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Delow present note 4 LIVES OF THE MONKS OF PALESTINE by Cyril of Scythopolis Translated by R.M. Price with an Introduction and Notes by John Binns Cistercian Publications Kalamazoo, Michigan 1991 copyright Cistercian Publications Ine., 191 ‘This translation is mace from the Greek, edited by FE, Schwart, Kyril von Storimotis, Texte und Untersuchungen 4:2, Leipeig 1939, with minor addi- tions om the Georgian and Arabic versions. ‘The work of Cistercian Publications is made possible in past by support thom Westem Michigan Unversity to ‘The Instate of Cistercian Studies Available elsewhere including Cana) from the publisher Cisictcian Publications Distribution: St Joseph's Abbey Spencer, Mascachosetts 01562 Estoril Offices: Instinte of Cistercian Studies Western Michigan Universi Kalamazoo, Michigan 49008 Library of Congress Catatgnin tl. Seyopee a SP 88 Les te Mn Palestine by Cito Shape aa by RM Powhatan ad mes by on Bw Publication Data om. (Ceasar 1) Face Ba epiphone, SBN D99907 76 SRN STAN 914.24 1. Crain ssin-Pletine- Bieri woe 10, 2 Mao-Pistie Boppy -Eaky sont 88, 3. Moms adelgosrders-Plesine-Hiery ny uth cx. 33.6, 1 Biv. 851. Tie. T, Sers, BRINE 1930 BTV 92 28950. 26, @ Printed in the United States of America. PREFACE Y PERSONAL DISCOVERY of the writing of Cyril of Mier took place six years ago when I was be- ginning @ period of research into the history of the cchurch in the century after the Couneil of Chalcedon. I was im- mediately captivated by the clarity and pace of his prose style. the vivid portrait of life in the monastic desert, and the placing ‘of the events described in the perspective of the history of the Church and the Empire. I found it hard (@ understand why’ so litle atention had been paid to the monastic life of Palestine, compared with that given (o its neighbours Egypt and Syria. My research quickly came to concentrate on Cyril. To have shared in the production of this volume which makes Cyril’s Lives available in English for the first time has, then, been a very great pleasure, R. M. Price's faithful yet lively—at times almost racy—translation preserves the flavour of Cyril's set of biographies. It is made from the Greek text edited by Eduard Schwartz in 1939, Three sections found in Georgian ot Arabic versions, but not in the Greek, are added at 222.17, 226.3 and 247,22 (in either the text or the notes), The modest quantity of literature about Cyril is set out in a separate sec~ ion of the Bibliography. Invaluable is Derwas Chitty’s clas- sie study The Desert a City, which amplifies Cyril’s narrative with evidence from other sources. Having spent several years combining study at King’s Col- Jege, London, with ministry in a busy parish, I cannot let slip this opportunity of recording my gratitude to those who have generously encouraged me: Stuart Hall, who has supervised my work; Peter Selby, Bishop of Kingston, who arranged a period of study leave at a critical moment; the Community of the Sisters of the Church at Ham Common, Surrey, who pro- vided truly monastic hospitality during that period; the clergy and people of the parishes of Mortlake and East Sheen and of Holy Trinity, Upper Tooting: and, of course, Sue and Wil- wl Proface im, my wife and son, who cheerfully accepted even greater disruption to the home than usual. Needless to say, the Cister= cian Publications have been supportive and pati throughout me John Binns TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface INTRODUCTION Palestinian monasticism, facts and texts . The influence of the geography . Conflict in the monasteries . The Holy City . The monks and the see of Jerusalem Miracle and history ‘The holy man as mediator . The life of Cyril of Seythopolis . The nature and purpose of his work 10, Doctrinal disputes 11, Cyril's mentors and sources 12, Conclusion whee eee LIVES OF THE MONKS OF PALESTINE Lite of Euthyr Life of Sabas Life of John the Hesychast Life of Cyriacus Life of Theodosius Life of Theognivs Life of Abraamius Table of Abbreviations Xxx, XxKW xxavili al lili xlvit 4 93 200 245 262 269 273 282

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