- ^ o1 ^f^^ ¿У o'i

Chapter 63. Ы, r I*J err,-4 У u ;Ш

¿i íuA^Ü ¿I fc>


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j o« v¿J3 ^ f JUA jú>« Juu L^J ss

AJL, ut

_^—i , -^' lo

tf U¿¿t üJUiSí Ljllj

ÍOOúl ¡.UbJI 1 f**^ ¿ CTJ1^'


j s,Láül _.*¿ Chapter 63.

¡0~J! ¿l OL, ^ j еШ o*»-»

t'j\ u . -t. 4. .ÄJ. •• .1-.

_.b¿j5 U^

. T. ч_Лх :. ;• v

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Ги*а1 soLc L}*e ^^li ^5 *Jic jU 05^

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ulÄÄJ! li ^0—>u -""-" "^ -4r ' ; -xi '- .

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Chapter 62.

s JM tf^t J¡i U oju

ll-f A JU

.! U j-u o o f jUÜLu ^ ^aJU.1 0( ».o» j^úaAS^ i . f Jo-l^ JT JS* U3Í Ljí

оП fl l*tJ" K.1 l.

Ufó t.fl Ifv ГГ vM 11*0

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ü LJ*S»L£> Je BJkPUÜ)

Chapter 63. (jos?. UA¿ a>i U


JÓ-O tíJJJu olí iOc LJL> «Л u*

Chapter 62.

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Chapter 62.

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Chapter 62.

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Chapter 62.

••->.-! >- -,--•> o' LUJO» Jo. iLLw Q^M» u? ' c.4--V¿ ^„ ¿L'ÀJ. KJLw (jyú. Л

li JÚljb JUU^ ^c Ь^.Чл ÄJ

JA» Ví>4ÍÍ¿w V^ ¿ Д?Ь Jls JÜÜ (^Jj-ÍX^I Jj^ W JM ÙI: C^ÍAA

J: J.X-s-¿ 04^ • ; ^-" v-^JUá -;^. Jüt^l j, ¿iJb-t Le.

^. Lj Tvo. J

jLÍ *oü»>> ^^ e^ J* ¿ЦИ (»-^'a vi1^*^ J* I*>j9 ^У^ Ц»

o J\> -.-^ X*«-*J> ^c vcvols ^yü Ц u*J! _'-c>:.

J Jb U (j* Oj

iJ »0

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Chapter 61.




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Chapter 61. y¿ÍJitl <Jü
t\=-!. JE" (j

>T ,»--, viJLUÎ


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20) 0Lfî? 26) «*x*

s er " Ü Chapter 61.

Jo! ¿I

,5 i-JJ¿5 »4/<A!l (»S oUají^ Ojj^«} olcLwJI ^Ijjí Uioj JUs ^^'

3 lj., . CAJ «o. ,vju J. lA-^-ï. J5 .АААЛ^ JCô^jwX^t ^_>.j i_»Li

V^J4 Ьс ¿I ÍU~J! v^ j 0^J4

* ï Ï
^jJ! or *чу --^»-Ьо *ûJJ5 «IiiLi оуч^ ***J! jJLb

¡¿^*-' y; ^: JW OJuoA i JO ^ul!. oleLJI

l' . t Lfw« (_>OÄJ!J ^ji^-fcs- t^j L*A9 ,}ч^«Ц1 xj|j tíUlí'juLJ' ^ ¿ U

^ Lj ^uUi iÜL¿! (jJlj, tjo! XÄAS ¿U! J^ >>j5 SUS ¿ «j^là ^ U П.

a * . » . >
b Ц Ä^«*Ji vj »J; o^- **^' -ï^t&iï i5^il f^Sls J^-'S! (.jJ er 8l-x*i £><-"' cr

iuUUS ¿I iÇytoUi XUiu ,^i ги^ iSia^J! U!

a 05! с*л
*л 0 L*oäJ! JAj Г H Hí cOj 3\ li/J U vi>L¿ a^ tu

¿ja _j¿> Ц Г . ^ ^jib U (fc-öt^ v t

rírJ! ¿.j /J j sJóB 4¡ «-Jo!^! JJu ууЗ! SJL¿! ^ажл J^ o^ la oLaaJ! Jjo И

A<wJb ^b. Jls ücLJ! Ç», /3 j ^ ¿obwl gJjuJt (í! *LSJ! Q, J^oLs* jj|» Г.

'*s>j¿ efcí ^ i***5 ^r?y«^ ¿I (»^*л v^1^ crs

9) lîj added by the editor.


1 60. U\* Л*, *¿*¿_>ía
v .x (^ J\t _j-*Л (^
. Jb• ...I»
\^) 3

AJu Ot

1 1 Okc ^iü U jbMitStj A f * i gl»-l ¡j-, (joJÜlj ^ytÁ0^< Jl ^..fij U ^0; 1 1 . Г I L¿Á

Jils ^yij Ц Ä^bls _j3- U I v Г ,j>c ¿LJI ^-*slj J*^! cr *-*au5li -^ Ц


í " 4 o

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Chapter61. ¿Juuoi cy% cX-'¿ «^s-S? Ц^ ^>^~3 Lc-,^. ЛА/З; j) LJJ.Î J, Uw -.i-¿C3 лдА^ U

.-.i-IiJ lX3£ "^ iCLXJI '_?J> L&J^i Ul^uw iC.LJt ¿.1 Kjywww« 'xal^tJ gjtit
^ ^*^ _y - ^^S ' *J

í - . »
J> ., «j .JüU «r^¿ xbu ¿t я^Ц^ *j^i ^'î-j ¿t


ols^Jüí yo jü! er Chapter 60.


У1' *^ ¿Л »

*** JJM Jail ¿1 -¿ ц*-»

J; ^ ^IJ >_3tJ

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tiltú« toajl ,_,--_;.

¿t JL,
0 «

1,лг> Ol tíVj'I j u
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U. J* ¿JUil *>! U, 1.1Г

J ^yAo U ü

KÎU c «jó! О» |л- ОТ ОТ сЧ

13) ¡Й¿le

íí >(ïl &L££¿; —^-=-- ' ^'-- o^¿t (jäö ¿prfy-i eí-- o^lS ¿t
*(4¡№\ ¿i ilíS!, ¿JjlíS

o1 rí^^0 v^a ^Ь1 о'-г^Ы s'^^ u >ЧЯ^ er >'

£^' СГ ^**^ J'**A


o- c L^j o¿ ^g^ntJ c,. s^--. _0 i..!'! pU^»-t «Jt t_N-~J.Í C«^»o t.

.íLA^i «Jü>9 JO KJjJ^tj BvXjJij vJ,*ajJI5 XjlkSt, iÜLjJt^ v^'í o»1-*^ ê <ß\

л/jLÄS Uîtj «y ,_«-« J •Jlj o^-dül £• Uíb Oyü "U

cjüJlj i>UI JaJb- j «-•>> ¿-¡b J* *L*e^' j-* J^b «-olslye-l wX0>

jj^ ví^Jlp o\ Jo-l ^ **íb- j^i jls jüli ybJL

x ¿LxJ! i_

OL«II vjJL^^i ¿M] ¿ ^t 0(j o^-oüi Oyt œ ^í^i g^ A u 0\ ¿»


'3 Juu a J tJI

Chapter 60. J5*""1 v — "* -^^l о? о^ ч* i*" ^«^' о1

5) Sura 29, 12. 14

¿1 JE!,* fb о- ¿N (ЛГу» »jJJt ¿4* ¿5 V-A~¿> i5**Uy U"l ¿' 09^ ChaPter 59-

S j

¿9 Ullj (jj! y, u-J iJ^JH t

31 y.? Jï ¿1s Jjri\xtl r^bOI sl^bu., ^5f»AlI XàJ

t oüLJí py«; /—j ^-Л! ^JJL. «:bLb-!i! ^ iîl^l *lW Le o^ v_iu-U)! ^ >i о

j3L>. _-*¿

»Ldl y, (jKv,"!» J* U л*> ^fb vJi-*Ülí ¿jJ.^1 ÁS>\ ¿r^ t^¿'1 l¿! °jf* vS СГ

¿¿i**» If«*? oj^> oUj Q^ sí^el ^j? _j^ и~У o' '^ ^ 8,LfbJí j ¿5UÍ »Uí" Oj'

йД Jai

Uí" ib-'Ü JjtáJI ( ^ v^o IJ o»J5ls v_.*JJl í ЛХл .¿X t soLc lo

ui U gí JJ>! ¿U> iu

^s;. Q,. &Juiï s .A>^J цхХ*^- ¿t u^LäJli >ХЦЛ У o. :>.¿.

s- o» ji^l ^^«s tX^J! ^5**^ *J ifJ4 otf O!i flPb* 0й

Jls U ¿I »¿15 vi>jy¿áy ¿Ь! Ц Xiyfl^/i XiJI idíj tíUJ^ ^^ Ä^xX, xJ^U! f.

«JuitiA»^ »Juw jifO c^o xXa^Ji *i j. A-«Ij- ^r, L^c U-J (_ечх ХлЫ Лш xxlj cr Х^яА "Si

11) SÛra 27, 14. 14)


Chapter 59. -+â ,_>-

lle ü>t jjul y jiJJ JO* <UbJi «j U

- er

^ g UJ! JJ5 ïofe

U1; t ï .-;xlr
ла?.з -> -' i.j -X— L^Juwuki «-j-jt^i гЦ> Q-. _i*Jo __»Á!! ^.,'j

- -~.

luXJ y»*!^ tJ>J5l g- gUAÍt ¿3 0)íú tíU^Á

¿i o^-JÍI iU«J ü5/3íJ xJiUJí ¿JÍ5 JU»

b «I ^ *~j¿\ JO* aï LJ

LJLb o

Q, *I J.j ^ jtfju« *jls li ÜÚP' lo

«XL*. AliÁÍ" ¿ LASSJ! íUts UA^S»- u Jjue lu n^.jjaj^ /L¿l j^i; «-« v_>L«j

LJ Jlj *^u ¡UubJ

¿I Оу>и^ yü


.1 Jl ^ ¿i


*U! ¿ j-uJUj., tí >'_.3>jJ! Q, LA», ^yujj LbLMAJIj Chapter 58.

jbJ! ¿AiJI ¿! *lA>Ui


^JJ! ,- *gjjjt Jtj^. ¿Is

üt "Ï e Chapter 59.


¿i ^ ,LJL«Ji ^я*^ ¿i

LJ X Xí. vi^-!

Ь ua *Jjlj Á iU^ Ül «L>j Jutas J^LXJ I.

Ve '


.*J LO ¿i «-=-J (

U, *J ¿» ^aiu Je,

i 0U5 JB

Aj •.' e-M« ^bjj o~.^-'. _ .j Lu .'j IJ!

Ц j+¿ti¿ vlJüjlj (_*5>!3 tä)J3 ¿I йз^х ¿1 «¡Ш

(J»U! Otó íU .j

i. ^ î — ;-í

cr ^

2) 4) 12) xJ>S L^A

Chapter 58. j J¿JJ j^ ц»^ О^ял xiusju s! ^Jdi !Áí> ^л*^ je ^ o

i«¿*aJ! «iöj y.*» Ols ^^ fcU JAÜÍ jt **s ^y

ubo tíUS> i

|,lí JÍN» j ¿Ï (»fule Ы oS^iS^ÁjjJ^s o!«

í 0yG5 g^jji, ¿LA^J^Í^ yjuíi V^F k^ ^! ü^ Lr^1 ^ь ^V L**-1

JLjl QjXj \¿jJuijf}¿\ ¿ y\ ff^iA £f* ÛJ ¿U siAJUei U JJUi Ц^е ^.lAXJ'iíí Jt^ y«^!!

j ,,jj| ¿ U^S^XAÍ pjbola- Ülj ^L^j ЬЗЬ- Í^AÜ' СГ

Uxx*, ^^»•^jiXwLJ o .¿i c>J^ i_f-í AAA^iÁJt ^-;^

L ^.¿; -*A- x- . ^-ii-

-L¡ i «Jua ,j.^p'. Ja A Ü

!^> ¿í

¿I 0Lj g* j Laj! j^Ji, c\j\Sa*\ I«!..,*, XjLsuJL t*xᣠu^siJl yúí ¿i Jjj.1 œ Chapter 58.

U/ e-')^' ":;"° ¿4^' -V-J-* **f?" ~>~ ¿y> (J~£bS«¿ Cn.-— r»u.'! Q! *.^ J -, ¿o —--O í.


o'üij Ljli ^»a

LíP/3 ^^J ¿jfrLo ^ jjji > ¿^ g ¿Ï ^1 ¿I, v^Jb-L

- -4— c


JÁJlj .*¿i jo «Á>OJ .^U Jí СГ

¿: Л- -.ЛХ

^^-! pl^w ^X> £¿> Lf)t>Xy« j ~ í

5.»*з »^.i ¿S.Â- uii í J.L.JÍ Q-,. V 'r*-' СГ -'|JV*^' H T^-*V O*X'LJ>- k_jj

o !• s ~~ -
J Ли JcXcL xJLc ^ ы ¿OÍ eLö tu'L«! JOe st^ Utj Q! &M4« j M»JL«W; ,•---•-- ^^

jl: , r.=> r-^Fy L^^j \j' i TJ olcbLc <j¿Jt ¿L j чЛАе ...ri >í «ÄcL» L-r, L?>^»s£ ;wo. íooLó

w Jw-^i ^UH ¿ L«¿.«.< li^tó (^JJtjddMÜ) H,yo Joes»! ^,lj (íLkilíL.j jlíj syili- U Juli ^

,_gv>JI JjbJ! JSJS^J Q( ^obbít СГ l-*Ai- «l/FÍj^e5*' ^ JOJíix) ¿ .^íl^j _/ jj fí-J!

jJCIj 1^*лЛ ^XAOJ J». «uj ¡Д*Ь5 (^c'Si vJlÍJÍ ^vX)j WU^i AJ

viJlílI JJ4? (jM'SI .bj ¿ «JU jl viJliJ! JocST. *A*lJí

Q^ ¿,LJI

Chapter 57. ¿



üúu J^Ij ^tjj vi^ vi>ó! ¿¿UiJt, ^JoaJt (^ I.

J U, X¿-J! йШ ¿ iLiM Uíl tí *j5 js- Lj

Chapter 58.eLuí ч*<-» ¿ W j-^^' ÖU^ ^ С^^^^г^Ь oJ,f ¿ £J ф ,_JL¿! jüU ^^ n.^-ji.; U-. j^sí "^!5

Uí _s-'¿ «Aï j. wfj -^->J A^>>t o!. 3 jkJcXAÜ j. .ал j'i ^Lj» .^Ixi ЛАМ Q! ^ ,!;j _^ j j-Ai uXai «IL»- ^ .^-. J' cU

J. Iv^'v^-^i juqyaai» .¿-¿\ ¿ь^- \х*!аЛш ^»- и~^.'.\ ^iAJ! pbtÄ lo

&'• • •} ) J b ,,IC - « D ' > u -
xj :<*j л!, .v.-- ^j»j^ o^o ^V\Á> X-JL>^¿j!j i¿)L¡ju< _\s-

! cr ?

Uis ^^-i

U ^ Jls, i¿L~/.t ^э. вуЬдА*,^ fcJ! ^j*aü *-JI ^ j?í u-li» s>>Lc £« JLeJI »¿*- ^L?! Г.
' ^' s



L, & Chapter 57.


J'Lej («3 LJJUJ oi* о!5 Liy»! er* rj

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u bo oxs JLÜ! tall St *Ш Ä *

oaxiM j y^ju«!^ iCJLáJi ujIbA

LJb- jî-Ji Oó i^ÀJï oö^i! vj »JC Jia -*Aa¿L, е»1*АЛ5 vi^i sJ^ ¿* еШ jo (^Jj

j tU^ij (^iv^lí ^jjJl ¿L*I5 w^j^ï ukúaüi! tU! ;1у> lô

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8> . <Ш 1>1а5

ó c^XST U L^Jic л**

5 ¿Лу rb^>? JUU CJ.« ^Lu^ oi^ ги>1 ûla *-01лоаЛ5у)иЛ^1 œ г.-

J ыл>1 Uí UÄ^ U.Î5 *,y5 ví eM ' л>! А .-^! о^ ш № #* er

1) !!с instead of ¿t 21)

Chapter 57. 0й1" ¿^
¿t J . U


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Jis OJÜ ,^ 0LJí o, /ó U U*»

, Jl ib jjy'Üíj jí>¿\ e-ií" ^U

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¿ Ц^ ^j ;Uüi ¿ L^UÜl

oyíj U,

.UL, Г.

ís «^ Luí ¿

9) 13) £**, 16)

j ЦЗЬГ Ä.ye'u«J! »LUS, wj^ ¿SJÜ\ Chapter 57.

UJ. J *J >lÁo £« »jUíí ^g

lait í_Jle »>, QJ ^j

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,^ ! U

oL¿¿l j ^¿5 ^ÄJ^I t

^ Ulj» OCa ¿+>s j^iJI Joe:., 0LSVXJ! ¿y»^ (> WCíilí!

jib U^Lû/tt *ч

"Ül ÍO

_-.- xJ! ¿k^xiXj .' Jo г г .^__. o

jLb (jn.o'ït l^j^JLJ o- --- _••- *^3i U _-ju!.

! ! -^ j .*^-: '-^^ L^AJie . ...:

t} O¿lj L^-Ji JU« Л* ¿i ^lí QÜ *i.-S3*J iilftXI Q ÁJ f.

j 4*1* J ols

Chapter 57. ¿& .Ь*»^! 0^^ ¿&Stj Jí^t ^k.» ^

0K J-uefcJt l.A*5 (j^LJt, (j^Li! (J-ut!! j «¿jOuiit j^-^t c¿tj ¿jtptj ^^' f-k*^ J S

»-SU: jj,l Ц& JjUJJ ÄjjJt g.^ Jjusí ójLp' JOD JÄÄJ ^ äUfo-tf «íJ^SUoJ

l^íj-aj ^ ¿U^Ji If*«*. ^ i- ч^Ы51 ors

,3 LÍAJ.

« Jls ^5

«A*ÁO jb iSlj Ь> »AXe ^^uJ! ( AJL¿O¿-Í

itÁs> A^,J ^ u^^t-iJI vaJUa*. jc4 ¿УЗ jji jJUall ^ iOJ^ ob-,0) _


АС -.-!.:-. -.i~~,, (_'-'-' ~>¿ _ -_.\-. v, cr. . \-.,T-X ^.--r. Q|^ лл^-._ч (j*MJwJ! Vi>Jl>- iJls -i- U 0=

jis L^s., ^ obLí^i tüUiJ ,у Äbjj-iJlj iyJI UX*^y ^-*JST. LÍ*J^ ^j v^í^JÜi цаы


AfibU.)j r..w.j

ÍC LjtJot ju v¿í^>JLj- U ¿t IsLX

«li/o U Ü3¿ JJI^I /v3 Jo« iiU3 ¿ tílüluJ Ols Chapter 56.


s »liJ U


ll ¿Is JúJLiíl üTji! ¿l,j J 1^*9

¿«ó eJLSj ¿Oüüí \¿\ JjUii vj, JA!*» gj- * !0ui Oyó I.

lOui ^LJI JjAll ¿,1 XÜ3 J* ¿Ju^Jt vJLSiH O Jl J'l ^ ^Jjl

¿ Ц1.3 jjl (.US'!« ¿ «¿olí JjUil^ gjjjí L^ILüAJl Q, Ju bis v

u*u"S5 ¿jbU! ¿1 QLÍLA.>MJ U*s JJUA^, BÜ^ ¿

Ai*. iuU

ал«? су* b 3 ^J *rf$bí *M^ U Chapters?.



Chapter 56. ol(^¿ ílJOtfil (*Xc5 (j-Uü^ Juey I? x^Jüi äis £* *-¿\j¿\> ^LÄcItt 5Ц> ^ .Jlá? f-jiÜJ £¡ü

4,5 l^Áá ув*

Juiti Q» v_tua^l ^ o''**^ OJ3^* ^T** *-**" MK-*^'

jíyijt ¿I LijLjXJÏj o^-ç> Q» LffjÍ!^^! ^éüi 5¿»*«JÜi JjUl! ^^ *J^I ^

¿лг L« 1|Л*аа «"viL^jiLi íJLj JJI ¿í JuU *J>> * У Ь^Ь '^J**-! 4AÍ! ^. bis

wo Jb

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. v_>>s .v-t L-) -?>*-' /j^««.! vi - jw o-*^ x¿i¿^ er -^-- • ^H-: Q4-A"H Le Juu «us .^^—-


(.jJ ^Jü! Jsu«, jIJJU J* elJÜU J*B*J U JjLiíi Q, í

;LuUsl ^Líu í/Aí'jJs' J^V^ tJ^íj ^J1^1 4)^ >**• áb f< «т*1 « Jai Jji

О fjJ _.4AH Ja-«} ^ yoüj Ц^л tXs-lj j^ ^Loa iüc*, L^«^ ^ gj «I g¿ L{*U»-5 o

jJ (X« "5Í JaJ LpJU^-j ^¡О<ЛА c»jA> o|>« (JXJLul ^t ¿.jj líjU-t^jJ' w

/ U

iJ! Xíj¿ JO^I iúij^ ida ul, t-B^jíJai üJLaH^tíUJ ^c ^^a^iJi 4^^! Jo, js(

/^ "rl o^JÍX«, ,y ^1^ ¿o *JLs Г.

ls ït úls Usñ

3) ЦЗЭ1 17) j

Chapter 56.

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Chapter 55.

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Ol ¿1 "U: j¿U^ 'J 0^ KÍUw^>y dJj en yvet y? ^vXSi, ¿jibe y^xxi ¿U** rU=»JI

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¿5 ¿t eijil, <Ui íu-XíJ UT »uJLc ¿9!^! ¿AÄJ! (jlJU.'

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¿1 Chapter 55.


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Chapter 54. B<AÍ>

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Chapter 55.

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',11 L¿l «¡U ^ **MU¿! ¿¿i üU¿3 _Ы gS / Lü ^ U. ^ ls>juu U ^LeJ! ÍÁP J*j ^^ Chapter 63

Q v-ó _ b X¿*J! A

1 О, л j, 1.1 0LaJUJ! fi ^ *M J^ ¿U! ^5 f. íuJLc J.^3 ГА^А jUos П

- » 3 w ^OÏ -
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«otf l¿í *-r^l^í bL*jf ^.f^AMif j cXJ ó!. iff Chapter 54.

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j L¿ iAj,l,U ¿I «sUÁÍj ^jb'J ?/^V9 *л1с vi>4**¿ U J

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f1f C.v j^c ,уи^ U о1*л! KJU^ ,^53 SJ0 ^ f ГдГ l.o J* äJI ^«ÄJ Id

tíUjj olji e^rt» ¿Î LPJuu Ц *0!¿S ^^ jxi."!« ¿Ос»!! 1Л0 J* ¿JLIl ^^ yoL ¿ bLuJt v.jjo tí)üj


Jo; tíJJvi JJo |»A*as xJLe ^ U J^ jJLií Ä,-v*J, (;^iJlj j LJJ Jo ¿t £^1 *ú j

^jJ!^!^^ ¿l*JI¿.X*JIy5 Г.

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Chapter 53. It.. f. £*Ä>|J ^yJä ^ вЦ^»з Г Ч Ч A ^Las y>Sí £¿5^1 J^ L»*>j 1.1 *~lol J?fu

l" , .> = ¿UtJux -¿v-l. -Í-- J4=-' ^S »Luyo II. .VA .Los PA j.¿**"j; .„'.г. ijj>jj ^JlXi« . .; - .Ájt^;.

k t.AflA M (^US (ДО1 ff, ^¿> U

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^.jc íus»L*o JjJvj: *AÍ Lo ¿LJ! ^.jc j-i-« tXüs jU, Q^JÍ" ^ U Let5 *JL> jo: ¿LJi5 obL J! XAS ¿\j t»

JSxs AC| jlí&u Q^ (_«1А5 jJt_jí> íJóljís. ^ЗСг ^JJIj, »J^« i^Aas» U*s JCí^OÜI oL^s^ y>i (jhîjb Л' J-i^^

¿LU! ул? *lvf"lf ULíI £**>ls x^J» I Г С ^ J^! sjyBj j*sty> ÄÜ3 ^ wus^ I ГС LÜLÜy. J^j'i!

^JlsJ» s/=¿ o. ^ í^wJ^ ffAA^Ua ff j U_.AS viJLiJ! U5 l.vf f*^>l9 üjuao. fi j

U ¿! olju^¿i cr j¿jy U gp *UV ¿А\ j wuX^I JjJ! ^ jlj ^_y. Jai tíU¿, lí^ Qí ^t U,


5) »¿ЛЗ 17) IvMf 19) Sic instead of 184° 41' 46".


àft 0IXit er &. U . r c¿c ¿ILH ^5 o If *JL* ¿j5 Chapter 53.

ol"| ftAJ f 1 •r« 1ллзЯ.1 ji üüUut ¿¿.:* C(.jJ! »JoLíJu. wujb

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¿2 ГСл íxJjj v s iuto ГооЧ iic £«5 filo

4) l.olo. 6) ¿a\ 7) rtfvtlf 8) r.off 9) 1C. 11

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Chapter 53. «j Jljt w*-«-*»? <¿№ i>^» vi~OJtf (J^ÁÜ ^¿ ^J5 »U>>

k>5 xi! : _^~i-' ¿ JaiiiiÜj. Ivl ,^.= .4,-^.i.' JAj (..AJI^cA^wJi »J^UKJ u<2ju ¿iX>j o

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CJU Lo ^ .^- . _^> .)

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t . 8<^wj 1 o (_£*4¿ ' ' " j -Vvi: о« Ljuaiu li! -L J.^ x'-Xx cj^dtt \^¿.*oj Q-, Ьум«^ --Р -•• '

1 1 1 juJlc .- .. 1 ...

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A*aaj fl. Lf j-j, * IT 1of (»j! .дЛЛ} Г v 1 - L-oJ81 Ч |»L)I —,=» fl. 1.

усмт^о c- Цхм?; ^.úisC j^-ji ^¿ k_j.OaSlj Kv^ AÜJLS»!} JÚ Le. f f v ¿Ou« ^joijí . JlXjLw КАЭ LVí ^^

ujytolj y>Sí jA^Il ^ L*J>js *u*U^! jj^u T-JÄS Ie Г л J^ jib U (W-Jili v ^ L?J^>( v/o'í

л Italia*»! v^-'' ; t.V'-4'1 v5 Mí Lo <-/-;. jMM&il! jf¿J! ГГ1 ^<^Ш AAÍC ¿ .. u.r^ ó j-**-?-''

13) filio 17) llfbf

JUS* сэ*-Л1 or *Чн £b> ^ £uLJ »o-JU! UI3 tfUKjof asyi & xle^ibll f&t ¿**? Chapter 53.

crt! SJj-ам j «lÄjjÄ t" 11 ^уажа OAV го* Uaaäj 1оГ *I JÜCJÜi ^yJdl jLitf oö^J tfU3

LU! If! vl. La

3 л v-¿¿ If 1f o ,Jjï ^¿«"bî tifvö., Ifl vio w*—.ч ^ ...


1Го VA. iüjá oJ^¿\9 AA*^ÍÜ! ¡.Li'á! J* elj^j f.f. ¿«Jto-ls y^ ¿ j^fr^' boyo Ivl cr 1vr

АЛЛj l f 1 f . v v .Los f 1 v XAÍT j_4 : » .¿Л

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,»j î rifo ~¿ v.r j! uLifwJ» Iflf.lf **9 u9

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S tju! PV

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)lí j*«A^ j*¿ of A tí>JJ5 AAJUS LjJLc !<Л^л ÄZ« j ¿Чд^

.Г ¿i-, »Uo> o, j^LiJ! rjJ JJKI Ji!y, ítJt ^Lu! ^jJî ^Âej vjjjid! ^ Ju^ t!^, ^! OÜÜ

2) U3^! 11) Sic.


Chapter 52. Ux*»UM (.Gí3 lgA¿«»+A c^Jf ¿J5U~c g ó!., ^уь-в^

|j t^JjJi ги-Uol r'Jt5 u^-niJi rLí £}*¿ £^1~« ¿Jdñ >»дЛ ¡.LI

—-1 _'_<.--' a> —>ЛА- y'J U ü!¿ с Übt ^ij _jl í.^^i

¿ • .„.x>v ''.'-r-'- oLwU^t Q« --^-^ L« —-.--- &

"'-4r;-í - --" U .^^^.Vji (ji«^¿Jt ,iZ,'C ^.i t*-.^'' „~.¿-. O


I*1. .11 1.» «1\ Iff Г.лХ?ъ-\ ^^-.^^- QLUUU .Ji LVUOI.M9 ЮО IO.« Q-I

ot*1 Пг If» «-il; i-;-il¿ Л LfJ«.*a4 Laj! "Ь» U лСй v.. ..LaüAJt JL¡\ -•
ЧХ«* ^^ *•" •>_/ •"* ^/ I • \^J

Chapter 53.
Tü¿4s 0ЬалЛ ГЫ5 íu-Uj.! J^JÓ L^j ^"i ols^! e,. ЦЬ^! (^¿L ^ U¡; oL?^l j r^i ¿I

U¿AJ Le ^ AJ ¿r^ ; ^-^J Js-,--- ' / -t-^1^ L-'^ ь^я'^^ i' -''^ —'••.- ¿ Jü&jy

^i-JÄÄ! y^í gOjJ! ló^ ~ot dXjIíiX^ goj j U

U *JLc o>j5 _-AJ! ^'1 ¿ ¿LJi Vj^'í o AV гии (jojülj Jbütu JAS ooj&?j Jlí «-IjL

У »'»'"SJ ->--^" СГ" jj'^l СГ- (j.-*-^ •* l4>:"- ^ CJy-"^ o -"^-«f ' V/-"'i ^-^ ' ^_-¿J' Q-.

If 1f o i^c Ц1&ш( ,»ло!5 ÍÚ*MJ> Jj*,K^ Ja^'SÎ Q, Je>l. jí"

Lj tvl J^ .b^l jw-Ji! ^5 X^JiJi ¿ ^Juj U ¿J5 Ja^j^! Q, íuaJüls „ó- U

cj=> U III ovr ^ jJb U ^! ¿ ¿*Л\ ¿ Uaj! »juas £*ХаИ Ц f 1 v xJLc 03, .Ac i>j>! j f.

^ ¿и Ц 0LaJUJ{ rÜ g.^ v . Г J* ^.jïl j U ^ > ¿LJ! ¿Я,


0LaüJÜ! tJJbjfj ¿'i ¿t gLùusOH £* x¿l¿>j V áty '••*» BlXÍI¿ "* Chapter 52.


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Г 0.1 fA! tíUó ^ kj^u^ Ä-JUCJI 0LoaJÜ! (.Lii ¿\ I ow 111 fo. ... ülJj^ iúJU&l oLaJLÜ! ,.Ь1 о-^з о

0LoäJÜI U Г 0.1 fA! c. )b U

¡. J *.* i-uj^S JôwM^^M f ^*^' v$ -V.j^ o



tí)J¿5 jAe ^l J^ i^vJÜL üjJUJí ¿! ;5^'j Cfc*^ J* i^í-JÜL j^iJI ¿( Ó»£U

», LJ>L;rthrt Gbi vr. To 1ol lit" íu Ul£*

s¿ Г 0.1 ÍA| *x>l U

.11 Ivl оГл K-i-^l rb^l олЛ>1в JLuc^JLUi ¿л U>li¿j II foo rtf ovo

, I^Uxafij CI лП Af1 ,|A ju.U^ ¡.U £j=£ IVA III ^ ¿Jb U LifwJ^ оГИ j L»UijA>j

Ivô ¡.L'Ut ^з vl. ГЦ rCv of. ^^jus «^JÜt

o^lc Jo iuJu^J! oyUJt ^ 1 1vr 1fл 1П1 ¿¿jjli wij:


iLaftj^ Цх.1 Д j-jJ L» ¿¿аз ^ лДзС! jCxjyJLbJl (.LUÍ ^1 L4/ LfJLaäj, L^ÄJJ' ^

Chapter 52. s 1?,Аг>! £*°з er LT^ Ч j*' ^ «^ «W-»' cr? ff A-

»A.> U iU*JS 2 y>Sl ^ г/з?. U 0bAfiJj Iva.,

tí)Jó üicj -,> Г Г ^ jJj U (^«¿

« fo oof

¿«bul >^«Js IJls 11Г A<| o

Ivo.. , Го ооГ «J^>3 -JSj, f II. LÜLiU ¿

fit II

*** £Г
¿UN jfcjNMJb ^ y>J\ Q, _j3- Lo (jaaJu3 f .0. ... ^o: ¿1Л! i 1?Лз*1


1v1 ••>

0! СГ o1» i*^^ a1 ibíúJJÍ »-va \ \j\s í-r.e. ... M ^L» »Jlc tóls

> /J Uí

*fv л («Л53 Le UÜLíX t lo

US., f v_î. . Ut XJ> I

l ooo Г lóí lili

з > jd.if Оьа; о r oint.

15) ff A .....
11. U{:- As-lj f U<vo to CI* If« oír OÍA ¿Jus wri Chapter 52.

* I û1. fлГ > АГ1Г

i I» JLÁ

111 ТГ ¿I (.1Л1 8Jü> Luis, IvMj »If. ц,, 1.Г j-dC .Ь!


t¿5 ffАС АП

fbt Is e'tLíjLíJt

11.. a«

11.. e ГГ

LfjkJA», oy

»-«.и» ^ v_>yto -. lo


оГП i_*wU! -А*ал9 у_я«а^ ¿J, 11.. ¿t *í 1 FT. £*ÄÄ=\J 1 1 ... (¿U jj

A., j* ¿us Ufwj от loi III '"* I "• t « ••

l¿ QUÄAW) Aï. ГА. <LÜ|^
i£ 11

\j\s oUU>l luí I*.

UT lé ¿- Le

2)tv1.fArilo 4) tr. 6) jjLJI

Chapter 52. U ^Juj, ^s- JJH .Ы

or r^- ** Oôvn

J JaJ . f (.ja or ^- Cr er uövl4"1 er

. j>^> Q Q^ t\ iS>-\

U ¿1s

.«" er tr^ 1-

LaäÜ! ût Lçyto !JI li (^AfcS^Jï

la. ... LH^AJ U J-as, Iv TC 1*1 Jot j »J\fl> i»i3a>*s *Ibüt iü^JiJt j.C'Ü ».

f.r IT
1v ^ 1 tíU3j frío ц,, f .o LjJuj jjjüj Läs? J^Ji OLJÜ iäj гОл ^*j

¿l =- СГ

-.. Jbäaj д-и ; \-~Uo' t»


. U ers A9 11.

.L»1!» os<wJ5 lois 8y*jCUI j-^ y> ^jy U

4fл irr Jus v.-üíyu, (^JJî LJÜU vaóy íJLiUj H


14) tu

л ¿M5 (**^5 t^1 о1*1*^1 рУ ¿ «^У*9 ül ^! Chapter 52.

^, Low Le ¿*-^и 0LoJüJ! rÛ, X^JÜt ^ yaSiï ^ ¿ xI*ybJ! rL#t ¿JÍ 0LoaJJI

, 0LoajJ5 ¿Í LfrJU Lo^ L^Ji ¿^1 fQ^J Jr xy-OJ' oL«ieJ! ^ Lty^r». Lfû«

b^l Low U U

^l JT ^^ Г 0.1 fA| vr^l i X-^lbJl ГЬ^1 J^ ^ v_yL.5

U -BÍ il *T JsP v^ !^ «Ai!! fГ

er Ц>*=аЦ» j^- Ц *11 If. ¿s. jXfcil o^**aji '¿«L^! ^5$**^ er xi**5' er ^у*11* l* M'

S to ^ *-!* ¿LJ! v^Jtói

¡.U^i J*Ä^^s jjAJî Q, ^^ал U L^lc

J5>>J.iJ £p> U f.t" 1T ^ iJy^wÄJj »¿л ^л»,! Jb U

A. U er «ü

) О

MOO t-gjM lo (á)J¿ v^ÁJufr} 1о11*Т Q^ Aôff^P . g.fr ^

jx Jais _L^Uo¡S J^e *J^ ^^juj u х,ло Q}£>' X«ta» j.y«ÄLl er

1 .-o c ..

fvv ¿^! 11И<- ^ла*' ^ *****' ^J^íí llô° -^'j I .H

JbC5 A¿J! yjijk«<aj ¿i -U*?; ^

î ХйУЬ L*^AM\ i\AÎ of

7) Lacuna.
Chapter 52. JüüL« iüL» ¡.Cl Juiosao «.*£ ¿ {.¿ou L> ,}£•• LJJ ly*áj I All ff. ... L^A* id*

afc**wJI -»¡O uLtJt 0¿ÁA .Loj Üt^-l f^U 04J lAJÜ XX*. ^yJU KtuLwt ^s~¿¿\ l<3t) *IA| 11. W 1.. '¿»Ь

j. ff 1.Г VA. 1.. J.LXAXÍI

Uxi Г If. ... Ц*Цз.уи. ttti OUT,* »uU ^ал JOJ5 *plíli»

****•' p)á ^¿С?^^ '«^*íb LT**^' pJAí ХхААЙл I 1лГ f 1"л Го. Lj^Cjí Q^> («ЛИЗ U O

.11 vit vo. *¿s ^ ^Jü! 1¿>?UÍ J5! ¿I ^!у F o^ LÍ*íM U ГЫ, vfo ffv V.A oa.

Le tf ! ovv 1lv o..

ffl .vi Afo \J¿\Z* i ¿! vl-o ffv ov.

*-J!j y^-Ji JJL?' j ^ду^Л! ^jbJi^ Ij^s tí?1 loi f.I A|V If. ... UJÍ J^a j?lj ff &

j U U.

"US' j yj., »лЬй^? ^ytuo. íOsíCf. ,-jlí oi cr% j! ^U *is ^


, ri ^-^ hc ^2 ú _ ,¿> I) (j»->.¿.N ¡-.¿¿- (^c \,-*-i i 'jj-:- сг> ^-Ь U

»j л ÏÔI íu*s^: ^Jl w**<Ll vJuJÜ ¿1лГ g—LÜ! xJLc v_Ääj <Л5> ¿ Lbt5 Lpl^p-lj Ju J'
« ^- *«.c.
ió! yyUJi jj^A Q'^*J o''*4^ «З"*^^ .г*' i)^ «jLAÍ ¿^ cüJJJl JJu ÄjUj^t **,Ui! lo

¿I SüLax *-»U^I ^^Л sr¿us ц^м-iJ! y^b J^ ¿JUit

^! ооил>1 j-Xil! j^iJ! ry ^ ^^> U ¿Jb U

Эй •* .*)«.•£.« >н v

- j! ОС»-.»- |мЛА^' U L^J j.*¿ ^ -N-íH^l y-yw,t,.¿J! j.'.j'i! 5-íJo-:. u¿^>- jf<wJt ОТ u,-*-^^ u Ц^ -^ -;

UvJl jtfjí ¿ ,Jüü- L«/ UÍJA ÎJI Ы 1лв> kLj cxJL^^-uJl rLUI ¿l

lois «-.toi jj^u с* ии**Ы\ j^ä, çj+г? g yÄSI jj^u ol ¡«jbixi^ iwwLcjl ^ «Ц-сэ U i^as- _^й Р.

j ла5 XÍJ4JÜÍ i.L'ïl _j£> tíJJj^ ».jjJLkt! ^.л v-i

2) 1лЩл11.. 4) Sic. 10) \¿\s

28 :

¿I 0í¿\j j^-ij, jlÀot XÜ3 li/j U er *s ^ er e.r?- ^ er 5/> *fr ooj*?J Chapter 52.

I ¿Is I Hv AAV e)'. < Г Cff t ГС i¿ о<_ч-

f o... Q, ff \fv ii-}. I 111 ofo Á -.»• Lpc vr»jLJI xfwÄÜ л\с у íui

L^Ljyto ! óla ! С.Г удГ Cv. xJj^ü

¿p о1л .00 ^yjixJj !A лГо v.. ^LaüJI .»Li!

^j ]\T Irv Ov. \£j»-j*3> er

Lo iwai ,-Jb Jlä Li> »UÜL^ U Ji.

CI fer fv. .л. >3 Cf fll

J riv .л| If. 11. ... $¿

oír гп
vfô V.I vu.

1 A.f AC. oCI ГСГ оС. J5 *ГС1 ACv Го. vi. vAf s=\J " J {o

-o Lo ^Xís- ^LAUJÜ ,5

AuLü 0Laäi!{ rL>! tíJJJj ЬГ fll АЦ CfГ С.. ^^ ÄJ^! мЩ ¿* ¿L

.r 1oC .АГ С.. ила

i ¿Uü ча^яЛ №1.5 I el. of! IfС f.. 0^(5 JJß cjJÍ 1.1 A

i?tj ^ i3jï 01 ÎO Lp-« F.


8) tlAf1fvo11 15)
Chapter 52. VI It. <wr vi. ЦЗ tju~ viSy>Uj/ iuu^ yuL. ¿L ГС(5 llf .ГС .V 1o. *-eQj «J

^r— ! v^AJUl !-M

i3ls 0L3i ggL^t J* ЦЛ*»;, ff 1.Г vff to.

£JlJ *l ff. Wf A.1 ^ i^


vl. fit rfv oC. v_yu^s yjJtlS ¿ L^yaJ L^HJ^ Lfeb »Ajjis ^ JUII ¿ y^J^ IT Ivo Tw OAÍ oyia


II-. o, t.r ^уЦ.^ *fl Af1 Af1 .U

Lfíj-s" 0Uíj »-«Lo! jj^u I.

I vfv of! UJ, II f où СПР ovo jt UüÜÜÍ vi Г elf IT.

l-. Tô 1ôl 11Г ^JLi-J iij- *-«J»JI c'i! Q, 81Л5> _LS? (jûiUJ^ I VA| II.

vfv 111 irr ^.(Äi tfciiS Ja: 1^! SJ> U Ufw¿ *«Lc¿! Jb. b^t О15 цм**^ lo

Jí" ¿ LfJu* uSys-jÄ^J U


¿l j iPjV1 У/ачУ UJfc tíUAÍ и~Л} ¿JUS» ^e> ***>UiJ' **£' cr v^ ¿ ü"-^1 jM o1-^ Chapter 51.

¿AK £l с,. u^uJï fÚ o^oäij Jy«^- Ц3{ j^ejj 0LoäJJl ¿,\ ¿¿, j JaiiJl ¿1 Jt

r^! tr '¿«.p l h » <$' О^й о1 ^ v!»-*!b Chapter 52.

JÛu« 0yuJí y^ о1
Ä>f Ц j-»Xili jfuJJ er iU^Ui fCíl L^Jlt o!j.)j 8y«JLU! iU-JI y* iCyoU ^uJI L^Jlc

$>\ ^t ^JLüí JJubl!^, IvfA.. ^c ¿Jb U (W-Jü^ ¿JÜB1 oU,U>>! ГЫ ^ wJLü

XJua- ^í .ГlJL^- *х^ у>^1 Ä^l! J* LsuaJI .^1 ^ ó. Lj xJÛ» »Гш..й.!!

oo v

РСТ» o, ^ U ¿Ш X^JÜt

á «>J>5 O«

*Ъ er 8Lb»ít lu

1o Г

rb!5 4.JÍ 1.1л LUK J-S *¿x ^Ul ¿t LOS oaj va^yíS^ u^Jiy» J* ¡ft,,

iu>, lois 'IÍM*+¿> LjJL/« J.^i9 jioLwí «¿A-Jül 5¿lj lovfvIv.UI ..... LpCl vi , -^

|^i ¿! LL^t .yi ¿I L*JÍ fOJiA,í ^JJt ч-JÍ cr ^ j¿-T^ ojjül 4^*-JI Г.

****s 1Г 1 111o A. «Lis e^LXti Xjuji &jSf\Z>.¿ o(j <iSj».jisç. fï,\ ¿I liyb
Chapter 51. _»¿üiu Û3 \оооГ у-м-uJi ä. £l d^ »<э1ГГМ

И. Г. ...л.

т"1Гл1 éü\ -Á П1....

л—o! .UJ ¿- ü»j U Ls UÜÄ-I !JÏ 11Гл1

iir л1 f rri w^ L*^JW» o^»t í" ü I..1 üj^jüi

Ц »JuM «u»U>? ¿ jjyeí «04» 41I"A<I O* ^flo 5 11' Klf>ln» ^t

(¡t ¿I fc

I oís

?. U

UaJÜ ¿I ^

¿JJJI x 0
LeJü x«*J ^ 0yC> JuL. iúlj^í iü^*iül fC'ÜI J^i?. ^Jül^ lo

¿JJH iuc>bJ{ J* L^Lai^ I1.C111...... ¿JUJl iü^JÜI ftl, idLíí iü^l ftffl ¿î ¿JH1


ffofwA xâJJ Qïlj^MS *J5 П. 0>хШ11 U^JUj »íjXAH ¿JuJtj fe.AffA. íuj oLAaüJÜI

UüLA*u U-i LJl Ua?. LoSJÜt Xijd Jeí »J^> 11Vr LauJí Г.


8) ^Sl 17) LÍJuu5 20)

tí) J ¿ euSfeHj Chapter 51.

, cv-iUiJ! vi— JU ,0*5 y

¿l ^.Yl u?, fOJiy\ *3L, yvJi с^Д^! er jA^^! ¿ pí« LT^ ¿"Ü íó* o/J UÍI, U^ o

¿l Ufj' L^J! g-^j^il ¿jy (J^c (j«^*-iJi ^.yc b'OuiLyU iJUs'u»- -iM в^в х>Ь *LU

j ¿ Otf Ц bU^ö- Jty j Otf U JT, xJ

j, Lei. Цау&оо uli .v^^j ¿U*, j. Ul e i_o!

dis r АЛИ t *~UM J^Ä OJ! ^ Ijfu ^ у«и Цл jJt SJu

off ГГГ ..... ÄJÜJ! u|Af .......

-Цо U


IJ fw11 ...... lo


*oHf 1vi 3iíi i

*I.1ÍT о, Г11Г 3 11. 0yC*i r.

¿u «iS *Лс U Ú5 ciui

.13) loiter ..... 19) оП 20)

Chapter 51. ub\ Jü JUUI jJ


o*" er /*4- o1-* o1

Q, ->

fvv11 j-^ fiel 5 1v1 er «p- y

.li/3 ^JJI ^JSt ^5 Uy yis* i ^^ 0й31 ^s r» fi» er

13t sUxx 'A; L» Jeu er --^ i_? •-' ! ^l ^: • -v^ - ~ --

¿UJI er er

_3U Aa ¿Is

О, оП1 , U^ Ü52JLS »>.„. .¿.li KJUJI

í l*>J>lí ¿Uto-'tt JliJJ iólj J ovl.

- • ,-^' £ i. i J «öj ,.Se ,«-~JL i

UJ o1 1"^' er o13 er
üb J jJ er J^5' j CJi^' СГ «i)Jü^ iu^Ju »¿*л

tä)JJ i)Jb

Is j-T ¿i s/?

,. o> . e er ' '^' jLSAj'ÜI 'Ï iíUJ5

er * "1 er

-j Jlii! UÄ

2) (sic) instead of *^ XAÍ 17) Blank in the ms. ¿j added by the editor.
U Lj ~Я L» (jf*ÎH J* Chapter 50.

f ГС ----
ov vu Г Г Г 1

. ff F A A


er b Chapter 51.

•r ^' ^J

. dVJ¿
AJt . • Üls Id
• Q, >
! JoUb U «J ijJLó Jo

_¿xc "J cr *Lrv^L' • :<л

cr *«UXi JÔJUH j Û jfu L^iXïj dt ï**J!

i JJ4C JAAS V_lL*Ji. Q, uJi IÀ* J U/ «J

xil3 »JA¿ O

¿.o la ¿LJÜL «La ¿ La,¡í

15) y, added by the editor.


Chapter 50. 3, JfK jV^i o* <£*&%) «¿>>>л?- J^*- UJLôs». Ill


o^ ** ol^l

ХжЗ -¿5. S^ftJt ¿Üt J^fi V.^ JL }î . ^ ^Ixlt^^^t^i


f l-f f Tf ... . *JI

U"1'"- '
ОАПоМПАА ö v vel" I*1 Г1. . . oworrri ^oa
flNffveC fAAl'Il... f ААП1 «bl
(*РГ«А|**А«Л crc^n... rrrtn u-LJ|
Г™ lôliAOir rMIftff... CCIlAff "•"'•*'
IvITv IvITv... N IU^

rivirrvi. ï i ' ' Г • * • * rifff. u^'

V.VAolvI.f V.riTAA... V .СРГ A A •yjit
»fvvriôlf Iflolf... Iflolf ^
i.jL**'- *jl ^' o' errs le

Lo L4JJ JtJÜI 1Л» o^-jS?

V ^э fil Л' Оч^' o13


g/à*ll J-¿Jl
;i^i s/^1
j-JCll jyiï\
M Chapter 50.

. . frc... . , frc.... u^iJI

ICo. 1. . *Co 1C . k^

о ... MM f A A 1 . 0. . ff1 f A A I .O
1. 1 f AACI . f ААСИ o***-/! Í
о ... C.vl ovCloll о.. vl ovClollf **¿L¿.
Со . . C1C СГСП 1Го CI crcrn •43&J*
о. . . 1.11 crcn 0.. 14 crcrir ¿(¿¿И JJü ,2Ь
о r rrcrt . . crcrn
о ... fcii CCIlAC о. . Cil CC11ACA ¿¿и
Со. . Co.
vT . vT «ь'
1.... Civ • 1... Civ • «Ä^
ICo. tier МП11 ICo ter ¿ль*
Co.. АГ . Co. АГ .
t.... oCI • 1... oCI
С... IC1I rifcc C.. 1l rifcci ^y^ï
С... Ivl . c.. tvl t
1 * • * • ir * 1... ir • 8^^ Г.
P0 * * crvr V.CCI-A Co. ter v.CCrAl • _i* " 'Í

I * • ** 1оГ . 1... 1оГ e I •«^^.-^

1 • * •« ИГ • 1... л1Г • [_ff> p'-^fc.

О •• • Mfl Iflol o. . If1 Iflolv

I • • * • fl 4 1... fl . M*,1

ICo. УГ é ICo vr ф
Co . . rrr\ Iflol Co. vt Ifloll ¿ïjâJJ ,>JÜ! .^
0 ... fin Iflôl 0.. И1 Ifloll ¿--&Í-JI g*J^
• • 1C • • 1C.

Chapter 50.

frr. ^<.ii iti li

U _ ,-

Pl мг
rí rrr
ni- AÔÔ


¿Ijtíí JJÜ j ir....

I*ÁÍ>! ió! Ы US'

i- j ^.,.^-bjLt ¿lij-Ou y^ui U í

- ¿ »»UJ Uouto, Oes. obf>



¿I rîjjM _v>3. (jyjtoJl^ у-*-;?-; U I¿XAS»L*O J. ,f>u3xt iAár ^j^^xUi ¿I ¿Ly-s-! i_v¿ Chapter 49.

3, LJJ j$ÊAJ j-jîto ^1*^Ь «X>>9 IcjM »Леи As Jtí Xîfj

>5 »où» ey^5 ¿i olíl££JI ojy ^5^> o



£=?• **Zb о15 о1"^ '*

,>чЛ ouАД Chapter 50.


5 g^ ¿a
- U;; o libX>j ОиЦЛ «JLc U yvjj Lg-Lu LUÖ talj sys^il iuLcj jjy-^s-j Jj,t iu«.

bis Lfí «.^é ^i v^oy^jj ^suaj cr y ri ¿OO^JI f^U! cr ^* (•' Cfc


i *;
fAUS ¿l £Lu f

4) vi^ 10) v_«J5 11) *ла


Chapter 50.

-í I¿i Gis sa*Jjitíy 0^ to

ljJe>l iJ! Ы US' vJÜI

«»UJ U«A> ^Xá.



*í>Uí> ¿\ jí^\ WA*J!S óyaJb v^s u «äbj>b-s ¿ ^yawl iXas ц^мИ! ¿! tíUo-l J¿ Chapter 49

ffX 0*9

tí)Jó jjf л»-, tíUIb Pial (j^Ul > «.-u/Uif лл*.о.5 »Juíis »y;, ¿Ï oLjIXiJt


¿I. SÜ^iJ.1 XJ.U j

и5 yí 0JJ Q, tfcO*^ o»*JI OuAÄ Chapter 50.

JJt ¿joJ Jc>J5 8^их«ы« ^1 «^ ;113 o* v>4í tft'j^1 >d5 & lo

!Ás> ¿j A! UUiaï ^1 ¿из jJIbJ ^ ó! Jo. Uf e/Jü B5L>

Ul iLu Oï M iL^sJ tí)J3 JA*>

4) «>ыо 10) v_¿JI 11) »us


Chapter 49. ЦаЛ=>-5 gSd£¿ 11 U¿

»JLe ¿j3 Af л £Ä Jj СГ

jlí 1л oU^y« jl I. o Jlí eV/jJ ^^ib AÍA *J j.xx.~ LÁJU^

»L> veJxít u, i^jK ^ fjLoï j li-S tíSíy Otf Ou», o^ú^ ц,, СГ-

jbkJí lJü>5 r^ U*b tílUi» JA)^ cU Ьлйь. îll jjào Ч

Л^ *3 05**^ U-^bj^ er gr^- lX*'í «íí^0 i>* («У . ÎÏAJ

^5!^? .áJJLJJ^ ^^ 0L*J! ,,^«3 ^¿«i ^iUJIj, ^Ul5 ly^jJLUI, tUÜt y, tíl!/¡«

l3j> J lO'ïjï j ¿)JUÍ j^üj Jotf A^LÜJ tíUj

*¿jj3 -v >* <y» »y J U J-V.'b

o. tíUí' JLÖA9 J^LU^AJ ^JJ! jl^J? »JÎ cr o^5 «

¿1 tíUÍ ,Дяа Jj Kj¿5 ¿ «lj/3 U a)J¿ ¿5 efciAÍÍ (¿fr U . t А$*>! U «JUfs о1^"^' I*00* 1;5*° ^^ lo


_Jïe UJLs SüOLJ? ,yelst ¿t ^^л^, *íjjj J15 U ^t, u -5 bis ^1,.;«, J^ ¿ï Jo-'S
Û S ж £

. xü J_.;í ¿i >j.£_4'. 2káJL-¿t ^c «Lpl <¿i*jS .¿\ í' Л! .y t^L> »>v^ j^;*-!
• • •••*
¿Í «^>5 t^C ^«5 ¿ iV*^j vf^JJls f.

ls Uí Ji «Ш

s? ils »¿ЧАД U

. , ,\_-^; -, -¿ *j¿** _4J> XM.J

oJuaS ХйЬШ XJLsiL oJuaa U Is! jjjjJí JU»9 b^ Lyi Го

er W

5) Ito-j 7) ^

cfc*31* (ji-* Chapter 49.

3 Uí"


LJJ jJléll LxuJ Jí_JS> ^

if Jl JJü g^tïj lot" JLí^A, 1.АЛ

5 AL- 0/ 0/ g^jb, ^"i IJ dUiLáu- Ju -iï ni

> oLsr.^l ¿i iüy-^

- ^^-s^' o' a-4i l4J' ^

¿ l>*Jüü>!j iuU Jc»iX«J j bJ^Hs LVy ХЛ. I.

JU-Ji ¿&> iülj 4^ ¿1 J *f« U


¿ ,hC;5 II. LiiU

^ ¿I, l xîUi


¿? yieAJ^ *JLJú> j^-i*. JU

vas «»^3« ¿la **«• ¿ fp^Lu I J* iuUi i U

l^Jyu^. >' 11 ÄÄS'j 1.1 *А^'5 rf f a lóí Ifv

1.1 ¿I3 Jtf ¿o/

Chapter 49. juu U Ut, rrff irr ^=>j^-f ц-л l»1**fJPrjSÜUi ^,5 !1A1Kf irr

^^j ъ • v—'»
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Chapter 48.


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Chapter 49. «i' *ÍJ4i Aflv.lf u-LJl^ Pvooir.

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BJJä jfcx*e ^ü ¿uUwîj ols^î ,5 ÍUA^ÍJ ^jl^b ¿ y* Chapter 46.

U-. ^¿Jîj, ¿Udl «ib ¿ Utj, ¿UàJI, ¿UMI ^a gJu

13! «ils L,j Ja-IjJ' u*;^ a-1* ^4 ^ i^^l ¿L~¿JUs ^^g ^ ¿^aj ¿ ols ¿U*!t

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(j;yül o, B>S «OLÍ* ^'j «¿W* oUjjJ ¿ ¿Uxííj ^t^Li j _^o Chapter 46.

^t U jiJIj, ¿U~¿JJ ü*sb J lit, ¿LJiJL ¿Ui'Üi ^ gJUÜb piUefl

*f iuU Ou "3 ^jjJi oU¿JLs ^.jJw ¿¡ ¿já¿ ¿ о\з ¿L*¿Jt J* ¡Juw

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Chapter 45. Jj U c»

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l*sr. U *ÍlJCü>! дЬ J* 3¿ Jj «í/ „/ó Ц

j yüjú oUü ¿í JLíoCu Q, loi iüuJ *iü,^« .¿¿ií mù*^ J^1 **-*" r*^ ¿

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,_jJ! LÜLU. ¿I _JÍ¿A\> oUj Q^ (X-'ií j^í o)J3j Lucoj *Jjt ^^ wwais ¿50« j^ ¿¿sj-lt efe*!*


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Uy. ^jAej ДА! A**,, '¿^ &**¿s ¿J,í ¿ J^j fbl Íܱ55 ДА., j^^ £*- ¿ oya X^JJi Aí"y=¿

o'^>y £~j ¿UÎ ¿ SJj> LüüuJ J^üt 1Л5» Lililí ÎJlj Ltu> JJiJI j

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Chapter 44. er *" £¿ «^ o ^ЬЛ A ¿'s

er °'-*:>.л-' i3 л1^ er

_£.l. _A.o_^'i ¿t \A: ^¡«J^î чаллЗ-jî íLuüli ЦалО^д w¿.,-*. JLAÎ IJOiXe oi
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J'iSJ^ ¿líJt j*iu j Olí cr u1 i**;> i^^1-1 L^^' I- (Ч^Ь1 er t^-í u»^'

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Chapter 43.

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. _^; ^_*: (jx^iá ^lAc ">. *^J &ЛЛА "i.

Chapter 44. O^e ^л#(^! 0jS£- Las' ^ ÜJL^^ *1уа ^ *L¿¿\

^ iuy «Low ^<ЛЛ _jXJO* tíJJiXJÜ ^Lj p^i bjiXJU UK xjJI ijy4rj еЕт*^' о'

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Chapter 43. S ^5JJI ¿jî-JI r^ ^_>

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Chapter 42. v1^ JWí }*&• о1 o**i с|-^ »M rV r11 er к**1-*! оУ0^1 Jí n fir f v- -л J*^13

JJ) t^*" ¿ g^' V/"3 >* tljjí olí^'.A^JI ^JO- L»j!^ olíy¿>- ol^d-JC^Jt Jous?. ^¿ »Jl *¿¿*j¿&í.í

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¿JLA ^,—^5 (cb,l 1?.>.«>ч'1 Jl. ütXJuJi-l J-.C &!l_uJ LuxJL:

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ü? j JOe Ljixi jííJ iÜLs? >< yJb iXLc ¿L^UJI iuL-J! ¡.Gls Jotj L?JOc ^>Л^ ¿

ie L^U JSI^ «^jjíCS^ iXJLe Цлл jiíi OjXj «LUc u^xiJI Ai«- ¡.Cls I .o . Lfc

Chapter 43. r~! ¿ ^^' ¿Jlij-Jt ^\S ^*j,^.¿. j^íAi ,¿5 ¿¿»j, o ^^A. ¿ gwe p.

Ц, jü^ Síli&t Jj AléJJÏ ¿ A¿Jlx¿? c^' 0,5 ^js j.,, L^jUij jüt olíSÍ ¿i L^< ejoj^j Jlííl

C5 vr ____ ^äj^V 4s Chapter 42.

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Chapter 41- *«í;^ *2Lf»+5>j3> (_gjJl jyit *Аю55 ^Lj ^Ljj ^jCj «^>.x^- 5C*jUj5 vjJt ¿
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Chapter 42. 1-r~e ^-л>^ 4_ju=J! j 1^«>^ Ь>>>! ¿^ ^ >_(u=jJí ¿ lAXjhj, ^í JL^! ¿t !J>1^ ,5 ^ô

LgxS U ^¿5 ¿ÜUj^t Ob^¿l» ^ *>;'*> рН

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AJjj' Ci, v^J/ «ílJJ, I уГл ... KlflMj Iff ... JüJLík«, «XL« Q, Jo.\5 ía P

>. I P11 ... tíU3 xJUs-j 1.л ... (jü-JlíJ^,, a^, o» 0^5 5 I .л. ...

9) 8yU ^i 9) ^уч«. H) ^àJ! 16) oJ5 16) ^jlH 17) ob

24 :
Jyb íUs AÍ *J ¿U* y^?- w¿! ¿t Chapter 41.

1 er o!
- OS- Э -

U ¿Î !Jt L Lf ¿I e

a j? 1313



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.... (J. UÎI It1. 11...

lol.öfllfrf.. w^ v-^K 4_JÍ fliÍ 0OÍxJ tívvllvA.. Lfll

_JÍ -UXîU lo1.of.Af.... „ЛАС v_J¿ -Ui ...OU Г

v ^ ^ vi "' \J¿

14) ^! 20) ^Jü! 21) UUJ


Chapter 40. ¿p [f. 8.¿¿ ¿I ^.ллЫ! *«.*-' (_gkXÁ«i T-A¿.

^ ся1-1 er

£¿4 o^ r?'1 "'"^

j¿jffi U 5( *I ¿ -

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Chapter 4 l.v-x ¿üi Lee ^xiLe

^xiLei" joj j^-Xî U U«^^ j U»/ j

» là ^Ь' py i

^^' er o^ S.?^1^ O^ <->:o;'-'' Г^ '^a'!' (_«•**-• Ц^'* iií^1:^J^^э

8k\S>-!j ^ ^¿vJI ^J^.л*»Jl.la ffofwO... .»Ail i^Mtl^ fff

JA» tí+=? _
Lü!. s;LLj| vJ y» oíí ¿í J^>! o, v^j/í^ Jó. ¿1

0 LK

12) »JU U^ij 18) rfAH.lro.


t т *î * * " >-ч
cr» L5^' t5! Sv>!i>Jw« íü^fw-j^ oljAiflj _-?1л!1 ^ Chapter 40.

— G »«• * v •
is «A£ Uls (¿>Jlî Ь\АМ> xi! Jb ij)JJu л!

¿t v^o-ls fLäJ! j*^ iüb.'bl (JjsK-t Jb> SJL«JI JLbi OÜ" *Ji

Li 5I J-Jl J4 J* 0^j ^ Ot ^>i JL L^ ¿ U, wL^«

¿l ^.:>ls «¿o Jo Ï ^J oJ! er y^I J'by^î AJJ JT jl^J 5l J-J

j ¿i "l\ v4^ >i

Lo jJLjçJ U^J »!cJO«ls gj*^' U ,»Ы5 ¿i

JJ _-«lï ¿yUJ (ja«*.î e/ ¿b V^î ^!r« ^^^ ^5 JJ'Ii »i>* Ц Ъа* ¿j^j >({ и«^ о! »L

XsUJls д-JI r-l^»S ^ J^i *í öy«i U оымЗ jLüs *JLw >' XPj ¿лХ} ^Jutii Q^J ^jJI ^ ¡¿ju ^\s I.

M^ÍM yii5 xLu- ¿bjls j/Joe^ tílLbcij ¿UL> ,j;jJt ÄÜil ¿JE^ ^ Jls £Jtj jiBy^l vJyüjl JE

J'Jb ^tjJ! ^ ÄJ^LJ! »LX$> ¿_^ J^i e^i Jiä 01X* J^ j ^^j ¿l wLJ

^e ^i oUo! OL\J j ^lj LjJU s/=¿ L^yö^ LjJî

\ ¿Í ^LjJ otf v^

î5 *L(w j >5 ц»;» j ^ «us jüuäj .I^Ji ¿i «jtsjj »Jc>l JúUxaí J^J ¿ ^^ ¿ 'Ü

U/ 1^*9 SJ/J! UÄJU s^jü tfcÄSjJi QJ

^ ^1 о,,^ UfrU a».tj Ji" 0Uj o^srj,

J ^FWJ ^Jj Jw*iH_j jl^JJ JA¿ oju ^ г^'ОлаЛ ¿ ALaàJ _^ j^'^í ¿Ij «Ьш f.

iUUt» jjt ^f^^JJI .js- i ^ vi^*s «Ji * ¿! * LJ xie Lili Лл*.


Chapter 39.

J>5 ü¿*. iuU

U LJÍ vf... ?

¡.у. f Pol I'M1 31 Ouu г)й ЧГПС

*0L3í *05sls j?j ^T I ¿I í^j

ü« >¿ СГ *0

« p
Julo V V..J •-:>, AJLw XlU t -,'• r AÀAM ¿ül« -^^ ^ »

oov Го1 Гул .11 \ji*a .¿~s. ÄÄJW Ouu oP vfv vlr LÄAO __Дл Jo! «Лай ,¿, ta

X.iU«'-! vAJu Iv m1 л11 rvl f.1 Itf Uo ^Jj-i*^ yy¿? <A«j ^ul Ju.

1 AVÔ лоГ ГУЛ 11Г lju

*P vCIftf vlr 1ол Ifо л!л veo .vF i_j¿*fl (^*Ц

tj, oLiJi! OCJ ¿iL^lj ¿Vs О- *»А*И ГУ-

U L^U*. ijL^JI ¿i,? ^ J5 r»

Chapter 40. Ütf

4) tfci-Jt ^ 5) Г o1. ... 7) y-sï'jtS 10) 12) tf 10) yvJJû 10) yo

10) yy^î 11) yU 18) I" vCÏ flf vlfloA Ifo л!л vao ôrf
СУ* <~ Chapter 38.

u Jlius

¿t ¿t м^

o, ¿i


XSÜJt (j*LJJ juLw^P Oj ,-w,-.

1» n


iO*. ¿U *J LJÍ QJ/^Í *JL«* Xs «I J.J xlS^^ j?b jL^i^ ^ 0! ó

^1 *i5üó oyy bLs Müüií ^b ^ Ú5 *¡ J^J ídixi^ j^jj ^Ljj xluí »o

tf U jí \4& £ J^ÓAJ Ux¿ JoJ tílb^l bï JoJuü Chapter 39.

Lfl » ¿' bi1^- 5l3li *!^! j1-^-« "

ooAiJ J^-lj í^ji J>£ Lau I LJXÎ Г.

1 0е

8) ju 11) О
Chapter 37.ls as¿\

V_jl_iaJi CT'i СГ ¿т^ '-«V* -*- «i-^; лJ

olcUÄ»-^t lj Юалих -tj'i ,v^i.H U'. fxEj,! д


Chapter 37.

1 _. J J

J&i! ibfij ,j~*-iJ! oojb !3!j aUs ^ yJuaJU!

ш\ U!, 0Lb-J! J 0lb.*Jt l jbs »*

oí "X! LjJi iJtj -ftjj^-b v_Á**a¡ s I.


va*«**} ¿SuiJl ¿ iü^i y SJvx L?

Jí" Si-Jí OiLjí O^A-*J oLu^-. ц»,!

Jl, *L*«JI



u»*jy !3

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20) j*

Chapter 36. Vjj¡¿ «^Ji ц-lÄJ !л»-15 Ujj ¿y^t ^ OU ^L» Ul^ Ц*^ и-^^-йЛ j-Ьа x>!

„ ,¿- у
«j| ¡./o ^yio v1-^ ¿i t^b fjá cr *'• 1лЧ 11. o» !. oil f fr (
*• û - O w

J( «.AS

SJcii «Л

I Го..С ^ fI

Ivo.l o« Is.ol j U^J О5УЦ} А»«Г5 ««J1-*^ X**>iIaJi ¡.b'iLi tíUJ ^ J4*as» ^«XJtjfAj Jjú L^ iye S_.

ol3Lil У1" ;^ ^ 05^*9 ÍU^' J^^^ Jfr* 1

UlJ flvO.! Q^ lo'öt j Lo^J ^.y.j^c^ iüu-wij iuLtJJ^ ci^jK ÄjLw iJw« V^J o'* '*

¿3 оа^Ш^Ь IJ^Í^^1 ¿i ^Ь1* 4^" «fo ^j*^ A '*4/*l оЫ>^!5 VK ;Áiu L^ jJt yU

Ji o L, ^jbl^>! ¿

cUïS^i ¿5 ^LaÜJÜI [.Ci Q« £*£=»•. Le^ X»*^' ^fr* ЦУ" ¿i J

Í> ¿Is »lís.^ u^wJL tblbij ULyu rj*¡. №9? J\ ~

j J3.b Л í^ ¿^LÜ! ¿.U! ;IJJU1

^ó ¡.Au' Ла^ оЬШ ü)U

Chapter 37.1^1* gj^l «¡Ш ¿ »^ iu-Jí ¿i Jo-5 cr W-jjí (J° ¿ *v'^''^» ^^ L» S

Stli itfwJUxi Lai! iUj*Jl5 í'1*^' bai

3) Г1 olA^M ^ о. П.


er 3 ¿' ¿Я er Chapter 35.

AJ . U.-лС ¿'utíú ÄJlsP

lj G,5/^> Oyo 'S U ¿

^j *S äUo L-jj>sî ^ L« L^«5 оУ^-5

oUJ Ä^M, oyCj (J.LÜ! (/^ Q, iJL« y_iJI i^Äl^ * LUS ¿t Jlä u ¿! j

LU» Uli J' L/»l*Jl (5— er ****" *-*^' o --*-*1-1 ; LKMÖJ r : .J .<л— Q^J --^

^ iüL3C> JüLiJu- «ly j,5 oLJi^ ¡«y ry ¿I y^LaJ! ^ *í>ll j !, Jß JJü ?b

o¿ls *J Ijj y), tíUj ol

а !í 13! в


*.! U K ols

AUS f ü)J3

^ÀJ! j ¿L? 0.¿J о,Л»Л /Jó 01 ¿5 yvJi

U ^ ül A >I to Chapter 36.

^* er
0U /АИ, J.JÜI ^ï oUjO^- U

lois » JÍ"

j !3'i гг.. L-..J e>y^j :<^*¿». :sJ^iL x. ¿JI Г.

6) 7) 16) vjLcswu, 20) l ГУ, 21) ¿(p 21) t"Af...


Chapter 35. J)tul\ *, cgU*VUl ¿1 U^ JJiirt L^ I¿^>U^¿JI OK_^ ДО s rUu

Ц, *S

Q* U1..0

U i)^a3

o t"

u 0)iJLi 4$í jfu, Г u. f.. o, l ПР

! 5 Í.16V ¿e^lbJt L^Cij iüw« ^SJLS üjS^m j^U, IVAttl ^ Ht"f I. 5 АЛО


(" f .Л F11 ôf Г ^;^4jJi ^-jC jLixjl MMÖ L\JU Ä

JT Uü^ ióls f If Ivf IAV yv.rf-Ji ^c tÂe ¿jjj-i^j *ÍÍ3 Juu ЛАС^Ш! V ^ ГЫ

' LJJÜ ibj^a-í KJUJt Ul Цо**» (.^l ооиЛ>! .¿jí^jol ¿^^uJI »(Л* Q

. u-fcj yy*" .ш * r> u j<is .w.tw. \.x*v ул « 1o(*"lf

, 1411 j 1.1И xe^ibJI L^'Jij iü^S !_^Л 0yL-9 xíUÜi j^s «laj **« !j ГГ..

л. ^ »Г j tnf 1Г xeyJLlJJ Lpj .9 JCiuÜLi- LXAX»" cr

t tft .11 Л'" Г ¿r-**^ ^T- ;'-¿A3Í ÄÄ4V V\JU K«fy)lb!! LpÜ!^ .>-J -

f. л11 o1f í"Af jU*e! iúu*o Oou xlc^ikil LpClj LJÍ Го 1Г. ... Lfls

.11 Af f \ÁX> ¿jj^i^ xüS Ouu ¡«ybJ! Lpl |j X

f j*,
J1 ^ JJ« >SÍ J^ «3^ 2 t ^

s Ц **jJUÜt л>5 Jx: « !J^ »Jï ^vX! o^ iJjJ A*J^ vjJíJí L^U Г.

íüi ^

2) yvJiÜ 13) IPv5 15) ГГ j inflf 20) Xj^Jt or K¿j*Jjt 21)


USI, _^¿Jiy IJ^s fcjKy> ¿ *!LXAL _¿¿l о!л*-( Q, Chapter 35.


!Í I¿i

.j"i Vro JiAJI x>. o: ¿.4 v^j

—^. ^-V5 v-^PiAII^; pUÄ>^ib L^Äb Q. ^x. .JA!! ;^i ^»jo*.^ f ,*£«JLi XJwJt (ji<^ ¿je äUJu I.

. *Лс ^ß-r^ <¿kJ^ (AJU Xy^ Q, \AÜS--'S ¿. iáL'3 Joíi-l -ií' J ^-jí

- er "

|э- ü« j4AJ! ^ «-u-LJI Jy

-v-^-:; i«;«r 1?1ъЛш i^--*jH .К; JLJiÄM^t lAju «j .vs-^^-i' iu,4JiJt »_;^i cr, «jj

J;«Jlj 1?Лг>1 j ^jJLbJ! olcL«, y^ib^ .Jül rj^> ¿ X+lk!^ ^yü! U^i ojXj5 J^-i, La^ Ufrr-i ¿Is tô

^^ 0\

¿LIU j*5ÜM_j üyüuäcU ¿LJJI ^ sJdl »Ju

l5 ¿Jí ^ 4¿aj (j^ ¿U! ^. *AÍUÍ>> ^,^13 r)!Í ¿J Oe>i I Jls iuuïj, ^^ÜiJ! p.

XUII »ÂJ> ^ vjuu ^ V/AÏ4! Oi ,>! Otfj *UJ! ^!Aiu ^ v_yai ¿Ufl

3) IjJoi 20) The word xiuaj» added by a later hand.


Chapter 34.

¿Is 1LJ,

ule. Xív»-*¿ . -.-1 CT «¿u


olcUJi ,.,
Ai Iff 1v

If 1 I II Г
t"v 11

Chapter 35. xs/Ü! ¿i

cr jjtf L^J tju^ or« с?-! о1****^1 j^ï x !..=>! х^Ш ^»«¡цЬ

Uuül j uaÄUjj ;^ - MiAAj Jalb^'l ^í c^Oeft JOc vJ^J^ J^JÜt^ c^íjJI Л

uls J^l ¿I üsbto'ÜL pjüJtf y» líJJl y_,«JI ¿I aJJÁÍ íuU gjj.íjj, Ijju

,Ji£; .»¿î r/> jbo o^c ! J ' J;» &A0lJ-t цши ^e xsXul UljJ c^t^t j. U!j XaÜül JU

Ij t^Ju íbbu'!« J^ u v£>X« »Ju« *tV' ^^ 8> ' 1

«5Ü J lo

v^t j о01 иг** "У** *«5asl J*% У-е^! o- ¿ olcLJI vi>oK ^1 ouaj ^.Ь Chapter 34-

^j liibL j jw^o«j' Ui xs-yw

<JLb U JjoB xcLJt i_ij ^5! OMJ't^ ui. KÀ«Jt V; " J" ^ J еЛг3" о-?""-^1 <^>¿

* f)*" V; er 8>л*а £/=• ^4 w Ji! *& je¿ JLIaJî ü»-,0 ¿1

, cr
^я11 otLJUli Lajij iúy^II otUJ! ¿t JÍ ^jlíl ^ ¿Lb U Jc

o Jü»

« >o


1) U* 7)

Chapter 34.«4UJ ^ ^¿ y> U*9 *J Lj *у ¿j ,Ыо Ч «U¿ ¿1s Jbá-



(^s' '
¿5^ v^-^J^i ^

SAlí 5*9 u?

> ^-^>wO ^.í . JUÍ.U J>

^t 0)^ > iLoí J-JII

r"-j —:-»J . -^Ï ••> &

Obi e, Uít «Jl

J L*Jl

¿ LCOJ! ^.L^j Jls, «Xou JijO

» <^- O

IÓ! , jjjlí СГ

jü J.^ US' »i^ ULS »!JLI

? «i^Uo 0! Si «i)JJ ibis c , jla «¿A ^ oot xJlil »o

eyas* ^. O!

b iuJl s^A-Лэ j tlil ^ ("ЛАП (J^-^i Ц y vj (J»b« ^lAiJi

uJ! ¿1 y

Jib Q

íís>\ AÍ5

4) \i t «ni

Chapter 34.

1Л5> US' ? iUJ

с,. ; t 1 %€ s-
¡ *
vit. \ il 1
Cl Cl CI « V.» =c О ç I^A^IU^


< о
^ o.
т -ï 1
* *
т1 *
? _с
i -tt

5 -i-

' ^

Ü3 ^ iùy ¿5 ¿t

««M ¿^Ц^! J ' o,^ u¿ tíUJda jdlJj J-

oleLJf Löyl j^yíP ä)JJu

jjLJI JjiO^^Lfj lu


s U"

8) Lpljjí^j

JLs> ij^e tXjj <A5 ,*jlj .J.ÀJ Chapter 34.


liJ Uí



П1. . JI 4i5ÜL¿J! jls^ ! y- la «JÜLáJi

O« .Ji1

? JJL.Í ¿3 f j? ^ íüt ^j| vAo.^* ^ÓJ! AJUíJÜi í.


cr ел* о1 оУ:^ <*•**" l-**^ o^ ' ÍÜÍ5L**« 4**í jy^^i ¿la

r. Q, ^U; oAÍX¿:. (c,j »aya U íX»SÍ ^iX



*Ju» «Ad-t, J(5 j^JI JÜUSiJ СГ ^r?" «X J^ СГ

. jí" Ulla Uí x*^1' U, ,JS^r ¿и Г.

Jf ¿I 0

6) UfcJíj 7) (j.UJ'ïi 11) ^l—l 17) Here and in the following places lrv¿l^> 21)
Chapter 33.

. j ц U-. Us

Ji LjJ l JLâ. rUj>j L^JUiAJi su. iLJ

*LJ jJ y? F ¿I ry>¿ ¿j^j >j^ As r1*-1'

У" CP !«-asJ'i Aï,

_ и
JJU LÁJUWWJ «J ¿Cu« JuU} Г It* r uHÔ ,?ï j |мЛАЬ' Jëj

V-Ä*Ä> Má

iJL«JI ¿^1 XÍ.JI L^J l^ie KtaSJJt ^! jLp y» ^^b ¿I


cr Qi

Chapter34. 3 üJ tSí

:^: iX»- ¿I "Ü iiïUi» J.

Í ¿J> 0¿ ¿» JLs»


Î ~j sw. ¿ L^ÁX *U »Ил1)« КАШ1 ^ ií U уьй о« XJ^X

17) U3


i 1_г*-*"}в-" \¿¿¿^p .»Y* boj ...lx¿ / o¿0t c^<>- AJ»1^. cj Jj> XiAj* ^jr ,— ». ^í ¿t Cliupter 33.

...I (CtbJk^WwXjl uX.f-C>-jl lJ¿ A.gt*Jl J»*-AJI <••* .^n*

JJÜ J^J^ ^Lfi ^ ГА/*" '¿í^a Lf5

C)« b

jv u у_ядцаьо jir ¿p ;л i 4*J i¿ ьму ^ ,

^Jüiil «ÍÜJ г'г*^-"^ L^bui'ï «5Ü 3 £л xJlc ^¿îL. ^^¿5 ¿yi _.AJ> A]| ^Jj J^JJt JLC jL^Ji I.

1 ^ pjJI IJ^J _,ЦЛ /3 ^ o. JO^! ^ ^.5 в»й» или ï ^yjjt

л1яЦ1 Q, L\c'u3j! — «j-^i síU¿ ^ялалл ioL»J! (_fe*^ AJ^O^Í «^e v*-*-?"-

!L\P ^L^J JJUTÍ V>^' ¿' bj-Ox J^yaJ! vJLíül! ^ iajLjJ

jy ^Áíi „íuaÁJI ¿I Jlí «Jlí r/J> ^.yij ^oUo JJÍxi^ uX^1 t^ »«XLS -bjLfril v_a*ai!l

J¡l o- ^' UbaJÜI ¿I JB 0! Juu oLbj-^i g/í ff*«* J¡b v-ótó ^ j-TjL^J^ ^J«¿! lo

iuaaJLi OjUJI (4**^ ¿¿ J^LAJ! ^y« j-^-JaJÜ! >Л1* ц»уч ^ »Л о^я

* O ) Ь О e w
ï ^У er 3->¿>Lí: J**^ ^!У ГУ-^ т'ЬУ* fV V^ ГУ- y^í «-N-aeJI *X* ¿j

9 oyC> jLfrJ M*aJ л Ч f

jJi U o^Lsr. íbAJ y^l oyó !>.

iü>IJí«,l JliU

Chapter 33. > L**\ ¿¡U «¿» IJ^J, «^

«Us "í ¿t

.yJ i—^'

p AÍJ- .

0s31 СГ

¿UJl oydt ¿I

Ji üiftj ¿le

to-^í ¿i liLkäi jfr*"^' СГ

, ^JLs

/aá'íl ü'JLöJ Uls

«_л - »^..

J' LjJls _5/JI ¿ U »Ai?' ЦямЦ,

/LÈ«9 er u! oJ^Üdí Г.

AJÎ lois «I ÜJ 0)íó tíJJJü, J5¡*sí


¿l уикйз lyù^ls 0b*JJl3 Î& **ä er L5¿í «*Sj*>f Ul ttLÜI etfylll ¿Ï wJi Chapter 32.

¿o, иЧ-Р 5 .

JO* ls3JI UJM t î wJÍ y>r¿ íUaJl !À0 ¿i ol

¿,ls>bJl I ffg. ^â JUJttl Xj

¿ju,! ..JA-« J-cs» о1лэ- ¿ ¿í olj?y¿l »Л* «jLij Le ¡C^UJiJt


el Chapter 33.

a Jb s_A*oJ jj^w-iJi Ä^LM сг-т Lo s o* ^ ^^¿j J^fS! Jüle, IjJUe aJ> juí!. oyiJt j

gj-. y> ^LfJ ¿I 0L*JJ r*JUi ^»3 íOxJU L^Lx ^JuoJI «^JJ ¿I JjO! -i^jf. LP^e ¿I

st í ¡.yijM, ^1 ¿I iüLtoSlj ^1

l; 5üu! jwJJI^ jLjjJI Lfcii ^дн^и tíULJJLs №A*aij jLjJÜt Jjud iü^! o^Jdt

j LjJl-» ^gy


2) yvj
Chapter 32. ,Jb «UJü *ysj «Jb

t-AJbc¿¿! ^ SLXí>!í

UJt ixXííu. Ц/ |?l j

cij ¿Jut ,?JUc o

i-T^ ¿s\ ^5¿


¿i U !óls **bu.

¿I to

o--; *«.,» j1

} . «u ¿J ¿I

er «í^^

4) Lacuna. 10) 17)


i! *f=»3 ,3 (jyJLJL» áj Ulls dbs\ Chapter 32.


!3 ¿ty-Jt $ ¿t JüuXjtil y^! ^ J-Ji iXä '¿«JüiSI д! U ¿¿ JÜLe

*J ^ ?b Jo.ï >JL«J! !Jü> JJ!

>il*JJ Ä_^ fcliJ JUo'u^lj »/^ **» ^LeJ^ ÄÜI JjJ ^ ^ JIS, ^tj g-^iJl ÍIAÍ 0

iL«jüüi »^ Jls, Ä-**li yeLÄjJI g^*^1 ^i ojjLpy> ,»J.AäJI ¿Í J^IIi Jls, xÄsUÜ' Jas «ALL

>?^ О1 Г^ CT^ ^^ ^ ^! ^ Г/ >* У"^! о1

*! ¿L.

Ji *iy>- ,_5<Äa ¿l BAI!


. U uls «-Süli^ л.0 í¿, U Lus

^t СГ <Лз
? . of

t-;' . ûi « KxîiUJî ¿t lo

JaJi |Л»3


JL¿! ¿t Lo

16) o1
Chapter 31. >ilx!l


9 Lfc¿.o Lo ¿I Jjj


Chapter 32. jjlxîî (^Ц^ jjÜbüLi ^b^í^ » Jíl.,


. j.Jo"ÍL . -J Q« «JLe Ь

: laj'^t ule L\J bis L^ Ju üi utx.

СГ5 JJUJ! ¿Jí jsaJLAÜ ^.jX-! U iüLiJ gJUal!

(»^juíj ЦЗ sSl«J( üíJ. J^ ^Luü!

Ü ¿I ! ^U! o,, ií-sí ¿I Jíji 'Ja ^IjJi í'JiJL Ц.ЛЛ jb- "Ï L^J

JS ,^C5> tX*LjJJ( iüL¿ j M eJbJ^I U laUiÀÎ xit "XjJj u'm«.irjj I«X>. ^j^Xj i ^ P.

,»515 _.

11) 0*в

t«Ä* o^-^jj «-^J^b-N cfcí L" **!-""• £ »Jl ! ^ (5 jljcil a o*^ Chapter 31.

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6) Lacuna. 18) ¿yi^ ^Йй 19) ^i
Chapter 31. u»>^ }¿ J~^*-' *& «^¿suu j Wj й)иК\ЛЛ5' ¿ f л.. ¿(Ac J^J¿J *3ls J^j ûlj

«ij^Äit î3i uß ^jjs-ji Äj^ja (juí u»,^ )S¿ ^ f77. ¿i ^д ¿i ^

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Jls Oj¡j4í ^IJüU ¿! ^ÍIsoJi3 s;kxil jiOJU ^ ууйуЛ üvj I* ¿%f ? 'J^ ¿i г)Ьы5 уи*», Г.

0-j U L^JÎ j^Lb; x»->fcu«H o'j\^i Ov3vri ¿LJt ;uV^- ^>^i ^irU- &ib>^t JJ/1 cr - -^- -«


«¿t i£vs» . «lÁcil! (Ja: J+ÄJ! i_g»-o NAA<¿J! JAijüt ^^tjj'JJt iXuj Chapter 30.

¿J «II Jüy «Di д*Л dÜLst ^ .3 tí)Uá> y» ptJibe jj» j-jfc J 0^ vXL^J! »/A* ^Jl «&Ü ¿I JLJL

er ' О^ C^ ^* ¿S^ t5 CX^ ^ 3 ^^.L^t ^!^> 0 ChapterSl.

j A^.j'0 LoLaf'l -i' ^jjJLJt (j:j'^J ^¿>a.i ^Ii ^-o U ъХюа.1 xils v-jLJ! tAP

W U Lw'AîJ ;^1 J^ er

U I_AMK^: olj-vy> ¿t ¿iwu-L: oA¿>í »î ¡•b'

e>l5 ¿Л ¿e. AAS liOOe U JäÄ*J

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алЛ , _г- -м^-i' Лда^ш .' ü ji-i , i^-'LwJ' KAJ.C ^>í' X-ÍJ

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L**9 AÍjJJ! y-w«ú U Хл^л^ íJí y»p}! ^л AiUw* ¿I АэШ!

f л. . jjiX» 0\í j04j u^^i Jj». AAXjJI BjjjJI JC ¿ e^Aj Le ¿!

IÛA! ví^jy^j «Лхе, П.. ,jJb L\AC íül ,j

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Г».. лК bJÜI (^i Jai


Chapter 30. 0е -А ¿**Я в>^


¿ka j oy^, _^ U (> »L>! 8>>t JjS, «JÜ3,

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J* 8,ljJ» sJue^ ¿! chapter 30.

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Chapter 29.


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Juul U, jí,ls (^J u-yä lp£t rfrtf j le

"bt l {>;».; ^ jujj¿ jL¡y&t Lfxí J LfrLou ajo!, <Ul j, 1^...лд ъ Ar>y i XiL'l

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Chapter 27. «5ÜÓ laut JUuJt ¿t Lfl»,^.

Ull, ¡уцл J>> у» ¿Is j Ieü4 O

j «JLixi JJul U Jî fjjL ä xas!

ХжЬа üls xil UA-ÎJUI Uilj *JLi* Le LiJO—» liijb И\гАг.5 о

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kiij JL^iJl j u-^iJi ^*-*л Jots- íulí^ 5-^F ЦА» LJ j^J, SjliÄ-» »iX-ls Ц^ЬЬ 0/3

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iQUuJt cü d,** >Uï IJ^Î Chapter 27.

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tf lól, JL4-Í5J! JL¿t ¿U

9) ¿' 15) ^JjAcs 15) üy-wtf», 17) 17) оуч

Chapter 27. ^ v} f\^\ ¿* bU*$ ^!¿ÜI «5JL*J t:WbaJt J*b. Ц,

J&LÄB* ¿t óLeu ot jJL¿J fLkJ! ^e otf^í J^ _^ LXfl», L

.LüU íÜLs? ^ AJuJI va^' ¿syi ¿^s^Jí ¿I SJl¿l ¿I «U«4 ltíy¿l ¿Uï j

1Ца. ^.5 iJLsí } l^oüüüy^ xexcLüij Jot^Jí v-^Jy Q, ^Stf ЛХвЛ ó

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t ¿t

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4) ^Lüu 13) 0b>ÜL 21)

e »iXeLo búJLi Ifcde ¿ä^uJI ¡tfj¿l ц-Lä ^ Chapter 27.

e^wlj yv.*bï J^c bL^b» (JJL o er o'

lois * **»

U ,^LAJ Äi" tf^JJj, XJuiUlI tfjÄÄ-t Lüii ^Ц

j 5jf xils Хл o"-P »U U*L¡yC-e

_^.3 4^'i *.»_«>• -^>4j —J Ji. -¿>) r«L^-^x : 1лш! j; ". _'ib¿- . _ JC^j»


er «**>j ü er

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Is XsLü ül Oljj3ó ^
Chapter 26. _^ ¿ic _,lb Up «/j ¿I ylb £>y. ^ ot v^ji «JÜ¿ ¿L jgHj ^^ ¿j y
^l ¿t о^уь ^4*^ wjLsusl ¿i iO* y¿í £toy« ¿ ooyCíjj Jis "^í Ja

(jojí ¿э ¿&¡bj\&!K U> viivbiuJ Otfy «JJ3 ¿i rt.ir 3jí

Jla 10/^ ¿I ¿jj^b« jLiÜ^! ¿Î -íp> Q, «5ÜJo ^ jütfj (^b ^ iJ? Jis

5üua»> T ¿t --Fj .LÜ5 ! olilj W Г П..


jJ ~¿ Sij^llj w^l L^ó UuL*!! U «JUc iUvJ! UJu Uí" (j.LsJ'i« ^ ¿J^«J! íó^1 ¿ ^

>( Î.

Chapter 27. CJ/ j «s^l ,Дв С1аы v^ ¿ (ЛИ' ^ i^! ¿ л*^ ^ ** сг^> L*^ ¿^ 44»

Jls U> !j «5J¿ Q, »liiX>5 U


i ,J^ai w^ï 0\ ¿i V/

U*s 0,5 Jais VjJ^'^*1' djZ"^ Jo=> о1Хм,} jU^JI ¿i yv»^' СГ

ii' Jis» ¿iLs^l jjjü' jJl gjjJ! ¿je byL*e AJLt^l j ^

Osls i sH ч>
> b^' 0ее tí
tfcj 0 a Üt l Cr

*gl>¿ 1АЦ, Chapter 26.

JU t Jlä >• XsO/ Qj


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1) Sie.

Chapter 26. _^| ^oü ¿ ^óui UuT ^Jbíls OL«JL Oü?L¿xj g3/JI «JuLj jj(ju uls

рИ t,. ¿JLj-i У 0UJ^i _L¿J ¿I jLäs

.Üj{ _J ^ *AS Jj^la^H i_íbU¿-! v«-« ok!3., -J^

, («r W W

Цл tLLî íCbL>l (j^ sUjM J^r *ú^5 fj^jü ^c jLX^Jb »Lej Uíl5 »La^JUJI j$> Jli«-. e^iol Jo ц»,^! о

(j4 X«L4 _:.-' u^JL&A ._-Л: eilt .,t jtsj'.x L^vuwwc . iXj t-,ij го-^Jt ^- .-' ^.,--4- ^,' JJ-T- '- --' cr

~ " '^*^^' ~*^ '*"~^' ^ )**-Zf\\ ¿yC -. / Ал!^" 1; - ; .--

» L^s Jca^j U-j ^Ui

<- U р.} «íjAi OU¡ ^^í ^^ !¿I¿AJ«W<I "^ÜM xj^j Jes» yo U уз Jí

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-••-=* Q^ í-rv-' ^J LJ^»- 131э _..j ^.=3 v1 o ~>,j-v ¿

si ¿i iúLy*.,J v^olí f jj! A*Jji rfo UAJJ !jtj Üj3 efc*

- U ;¿i ^5 *ov.l"o х**о

¿JO taUJ^ ги^5 g"^^~ o*

0UÍU ц»,« ^ 03t jiljft ¿J viJIS, (с^З 0)Ü3j еЛЗ, 5ÜUÜij »3/ л**-«, lijj

3) vjül 18)

w **•> fifb* ^^ LT^S «4 cr (>= Lfcb^ ,^ju> JJÄ- J>i> ja^' (ju—J' ¿' «b*» Chapter 26.

-f* ¿i jLui Ljlj, Xaixsi £*|y, ^ Jj yCjw As>;5 j*oy> о* **s ^^ Lr*¿J! ^ tí


JL>JI JLí^l Lfj ryu ^ jüt J^AftJ! JJL^. o, «Ils ií^Ls.^ üC^ гОс S^loüf ¿í

0( ^j *1*1«Л Ot c>jy^ Jls

ч>ч^ cr [«j .*.» 4

¿ Uí Lyb L^J! JÄJ iOUfiAJI íLwu^jJLuJt^sí о«гул*^5 Ц^Ь er J(s S

fЬ О1' оЦт*^1 g^/51 Jib ¿> ¿l"*** >>Ш! С^ L^i Ô^1*-^1 tUI С**» ^ Lí¿¿>í •í*a* '•

Sj <• L^¿£ Juuaj ^ Lfj ^ U е*л»- L^JI ЗД^' jaJ^'í ^j!^ ó«*«' ^» t!U-4fé Ч?**" tí0;^1 O*

ü»,* 8/ J^> L^ ИСШ1, u

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S3 JB &f cr LfJ ^AS Ï BlfcnUJI ^ JJtx u»! 1 tjJI oy4i, ^JJ! 0^LoJ! ^! jí

_^Ь bjyo J*y> b¿* ^ki ,3ÁJtj «Ul

Chapter 26.ц*иШ1 y_àjyF juu W sie Ца*ц^ L**J XJU¿! V_Ä*SJ oj

«b-^í u*j**Js ü¿JUAl! Lfcuuj

«»j ^i taüiÁJ' rfJjJt AJlAw itj5 ys^Jt ¿Ц> o^í i^JL*w« j*¿ aja ^Jt Ä^S. ^ L^J^ L;a¿jgü


.^ ¿' J-~- V--*-' O' — -- ¿j* J^-ч -*^ ' J-^-^

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i J* L,«^! «^Jtf lólj д^ J^s. juJu v^M'j tr^^'j J^ 05^

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10) 0L*d^ 13)

st&o мыо& >ji СГ J er (*%** »* Chapter 26.

iJjMÄl .« j .i?.


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f лП^ ¿с. jjù' 1*4*331, ^ »Ы (¿Lu

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> _
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Ja-э ^ и»,^» a/5 U^Lu U,

^ ¿5^1 xiläit L^JÜxa*.; JÜ5 xlx^

i tíUj Li U5 Г.

JlL. *Ш,

Chapter 26. y,^\ ¿3 **jy>-í?¿> oî50^ 8j^î ^ cfc^W iXieyp û»

UAS XÎtt ¿jLaP! lyui^ L$J вДйД «.¿¿Л! Q^ij oLjJJIs jLsjJt /3

U! ¿! уЛайМ o^' ^i '~?- ¿'-t-^1 ч-^1 va**1' «,-y« J-s-

¿l O^

íj СГ tfc

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Ц]? у>Тслу. j JlSj JJCíJ! ¿S/ ся^1 ¿I f*^ ¿ /3 ¿JlJjJ! o^ ¿l »LXJLpJu« ¿ ^jJb Jiä

iü^il jA¿ L^s lAuJu ^5 ItfJaä ¿ X/iLäX«^ ЦгаЬ*, ¿ »^(ЛАл.^! ¿^í U$J¿ ¿ ^Jue lAäj ixlälb I.

«ÍÜJ ,j^ »UbJ!

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j-^Ь Цллаз JaA^SÍ^ L^xÄJy« U(5 хЛл О(ЛА-5 U ^c L^jIjluXij wJ'l^jffl Jl^-i Jo- ^3


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Chapter 26.

j ¿i U 5yto c^ & vM '*** j b¿> x¿ 0TyÜI I

BJüÜI jJo- Ц*л AJ;Í^S ílAA^Í ¿ _jí Ul^ ¿dus sJ^U! 1_¿JJK SjíyaJLi .Ы1 ¿i Oyaij J

__,'^>-i Xu¿o LM luJt

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*«^ fí*0 ^*>^5 ^>A*a9 t-cü' ^ ^U¿ У L-yi L^s íO-o ¿üü /4ÍA. >J U ,»4^

¿Lb огЬ. > tíUJJ JU¿-^Í о^Л^Хле J^y.! o'jtj^l ¿t ¿ÍUJ! V)b ¿^ (j^í V^' cr

iJ ,HJLix.i5 tLsyJt ¿( ^i ,^5? Juj^j ^¿ii ^lí ¿U v^aPl *Sv>y<

ö> ¿U s.**, j?JUc y^5 iUJUxJí ¿Î |^JW5 jáj^ülj J^J^^Í H^ cr

J'Lfrijí QÄ ^AJ U;

^e 'Л» 0Lsjyw fiL,^H ¿I LiywJU Ijî, jLas aü^^Jí OuIXti ^ fJüSS U ¿1

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¿Lu U-.

¿i L^J


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5) ¿u3Lö 13) Sûra 79,24. 13) Sùra 28,38.

Chapter 25.
Х^. J JJL» u^JUx Li- *? Q^ _ ,::• tôt xJa owy -~3 US


5 O1» **i>Aj

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*JÍ vj .s Chapter 25.

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JüL ¿(cl

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«• ^ я
,¿-'¿\ j. xJLi (olí *цын.ш -*J U'¿ с ij.Lwo ^T^ UíL? «U L*J v r*»' Jj-üx«! 131 «J ! .''. lo

M O^*» « •
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« vi^s^wjjM (_c_~J i_e¡JAA ^¡-o W*AÍJ _)LJ_Co' (ЛАС . Ь»>^< . -ou


s^ytJL j|yw ¿U ¿t Q'jLéJLsf. ifSí^S íU» v-лР; <U ¿S-Ls *U ' ! ,.. ij <^=- (jyw« СЛ V^
i V"*

¿I «Ь^ j*i í ОТ

LJ ¿S-ii' ! ¿Nwt
Chapter 25. \ja} . U ¿Is

U, . \

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14) 16)
м * G .» *• ù ' * » О > *• "д
Chapter 24. Ф$о jXuo XÄJ l-jJl о1л*Ы! *UJ j J^ï x¿ QJJJ.UXJ ^ t->wLlJI O*

!w« ¿ L« ja

ft cr

iUi ^л^ ^ UU ^í ^ iul ¿j •

5 olA-bJIj OJjj.Uxj. ^ Jo! U Jb- ^

Jf pw^ jLOJ 0¿jAJ.s ¿*¿¿ú

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¿ U ,.¿oX*jLJ!

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L, .ó

- ils J-oLà

»J,ye iiF óíij Lajt X«,>hr SS?1 *wsJ»>

°'*" *eLsJji QÜ «¿is j^

2) 0S 2. 8. 12. 19) 3) 7.8.15)UÜt IG) О^

«ji xx*as .Ы1 Chapter 24.

tit ¿t

í- ^gj U tíUto ti\0> JUü (j» ^,. isb> í o

O ¿t c jcJt stLijJLi LjJ

xAS Jis* SsU^Jt Jls í! **Ьс1з ги 5 Гук V^AJ?- ¿B x

3y»UaX> У Sj-iUAlt olaxiaJ! JUI iüu^t o

oüubJi *U.I ¿i Ol~! ^ & Oy^r. ^ o3S>y Uíb ¡Pj O^LA,

XÜLiH 8_jj¿! >' tjJiX-L. QjvJojij (^¡15 v^s^UJL^j Ja (JiJLO ^íj^f"

Лг>^ jb-51' *^V.5 j*]^ otj,ó Ü*A« JLo- 0\jj g-. j U

- b) O *• w Ï O «

A*-iy> Jí SvL^^ ^^í AAí>L¿. XJUb- ÄJt ».a «wr! lo

СГ va*>_

¿t J-v^j

3i/i L|l9t

í iúuUt oüubJ! Г.


19) 19) 03u^ 20) ^o¿ ¿¿


Chapter 23. '

a«, 5

ys^í JT

Chapter 24.0^1^1 *^> o^ J^aedL. ¿wu*Jf oLojJfy¿ ¿ JcT o^Lü! ^ ¿ji »3^ iOÍU

ciLo^i J^-ó ^U^il ¿ U úl LA>^ jJi ¿L*Iij ^L.^1 o^U^Í ¿I v»o*b ^

«J OJLJ ^1 Lcij tóytojxj «^s ¿ U_A¿_> S^ »jji J-«os=: QÍ Ub ¿Lmil j Le üi5 oLiü! o^Ui

,ssx ¿ U j

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j^ Q^JU ^ »^J'-^^LJ _JJí j ч ^J.*^^ï cJLo V)

¿ Lo Г.

9) ,_*jj ^4- 15) 3 added by the editor. 19) &* 19) v_o.J Lu 20)
ъ^ ^ J.О Û * i ,.

ib! - j¿ iuX*»j c^*-¿' Chapter 23.

»Л* or Lf** j i JU¿Jt K*=- er

cr oí '
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>ljo- ¿U-iJij

^ JÜLbÄM^t ¿t &A¿ &AJ . _


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14) d

Chapter 23. ^

¿Is y-^ JJü _j? аис ^¿ ^ QlS^lj jtoí^ii йШ ¿ Li?.x¿5 o^iOdl (juït^i. LS.C U¡! i
o -
ОТ 8Е?" ü ü

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<:sx ¿ UÎ »^i üV~y •

cr 5 13 «. « и», x^o u¿-¿> U, оу> л1...

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»- cr 'J°°^' ^J
» » >
Lkp .^ .w,„!. *.'—- _ — f- ^ >-\AC КАЛ« . .лх Л*?~; .'-..''• -: -*-: XCiB"» Г.

i uls J'íb Jüu

»-ÔJ U¿b gJLiÜt e^Lu ví-ú? L^i í-y Jy> rÜ«J5 Ulj c-1^1 Ц^*^. 1^"! vas
î *•

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21) J^


U oJOj j ¿sj j, ~¿UÁ Chapter 23.

.oe ^ g hi o tfr
L«j ¿I

Jo vjjjaí oL yi /as

JA*»- ¿jL^-!' J>Jixi_jJ> О'«Л5 (jjs$\

rif. .bí j J bB si l.

¿I Ib iU-UÍ b ¿i

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15) ^L,

Chapter 22. 8 ô^i o!í .¿Jul J^= Û £>b ¿L ju'^-li ^JäJ

^ï (^«ÀJi «>jJt Q* iJbls t*;3¿! **J si 8

I¿JL¿ yJbuJI J>s- v^yiï jÎL«, _>oJ ^U-i x* ^

jJ! JLli


U «U.» ¿

5 olí U
i-. \;.xj U o.àl- J.

Chapter 23. »JJÍA*j Lo v_


*»^» j (J"tJÜI

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J^-ou íü^ «1лЛ ^ JÎ.* jiféjL* L\y ¿üCj^UI iUCLé-c_^j ¿Ojj ^ ^Jü Jo:

5) j^vJU. 19)

Oí Jo,! ¿I Chapter 22.


jí **s It>Jüt U tít *J

¿t ¿I гОх J^c Otf Lo1"^! ¿UÜ! 5¿¿i ¿?y> US'

*A! cr


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jt,J ^'S LJ ffljt ¿I

, 0Lüi

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JL t o1 fj

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Chapter 21. 0,-* er


U f

СГ5 O»

Ji xíU ¿1 j ЦЗу» Ц

Uü! v_í crs

U, х

Chapter 22.^A.3 v- cr
/ 3 y, (Juij U ttXs»-^ L cr
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1) vjül 11) H)
Chapter 21.


cX*AL¿t ¿i V* 5СЬ'и>( >í S' ¿f. Xbb-l

Ц u

iП P ¿VJj, ¿y Ljä^s


ot¿ LíLJLc v sJo-l


le ! ^3 JJtXX^J í" LXs3 IAO .....

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' ЛА» le

^.«J Q


6) ¿5 9) 11)1 13) jLs^l missing. 19) Oui

Chapter 21.


¿u *1 ILJUJt




jXwJl '._Л*за tfU

Oi Chapter 21.
O1** &U^ ü! ****£ с 3¡i 1)4558' d* ¿Ч-1

¿ Lo г i fí».; . . JCj ^.д_. J> -i^-' í'-r - ->--

j _^_>.;, U Jí i-Ji ¿Í9 :' v-— ;'


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í" o^4 0< ^ xLu^ j^c U**, jbüJI АЛе, Jîj». SUwH it~jUt (j

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fûf .....

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7) Ч_»А> 7) vu

Chapter 21. ¿l ¿i «I «JL.,

fc^wJ ^Ji jfeU^t i e>)Lbäi y, u Jsb-i^ «U* L. 3 LEÜ


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Chapter 21.




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Chapter 21.

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3 f

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xlej'i ¿I f^i M LU

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J U, Г »^ 1.

JJ LJJU _ÁJ ll^j Blbl^*: \9ja\) o!jy?ytl Q, iXs«-^ Jí j* **.!

и О

»Ac ^c Uiïj ;UA»J As-Líi ^^i cy^ Í31: / jlbÜL. |»A"^Í ¿U j .l^bl OUc

IL XAÏLJi va«ÂtaJ'T iuLftJ' LjAXi iXí>ty t j ^líj ЦАЛ Jes-Í^J ЛЙА!-) Jr ^t ÄJLAA5

eAA _.*£ SO¿ls ib iÜL«^5 Já¿¿ .«

¿ JWAO> Lo JjJc¿í А слЦ} SJúls ib iüLJ-L.

» « .
Л»-15 Jí" ¿*»э lj>Jlî Lf! ¿*>j «JlJ ^IjJ O»

» fJ^i ¿1 byJl ^ QJAJ^HJ ¿jbJl ¿i MUJI ^ uaJj^yJI oöUö y^AA»

jSJ5 Г.

8) Ву.1*хД ^ LfAzuu^ 18)


Chapter 20. глЛи ^ U *ÜJ A (^ ¿b "^ ^ ^ ¿'

S Q, l «^> ¡Л*' i^

0Q*ï> l$>5 XXjlAJI w^l^l ¿AS, ^.JL fy^U ^Ш! «5ÜL«Jb xLuá? 8/ jüLíjí í

(j.LxJ^ £jï «JJb VL??.! ¿t jfcwJ 8^ ^^-jls kS^i UAJ úls luai Uí ^.LUi «íiUíi ¿ía

5 Ц*1е wys:: U Lila L^J l(Lsu« ¿uytii Х5\^( J^.'Ü xjj>>j ¡-j, ¡»fu

J «Sys? Q, «í^u Ljls «í^üi % ~o\ JL Jj yJLb^bu^l ¿Л5 (^IJM ^tojis ¿¿^1 fciyJI U

JA¿ o, iúJLAJt ¿bU^il »Xi^' ^ jJU! Ц cj¿> ¿Ja? Q, j-Lxií tíUaJ! tíUÁÍ Ju ^

L*ÍL- j-Ldl j^jOi yi*^ «íJ-íC. ^ j¡^| «Sj^í ¿í, „Luí^ U «yw» ^LÛ ^LiJ! öyJi Ú>

5 xbb.^15 ¿JÜAJIj iüjjSL, xxLas (W*^ jj^J íJí Uajl ^ Jci (jJLb^b^í ¿ß íO* S^Le iurfJU!

ü ^1 ÍÁÍ> ¿5 cjl^l ¿I ¿«UJ

U •$„ JÍ.A Ъ *J! Lfrll LÁJ'IJ 8¿jM i

«Jyu U IJ^i •¿My^t\ jíl^ÜÍ JUJI LL¡l*e JaSb ¿\j¿\ _>ic Josl j íJiajü ¿JUÜI

Jj irÜ^í J.C „S, ¿ Jg^i ^^ж-ç ,0с »LX> ^JJl tíJJ^I ¿I ^ Ol ^ cr J

ul» (-Jlbj ÍS jJl., v íu¿

¿I ijß ^¿, '¿f¿\j íúx ljJ klli jvXfrJb U3 «-AAS yf If. 5d*a<

Chapter 21.

¿f jj^j ecf ¿Ui!

| ¿I yyo,^»! j I^AÍÓ Jü> v^' X*>^i' ¿ r*^' «j1-*^' «^ C^^"1 ГУ^ О1


¿ frJ&j i)joUj Chapter 20.

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*J U: *«À3-! £

., Q4 -j u


¿t ЦАЭ

5Ü..JÍ ¿il! (^л^ j U üsJL^ ¿I Lf*Aj j- ¿5 ¿! ¿i J-aAÍÍ IJ^1 ¿ ^Luls ^

U ¿,\ SL w U

O yü ^oue Bb

***á Л k

0. уз U- ííJLb j l$Xjc>5 H

jbj «-(3o. J^LJ ¿s,« ,_^У 1 0)jn

bi'Jdt iülül!

Uls g.-.jJ! «íJls oljjys- «SJLJ\, 1лу5Г.11Г

ulj ll»U /Ju ¿ 3! ivXJLüj »[jjs3.| Jüis ^J Lo úlj «uL ¿ ^jíj^^

_5_.*Л tíUi ¿I Jo»! o^ »jljüw ¿luXc^i! BJOP^ uiüj^ü Ja.^3? JüLfj ¿I JS *3ls ^>

^ lili tL«wJ\ UiU ¿I.Ac'ííl »LXÍ Jwjc? LuJ JIS »3ls

2) vXs.1 8)
Chapter 20. dU¿> ¿i t^JIs ol^vJi I.ÂC KM fo J ¿i *-u*Jü! ц=>.

**oL>5 l^wJI ср.?. ils ^,yû*M (jh*- La^yoij ,¿5 X_*

lo! jÁ-Jl^y jU*e^5

Jf J^a Olí «Ш ¿1 X


uu U ysíi!

Úls Juj ^ I««!», »us «ÍUJC-J Ц1*=Л Jóaxj (_^L> ¿I ^I^J Jla ¿L«j JJl ¿5 jyu

I i^^wyju.JUuit j ^vól^jJt -r^-^1 *^> _^r ^

jjji ¿i bijLu! QywJ Maxi «Jo j í**^* ^;-° ^' и*У^- ^ j3 ^ u t^c -r^¿ >-^hJi KcLUoI t.

xjy ¿ob (j-^-JLiUi y^Jj vl*bJí ¿t sl^s? Л Д*И ¿Ï3 jJSt

л-JLc i\ic (a

tíU,Lr 5ÜLJL¿! c iUI ÂSS uli tí)J¿ jí

n««rriw<; .»x-o fww^t tiXgJ -^^'' j' --' O4 tS*^ >"• -•' • -

»Jt bî ¡ a^JI /¿ir ¿t _Jó^. ^ -ís3i , ^¿^' J.

14) 15) ^li 16) Sûra 11, 9. 17) «y


/e e/Jlüi _,J! .¿3**" L$*«a*äj' *pU ¿т 5^.5 Chapter 19.

ü! ,j«>L*J! -^ -v; •v-J;i'°


/i ¿Ulj , ¿í jALJt g^íí ¿ Ljl! &

&Mi Lo


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J rfílí3 jjílJ ij!

Chapter 20.
Chapter 19 ¿I

Jls iXij ,. US" ^.

*Uv.l JJ! ^ U i¿P tí)Jj L\^U JJís iU-J! ,j<,\Ju<.{ Ül

x>! JO» JUíi *U*







5) X 6) 8) A cross marks the words written in the original with red ink.

S-AÍÍ Chapter 19.

gl*uJI ¿,1, oli/AJuj JJll

Le L¿ ^о ¿ j c .«.H.

5 "С
»L\Í> ¿Law
5 U
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UJ! ¿1 lo

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Chapter lü.

> Ï -• , > - & ) O 0 >0 -

о*** ;
5 J» 5 O ) ft

- O^. ù -( CF . ù 9 t) > O. >

' ^ JT -^*¿

O « O*_ > 5 O > * - •ft"

O > « O i U<M JO ^

j5 JT


jfu jf

Jaüi jAe *jvii s tí)J3 U. ¿5 sJíí'

OOÍ * O»


4) JJU¿- 8) jJüb- 10) ^ 12) 13) yü 14)

18) L3Í 18) 19) LSI 20) ¿Ьм

o' I Chapter 19.

Ju ^ ¿t VJJS\ y, iu,Uu U ¿t eJJJ JJU I Üb? % v_aJ! j tLfwt

Óu *bu


^L^JÜJ ¿LxJÍ JyJU vj r)JI , o, yí* JUÜ! 0)JLs X^jdl okLJ! a)J¿ ¿

^Jí v^aj Lajt oj<v*J XeLJt QJ^«*J ^13 lo

>U U

v/' x>^«^ OÍcLJu J^t ¿i 1A$j


,Üi*J Ou, СГ


6) 6) j¿u»*l. 10) j-jí 21) iUs


Chapter 18. Ц ^A

iQlx ¡Libs tf Lgll j> üAAols» s^ errs

tí)JJu Lf»t JLs»! (¿Is о

j?**^?- .^- •- ' —'-"^ -г.- ^J; —^-" '

xaii JJÄ« *jú

¿I f iij Uí *5 üU>

iA ^jSjtt *jif>-

i 1^*9 ^Ы? JL4-ÍJ! ¿ IjLjwi ¿Lui UaJÎ o-J

¿1 ,b

ОТ О> ' *" lô

. ;* ;-,.

_JLiS! vi^i jls »-у-ч» u(»

U*t ¿ O* g

Chapter 19.
jt xiü t
7) Lacuna. 19) jçç
*b* (jyä ¿I t^JI J^ XMfiüjJt ¿t Chapter 18.


U3 »jj*

Le ¿i lÀclb Ljj¿ L^ÀvC jug СЛ

- O«

sLs^y LtfL« j^JL »JUaÍ(3 iC^lJ. »Li!



¿I V *LÁS{ «LH

J ¡Ulï ¿i

olcL*l jx fy. £ L^L, ?/s?. B^jas

LJüí ¿i « lób tt LfJ? í^JU^s «5^3 w#l U5>

Jli L^JI js., wis?


9) 11) 13) cpr.pag.4A,5.6. 11) 15) 14) 15) J+Á

Chapter 18. o^ ^ u^ bys* с^Ц ¿í, в^Ае о^, ¿t, ьу^ ^í ¿t, ejs* ^ ¿I, BJS* ji'4> ¿I


» o ....
jyb. iUxi» KJIc JLo- L^J Ja-o? AJ^J ¿ LfJls j-^A/ leu ryXe x«^. xi^c ¿5, ^Лс * Uoi Jotf ¿Í5

í »LA L> »Lu

i?-w Ü er V4/> vii«^ (j»; je -V»-*J ^,'".'.'1??.' i¿A^ СГ.5 O«j ¿y СГ»

^Ju^i sL-,^1 ^ OJKJU! j?JLT v^j iíJUJ ^ ¿V ^ vr*1 ÜL:b jA

~J- --s; Lji»-tiX« o-. i ._^>-w' :; ¿ ,4-iL-- ^.^JJC^.-r «._O uLua»- с,.Л_-^_


t5¡Jb. ^c ^lyii^ tXJbjy, ^iXuj OJL» U^9 JjJLi (jyo^j ¿_уА4-^хуа2 OLXA¿! ¿I

í Lai! Lji

JJu ¿! XiñbJ! Q, gyA. ^3 Ц^ 0у-> Ц ЦЬ^ЬЛ j* r**;^ g-"/ vS g—/ l^Uiu X^j
* «• «•

с L* UÍ5 fwabiJi ¿I

J! J* tíULJ!, XJb ¿ (^J'ijLc! ^ ^х*ЛУ^ »¡Г,*« (^juJ^ u-bJLuj, »;-15 ¡S j?jâb, »Là

2) ^ 3) 5) ¿31
¿ *í (jOjX*\ iUs v-yo aJL* LAS oA»luj ÍL*¿ JÍL. ÍijxH O^AJ ^59 ¿I oLLuü! AÍ Chapter 18

*Jj Lött L*blí _.A*aj Jii>jLS^Jt J^ e^Jk^jí^ gsiuJ^ J^J! ^í., v^10*^ vij^i ***»

¿wJJ ^ g h .I , • -¡4 Ql^t^J М.хХмЩ liX,-—' Oyijúj -Nx. ^.. »U.VJ! ..j., XAA

« -
-*-1 U<»ÂÂAU lía, bMiïj ,^t ^i Л.О kXJÜ ¿Lu« IcjJ ¿í ^4¿JjJt x¿l>'. Jj .4J»,-~- —^^L; ,;ix-.


o; ¿I «JL« OutJlj «uXe C)i ,. Je! j Ai* u. KjuoJus «U^J ;! c,i liLvó

{/j>- wo^Xjt ¿t Цл fcj^. "J XJleiJI LXie О1>-Д cj* Lgïb idbjb ajAii V-ЛАА '¿ L*4j 4*^ U"/

^i J^iü, ЛАЭ Úí" U ¿t ¿yOs o*-w«_>^u ÍÜ j-o'bSÍ (»Xsíú*!?5 »JLe

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ilï OJb ¿Jl P.

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Chapter 1 u.

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18) Ltft 18) «>*¿5ü 19) Luí 20) ¿

о üj Chapter 19.
u У ¿I BjÄßl o. *j,Laj U ¿t ta)J j JJU 1 iÜLs? ^5 vjül ¡?ЛАе Lr«-AJ! cL<*!

*iJ. .^A: P JUÏ cío! ААлФ . j-t ^_O Jj î

cr ¿I

05ris«J!J ^oÜi 0)Jo Ü¿> ^ ¿.ay ¿I iUytlJl ¿. j¿« ¿H^S ^t ¿ jlücP^! i.

^ A "^! ^-í1^1 Л^Ь £V tfcí u^í r^' Vjí L¿ /*«il» ufctííM f^i cr

Jí J.JJ! v; f^i u, cr r^ ¿JLiJ! 05^ ic^>*ií otUJ! AJj j 1^

l KcLJt u -d

>-s- y o i-u и^ХлЛЬ xju v^-'1 :<-=»^*^ olcUJu j^i ¿I

ОТ «г**»й


f x»..^,,!! jxaJ

6) ví^wlíjí 6) j^uLjû 10) 21) OUi

Chapter 18. Ljîfc yy5' tfc*^' ^ ¿I

¿«bs ^

J' 1^5* Vj^J (З^'-Ц? sjt««y'' (»^1 (j* Ц** ^Sf^i (»Х^КлчО ^>_у4-05 Ja^vsxJvj'j _yJl*J

*^ 85'^' »Jul^ SJuvAs* bí^b «á)JJu Lgíí

^« Jfjjá U tR-f*¿ ¿Î jj'_j4' »J*^ (»-«Aijj L^J!

¿t ^1уЛ rí* j*a

J ÜüUj ¿ J«bxs


J Î.ÀP J^s-^5 Lí

. , jX viiyJ 7^- «_Á«3J ;J-r- i J'J -^ -^ ---•

Chapter 19.

7) Lacuna. 19) ^cca

*«ляЛ ¿i ¿ Chapter 18.

Л o! ¿I '¿JLAs^t (ÏJÂ!! iu*eí L^o ülíjiJí JL*¿ ¿5 ?- er
U ¿,\ lÁclb ^-ji „Чл xuiaï _o Q« «i»-L« ^¿>Ь. -^. Jî LjJlj í iXL«J! o--, i

er LT



ers ASJ ers

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er I, e

?Jü> er o^ ob Vi>üir5 ^i^s^'í JbaJI OLX^I, L^Ux-í ¿I oO

9) 11) 13) cpr.pag.lA, 5.6. 11) 15) 14) 15)

Chapter 18. o*"^" r~* ^t*.*..'j з-i-^- c^¿JLj J.'. s.-¿x. o-y« j.'. -:.xLc .Lpl j.'. BW&C JÑJ ¿5. B.¿XJ _yiLo ¿I

•U <-»,e ,1

JyO- iuuJw« XjJIc i3L> Lfj _b--q Xj j ¿ ЦЛг jifb&f UÓ e .MC. XJCAM xi ¿с ^'., _¿.c * lia! j^V ¿(3 о

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-y) u» xoLs»j tljjj^t ^ o

ÇJUj |»Lo- tU ¿! j-jjëljj) £jju+¿v Ou.->- Q« y^>

Í. Jvù.i AJb 1 *{*s j~o |jy^> Д -xj-xo .4>.xií Q-^i^í ¿t ^t'*'*.';

lj ,^^-4^ -*.^.^-; [JljÇ>' «U ^r-i-^- . ^c j«.^ ÍJ ^WMX _-v.î .: AAJj' jdtl»^ .-U- A.-:, lo

О ^»ц.}! L^o -

AL ¿I it^LJI cr -pS?. ^3 LjJU оГ*Да U, Ц%ЬА J* (H*,^ -/ ¿ -«/ L?,!AJU

ó! tíÜ «íUJ, ¿j^l 0}Аг> j <SÜ!íl' JLo- ^ ^.^á?. iüls JU*Jí cU W.,

olíjjlX« о>^> ¿У' Cfel^ »j**«' ^* О^Ъ ^ ^^ ^^ 0е

* «sJJUJ^ *lb ¿ (^üjLcl '

2) ^ 3) 5) ^

>jfo juu LAS cxWLu, *+¿ ja ¿íijJ! Jká?.j ^já ¿i olluú! «I Chapter 18.

o-1 ¿j3 O» U13*^ ¿/í*"' t/-*1 O1^-^' **' Cjk' »s*-*fs «tfylaJj siXcoe Q

Latí Lxblí

j' j gs*"U*Ji ^^t^!} ^y^-1 j

Í i


o' ¿I «¿* OotJb .ylc QJ^OÜt j A¿>'J. «OUOAAÍ x»^j ^t C)i Ijl^J! »us «_Àëjj eilt vV-^V; СГ

jwl^ 3] Q! »LXS>m! ^ jC^r ^^^зац v^obf«., AÍCLjjj iuíjtajj лХ>-;1 J^c <^Ü*JLjj (jia*Äij Jî

û^1 ¿I ki «Чг^ ^ XiA^! >^i

tW U*9 «Jîjj Q, oî J^Ajj «.ó L U ¿I

tffO "
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¿t V/il^ *«l]i CTÍ "Ь ^ ^ J^LJI J* L?5 Оуч;!5 OUS1

i ¿t VJaÍ5

10) «ЦиЦ» 16) or ;5^£л> 16) *JI¿ 20) or

Chapter 18. ЛЬ e,^1 'У^ en r^^s ^У L^ L*fi*í ^5 *^


. _~i. X..«< , _-.

5' í" t^j XsL«!^ *»,3Л> .¿A oJb ¿I yiSLü

""íit iXcL^i' ^., S^ÓUS


oLJj.L$j ^¿ A«A ¿! lasfji > J* ¿JLj5

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Л1 ^eu

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J .*. LgJt л> , ~"

o^.jó'. v¿> .i LJJ ^^>-_~.

о«-«»« £ У
yuu vi>ot«w L«J. -""^ - -^ JjJ' X;

_>^- .' vi- '¿jal¿ ^li _OJ «LÍB - A^i ÛI3 Jt -U.*

5) or »¿5Jo. j^\ 5) xjíyj 8)

10) n) 1) Originally L»S, corrected into



- - -> - .
^¿\ ^л *^Цг2 Ъ^ •% ^^ (^ №*+*ji -¿ '*л^^' L^ *&•? •% 'f*^£ **5'-»3 (^ 1ь5)3^&\ Chapter 18.

? Sj^buJi ¿XL' Q, «Xs^jj j**c *Lu! _^>Ji ¿1 ¿5^ илАл* ¿I LfjLtj

j^í xXJLi ¿!5 yXc * U3i c^-ü i¿,í ¿Ï Ljij

j jJi^O ¿tj

L ¿Is ^jJ

ÄJ.U ¿ )JS Ц1*^ opíj ^^(wj xjlj o^Lj' U Jé J^ *Lo5

LAJ U, j^jJí ¿! ьчлхЛ! jy-iti JL*> ¿I ¿LAJ

jJ ¿i jLw .O'. o.J-0 ,.¿. .• ^Ц1 JLüx«it ..e -W..Ô" м! r-ibJi i¿Uj' «iULu Q^ (joju _; -;.

i. o j
-.-.i ^vU^ u-. —^ .; eL'3. U^j oVli j ;-¿^^- ¿t JL03 cr> ^J Ц» ->*^ ч r° ' -^-"-

^ Q, -*. o« A«j e u ^as -* lo

juU J^ LfXsJ' iUlj i»íUí"iSI Jai I£A!C JLïiiil! ^xejj uíUá> SAJÚ* Jl¡o«!

«]( s. ic^i J^ tí!ü¿ Juu JLa

t JaJLc

LjJI J^jJUIi el^ t^yaJtj «¿4^< ц^Ь jlauoJ! JiüJIÍ iOJUJI ^ ,/JI JL^i, vW* «^ч^- Г.

3) 4) 11) ¿¿t O) cpr. pag. !,Г, 13. 18) wu^i 18) JÄ-Ü
Chapter 1 8.

cr vy^

-j..,--,.;. _»X5 |ЛЬ

ír^' tw ^J á*¿b т^' ew ^ ^ o1*'*1 *<^ er

LjJL« t\JL«Ji u»,^ ¿UcijAi! оу'ч^' (»g'lttir ^y^Ji gy^" QK «ДА* «^Ul *4>

-^Jb* О- «^Ч^1 ¿Ь ü1^*^ U49;' «^*! >5J**^ U*^' Cr JU*JI ¿! и(Л*с ОТ

AJUi- UflAÍJ 05^ Tfr5 * V> tí* áü

.^. ¿5^ jfríj tu«MJ> СГ Ч^а/Ч B^^ O*' ^J* I*51*3 tr VH/4 gf* O*

US' \^A ^Lfit ^ií! ^Ls? «SÜ.ÁÍ., ;^S ¿5^ tó-jJí ^y^j s^í\Xl!

j u^jJlbj Jljj. ^5 jLjAi (j* ü>Jü>Liu ^ ^1 jjj^ls L^iju U olsU«», ^(JJb ûls lo

o , »ХЦЗ!

iij JU- a.*ií' Ubí 50s>yi jC ^^b yvj Lé-ó ХЫяЛ Ла^у ¿! «ÍJJJ j¿gji o^TxAi^ L

er w;^ rb! s-w~. ^JJJLJ! yo ХЗШ1 oí--*« "J j¿^» Л' cfrfJ^1 tXi>l СГ

У U ,JLjü U ¿y go, J3byü>^!3 c>Lf^>^! iüLÄJ "^! ¿+s>W g&*ü ¿ LJÜ ÍJLc>

vr¿! ¿! 5^ СГ ^>"5l ¿' **Si*!> J^49 lyXe vLitó'St ,y Ja^-^b Г.

-i кчу g-l/JI cr л^55 jí, La*y yi* ¿a\ J-ey», V¿^ ¿t iü

12) 12) сЛа*9 21)


\5jUi OÜÜ ¡uyoiu vwi

í 0* 15 **> ¿uil UUP ¿ Chapter 18.

ó! S Ctf** O1 O^- U C«5 Ъ

Jj BOÚUJt f4\e jx. tol ,^5 *Ш ii¿ Q,^ tt^Ji

a. v_J_k



й U ¿I гОл U U 3Í *wó Lo

• O A - ••

» XÄ^Lä j л*а A: el- J

Chapter 1 7. ¿t ^^j ¿\ ^dül VUÍ ¿ bj^Jdl X*^U! ^y^ít, s,juilt

iXirt «X» syül o« tíLü iUUJ! jJüüM ifjb bLi iU* oyojls _~: l «lia» Jo u.í oí» j~

Цл ,*£>1с> ¿yjlj fS

íuJLc yyJL^ Í4í>5 ¿! *Ш j!y> Q. u^fwJI jjJ cU»j .Ш ^y ÓJj Ül íül ^3 ¡JuJl

¿I óyaÁj J! yü-ij oLI ¿W ^ íuJLc J^ y> Ц OjJUJl ^ (jMt ¿t Vji»'

ole (c^JU ^5^ «jt j^cjj fg'Vn» чал«<* ¿1 V^' '«Л* j *f^b*' СГ ¿^5

«Jt j ¿-l «í**(V ***^ «^** I**1 yibJt ¿ b jble f»- I*

«'O> •>«
^> ,J4C мХмЛ UtXi^; 0t ï' j J&j ¿. L^A

3 U ^oï иэм*^ r :Oj Jî cr ;\o jLi »Asüij xJic _cc

м! дазц (JÔI JLJL 1£Л»< ¿Llül iXyo lit *

oLSJI} g^J^Jîj Juyüüi j*¿ »иэ ^JOc Jo-i ,Js g*!ai\ ¿1 l^^iMj *X¿-t ^*ê

>t А*ш», iP/j 131 *L&t ^ u^-Ui ^5 Jú^i Joy-. ¿ «SUAS'

¿I B^tjJl (jfftueaï ¿ 03Л>1 5 tóU

¿t5t QjJj-aJ J-JJL-

J Jól,j> 8>X? м Olb A» i' vXa ги


Je»- U'Jl yfo ¿Ш j J¿>Jt j^>b íuib U £A*S. jLao-L yit5 eiXe^ oUil JcSi <_*^з Chapter 17.

Us IU*A¿J ^yü! ^ ¿(5 ,j;í, Le (аШ! JLji yü! tí)ü ¿t Jü> **i táU^b £,! tíJJLJJ Jli¡5 шИ,а ¿Jb

*Usl Je» ¿ «Lojj J^i t¿U¿J »JUjj ^ fcJLe Jy*?1' ^ va-Jtf ols *J j

OUc ¿ule ^-sJsv <^« v;bv oUl^Lc «¿e; :<j.^í y« J-> J' - ,-¿-:i cW i!3 líUII j •

^ U JjtÂJ i¿XJlI! L\¿-Í ; i-i.

-f. ^JL¿ÓÍ JU
JUÓ uf;
fXJ; CT *^' ¿I J-r-
-r- Г "" :^*-с ^ "

*¿ э _o v^uuuj »

^-j* «IcJI (jaju JL* Q|Í üJuJt xóy» Jli

JJÜ CT^Í.'Í JAJ LO J-AJ^J U xJLx L\Í_¿ J4Í v_flluüt L\A

Lj-Ji ^IjJ! vJUú ^5 «us jUJi Jot^l »T, JJ4S-J, J^as xJLc ¿JjuJ

w f •> * « -
Xüií JlJtt ^.,!a Jt _;AJÍ¿Ji (j:! ¿U^J i_-Jüj L-,'i' JLäj ¿t L^J JLÍ. ХЖАЛЭ! J-Lî. ly-í JCv. Ji (j

¿i ¿fcj *JI -U»-í U íú

¿I :\JL> L^£ ,vU_> <ЛлЛ b\J ¿I ¿U ,

¿I LsUi lolüxs*! oís- JJ i^Jb *u»l3 Jk ^Lb¿ г^а (¿Ш! v_Jb с*Ц «JÜLJ!

güLJI ¿ »A^j U iuoj! ¿ iX>>J o^l ¿i íul JLüjj «(ЛЬ yrS "^V (^ ¿

,"'; !-*í; ¡«i«'^''.' (_•)' V^' '-^ L-1— 1*40^° J1™-^ U^j2" O* MtH$ <"AA3¿^lj — -í-^ij .4->_i¿!

jLiil ¿ ,^JLA!| jjt vJiXjUí (^ví iU^ubSL, ¿Lo ^Ls ^LysJ! ^LieJI QL-c^aJi ^ BJ^c JJÖ «I u^jjis L«l 1.

0й0 *^( ur*. ^ u * er ^^

Chapter 17. \j¿> ¿\ 0.^ ^L ^^ ^ y^l ¡¿¿¿л«-. /d^b /¿ «,^«-«5 АШ coUyú
ii BjuuJU íkJLc J^*o le в>Л$> *Jic 1X4?. ¿s »£*% »^ ÍLJ ,/Jlj &A

ÜJJbly) 81X03 !_>V¿3 1*JJL* S.*>s2fC« _LJ Jj¿ ,Jj: L-Jo-j ^^_1JJ>-VM X*í AJ |»ASÍJ' Lf.

¿I Wjjt tjS'j ^.L^ J* LfJLi £&33 \4*+& oóLO LjJLe 1^1 ~¿>> ¿y I ц^и «bu.»

O- Pi5" ¿' J^°' =; -V £¿A¿I >i ¿

J_o j. .j^^i j^4Ji OUU owOtÄ, iu^l jjLá-JJt JUU

y. 0Uo 8jy«w« oy¿!í »^ JLJUt JJ

.| LJLs

cr *—Ь ow- (J^ J^J kX^XwJI |ЛАе Q-. ^ JUl^J! ^c xjjo yo !

¿--b< ^ '^ ••^^^ j «^«¿ j

tílüJü ^ > Ju ü>*^ 0 la

jb ¿ ¿y t v1* J* ji»- LüL.) j L^XW j{ ^U ÄA*uä ^lA> íü-jj^« j í

¿t L0yt j L_-i 3 Лэ, 0'w*J4J! »Laet 3^'^': Ц.О KLbx^xi MÚ^ üoJL¿> joás ÍUbS f.

U t '
¿je ». TJ-- Où» ol*¿x*¿! ixel л*а jüiXet o\s LiúLi Chapter 17.

» » 1C« O

* '*'

Ji ¿1 8' cr


wjj ¿o cXijJ! (jaZ¿>\ Л5 ¿y* ¿I

Q^ /ÄÄ<Uy< lo

, i»
.Lili ¿i t_iL^¿Jt;

er cfc

O 9
¿I Яиал} ît


7) 133*1

Chapter 16. >rM cr "Ч;

r i\»-t5 jí" ^А*ЧЗ о!л

^5 Je>» »LuJlj UJ ¿Jl v""^ Ufcí^ »Lull út, Ú

^J^b^J! j liJkJ fcîJlî ¿I «úCÍjS-j

, .

¿'.j-,x: *-»J;ï> Uûw jí k.,.Xi— 5( Qxj, (jyo .f ---- J^ u -.с ,«««4'> » ts-.

y>"SSi ¿LaJI y>"5b5 iUïjJ! X*

Ja¿l jaSÜ ^>^o Jos ^.

os1* » ¿ds iCÜLiJi oL^LiJI

SÜJLs? **»Lo ^504 yu JÜ^XUaJÍ £йи J4«Jt «^á/

, »
JUxlj л*._.Лл>: ijfcjÁii objAái XJjiíU v lo

S.JJLÍ! K Jüü iULí>L¿i *»*ЬЛ Ц ¿Uj


Uií • ,JL,Í ,/Jt iXifH ц»,! j U ~3

Chapter 17. j ^45 j^ r.

ÁJ! ^a Jb-JI ¿i Chapter 16.

0е 0е

AXM».^ ,jJJa»!L ^

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ву>1 Л t_i'ü iî "i! UbU.

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а> ¿5 O5jyü3 g


*»Lu * . lo

»Lu &**
J J О- О
O» ^íáS jy> tí*

#. *»Lu

15) Asterisks mark the words written in the original with red ink.
Chapter 16.
v «—
u* x „3 »ju^ »y>li ^Us ¿yt UÏ

UJ! liJOc L^J jAA» KiJLs? UJlej ¿ IjJbL U JuL^Í _,л«, ¿5

j Ols



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5) 0Х^ 12) 19)

Chapter 16.



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Chapter 16.

,iUJ5 Ос*«.

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7) ^iljï 14) oí

Chapter 16.


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6) i> 10) JJi

Chapter 1 1,



jbä j^í í'á ^UUJ'

?5 /U

9) 15) .Jfj added by the editor. 19) .-уЛл-а*

ч&и, oLuüül ¿t *ÄsU>t ¿l ¿l*j lcjj>3 ¿¡¿i ¿! vjL-jit iüL¿ ¿I ^ Chapter 16

b o. cX>!, ¿JJj ¿;/ vjÜ% SCS13 ^Í! D5Jyü pfc Цла_>р АХ« ¿1

¿l LfL.5 lî/J U o5J«r»J! L(JLF USlä SJUliit Jou ^Jt ^L,"!« Üi ¿,/

JJb U^jkf*! t:r. ljji\3 L« Q'Ï (jSJí ^AO iüuLJ! J.

=L« _.*£ ^U^il iii j-p jJ^Uj .¿f ¿J J^íus? ^ ^jjt^ jya^ *J û.
. Lu Jyüflj »-л« J> J* JJBÖ LeJls ^/i ^ XÉuU ^ja« ^ 5l t.

j ^laj'ït JLvbX*,! ^ «•j.jüiÄii J5Jc! ¿ U ¿с L*juu Ц ».Л

*-J^c oj<j. L?-*c LJ¿ xüj


UiX: «Ле '-;-t-

- V^4 ^ ^^ 07e
e -"r-3'1-^-" j Ч-^^- с)'' ''•'^•^^^ '*'-'-

xjí ¿Li! jjwoi Q( ^jC»- oLJ/ й(Лс OtXc JJÍ |уьйэ; t\S ,, gift yOÍAj-* 5Í Xbjyo (5 ¿Лс JJ5 lo

J^j »JLc I^^Lú tiA^ í^-^Xj oi >^,( !ó! oojü?j Jb4 Ljj'l^>5 ^ 1>^*ч U:

»sis ^^sr. u

-W Le Jji

i** k|C

6) ^ J>^ 10) u*« 10) y«** И) ^

Chapter 16. ¿u« l- «Jj» *U 131 ^ «ja« U

TA^U,Uj ^ U-li-wjj. j

O» iiXsa oLillb

iuL, KiJJl

(¿Ш (Л^>!з !Í v-JÍ , !Í ! Jl Ü! ,.,( ïti Le v_íU3 ^5

lí,. . ¿Lu ÍÜ! '

1лз> U

ÄJ b




1) U added by the editor. 8) t^lf 10) wa»a,i ll)_^3jLj 18) j


О* >*•*>' О* ЬЬ О? ^Ь' 0й; (У (dJl55 üV**-» *Ч>' ^^^ ^-^ ChaPter

s,yo ¿Ij! v4**^ 1->-

!AÍU 0е

Lalí L»iä rj1^

' O*
. ' °8
" .LW.J! Q-, ,g "«l "<2 "/** (£~*-& O* T^-5 c,"-- , » ÁÍU i-kcU-*! jUAJ ^ Lfj 0

Ub¿- 1*^ v^^' Ja^ü -1 Ц^ âjJ' SiXcls c. ^

Lois f«jt.c! pj

~ j \^S> kl Л :^-'l jj; _j J3 ,! cWWJ --^-i- .^«A^Jj J^°g ;«.*a-L) "ÏÏ ¿!ö JwO.¿J ^ -i J

л ^'.¿.u _b«.Liü Q« ¿из ^*j» vXLuJi jMj иши^ >vj'~j J- -v -r^^

^s oljjS^ а,уаЛ1 J(5 lyL^. j^S «.j!^^«} jÄ-LJi j^S4' tXL«J!



Chapter 16. o* ¿I9 o^ **-^! аи/ c/b J* j"3
lOcpo! U "áJ iLLcj'bSI LJjlbi' iAÀe xol:>

0^« KJ^t ¿' *^( ers c^! i5-" «¿¿ЛИ ¿ <j?jr~¿ 05^' -ЬАИ ¿^ís er 0Ui^í j (jfbiJl ss
<• » > ь О * *•
JL ^-.xjjk^.í -tL^-í ó- XxÄjJLi eJ)(c ьЧл^.!.' ,_*..••.. / aJL¿! ,«x! _vl*^^. /4^>t .TuX.í t.;.j<>«.: _l.^j'

JI ujjJlS ^(JLnif JiLo *va**J u^xlJl s^.«.;«^S »^-ï ^ 1^^ уь5" -Ь|А" Jls Л» f*^ o

J ¿ bJ^ «UЛГ. Sxlil


* ч- er ¡
Lcí*J¡jo lijo! Uij ЦуаЛ Jí"^ iXctJJi^ »j (XwAJ Jo «.ДАШ} íu-« t(_ji «¿СД ¿lfi¿j. u«-J ¿1 LüUj Q


__jj- _^."L*X;, JüGLtlt xL^wt_j ¿ '-oi. Ця^Цд- Д Лхлл: L^bL»}! JL Xxi- -r. l{«n».j Jj»'> _А^з ^gil.y

l» er e

Î >-O J


» Ub

jítau /J, jAÍ í uí^t ^ Л11 o, jJ^lj c^-Ji rtijj». juíjj ^í u-Lj ¿jo-

Aju,i L^AÍ ij^iji y4xJ'iJ4.jJ! ¿i oí^'í tA**3 kí ("^ •% f3* (J^ Оч^Ь*"' L5^ Jai«** o^ ¿ tíUjj Uj P«

|j -biyú» *« LfAJ ,_jd5

5) v^u»»J 7) Súra 6, 91. 8) ^Joj 15) ^¿JL« 19) j

(JL».Jls J^JJ í^ aJi Uiä l., oí-ijJixJ! Chapter 15.

fcUu ä^Aä* о' Г1:;** g-«j¿¡' J-íj «jji Q! (j

jr5 гц»,» ja *ы>>1 üm i^ рзу> usUúí ¿ш ufc

Jlä ^*я]!5 u^-uJî ^Jaï olijjy> yó U o!vj Jp büJí JLS^I üikS «J| J* B

Ц jjl^t Jj oUijJî цел 0^ /¿ U Laj.t Oíjj o¿T¿


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Xci U tíUjj I С e. ^Jstj Ivv -мЛ\ -**ад» l*"t . . • . 4*

СГ» Chapter 16.

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Chapter 15.

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;¿*j U lAju oli ¡.Lfj'iSÍ (j«Lj ^yb^-jJí ^^ jj«Uí Uljj.uü

«.им L¿Jl -AuJ; ¿ J-tr l*i OjCúot .! JOaliÜt O.UÜ9 ít^w óf& A¡ó \л»-о Q> «.,- »Jj ï

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«Ai. с--,---х-' ^-.--^-J ^-liv-j-Jí ^-XJú JJU -^j'Ü. «¿JljiJb yoJL^j (jtOuJL LSiiiJÎ &СлЛ^ LgÍA« ^.gj;tJ!j

2) 6) ,^ 18) ó/ 21)

-k' «Î»3 Chapter 15.

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Lo . j,c -í-.i ' '• QIÄMIJ :<*j.l t_f j..; (j< «U9 U.

«íjb V/ 05й ¿¿ ^У


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Chapter 15. *^ I? »

V/4 Ч'*--4-* Q° СП U^<4 т3 ^ ^A¿ (_s '•-"'-*••' —'

J'JiiJls B^-uub ,^t ^ys* ¿L. JLj & * Uij ^û^ LJUix, y

úüt JL Jale xj! -Л; Q* .JLc L\ÍJ » -r^*-*

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x¿wJ! , iüslj U !¿! BLX3» ^ ¿5

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¿US, iü¿y цл to

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3) 4) juU5 18) o

*} j«*»JjJ5 /U>5 J^JÚ-s er^jj vj^ t° Chapter 14.

^-, j ¿ *«.^- Ji jjle «.x !_..L¡" Jut.


V..O i_j JCX.J ÜvXAC ^í» Jt^i _»;_5 .üj' __^j i_>^3 ^=0° Q4 (^X,-i _'-ÁJ Q! <_--«-rr -*k- --Г

:>^- -*-' ^ A-AX^J. &.

U*i *LU Oc JA. ^i o.!; UAS Uft* Otf UU ¿JUH i. Chapter 15.

Jila. ¿

Q: JS Lola UjJjb« .x^j'w^. ^-¿>i c-j. ¿VÁAJ U ^ма ^*=r. :'--^J- </_vJ j Lv^-'.

¿^ o(^ ¿i J0j( „ÜCsc: Uisj (JJ'bt xiSí ¿^ Stji^e JOc JJiiJí ЬЦа-

.j;_v1-. ¿! LJ t-AMMAj ^jr.^- AeJix^ U;*K ¿VXw>j -ÍJ>.AX.-Í Lajt ^jlaJLi ,^,^^0 . ¿úOtXc ^_ ,- ' _v

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19) J^j 21 —24) From (J^*JS till v.-viJixJ! note on the margin.

Chapter H. 1 ^>T\JLtf »^Lu í" _.ïji e* v'-^ 8^>

¿¿I Lib ¿Ы ¿I J* g Uj íus 5kJL,*x*at JJLc *AJ LÎÏ йШ" JU/ ^^Лн «_,-**!

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8) já¿Lo 8) Lacuna.


Jj tUvJI »I*», sJßl Jíy>l ¿ " ôjUii j £¿!i üU3 ¿li júl*x* fe v!*í Chapter 14.

JJiJi 5 jjüí SílSJI X^»3I ¿

u»j_.e j н

j J3J **jjj J%¡! Jó,; (jtt*^' ^ g^í o^-JJt olsLs?! ^ iCALJt

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¿> ¡й>Лс _.¿.i wJLÎM ^ t.

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О1э Lait, LXJliAAJ ^5! ^jUdt »Ьич О/Г Û!j) J-«L*J! Оц M¡*f 00*1! «U«i ÄO úls

¿I v-jj^iy« ^j^ Lotj гиЬ ^s J.~Á* ^

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JOS ^-Jaí juU jut oLjLnJJL. iX¿Ul

Chapter 1 4.


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,vr .JLJ L- A. »A.- - &Jlc »-2j

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UÍLS! JasJJL, "Ü Lp-ií ,J*5 f.

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16) Lacuna.

en cfc ¿ *l>Ls¿l Chapter 13.

U ¿I l ¿i iíüJ>


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Chapter 13. « < «

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j JSxJ ¿b t g^ 0)íó 0! UX¿ OK O

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¿Is f i II v^úUJ J^i eUi 13 0K _^5

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3) l<l l<l instead of <l< <l< 4) l<l l<l instead of <l< <|<
0yCjj LfcJle OJjji! çj^ ^3 Chapter 13.

'» J о J-* .-т- "t-*J ^ л.'_^-.

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¿LJÜ! ¿ ^! гиХД15 oL¿x¿¿ Liü.

'jütli, 0ÜÜj Ot/ ^Utj HU « jSJ^ ^ »Je ¿6

jiLJI5 ИИ Л/.

11< М< < РК ^líJtj ИМ

ïXi jALjJI « 1« ||< |<| < / Jo, ^Ls. xJl le

Jo. ^-^ J£ MU ||< « I« I«

vi>j.j I« « <ll I II«! I l< / ¿5J C.


Chapter 13. Q i ¿^J! y>fj j^„5 *3j't

y UAS lJ.t Iss J^a-j y**»- y *8J*SÍ' Lsl

OÚX5 Q^ UJÍ oi ojs=:

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18) iLJLUI « ll< Kl <

JI j¡! ¿ \0^>\S jOx. £*>, ¿UÜ( £~JL «o-jJ ^¿ jyit JuJI j Is/e Chapter 13.

JLaJ! j layo baúl ¿LiJI cvÜi ^3 "Ja

U ¿Jíj (JiXJ^ ^w -*ííyJt Uls

Jj-»- or* t^^tj JJ¡ л/о Jo «S _«^j ».JLc OI.LW ^x¿

olj ^^5! ¿ jJb Ц

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18) Lacuna.

Chapter 13.!¿^ ol(j¿! oL¿¿! er .H* ¿/U^ u~J ol U:


¿J*^. U JÓxi jJüUJI Ü5¿ 5ÙUÛI ¿ JoJ^^I ¿5 схЛлЬ bis oyie ^j ^IJuw ^\ Oo-ij jjU ¿5Ü


¿Is L?^Uib L?

^J^. U 5! ^ Oyú jlLJi äUJt ¿I lÜLs? ils tíUJt ^ JIJAJJ Ij

I < ,£ yJüiiJt O3¿ ^.JuuÜLij 1 1 5L\S> IjMj^MUJt) JuJoúJLi LfU iLJUÜi ¿Is oL>jOjli úl^

úij, III ^ÁXí xlsbLS oólí" jáJüttJt ¿I laye !Jíj аЦ/ L44*Jt ^ < I ,^-ij < I

' u"^5 j1* Ьч' u^i J*¿t L51 «>írf < И J^ I < I jLJI ^1
J^*JJ ^| ,¿^,^31 |« L^ iiuwll '0\S lí^yo OJÍÍ Oíj *¿«U¿ij lo

% L^JLc *J СГ K^J <« ¡4-.IJ^Ji5 ^ **

J VUÍ ¿5 с Uo ^^ líJuj oOjJ5 L¿.; cXxi

,'tX*» « < U , ;


12) l< 16) lacuna. 16) <lll 19) i.e. y 23) i.e. j.
*! U jr ¿t ö£j u»AÜt ¿^ tíJJJj, SjjjA» y* W <^¿ü\ ¿l i^XeJi ¿ £=>°¿ % lg)l;hv..»t J^~j 0! Chapter 13.

crs '

= № i5 ^*^ ^ ol(JLu ^g**'

o« Lo.»- (».*.JLc. v.

s oy¡ij>^^¿ H,y^ ¿> US" LfC*

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.L. o-*--*-^ i_j.X3 -ír;_i;!. s_J^i Ч^ЦЛ Lv> д AJj^tl! v^b — '-^*

j . J>XÁJ v^ ; -гГ~-— ^ ^ _-i-% . u Lnjj ^_-..»J; _^>^ ^_'^>

jüLfl>Jw ^b ¿ ^"l iülAÍ! ¿p ^' Jo; '^5 L^o t^ t.

u * i» lo
d¿^! JS xLjjJ! j L^IAÜ-- cr ¿jrl VÍA-A J-JÜJI^ ^Ax¿¿( JL> ай*^,(

¿LJJÏ5 -Us tíl^o ^! Jj «ílsíw. u^J ¿LUÍ, ^'1-4 u«^

ií' »Ju:

oLilít U» tí)JJ

Jo¿LcJS jjü,- Jj Jo'üüí (jwe <-»««ч l^« AiAiJ? 35^ ^ o'* '•^^ '¿ж»- ol(^C<i Ä-u-jLeJt P.

íi^ ¿üJu U^ï J¿* ¿ Xjb»Ji?Uí otfj^il *>l*eJ'


Chapter 1 2.

Chapter 13. ffj- ¿ g-á <«•!-« J-Л g^/5^- ок «^^ *Ä* >^S A« v¿'^ «I JW. U

üai! (je u^«. j?jo* (Jüaij i^ät^J »If

. ja.! ¿ íkS-'^aiJij ioUJSi ,5 xc^Uí ¿I ^ ^g^J' ols'JJÜ^

¿ ,. {¡«4 *Uv.! j

L ' _•...- _.^: . .-.>.; _^ ¿u л-.U-.; Lca.it (^r,«.j. &A»-Lo »~j o^L¿ V^9 -v-^

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! jdU ÓLaJbyiíj »¿iyi wLJlo »JuLJl (j^- *¡ ^4-as »LüJI ¿t tíUJu J^i Jîb

i^s »3U*<t w<'J^ JjbXAÍ 12*** "j*^ j**"*f ¿' 1 1 { ; "' V

Jo! ¿I ,Ji*Ji

1 v^*ibá tlli

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8) /ь? 14)
U, Chapter 12.

¿l L.J-JL-. jUt g*» v'tfN ¿t** о**51 О* ^ ^ -Г^1 Г/15 J«


o _,**!» y^» $ À jA'jí CT?

,1 1LJLÜI.J еШ> JlU ^1 у

ifjjji iüul Jlj, *L«u>^! «jö^ ¿o^U ¿ ^ «í)JL«

u-*AJI сУ о/ ^L-JI^ ^jJI Ü3^ *~>UJt3 (.Л*^ t.

(¿)J¿5 ïs^c iüyé jijll pJa tlil

olsJuaJI v j '1^ ^' ^l*3 «J ГУ^Ь Г1**21 **t;'

oUiJI »A*jJL*J5 i¿¿l >y (.LJjJi^j, ^j «¿ja*, yixc XJLeUÜtj »L^OI ^JlbJ ¿Ш! f.

_iUJ5! iJsJ1 ¿5 «y.Ju«lj^L¿-i LJAJ yj ц***Ъ

2) o^JJ 17) «i^s*1 19) <j4- cr/ul 21) 0Ьм added by the editor.
Chapter 12гуШ Jw= er

' le 0K

ci* va^îjS Jf í-glj5 a ^¿ LfU vijoí; Uj

*b &>^( ¿5 »i^yi u^s v^ J*

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оЦуШ ¿л*»- ,5 ^К Лу^УЬ 1гл>! SíTyiJ! j^oUxs! xÜSj !уу3 ^U! yyljS «*»3 Chapter 12.
s « >
*«» iUbS ¿¿o (yü o! vt,iJl JjjS- íJb ¿je,!! l^JL^sí j9s eJliJlj Xjí Kjí JUc tjj^

siXs-5 vjLall (tÁS> (jos ¿L*j >' l^J! tjjiH JA£ Q, í^ oLaj

j fíJL^LJ! uUc «jyüi j'XÚs ¿)J3 JjJb JtjJ


¿l jj^j 0! AíL, JA* ¿Ij! ¡¿ÍÍ^JÍ o4 (J.Ô, (JxJJj «Ji« jute Ol/ (.

iii »Ы ^ya^w. «J J-*,i UAS iX»-! LjLs (J-LJJ! v_suIiJ j^Ui o**** O^-S

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о! Ц/Ц, J^ÄJI J^aäi ^bu olí U ^^1 tíU¿ Jlii Ц, «^uic U JL* ¿^¡6 *J

, A-Ó lit U * öVJJ . ¡Ju¿ \t>

t, fids^S! AÍJ». ¿ ^LbÁs^! Jj>^ Bbíjft!! ¿,Jaaj ¿I

«j *jjbl ^.^ ¿j^Ob J..U (.L« iítty ¿ iX¿-!_j UÍJ х*л5 Jois». tíUIt Jo ¿Ij ^L. s^yoj *L>- U

I5 ff0tf U v! cr o

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5) J.JIÍ?
Chapter 1 2. *Xsli übyi «1X> L ¿* »Juli ¿ ^l¿ * ¿Lü ¿t obbLsí ¿ ¿t

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úli J

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8) ^Хл5 15) Lacuna.

¿I 0^L=».; Chapter 11.

LjJt *J ¿f ^IJL« ¿ ¿LU! ^Ш' U

¿i i„«^«Uj s.yo

I /¿ y. iÙ ¿I

JJ' «JÜ «J US íc. *$ Lo

d^ JüCJI _у> ла"^! -^x-Ji ¿! (Je LXÄS !í)JAJ JjiXAj ü ¡üi *A*¿J

¿ iuyw 4_*5>¿ **J' ¿b S^Xs^Al! sJ^-LeJ! ¿AjJt ^vib Qi ¿!

.« «Luot '*¿J~

B*á.^l ¡CÍS5Í Chapter 12.

¿L« Ц

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Chapter 11. ^ *> a ^ JjS xJ^Lb

er ^у^ »^b** о1 о^^ !

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Jj, ol^j^L ¿AÏ!! Óuij sjixi v-JjuJj ¿L« Л» ^ iUas 8¿Ut ÍU Q, ^L

L».! iu.jJ.lj yvjiyüi ¿ os o' t5/ **

t^ J* ¿^ j^tie íJUA Jtt u*¿¿?. ^ !¿ls ^jlJI JÎL.J

A* üi>Le * yLíi BjJuoS ^jJJi tó^Jí Q« tí)J¿ Ш^

U f|j¿ ^3 _bjy«yJ! ^ ioyjl !л5> j*

>>Ju.Li (.ilí' j U ïô Äs-^v^Jb ,.^*ÄJ\ JOe «Jo, JîLi ¿AJ Ц

iUX-J! vJLaJÍ, Ä-rjjJ! .,! ^Uríl, Ls^L? i^Xs*} 13!

. ;yJi tíJJj J* I^L^j |?yLu

- _--u ЦЗ^«Хои) j *-Ля-' j XjJljjjJt ^.Jj Ai.


, fcuÜt iüLaUi j ¿JJ jj| ¿! ^"j

/J>JI j^JL ^5005 ÄSLLJ» jOüa ! ^1 íJls ríl>l l^itf IJ! *CSU ^jl oUÜÍi

ÁJb- Jla, JÜLjJI ^^»b^ xLjU vj U*s íJL^iwí Sí^. i¿J », (_¿'Ji Г.

¿i ^Л^м^и V»ÁAJJ AÍUv**¿» Q, wu^í OU) j Q

6) A blank in the ms. 18)


Û ¿ k Chapter 11.

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ic « sL». ijlj

^ ,1э Jí^^í iXw^J n.Lio! .. üxa-LÜi j с ^. J.LJ »úiu .A+X^J. MüLoj ;^i.c « ^.¿^ j. J-JJLi ;^

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AJL»¿J! lj **» !Í au*i¿J o J>i»-t ^síü »Л-и »iXoaJ Jw«.

cr j- úls íu I lí jJi





Chapter 11. ^ü >¿;^ ^ ^o JJ xl^L.. O.\J :<r.= ^¿?;Ч3. л+ .*.


oLgJ.2+XJIj J^Jt JÛJU ^i-O O^xJ^ ¿Lu .l'i ^e ^ Jt a,

O* JÄ*

oljt ¿5

¿I (jjj ^1 s-^ .LX-L Laui »s

JJ! ч.^?. ^ IJls ^^JÜ! уЦ,

J! JaSL-^íj ¿«ULi J-ó U ~f\yb

¿ U (J^s ^^ ojllj, KáyíwuJI., r^AJ( JUc вЛ*.5 íltlj J^j U

jS slbt^L XJJu-Jí ^Lsf œ í^ tí)J3 ¿5 oLaJÍ, гЦ-^«Л j,î UÎ^L. Ls^b? i^J^ íóí


ÄLü! j-^jj [t.t«.«j

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^¿JJ Л» ¿I ^jj'jiJ

b ^504^ iüLbJI jXi ¿* oL^yt ^t ls fU>! l^tf I¿I tCSU ¿ül oUUií

LJL». Jls, JOfil (^J^xj ¿JUH ¿iy^íj JÚJliJ- iüubaJ! jjvj Uxs *ÍL^A«i jJüG Jjüy^ Jkái F.

¿I .ЛАХж^и v^AJ; AÍL«Wb*¿- Q^ V4r* J^J »y0'^' СЛ

6) A blank in the ms. 18)


>\à Chapter 11.


. t ^.ЛйЬ' -*> ii «.j ,

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Jlii üi Q!S »дх-^. ¡ЧтУД^. o' ОТ* С


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jjAi BvX»«o>- ¿ beut AÎ jJÍj AJj*aj ь*з L\J. vi*Jj

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Chapter 11.
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21) X
), iXÂJuo- ers Chapter 11.

yUJ! o, UJi ¿¿o, 0Uyi tíJJj y>5 j Otf wi

Jo-^s Lj*s íú^A^i Jíyi'íílj L^UF u-~~ ¿i Aï Оиу! ^Jü! LJ JjU! ^

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19) oUîj 20) ^L\JÍ here and throughout the book instead of Jui **
Chapter 11. ¿j v„fcAajL~. ol ^ ¿t J* очЛ U, äULÄJ J.* ^ ib ¿deli y^uT olj iUS ¿U« w (jpbJ LJ3
« О о > -
-j i_4îj svilotSI ^,c tu (^JdxÄ U j- .¿э ; ¿ /' r^-"1''' ' j-c jiAJu i .—»..-u |/-л^У v^-~-J- . «;

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,'i ó! »JM Lwac uj KJ.^ .лс

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¿'_J Q! «а^-^Ч. LT!^ O5^' £*** "l-Í

4) yó.5 JCó 9) s 11) Ц


e A» iu.jjAJt ¿£i s Oti^i 8¿l** Chapter 11-

U x^JÎ o. á*^' UTS^

^ls v^^Ji oO.<*-5 Xxb'^¿! »J^J »Jou uíJUi 3¿!c O-=¿

iuu,î Jj: J-oU- Jùu

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L». c^-»^> U AÏ^ LAJ-X.JI ^c (ji?.cl o^ iJU¿> o«

8) JL 9)

Chapter 10. У liXPj «Л^ SuLp j Ju* u¿, ¿i J— o' Ju

JtJuJL 0iL*Jui ¿Ы ^ AJ JjJij ¿ A¿y I u Otf ¿I Ju^il »iJliH

c^-a-! -LX i

" :i -3 -L*- S o^ -x^'-^ ^ -^ï" x^-' ----"^ -1-1

ÛF Li,». eLuJ ^1>л>х> ¿5 »оч^! ^У j~j* v1

lüolí ols tjyiáJu. o< ijJj v_¿U?. ^j ¿¿>-^ ole (¿? jjwj (¿lob

¿J ^.jXj ^

A.' . Q-. ^ , j U Jb^ ^ er Jst^a^i ijj* \y*hr> ¿ С)1- xXj! .i ot3 .Î jL^xv ;\Á;'¿ i.' Л

a iXäs Jjûj xS, tí)J3 J*¿í ^^ t.

Chapter ll.j.j 'io.Ua i

¿I ^13 L«J! gULJI i r>JL*xi


oJcs-^J »Ы 5( «Ш iOjtJoij A¿« j,l Axle AÍJi jüo yüi s^yo vijoju!^ ¿Ü! ¿ola U J^ iJ^íLu I»

^^ü LX^Lw л-j'j ¿ ^JCJ!. .rjvV^-i ;*ftxj. J.AAUXÎ! í '.^ .\-^:

¿I oyj! ^jjJ v-^üü! ^yi (.gt,.hjr.j ^IjT iUayí Ojll5 ió-o

-,--, ^ ,^_-. ._^L;.J . L^jL . ,-)«y-u- — j

5 !Í o! &Л,кХми4 .\Á«. t1»

11) k-^Us Sic. On the margin *> 20) x»*,.


í , - . »-l -
jttëi з» >dl J* *jb,i Lu »SU ,»¿2 У i^&. ^ ц.0« ¿уц Chapter 10.

£$5 US'

èuJ ûls x


US' e or

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fc>9jil ^ ¿ cr 5 V^í oí"5

.vc го! ,Л^ j; ..x^xi e^u


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1) 17)
Chapter lO.«jlr¿Jt ü*~+¿

iXoLxJI ¿i (joywJ

-A>J, tul ¡?bl

Jla -b^i^ ^^uytl^jJI v1-^' cr ¿s^! ^Lilí! ¿i fj cr i (K* cr о5

r* 4^!/*^' '*

jJS'ái Ja

Ijl jj-^el^Ji jjtoíj Jai V^b ¿"I atílAíí »^ ¿ Jls Jí j-jU^ií ^ l_ríyeí>JI J*ol5 ol

i JJi-l u^AX^J «_^o»ï JvXxJt üLcj JJLúaaJI л-lit' cLuït L^xXCj ¿i \x.-_=: j.«j.;. ^t ¿Jjt

;чх— Л;. oLxJ-l --«T- _f.j ,__%Ха^ x3"b v.jl^«aJI ¡¿л L^fMM\ Q-. a^lx^J xLjC« .-^'. К»^аЛ

U vb^í IJ>J> o» iLóLSÜI sJLsai ¿ ¿4*3^1 Jlü5 xl^^il olL иа«Л1 »o




* * »* _1_
3¿ L\Ï» ^j tliî oLfix^Jt Jl> s^Vj.5 Ф Xi4*i^ sA^M^ u5^^ iK^ г - ° 'Ц Chupter 9.

jLfiya ¿káUáXJt ^-^j JOutJJ

/3 0«li *¿ lí »^Le ^^¿JU ^ 0!í !ó! «J^^l ,y ^J-! Jli

Ц1й 0^ ^5^1 wub ¿i Lo

j L ,Ji*j- UÎ ^joul JLä

ól rU^>^L, l$ii>xs> ^ u^s

Í- U íT,3í srJIj ai¿i ¿15

л^Ь «Í.O. lioü! SCajLbJt »Afl> JJCS j* g^lj ¿JuJ) SaJï

e O > &•« O " Ь r¿

¿w^;JU ¿ùwyiX«; iXàJi^ 8jv»Li cvX»ab AÎ tí)J>L>5 JlÄiÜlj d^ÄJub lo

Jljis oliukH «AS> Q» «! АЛЛ jS> ^*AS ^¿JlX¿-! Jüis uoilJ-i U, f AÎ tíU^F

Jlü«, Â.O ^Lü ^ íiis ^^JuCf ^ U y^í"5 XÍIjJI jA*J

XJLsí ^ (joIiAx) ¿VJ'is o**^ J^ ¿i J^uï 'Jà ^ '<&** J^

As?. »LLsí ^ y_ju.-> .ff. o^ alslXlL ¿xi л!!!

Xas «L.5 Í «b ! LXo xUls tf ? u¡ *ÁÍ 3 U!

Chapter 9. 1лз> ¿^ (?! j (jj, Q* ,«^eJb. ol f^+tf ¿ уз Où» XJ?LJI l^bJ^c j^? ^! J^ ¿ оУиЫ5
» > « í - -

tílüJJj (j»*^?-Í »^LAJ xíLJla Q^A¿! H^iLc (j*V^ J¿**>b »I

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Loi? г*^^ СД^^ Q^^ J*^ Г^^ C^ O^^&A

^ ^ ' cr* I »-У '*'.'. U;

¿i 5}1 U¡!
O ^ ^ O f

r c1" --. -V=>'. (j<»-¿> »--:•. —XxA^>. '- ~^*

«Us ^*»sc. vLäJ|3 oUw

.J lois *)L^ ¿ íJúu .J IJI üli* ¡O<« BL\S>

I i t o- _ ^; y> , ^?y e j o cr

¿I LiPj^LpJ íJíüj В^^лИ äÜüdl Ь jAOÄJü ^ >Jls jJ&JU ?!&} *


Ljjls лл.^1 |»L»bJi o* üJLasJ! Q'ÍÍ., í^jLj-' U^ÂAI Jas» ^i Jj ^¿-ï t,_ji ^ Jw v*^ j' i *;«.'..'

4) Lacuna. 16) yùb?. 17)


* 1л»*лл^й*»' *_лло j uï***^ ^j ^ l-»^ j^i Ji Chapter 8.

U* ¿i, *¿* BcyU £.1^1, ¿ JaJ! ¿I

i¿UÍ! C5JI iüt u^j ¿ ¿jl^í

oLJ-t xL íJ^ XiUi ¿I xj-Jj ^xb o^> Jjö K-.jLJi JU-obJI ^5! IJ-.AJ1!! Кл*,Щ

^í>*J cpJf oLftjJiff ^/¿ ,3 Jp oLají i^jSí ^ ¿M (J.LJI jJ^i u^J x¡l ^ ^s;^ Chapter 9.

Uï i¿>oÍJ' Ä^LS JJ ^Jj¿5

' Jüis wJ

¿U JlíJí t^ u^Jj o*>Jlj tíUií e.^í-'í У^'1 iV^í o1"!^1 *^ ¿!^' ^^ *^° v^b*- cr v^b- ¿\ tílüJ ».

b (j«Lüt ^¡yjunj' ¿1 j^piU^t ^hw* Q^yaj f(gÄcUtii ^^.Lotlt cUOüJt ¿vUi C)'i Arr.

*'*'».; b.» v_¿i'X.i J (

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liubJi ¿Jj* U ¿4«

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(^JUj JJi^ ,J¿u:i Lg^яiJlí "^! *¿UJ( ^vj Ui).v*oj j?M UAÜLsí ¿í J^> Já^ .j^i Г.

»1X315 ^í^iyi' L^' dü'l^í- v4***^' H^ cr **^ ' ' ^ "-1'^?^ **^

18) Lj^Jj

Chapter 8. olajytlt suJüLi *¿>.¡¿j o* '^^-¿dt g->j|>*JI ¿ Ь ^¿' »-*¿ ^LúS US' «лЬи.» Sií ^¡3 **íi o-* ?>*'
• o
•:_)•• ~->~- ol*»jXiL* _ií. O!MU¿* Qg**i ijia*J ,jl^;>L ^5-¿>t Juu S

4. (j»}wjj (J^y* — *r -'.. c-^-'

cr ^ "bU U ^ slb^í ¿ U^LO JL¿I5 iCyuiL, J^ïl (¿ЦП цоyo

üyu Q4 »U!. «A _^^-.^.j > ^-— - •

, ¡¿p Vj^ -*- -^-J •--c (Jt?.'."'' O .

—^J-- _'' • -- vt-x U^AJ sL«! iJuÁl.i J.c j jó>í .^x^j. f^Jí¿ LôjukïU AÁjju« j; t.

.; ^t \r »^ , JüLc U«~JLU j ^ .


o' U j*

AJi XÁ£ . .-JtXw-J ^ XcJU 'j -..X.' -i-x--: ^T^' ^A^ x;> _-. - iXk^UÄJ Л-- ^¿-| XJlj CjI^ÜáJt Л

¿i ^ jss*ü oLijxSvJJ -&* ^ t_J5jj ^^ ^U!! j^Ls^^ í*/^' ^*

oloiUJI Q, tílJUJi j v.^A3J ^j ^^члаЛ tyÜjO] vilj^íj JJSÜI oj[X¿\ o'S^L. j-J?^

u ^AJl>jJl r-Av. í-^¿>!; ^-' >•*-' Я/*23

Jai UJiü 0( j-4j! *Ií x^Üj (^jtJüó! ¿ «.ЬийЛ v^üL¿- »i! ^j ol/LJoJ! v^^'j ?' J «-»

l:t) Text in disorder.

¿^ Ljl« 0^л À *«A* • о* Chapter 8.

Us ! ¿I

- »b U . : . —V.aji

» ó ¿il J-l u'ó

L. Ц^ lie ^l ^.0 гицЬ Á СГ

.C iUas

¿,3 U JLLs XfJT iüCJiU!



^ ^rl lí > JUU »JIA j LJjií « Li ¿I 3^3 j ^

(J.UÍI Jjjic jL\JU li!jat «jU ^^X

o Jjj, LgjJ; JJLJI ¿ LUJ ^gJJi *JLc V5J

;. J«ot ..Í -*J ;. J^AAAvJ ^~-*-; ^LAAV c,-- JO Л,-~! Д | . ,' JLÄ9 Г.

11) ИСДЦ;

Chapter 8. \¿*J¿>.¿¿ /*->'j ?¡ji ц~-^ ù*a^ ^*¿ xji «JJ'u», ^c »U^<=» u* ,Jl*¿J5

З iüub


л uä

AÍ> j, лфИ Ojlt^ 8j.A*(j ¿^'5 V,-*'*-^.} tK^' (5** ['C.*^r 'i})1?" -¿ PPoooooool.

^ ¿j ¡J*!i 05¿ iKfJb tíUó IjJii Jü> ,^5^ Ja^'it vjJii'it v^5 j Ц^ i^^ o'i

Jüú iíl¿ ¿i JJüob _>j

'., ¿jlt tüljt ^yo Ü*J-« fkAXjí^ fA

-'* ^A¿ xo'Ji : * ^ '^_~>- . .-l^J j>. .. j IJLtoJ't Л'

U3 J^_.*iaït5 LjjJI j í'Ji U ,Jj; jíjUíÜ! Ä.L.

¿t¿ tffjt ^^ ^Л\ -^ L^J(3 jb; it«y ¿t ¿yJí 4

J-ast ¡fc^il-Jt ^ ^.LxJt tU<^! (? ел-^з ^л^ cr

«Ч3 j?tjj ^t ,^9 цьЛа ГА^« XJoblit

xJ! Ule s

^ juj ^5^*0 U jA»Jt

19) U-.. UiS

o,L«o tíldxíj XJobUlf Js,^b u»!>^' xft**".9 (3-e*H Chapter 8.


¿I u^J'

¿i v^iJu ^¿ л!!1. \¿X olí u-j^i Q^ (^jjLu 0*5 ^r-i^'jí j**1 t

» ÏAJUU! jjiiLs-jJ! (j«Lb-l Q, )tf* cW U** jij^1 ч**3у^ ¿5 t«

> U

•jLb, e>XJ

v-JLbil ¿ _у»Лэ *¿c y^ j ^iXj f^LeUuA )5 o 0е

2) tot, 17) Ju^, ЛЯлаЗ

Chapter 7. JUc Q, k_JLb I^«h4 «! >' tJls 1^5,1»^ 1*^1 j -A*jH _^ »^ u«L¿i Lpúas ^g^*. J¿L*JÍ

^L, Jlixirt! j xli^Jl с>^3 J^J'Lj (jj^ ¿;5 «-sl^i jlp^l ¿( ot-ft^

S;wii 'Sj .^.-з ,^Ао ^à ¿^л- _J J.i j dlùjlut ^£ /A^t jv,-o-*j ,_5-^- kXs»^t viiv^xi -^~-> ЩА^*^ U

lit ^5 ïlî'ïlj Ы ¿S> Q, ^t ^ OLj'j ¿i j-yc ^J«>l v!>^" ^^li 4>^' J* J04 U ,4^^ À

J^lk«..!! Jcijj ¿\ <-J&és LJUà uULxi^ Uc ^Le-j o)íü ^ oyCxs ¡cJUJL, LJI aï JJÛi ¿Ь

áJ^^JUJ,« «>JLJ U vi^Jii

¿i *
... a tA»- -,~; ,_^Ц-> 0- ^- -— *^- -- ¿^XJ' 'u'UL '¿il Asydl t.

Chapter 8.

- ;-* ОТ* ^х--^ W -r*5^---' -i-- •^'--^--^- V0"^ v'J '-4

ül ji гиио ki^óLw v.jlxj' j. U "j.i i¿v^$ 1_ï^=-'i ' 8L\P _: ^> що} ¿i ;...,-•<•- i У «»•>• &A^ - -aj suXju

T la

iUJLéi yvjLs..^ L^« ySos íüu^l ^ l^c^l Új ¿л«Ж Á olií,A?3 Ja*._^i ¿ u»L

_Ví. iXs»^ с y

-.j ;AJ: ?"- ^Á.V> y>! fUwlj XÁv« _¿-i t^-^x

S O^J* L*jLa ("У* Ь

b>aJI ¿! 1**? ¿^J

9) Sura 2,68. 17)


AJj *.*lx: »,aj Q* цйлала (_ejl~l ¿l J**-'« Jj**^ ¿I L$J py*»*** Chapter 7

oj, ¿ILí! ¿lí;¿! ^^ c^* " ^^>^>^ ¿\j¿\ IÁS> ¿ J,5 ¿Ш

!L\Í> j u« f^ ^ OL^ ^ 0
0L3Co il vi^o- ¿í ^^-yaj > LfcJic ~-г
;>¿ Juu

JÜl ¿t ^.AAOJ LfjlJo ^rÁÜ! JsUu. Jls, fj.b¿ix ^^, .i u-oú' o»

~i -*¿Ji ^.-.--o. u»Ux!t -v^í -ч--л &ix¿JL« LfJ^ J.AJÍ ¿ &Ú> ^хлзОл ;-r~.^ ¿Li' JOc iUól^t j^. --*: U

O»,- ^ ,_5J _


;¡¿>.; U OLX**»J J^»4l lXe A¿ ¿I

. AAjuJ^I i-:-¿--> -J--•- :<^=>^-'. . ,¿.x.'. • ;-" •

o!y ; .» IL L^J


! jUj^LJi j ja^.1! ил*35 «-ц»^! ys jútXys _j^' otxJ! J-e' ^U» US

Ju.!; J'S

. -j

7) OAI^ 17) s-
Chapter 7. Ju¿¿! Mt\£i ^ f^s íúUjüü J^% *Ül J^ ^^Л* tLu o(¿ *J оо4э îLu ot »Jl *ц»/!Й

iáUL» ¿ J^baj p¿i\¿>j¿ v^eJtAiSi »ОЦХ>! «-«

l^lj ¿1Л1 jL LóJJt j ¿UC. L^JU tí!JL:. U. ¿11 8-

* sIslX« Ц]| iJ^Oul 5üLj!Ä> ¿Is JL¿!5 (j^Jlj Q^XJ! j, Lb^jw s^Lx-JI
tiUe'ÍÍLi \Ja Jlc ^JL¿ Q

_c J.J1I «bLb ^- i_.ooXU «ja^w /jfj^bJt ¿ »^ ^ycclj x

ji \Á¿¿? 0U Ols *JiX*j ^Ljiíl ^.¿b ¿Is *Ä9jM ¿ BJu'á "Í eJliJt JSj fcAj.y j£ ¿ í.

v! LJ

Jo?. ,JL9 jjUi uíj J^L, tLoJtj ,y>UJL. eJLíJI5 ¿Sí

L*¿? o^Xj o( Q^l» ^ Ji L-IJAO^« ol^x wi (Jj^'j oíA^'i! tíUó «-^ i>*a^ Q! ¿I L*JO

-A¿|J 8ÔU«,! ¿i à!ç5 в.*! ¿ xfxXiJ! oobj Ja¿« ^^> xL>-.j jJÍ,5 &JU liJci t^gi (o

Jy«! ob ¿L*t! sLXfJ j-^Jjj^JI i»^ ь-Lix/i uíj AAs^jLÍlj • xivXj Q, jls üú>5 ^^JuJi


Ji Ui (j*j-Jye( Jlsj Q^jw^5? LjAJ (»Xái^ í?**^' O^'"*"' *-**^5 o'1^

j -í^J iüwJjJt ^jMAl^t Q^ i.l j *A.'¿ j>:.

1) Sura 18,83. 7) У£* 13) ldL. 16)


' 3^* iS Ûj y^Jl оил> ¿ Chapter 7.

.,^ . -¿г> *_•»-' (J^e vd. .;> .АС л!!с _•' А.'.

Ol i-'o- j JJLJi jL, tí,OJü5 iU

3J !i^ ¿t

,3 jb- el "¡i, oOuJt ¿ Juu

Juu I

-bLJl <ЛАс

^ ¿i ¿UA ü!ju<¡(t ¿I

¿Ï cutx«,^ ¡ÜC..XÍJ!

i t

,. ; ; .'«'< er v^-5

A! L¿* úi ¿L*j' ï ¡u!

Chapter 7.

yi ts L^Ji .¿Our Jls LjJLJ ЛлиоЛХЛ^ oJo*Jl ,^Л р-У

¿i Sf! Л

iüT" Oyíj 0! ¿5Í «iJUJI (^iü! >' «-¿LÜt ¿I tí)J¿ JLiJ to-i ib t.

ibu*Ji ^ Jiaj s¿Lju*JI ¿í gjj^l гиэ JLü wJLiü J A'i

cr jx JoüSi ^^-yül^ o<xJi wSL^bij} XÍLJI tLJLcj iiu

ÁJ LjJ (ji»AJj ^ii3

*J vi U AÏ! Ju

ia JuiLi Si sUi Aá*o LOJÍ !>Л5>^ jb- j t


¿LOUA JÛ ¿у J-*J o, ^ÁJI tíUii цйХ.^ ¿I рл> а^ VUT ^ оШИ 1Л$> Chapter 7.

* «д^535"" íL¿^- er

>i >T 3, ,1 Jl "i &1¿» M ¿i ГФЬ ^

*£ íül jüu oi ^í^ ^y aüi JUy о

LJJÜi oolb, yU-Ji o^T ¿í jLgeíl oJOxi» ojp. Jl 0L,jJI

jtjJI LóJ^Í j AÎ »'y ^¿ U OU^! yCí ¿ úls

bis ,j*lJJ!5 ¿Jß^ «UXüi Q, oL«óbU Ju 'S j?b J¿ ^j


¿ibJíj *S=UI1 tíLAÍ" iu¿L¿l ^3LXiJ

o Ot5 Als-'á Q^S xjjlju U í^i Js"

i\fj JÜ^Ue J^ ^1ЛЛ>'^5 ^yüJ! A*S (jOtojC olj iclül ¿ ey»wo ils Lô

-jJ Q^J XjjUiuJ^I OL>L&. JiLsSj J íJ^ O'yíl Q, UA? j J-¿ i\Sj Í-B.XE lo

jbaixi L^JI j.l.y^'ïlj s^y^e jJIjwA ^5 bU ^^4^5 J^i ¿ O^j^aJí !L\C U ¿3 f.

£-« ÍJ
U! ^1 ~Í\ eJJJI Ц, Jw

Chapter 7. j^ ItXxsVj LA--«J ¿US a¿L«j ^^oXju., v_j¿LaJ!5 ¡.yaJI ^.Ль 8,1^Ы^ ^^¿! (Jb. "J

^-Jüi j^. iükS Lo

л:.— '. tt

AÎ ¡CiL¿ QLwj'SI ¡JJiáj t^ji Ji Q! «5LjL« v_ilxf ^ás j»;«^ v_¿J¿' x^jbUI^ ¿Ьы дШ ji't-V
Clnw .. *• « « •
¿ü! ,_jo XAS ^лЫд *J y'iXJIj л-kS jXá^Ji ^Uo^i! |.Ы U Jí LXxi" >_iLx^ J5 ruljutí^ ^ xili


¿ J-çi xSS J>£ ^iJ-i u^bU-L jj^^ ы oL^'^'e v^ej vLsó *I U Jíj *J5

ojea О15 (jaLsíU xili f^gi $ &JU, «^ Jí" у л111 o! Äj

cr »l^pJ' -

ic « jJs, o-j »^oj jfc^PxA ШЛ . iü i^Á HiAx lo

O *~ m *u «
u» Je iXs^ fow¿c !i3i ¿jJ! ^júj vii^tXAi ió! juXjiJ!

j ¿1
L«j *S|5 u-^-üJ! 05LÍ _jlb iJï Jüü

HM ¿! ¿ye^j yLbJi loi1 -jÂJ' tf*^ 05^ О1 СГ З^1 ^5 «-«¿«ХАЛ ¿t

ïi ¿i u^blJ-i (j^J» ,^-

а5 eb ^! JofcxAj t Jü> Jó-b ¿5 s;L>

2) w'-.'ii 15) jú^UA


u 'S! ! ¿\ Chapter 7.

L? yy

St Ljijj ¿s ;Jüij y^J, LJJÜ! JL,=I

Лл »-ils

ZJ XcLbaJbj Q ¿íyCis rf Я"" (J^r!;*' o' I*"* l^*'

xJLS ¿Ju J ^.a.J' Luí" vUT ¿5

5! ^c tíXJó xl¿Aj АО, í-kS uaiî „LjwJI

¿5 U ¿I

jjy Juti! I^Jo; J5^i ÏLaïi SjCa-

<¿xIlj »..<áJt ¿Ls^'í -c J Li*j U

3j. ^ oi ¿ siXc ¿^>s» ¿\ Jüis.^ ^JOc ^jÁli S-ií" Ouu


Chapter 7. US' v¿orJ! J^ x£cL>. [¿¿s влШ «jJbo


Ц b

J ls>Ls?

S U Js¡J! ¿t

x cLIaJI !i\í tíLAj. ^gJJl y> ,JL*J^ ¡.^T Jüuiuilj ^ ¿ik

o! o^t5 ju^t jx v-AJtf Ut y^ijJï ¿t ÜJu- Jy» JJi» IJ^5 ffUxl\ Л vJ

LfJ i^ri**^. »y^b **JL* ^^Л5*- 4>J=iX¿>- *^

и и

-! v^^í'_jj L^jtJu o.Le lól U üJJ jt j->^ ¿í yoj ^ j-f* cr*

,1»1! j
_JLoii ¡.Jcs? JÜI o~^ls ols^

x*. äel^l 'o

L_.yu аул!! ¿l oJbo^i L« ^¿cj у»**! (_r^^( lfl>Juuí., Xx^JaJ^ » Jíaí! «-JI aJt^cl y

üäjt LJl/ xUs¿ ^Ль!! ¿t ïXjL xll^l OtbJlc^í ¿y. «JüiXÍ» llj

Jܱ5 Jo.!

l» j?b ¿W 0Uj JOu ,.1^1, ¿LSjtj 5ч<=Ц ^i M ^ ^Ь р£±\ ±¿ ¿¿л J^lî. Г.


-Zs. "Js OoO^' *ЬЬИ *1~ЯЬ vi^ls»! !ó! JutJli ól L^sbLsJ J.^! _>s> !iJ! ^^, J j Chapter 7.

XiliJ c^Jli L« Q

.«.bajía äoLH i>-г->«wJij

k_ .-= ci--'---'«-
. ^_J— ^<>j &.*£! KÄAÄ=» i>
.Ai. е>ч1*л.~^ _^.>'..s ^,_ü
ЛЛг>5 ¿».¿¿И Ji_ji J^?\J"sj v'1^ —*s»-ue Jo fi-o.^L. • J^aLs^

£LÁ¿Xu>t -»¿ Q4 / OJl¿! КГ .jb -л^-î O! .í c\lii ¿i)! jj-.. *J ^».. ,. U jA¿

.\-i ^r jj^c Кдлма*!! ùjj) оч^-Lc .4J-T-' -A^ cjb ,-j-.. 1*»-л "Sj u;Ai-x L^¿J 'LA! «ЛАЗ.; ^ ..- ^-v. LV=

«Ш LS>-j «¿J-1. ? ^S- ^~Jí Q t- tuA. J ^ya p +J ji jó 44

er o*^' ¿'^'j C^'21' o^ cí*^- d^ o^' V»A*UJ' cft j-j^fcXl! A-y

SpjAO ¿ «J..J ,_JVJ> »«.«tiir't Q, ^jJÍ*¿i (¿AjLiîlj Ч-!^!^ J^S-jJSj ui^Ujl .j-bj I.

er o^^' (j^1—J'j fsjf. ^ |»J^ cr Q^*^5 tr^^'j obl

t^ká! cr»^b (»t**^ Cfc*T55ji' c**n.->

üw ¿i

(¿УЗ j>c ^(Ла tjls L\-LjJ! vitJIs fj^jLajJi J^jal ¿die .jt A*x,¡ ^ ^..¡yüJlj -laüJJ lo

¿ у^^'г'Л ¿í ~ j¿-*}

¿I ¿üj ^Lsr iLôLSJ^

>'Ь Jls U iJ

-' La»?

5) Lola?,

Chapter ü. jj ¿1

oLcJ! u^ (Уч^и U íwó pé! 135 с«^> L^óui ¿I

)ii Üij Je \

iJí Us Ltxi lÁS'Jilí o

,:_ 0( ¿i


{^30,5 ¿^ U oW
íS « ¿ü*J! i^ I

jli 'L_J¿. L?.f>5 ^jJiXÎyî ц- v

¿I Oj ^.y

^Jü iXtolí С) Jjí


U; bsuaj AJÍ ,_jkc ^.^\:î!^l

Chapter 7. U~A¿\ oolí üi ^ СГ»

tjü&l., iüyü! fJiAiüü ^s\j er ptiA ¿Is *If> J^vXj u-ö^Xe Jr Ц JA*J! jlgbij Chapter 6

Û «5oL. v'^ vb ^Ub^JM вл ¿t

eilest -c v^?1^0 A* '^Jb^J! L?\JJ LkJLsi лХЛШ o^>tfv^AûJ Jls


O» i*JI ¿l
—* « er

. ^w >¿r. ij-s>'i r«»i-V; *J'j' . Л- c'^'~, -•"•-

~* *^ O O

* v-yüu _^j\ v^jj >-*ä«a' "2lj (^i^ba Lg]^ ob-^jJdtji o^Lält I.

l^ Kb^soe fíjj'íií Q! ¿Í vy?1-^' \J¿¿¿ гь<*5 д! ^

cr jj

-ii _bj_j v^s- lilJiAS' Jljj "is J^i Ц51(Лс eibj L^J» рлХЗ ¿Jü

¿t ф i/uo *¿

3) B^ÂÏJ 10) Lacuna. 21) iaí<X¿ij 21)


Chapter 6. ¿t ^¿lt (¿й~1\ wù^ JsL,^! ^ ц^! v_jLb ¿I

JI ¿t j.,.-.'; ^>i c

' _^¿» :C_T- i ,«

LójJi jLs- L^s JL¿(


Juu 1

m 9 9
^,j- ¿ LAJÍJ ';.: .i *.г- -<-^

^&i**'i ^^-~i:- —--: ^Lk>^i X^>- Q-, -'

,5j,,l*j' UJ'


¿i .Лл~> u^Jüi CX

1 ol^ Cr^ 15** ¿ U ^ СГ

¿,] ajjiuoj iürfxs £>Uaj ,1 »3U«! JJ-L ¿ja o,, ¡?UcJ OÍJSb¿¿ Ч ^JJt tl^i. Chapter 6


J> ¿l Qj^yaj ^¿^i\ j L^J v^^cíó ,1 o

rX. ^ ^JJIj (j^LÜij Л» J^4! Ь «M jaiu. ^^Jjj

bïi дjiLs»3 jj^i j

b (J.LÜI

jblíj ^У ¿i j-uaJ luLA ^^«u íL*jJt3 JlyU! I i

iXi« ¿! ^-yaj |?yb j¿>5 «j

-. ^_^-.

^ »л f.

*AJI ¿je JsLks'IJi 1ЛР ^1 (Цр. ^y. ^ Júuv^l s-j ¿s. sjui
Chapter 5. Lgjfô o^-i '—^^ «A¿*s :<!?!_> ûl^ ovXJt L^l*« >ЛА« && ûï ^З. xi!c

ÄJW Olx-~ul Lfr! O5JUJ ¿^ _¿AÍ Saisit ¿э iU!c 0)£> tíJJJds JJÚJ! jls* Q, oyù Amtell ¿

a, _л fjt,\ .. fc УО U


Chapter u.(*Â^$ xL> er» *

JAM»} jJLc ¿I ülSjí X

*ulo *»*? *A» ^J ^^Jí Ja^yül Uíj

. y>T ^ ,04». ¿I v-j^i jl Jíl¿5 ¿I ^vJ! ^e yeLjiif, 0iXJi


¿i Ju
> f

U íu

¿t 05^л^ ^UÜL ¿jtx-iïj U^J ^Lxll. AJb o^LiJIj v*\i^ e?v3d( t Je lui


ОГ5 V -Э > A-J aJ »^5 » ¿i Л"*

4) ¿ Leí /i¿l Perhaps a lacuna between ¿l and Ul. 9) oU


!ó! J>jLi»J! je' BL\J¿ ^M yo ijjxijj SkX¿5 Xj>ïj yo L*A: vi^4s»-Xs>-!^ Chapter 5.
* '*


,*¿ *J й/ООСл iíU¿ ¿It L^J^aj (jláJli LfJt JJÜCu ,¿0! jl¿l JJU ¿I L^eLbj LjttLC o

A.w J! lAilí ^Ьио^! ij.ií L^c .4JW !i,oi*X^.! i j>! QiX«Jt j,»iA\j _?,Л3 b*.j LéJtj .V.A—J

j Ut xJLi» c. ..4^, .i «J.Ac! XJLC ¿í \--oi

í-le>JJ j^u tLsiJ!

JlS ¿'JU

ji ¿( Ltf>l$> Q, jjwuj y^áj'Üi oí tUAJÜI Jjjls'í ¿ ^

jJJls ¿iJoto'ii Q, 0yCj sLwifUtj, ¿^í( œ fUs-'U! 0jíCj5 L^Lfl» U

LfJ í^^-i-Sl tíUJ (^jJ'í ^^y«^ OT15^ Г/"1 O^' ^ LT^J **^S U*1^'-' À Lb~À&

y>î iX*c>- ¿ «Jü Lfl (Jo гОл »=jJl¿ ^ >Лл»-! Qi _.j¿¿~' Jj u«iÁjl ¿i _^*ai'

j'ïi 1«Л0>

Л íOs-c U

05^ o' v^r* Si*>;?


Chapter 5. <^>\у> v^f ЛХ« j ¿S>s (W^f, ojli xJLc ¿¿3 ¿$ ¿IN

^b Jfej e^SÍ íjly. йУсЧТ ytfj ^JX» !L\$> ^U», ¿ jP ^J-iL^ »Ы

..^АЛО.! Ц,

сг« е^

^ ¿¿i ¿5^1 jlJJ! ¿ «U««/ Lo i\js> \J& Ja

Jls, «jdbs1' ¿t ,^x ^.LüJ! JJü, iJu^JI (ji^l iJw^iAs jfruóLií cr 15« ¿Lo ol

i ¿I üJle^ JuJ^xJi ¿ Lg3í5 o^ t (syi¿\ ¿5 I^JLe LJ ^^¿! ¿î

Jí JUxi, L^i vi^JL*»- ajbj L^S u-u'i ^ s,ye I.

¿b Oü> Laj? Jls «Jli l^lu^Lï ^ Lfj!«Ac k^^ ^j Lfi Ä».^ 1> i

Jt ^Á.0> ¿ »^ LfXjLÁjtaj, ">^í ^,-.¿J — -.e

l, taj,!^1^ ¿ v_abJülj i)—L¿¡! ¿I L^

¿iLf JsLJí &yb £ ¿Я J^í (jíiU ^vj L*^ u^ftiJI J1A. ¿í ^ JuÜ

xJt (¿fcJ !- J>.ix 01лА$\Ам^^ oLjJJ LVjc.c Jí ЬЯА -]¿ Lo

Ú5 *!L> J* <LftJt -л! ^Lflj ni* lioljsij Ais ^oJaJüi «AC

3) CT«-uXS 4) Ь Jfe, missing. On the margin Jâ 18) *J ^L«, missing. On

the margin Js


Lf5^' Jj "Sj Ц*ЬА> *_ÂA*M ^ xjl5 здЬ $ Jj Chapter 5.

» —•
U U. 131 -LJJI JuJI Jju**o Uí'tíUÁí'u^J >l _^' Xe 13!

¿t L? Ui

JiL> ¿ ¿yS.jí «I Jlii U» JA*«!' **J|j

j U^ OÍ! «¿öl,


^LJi ¿д 0уШ *>5 ^ ót liju «U*-

«U Q^ а^Алэ tjiA»-} ^.-s- r.*i.i >A-Ái Lx/a^o WJLJ ,^;. J¿A _-^x t.

«Л$> j>e ^J4 йЩ{ »Л» "0\ ^j^Áf ^ JLiü iUiJL t^jb
p J > О * «
ji. t \^s-L> V^MUÏIA Ai. jjCt^Lc! (ЛлоА UJl «Jb ^.j

*J^= ¿s. vLSj xîi ^5*^' J* 1-4* «jLLu ï ^ LJjJt (jasj j

JLaJ J^AS LJAJ1 ¿I Oyu *Iíüj *jUaJü J^s-l Q^ ¿1^1

Ю>у Otf U ¿! ¿J^ít j»Sl v^' ¿ ¿*Лв11 'r^l *a¡>>5 lo

jLó Oi ¿! vJí^aJl ¿ Juazt. ¿\¿¿ ^ íü^^Lbx j 4^ ^5

vs^Jtf LAJ щмммЬ* I ¿Is ¿Ц!с oolí 8J>UI ^e u-jJI oJiySU lól _>JvXwLi Jlí's

va*«*lajlj Ifj o^***Xs LjJb-'i BOOM LAJJÜ! Jl^l ¿Í5 XJLcLeJI LfJl va^bj гЛ*'1&-

aJu »X: ÄxüL ._*: oLw^>«w5^I! ^ji ^^J L-,-VJ; Ш*^!) :J¿ L^AÍ

j s¿LoAÍI -ftjLtófl L¿*S5 L^só colcj L^JI P.

Üi J-ast Laj! ¿^ U^l Ax^oiu J, Juiï ^ lo! ¿Uaï ^3 Us и

7) ,^ои 7) Lu> 15) SJlj

Chapter 5. «-óK ots & oU¿J! .yüu^ oLS! ss ¿t «-o-U

iÁ^Jj '¿sajía ol¿ siX« ¿! Jb¿3/> BjÜül J*

l^ij Jl»Ü5 СГ Ц&1^! Ц £Í>

™ o«
JC¿ÍX¿-* Jjii'ii! ^-.v- ÄJ.XX iXiLXj> LJJ iXiAZwuij '-v-^-'-J' A=-'. Jí" j,

*¿l ¿I Jlxs^J! 0Luj! v_^^o K.JLJÍ tJu^ ¿ «SÜJü

iÄJ xj^i \_v,.\- 3¿ Juoai'i! ¿I Jj

. o

U! (j»-«J! JUf e^Ulj (j-^sJLÜ JUJcs- tjü^ 47* J^aAJ QÍ ¿Î ¿s*.Ux!l ¿S> \.

,'¿».í. '_--'^'4- ''••'-' ':-^- cr* "'• --^- •—•'-.-' '-.. -v.'; "Üi bjyoJ! Q-. '- j _!' iXLc U

..-c L^eUxAwtj ^ -^*- - ..-•»•. Lgj'i¿ ó-u 1 g il ¡».«i'oitj Jbü ' U


Juu íO5>0 Uj üá J^' AJuJl ^ **4wJ! BLX¿» U Ji*; Д*!! ä^L*« Q, lo

'. .AÍJ:-.

. LJM ^.ysí ^5 |^**.J ^-p' ,ДсЬ LLeye /*jl-*J( tLasüL o^ Q


¿¿\ ¿I ^>Ы< ^ QUJ>!il Г.

4_AÍJ ¿I 1} SJ^ ^.jc ^ ^>^í ¿JJuí u-^JI ¿i Ó* o-, iS^aSij 0>.ü /iX
.• • .-
UI ¿t JjûJt k-H—U-i «jl3 üUL« v-iloí" ¿ Wj fCiK. ^ L**" "^ <-5^ i^*!a Chapter 4.

U ¿l

. +x^j

iJLUJi O^>i JLixi J^ b^Lilil XJ^U: ЦЛжа! (jjod

J^1- ^** _~>M *л* I^*»T! ^ ^л* ¿ gf*» L^líl Q» (Ла»-15 J(j o


Kr: 4.7» лх Sjü!^« »J (¿jJiftjT J^?-j JLi* (j^ *** *1-Н7Н J^« (jufcüll ¿!

U íuLol J05

* tUwJ! o, JjLÜI -Ы1 tu JlAt u^J! JUx ¿I I^Ei, « ,4^ J (? iüji^«« JA¿ I.

JUií. _л^ J ¿p _£'...>! X¿U^U XCw^»/c *3 * t-,iji ¿ ».*i>í

¿fe. Le uJU¿.í ^Jjiiit j «¿U! OL\Í>! ÍJls 8;aL¿L, ^c¿i ^^ sSUl ¿ j^j "Ü

JÜli stLA>^! J^ JU¿.JOlí jLJtj A-oLJI AJUÁJIj sy^bJI Q^O^I ¿jljü ¿LsTÍ?

« tsrxïbul jü^ 5лг dU^I ¿1 ^^^ ]f & ¿^^ Chapter 5

U,j1 _,l«¿ uoiLi.'i! iUbú wl^aJl ¿I U/ jJl*Il j ¡j^AiS

«L*üo ^ ibAijJ! iJL^JI

7) .^ ll) ¿y 13) ^ja

Chapter 4. \J>j¿u¿ sû^U ^уаЖ L^S

cr o

^Ал ^лё ¡?JUe

y-^j LJJ QJ

lj fjj^iî ùLjbolJÎ j


iüjL^ ,члаг_1 '

U SiXíLi^e j

>y. «L-jsJ1. Цхх U С_---Ь .,! > î-н




s¿U! sSUl ¿I ícu SjLul «0^5 ^¿xJ ¿j!^

*"£*^ Jí^ O* "JJ^ai (JJJuaJI |^u* ¿J Г.

xl. ule ^' 0Lj,

0 „bi Ü U! vaJlí ¿i ^ Jliü ol^! b>o> ^

9) 11) Lji

Ü9JM5 ,JLc ¿уЯ о* JjoL^I ¿Is Jo¿!L (jll>¿! ,^< о^Л^1 Г/ Chapter 3.


;î ~Jt s JM

»¿HL (j^âjJf (jfjüj J^AAÎÎ v-^JS^ j ^ ^sLfüí «ÍLAAC ¿Is ciJLu Chapter 4.

0! ¿LE» oyü 'i Ц Xbb^ll ¿I iíS^i- sSUSI er Ц^^5^1' ks Ц5'^* *^^ J*^^ и-*«^ ¿' W=3 '•

3> ^jJl jjJ-t ¿I LxAOs


- o U

«5ULj JUUL ÏI ^ Uí L^Jj* u-á-ÜI ¿JLo ^ «5JJüj lo

^w <^«.} uj^j^jj^ cj^k^j >4^ J, 'Ñb*»«ii

LgJ ^L. jXAaAs LfJlc (j-Ái!; ^jJSü Xs^LJ lilJul yoLixil Q. iUÍbü! X¿AÍ^' o'

»Ly« 5I LjjlJLs? Jj: iúya^« Líy« B¿Le ¿ 8Ju>-^ ^j у**-^!! »jyo

U /ÓJI ^ ui ^'Üj _/JüI ^ c^Jj мЛхлЛ xIo-L^l 0ÍJu^! c^JUa^ IJls C.

ó U ^ïl e,. U!, j

19) ¿I5! 19) »¿


Chapter 3. __•>» <X^u rU«JI Ja*vww*s KM**! oLu^^lj _

JAJUWUJ j*3ul! _.>. _!., ,-L.i Jn*-*->? (jailli _,>. u»jMi <£•}.$* Jn.»«««)j ^ *,-*-! :

U lajL^Ji »Л$> cr, .Л£>^ ¿..v. p^-Axit j^; 'A^ u»pli Jau*^ .

i. .v^-.*^-' oLtâxXi! j^ ,'_s.L: л:»г U ¿1 _^~o Le

L^J tLfwJl^ Q^lj5 U^j AjJi^ ,»5iXiLi5 »J L^ic (jaUJLj ^U

cLu ^jj.AXj! jß LtJ L^M fclbij, *UvJI ¿i

jlî U/ '¿«.¡^«.Ji ^ч! Uvii ,_-.£. .тлл=- OyOJ ^..j^;.:

s'Üi I

•• ч— о ^ ям v

— *J J; —J'.*-í; L^¡IX¿t QÄX« J^ <t¡¿ ¿£ Í3Í iü^UvJt ("Ir?"

JXÄ "Sj «J Jix ^ ^guVJt Ц1йо^ ^ vüJj (j^Jb-jj^ u^jèlî^i JS U

¿ •
—Ь ^AJÍ. «<Ц&!1 ;<5 _^- oyó cLiJúwlj oaXs»! ^j

«-«o jLÜ! ¿i üí, »Lgjülíb, yv.*Jî ol^bj Q, jvw U ^i И ¿5 yeJI »>*-^ ^ Ц ы I»

oLJI ¿I «â!J35 ol^l y» *jJI OoJocJI ¿Jb u. J^L¿i ¿i jyü ^j fc5;J! ¿i

jJi ¿ ^j Ц Uo> (j^jjiJi Q! (_gjj b^Ls! ! US' *JU c


15) Lacuna? 19)


Chapter 3.

¿£ÁA» ' ..JíO L\J J¿.y „ ,5 i¿>

t"ÚsJlj J>UÁÍI L íliu!^ üLJUt L^JU i

jüí ¿i X*JLÜ^ Jí

¿I A>,L¿- äjLLi UÏ

l^JJ-f-J (4^19 J^î eJül C5JÄÜ.S j

j. »Ajlî ^ P/_-J Bj^aXt! »¿Uij S

s¿Ui ¿!


*U»Ji ,^j! j?j, -! lo

i Ьв ¿I L

*U1 L^àLjj, -aas» ¿i „LÄ

clffihï ^ L^J

3) 4) L
Chapter 3 **\1*¿¿ Lui l$¿« «j^ \^\ вЫ Q, «I ^tl jüül J* ¿5b ^Jc ¿Uï «Ш ¿! ¿

JUi juL&j JUillU, f Cl J^cl! Oyu 01 jL> Lui ¿ÍJU oyo ol ¿.oJl, J^ ;L> lois

¿I -L»^! ^tf VU¿- ¿ ^1 là* ¿ jyü ¿U (^A^Loj vUíüt

*¿L«j iUíwJd! tíJJLv v.^*

b.1^1 BjLJI i^LJ! oyOLil LjSlJj Ifi»j5¿ ^ «~a$¿ i

ü>. ttjlj ^^JL?. Jí" *

05%** ^
!1 J^í SU, ¿bLj1^ jLo.>í!j iUjïï, í'iHj x>Ji ¿I

AfcíPÜÍ JO* ul UJu OjjJbH

i-J fie xU>-j L¿JLr Q^Í J&>~^ Lto,( ÍU«ÁÍ Jjt^. ^Ло ^ \e>

U * UJuto 'I iiXil ¿wc Jw« iXs^l J^íü LJLS

!3 .fju |IÁJ> iLuM.LilLi -^u !-»-5

05-^ r^1* (jtt«^' ¿' jy»X o* o^^^- СУ-^1 ^ *"(**"'

^.^ j . >y=^ L ,_c- p u^-o>».J i^ «Lotx« Г.

1) I.Chron.22,9.10. 7) S^LJÜ or ^bü or ^Lü or ^LO' С ^Lïi 9) flsl3


*î J^ï LoLaXjH го цл/А. «oís ¿üJ! .**«l l_gj-»< U хэ-^j »^A¿ J^c íCfs¿C« (jas^It (jh3^ Chapter 3.

¡ Ijjt^ l^-JU-r- j S^Jublt *1**Л1 vOí' Q, LS>Juu Ц 'bJjyitt ¿ Çj

t_J;. v^V:*-' Vjp ^i-^-1

iüjjj ¿5 *>A**^° ¿I ^AÍ^JÍ ^ J» J^*^ 0Lil*^1 O1

¿t ^b ^ ü, yOUÜÍj ¿U« ¿*¿\ ¿5 *оЛ«3 Lfrll tíUl«. ¿I *J

0K Oüü jLJi J^ Uüos-^ bLo! b?/o Jj rUAS^U ^swJij jJJt Ü5j> U J

..-ijJi f^^b **а?НЧ o«*^ (5^' os^ p^j*^ M^^' 0a*; 5* *•? JT°^' ü' '^ ^'^ BL^* cr* j)*3*^- '•

xSls S-íjJJ (_gL\JI viyjy^.! f^^í ^*í (*^° S^LJU Áli! ^yoju [jjK J^JL**! _y-ij

c tí)I«jd!

й,3 Ц ¿j¿\ ^LäÄ. JUÍJL!! ¿ ^Ij JJ^! ól U^j g^^j ^ (¿1ЛИ ¿Is ta

Ц K-ojj

-*¿ ¿i


5) Génesis 6,4. 6) Hiob 1,6 ; 2, 1. 7) Exodus 7, 1. 7) Psalm 82, 1.

10) íLoyu 20) Matthew G, 9. 20) John 20, 17. 21) Luke 22, 69.

Chapter 3. _Ь!уь!

Jijé 01 J^>-í er lido «J yj Jba Lotfw U 0* uAM Let

» Uí" x£ ' cr



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J.! ,e.j y* *i£ Q^J i-X-ЦЛ aJlA« ^jiA ^e. IjJli *iX«J LUJ Qf. ^AÄC ÄjuJjüt Chapter 3.
J-ii*,, ^ ii- 0Ufll ¿13 syül ¿SIS ^5 05¿ÜL tíUó ^ JJB o, ">• iXe.1

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¿í v_*^a Axiyül рЪ*\ LLsíu.1 Üi U^Ils tufJbu

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Chapter 2. ^y^T JlSj }>UJ( ¿t¿! j¿laJ! ¿¿i ¿¿¿ UÍ

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j?JU* ijuLiJi olsîJ-i eJ^ J'LÍ«Í5 ,Jl«J! JUy ^.jc SjLc j-й-с v_iuSL

Chapter 3. j, JÍJ.LÜXCÍ _/3 ¿, ^ СОМОВА j ^yj ¿^^ U

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and vJ4^!- On the таг^п -k. There is no blank in PC. 21) ^-^jl^?
21) {МЗиЫЬ*.

fSUè ¿I ^e^i* j^üCílí ДО;, еЯг^* ^ Ы16 !яУн ¿ о1 J^*í '>*Σ>j M !j*k" (4^ Chapter 2.

Jü=iÄ/e yilc XJL^SJW «lila JLaîl oUjíL xlfftl дУ-^ u~^ ¿Ь оЧ) цг*

, ^ Lltf *JI ^i y. ^ Jou Ги*-Ч J* ¿дуя o, .^ «b flí

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^ Ji «uAjj :<a^iJ! -.Á^j j^i-t ^-,; л xr , ,.: «A>1»- cCui-¿- cr- ^ ci^bct iA'í ^.LVt. 5!

I-fll x¿*Jl¿JI 3o- ^ J^5 '^£=> liXí. AÏ'JCcj Juc^b- J^*»5 «alÍj j^S-4 J^cíl y

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10) QáJuL 11) L^i» jl 14) PC ¿faxll S J^äJt 17) JA« 19)
Chapter 1. ¿! ^l* ^j^c o\¿*j^\3 C5>a;s:: ^jjbíU ^^j 5i yuj rí;* j^ ¿' t>-»>*!

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Chapter 2. v_¿J^>< U

XjoL>¿ /^AAbXXJI -.- ^ , . ,s¿-u T.AXÍ-. y^jiM^Ut (ЛАс V_AA> &«LKJ! ,.*!'.

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JJLJl JS J^15 j«-Jí Ц.ОЛ ^ o^LÜ jJUÍÍ ^ J,^^ Jr wLxÄj ^¿Jt J^LJ!

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5) UaXiu 15) »oJ^Ü 21)

c^l fb¿\ ^ ^bet U ¿L eft^OJ 0у>Лч j^itfj (Jj¿\ oyi iü,L|b ¿i jb- W ^Л ¿ Chapter 1.

Jju *i.^*^\^ Q-. _AÎÏ S^-.ÁÍ ¿I í-j.^L*J! liLLáj _»>., «LwJu „viU ¡j-, x¡J

J ÜLJls vi^jiA^í1! Ub ^'Ljutoly« Q» *-o ^ Up ^^¿¿¡5 [«•{**.' I-»**

r_¡i'' (ЛАС J.»¿AJJ ^> _>v^i ¿I |_£ÜJ^UUU Í.3.X- \Jt^Í'¿Mf:« л gi'Vi'T- -T- ^- -i'- T'.'

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olí J- ai sjjjJi ¿*í- u ¿JJ! 5» o1 ^; ^ j^ *c5^ a1^ о^ от

4,3^ í-L^U^ U ¿с. íiJ^XuJtj L^iLs. J* ^jb ^Ji^ ^1 ¿ Ja^ij uauaJi *CJc l^s t.

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yü ¿Is 4k*-"" l)^*uJ О1лав^!^ ä^LjJ! cjïj joe L£AS ¿L«¿JI j^jb ^-rs Chapter 1.

d>^" o*

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10) oX~s cpr. of, 13. 20)

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....^- Jsc Lgble^'t wJÜiÄj t^juiaü A: —'--4 ^ Q\jtt CP -'^j IC^liix w5üj

6) ^L«i 6) fcjyaüw cpr. ir, 5.

Table of


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U, li

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iil ¿l ¿1 o-ulî rfertiX*, juL^JI Ols>l j* Г!Ш Préface

J! AJÜCi¿l <Ллоа !ju>! O^LäJI ^^ ^>\^\ Q* СУЛ^э Ц ViX*

3! ¿^^ij^l (j-LiJI ¿I

¡OUxaXJ Ц ^LajJî^ ^J-J! «^4* Le AJl£»- ^ Q*fc5»-t iXft^j A-J!_^X!Ou AÏ f,*^f. 0

jJb y^j XxoyLlJI JU! jA¿- i^ ^У ^ Ц iû

¿У ÛJj, Ôj-^AAÎLkH t^J'1-^ c|>e СГ ¿J**^ "^ "^ №** ^ Ц **^ ¿5 *AÎ Le Jjuj

üí «Jul 31х

1^ ri) Cr^ "^ (^ioosLu.oi;! ¿jj KyeJ 0,<J X*. iOsi Le e' t.

«5Ü3 JL»5

J) > -V j^r* >'î s^LäÄct v.-.- »№>\ OuLc «fUv» <Jj¿x*vi. / L¿!

^ ~

U &Jt v^-ytoij i^s-j J>c iX^J! ¿ls iüLJÓ».


0! il j?j*è ^ ^bb' jx. /ót

hi y^í VjLäiJ t^LaJI óLU>l

v4 otv^^ji :<x^.-. J>L*J! л L?JL»>! ^.--^- -j-^; ¿i U>JIAJ ^,^ .

Ц*Хв jdl

Preface o!r*k Ь-^ г****1 eW (3^ ^Ью^а! ¿ 1^U! xiyaj i^JU ^ oLaw i.As> U

*i\j Lj.dc

'—v-ü JüLgXw'bM _..;: Lfctyt ^c ¿LiJt Lp»JL=» Uij L^Ju« pO _»* u5üUIt

¿Lxkli ¿ JA*J! ¿l L«/, Jju j ^ütf _jl J>> j «iutf o

}iL>- ,VÁJ ^¿ er* 1-^*e ^' .'¿


¿u U yL^ ÄJyJi., JLus-^L.

* Lspjix*w« дП1 »Ouï ^лм-Лях!! _у ^ ¿л ^j !»»¿LS Juj: J^*. U

¿I SLudP ¿J jU 3 «Ul 1

U JJí ^Д

^ Olí LAS ^-t Lbibü>l LLxW ¿OL, А*. L«*A JI lo

¿I v)»AA«Jl -> .x--. LPiJubJ u5oó¿ , ^. jv.o! ¿ Lp^i w^UUj "• U ¿Joi=>

¿\¿¿\ j J^F Ц o^üLt! v^" cr

U LJLo kjXcl

JLÜi ¿9j 01(5 t Uaxejj LjJ UbJuflj У lólJüdij LJÍ üLü

2) Gospel of St. Matthew 10, 28. 20)




L«L*Äü« о Ц, LS>Ljl

*iti\ i ,JLäJ! ^lî LÜ

0; xJLc, - er Ч

¿j ».AS Ouaiy .js


XÜ н iüub

fc¿- ¿t Lä^xi xLc __..¿? lo



5 J^5 Oüa »

10) UfcJ^ 13) ^í 19) alijos 21) Sûra 4, 134: í^y I^T ,-y.AJt L^Ji



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