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~ ~ ~· l!J'I•- 33004/99 REGD.NO.D.


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Q:he (6aL.ette of ~ndia am!'ffi"UT
PART III-Section 4
~ 1l Y4111lm
<i. 156] "'!( ~. 1h'lfilql(, ~ 8, 2005/3illtl'l"l 17, 1927

3iftRr '1mftar ""'4llli'l 1mn ~

~ fu;<;ft, 28 ~- 2005

<i. ~-37-3~/2004.- ~ ~ (jq)o·11<61 tmn ~ ~- 1987 (1987

cnr 52) <1ft llR! 1 o («) , (u), (sr), (c), (a) ~ ('l'i) 3iR llR! 11 ci> ~ 'l"fOO llRI 23
<1ft ~ (1) W'f ~ ~lfcta4'i em ~ ~ ~ 3iR ~ os.o1.2oo5 ci> ~f.'t<l"'
37-3/flliil-q;/2004 ci> ~ -fi. ~ W'C Qll'\61~1 Pt'"I~Rlid ~f.'t<l"' ~ ~
vml t:
(1' ~ -;m{ 3iR 'llltlf :
(1) ~ ~f.'t<P11 em ~ "'T'! 3!f'ffi; ~ C1<ti4l~ tmn ~ (~'llail14), ~ ath.,lc61
~ ~ ~- 41d>lst>'1 3iR <til4st>'1 'liTt'1 ~ om 41d>lst>'11 ~ <til4st>'11 ci> ~
~ <1ft m ~ .q cp;&/4~qJ., ~ ci> ~ ~ '!IGA ClffoiT om ~t~'11'1
C1<ti.,lct>l ~ait ci> ~ ~ Cf)f f'lffifR 3iR l!lf.rn-~~q~tll<'14'i m%<1 ~~q~tli<'141
-fi tiPI<l'11 3iR ~ cnr ~ ~f.l<l"', 2005 i I
(2) ~ 'l'fT«l ci> ~ -fi ll q; I~I '1 <1ft <I'Rt« ~ ll'f<l ~ I
(2) ~:-
~ ~Pt<l'11 -fi, ~ crq; fcl; ~ ~ 3RiiiT ~ ..,. ~ : -
(<ti) ·~l?lf.'t<l"'' ~ ~ i 3!f'ffi; ~ d<ti.,lct>l tmn atl?lf.l<l"', 1987 (1987 Cf)f


(«) ' aq;.,~~~ 'ffiwr' ~ ~ i ~. fi<CiiR W'C fl61<l<11 '!IT'<f om f.rGft (~­
~wl'if~a) ~ vi'r ~- ql~<ti<'tl, "1"'1' atl4)\il'11, ~- ~. ~ ~
~ &1'141'1 ll~tl)fllc61 .~jll!jcm <l1m ~ flR;q- m%<1 ~vilf.'t<l~/si1tl'lfll~ om
~ W'C 'fl1'f<!-~ lR ~ ~ 3Rf <til4si'1) ~ ~ .q (j<fi.,?l~
fmn. llfmrai ~ Wr ci> ~ -fi 41d>lst>'1/<til4st>'1 {i'<ll~<t <fR' ~ t I
(ll) ~ mJ'RI 3Rf 'fl'lfi ~ ~ at f1t C4fcta 41_ ~ 'l!ID q R'q I~ (1 ~ fcl><rr lJm i
~ ~ ~ (1q;.,l~ fil&n ~ ~- 1987 (1987 Cf)f 52) .q
3535 Gl/2005 (I)

q~lii~a f1mrr 1TUT i. q;r crnt ~ N'1T ui'r ~ ~: '\3CR! ~ -.1

~ f1l;m >niT ~· I

(3) ·.~ :-

~) aq;.j)ql) ~3it ~w. qldiJSii'l ~ q;I4Sii'l ~

it <!R'l 3lR 1 ~ Rltiiil'l
qldilsti'11 ~ m~ -.r <ftii <1ft WfdT -.r m '{f.l; 3!Rt~ q~qJ'l cii
~ ~ 'SiGR q}'RJ ;

-q) aq;;ftq,~l ~&n ~C:T'l '"' ~ fcl~qfcltil<'tll\ ~ '!l'f.rn fcl~qfcltll<'tll 'lt\ ~ t

-.1 'II Pill '1) alR llR<ni C!i1 ~ <jf.'! ~a 'I>VIl I

(4) '
WliiGQdl :-

'lf Rif.'!llli fci~CIRitiiC'!'Jl ~ ~ f<l~qfcltll<'t!ll alR ~. m<IJR &m Mlll\11

'lll1<l 'dWl (~-Ri'd<ilfild) ~3it "' '<'1T'! Nrf ui'r ~. qlqCj)<'tl . "f1R
~l!l)vt'll, ~. ~. me<'
l!<ttR ~ (!11141'1 ~,t11R1ctl1 ,3lj~~C/'d q;c;rr ~ fu<"!
~ ~VI~If.'!li~/~,El1f714>l <!~ ~ &ffi "ft""fll-"ft""fll tff ~ ~ 3Rr Cj)I4Sii'1l ~
~ T{ aq;;fti/l1 ~IHT. l1f?T1;1Uf ~ 'fflq cf; ~ Tf 410ilSiili/CI>I4Sii'l fiill~d CiR W

(1) ~ <f 'l(f ~ )[Tf(j fu>~ ~ aq;'1M ~&n cii ~ -.1 wfi 'ffiT "' <RC~>R.
m<ilR &m M<H1i )[Tf(l JT~.filT f.'rvft («ifcrrr ~) ~ 'lt\ "l{ ~. ~ 'Q5 fll;-ffl
Rl ~q Ri w<'tll " ~ m
llv,-QJ ~ "~ m.
~ "lll! <!lt ~ 3lR ~ 'lt\ "fflT
410ilSii'1/Cj)I4Sii'1 l!itlf "lllf fu>m \iffi;'IT 'dWl Riti'11'1 qldilSii'1l/CI>I4Sii'1l -.{ m WfdT -.{
~ cp;& alR/~ ~ "lll\ f1mrr \iffi;'IT I ~ ~ <{ tpi-at'ji\)<:'1 '111'<1
~fiR! 'a<&4l<tl fuiHl' it q,d'i..b'1/<614ib'1 fiiiiR!d m
cf; 'I1UI1l 'fl' lfl Rif.'!ll'1 cf;
~ cii \3<'i'it1'1 cii ~ ~ ~ «~Riib4l ~/~1)'tli~tl/ ~fCtcRt/'lltaMGta
Ul~4'i cf; ~ P<rlU<6 ~ "" ~I

(2) ~ cf; 'l(f ~ cf; ~ m<!lRJ, m<ilR &m M<l\11 )[Tf(l ~ f.r;;ft (fu'd'-~)
~ 'lt\ Rlti'11'1 ~. <1'1% '<15 fiim't RI~<~Ritil<'t<l ~ ~ ~ ~ "~ ~ m m.
\1Cj)'1~<61 410ilSii'1jCj)law'1 \i~ "lll\ cR1fi I


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7.1 ~ mr 31j'11Ra ~ a<b4l<6l ~. ~ ~ ~ ~:t<l~tu<'l<l ~ ~ lll

awrr ;rM, \if) dlliollib"l fu!ffi 41<mm'l I lbldit>'l tit11fc:td <lR ~ f :

(cn) ~ 3tj'1) Ra <1CI>4'l'l>l ~ ~ 7.1 {7) # ~

~ ~ \ill'l<i>Jt
~ ~ ~ lf 31i41C'l'i ~ <t\ ~ l!fmri dl!<T
ci> muT ~ ci> ~ 'R ~
~. ~ ci> q~ # ~" ~ ~ # ~ 4o.oo
o m<t em~~~
~ 31 3flffi ! WI> 'lfW;: ci> Wifua ~ ~ Cli\
~ ~ I

(<S) ~ ~ ~ 1{ ~ 1ft ~ ~ ~ q>gj 1l<l1 tlrn fcn 31j4161'i

~ 1{ ~ \Jli'ICI\1~ d~ 3I'R '!:Itt i 3I'R
w fcl;- ~ w 4lm \iiTffi i fcn
3!"14161'1 ~ # ~ ~ "1HCI>I~ ~ i. a't 'lfW;
: ~ QTiffi 'AA 3I'R \34grm
~ ~ ~ m%<1 '34'!iR1 ~ CJR<f<i><fi
i I

7.1 (1){q;) 3l'j41<'1'1 ~ em ~ ~ 'jf'liCI>1 ~ &m

fcn<n ~ vr) f.i"'fc:tRlla ~

• ~tlq$Jdl iii mfml

fcltmtf<nm~l~ .q ~ ci> ~ 3WIT tmr ~
fcl<l;m ~
3WIT \RiiTr ~ Wflb~ fu~ vrT <!llm: il$11~<b (ll'li)
3fR 'lt'IR<ifllb <t\ 'ljfiffi ~
~'I tn, <ft"f ~~I

7.1 (2) (cn) 'J:<"llilb'l ~ <t\ fft'liiR~ii cfi 3ll< m"' ~~ ~ ~ ctt 31R ~ ~
<t f<mlR ~ 3!~ 3R1m <t m # f.rol<:l M I~ f.rol<:l Cli\ ~ ~ 31
'iiR<rtt WI> ~ fcn<n Vffi;l!T I

(<S) ~ ~ lf ~ ~ &m 7P.lT ~ fiPi<Fi'i ~ llRCli\ 3J'R m'f Cli\ 'l:'f 'I
~ <t <nRUT ~ <t fiffim: ~ ~ CfR m 1l<l1 t ~ ~ c~> 3!TflRt c~>
fcl"f1< 'if Wifua ~ait 3J'R ~ Cli\ ~ fcn<n ~ I

7.1 (3) (cn)<i>fi'rm # 'flR ~ ~-~ "'Rl~t~\Ra 'HPill'1\ llRCli\ 3I'R m'f
dl!<T qftqc; &m
em 3!j4161'1 ~ <t ~. ~ ~ 3!<fu;! CJR
<f<i><ft i 1 3!<fu;! "'3l1 fu;r ~
&m fcrm< fcn<n ~ ~ 1fO<I ~~. 31'11<'
1~14 &m fcn<n ~ dl!<T ~
f.'t"'fc:tftia ~ ~ l'i\Tl -
• 31W~ iii ~ .q ~ SIRI~d fu~ I liriid\Jl'l

;i :. ifi l~i!! il ~~I 111

~~e- ti~~~ ~~ Jr& J l-r:
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f~ !i !i !l
~f H -:~• ~ I h u ~~ l
!t I hi
ii l!
!~ H ~~:4 ~i .. !J ij
. . ~ ,! i ! : i r ! ! h ! i,.- i i i ! r~
!:1 i Et!t!i!;[l!!ti J!~=

! it 1_ : j f ! IE H t tH
~! J •I!~ ~:1 - I t:!
ti ll I I· . ! ,_,J ·~ ···~:I_ 1II1i -~ ~·~~ 1
~~w~ .J_ Jr& ~~~~ •·~~~~ 1 f j~ •i!

i~ E! ii ;! ll •I ~ ~~ ~
1!!1 I 1.
! ~~~J! !h
!! u ~ i
!! h h :u H ~ !H ~
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r--- .. r--- . r--- "'""
fcl~qf'atll<it<i'i • <Nt firnrlT~ cf; ful; ~ m "" 3l'j41<'1'1 fu'Ji
311 '1 <it Il; '1 '1ft 1lwiT 3lf.r<w.! ~ I

7.2(2) ll1f.rff fcl~qf'atll<itll1 • ~ ~ m-il 10» <r<A ~ ~ ~ cnm

'l<IT mrrr f/1; <>~'j41<i1'1 ~ 11 w:R <1ft ~ \ill'1q;1~ (1~ 3l'R <11ft ~ 3l'R w f/1;
~ w "4l<IT "\iJTtiT ~ f/1; 3rjQT.:-T'1 fu'Ji -q llGI'1" <1ft ~ em '"'~ ~ ~. m~
\34gcm ~ C~R ~ -~ 1

7.2(3) ll1f.rff fa~qf'atll<itll'i • <l'4t f.hqf'aEH<itll'i. vi\ <Jq;,~$1 ftren 41d'il51i'1 1 q;l4511'1
'lil'U~ct <1i< ~ t ~ "!lT'<1 -11.f'li<'R ~ ciJ 3ll<rR 1:1'( ~ fuft1.l <>tlq~llq;ctlai't 3R-IQT
·' '
~ tmful. tRten 3iR <fiq 31~ cf; "" cnr '1ctT wrA ciJ ful; ll1f.rff fa~qfclEH<itll.i
• ~ '1ft fa~qfcltll"''r q>J f.R)8;lll[ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ 'lflffiT -il, '\iffii
sfaf.tll)\il'1, ttf-'l<l11l ~ lfFfilii <(; \31.'\'itl'i, q;c;r<m ~ qft fcM1!f ~lq;lqd "!lT'<1 ~ t
"<1<'ll<<T cnr '1<1T wrA ci> ful; dRm ~ ~ 3R-IQT ~ ~ ~ f.R)8;lll[ '1ft ~

7.2(4) ~em fcl~qf'aEH<itll 3m<IT '1Tf.i<T fcl~qfiltJI<it<l mq ~ ciJ ttf-'l<l11l ~

ftr8;lll[, tRten,
"1T'ffli'i cnr \3 <"'~ tl '1 <lffiiT SJ<l 'lPlT "\iJTtiT ~. m~ ~ f.roq;q'f em ~ ClR>t\ <1m
~ f.roq;q'f <(; q~Ojj'J'('<l{',q :Jqg;ffl ~ ~ <(; ful; ~ -~ <1ft ~. vi\
f.t"'l~Rilct ~ m :-
1. ~ fa tqfa W <it <l I l!Ti'i<1 Ri N fa W <itll
2. fcl ~q fa tl I<it q 3!"j<:f'1' 3Wl'rl
3. lff.~.fctli .. 'lffi<1 ~ I ,i<rtm; ~ ~

7.2(5) ~ em mqqr;r m,-1 ciJ ful; 3l1R f.roq;q'f em '(i'ilill~ tr-3lT -q ~q;1~1ct ClR>t\
3lT'1' \if'1'ctT
3iR 3l"rft 4<~tt 1:; c 3iR 1 31WIT 3JllT \if'1'ctT em ~ ~ ciJ ~ 3RI ~ ciJ 1ffU<ll
~ \ffl ~ qR..ft I

7.2(6){<1>) ll1f.rff fatqf'atlJ<itlll • f~~qfcltlJ<itq tt~

<(; >ITtl1 ~ ~ ~ 10>' 'i"f'1l·'EI
~q;l~ld ~ ~ 3!f.r<n<t ~ cf; ~ -il '11ill~<1 ~ '\iiT')' ~ 41d'il51il1'i I
q;1451111'i 3iR ~ ~em mfi1<'l CIR<) ~ <>~q'li~il'il<'iq; ':fctmai't ciJ fcl<RuiT ciJ -q -m
\ill'iq;l~ ~ ~ -ID' I 1l5 'i'i'Rl-'EI ~ 3ll<rR "" ('lq;.,~q\) ftren cf; Jfi'l)q; ~ em
~ <fRnll VfT'1T ~ , ,w.rr
ciJ ~ '15<lai't ciJ -q 3ffl(f'f \ill'1q;1~ ;m ~ -m
wr-n em Jfi'l)q; 'lf!i ~ fcl;-m VfT'1T ~ 1

(«)lllf.rff fatqf'aWM1 • ful; Qiltlll;c ~ ~ ~ ~

fcl¥qf'aW<itll1 cf;
~ \ill'iq;l~ llGI'1" <1ft ~ 1 ~ '1ft q~q<f'i ciJ ~ <1ft ~ -il 4<1ttll;c <1ft
\iJ I 'J(j)l~ em f.ffiR 3ffl<f'l ~ VfT'1T ~ I

i! I ~~i: -~!t ~! ~ i; 1;~1~~~~
1&i!f 1P~
iJ i ~i~~ i ll ~t ~ t~
~ ~~~~- 'l&iwl fw ~~ i·~ ~~~'gM~1
t ~i 1 ~--g; j;
H ~;1'

w~ u

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iH Hl ~;l:


!~ iii ~1 Ut.. •.t;~ !-

l.~r t~!t ~~ .!! i! ~i Pl h~ttfi
--~ ~

;!!1 h!fn t: !t h- "I ~~ "!i
~i ii{'t~ f-. ~" j .. ! t 1lu
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m ~ ~ ~ CI>R 3iR I 3mCll ~ ~ q~qR'1 CI>R m ~em m f.roh.J ~

WI<!'~ cf; 't1'R1 ~ m<m C!lT ~lfll~~i'i Of "l'fT'f'l em~ t I em

s.3(q;) ~ -cmnq lrni1CIT em 'lf'.llct>'l ~ 'j&ll<'i<l .q f.i~<J~R!ia wrcnt ~ GRT


• ~~~~<IR'~"flimll
• ~ 31!il4ii~ • ~~~ <!R' "flimll
• 'fi4)UI4> ~ -q;;q 11 ~ 'j&ll<'tll ~ ftetli'4ilt I f.t~~lct>

(7!) Q1f ~ "ll1'<'l' lrni1CIT em lfWliUT cni-1 m~ wrcnt ~ C!lT tGc!> '!Til" .q <!>'l <l <!>'l ~
m- t:T>fi I

8.4(q;) ~ ~ cf; "ftli&T ~ fcl-;1; UlT'! ~ C:'«lliiVi'i C!lT ~ ~ GRT "ftllll-"ftllll

lR ~ ~ ~l'«lCJ\1 .q ~ C!lT ~ I

(i} ~ m~ 3l'IIT<lfti1! em
~ "Q\ffi, 3!~
(ii) ~ ~ qlT fci~c cf; ~~em~ ~
(iii):.if'flCJ\1~ """' m~" ~ em
~ "Cj\ffi ~ ~ :.lf4'!CJ\I~ m~
Sli'liRict> 3!1UR GW; 11\ mI

(7!) ~ m '6iel~fl em 3Rl<1"f ~ <r~ t~Pwi'i 3!'R 1fT'fQ\'i cm ~ t~f.lf?ila

~ m~ ~ CllT ~ cm Mll q'1 CI>R ~ <i"'f 'lR .q fcl;-{ft '1ft "ftllll fcl;-{ft '1ft
~ CllT 3! it>'<"11q fl1fuc ~ wmft t I

s.s ~ ~ .q, ;;;rgt 5f<lf.l<11Vi'l. '1Pwn ~ 1fT'fQ\'i cf; \3i'C'i>F1, CJ\C:i<m ~ C!lT fciWq
~IQ\I<ifi "ll11:d' m<ft ~. ~~em @llq'1 Ci>R cf; ~~em~
~ 3mCll ~ ft;:rr -g) "ftllll-"ftllll lR f.Rtlf!UT ti ill~ <1 "if>ffi wmft i I fcl;-{ft '1ft
\3i'C'i '1'1 3mClT ~ liGR C!lT TJt 3ffiC'1l Vii '1Q\I~ cf; ~ ~ \3 qgCffi ~ ~
cR>fi I

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New Delhi, the 28th November, 2005

No. F. 37-3/Legai/2004.--In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-

section (1) of section 23 read with section 10 (b), (g), (i), (k), (p) & (v)
and Section 11 of the All India Council for Technical Education Act,
1987 (52 of 1987) and, in super session of the Regulations No. F. 37-
3/Legal/2004 dated 06-01-2005, the following regulations are hereby
notified by the Council:

(1) Short title and commencement:-

(!)The se Regulations may be called the All India Council for Technical
Education (AICTE) Grant of approval for starting new technical
institutions, introduction of courses or pro&rammes and
increase/variation of intake capacity of seats for the courses or
programmes and Extension of approval for the existing technical
institutions and maintenance of norms and standards in Universities
including Deemed to be Universities Regulations, 2005.

(2)They shall come into force w.e.f. the date of publication in the Official
Gazette oflnd ia.

(2) Definitions:-

In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires,-

(a) "Act" means the All India Council for Technical Education Act,
1987 (52 of 1987);

(b) 'Technical institution" means the institution of Government,

Government Aided and Private (self financing) institutions
conducting the courses I programmes in the field technical
education, training and research in Engineering, Technology

Including MCA, Architecture, Town Planning, Management,

Pharmacy, Hotel Management & Catering Technology, Applied
Arts & Crafts and such other programmes and areas as notified by
the Council from time to time;

(c) All other words and expressions used herein and not defined but
defined in the All India Council for Technical Education Act, 1987
(52 of 1987), shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them
in the said Act;

(3) Purpose:-

These Regulations provides for :-

(a) Grant of approval tl1r establishment of new technical institutions;

(b) Grant of approval for introduction of new courses or programs

and/or increase and/or variation in intake of seats in existing courses
or programs in te,:lmical institutions;

(c) Grant of Extension of approval for the existing technical institutions;

(d) Ensuring mainten~llll:e of norms and standards in Universities

including deemed to be Universities imparting technical education.

(4) Applicability: -

These Regulations shall be applicable to Universities including deemed

to be Universities and technical institutions of Government,
Government Aided and Private (self financing) conducting the courses I
programs in the fields of technical education, training and research in
Engineering, Technology Including MCA, Architecture, Town
Planning, Management, Pharmacy, Hotel Management & Catering
Technology, Applied Arts & Crafts and such other programs and areas
as notified by the Council from time to time.

(5) Requirement of grant of approval: -

(l)No new technical institution of Government, Government Aided or

Private (self financing) institution, whether atliliated or not affiliated to

•I' •• ,,, '


any University shall be started and no new courses or programs shall be

introduced and no increase and/or variation of intake in the existing
Courses/Programmes shall be effected at all levels in the field of
'Technical Education' without obtaining prior approval of the Council.
The Council may take Legal action against such defaulting Institution/
Society/ Trust/ Company/ Associated Individuals as the case may be
for contravening provisions of this regulations by conducting
courses/progarmmes in "technical Education" without obtaining prior
approval from AICTE.

(2)No existing technical institution of Government, Government Aided or

Private (self financing) institution whether affiliated or not affiliated to
an University shall conduct any technical course/programme without
prior approval of the Council.

(3)No University including Deemed University shall conduct technical

courses/programmes without ensuring maintenance of the norms and
standards prescribed by AICTE.

(4)No University, Board or any other body shall affiliate technical

courses/programmes not approved by the AICTE.

(S)No admission authority/body/institution shall admit stndents to a

course/programme of technical education not approved by AICTE.




The Proposals Forms for establishment of New Technical Institutions

for conaucting technical programmes, can be submitted by the following:

a) Registered Societies and Trusts

b) Central/State Government Institutions
c) Government Aided Institutions

The Proposal Forms can be downloaded from the AICTE website: However, aDD for Rs. 50001- towards application
form drawn on a nationalized bank in favour of "The Member
Secretary, AICTE", payable at New Delhi, must be enclosed with the
proposal form failing which the application shall not be considered.

6.1 (a) The approval process for establishment of new Institutions shall be
open ended, allowing the Applicant Society/Trust to submit proposals
to the concerned Regional Office of the Council any time round the
year. The proposal for the new Institution received by the Council shall
be valid for three years.

(b)Duly filled in and signed Proposal Form in four copies along with
requisite processing Fee and the requisite documents in support of the
proposals shall be submitted to Concerned Regional Office of AICTE.

( c )The proposals received shall be scrutinized and deficiencies if any, be

communicated by the Regional Office of the Council to the applicant
Society/Trust within 15 days from the date of receipt of the proposal.

(d) The Regional Office shall also forward a copy of the proposals to·
AICTE HQs at New Delhi within 15 days from the date of receipt of
the proposal.

6.2(a)The Regional Office shall in parallel, forward, within 15 days from the
date of receipt of the proposal, one copy each of the proposals to the
concerned State Govt./Union Territories and Affiliating University for
obtaining their views within 30 days.

(b )The State Govts and the Aniliating Universities shall forward its views
within 30 days from the date of receipt of the proposals from the
Regional Office. The State Govt./ and the affiliating university, shall
provide reasons and justification to substantiate their stand and do so by
the date stipulated by the Council from time to time. The views of the
concerned State Government/Universities shall be taken into
consideration while processing the proposals for establishment of new
technical institutions. No Objection Certificate (NOC) by the
Applicant Society/Trust from the concerned State Govt!University
is not required.

ndations of the
(c)The Council shall have the right to overrule the recomme
lishment of
State Govt!University while deciding the matters of estab
new technical institutions.
following Hearing
6.3(a) The proposals shall thereafter be considered by the
Committee at AICTE HQ. ·

• Three Expert members at the level of Professor

• Two members of the Regional Committee
Regional Officer concerned)
• Advisor/Director of the AICTE HQ as convener.

be headed by an
(b )The Hearing Committee shall
academician/professional of repute.
th to process
(c) The Hearing Committee shall meet at least once in a mon
the proposals.
tion before the
6.4(a)The Applicant Society/Trust shall make a presenta
mation as
Hearing Committee with necessary Documents/infor
prescribed by the Council.
re the Hearing
(b) The list of documents/information to be placed befo
ied by the
Committee by the Applicant Society/Trust shall be notif
Council in the Approval Process Hand Book from time to
th~ AICTE ·
6.5 Based on the recommendations of the Hearing Committee,
three years
may issue a Letter Ofln tent (LOI), which shall be valid for
from the date of issue of LOI during which time, the
cil after
Society/Trust shall obtain letter of approval from the Coun
fulfilling the norms and Standards and other Conditions
from time to time. On expiry of the 3 year duration, the
of Letter of
Society/Trust shall make a fresh application for issuance
llment of norms
6.6 (a)ln cases where Letter Ofln tent is denied for non-fulfi
& standards and conditions as may be stipulated by the
Council, shalt
be informed along with grounds of denial.
=22=========TII=E~G~A~ZE1Tl: ( Ji 1'\:JIA: EXTRAORDINARY [PART III-SEC. 4]

(b )The Applicant Society/Trust shall be free to make representation

anytime thereafter, before the Hearing Committee (referred at para 6.3
above) on payment of prescribed fees etc. for reconsideration.

6.7 The applicant Society/Trust to whom a Letter of Intent has been issued
shall be required to make an application to the Council, after fulfilling
the nonns, standards and requirements laid down by the Council from
time to time, seeking suitahle dates for visit of the Expert Committee
along with the following documents:

I. A non-refundable proc,:ssing fee ofRs. 50,000/- drawn in favour

of The Member Secretary, AICTE" payable at New Delhi
(Government Institutions are exempted from payment of
processing fee).

2)(a) A Refundable Performance Guarantee F'ee (RPGF) in the

form of a Demand Dratt in favour of "The Member Secretary,
AICTE payable at Ncv\ Delhi" for an amount as applicable to the
category of the institutions indicated below (Government
Institutions and Govt. l. :niversities are exempted from payment of

I ---~

1 Category of the Institulion I Refundable I

! Performance
I Guara_nt~ef.l!~
Engineering & Technology ----1-Rs. 35.00 Lakhs I
Pharmacy/HMCT/Architecture/PI Rs. 15.00 Lakhs
anning/Applied Arts &
Crafts(Degree)MCA/MB..VPGDM ~-
I/PGDBM . . ··------'-·-

b) The Refundable Performance Guarantee Fee (RPGF) shall be

refunded to the concerned institution after a period of 8 years but
could be carried forward in case of any violation of Nonns,
conditions, and requirements and/or non-performance by the
institution and/or complaints against the institution, AICTE would

keep the amount in the form of FDR and remit the interest to the
institution on yearly basis strictly for the purpose of providing
Freeships/Scholarships etc to meritorious and needy students and/or
such other purposes as decided by the Council from time to time.
On successful completion of 8 years of existence, the Refundable
Performance Guarantee Fee shall be released to the Institution for
the purpose of the development of the institution.

6.8(a)An Expert Committee shall visit the proposed premises of the institution
on payment of requisite processing fee by the applicant Society/Trust
and examine the preparedness of the institution to impart quality
education as per the norms & standards and conditions prescribed by
the Council from time to time.

{b)The Expert Committee shall comprise of the following members:

• Three Expert members at the level of Professor nominated

by the Chairman, AICTE
• Expert members nominated by the State Govt and the
respective Affiliating University
• Concerned Regional Officer or an Officer of the Council as
convener nominated by the Chairman AICTE.

(c)The Expert Committee shall be headed by an

academician/professional of repute.

(d)The documents to be made available to the visiting Expert Committee

shall be notified in the Approval Process Handbook from time to time.

6.9(a)The Report of the Inspection Committee shall be placed before EC Sub

committee comprising:

• The Vice Chairman of the Council as Chairman of the EC Sub-

• Two members of the Executive Committee nominated by the
Chairman AICTE and
• Advisor AICTE as convener.

(b) The EC Sub committee shall meet at least once in a month.

=24=========TI=~=EG,AilllT OF INDIA: EX1RAORDINARY [PART III-Se.c. 4]

(c)Based on the Recommendations of the EC-Sub-Committee and other

relevant information, final decision shall be taken by the Chairman
AICTE on behalf of the Council on grant of "approval" or other wise
for establishment of new technical institution.

(d)The Letter of Approval shall be issued to the Applicant Society/Trust

within 30 days of the date of the decision which shall be valid for two
years from the date of issue of letter of approval.

(e)ln cases where appnJ\al is denied for non-fulfillment of norms &

standards and conditions as may be stipulated by the Council, shall be
informed along with grounds of denial.

6.1 O(a)The Applicant Society Trust may prefer an appeal any time and the
appeal shall be heard hY an Appellate Committee constituted by the
Chairman AICTE from time to time with the following members:

• An educationist/academician of repute as Chairman

• Director of IIT/NIT!IIM*
• Vice Chancellor of an University
• Advisor(AICTE) as convener

*(For Management Proposals)

(b )The Appellate Committee shall meet quarterly.

6.ll(a)Based on the Recommendations of the Appellate Committee and

other relevant information, a final decision shall be taken by the
Chairman, AICTE on behalf of the Council for grant of "approval" or
other wise on establishment of new technical institution.
(b)The decision on grant of approval or otherwise shall be communicated
to the institutions throughout the year. It shall be the responsibility of
the applicant institutions to obtain necessary affiliation/ permission
from the concerned aftiliating University/State Govt. etc. as per the
prescribed schedule of the University/ Admission Authority etc.
Thereafter the Applicant Society/Trusts shall furnish information about
commencement of Institution within 30 days to AICTE for updating its

recommendations of the
6.12(a)Cases where approval is denied on the
s, & standards and
Appellate committee due to non-fulfillment of norm
of denial shall be
conditions as are stipulated by the Council, grounds
communicated to the concerned Applicant Society
to make representation
(b)The Applicant Society/Trust shall be free
tee on payment of
anytime there after, before the Hearing Commit
decides to depute an
prescribed fees etc. As and when the Council
e by the Applicant
inspection committee for verifying the claims mad
shall be borne by the
Society/Trust, all costs incurred on this account
Applicant Society/Trust.
affiliated to an
7.1 AICTE approved technical Institutions whether education
University or not conducting technical
l submit two copies of
(a) The AICTE approved technical Institutions shal
g with mandatory
Compliance Report in the prescribed format alon
and a demand draft
disclosure information as defined at para 7.1 (7)
favor of Member
towards processing fee of Rs 40,000 drawn in
concerned Regional
Secretary, AICTE payable at New Delhi to the
Office of the Council by 31st August every year.
king in the prescribed
(b) The institution shall also submit an underta
compliance report is
format stating that the information provided in the
appropriate action,
factual artd correct and that the Council can take
legal action, if found
including withdrawal of approval and appropriate
rt is false.
that any information provided in the compliance repo
d through an Appraisal
7.l( l)(a )Th e compliance reports shall be processe
Committee comprising:
=26=========·~n~lE<;•;• i rEOFlND!A:EXTRAORlJI'L\'=RY'=:.::===="=[P='"'II~ ''' _41

• Three Expert members at the level of Professor in the

concerned subject/fields/area of specialization or
equivalenl from R&D organisations or from the Industry
not below tht· rank of Scientist (F) and General Manager
• Two members of the Regional Committee including
Regional Officer.
• An Officer nf the Council as convener

(b)The Appraisal Committee shall be headed by an

academician/profes~ional of repute.

7.1(2)(a) Based on the rec.;mmendations of the Appraisal Committee, the

Chairman AICTE min rake a decision on behalf of the Council to grant
of Extension of apr"··Jval or otherwise. Such decision shall be
communicated by 31 ~t January every year.

(b)In those cases where <:''tension of approval is denied for non-fulfillment

of norms, & standard. and conditions as may be stipulated by the
Council, grounds of Jcnial shall be communicated tothe institutions
and authorities concerned.

7.1(3)(a) The Applicant h,t:1ution may prefer an appeal, after rectifying the
deficiencies and conq•lying with the norms, standards and conditions
prescribed by the (\,unci! from time to time. The appeal shall be
considered by an Appellate Committee constituted by the Chairman
AICTE comprising t.he flowing members:

• An educationist/academician of repute as Chairman

• Director of liT/NIT/liM*
• Vice Chancellor of an University
• Advisor(AfCTE) as convener

*(For Management Programmes)

(b)The Appellate Committee shall meet quarterly.

7.1(4) Based on the Recummendations of the Appellate Committee and

other relevant information, a tina! decision will be taken by the

xtension of
Chairman, AICTE on behalf of the Council for grant of"E
· approval" or other wise.
time for verifying
7.1(5) AICTE may carry random visits round the year. any
norms and
the status of the Institutions to ensure maintenance of
s with or without
7.I ( 6) The AICTE may cause to conduct inspection
ts of mis-
notifying the dates in cases where specific complain
tices etc. are
representation, violation of norms and standards, mal-prac
te ·punitive
reported to verify the facts. AICTE shall take appropria
actions for any violations on false information furnished to
on booklet before
7.1(7)(a)The technical institutions shall publish an informati
regarding the
commencement of the academic year giving details
details of
institution and courses/programmes being conducted and
of mandatory
infrastructural facilities including faculty etc. in the form
able to the
disclosure. The information booklet shall be made avail
stakeholders of the technical education on cost basis. The
t all aspects
shall be revised every year with updated information abou
ofth e institution. '

(b )It shall be mandatory for the technical institutio

ns t<. maintain a
I he website
Web-site providing the prescribed information.
changes take
infonnation must be continuously updated as and when
mation or
(c)If a Technical Institution fails to disclose the infor
action could
suppress and/or misrepresent the information, appropriate
be initiated including withdrawal of AICTE approval.
ies conducting
7.2 Universities including Deemed to be !Jniversit
technical education courses/programmes:
ersities conducting
7.2(1 )The Universities including Deemed to be Univ
technical education courses/programmes shall submit
format to the
Report alongwith mandatory disclosures in the prescribed
every year.
eoncerned Regional Office of the Council by 31st August
ed to be
Besides the hard copy, the Universities including Deem

Universities shall also be required to send the Compliance Report

online in the format prescribed.

7.2(2)The Universities including Deemed to be Universities shall submit an

undertaking in the prescribed format stating that the information
provided in the compliance report is factual and correct and that the
Council can take appropriate action if found that any information
provided in the compliance report is false.

7.2(3)Based on the compliance reports received from the Universities,

including Deemed to be Universities, conducting technical education
courses/progarmmes the Council may cause an inspection to any
University, including deemed to be university for the purposes of
ascertaining the financial needs, or its standards of teaching,
examination and research etc. The Council may also cause inspections
with or without notifying the dates in cases where specific complaints
of mis-representation, violation of norms and standards, mal-practices
etc, reported to verify the facts.

7.2(4)In case an University or Deemed to be University found to have been

violating norms and standards of teaching, examination research etc.,
the Council may communicate its findings and action to be taken as a
result of such findings for appropriate action as deemed fit to:

I. The University/Deemed University concerned.

2. The University Grants Commission
3. The MHRD Govt. Oflndia/State Govts concerned

7.2(5) The Council may publish in newspapers and display in its website
and/or any other means to inform the general public about its findings
cautioning the general public.

7.2(6) (a)The Universities including Deemed to be Universities shall publish a

information booklet before commencement of the academic year giving
the details regarding the courses/programmes being conducted and
details of infrastructural facilities including faculty etc. in the form of
mandatory disclosure. The information booklet shall be made available
to the stakeholders of the technical education on cost basis. The
information shall be revised every year with updated information about
all aspects of the institution.

(b )It shall be mandatory for the Universities including Deemed to be

Universities to maintain a Web-site providing the prescribed
information. The website information must be continuously updated as
and when changes take place.

(c)If an University including Deemed to be Universities conducting

technical education courses/programmes fail to disclose the
information or suppress and/or misrepresent the information,
appropriate action could be initiated by the Council




(a)The AICTE approved technical Institutions may submit '1any time"

round the year, a proposal in the prescribed format (four copies) along
with the following do1=uments to the concerned Regional Office of the
Council for grant of approval for introduction of new courses or
programmes and/or increase in intake and/or variation in the intake
capacity. There shall be no 'cut off dates prescribed by the Council for
submission of proposals:

• A copy of the Compliance Report along with Mandatory

Disclosures submitted to the Council. ·
• Detailed Project Report along with the documents notified in
Approval Process Handbook.
• Processing Fee of Rs. 40,000/- (Rupees Forty thousand only) by
means of a Demand Draft drawn on a nationalized bank in favour
of The Member Secretary, AICTE, New Delhi payable at New

(b)The proposals received shall be scrutinized and deficiencies if any, be

communicated by the Regional Office of the Council to the applicant
Society/Trust within 15 days from the date of receipt of the proposal.

(c) The Regional Office shall also forward a copy of the proposals to
AICTE HQs at New Delhi within 15 days from the date of receipt of
the proposal.

8.2(a) The Regional Office shall in parallel, forward, within 15 days from the
date of receipt of the proposal, one copy each of the proposals complete
in all respects to the concerned State Govt./Union Territories and
Affiliating University for obtaining their recommendations within 30

(b )The State Govts and the Affiliating Universities, while forwarding the
recommendations, shall provide reasons and justification to substantiate
their stand and do so by the date stipulated by the Council from time to
time. The recommendations ofthe concerned State Government and the
Affiliating Universities shall be taken into consideration, among
various other relevant factors, before considering the proposals for
introduction of new courses or programs and/or increase in intake
and/or variation in the intake capacity.. Obtaining No Objection
Certificate (NOC) by the Applicant Institutions from the concerned
State Govt is not mandatory. The Council shall have the right to
overrule the recommendations of the State Govt. while deciding the
matters of introduction of new courses or programs and/or increase in
intake and/or variation in the intake capacity. ·

8.3(a) The proposals shall thereafter be evaluated at AICTE HQs by the

following Hearing Committee..

• Three Expert members at the level of Professor

• Two of the Regional Committee including Regional
• Advisor/Director of the AICTE HQ as convener.

(b )The Hearing Committee shall be headed by an

academician/professional of repute.

(c)The Hearing Committee shall meet at! east once in a month to process
the proposals received round the year.

be submitted before the Hearing

8.4(a)The list of documents/information to
in the Approval Process
Committee shall be notified by the Council
Hand Book from time to time.
information furnished by the
(b)The Hearing Committee based on
Institution may decide:
(i) To recommend to the AICTE for approval,
t of the Expert
(ii) To recommend to the AICTE for the visi
ction showing
(iii) To recommend to the AICTE for reje
relevant grounds for such rejection.
round the year any time for
(c)AICTE may carry out, random visits
ate its database and ensure
verifying the status of the institutions to upd
maintenance ofN orm s and Standards.
e Inspections with or without
8.5 AICTE may also conduct from time to tim
specific complaints of
notifying dates in such cases where
standards, mal:practices etc.
misrepresentation, violation of norms and
ll take appropriative punitive
are received to verify the facts, AICTE sha
tion furnished to it.
actions for any v.iolations on false informa
tee shall be placed before the
8.6(a)The Report of the Hearing Commit
alf of the Council on grant
Chairman AICTE for a final decision on beh
ction of new courses or
of "approval" or other wise for introdu
/or variation in the intake
programmes and/or increase in intake and
ll be valid for two years from
(b)The approval accorded by the AICTE sha
the date of issue ofle tter of approval.
for non-fulfillment of norms, &
(c)In those cases where approval is denied
ted by the Council, grounds
standards and conditions as may be stipula
cerned institutions.
of denial shall be communicated to the con

he Ap plic ant Ins titu tion may pre fer an appeal, after rectifying the
standards and conditions
deficiencies and complying the norms,
time. The appeal shall be
prescribed by the Council from time to

considered by an Appellate Committee constituted by the Chairman

AICTE comprising the flowing members:

• An educationist/academician of repute as Chairman

• Director of liT/NIT/liM*
• Vice Chancellor of an University
• Advisor(AICTE) as convener

*(For Management Proposals)

(b)The Appellate Committee shall meet quarterly. Based on the

Recommendations of the Appellate Committee and other relevant
information, a final decision will be taken by the Chairman, AICTE on •
behalf of the Council for grant of "approval" or otherwise for
introduction of new courses or programmes and/or increase in intake
and/or variation in the intake capacity.

8.8(a) The decision on grant of approval or otherwise shall be communicated

to the institutions throughout the year. It shall be the responsibility of
the applicant institutions to obtain necessary affiliation/ permission from
the concerned affiliating University/State Govt. etc. as per the
prescribed schedule of the University/Admission Authority etc.
Thereafter the Applicant Institution shall furnish information about
commencement of programmes within 30 days to AICTE for updating
its database.

(b)Cases where approval is denied on the recommendations of the

Appellate committee due to non-fulfillment of norms, & standards and
conditions as are stipulated by the Council, grounds of denial shall be
communicated to the concerned Applicant Institution.

(9) Interpretation

If any question arises as to the interpretation of these Regulations, the same

shall be decided by the Council.

The Council shall have the power to issue clarification to remove any doubt
which may arise in regard to implementation of these Regulations.

(10) Power to rebix

The Council may in exceptional cases, for removal of any hardship or such
other reasons to be recorded in writing, relax any of the provisions of these
Regulations in respect of any class or category of institutions.

(11) Withdrawal of approval

If any technical institution contravenes any of the prov1s1ons of these

Regulations, the Council may, after making such inquiry, as it may consider
appropriate and after giving the technical institution concerned an opportunity
of being heard, withdraw the approval granted under these Regulations.

11.1 Procedure for No Admission/ Withdrawal of approval;

ll.l(l)Tee hnical Institutions affiliated to an University:

(a) The Council may cause an inspection to any technical institution with
or without prior intimation for the purposes of ascertaining the financial
needs, or its standards of teaching, examination and research,
maintenance of norms and standards, violation of regu<ations and
malpractices etc.'

(b) In case of violations of norms and standards and regulations etc a1

prescribed by the Council and as communicated to the technical
institution/s based on the recommendations of the Inspection
Committee, the Council may decide to withdraw its approvai/or impose
"no admission" status for one or more courses/or programmes or
impose any other punitive action deemed necessary.
(c) The technical institution may prefer an appeal within 15 days of the
receipt of the communication from the"'Council along with all relevant
documents in compliance of the deficiencies etc. before an Appellate
Committee, which shall be constituted by the Chairman AICTE within
15 days of the receipt of the appeal from the Institution concerned with
the fullowing Members:

• An educationist/ academician of repute- Chairman


• Director of liT/NIT /liM*

• Vice-Chancellor of an University
• Adviser (AICTE) as convener

*for management proposals

(d)The recommendations of the Appellate Committee shall be placed

before the Chairman, AICTE for final decision.

(e)The decision of the Council shall be communicated within 15 days of

the date of meeting of the Appellate Committee, to the concerned
institution and other authorities.

(f) The Council shall inform the concerned affiliating university to dis-
affiliate the programmes of the institution concerned as per the decision
of the Council with immediate effect.

(g) The Affiliating University shall be responsible to shift the current

students of the institution to other AICTE approved institutions under
the jurisdiction of that University to avoid any disruption and to
continue the academic activities of the existing students. The Council
shall accordingly approve the number of students, thus shifted as
additional seats for the remaining duration of the programme.

(h)The Council shall take appropriate action to forfeit the RPGF/Joint

FDR 1md other assets of the Institutions/Society/Trust to recover the
proportionate fees and other dues already paid by the students· who
have been shifted to other Institutions consequent upon withdrawal of
approval by AICTE, if the concerned Institute declines the refurid of
such fees and other dues.

(i) The Council shall publish in newspapers and display on its website
and/or by any other means about the withdrawal of approval etc. to
caution the general public.

11.1(2)Tecbnical Institutions (offering non-degree programmes) NOT

affiliated to any University;

(a) The Council may cause an inspection to any technical institution with
or without prior intimation for the purposes of ascertaining the financial

needs, or its sta'ndards of tp~ching, examination and tesearch,

maintenance of /norms and st/mdards, violation of regulations and
malpractices etc.

(b) In ~ 6f violations of norms and standards and ..r~gulations etc as

prescribed by the Council and as communicated to the technical
institution!s based on the recommendations of the Inspection
Committee, the Council may decide to withdraw its approvaVor impose
"no admission" status for one or more courses/or programmes or
impose any other punitive action deemed necessary.

(c) The technical institution may prefer an appeal within 15 days of the
receipt of the communication from the Council along with all relevant
documents in compliance of the deficiencies etc. before an Appellate
Committee, which shall be constituted by the Chairman AICTE within
15 days of the receipt of the appeal from the Institution concerned with
the following Members:

• An educationist/ academician of repute- Chairman

• Director of UT/NITIIIM*
• Vice-Chancellor of an University
• Adviser (AICTE) as convener

*for manageme nt programme s •


(d)The recommendations of the Appellate Committee shall be placed

before Chairman, AICTE for final decision.

(e)The decision of the Council shall be communicated within 15 days of

the date of meeting of the Appellate Committee, to the concerned
institution and other authorities.

(t)The Council may take necessary steps to shift the existing students of
such institutions to other similar AICTE approved institutions with
immediate effect. The Council shall accordingly approve the number
of additional seats in institutions to which the students. are shifted for
the remaining duration of the programme.

(g)The Council shall take appropriate action to forfeit the RPGF/Joint

FDR and other assets of the Institutions/Society/Trust to recover the

fees and other dues already paid by the students who have been shifted
to other Institutions consequent upon withdrawal of approval by
AICTE, if the concerned Institute declines the retund of such fees and
other dues.

(h) The Council shall publish in newspapers and display on its website
and/or any other means about the withdrawal of approval etc to caution
the general public.

11.1(3)0tber Technical Institutions;

(a)The Institutions which are not approved by AJCTE conducting

courses/programmes, without prior approval of AICTE in technical
education as defined under AICTE Act, the Council may take •
appropriate action including Legal action against such defaulting
Institution/ Society/ TrusU Company/ Associated Individuals as the
case may be.

(b)The Council shall also inform the general public about the status of
approval of such institution from time to time.

Dr. R. A YADA V, Vice-Chainnan


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