Menustural Cycle

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Physiology of Female

Yared H. (MS/MRH)
Department of Nursing
Adigrat University

Monday, March 18, 2019 By; Yared H., ADU 1

Learning objectives
 Describe Hormonal feedback
 Explain Ovarian cycles, its phases
 Explain Uterine endometrial cycles, its phase
 Describe the ovarian hormones /gonadotorpin
secretary patterns

Monday, March 18, 2019 By; Yared H., ADU 2

Physiology of female reproductive
 The physiology of female reproductive system
is concerned with the functions from birth
through puberty and adult hood to the
 This is achieved through the neuro endocrine
mechanism that involves a well coordinated
axis called
cortico--hypothalamic pituitary-
cortico pituitary-ovarian axis.
Monday, March 18, 2019 By; Yared H., ADU 3
Hypothalamic-pituitary axis
 Hypothalamus- Produces biogenic amine that
affect the reproductive cycle-
cycle- GnRH
 It is responsible for the synthesis and release
of both LH and FSH.
 GnRH reaches the anterior pituitary via the
hypophyseal portal vessels
 And stimulates the synthesis of both FSH and
Monday, March 18, 2019 By; Yared H., ADU 4
Pituitary gland - is divided into two major
 The neurohypophysis serves primarily to
transport oxytocin and vasopressin.
 The adenohypophysis
adenohypophysis,, contains different cell
types that produce six protein hormones: FSH,
LH,TSH, Prolactin
Prolactin,, GH, and ACTH.
The gonadotropins
gonadotropins--FSH and LH, are synthesized
and stored in cells called gonadotrophs
Monday, March 18, 2019 By; Yared H., ADU 5
Monday, March 18, 2019 By; Yared H., ADU 6
Monday, March 18, 2019 By; Yared H., ADU 7
Menstrual Cycle
Menustruation is a monthly flow of blood
through the vagina as a result of endometrial
 The length of normal menstrual cycle is
determined by counting from the 1st day of
period to the 1st day of menses of the
following month.
 Normally menstrual period varies 21-
21-35 days,
but the average interval is 28 days.
Monday, March 18, 2019 By; Yared H., ADU 8
Menstruation con’t
 Duration of menstruation is variable, but 2-
days is normal
 Normal Blood loss is b/n 30ml - 80ml
 Menstruation will occur 400 to 500 times.
 The menstrual cycle:
cycle: events occurring in the
and then on events occurring in the uterus.

Monday, March 18, 2019 By; Yared H., ADU 9

Ovarian cycle
Monthly series of events occurring in ovaries
associated with the maturation of an egg is
called an ovarian cycle.
It consists of follicular phase and luteal phase

1.Follicular phase
 From birth, there are many primordial follicles
under the ovarian capsule.
 At the start of each cycle, several of these
follicles enlarge and 1 of the follicles in 1 ovary
starts to grow rapidly on about the sixth day and
becomes the dominant follicle.
 The others regress, forming atretic follicles.
 There is continuous growth and atresia of
primordial follicles occurring from fetal life
through menopause.
Monday, March 18, 2019 By; Yared H., ADU 11
 The cells of the theca interna and granulosa
cells of the follicle are the source of circulating
 At about the 14th day of the cycle, the
distended follicle ruptures, and the ovum is
extruded into the abdominal cavity.
 This is the process of ovulation.

Monday, March 18, 2019 By; Yared H., ADU 12

Indicators of Ovulation
 A rise in the basal body temperature taken
orally, vaginally, or rectally in the morning.
 Probably is due to the increase in
progesterone secretion, as progesterone is
 A rise in urinary LH occurs during the rise in
circulating LH that causes ovulation, and this
increase can be measured using dipsticks
Monday, March 18, 2019 By; Yared H., ADU 13
2.Luteal phase
 The follicle that ruptures at the time of
ovulation promptly fills with blood, forming
corpus hemorrhagicum
 The granulosa and theca cells of the follicle
lining promptly begin to proliferate, and
 The clotted blood is rapidly replaced with
yellowish, lipid-
lipid-rich luteal cells, which secrete
estrogens and progesterone & forms the
corpus luteum
Monday, March 18, 2019 By; Yared H., ADU 14
 If pregnancy occurs, the corpus luteum
persists, and there are usually no more
menstrual periods until after delivery.
 If there is no pregnancy, the corpus luteum
begins to degenerate about day 24 of the
cycle and is eventually replaced by fibrous
tissue, forming a corpus albicans

Monday, March 18, 2019 By; Yared H., ADU 15

Monday, March 18, 2019 By; Yared H., ADU 16
Monday, March 18, 2019 By; Yared H., ADU 17
Ovarian Hormones
Estrogens - early follicular development, circulating
estradiol levels are relatively low, at first increase
slowly, then rapidly.
 The levels generally reach a maximum 1 day before
the mid-
mid-cycle LH peak.
 After this peak and before ovulation, there is a
marked fall.
 During the luteal phase, estradiol rises to a
maximum 5 to 7 days after ovulation and returns
to baseline shortly before menstruation.
Monday, March 18, 2019 By; Yared H., ADU 18
Progestins - During follicular development, the
ovary secretes only very small amounts of
 Just before ovulation, the unruptured but
luteinizing graafian follicle begins to produce
increasing amounts of progesterone.

Monday, March 18, 2019 By; Yared H., ADU 19

Monday, March 18, 2019 By; Yared H., ADU 20
Uterine/Endometrial Cycle
 Under the influence of estrogens from the
developing follicles;
The endometrium regenerates from the deep
layer and increases rapidly in thickness from
 These endometrial changes are called
 And this part of the menstrual cycle is called
the proliferative phase
Monday, March 18, 2019 By; Yared H., ADU 21
 After ovulation, the endometrium becomes
highly vascularized and slightly edematous
under the influence of estrogen and
progesterone from the corpus luteum
 The glands begin to secrete a clear fluid.
 Consequently, this phase of the cycle is called
the secretory phase.

Monday, March 18, 2019 By; Yared H., ADU 22

 When the corpus luteum regresses, hormonal
support for the endometrium is withdrawn.
 The endometrium becomes thinner, & Foci of
necrosis appear in the endometrium
endometrium,, and
leading to spotty hemorrhages.
 Vasospasm occurs for hemostasis and is
produced by locally released prostaglandins.
 The length of the secretory phase is at about
14 days.
Monday, March 18, 2019 By; Yared H., ADU 23
Monday, March 18, 2019 By; Yared H., ADU 24
Gonadotropin secretory patterns
 Decreasing levels of estradiol and
progesterone of the preceding cycle initiate a
rise of FSH by a positive feedback mechanism.
 Ovulation occurs 36Hrs after the onset of this
midcycle LH surge.
 During the luteal phase, both LH and FSH are
significantly suppressed

Monday, March 18, 2019 By; Yared H., ADU 25

through the negative feedback effect of
elevated circulating estradiol and
 This inhibition persists until progesterone and
estradiol levels decline near the end of the
luteal phase
as a result of CL regression
regression,, and Pregnancy fails
to occur.
Monday, March 18, 2019 By; Yared H., ADU 26
Monday, March 18, 2019 By; Yared H., ADU 27
Monday, March 18, 2019 By; Yared H., ADU 28
Monday, March 18, 2019 By; Yared H., ADU 29
Monday, March 18, 2019 By; Yared H., ADU 30
Thank You

Monday, March 18, 2019 By; Yared H., ADU 31

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