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Salud Mental 2011;34:491-499Phenomenology of Intersubjectivity in Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia

The Phenomenology of Intersubjectivity

in Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia
Otto Dörr Zegers1

Original article

SUMMARYY these patients treat the other with excessive confidence and a loss of
social distance up to the extreme of disrespectfulness.
I. Introduction and Clinical Observations
One of the central features of the group of diseases we call II. «Apresentation,» Immanent TTemporality
emporality and Intentionality in
schizophrenia is the alteration of interpersonal relationships. Autism, the Constitution of Intersubjectivity according to Husserl
considered by Bleuler (1911) as one of the primary symptoms of the How precisely are these three elements of intersubjectivity (apresen-
disease, and contact difficulty, as described by Minkowski (1927), tation, temporality and intentionality) altered in manic, depressive and
are two examples of how far the effects of this disturbance reach. But schizophrenic psychoses? Each section in the report that follows will
other symptoms of schizophrenia can also be seen from the same begin with an introduction explaining Husserl’s understanding of these
perspective. Thus, in paranoid schizophrenia the other becomes so concepts. As the theory of «apresentation» is more complex and less
powerful that he can persecute, harass and invade the patient’s known, a more detailed description of this concept will be offered.
privacy. Auditory hallucinations can also be conceived of as a peculiar
disturbance of the relationship with an anonymous other. As we III. Intersubjectivity and Manic PPsychosis
showed in a previous work, something similar occurs in instances of Let us recall Binswanger’s example of a manic patient who has left
coenesthetic schizophrenia. Thus, one patient suffering from this form the clinic, goes into a church where a religious service is being held,
of the disease wrote in his journal, «My failure is to love myself. I and interrupts the organist’s playing to ask him for lessons. For the
have not yet found the way toward the you.» Later on he writes: «The layman, the attitude of the patient appears to be inappropriate and
world arrives directly to me, there is no distance between the world incomprehensible. A psychiatrist may speak here of facilitation and
and me. And that is true both for people and for things… It can even of loss of natural inhibitions. But neither of these two interpretations
happen that in the worst states I consider myself for moments like the accounts for what is really occurring. Somatic medicine has a theory
other, at whom I am looking.» of the organism as a framework within which it can «measure»
Walter von Baeyer (1955) defined the characteristics of this deviations with respect to the norm; psychiatry is not able to do this
abnormal interpersonal encounter of schizophrenics, although based because its basic science is not sufficiently developed. In our opinion,
on paranoid patients: lack of reciprocity, anonymization and that place must be occupied, in keeping with Binswanger, by the
mediatization. In the delusion of being loved, for example, the patient phenomenology of intentional consciousness.
cannot defend himself from loving voices or from coenesthetic The organist is present for himself as the flow of conscious
hallucinations related to the sexual sphere. On the other hand, that contents, the sensations coming from his body, such as that from his
invading you, who in the beginning has a name, gradually loses its fingers playing the organ. These presentations are accompanied by
individuality and becomes collective. Finally, contact with the the «apresentation» that he is an organist who has been hired to play
hallucinated other is mediated through devices such as radios or in the religious service and he shares that same «apresentation» with
television sets. the community attending the service. The patient, on the other hand,
In the case of depression, even though the complaints of patients does not share this «apresentation.» For her the organist is certainly
predominantly refer to the feeling of oneself and to bodily changes, present, playing, but she is not capable of «apresenting» that it is a
we also observe a deep alteration of the interpersonal sphere. Two concert within the context of a religious service. From Husserl’s theory,
different forms of depression can be distinguished: delusional and explained above, it is inferred that if one fails in the constitution of
non-delusional. In the first form, the symptomatology is controlled the alter ego, the constitution of oneself (of one’s own ego) also fails.
by delusion (of guilt, ruin or disease) and in the second, by corporal Binswanger’s patient is unable to «apresentatively» understand the
symptoms, the experience of «being unable» and the alteration of meaning of the organist (in his context), because she cannot
biological rhythms. Moreover, from the perspective of the encounter, «apresentatively» experience herself as an ego.
both forms of depression have something in common: the progressive
disinterestedness in the other and its replacement by the prevailing IV
IV.. Intersubjectivity and Depressive PPsychosis
subject, the body in one case, delusion in the other. The flow of my internal life is, certainly, inseparable from originary
In mania, what first draws attention is euphoria, hyperactivity, or primary temporality, of which objective time is a mere derivate.
flight of ideas and insomnia; however, a deep alteration of That originary temporality is given as the permanent interspersing of
interpersonality is also apparent. Thus, it is common to observe that three instances, referred to by Husserl as retentio (past), protentio

School of Medicine of the University of Chile and Diego Portales University.
Correspondence: Prof. Otto Dörr. Avenida La Paz 841. Santiago de Chile. Chile. E-mail:
Received: August 10, 2011. Accepted: October 24, 2011.

Vol. 34, No. 6, November-December 2011 491

Dörr Zegers

(future) and presentatio (present). To understand the important role at the core of the symptoms and syndromes we face in daily clinical
played by these temporal instances both in the constitution of one’s practice. It will be the work of neurobiology to determine the somatic
own self (ego) and that of the other (alter ego), we need only to think mechanisms underlying these fundamental difficulties and of psycho-
that every person who is talking at a given moment (presentatio) could pharmacology to find medications which can help to overcome them.
not say what he is saying without knowing exactly what he already
said, that is, without retaining the past (retentio) and what he is going Key words: Schizophrenia, mood disorders, phenomenology, inter-
to say, in other words, without anticipating the future (protentio). And subjectivity.
this is not only true in the case of a speech or a lecture, but in any
conversation, however simple it may be. RESUMEN
Now, in psychotic or delusional depression, the alteration of
interpersonality is not found in the failure of the «apresentation,» as in I. Introducción y observaciones clínicas
mania, because we know how attached to norms and respect Uno de los rasgos centrales de la esquizofrenia es la alteración a
personalities prone to depression are (Tellenbach, 1961, 1983; Krauss nivel de la relación interpersonal. El autismo de Bleuler y la dificul-
1977; von Zerssen, 1982); they would never ignore the meaning of tad de contacto de Minkowski son dos ejemplos de la trascendencia
the situational context in a relationship with another. So, what fails in de esta perturbación. Pero también otros síntomas de la esquizofrenia
the relationship of the depressive case with the other? Firstly, it is the pueden ser vistos desde la misma perspectiva. Así, en el síndrome
very confinement within the body and the individual’s inaccessibility. paranoídeo el otro se torna tan poderoso que puede perseguir, ase-
But there are two other very characteristic phenomena which also could diar e invadir la intimidad del paciente. También las alucinaciones
be interpreted from the perspective of intersubjectivity: self-reproach auditivas pueden ser concebidas como una peculiar perturbación
and depressive delusional ideas. When a depressive patient reproaches de la relación con un otro anónimo.
himself, for example, «if I had not sold the house, then I would not be Walter von Baeyer definió las características de este encuentro
in ruin,» what he is doing is placing in the past, immovable by definition, interpersonal deformado de los esquizofrénicos, el que se caracterizaría
certain empty possibilities. In other words, the retentio (the past) is por la falta de reciprocidad, la anonimización y la mediatización. En
invaded by the protentio (the future), with which one does not arrive at el delirio de amor, por ejemplo, el paciente no puede defenderse de
any actualization in the presentatio (the present). And in depressive las voces amorosas o de las alucinaciones cenestésicas vinculadas a
delusions, situations that could be possible in the future, for example, la esfera sexual. Por otra parte ese tú invasor, que en un comienzo
becoming guilty of something, financially ruined or seriously ill, are tiene un nombre, va perdiendo su individualidad para hacerse
lived as if they had already happened, that is, as if in the past: protentio colectivo. Por último, ese contacto con el otro alucinado se mediatiza,
or anticipation is invaded by retentio (Binswanger, 1960). a través de aparatos como radios o televisores.
En la depresión también observamos una profunda alteración
V. Intersubjectivity and Schizophrenia
de la esfera interpersonal. Se podrían distinguir dos formas de
The most fundamental concept of phenomenology is without a doubt
depresión: las delirantes y las no delirantes. En la primera la
that of intentionality. In its more general meaning intentionality points
sintomatología está comandada por el delirio (de culpa, ruina o
to the fact that every psychic phenomenon is essentially characterized
enfermedad) y en las segundas por los síntomas corporales, la
by being referred to something other than itself. Expressed in the words
experiencia del «no poder» y la alteración de los ritmos biológicos. Y
of Husserl (1962) himself, «in the simple acts of perceiving we are
sin embargo y desde la perspectiva del encuentro, ambas tienen en
directed to the perceived things, in remembering to the remembered,
común el progresivo desinterés en el otro y su reemplazo por el
in thinking to thoughts, in evaluating to values, in desiring to objectives
tema predominante: el cuerpo en un caso, el delirio en el otro.
and perspectives…» (p. 287). Through intentionality and the processes
En la manía lo más llamativo es la euforia, la hiperactividad,
of perception / aperception or of presentation / apresentation, the Self
el pensamiento ideofugal y el insomnio, sin embargo, aquí también
constitutes the object in its totality and with it, the common world or
hay una profunda alteración de la interpersonalidad, p. ej., una
koinos kosmos. In schizophrenia, to the contrary, there would be a
pérdida de la distancia social hasta el extremo de la irrespetuosidad.
weakening of intentionality, with the following consequences:
1. Objects acquire strange aspects and multiple meanings arise II. «Apresentación», temporalidad inmanente e intencionalidad
from them. Example: delusional perception and delusional mood. en la constitución de la intersubjetividad según Husserl
2. The weakening of the intentional arc leads to classic loosening En este capítulo se intenta explicar la teoría de la apresentación de
of associations. Husserl y su rol en la constitución de la intersubjetividad.
3. On occasions, what Fuchs (2005) has recently described as
«reversal of intentionality» can arise. In schizophrenia the III. Intersubjetividad y psicosis maníaca
harmonic exchange of intentionalities and perspectives between Remitámonos al ejemplo de Binswanger de la paciente maníaca que
the Self and the other is reversed. Thus, the other necessarily ingresa a una iglesia donde se desarrolla un servicio religioso e inte-
becomes the persecutor, because the intentionality of the patient rrumpe al organista para que le dé clases. El organista está presente
is so weakened that he is not able to counteract the force of his para sí como el fluir de contenidos de conciencia, las sensaciones
intentionality, so the field of intersubjectivity remains under total provenientes de su cuerpo, entre otras las de sus dedos tocando el
domination by the other. órgano. Estas presentaciones están acompañadas de la «apresentación»
Finally, such a weakening of intentionality enables us to explain de que él es un organista que ha sido contratado para tocar en el
the typical «way of life» of the schizophrenic patient which is servicio religioso y esa misma «apresentación» la comparte con la
sad, lonely and unproductive. People with schizophrenia are comunidad que asiste a la iglesia. La paciente, en cambio, no com-
not able to go another way because the motor of life itself, parte esta «apresentación»; ella no es capaz de «apresentar» que se
which is intentionality, has failed in its constitution of the other trata de un concierto en el marco de un servicio religioso.
and of the common and shared world.
IV.. Intersubjetividad y psicosis depresiva
It has been the work of phenomenology to discover, in the complex El fluir de mi vida interna es, por cierto, inseparable de la tempora-
architecture of the human being, the location of the difficulties which lie lidad originaria, con respecto a la cual el tiempo objetivo es sólo un

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Phenomenology of Intersubjectivity in Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia

derivado. Y esa temporalidad se da como el permanente entrelaza- lidad y con ello, el mundo común o koinos kosmos. En la esquizofrenia,
miento de tres instancias que Husserl llama retentio (pasado), en cambio, habría un debilitamiento de la intencionalidad, con las
protentio (futuro) y presentatio (presente). En la depresión psicótica siguientes consecuencias:
o delirante la alteración de la interpersonalidad no se encuentra en
1. De los objetos surgen múltiples significados.
el fracaso de la «apresentación», como en la manía, sino en la alte-
2. El debilitamiento del arco intencional lleva a la laxitud de las
ración de la temporalidad y su rol en la constitución de la
intersubjetividad. El auto-reproche significa una invasión del pasa-
3. Se produce una «inversión de la intencionalidad» y el otro se
do (la retentio) por el futuro (la protentio), mientras en las ideas
transforma en perseguidor, porque la intencionalidad del paciente
deliroides (una posibilidad, que yo me arruine, p. ej., es vivida como
está debilitada y no es capaz de contrarrestar la intencionalidad
ya ocurrida) sucede a la inversa: el pasado invade al futuro.
del otro.
4. Este debilitamiento explica también la improductividad de la vida
V. Intersubjetividad y esquizofrenia
de estos pacientes, porque la intencionalidad ha fallado en la
El concepto más fundamental de la fenomenología es el de
constitución del otro y del mundo.
intencionalidad, que apunta al hecho que todo fenómeno psíquico se
caracteriza por estar referido a otra cosa que sí mismo. A través de la
Palabras clave
clave: Esquizofrenia, enfermedades del ánimo, fenomeno-
intencionalidad y por medio de los procesos de percepción/apercepción
logía, intersubjetividad.
o de presentación/apresentación, el Yo constituye el objeto en su tota-

I. INTRODUCTION AND CLINICAL as the following: «My failure is to love myself. I have yet to
OBSERVAATIONS find the path to the ‘you.’ Other than a short period at
Waldheim [a school], I have always been shuttered within
No one can debate that one of the central features of the myself, deaf to the world outside. What I must achieve is a
group of diseases we call schizophrenia is the alteration of disinterested inclination toward that which is outside me...
interpersonal relationships, or, expressed in more abstract I need to venture into another phase, that of loving another.»
terms, the alteration of intersubjectivity. Autism, considered And at the onset of psychosis he said such strange things,
by Bleuler1 as one of the fundamental symptoms of the like that his mind was atrophied, and had strayed toward
disease, and as the difficulty to make contact, perceived years the chest, but at any rate it was unable to fill his skull. His
after onset, is a topic on which Minkowski2 wrote many own body became foreign to him; to assure himself that
memorable pages, offering just two examples of the tran- his arms and legs were his own, he watched them, moved
scendence of this disorder. But as it turns out, other them and bit them. He felt that his body was flat and that
symptoms of schizophrenia can also be seen from this things came over him and penetrated him. And in his
perspective. Let us consider the paranoid syndrome, for journal he notes: «The world is very distant, without
example, in which the other appears to be infused with an meaning and empty. For example, if I see a farm, I see with
enormous power, through which the patient is persecuted, great precision the house and the people, but only as
besieged, and finally invaded in the privacy of his own something material. Beyond that everything is poor, desert,
consciousness through the influence syndrome. But auditory meaningless.» Later he adds: «The world comes directly to
hallucinations, which may at a cursory glance seem to be a me, there is no distance between myself and the world.
rather «objective» symptom, and which may even be And this is true both for people and for things. The closeness
attributed to alterations in the complex function of hearing, reaches the point of identification with the things and the
can also be seen as a highly peculiar disturbance of the people. It happens at times that in my worst states I even
relationship with the other, transformed here into a virtual consider myself as the other, as the person I am seeing.»
presence, an anonymous, atemporal, aggressive and invasive He himself describes this concrete difficulty in reaching
being. And this is not only true for paranoid, hebephrenic the other person, in this case regarding a young girl with
and catatonic forms, where the listed symptoms occur (albeit whom he had fallen in love: «It was very sad. When it came
in different combinations) most often. In a 1965 work,3 later time to see her, I would have needed only to say hello, but
published as a chapter in the book Anthropological Psychiatry,4 in that moment I closed up completely, like a pocket knife.
we were able to show how at the basis of the hypochondriac I still see her coming toward me. Suddenly everything
forms of schizophrenia, fundamentally focused on the body became cloudy, as if it had been blurred. I started to tremble,
itself and typically classified within the «simple» forms of I turned around and I went on my way.» This inability to
the disease, there was also an alteration of interpersonality, encounter becomes stronger and stronger, until the point
of the relationship with the other, with the «you.» that Federico is no longer able to recognize people as
The patient we were studying at the time, who was a individual subjects, and so he writes in his journal: «It’s
very intelligent student with a great capacity for been some time that I can no longer remember the
introspection, during the time just before the onset of individuality of the faces of people I know. When I see them
psychosis, wrote very impressive ideas in his journal, such I see only their legs.»

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Walter von Baeyer5 defined with extraordinary acuity Hospital. In a way, the depressive patient becomes unreacha-
the characteristics of this deformed interpersonal encounter ble behind the body he occupies completely, while at the
of schizophrenics, but based fundamentally on cases of the same time becoming inalterable. Kraus 10 describes that
paranoid disorder. This type of encounter is characterized particular irritation provoked by the depressed patient in
by lack of reciprocity, anonymization and mediatization. In the examiner, in feeling helpless to have any manner of
the delirium of love, for example, especially when it acquires influence on the mood of these patients. Meanwhile, Kranz11
hallucinatory characteristics, the patient cannot defend sustained many years before that the depressed were «more
himself from loving voices or from kinesthetic hallucinations autistic than schizophrenics,» pointing thusly to the same
related to sexual topics; this is assuredly an encounter with phenomenon we have been discussing: the unreachable and
no reciprocity. It is common that the invasive «you,» that at inalterable that is the depressed other in the encounter.
the beginning has a name, starts losing its individuality so This incomprehensible characteristic of the depressive
as to become collective. They are all the young men in the state (unlike what occurs with normal sorrow) acquires its
city or even all men that harass the female patient. Lastly, maximum expression in the stupor. In the above work7 we
the contact with the hallucinated other, which at first is direct, sought to make a phenomenology of depressive corporeali-
is «mediatized» through devices such as radios, televisions, ty, based precisely on the experience of the examiner in a
transmitters, etc. We were able to show that a similar case of depressive stupor, a study which we continued later
phenomenon occurs also in this form in a somewhat polar in another publication.8 In that publication we said: «In a
fashion regarding paranoid schizophrenia, which represents way, she is not in front of us, as long as there is not that
simple schizophrenia with kinesthetic characteristics, natural polarized tension between us that occurs in inter-
example for which is cited above. The difference between personal encounters, which the Greeks called antikry» (p.
one and the other lies only in the fact that in the second the 25). Later we explained this using the following words: «The
invasive other appears more and more as a mere body with patient remains unresponsive to all my attempts at bringing
no soul, depersonalized. her to something like a contraposition, that she oppose me
In the case of depression, and even when patients’ as an other, and it is curious, but the feeling that the patient
complaints refer generally not to the other, but to their own provokes in me is further and further from sorrow or
feelings and changes in their bodies, there may also be a compassion... That impression of unpleasantness or
fundamental alteration from the perspective of interperson- strangeness makes the experience into a void; there I was
ality. We could distinguish two forms of depression that are prepared to meet with someone of a vivid and different spirit,
essentially different, to the point of having debated more somewhat communicative, familiar, open, kind, or what-
than once whether it was a matter of different nosological ever.» (p. 25).
entities. I am referring to the delirious and non-delirious The disturbance of interpersonality in depressed non-
forms. The latter, which is the most common, shows as delirious patients is observed across all levels of this disease,
fundamental phenomena, as we have shown in other from those in which it manifests itself only through the
works,4,6-8 the negative change of the experience of the body concern for a symptom (almost always a bodily symptom,
(decay, disinterest, distress, pains, feeling of cold, etc.) the such as insomnia or constipation) to those for whom the
«inability» (to concentrate, to make decisions, to act, to feel invasion of the spirit by the body is total (process of
pleasure, etc.) and the alteration, inversion or suspension of «objectification»)7,8 as in the case of a stupor. In cases of
vital rhythms. In the latter, that is the delirious form, delirious depression we again find ourselves with the closing
symptoms are guided by the delirium (of guilt, ruin or off of the patient to any interpersonal encounter, dominated
disease), even when in a separate plane the same phenomena as it is by this central idea that constitutes his/her delirium.
inherent to classic depression may be found. The differences We have also worked on this topic in the case of a female
relate not only to the symptoms but also to prior personality, patient with Cotard’s syndrome. In this case it was not only
biography, and triggering situations. However, from the the strong impression of the examiner of the inaccessibility
perspective of the encounter, both have something in of the person of the patient, but the fact that she herself,
common, which is the progressive disinterest in the other who was very intelligent, was capable of describing in an
and its replacement with the predominant theme: the body insurmountable way this entrapment within her body and
in one, the delirium in the other. It is common to observe her inability to arrive at the other: «What’s happening with
how depressive patients cannot shed their bodily symptoms, me is that everything is dead; I mean, I’m dead, I’m in a
be it the lack of strength, decline, anguish, insomnia, pain, vegetable state from my head to my toes. I cannot feel, nor
etc. In an old empirical-phenomenological work on nuclear smell, nor taste food. My body is so light it’s as if it didn’t
or melancholic depressive syndrome,4,9 we find that bodily exist... When I hold my children in my arms, I don’t feel
symptoms were present in 100% of the depressive episodes them... If my daughters knew that they loved an artificial
of 55 patients who over a period of five years had been mother... I can’t feel direct contact with things or with others...
hospitalized for such reason at the Concepción Psychiatric Now, when I speak, the words come out of me automatically,

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Phenomenology of Intersubjectivity in Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia

but the words of others don’t enter my head... The only thing the true context of the situation, which apparently is not
I want is to die, but I’m still alive because, apparently, my being understood.
heart is beating, although I can’t feel that either...».12
And what of the case of mania? The most striking feature II. HUSSERL’S THEOR
of these patients is without a doubt the euphoria, hyper- OF INTERSUBJECTIVITY
arousal, hyperactivity, accelerated thoughts and insomnia.
This being, attracted by all stimuli, including (naturally) the Up until this point and through clinical observation we have
people nearby, makes us think at first glance that the manic suggested a hypothesis that behind these mysterious endo-
has an excessive capacity for encounter and communication genous diseases, schizophrenia, depression and mania, there
with the other, and in fact, the «tuning» of the patient, his/ lies a profound alteration in intersubjectivity. Now our task
her capacity to transmit feelings and emotions to the other, is to interpret these facts in light of the phenomenology of
is used as a differential diagnostic criteria with regard to intersubjectivity of Edmund Husserl.14 A similar attempt,
schizophrenic psychoses. However, if we observe with albeit more brief and limited to mood disorders, is owed to
greater attention, we are able to see here as well a profound Spanish author Antón Saiz. 15 We will attempt first to
alteration in interpersonality. In these patients there is an summarize the most important elements of this theory. It
engagement of the other with excessive confidence and a would be, it bears mention, impossible to reproduce here
loss of social distance to the extreme of disrespect, which is the entire contents of the fifth Cartesian Meditation, in which
extremely striking. This taking of the other «by the weak the Husserlian theory on intersubjectivity is found, but we
side,» as it is called by Binswanger,13 this laughing at the will linger on one of its fundamental concepts, which is that
defects of others, as well as the pointing out of any dissonance of «apresentation.» Husserl uses «apresentation» firstly to
in the environment with inappropriate laughter are all refer to that which is added to the corporeal presentation of the
examples of how the manic patient is incapable of building other and with which then a unit is formed, permitting the
a harmonious and authentic relationship with the other. experience of the alter ego. The issue here is of an experience
Allow me to offer a personal and recent example. A bipolar of the essence of a real entity that is not my own, but is not
patient, 70 years of age, of a high socioeconomic and cultural added to myself as an integrative part, that is, that transcends
level, after coming out of a deep depression cycled to a light entirely my own being, although «this entity can only acquire
hypomania, perceived by the family only in her irritability meaning and justification from my being.» It is thus a special
and due to the fact that she was waking up early. In the case of the larger Husserlian polemic, of showing how that
middle of the interview in which I verified her bright look, which is transcendent in general can become «immanently
greater mobility and excessive makeup, she observed: «The transcendent.» The solution to this problem is constitution,
pen you are using is too ordinary. I’m going to give you a the constitution both of temporal objectivity, of one’s own
better one for Christmas.» To be fair, her observation was world, as well as of the alter ego, of the other and his world.
correct. The pen I typically use was lost a few days prior at To clarify the issue of the constitution of the alter ego,
the airport, and while I found the time to buy another, I was the problem of the constitution of the ego and my own world
using an ordinary pen. That being said, no one would hesitate must first be clarified. The question posed by Husserl is the
to say that the patient’s words were in some way following: What is internal to me in terms of pure self and as
inappropriate. The question then must be, what is it that is such cannot be exchanged, and what, despite this non-
failing here? Her words might have been justified perhaps exchangeable something, can be communicated? Husserl
if I were her son or her brother, but I am her doctor and we calls the first sphere the originary or primary sphere. It is the
are in a very serious and important situation, that being the sphere of my internal vital flow, of my self own and of my
doctor-patient relationship. non-exchangeable «internal vital history» (Binswanger).16 In
A very good example of this failure to assess what the order of the constitution of an external world outside the
should be said or done in a certain social situation, the utter self, this internal vital flow is in and of itself the first world,
failure in the establishing of an appropriate relationship and for this reason is called primary. My body (or body-
with the other, is offered by Binswanger in his book titled subject) is the only soma (or body-subject) there is, and can
Melancholie und Manie.13 In this example, a female maniac be constituted originally as a body or corporeality. Whereas
patient left the clinic where she is hospitalized, wanders the other body is made in a similar way to my own, it is
through the streets and enters a church where at the time a clear that it must receive its meaning from my own. Thus
religious service is underway and an organist is playing. the question being posed is the following: What is it that
She approaches the organ, congratulates the organist for makes this body that I contemplate or that I sense as present
how well he plays and asks him foolishly if he would please the body of the other and not a second body of my own, a
begin teaching her to play at that very moment. It is a simple duplicate? We already know the answer: it is the fact that
example, but what a talker! No one can deny that here too nothing from that other body can be integrated into my own
there is something improper, that does not correspond to vital flow as mine.

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The problem is exacerbated if the question is posed, identically by you all, who are for me alter egos, and by me,
«How is it that, despite the inability to actualize the foreign for you an alter ego, is what is common, and this is what
body, and thereby, the foreign psyche, an experience of the constitutes the common world (the objectively
other can be attained? The answer to this question represents transcendent). While you concentrate on the contents of
one of the Husserl’s most brilliant achievements, clearly the class, that constitutes the topic of your current reflection.
showing the constitutive structuring of the experience of the For you the internal world is present and constituting in
other from the presentation or perception of a real body, multiple retentions and protentions in your own flow of
that is, something belonging to nature, through the your respective lives. In this process you are ‘apresent’ for
aperception of that body in terms of the body-subject (Leib) yourselves as listeners or students. In the same capacity
and then the «apresentation» of the body-subject as an alter you are also ‘apresent’ for me (but not present as Egos, for
ego. These three intentionalities are intertwined in the most your mental lives are inaccessible to me).»
intimate way in the perception of the other. In this
intertwining, the body of the other and the ego of the other
appear in the form of a unitary and transcendent experience. III. PHENOMENOLOG
This, because every experience is provided over other AND MANIC PSYCHOSIS
experiences that fill and confirm the «apresented» horizons.
The result is then that the «apresentation ... presupposes a Let us return to Binswanger’s example13 of the manic patient
presentation nucleus» or, in more precise terms, it is an that enters a church where a religious service is taking place
actualization associated with the authentic perception (of the and interrupts the organist. To the layman, the patient’s
foreign body). Both perception and actualization are present attitude might be judged as inappropriate, inconsiderate,
here in the functional community of a perception that incomprehensible, etc. A psychiatrist would speak of
presents and «apresents» at the same time, creating the facilitation of action and loss of inhibitions. However,
awareness of self-existence for the entire object. This is how neither of these observations provides a reason for what is
my ego constitutes within itself the alter ego. truly happening. Likewise, somatic medicine offers the
Having shown the constitution of the perception of the theory of the organism as a framework within which the
other on the basis of intersubjectivity, we will explain the patient can «measure» deviations from social norms, and
problem of intersubjectivity or that of the constitution of thus, the psychiatrist too should be able. But this basic science
the common world. It is often that the layman uses the is not sufficiently developed, and it is our understanding, in
expression, «the mentally ill live in a different world from keeping with the thinking of Binswanger, that the
us,» but it is unclear even to us, as psychiatrists, what phenomenology of intentional consciousness fills this void.
scientific meaning this expression has, and nor do we Also, the organist and the patient who interrupts him
understand what the anomaly of the constitution of this both experience something different, namely, their own
different world of the mentally ill consists of. Szilasi17 has internal vital flow, with their own primary world. But these
shown with great clarity that the constitution of the common different presentations are not accompanied here by the
world is also conducted through «apresentation» and that same «apresentation.» The organist is present for himself
this action is based on the presentation with the as the flow of conscious contents, the sensations coming
corresponding retentions and protentions. The intentional from his body, including the sensation of his fingers playing
references that lead to the «apresentation» are part objective the organ. These presentations are accompanied by the
and part historical/biographical. While presentations, as «apresentation» in which he is an organist that has been
we know, belong to our vital flow with their immanent- hired to play at a religious services and that same
transcendent moments in the sense of the primary world «apresentation» is shared by the community attending the
of Husserl, my Ego constitutes a piece of common world service. The patient, however, does not share this
through that which is «apresented.» In this regard, Szilasi17 «apresentation» and in no way «takes part» in it. Present in
(p. 109) offers a very enlightened example: her perception is only an organist playing, but she does
«In as far as my ‘I-Life’ (Lebens-Ich) I am present in all not «apresent» that this is a concert within the context of a
acts of consciousness. But I can also be present and religious service. Now, the patient, after leaving the church,
accompanied by ‘apresentations.’ For example, right now entered a soccer field where several young men were
I am present to myself, but at the same time, I am ‘apresent’ playing a game, causing them perplexity, anger and hilarity.
to myself as a professor of philosophy that is giving a class. Here again she was unable to achieve the same
For you, as listeners, I am present in a different way than «apresentation» as the young men, thereby failing to
that in which I am present for myself, but in the same constitute a common world. The fact that she quickly
‘apresentation,’ namely, as someone who is giving a class. changes from one scenario to another is not a simple
Our presentations are different, but are accompanied by consequence of her pathological hyperactivity, but rather
the same ‘apresentation.’ That which is ‘apresented’ is a result of the fact that she lives in isolated presences,

496 Vol. 34, No. 6, november-december 2011

Phenomenology of Intersubjectivity in Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia

without a connection between them, which are thus to say what they are saying without knowing exactly what
inexplicable based on her biography, as the patient has been they already said, that is, without retaining the past
unable to order these presences in the continuum of her (retentio), and what they are going to say, in other words,
internal vital history. This also means that her protentions without anticipating the future (protentio). And this is true
and retentions have failed. Only by anticipating the future not only in the case of a speech or lecture, but for any
and retaining the past can we actualize the present. By conversation no matter how simple.
loosening this perfect interaction between past, present and Now, in endogenous depression, the alteration of inter-
future (between retentio, protentio and presentatio), life itself subjectivity is not found in the failure of the «apresentation,»
is transformed into the consciousness of fragments in a as we saw occur in mania. To the contrary, we know how
haphazard world. respectful of social norms people prone to depression are,
Based on Husserl’s theory presented above, it follows as understood at an early stage by Tellenbach18 and as
that if one fails to constitute the alter ego, unable to reach a shown by von Zerssen19-21 through a series of empirical
true understanding of the other, the constitution of oneself studies, in such way that such personalities would never
also fails, that is, of one’s own ego. Binswanger’s patient is fail to understand the meaning of the situational context in
unable to capture «apresentatively» the organist (within the relating to others. But from the beginning we described the
context), because she herself cannot experience herself way in which the depressive patient encloses himself within
«apresentatively» as an ego. Both in the church and at the his body or in his delirium, becoming unreachable by the
soccer field, the patient is present for herself in her primary other. So, what is it that fails in the relationship of the
world (or internal vital flow), but does not manage to depressive patient with the other, from a phenomenological
«apresent» as the person she is, as a wife and mother of four point of view? Firstly there is this closing off within the
children, as a well-educated person, as a lady of society, and body and the inaccessibility that we mentioned in the
even less so as a patient who ran away from a psychiatric introduction. But there are two other very characteristic
clinic. And this occurs because her life passes from presence phenomena that could also be interpreted from the per-
to presence, disconnected from retentions and protentions, spective of intersubjectivity, and which have been identified
that is to say, due to the total collapse of temporality. This by Binswanger,13 namely, that of self-reproach and that of
explains why the manic fails in the constitution of the depressive delirious ideas. When a depressive patient
common world, even though (and unlike the depressed) the submits to self-reproach, for example, «if I hadn’t sold the
tendency to turn toward others is observed in such patients. house, then I wouldn’t have ended up in ruin...» or «if I
But this manner of dealing with and addressing others is hadn’t organized that ride when the accident occurred, so-
not aimed at authentic communication, but rather is the and-so wouldn’t have died...,» etc., what he is in fact doing
consequence of an escape from one’s self, and in distancing is placing meaningless possibilities in the past, which in itself
oneself from their own ego, the other loses the capacity of is immutable. In other words, what occurs in a depressed
alter ego and becomes an allius, a strange and foreign being. person is that the retentio (the past) is invaded by the protentio
This is not so different from what happens with my patient, (the future), with which all temporality is ceased, never
the one who, unaware of the situation of a psychiatric inter- arriving at an actualization in the presentatio (the present).
view and the peculiarity of the doctor-patient relationship, This would explain all the ways in which this most central
makes a reproach that could only exist in a context of greater symptom of depression occurs (that being inhibition, which
familiarity and intimacy: «The pen you’re using is too in prior studies6-9 we have characterized as one of the three
ordinary; I’m going to give you a better one for Christmas.» fundamental phenomena of «nuclear depressive syndrome»),
while also explaining the fact that the entire existence of the
depressed individual is ceased, as he returns to the moment
OGY prior to the start of his disease, without managing to
AND MELANCHOLIC DEPRESSION incorporate this period in his vital history.
With regard to depressive delirium, we must first say
Now, the flow of my internal life is, of course, inseparable that, as has always been recognized, the issues to which
from the originary or primary temporality, of which ob- we refer are not abstruse, extravagant or impossible, as is
jective time is a mere derivative. And this originary temporal- the case of schizophrenia, but are issues of everyday life,
ity occurs as the permanent intertwining of three instances as in the case of the relationship with oneself and in
that Husserl14 calls retentio (past), protentio (future) and particular with one’s body in the case of hypochondriac
presentatio (present). To understand the fundamental role that delirium, the relationship with others in the case of guilt
these temporal instances play in the constitution of both delirium, and the relationship with society in general in
one’s self (Ego) as well as the that of the other (alter Ego), it the case of ruin delirium. Patients claim to have an incurable
would suffice to think of the fact that anyone who is disease (and in extreme cases, as in the case of Cotard’s
speaking in a given moment (presentatio) would be unable syndrome, to be dead), or to be guilty of something that

Vol. 34, No. 6, November-December 2011 497

Dörr Zegers

might happen in the future (that the Internal Revenue 3. At times, what Fuchs25 has recently described as «in-
Service find a mistake in their annual filing, or that one of version of intentionality» can occur. In schizophrenia
their children suffer some misfortune, etc.) or, lastly, that the harmonious exchange of intentionalities and per-
claim already to be in ruin, while it may be a possibility in spectives between the Ego and the other is inverted
the future, there is no certainty whatsoever that this will in and this occurs in the following way: The patient is
fact occur. In all these cases a phenomenon occurs that is unable to put himself in the perspective of the other to
the exact opposite of what occurs in self-reproach, that is, see reality (Blankenburg)26 and the other, due to this
that situations that are possible in the future are lived as if imbalance in intentionalities, becomes by necessity a
they had already occurred, as though they are in the past: persecutor or invader, given that he (the other) «in-
protentions or anticipations are invaded by retentions. tentions» the schizophrenic, while the latter is no
This contamination of the past or retentio with elements condition to «intention» the former. In other words, the
from the future (self-reproach) and of the future with «addressing» of the schizophrenic patient is so weak-
elements from the past (depressive delirium) would be, ened that he is unable to counteract the «addressing» or
according to Binswager, at the base of each true care of intentionality of the other, leaving the area of intersubjec-
depression, and would explain the ceasing and isolation of tivity under total control by the other. This phenomenon
the depressed patient, a phenomenon also described by von we have described is the phenomenological basis for
Gebsattel 22 and defined by him as Werdenshemmung this common symptom of schizophrenia, that of
(inhibition to become). persecution delirium.
4. Lastly, this weakening of intentionality, which is at the
foundation of the constitution of intersubjectivity and
the objective temporality of these patients, also explains
the obstruction of the «life path» of the schizophrenic.
The most fundamental concept in phenomenology is without
Any experienced psychiatrist that has seen serious
a doubt that of intentionality. In its most general meaning,
patients in intensive care centers, or has followed the
intentionality points to the fact that all psychic phenomena
evolution of other patients over decades, will recall the
are characterized essentially by their reference to a separate
emptiness and sadness of these lives, lacking drive or
thing outside such phenomena. As expressed in the words
initiative, where the objects of the world fail to attract,
of Husserl himself,23 «in simple acts of perception we address
but rather invade from the multiplicity of their
perceivable things, in remembering to things remembered,
significance, where there is no perseverance and thus
in thinking to thoughts, in assessing to values, in desiring to
no achievement. But it would be erroneous to call this
objectives and perspectives...» (p. 287). The most demonstra-
laziness or apathy. The schizophrenic patient cannot
tive case of the importance of intentionality is in perception,
do anything else, because the engine of life itself, that
be it of an object or of another person. All perception is by
being intentionality, has failed in the constitution of
necessity perspectivist, that is, one always perceives only
the other and of the common and shared world.
certain aspects of the object and «aperceives» all others.
«Aperception» is a particular form of «apresentation,» a It has been the work of phenomenology to discover
phenomenon discussed above, but both are governed by within the complex architecture of the human the location
the same laws. Through intentionality and by way of the of the failure that is the basis of the symptoms and
processes of perception/aperception or presentation/ syndromes we face in everyday clinical practice, and
apresentation, the Ego constitutes the object in its totality, particularly of the so-called endogenous psychoses. It will
and with this, constitutes the common world, or koinos be the work of neurobiology to determine the somatic
kosmos. In schizophrenia, however, there is a weakening of mechanisms that underlie these fundamental failures, and
intentionality, and as a result, objects are not (borrowing the work of biological psychiatry and psychopharmacology
from neologism) «intentioned» or intended with the to find the medications that together with psychothera-
corresponding force or intensity. This phenomenon brings peutic and rehabilitation treatment can help overcome them.
about the following consequences:

1. Objects acquire a strange, foreign characteristic, REFERENCES

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Article without competing interests

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