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300MHZ, 400MHz & 1.5GHz DIGITAL RADIOS fave 400 512K Radio ClearWave 300 1x2M Radio ClearWaveé. 4 x2M Radio” ClearWave 1.5 4x2M Radio ClearWave 40: dio ClearWave 1.5 8x2M Radlo Y Diotel © alnays bigadening is data tensmision piGduct Ine and develops and provuces digial fads wrh stateatshean wenalegy to Inecorried pois ib shot mecumand angaltances Incit fbaite mee! gusto ees, to #DH Racto faifeshavebeen developed Flextiave Family picad sp ecrum dios h point pointopetaion compris + Hlexivave 24 BOM 2402 48 Hein 6703, and V2S yeh one 64 Kis chaps 2048 sb, + Floxivave 5.8 Mand FlexWave 5.8 DOM: 57255 850CHevah nies hequency es, BareiClin G7MBandV35. estes onet0 four channels fiomBeXbis 102 Mb/s Total capaniy of 2088 Kes ‘Clearwave Family: icensed fequensyradicsvthpeintispeint operation, comping 300 MHz Radios: + ClearWave 300 142M: 359 310 3779 He and 3873 192952 Mie vith up gure channel fr 357V 36.64 days whith canbe configured or asmnciona For 2088 Kivi FOB Bek 400 IZ Radhos: + ClearWave 400 512K: 405412 tHe and #22430 MHz wth Up to 8 PIPLO va totaleapacty of Skis. * ClealWave 400 KOM: 3 10422 Vizard 480 to 350 wih cre Ma voice carnal. Inthe ETH Reuter and G03 colon thee san avatar oy _asmncioncus cperaton of 28 5232 upto 18,2 Kas, Tealcapariy fe 2 * CearWave 400 90M: 41310423 i¢zand s40ios50.Han G2 Dani Baal. thernepimurvateallowed F502 Kas Toalcapacty oF 20+ 13 Gz Radios: Sdeanwave 13 OM: 1227 je» 1882 Whe and 1892 Mi to SIP ie A G02 and W235 vith cn, BAB oF four channels fam 256KIYS io 204BKoNs. n Baz OFBKBIYSS theminfmum ate Total capactyof S2O4BKDIH. ‘Gearivave 1.5 BOM: 627 he to M52 siblzand M82 ike to SI7 When G703 and VS mah 2obKDIYS 92048 AbIVS. n a, ZORBKDA/Sis Weriirnurn te Toil capac fer HCOSEKDNs yency Kados. : * GlearWave 168M: ft caoacty of 10048 tits wih 703)6.704, ¥38/V36 and Ehemet Bldge rteriaces in fe bas un, The £ themes porthasattreughputot S2¥vb1vs enabling ihe tral banderchh dtr bution (2ibiVS) between the @hemet and eG 7O3G TOA nfetiace The tad aekschas.a voceser wcechanelanden auialy chara hal can be configared i428 1521 |esyrdhicrousup 1 IN2XDVeand IV 26 up162028 Kos + 7sanertascizin79230K2 Hl WS awersczioasaz Ballz 6 ScH2o SRG E Therads aefuly destnedat out abctacresn Bazlontnahe proven qual of ignelproduas hat ensues sronaknowedse ofhetediol «and compliance wth enacnal Addtionaly, Digtel ofets corneaion insilaion sarvces and performs all the services elated Implementation oftadio ysters, Dist! stand fecused en padding seices and technical assstance and hasa modem reba laborlery ad . =)) Digitel SIRO wice channels = ration ofV28(R52321 up fk ln G70, V3 ETH Rout foe V25)V306 a 64 KOS, wich +03 x 64K vet co, WD or Tour ea ern > Description ClearWave 7.5 16x2M Radio ClearWave 8.5 16x2M Radio ClearWave 15 16x2M Radio ClearWave 18 16x2M Radio ClearWave7.5 160M, GeaiWave 5 182M, CearWave'5 182Mared Cleaiwave 18 162M comenseon= IDL (indooruniand one ODU [outdoor unt, They a2 igi racios for poitto point anpicatons thal op=rat inthe 78 Ghz, .5GHz, 15 Ghe and 18 GHz rengeswit told capacity of 1642048 Mbit/s with © 703/6.708, V35IV.36 and Ethetet interfaces in the basic unt. + 6.703/G704 interface HD4¢ connecor with EC 169-3 connector inthe patchpanalfor 75 ohms ENCopttonal) 45for120-chm nierfacesasoplonal Digit capaci: 04, Wand IS Els + Etheinet Interface with bridge FemaleR|a8connectar, UTP hemet interface: 10/100 BaseT Digital capac: 01 2, D48kbiysportup 032, 768ktrys + V35).36 Interface Female DE25carnector/'SO2110 Intema, extemalor dave dock Digital capacity 01 rx6 4 KbiWsportupto 2048kbitys Thereisaanglepower unitwih DC([20upto60¥) and AC Tul range Featuressingle AC powersupply (70 060)and AC fullrange irput Theradiosare avalablein modalswith 4,8, and 16 2048kbIYs channelsin G.703/0.704. The Ethemet porthas _sraximum transmission capacity (ihroughoutbot 32Mbt/s allowingfor the dsinbution ofthe total raciotet= (22Mbi¥s} between the port and the G.703/6.704 interfaces. The radio has 01 volae servicechannel and 01 data service charnel with ¥35)V.28 interface. The Racfo also has a voice servfoe channel and an ausiany hanna that can be conffguredto V28 (RS222)asyrtronousup tb 19 2KbIy/sand 35/0/36 upto 204BANbIYs ‘The following configurations are aval: 140 1 #1 w/equency diversity space divers, being Hilessin commuting 16 +1 inthe 1+ w/frequeney dverstyso gace dversiy being Hilessin canting fo 141 nthe Rx 1 io frequency diversity spacedversty, being Hilessin commuting to M1 inthe “141 ye frequency diversity w/o space diversity being Hilessin aomimustingto 1+1 inthe RX Note: Anata doesnot allow frequencydverstyin 15 GHZ Point-to-Point Loop ? ClearWave 300 1x2M Radio i ClearWave 400 512K Radio ClearWave 400 1x2M Radio (Cleatiave 300 14268 alga taco for pointo-pointeeplications that operates nthe frequency tages of 3093 t0 23779 Mle and 3873 10 398.8 Mie wh 2 tot rate of 2048 Kis that may be configured inthe following iterfares: Description + 01 G.703/G.704 Interface: 161 + 4 Kb/s in 25 oF Up 1019.2 Kol in asyndhnorous 28 (85222) + 02 PRVFAO voice channels + 01 V335 Interface: up to 2048 HsIvs~ 02 FRS/FKO voice channe’s ‘The total ral of 2048 Hijs maybe strated betwee the 6 703/0.704 ineriace, voice channels and the W352 Imerface t's designed 2s an indoor radio wh 34 VDC, 48 VDC and AC ful range supply. CCleanwave 200 512K isa diatal race for pat. port anplicaions that operates in the 26 10 413 andi 423 0 430 Mz ranges, and dgid data czpacty of up to S12 kis, allowing for he distibutton ofthe ota rac rate (512 0) between vols charne!s(up 108 channels} and V3 data channel (1 channel with speed of up to 512s. tis avalable mn Indoor and outdoor versions wih three flequercy ties and supply of 2 VDC. 48 VDC and AC ullrange. The indoor } version alows for theuse of vous channais(2 CV model or 8 CV mode) and V35 dda chanel (1 channel with speed of Up Ip S12 Kb/s), The auldoor sersion any alwsfor the use af two voice channet, CleaWave 400 11264 is adit radio for point4o-pointepplications that operates in the fequeney ranges of 413 10 423 (MHz and 440 to 450 AMR wth a total capaaty oF 2048 Koi Ms designed as an indoor radlo wih 24 VDC, 48 VDC and ACTul range supply, Depending on the austomes application the racio may be purchased in one ofthe three interface options belove 1.35: Lp to 248 b/s VIS + 2 PS LOD voree chamels + G.703: 151 + 64 khilsin W38 oF upto 19 2kbt/sin asynchronous W28 [RS222) + 02 AS/FXO voter channels + ETH Routers Uo 192048 kbiysin Etnemet + 68 kat/sin W235 or up to 19.2 KDI asynervonus 28 (S222) + (12 RSYPXO vate channels ‘These radios have been developed wih Digit Slond Processng technslogy for long distance velee and data service ‘Thevemploy advanced Adzptve equalzaton tedriques, esto correcion {FEC}, providing enarstee looes even in the ‘most atherse epnoltions, FEC features a corecon coped of 4.8% in S12 Kare B yin 400 TOM and 400 HM, being {cated out next i te ow of data tes ate no fetiansmissons) Programmable Spectral éfigency smade avalabe, thats, wih no addtional hardware or fier Insertion, the radios may be programmedbyy software for several bande and charnls, They fealute tre fiterng levels: Caty Mite, F ex, and software fier (D5). lows for local and remol= configuration of theraco loop, even alos#ng for two opssaiots io ‘communicate Wa the configuration metface (chal made, helping make insidlalon easter. ‘They feature amodue for management that's optional and allows to configure and check the local andremoxe radio Salus fest resis actvelion arc ceding tec=\eci signal mortioing and SME management Applications rae)" pate Star

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