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Jude Disciples’ Literal New Jude Evangelical Heritage Version Jude J.B. Phillips New Testament Jude Mounce Reverse-Interlinear Judas La Palabra (Hispanoamérica)
Testament (DLNT) (EHV) (PHILLIPS) New Testament (MOUNCE) (BLPH)
1 Jude, a slave of Jesus Christ and brother Greeting 1-2 Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and 1 Jude , a servant of Jesus Christ and Introducción (1-2)
of James, to the called ones having been Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and brother brother of James, to those who have brother of James , to those who are Saludo
loved by[b] God the Father and kept by of James, obeyed the call, who are loved by God the called , who are loved In God the Father 1 Judas, servidor de Jesucristo y hermano de
Jesus Christ: To those who are called, who are loved in Father and kept in the faith by Jesus and kept for Jesus Chris : Santiago, a los que han sido llamados a vivir
God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ: Christ—may you ever experience more bajo el amor de Dios Padre y la custodia de
2 May mercy and peace and love be 2 Mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to and more of mercy, peace and love! 2 May mercy , peace , and love be yours Jesucristo.
multiplied to you. you. In ever increasing measure. 2 Que la misericordia, la paz y el amor abunden
The reason for this letter cada vez más en ustedes.
Beloved, Fight For The Faith Against Those Ungodly Teachers Who Slipped In 3 Dear friends , although I was eager to I.— POLÉMICA CONTRA LOS FALSOS
Seeking To Change Grace Into License Secretly write to you about our common MAESTROS (3-16)
salvation, nevertheless I find it necessary Los falsos maestros
3 Beloved, while making every effort to be 3 Dear friends, although I was very eager 3-4 I fully intended, dear friends, to write to write and encourage you to carry on 3 Queridos hermanos, ardía yo en deseos de
writing to you concerning our common to write to you concerning the salvation to you about our common salvation, but I the struggle for the faith that was once escribirles acerca de un asunto que a todos nos
salvation, I had the necessity to write to we share, I felt it was necessary for me to feel compelled to make my letter to you for all delivered to the saints. concierne: el de nuestra salvación. Pero ahora
you exhorting you to be contending for write, to urge you to continue to contend an earnest appeal to put up a real fight for debo hacerlo forzado por las circunstancias,
the faith having been delivered once-for- for the faith that was delivered to the the faith which has been once and for all 4 For certain men have stolen in pues es preciso alentarlos a combatir en
all to the saints. saints once and for all. committed to those who belong to Christ. unawares—men who long ago were defensa de la fe confiada a los creyentes de una
4 For certain persons sneaked-in— the 4 For certain individuals slipped in For there are men who have designated for this condemnation — vez por todas.
ones formerly having been portrayed for secretly, about whom it was written some surreptitiously entered the Church but ungodly men who turn the grace of 4 Y es que entre ustedes se han infiltrado
this judgment, ungodly ones— changing time ago that they are condemned. They who have for a long time been heading our God into an excuse for blatant solapadamente algunos individuos cuya
the grace of our God into sensuality and are ungodly people who turn the grace of straight for the condemnation I shall immorality , and deny our only Master condenación está anunciada en las Escrituras
denying our only Master and Lord, Jesus our God into a license for sin and deny plainly give them. They have no real and Lord , Jesus Christ . desde hace mucho tiempo; son gente impía que
Christ. our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ. reverence for God, and they abuse his confunde la gracia de Dios con el libertinaje y
Remember: The Lord Punished The grace as an opportunity for immorality. 5 que reniega de Jesucristo, nuestro único Dueño
Unbelieving And The Immoral 5 I want to remind you, though you They will not recognise the only master, Now I want to remind you , though you y Señor.
5 Now I want to remind you— you already know all these things, that after Jesus Christ our Lord. once knew all this , that the Lord , having 5 Aunque ustedes lo conocen todo
knowing[j] all things— that the Lord, the Lord rescued his people out of the Past history warns us that the unfaithful saved his people out of Egypt, afterward perfectamente, quiero recordarles que si bien el
having once saved the people out of the land of Egypt, he later destroyed those have mingled with the faithful destroyed those who did not believe. Señor liberó al pueblo de la opresión egipcia,
land of Egypt, afterwards destroyed the who did not believe. 5-9 I want to remind you of something después aniquiló a los incrédulos.
ones not having believed. that you really know already: and 6 And the angels who did not stay within
although the Lord saved all the people their own domain but abandoned their
6 And He has kept[n] angels— the ones 6 And the angels who did not keep their from the land of Egypt, yet afterwards he proper dwelling, he has kept in eternal 6 Y a los ángeles que no supieron conservar su
not having kept their own domain, but position of authority but left their own brought to their downfall those who chains in utter darkness for the judgment condición privilegiada y abandonaron la que era
having left-behind their own dwelling— in dwelling place behind—God has kept would not trust him. And the very angels of the great day. su mansión, los mantiene eternamente
eternal bonds under gloom for the them in everlasting chains under darkness who failed in their high duties and encadenados a las tinieblas en espera del gran
judgment of the great day. for the judgment of the great day. abandoned their proper sphere have been día del juicio.
7 Just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the 7 Like Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities deprived by God of both light and liberty 7 Likewise , Sodom and Gomorrah and 7 Y Sodoma y Gomorra, junto con las ciudades
cities around them in like manner to around them, who in a similar way until the judgment of the great day. the neighboring towns , which indulged limítrofes entregadas como ellas a la lujuria y a
these— having indulged-in-sexual- indulged in extreme sexual immorality Sodom and Gomorrah and the adjacent in sexual immorality in the same way la homosexualidad, sufrieron el castigo de un
immorality and gone after other flesh— and pursued homosexual perversion, they cities, who, in the same way as these men as the angels and pursued unnatural fuego perpetuo, sirviendo así de escarmiento a
are set-forth as an example, undergoing serve as an example of those who are today, gave themselves up to sexual desire , are exhibited as an example by los demás.
the penalty of eternal fire. going to suffer the punishment of eternal immorality and perversion, stand in their undergoing the punishment of eternal
fire. punishment as a permanent warning of fire. 8 Pues, a pesar de todo, esos visionarios se
Yet These People Defile The Flesh And the fire of judgment. Yet these men are comportan de modo semejante: profanan su
Reject God’s Authority. Woe To Them defiling their bodies by their filthy 8 Yet in the same way these people also , cuerpo, rechazan la autoridad del Señor e
fantasies in just the same way; they show relying on their dreams , defile the flesh , injurian a los seres gloriosos.
8 Yet in the same way also these 8 Yet, in the very same way, these utter contempt for authority and make a reject authority, and blaspheme the
dreaming ones are defiling the flesh and dreamers are defiling the flesh, despising jest of the heavenly glories. But I would glorious ones. 9 Distinto fue el proceder del arcángel Miguel
rejecting authority and blaspheming authority, and blaspheming glorious ones. remind you that even the archangel cuando disputaba al diablo el cuerpo de Moisés.
glories! Michael when he was contending with the 9 But when Michael the archangel , in Ni siquiera se atrevió a lanzarle una acusación
devil in the dispute over the body of debate with the devil , was arguing about injuriosa; simplemente dijo: “Que el Señor te
9 Now Michael the archangel, when he 9 But when the archangel Michael was Moses did not dare to condemn him with the body of Moses , he did not presume reprenda”.
was speaking concerning the body of disputing with the Devil and arguing mockery. He simply said, the Lord rebuke to condemn him for blasphemy , but said,
Moses while disputing with the devil, did about the body of Moses, he did not dare you! “The Lord rebuke you !” 10 Estos, por el contrario, ultrajan lo que
not dare to bring a judgment of to bring a blasphemous condemnation desconocen; y lo que conocen, a la manera
blasphemy, but said, “May the Lord against him. Instead he said, “The Lord 10 But these people blaspheme whatever instintiva de las bestias irracionales, no les sirve
rebuke you”. rebuke you!” 10-11 These fellows, however, are ready they do not understand , and what they más que para la ruina.
to mock at anything that is beyond their do understand by instinct as irrational
10 But these ones— whatever things they 10 But these people do not understand immediate knowledge, while in the things beasts , by these they are being destroyed 11 ¡Ay de ellos! Han seguido las huellas de Caín,
do not understand, they blaspheme; and what they are blaspheming. They are that they know by instinct like se entregaron por dinero al extravío de Balaán y
whatever things they know instinctually being destroyed by the very things that unreasoning beasts they have become 11 Woe to them! For they take the way of sucumbieron en la rebelión de Coré.
like unreasoning animals, by these they they know by instinct (like unreasoning utterly depraved. I say, Woe to them! For Cain , and abandon themselves to the
are being destroyed. animals). they have taken the road of Cain; for what error of Balaam for the sake of gain , and 12 ¡Ahí los tienen ustedes! Son los que
they could get they have rushed into the perish in the rebellion of Korah. contaminan sus reuniones fraternales
11 Woe to them, because they went in 11 Woe to them! They have gone the way same error as Balaam; they have banqueteando desvergonzadamente y
the way of Cain, and they poured-forth in of Cain. They have abandoned themselves destroyed themselves by rebelling against 12 These people are blemishes on your campando a sus anchas. Son nubes sin agua
the error of Balaam for wages, and they for hire to the error of Balaam. They God as did Korah long ago. love-feasts , feasting with you without arrastradas por el viento; árboles en otoño,
perished in the rebellion of Korah. perished in Korah’s rebellion. reverence, caring only for themselves. pero sin fruto, definitivamente secos,
Be on your guard against these wicked They are waterless clouds , swept along arrancados de raíz.
Enoch Prophesied God Would Execute men by winds ; autumn trees without fruit and
Judgment Against These Ungodly Stains 12-15 These men are a menace to the uprooted—completely dead ;
12 These people are filthy stains on[f] good-fellowship of your feasts, for they
12 These ones are the ones who are spots your love feasts when they eat with you eat in your company without a qualm yet 13 wild waves of the sea , casting up their 13 Son olas de un mar embravecido, que arroja
in your love-feasts, feasting-with[ac] you without fear, shepherding themselves. they care for no one but themselves. They shameful deeds like foam; wandering la espuma de sus propias desvergüenzas;
fearlessly, tending themselves; waterless They are clouds without rain, being driven are like clouds driven up by the wind, but stars for whom the gloom of utter estrellas fugaces, cuyo eterno destino es la
clouds being carried-along by winds; along by the winds. They are autumn they bring no rain. They are like trees with darkness has been reserved for tiniebla sin fondo.
fruitless autumn trees having died twice, trees without fruit, twice dead, pulled up the leaves of autumn but without a single eternity.
having been uprooted; by the roots. fruit—they are doubly dead for they have
13 wild waves of the sea foaming-up their 13 They are wild waves of the sea piling no roots either. They are like raging waves 14 It was also about these that Enoch , 14 A ellos se refería Enoc, el séptimo patriarca
shames; wandering stars for whom the up the foam of their own shame. They are of the sea producing only the spume of the seventh in descent from Adam , después de Adán, cuando profetizó: “Miren
gloom of darkness has been reserved wandering stars for whom the gloom of their own shameful deeds. They are like prophesied , saying , “ Behold , the Lord cómo viene el Señor con sus innumerables
forever. darkness has been reserved for eternity. stars which follow no orbit, and their comes with ten thousands of his holy ángeles
proper place is the everlasting blackness ones
14 But indeed Enoch, the seventh from 14 Enoch, the seventh from Adam, also of the regions beyond the light. It was
Adam, prophesied with regard to these prophesied about these people, saying, men like that Enoch (seventh descendant 15 to execute judgment on all and to 15 para juzgar a todos y desenmascarar a los
ones, saying, “Behold— the Lord came “Look, the Lord is going to come with tens from Adam) prophesied about when he convict all the ungodly of all their ungodly malvados por todas las acciones criminales que
with His holy myriads of thousands of his holy ones, said: ‘Behold, the Lord comes with ten acts that they have committed in their han cometido, para tapar la boca a los impíos
thousands of his saints, to execute ungodliness , and of all the harsh things que han hablado contra él con insolencia”.
15 to execute judgment against all, and to 15 to execute judgment against all of judgment on all, to convict all who are that ungodly sinners have spoken against
convict every soul concerning all their them and to convict every soul concerning ungodly among them of all their ungodly him.” 16 ¡Ahí los tienen! Murmuradores,
works of ungodliness which they did- all their ungodly deeds, which they did in deeds which they have committed in an descontentos, libertinos, insolentes, aduladores
godlessly, and concerning all the harsh an ungodly way, and concerning all the ungodly way, and of all the harsh things 16 These people are grumblers, y materialistas.
things which ungodly sinners spoke harsh words that ungodly sinners spoke which ungodly sinners have spoken malcontents who follow their sinful
against Him”. against him.” against him.’ desires ; their speech is arrogant , they II.— EXHORTACIÓN A LA FIDELIDAD (17-23)
flatter others to gain advantage. Avisos y exhortaciones
Remember That The Apostles Prophesied 16 These are the men who complain and
of These Mockers Pursuing Their Ungodly curse their fate while trying all the time to 17 But you , dear friends, must 17 Pero ustedes, amados míos, recuerden lo
Desires 16 These are discontented grumblers, mould life according to their own desires. remember the predictions foretold by the que predijeron los apóstoles de nuestro Señor
16 These ones are grumblers, faultfinders,
who walk according to their lusts, and They “talk big” but will pay men great apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ , Jesucristo.
proceeding in accordance with their own their mouths speak boastful things as they respect it if is to their own advantage.
desires. And their mouth speaks pompous flatter others to take advantage of them. 18 how they said to you , “ In the final 18 “En los últimos tiempos —les advertían—
words, marveling-at faces for the sake of Forewarned is forearmed age there will be scoffers driven by their surgirán embaucadores que vivirán impíamente
advantage. Keep Yourselves in God’s Love 17-19 Now do remember, dear friends, own ungodly desires.” y al capricho de sus pasiones”.
the words that the messengers of Jesus
17 But you, beloved, remember the words 17 But you, dear friends, remember the Christ gave us beforehand when they said 19 These are the ones causing division, 19 ¡Ahí los tienen! Son los sembradores de
having been spoken-beforehand by the words that were spoken earlier by the “there will come in the last days mockers worldly-minded, and devoid of the Spirit. discordias, los que viven sensualmente y están
apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ— apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ. who live according to their own Godless privados del Espíritu.
desires”. These are the men who split 20 But you, dear friends , build yourselves
18 that they were saying to you that “In 18 They said to you, “In the last time communities, for they are led by human up in your most holy faith and pray in the 20 Ustedes, en cambio, amados míos, hagan de
the last time there will be mockers there will be scoffers who follow their emotions and never by the Spirit of God. Holy Spirit. una fe tan santa como la que tienen, el firme
proceeding in accordance with their own own ungodly lusts.” cimiento de su vida; oren impulsados por el
desires of [ah] ungodliness”. Look after your own faith: save whom 21 Keep yourselves in the love of God as Espíritu Santo
you can you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus
But You, Beloved, Keep Yourselves In The 20-23 But you, dear friends of mine, build Christ to grant you eternal life. 21 y manténganse en el amor de Dios,
Love of God yourselves up on the foundation of your esperando que la misericordia de nuestro Señor
most holy faith and by praying through 22 And have mercy on some who are Jesucristo los lleve a la vida eterna.
19 These ones are the ones causing- 19 These are the people who cause the Holy Spirit keep yourselves within the wavering;
divisions— natural ones, not having the divisions. They are worldly because they love of God. Wait patiently for the mercy
Spirit. do not have the Spirit. of our Lord Jesus Christ which will bring
you to the life eternal. For some of these
20 But you, dear friends, continue to build men you can feel pity and you can treat 23 save others by snatching them out of 22 Tengan compasión de los que vacilan,
20 But you, beloved, while building-up yourselves up in your most holy faith as them differently. Others you must try to the fire ; and have mercy on others with
yourselves on your most holy faith, while you keep praying in the Holy Spirit. save by fear, snatching them as it were fear , hating even the garment stained by 23 contando con que a unos los salvarán
praying in the Holy Spirit, out of the fire while hating the very the flesh. arrancándolos del fuego; pero a otros sólo
garments their deeds have befouled. podrán compadecerlos, y eso con cautela,
21 keep yourselves in the love of God 21 Keep yourselves in God’s love as you 24 Now to the one who is able to keep evitando incluso el contacto superficial con su
while waiting-for the mercy of our Lord continue to wait for the mercy of our Lord Ascription you from stumbling , and to make you torpe conducta.
Jesus Christ for eternal life. Jesus Christ, which results in eternal life. 24-25 Now to him who is able to keep you stand in his glorious presence without
from falling and to present you before his blame and with great joy— Conclusión (24-25)
22 And be having-mercy-on some 22 Show mercy to those who are glory without fault and with unspeakable Doxología final
doubting ones. wavering. joy, to the only God, our saviour, be glory 25 to the only God , our Savior , through
and majesty, power and authority, Jesus Christ our Lord , belong glory , 24 Al que puede mantenerlos limpios de pecado
23 And be saving others, snatching them 23 Save others by snatching them out of through Jesus Christ our Lord, before time majesty , power , and authority , before y conducirlos alegres y sin mancha hasta su
out of the fire. And be having-mercy-on the fire. Show mercy to still others with was, now, and in all ages to come, amen. all time , now and for all time Amen gloriosa presencia,
others with fear while hating even the fear, hating even the clothing that is
tunic having been stained by the flesh. stained by the flesh. JUDE . 25 al Dios único que es nuestro Salvador, a él la
gloria, la majestad, la soberanía y el poder, por
24 Now to the One being able to keep 24 Now to him who is able to keep you medio de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, desde antes
]you from-stumbling and to make you from stumbling and to present you de todos los tiempos, ahora y por los siglos sin
stand in the presence of His glory faultless in the presence of his glory with fin. Amén.
without-blemish with gladness, great joy,

25 to the only God our Savior through 25 to the only God, our Savior, be glory,
Jesus Christ our Lord be glory, majesty, majesty, power, and authority through
dominion, and authority before every age, Jesus Christ our Lord, before all time,
and now, and for all ages, amen. now, and to all eternity. Amen.
Jude New Matthew Bible (NMB) Jude New Testament for Everyone Jude The Passion Translation (TPT) Jude Worldwide English (New Judas La Palabra (Hispanoamérica)
(NTE) Testament) (WE) (BLPH)
He rebukes such persons as, being Contend for the Faith Truth Worth Fighting For 1 I am Jude. I am a servant of Jesus Christ Introducción (1-2)
blinded by their own lusts, resist the From Judah, a loving servant of Jesus, the and I am a brother of James. I send Saludo
truth; and so that we may know them Anointed One, and brother of James. I’m greetings to you whom God the Father has 1 Judas, servidor de Jesucristo y
better, he describes them as such as sin writing to the chosen ones who are wrapped called. He has loved you and kept you safe hermano de Santiago, a los que han sido
abominably against nature, despise in the love of Father God—kept and guarded for Jesus Christ. llamados a vivir bajo el amor de Dios
rulers, etc. He exhorts us to build one forJesus, the Messiah. Padre y la custodia de Jesucristo.
another up, to pray in the Holy Spirit, to
continue in love, to look for the coming
of the Lord, and one to help another out
of the fire. 1 Judah, slave of Jesus the Messiah,
brother of James, to those who are called, 2 Que la misericordia, la paz y el amor
1 Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, the the people whom God loves and whom abunden cada vez más en ustedes.
brother of James. Jesus, the Messiah, keeps safe! 2 May God be kind to you. May he give you
peace. May he love you very much. I.— POLÉMICA CONTRA LOS FALSOS
To those who are called and sanctified in 2 May God’s mercy, peace, and love cascade MAESTROS (3-16)
God the Father and preserved in Jesus over you 3 My dear brothers, I wanted very much to Los falsos maestros
Christ. 2 May mercy, peace and love be write to you and tell you how we all are 3 Queridos hermanos, ardía yo en
multiplied to you. 3 Dearly loved friend, I was fully intending to saved. But then I saw that I must write and deseos de escribirles acerca de un
2 Mercy to you, and peace and love be write to you about our amazing salvation we tell you to hold very strongly to what you asunto que a todos nos concierne: el de
multiplied. 3 Beloved, I was doing my best to write to all participate in, but felt the need instead to do believe. Fight against those who want to nuestra salvación. Pero ahora debo
you about the rescue in which we share, challenge you to vigorously defend and change it. The right way to believe has been hacerlo forzado por las circunstancias,
3 Beloveds, when I gave all diligence to but I found it necessary to write to you to contend for the beliefs that we cherish. For given to God's people once for all times. pues es preciso alentarlos a combatir en
write to you of the common salvation, it urge you to struggle hard for the faith God, through the apostles, has once for all 4 Some men have come in quietly. They are defensa de la fe confiada a los creyentes
was needful for me to write to you, to which was once and for all given to God’s entrusted these truths to his holy believers. bad men. The holy writings told us long ago de una vez por todas.
exhort you to labour continually in the people. Warning against False Teachers that they would be punished. These men
faith that was once and for all delivered to 4 There have been some who have sneaked in change the blessing of our God to do the
the saints. among you unnoticed.[i] They are depraved wrong things they want to do. They show 4 Y es que entre ustedes se han infiltrado
4 Some people have sneaked in among people whose judgment was prophesied in by their lives that they do not belong to solapadamente algunos individuos cuya
4 For there are certain men who have you, it seems, who long ago were marked Scripture a long time ago. They have Jesus Christ, our only Master and Lord condenación está anunciada en las
craftily crept in, who were long ago out for this condemnation – ungodly perverted the message of God’s grace into a Escrituras desde hace mucho tiempo;
marked out for such judgment. They are people, who are transforming God’s grace license to commit immorality[k] and turn son gente impía que confunde la gracia
ungodly, and turn the grace of our God into licentiousness, and denying the one against our only absolute Master,[m] our Lord de Dios con el libertinaje y que reniega
into licentiousness, and deny God the only and only master, our Lord Jesus the Jesus Christ. de Jesucristo, nuestro único Dueño y
Lord, and our Lord Jesus Christ. Messiah. Señor.
False Teachers 5 I need to remind you, even though you are 5 You know all these things for all times. But 5 Aunque ustedes lo conocen todo
5 My intent is therefore to remind you, 5 I do want to remind you, even though familiar with it all, that the Lord Jesus saved I want to bring them to your minds. First, perfectamente, quiero recordarles que si
since you already know this that the Lord you know it all well, that when the Lord his people out of Egypt but subsequently the Lord saved his people from the country bien el Señor liberó al pueblo de la
(after he had delivered the people out of once and for all delivered his people out destroyed those who were guilty of unbelief. of Egypt. At a time after that, he killed those opresión egipcia, después aniquiló a los
Egypt) destroyed those who afterward did of the land of Egypt, he subsequently 6 In the same way, there were heavenly who did not believe in him. incrédulos.
not believe. destroyed those who did not believe. messengers in rebellion who went outside
their rightful domain of authority and 6 Remember the angels also. Some of them 6 Y a los ángeles que no supieron
6 The angels also who did not keep their 6 In the same way, when some of the abandoned their appointed realms. God did not keep the high place they had. But conservar su condición privilegiada y
first estate, but left their own habitation, angels did not keep to their rightful place bound them in everlasting chains and is they left their home. God has them tied in abandonaron la que era su mansión, los
he has reserved in everlasting chains of authority, but abandoned their own keeping them in the dark abyss of the chains for ever, and he is keeping them in a mantiene eternamente encadenados a
under darkness for the judgment of the home, he kept them under conditions of netherworld until the judgment of the great very dark place. He will keep them there las tinieblas en espera del gran día del
great day – darkness and in eternal chains to await day. until that big day when they will be judged. juicio.
the judgment of the great day. 7 In a similar way, the cities of Sodom and 7 Also Sodom and Gomorrah and the other
7 even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the Gomorrah and nearby towns gave themselves cities near them show what will happen. 7 Y Sodoma y Gomorra, junto con las
places around them (which in like manner 7 In similar fashion, Sodom, Gomorrah to sexual immorality and the unnatural desire The people there had wrong ways of using ciudades limítrofes entregadas como
defiled themselves with fornication and and the cities round about, which had of different flesh. Now they all serve as sex and did wrong things that people should ellas a la lujuria y a la homosexualidad,
followed strange flesh), are set forth as an lived in gross immorality and lusted after examples of those who experience the not do with each other. They were sufrieron el castigo de un fuego
example, and suffer the vengeance of unnatural flesh, are set before us as a punishment of eternal fire. punished and are in fire that burns for ever. perpetuo, sirviendo así de escarmiento a
eternal fire. pattern, undergoing the punishment of The Fate of Apostates God did this to show what will happen to los demás.
endless fire. 8 In the same way, these sensual “dreamers” others. 8 Pues, a pesar de todo, esos visionarios
8 Likewise these dreamers defile the corrupt and pollute the natural realm, while 8 And yet these men do the same wrong se comportan de modo semejante:
flesh, despise rulers, and speak evil of 8 However, these people are behaving in on the other hand they reject the spiritual things. They think of and do wrong things profanan su cuerpo, rechazan la
those who are in authority. the same way! They are dreaming their realms of governmental power and with their bodies. They will not obey the autoridad del Señor e injurian a los seres
way into defiling the flesh, rejecting repeatedly scoff at heavenly glories. men who rule over them. And they say gloriosos.
9 Yet Michael the archangel, when he authority and cursing the Glorious Ones. 9 Even the archangel Michael, when he was wrong things about those who are great,
strove against the devil and disputed disputing with the devil over the body of even about the angels. 9 Distinto fue el proceder del arcángel
about the body of Moses, dared not give 9 Even Michael the archangel, when Moses, dared not insult or slander him, but 9 At one time Michael the chief angel had a Miguel cuando disputaba al diablo el
railing judgment, but said, The Lord disputing with the devil about the body of simply said, “The Lord Yahweh[w] rebuke quarrel with the devil about who should cuerpo de Moisés. Ni siquiera se atrevió
rebuke you. Moses, did not presume to lay against him you!” have the body of Moses. But he did not a lanzarle una acusación injuriosa;
a charge of blasphemy, but simply said, 10 These people insult anything they don’t dare to judge the devil and say wrong things simplemente dijo: “Que el Señor te
10 But these speak evil of those things ‘The Lord rebuke you.’ understand. They behave like irrational beasts about him. He said, `May the Lord tell you reprenda”.
that they do not know. And the things by doing whatever they feel like doing. to stop!'
they know instinctively, as do animals that 10 These people, however, curse anything Because they live by their animal instincts, 10 But these men say wrong things about 10 Estos, por el contrario, ultrajan lo que
are without reason, in those things they they don’t know. They are like dumb they corrupt themselves and bring about everything they do not understand. They desconocen; y lo que conocen, a la
corrupt themselves. animals; there are some things they their own destruction. know some things just like animals that manera instintiva de las bestias
understand instinctively – but it is these 11 How terrible it is for them For they have cannot think. And they will die because they irracionales, no les sirve más que para la
very things that destroy them. followed in the steps of Cain. They have do those wrong things. ruina.
11 Woe be to them, for they have abandoned themselves to Balaam’s error 11 They will have trouble! They have lived
followed the way of Cain, and are utterly 11 A curse on them! They go off in the because of their greedy pursuit of financial like Cain. They have done wrong things for 11 ¡Ay de ellos! Han seguido las huellas
given to the error of Balaam for the sake way of Cain; they give themselves over for gain. And since they have rebelled like Korah pay like Balaam. They have talked against de Caín, se entregaron por dinero al
of personal gain, and perish in the treason money into Balaam’s deceitful ways; they rebelled, they will experience the same fate those who are over them. Korah did that. extravío de Balaán y sucumbieron en la
of Korah. are destroyed in Korah’s rebellion. of Korah and likewise perish. And so they will die as he did. rebelión de Coré.
12 These are spots who of your kindness 12 These are the ones who pollute your 12 These men spoil your love feasts. They 12 ¡Ahí los tienen ustedes! Son los que
feast together, without fear feeding love-feasts; they share your table without 12 These false teachers are like dangerous are not afraid to eat and drink with you. contaminan sus reuniones fraternales
themselves. Clouds they are without fear while simply looking after their own hidden reefs at your love feasts, lying in wait They take care only of themselves. They are banqueteando desvergonzadamente y
water, carried about by winds and trees needs. They are waterless clouds blown to shipwreck the immature. They feast among like clouds that do not give rain, and are campando a sus anchas. Son nubes sin
without fruit at gathering time, twice along by the winds. They are fruitless you without reverence, having no shepherd blown around by the winds. They are like agua arrastradas por el viento; árboles
dead and plucked up by the roots. autumn trees, doubly dead and uprooted. but themselves. They are clouds with no rain, trees when their leaves are gone and they en otoño, pero sin fruto, definitivamente
swept along by the winds. Like fruitless late- have no fruit. These trees are also dead secos, arrancados de raíz.
13 They are the raging waves of the sea, 13 They are stormy waves out at sea, autumn trees—twice dead, barren, and because they have been pulled up by the
foaming out their own shame. They are splashing up their own shameful ways. plucked up by the roots! roots. 13 Son olas de un mar embravecido, que
wandering stars, to whom is reserved the They are wandering stars, and the 13 They are wild waves of the sea, flinging out 13 These men are like big waves on the sea. arroja la espuma de sus propias
mist of darkness forever. deepest everlasting darkness has been the foam of their shame and disgrace. They Big waves cause much trouble. And these desvergüenzas; estrellas fugaces, cuyo
kept for them in particular. are misleading like wandering stars, for whom men also show the wrong things they do. eterno destino es la tiniebla sin fondo.
14 Enoch, the seventh from Adam, 14 Enoch, the seventh in line from Adam, the complete darkness of eternal gloom has They are like stars that have fallen from
prophesied before of such persons, prophesied about these people. ‘Look!’ he been reserved. their place in the sky. A very dark place has 14 A ellos se refería Enoc, el séptimo
saying, Behold, the Lord will come with said. ‘The Lord comes with ten thousand Enoch’s Prophecy been kept for ever in which to put these patriarca después de Adán, cuando
thousands of saints, of his holy ones, 14 Enoch, the seventh direct descendant from men. profetizó: “Miren cómo viene el Señor
Adam, prophesied of their doom when he 14 Enoch was the seventh in Adam's family con sus innumerables ángeles
15 to give judgment against all men, and 15 to perform judgment against all, and to said, “Look! Here comes the Lord Yahweh line. He spoke words from God to these
to rebuke all that are ungodly among charge every human being with all the with his countless myriads of holy ones. men also. He said, `Listen! The Lord came 15 para juzgar a todos y desenmascarar a
them of all their ungodly deeds, which ungodly ways in which they have done 15 He comes to execute judgment against with many thousands of his angels. los malvados por todas las acciones
they have ungodly committed, and of all ungodly things, and with every harsh them all and to convict each one of them for 15 He came to judge all people and to criminales que han cometido, para tapar
the hard words that ungodly sinners have word which ungodly sinners have spoken their ungodly deeds and for all the terrible punish all the bad people for all the wrong la boca a los impíos que han hablado
spoken against him. against him.’ words that ungodly sinners have spoken things they have done. And he came to contra él con insolencia”.
against him.” punish bad people for all the wrong things 16 ¡Ahí los tienen! Murmuradores,
16 These are murmurers, complainers, 16 These people are always grumbling 16 These people are always complaining and that they have said against him.' descontentos, libertinos, insolentes,
walking after their own lusts, whose and complaining, chasing off after their never satisfied—finding fault with everyone. 16 These men complain about the way aduladores y materialistas.
mouths speak proud things. They have own desires. From their mouths come They follow their own evil desires and their things are. They do not like it. They do what
others in great reverence for the sake of arrogant words, buttering people up for mouths speak scandalous things. They enjoy they themselves want to do. They say big II.— EXHORTACIÓN A LA FIDELIDAD (17-
advantage. the sake of gain. using seductive flattery to manipulate others. things. They say nice things to people to get 23)
Rescued by God’s Power A Call to Remain Faithful what they want from them. Avisos y exhortaciones
17 But you, beloveds, remember the 17 But you, my beloved ones, remember 17 But you, my delightfully loved friends, 17 But, my dear brothers, you must 17 Pero ustedes, amados míos,
words that were spoken before by the the words that were spoken before by the remember the prophecies of the apostles of remember what the apostles of the Lord recuerden lo que predijeron los
apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ, apostles of our Lord Jesus the Messiah. our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One. Jesus Christ said would happen. apóstoles de nuestro Señor Jesucristo.
18 They said to you, `At the end of time, 18 “En los últimos tiempos —les
18 how they told you that there would be 18 ‘In the last time,’ they said to you, 18 They taught you, “In the last days there men will come who will make fun of holy advertían— surgirán embaucadores que
beguilers in the last time, who would walk ‘there will be scornful people who follow will always be mockers, motivated by their things. They will do the wrong things they vivirán impíamente y al capricho de sus
after their own ungodly lusts. their own ungodly desires. own ungodly desires.” themselves want to do.' pasiones”.

19 These are makers of fleshly sects, not 19 These are the people who cause 19 These people cause divisions and are 19 These are the men who make people go 19 ¡Ahí los tienen! Son los sembradores
having the Spirit. divisions. They are living on the merely followers of their own natural instincts, into different groups in the church de discordias, los que viven
human level; they do not have the spirit. devoid of the life of the Spirit. meetings. They have only a man's heart. sensualmente y están privados del
They do not have the Holy Spirit. Espíritu.
20 But you, dearly beloved, build 20 But you, beloved ones, build 20 But you, my dear brothers, must make 20 Ustedes, en cambio, amados míos,
yourselves up in your most holy faith, yourselves up in your most holy faith. 20 But you, my delightfully loved friends, your lives better in the holy things you hagan de una fe tan santa como la que
praying in the Holy Spirit, Pray in the holy spirit. constantly and progressively build yourselves believe. Talk to God in the Holy Spirit. tienen, el firme cimiento de su vida; oren
up on the foundation of your most holy faith impulsados por el Espíritu Santo
21 and keep yourselves in the love of 21 Keep yourselves in the love of God, as by praying every moment in the Spirit. 21 Keep yourselves in God's love. Wait for
God, looking for the mercy of our Lord you wait for our Lord Jesus the Messiah to our Lord Jesus Christ to come and help you. 21 y manténganse en el amor de Dios,
Jesus Christ unto eternal life. show you the mercy which leads to the 21 Fasten your hearts to the love of God and He will give you life that will live for ever. esperando que la misericordia de
life of the age to come. receive the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, nuestro Señor Jesucristo los lleve a la
22 And have compassion on some, 22 With some people who are wavering, who gives us eternal life.[ax] 22 Some people are not sure what they vida eterna.
separating them; you must show mercy. 22 Keep being compassionate to those who believe. Be kind to them by sharing in their
still have doubts, troubles. 22 Tengan compasión de los que vacilan,
23 and others save with fear, pulling them 23 Some you must rescue, snatching them
out of the fire; and hate the spotted from the fire. To others you must show 23 and snatch others out of the fire to save 23 Pull them out of the fire and save them. 23 contando con que a unos los salvarán
vesture of the flesh. mercy, but with fear, hating even the them. Be merciful over and over to them, but There are other people to whom you must arrancándolos del fuego; pero a otros
clothes that have been defiled by the always couple your mercy with the fear of be kind, but be careful about it. But you sólo podrán compadecerlos, y eso con
24 Now to him who is able to keep you so flesh. God. Be extremely careful to keep yourselves must hate even the clothes that bad people cautela, evitando incluso el contacto
that you do not fall, and to present you free from the pollutions of the flesh. have worn. superficial con su torpe conducta.
faultless before the presence of his glory 24 Now to the one who is able to keep
with joy – you standing upright, and to present you 24 Now, to the one with enough power to 24 God can keep you from doing anything Conclusión (24-25)
before his glory, undefiled and joyful – prevent you from stumbling into sin and bring wrong. He can bring you to the place where Doxología final
25 that is to say, to God our Saviour, who you faultless before his glorious presence to he is great and you will be all good. You will 24 Al que puede mantenerlos limpios de
alone is wise – be glory, majesty, 25 to the one and only God, our saviour stand before him with ecstatic delight, be very happy. pecado y conducirlos alegres y sin
dominion, and power, now and forever. through Jesus the Messiah our Lord, be mancha hasta su gloriosa presencia,
Amen. glory, majesty, power and authority 25 to the only God our Savior, through our 25 He is the only God. And he is our Saviour
before all the ages, and now, and to all Lord Jesus Christ, be endless glory and through our Lord Jesus Christ. He is great! 25 al Dios único que es nuestro Salvador,
Hereafter follows the ages to come. Amen. majesty, great power and authority—from He is wonderful! He has power! He has the a él la gloria, la majestad, la soberanía y
the Apocalypse. before he created time, now, and throughout right to rule! He was like that before time el poder, por medio de nuestro Señor
all the ages of eternity. Amen! began! He is like that now! And he will be Jesucristo, desde antes de todos los
like that for ever. Yes, he will! tiempos, ahora y por los siglos sin fin.

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