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Predicting the impact of sedimentological heterogeneity on gas–oil and

water–oil displacements: fluvio-deltaic Pereriv Suite Reservoir, Azeri–
Chirag–Gunashli Oilfield, South Caspia...

Article  in  Petroleum Geoscience · April 2011

DOI: 10.1144/1354-079310-013


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5 authors, including:

Matthew D. Jackson
Imperial College London


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Petroleum Geoscience
Predicting the impact of sedimentological heterogeneity on gasoil and wateroil
displacements: fluvio-deltaic Pereriv Suite Reservoir, AzeriChiragGunashli Oilfield,
South Caspian Basin
Kevin Choi, Matthew D. Jackson, Gary J. Hampson, Alistair D.W. Jones and Antony D. Reynolds

Petroleum Geoscience 2011; v. 17; p. 143-163


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© 2011 Geological Society of London

Predicting the impact of sedimentological heterogeneity on gas–oil and
water–oil displacements: fluvio-deltaic Pereriv Suite Reservoir,
Azeri–Chirag–Gunashli Oilfield, South Caspian Basin
Kevin Choi1,2, Matthew D. Jackson1, Gary J. Hampson1, Alistair D.W. Jones3 and
Antony D. Reynolds3
Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College London SW7 2AZ, UK
Present address: BP, Chertsey Rd, Sunbury on Thames, TW16 7LN, UK
BP, Chertsey Rd, Sunbury on Thames, TW16 7LN, UK
Corresponding author (e-mail:

ABSTRACT: The Pereriv Suite reservoir in the Azeri culmination of the

ACG Oilfield is characterized by laterally continuous layers of variable
net-to-gross (NTG) ratio deposited in a channel-dominated, fluvio-deltaic
environment. The reservoir is being developed by down-dip water injection,
with up-dip gas injection on the more steeply dipping central north flank. We
use high-resolution models derived from outcrop analogue and subsurface
data to demonstrate that four key sedimentological heterogeneities control
recovery in both oil–water and gas–oil displacements: (1) local variations in
NTG within low NTG (<55%) layers; (2) the degree of communication
between low NTG layers and adjacent high NTG (>85%) layers; (3) sinuosity
and (4) stacking pattern of channel-fill sandbodies in low NTG layers. The
first three heterogeneities control sandbody connectivity; the fourth controls
sweep efficiency in the connected sandbodies. Two further heterogeneities
control recovery in gas–oil displacements in high NTG layers: (5) vertical-
to-horizontal permeability ratio of channel-fill sandbodies and (6) mud clast
lags at channel bases. Models which omit these small-scale features predict
that sedimentological heterogeneity has little impact on water–oil or gas–oil
displacements in high NTG layers, but fail to capture the effect of hetero-
geneity on the gravity stability of the gas–oil displacement, which signifi-
cantly impacts on recovery.

KEYWORDS: fluvio-deltaic, heterogeneity, reservoir simulation, Pereriv

Suite, ACG Field, South Caspian Basin

INTRODUCTION Series (tentatively assigned ages from 5.5–3.4 Ma; Jones &
Simmons 1996). The Productive Series strata were deposited
The Azeri–Chirag–Gunashli (ACG) Field is a super giant oil during a period of lowered base level that resulted in delivery
field located in the offshore Azerbaijan sector of the South of large sediment volumes via the palaeo-Volga River to the
Caspian Basin (Fig. 1A). The field occurs in a large, elongate northern part of the isolated, lacustrine South Caspian Basin
anticlinal structure with steeply dipping limbs that display (Reynolds et al. 1998; Morton et al. 2003; Kroonenberg et al.
three culminations, Azeri, Chirag and Gunashli (Fig. 1). 2005; Abreu & Nummedal 2007; Torres et al. 2007; Green
Production from the northwestern end of Gunashli, which lies et al. 2009; Fig. 2A). Fluctuating lake levels resulted in
in shallow water depths, commenced in 1980. The remainder of multiple, high-frequency cycles of advance and retreat of the
the field is operated by BP on behalf of Azerbaijan Inter- palaeo-Volga Delta across a low-gradient, basin-margin ramp;
national Oil Company (AIOC) under a 30-year production these cycles are reflected in a strongly layered stratigraphy in
license that expires in 2025. Initial production from Chirag and which sandstone-bearing intervals alternate with laterally
Azeri began in 1997 and 2005, respectively (Manley et al. extensive mudstones (Abdullaev et al. 1998; Reynolds et al.
2005). This paper focuses on Azeri, which contains more than 1998; Hinds et al. 2004; Kroonenberg et al. 2005; Fig. 2B).
8 billion barrels of oil in place and is being developed using Climate probably controlled fluvial input of water and sedi-
two production schemes: up-dip gas injection on the steeply ment to the hydrologically closed South Caspian lake, thus
dipping (30–40() north flank and down-dip water injection driving high-frequency variations in both lake level and sedi-
elsewhere, where dips are more shallow, as on the south flank ment supply (e.g. Hinds et al. 2004). Given this unusual
(20–25() (Fig. 1B). interplay between major controls on sequence architecture, we
The main reservoir interval in the field is the Lower have not applied a sequence stratigraphic interpretation to the
Pliocene Pereriv Suite, which forms part of the Productive Pereriv Suite reservoir. Poor biostratigraphic control, due to

Petroleum Geoscience, Vol. 17 2011, pp. 143–163 1354-0793/11/$15.00  2011 EAGE/Geological Society of London
DOI 10.1144/1354-079310-013
144 K. Choi et al.

Fig. 1. (A) Map of the western South Caspian Basin highlighting oil and gas accumulations, including the ACG Field, and the location of outcrop
analogues on the Apsheron Peninsula (Y, Yasamal Valley, B, Balakhany Quarry, K, Kirmaky Valley) (after Kroonenberg et al. 2005). (B) Map of
the ACG Field highlighting the Azeri, Chirag and Gunashli culminations. Simplified cross-sections and plan-view maps are shown for representative
portions of the north and south flanks of the Azeri culmination. The models presented in this paper are constructed for these reservoir-production
symmetry elements.

endemic faunas and extensive reworking, also hinders corre- similar impact on flow in both gas–oil and water–oil displace-
lation beyond the South Caspian Basin (Jones & Simmons ments; and (3) to understand why these heterogeneities are
1996). important. These aims are addressed via a series of numerical
Within the ACG Field, the Pereriv Suite is subdivided into experiments that quantify the impact of heterogeneity on flow
five layers (Pereriv A–E; Fig. 2C). Pereriv B and D are using three-dimensional (3D) reservoir models. The models are
sandstone sheets of high net-to-gross (NTG) ratio (>85%), constructed to include progressively more detailed descriptions
whereas Pereriv A, C and E have relatively low and laterally of sedimentological heterogeneity, based on subsurface and
variable NTG ratio (0–55%). Seismic imaging has resolved the outcrop analogue data, and they sample representative inter-
Pereriv B and D sandstones over much of the ACG Field and well volumes of the reservoir. This approach allows heterogen-
constrained both reservoir structure and gross fluid move- eity to be explicitly represented at smaller length scales and
ments in response to production (Bouska & Johnston 2005; higher resolution than is feasible in full-field and field-sector
Howie et al. 2005; Manley et al. 2005; Robinson et al. 2005). models, while enabling fluid flow to be simulated without
Detailed reservoir architecture is below seismic resolution, but upscaling to a coarser simulation model. Heterogeneity at and
core and wireline-log data suggest that the reservoir consists below the scale of the model grid blocks (c. 10  20  1m) is
principally of channel-fill sandbodies in a background of not explicitly investigated in our experiments, although we
lacustrine mudstones. Formation test pressure data, high- recognize that such heterogeneities may have a significant
resolution biostratigraphy, log correlation and palaeomagnetic impact on flow (e.g. Kjønsvik et al. 1994; Jones et al. 1995).
analysis of oriented cores constrain the overall abundance, Their effect is approximated in modelled permeability aniso-
orientation and vertical stacking of channel-fill sandbodies tropy values (kv:kh ratio) and relative permeability curves.
that define the Pereriv A–E reservoir layers (Fig. 2C). Numer- The work presented here is motivated by production issues
ous channel-fill sandbodies are densely stacked to form the in the Pereriv Suite reservoir; the models used are simple and
sandstone sheets of the Pereriv B and D layers, whereas generic, and the results are widely applicable. Our modelling
lacustrine mudstones occur between less abundant channel-fill experiments thus provide insights into the behaviour of high
sandbodies in the Pereriv A, C and E layers. The internal facies and low NTG channelized reservoirs under different displace-
architecture of the channel-fill sandbodies is constrained by ment conditions.
cores and closely analogous outcrops. However, the dimen-
sions and preserved geometries of channel-fill sandbodies, and
the extent and continuity of inter-channel mudstones are less SEDIMENTOLOGICAL HETEROGENEITY IN
well constrained. These various parameters are important in THE PERERIV SUITE RESERVOIR
defining permeability architecture within the Pereriv Suite
reservoir, and may strongly influence the efficiency of both Sedimentological heterogeneity in the Pereriv Suite reservoir
gas–oil and water–oil displacements in the Azeri structure. occurs across a range of length scales, but is spatially arranged
The aims of this paper are threefold: (1) to identify the key according to a hierarchy that reflects stratigraphic architecture
sedimentological heterogeneities which influence recovery by (Fig. 3). Subsurface data from the ACG field are insufficient to
gas and water injection in the Azeri section of the Pereriv Suite describe aspects of heterogeneity at length scales below seismic
reservoir; (2) to determine whether these heterogeneities have a resolution (Fig. 4A). However, insights into such heterogeneity
Controls on gas–oil and water–oil displacements 145

Fig. 2. (A) Palaeogeographic map of the South Caspian Basin during deposition of the Productive Series (after Reynolds et al. 1998); (B) schematic
stratigraphic column through the Productive Series (after Hinds et al. 2004); and (C) stratigraphic column through the Pereriv Suite reservoir in the
ACG Field.

can be obtained from exposures of the Productive Series on the ments of channel-fill sandbodies within each of the reservoir
Apsheron Peninsula of Azerbaijan (Reynolds et al. 1998), layers are less well constrained, as are the extent and continuity
some 80 km from the ACG Field: the lower interval of the of shales between the channel-fill sandbodies. These para-
Productive Series crops out in Kirmaky Valley, and the upper meters define the detailed permeability architecture within each
interval in Balakhany Quarry and Yasamal Valley (Figs 1A, reservoir zone. In the high NTG Pereriv B and D layers in the
2B). However, the onshore strata are more proximal, signifi- ACG Field, small breaks in the post-production pressure
cantly coarser grained and display higher NTG ratios than gradient are observed across some thin shale intervals
their offshore counterparts (Reynolds et al. 1998). Thus, (Reynolds 2006; Ibrahimov et al. 2007). Such shales within the
outcrop analogues for different layers in the Pereriv Suite sandstone-rich reservoir layers may either be the preserved
reservoir have been selected on the basis of their lithofacies remnants of lacustrine shales of widespread depositional
composition, grain size and NTG character, rather than their extent, or record subtle stratigraphic organization of single-
age. storey channel-fill units into larger bodies.
There are few data available from the ACG Field to
constrain the dimensions of channel-fill sandbodies within the
Stratigraphic architecture within reservoir zones
Pereriv Suite reservoir; however, within the lower part of the
Within each of the five layers of the Pereriv Suite reservoir, low NTG Balakhany Suite, which directly overlies the Pereriv
core and wireline-log data indicate that sandstones occur in Suite (Fig. 2B), channelized sandbodies up to several tens of
sharp-based successions that are 5–7 m thick and contain a metres thick and several hundred metres to two kilometres
subtle upward-fining trend in grain size, where fully preserved. wide have been interpreted from seismically derived lithology
These successions are interpreted as channel-fill deposits (Fig. volumes (Sadigova et al. 2004) and also using data from closely
3B). Gradationally based, upward-coarsening sandstone suc- spaced wells in the shallow-water Gunashli area (Bagirov et al.
cessions of similar thickness, which could represent mouth-bar 2004) and analogous Bahar Field (Abdullaev et al. 1998).
deposits, are absent. Palaeocurrents interpreted from aligned Sandbodies of similar scale occur in the Productive Series
cores show little variability, implying that the channels had low outcrops of low NTG layers, where they consist of multi-
sinuosity. The dimensions, geometries and stacking arrange- storey, channel-belt ‘fairways’ with components of both lateral
146 K. Choi et al.

Fig. 3. Conceptual model illustrating the interpreted hierarchy of sedimentological heterogeneity in the fluvio-deltaic Pereriv Suite reservoir of the
ACG Field, based on subsurface data and outcrop analogues. Sub-metre-scale heterogeneities are not portrayed.

accretion and vertical aggradation (Fig. 4C–E), although channel-fill storeys are poorly preserved due to erosion at the
smaller, single-storey channel-fill sandbodies also occur. Chan- base of overlying storeys, but they are shallow (<7 m) and
nelized sandbodies of both single-storey and multi-storey broad (>100 m) (Reynolds et al. 1998), suggesting deposition
architecture are encased in interbedded mudstones, siltstones in multi-channel systems.
and thin (<1 m) sheet sandstones (Fig. 4C). Outcrops of
high NTG layers in Kirmaky Valley, Balakhany Quarry and
Lithofacies architecture within channel-fill sandbodies
Yasamal Valley (Figs 1A, 2B) support the interpretation of
these layers as stacked, multi-storey channel-fill sandstones Channel-fill sandbodies constitute genetic units, and are the
(Reynolds et al. 1998) (Fig. 4B). In these analogues, individual smallest components of stratigraphic architecture considered
Controls on gas–oil and water–oil displacements 147

Fig. 4. Aspects of sedimentological heterogeneity in the Pereriv Suite reservoir, ACG Field, in subsurface data and outcrop analogues. (A). Seismic
section through the Pereriv Suite reservoir and part of the overlying Balakhany Suite from the north flank of Azeri, with superimposed gamma-ray
logs from two wells indicating sandstone (yellow) and shale (grey) content (modified from Reynolds 2006). The section is flattened on a datum within
the Balakhany Suite, and illustrates the layered Pereriv Suite stratigraphy as resolved in seismic data. (B) Panorama of high NTG layer (Balakhany
VIII) composed of stacked channel-fill sandbodies, Balakhany Quarry (Figs 1A, 2B). Prominent mud clast lags defining the bases of some channels
are highlighted. Note that the vertical scale decreases and apparent tectonic dip increases to the right, due to perspective effects. (C) Multi-storey
channel-fill sandbody encased within siltstones and mudstones in a low NTG layer (Balakhany VI), Yasamal Valley (Figs 1A, 2B). (D) Detailed
architecture of the sandbody margin indicates both vertical aggradation and lateral migration between successive episodes of channel erosion and
filling, whereas (E) mud clast lags at channel bases highlight vertical stacking of channel-fill units in the centre of the sandbody. (F–I) Representative
core sections illustrating an idealized channel-fill succession from base to top: (F) mud clast lag; (G) cross-bedded sandstone with partly
disaggregated mud clasts lining cross-bed foresets; (H) parallel-laminated, clay-bearing sandstone, with comminuted clay clasts defining the laminae,
in a highly deviated well; and (I) climbing current ripples in clay-rich sandstone in a deviated well. (J) Core section through thinly interbedded
mudstones and siltstones occurring in between channel-fill sandstones in a highly deviated well. In general, these deposits lack bioturbation but
contain a wide range of sand-filled cracks (labelled ‘cr’).
148 K. Choi et al.

in this study. Cores from the ACG Field show that most constant velocity and with a constant angle of dip. This leads
channel-fill successions contain a consistent vertical arrange- to high sweep efficiency. A displacement may be stable for two
ment of lithofacies (Figs 3C, 4F–I). The base of each succes- reasons (see Dake 1978, section 10.6). Firstly, it may be
sion is commonly marked by a mud clast conglomerate lag mobility stable, in which case the displacing water or gas is less
(Fig. 4F); such lags are common but discontinuous along the mobile than the displaced oil, so that there is no tendency for
bases of channel-fill storeys in the Productive Series outcrops it to ‘run past’ the oil. Mobility stable displacements occur in
(Reynolds et al. 1998; Hinds et al. 2007) (Fig. 4B, E). Sand- reservoirs where the end-point mobility ratio (the ratio of the
stones are upper fine-grained, clean and cross-bedded near the mobilities of the displaced and displacing phases, measured at
base of each succession (Fig. 4G), but fine gradationally the end-points of the relative permeability curves) is less than 1
upwards into planar and low-angle laminated, clay-bearing, (Dake 1978). Secondly, a displacement may be gravity stable,
lower fine-grained sandstones (Fig. 4H) that grade upwards in which case the density contrast between the displacing water
into current-ripple laminated, clay-rich, very fine-grained sand- or gas and the displaced oil suppresses any tendency for the
stones (Fig. 4I). The vertical trend in lithofacies within development of a water or gas ‘tongue’ that under- or over-
channel-fill sandbodies, together with smaller scale variations runs the oil. Gravity stable displacements occur in reservoirs
in grain size and sorting associated with cross-stratification with steep dips and large density contrasts between the displac-
and lamination, results in permeability anisotropy within ing phase and the displaced oil, so long as the oil production
channel-fill units. Mud clast lags at channel bases may also act rate is below the ‘Dietz critical rate’. Above this critical rate,
as baffles to flow. the displacement becomes gravity unstable (Dake 1978).
In core from the ACG Field, mudstones and siltstones Water displacement in the south flank of Azeri (Fig. 1B) is
between the channel-fill sandstones are laminated or structure- predicted to be mobility stable, while gas displacement in the
less, lack bioturbation and contain thin (<0.5 m), very fine- central north flank (Fig. 1B) is predicted to be mobility
grained sandstone beds (Fig. 4J). Wave ripples and root unstable but gravity stable for the planned production rate
structures are absent. Thin (c. 1 cm), sharp-sided, downward- (c. 9% STOIIP per year) and range of observed reservoir dips.
tapering sandstones that are oriented perpendicular to bed- These results indicate high sweep efficiency for both displace-
ding, interpreted as sand-filled cracks, are locally common in ments in the absence of sedimentological heterogeneity within
the mudstones and siltstones (Fig. 4J). Very fine-grained the reservoir layers.
sandstone beds in these fine-grained successions may provide
connectivity between adjacent channel-fill sandstones that are
not directly juxtaposed. Hierarchical modelling approach
Following this preliminary analysis, a hierarchical approach to
METHODOLOGY reservoir modelling was used to design four simulation-based
screening studies that investigate the impact of sedimentologi-
Database cal heterogeneity on the gas–oil and water–oil displacements.
In this approach, we start with simple models and then
Our modelling experiments are not based explicitly on a progressively add complexity in the form of heterogeneities at
dataset from part of the Pereriv Suite reservoir in Azeri. smaller length scales (cf. Williams et al. 2004), based on the
Instead, the models are designed to be generic for the reservoir, hierarchy of sedimentological heterogeneity outlined above
and to investigate heterogeneity that lies below seismic resolu- (Fig. 3). The various models used in the screening studies
tion and within inter-well volumes. The models are based on incorporate heterogeneities at the scale of (1) gross reservoir
data from: (1) wireline logs and cores from wells in Azeri, zonation (Fig. 3A); (2) stratigraphic architecture within reser-
which constrain reservoir layering and associated NTG ratios, voir zones (Fig. 3B); and (3) lithofacies architecture within
sandbody thickness, vertical trends within sandbodies, rock channel-fill sandbodies (Fig. 3C) (respectively corresponding
properties from core plugs, and fluid properties; (2) outcrop to levels of heterogeneity 4, 3 and 2 of Kjønsvik et al. 1994).
analogues, which constrain the dimensions, geometries and The first two screening studies assess the impact of strati-
connectivity of channelized sandbodies and inter-channel graphic architecture within stacked high NTG and low NTG
shales in high and low NTG layers; and (3) subsurface reservoir layers (Pereriv B, C and D layers) (Fig. 5). The third
analogues from geographical regions of the ACG Field that screening study assesses heterogeneity at the same scale within
are imaged at relatively high seismic resolution, are more individual high NTG (Pereriv B) and low NTG (Pereriv C)
densely drilled, and/or have production history data. These reservoir layers (Fig. 5). The fourth screening study incorpo-
data are used in combination to constrain the range of values rates heterogeneity within channel-fill sandbodies in a single
that are assigned to key heterogeneities in the modelling high NTG layer (Pereriv B) (Fig. 5).
experiments, as explained below.

Dietz stability analysis Design of modelling experiments

Prior to numerical modelling, the stability of the gas–oil and Ten sedimentological heterogeneities were selected for investi-
water–oil displacement schemes in Azeri is first assessed using gation in the screening studies (Fig. 5), and experimental
a simple analytical method that assumes a homogenous reser- design techniques (Box et al. 1978; Damsleth et al. 1992; Jones
voir, segregated flow and ignores oil–water and gas–oil capil- et al. 1995; White & Royer 2003) and analysis of variance (Box
lary pressures (Dietz 1953; see Dake 1978, section 10.6 for an et al. 1978) were employed to explore the resulting parameter
explanation of the analysis). The Pereriv Suite reservoir is space efficiently. A two-level fractional-factorial design was
treated as five internally homogeneous layers that are isolated used in each screening study, in which each factor (heterogen-
by field-wide shales (Pereriv A–E layers; Fig. 2C). The Dietz eity) can take one of two settings that are chosen to reflect the
analysis suggests that both gas–oil and water–oil displacement range of uncertainty in the Pereriv Suite reservoir (Fig. 5). The
schemes are stable: they are marked by a sharp, planar front experimental design allows us to quantify efficiently the effect
between the displacing and displaced fluids which moves at of varying each factor from setting 1 to setting 2.
Controls on gas–oil and water–oil displacements

Fig. 5. Ten sedimentological heterogeneities (factors) investigated in the four screening studies, which correspond to three levels in the interpreted hierarchy of heterogeneity in the Pereriv Suite reservoir
(Fig. 3). The right-hand column shows the values of parameters that are varied (grey boxes) and held constant (white boxes) in each screening study. The impact of these ten factors on simulated fluid
flow is assessed by observing the percentage change in average response when each factor is varied from setting 1 to setting 2.
150 K. Choi et al.

Modelled heterogeneities and settings outcrop analogue data. Channel dimensions can have a signifi-
cant impact on connectivity in low NTG reservoirs containing
At the scale of gross reservoir zonation (Figs 3A, 5), two key channelized sandbodies (Jones et al. 1995; Larue & Hovadik
heterogeneities are investigated: 2006).
(1) Lateral variation of NTG ratio within Pereriv C The (6) Channel orientation Palaeocurrents from channel-fill sand-
average NTG ratio of the low NTG Pereriv C layer across the stones in the Pereriv Suite reservoir in Azeri and Chirag are
ACG Field is approximately 45% (Fig 2C), but it varies locally generally directed towards the south, and range from parallel
from 0% to c. 50%. Oil recovery may be increased in regions to oblique (49( east) to tectonic dip. Channel orientation and
with high NTG ratio, because of the higher oil volume in place. the range of channel orientations may influence connectivity,
There may also be enhanced cross-flow between Pereriv C and particularly in low NTG reservoirs (Larue & Friedmann 2005;
the overlying Pereriv B and underlying Pereriv D layers in Martinius & Naess 2005; Larue & Hovadik 2006). Moreover,
these regions, which may reduce sweep efficiency of the high we hypothesize that on the north flank of the Azeri structure,
NTG layers. injected gas may follow the channel orientation and thus flow
(2) Interlayer connectivity The continuity of shale sheets sepa- obliquely down the flank rather than directly towards the
rating the individual reservoir layers (Pereriv A–E), and thus nearest producer. In this case, injected gas would experience a
the degree to which they are hydraulically isolated, is only relatively shallow dip (c. 22(, along the channel axes), which,
partially constrained. Where cross-flow between the layers may in conjunction with other heterogeneities, may push the dis-
be possible, gas could segregate upwards into the overlying placement out of the range of gravity stability, leading to lower
layers, leading to lower sweep efficiency and earlier gas break- sweep efficiency and earlier gas breakthrough.
through in the high NTG Pereriv B and D layers. (7) Internal layering within high NTG layers Post-production
Five further heterogeneities are considered to characterize pressure and inflow performance data, calibrated with cores
stratigraphic architecture within reservoir zones (Figs 3B, 5). and wireline logs, demonstrate that thin, widespread shales
(3) Channel sinuosity This can have a significant impact on occur within the high NTG Pereriv B and D layers (Reynolds
the connectivity of channel-fill sandbodies in low NTG chan- 2006; Ibrahimov et al. 2007). These shales locally subdivide
nelized environments (Jones et al. 1995; Larue & Friedmann high NTG reservoir layers into several hydraulically separated
2005; Larue & Hovadik 2006) and may influence the geometry sublayers. The absence of cross-flow between these sublayers
of shale bodies preserved between channel-fill sandbodies. may affect sweep efficiency.
Although channel-fill sandbodies in the Pereriv Suite reservoir Three more heterogeneities are investigated within channel-
are interpreted to have low sinuosity (1.0–1.3; calculated from fill sandbodies (Figs 3C, 5). These heterogeneities control the
palaeocurrent data in core using the methodology of Le Roux range of permeability values and degree of permeability con-
1992), the exact value is uncertain. A wide range of sinuosities trast within channel-fill sandbodies (cf. Høimyr et al. 1993;
was considered in the first three screening studies (1.0–1.7); Jones et al. 1994; Larue & Friedmann 2005).
sinuosity was held constant at 1.2 in the fourth screening (8) Mud clast lags at channel bases These may have suffi-
study. ciently low permeability to form localized barriers or baffles to
flow (Reynolds et al. 1998). If the lags form permeability
(4) Channel stacking Both single-storey and multi-storey
barriers at channel bases, they would increase the tortuosity of
channel-fill sandbodies occur in the Productive Series. Channel
vertical flow paths and thus reduce the effective vertical
stacking controls the effective dimensions and aspect ratio of
permeability (Haldorsen & Lake 1984; Begg & King 1985;
the sandbodies, and can impact upon sandbody connectivity in
Begg & Chang 1985). To investigate the effects of this scenario,
low NTG strata (Jones et al. 1995; Larue & Friedmann 2005;
which is an end member, mud clast lags are represented in the
Larue & Hovadik 2006) and the geometry and distribution
models by assigning zero vertical transmissibility to channel
of preserved shale bodies in high NTG strata (Miall 1988;
Moreton et al. 2002; Lynds & Hajek 2006). The internal
architecture of multi-storey channel-fill sandbodies, resulting (9) Vertical trends in grain size and permeability within channel-
from the arrangement of single-storey channel-fill sandbodies fill sandbodies The upward-fining grain-size trend within
within them, is not investigated in our modelling experiments, channel-fill sandbodies produces an upward reduction in per-
although we recognize that this internal architecture may meability, which may result in poor sweep of the upper, less
constitute a subtle heterogeneity. The arrangement of single- permeable parts of these sandbodies (Weber 1986; Høimyr
storey channel-fill bodies within multi-storey complexes would et al. 1993). This vertical trend was represented in the models
represent an additional hierarchical level of heterogeneity that by a linear decrease in permeability from 350 mD at the base of
is intermediate between the stacking of multi-storey channel- a channel-fill sandbody to 10 mD at its top, resulting in a mean
fill sandbodies within a reservoir layer (e.g. Fig. 3B, screening permeability of 180 mD. These various permeability values are
studies 1–3) and the lithofacies architecture of single-storey based on core-plug data from channel-fill lithofacies in the
channel-fill bodies (e.g. Fig. 3C, screening study 4). Instead, Pereriv reservoir.
channel stacking is used as a means of selecting an appropriate
range of effective sandbody dimensions for either single-storey (10) Permeability anisotropy of channel-fill sandbodies Sedi-
or multi-storey channel-fill sandbodies, which have non- mentary structures such as cross-stratification and lamination
overlapping ranges of width-to-depth ratio of 16.7–33.3 and may cause permeability anisotropy within channel-fill sand-
40–60, respectively. bodies (Weber 1986). The effects of these structures are poorly
represented at the scale of core plug data, but previous
(5) Channel dimensions Single-storey channel-fill sandbodies modelling studies have estimated that such heterogeneities
are observed to be c. 6 m thick in cores and wireline logs and reduce effective vertical permeability by an order of magnitude
100–200 m wide at outcrop. The dimensions chosen for multi- (kv:kh ratio = 0.1) in channel-fill sandstones (Jones et al. 1994,
storey channel-fill sandbodies in the models are thicker (10– 1995). Both the presence of mud clast lags, and the per-
15 m) and wider (600 m), consistent with subsurface and meability anisotropy of the channel-fill sandbodies, may
Controls on gas–oil and water–oil displacements 151

Fig. 6. (A) Line drawing showing

dimensions and well placements in
models of the north flank of the Azeri
structure; larger models, corresponding
to reservoir-production symmetry
elements (Fig. 1B), are used in screening
studies 1 to 3, while smaller, subset
models are used in screening study 4.
Models of the south flank of Azeri used
in screening studies 1 to 3 have lengths
of 478 m (Fig. 1B). (B–E) Oblique views
of selected models used in screening
study 3, illustrating differences in
sinuosity, stacking pattern, dimensions
and orientation of channel-fill
sandbodies in the low NTG Pereriv C
layer: (B) small, sinuous, single-storey
sandbodies oriented parallel to tectonic
dip; (C) large, sinuous, single-storey
sandbodies oriented oblique to tectonic
dip; (D) large, sinuous, multi-storey
sandbodies oriented parallel to tectonic
dip; and (E) large, straight, multi-storey
sandbodies oriented parallel to tectonic
dip. Changes in these sandbody
parameters influence sandbody
connectivity and the distribution and
continuity of shales.

impact the stability of the gas–oil displacement, because they considered in combination in the first two screening studies
control the effective vertical permeability and hence the rate at (Fig. 5), resulting in a model thickness of 104 m (Fig. 6A). The
which vertical equilibrium is achieved. At equilibrium, gravity grid cells in each model measure 12 m (north flank) and 11 m
(buoyancy) forces cause the gas and oil to segregate vertically (south flank)  20 m  1 m, yielding a total of 1 248 000 cells
into a mobile gas layer, overlying a mobile oil layer, separated in models of gas injection into Pereriv B, C and D layers in the
by a planar displacement front. Segregation is required for north flank and 351 000 cells in the corresponding models of
gravity forces to stabilize a mobility unstable displacement water injection in the south flank. In the third screening study,
(Fayers & Muggeridge 1990; Shook et al. 1992). the individual Pereriv B and C layers are investigated (Fig. 5),
resulting in thinner models (42 m and 30 m in models of the
Pereriv B and C layers, respectively; Fig. 6A) with the same
Model dimensions, grids and construction
grid resolution. The fourth screening study, which incorpo-
In the first three screening studies, which investigate sedimen- rates heterogeneity within channel-fill sandbodies (Figs 3C, 5),
tological heterogeneity at the scales of gross reservoir zonation investigates gas injection into the Pereriv B layer in the north
and intra-zone stratigraphic architecture (Figs 3A–B, 5), the flank of Azeri. For this study, a subset of the reservoir-
areal dimensions of the models for each flank of the Azeri production symmetry element volume was extracted (Fig. 6A),
structure are based on the location and spacing of injection to allow more computationally intensive simulation experi-
and production wells (Figs 1B, 6A). Representative tectonic ments to be conducted. These simulations include more real-
dips of 31( and 21( are used in models of the north flank and iztic pressure, volume and temperature (PVT) fluid properties
south flank, respectively. The Pereriv B, C and D layers are than those used for the other screening studies. The smaller,
152 K. Choi et al.

Table 1. Fluid properties used in flow simulations

Oil Water Gas

Density (k gm 738.1 1038 88
Viscosity (k gm1 s) 6.3  104 4.5  104 3  105

subset models measure 950 m  750 m  21 m (Fig. 6A) and

contain 62 160 cells of the same dimensions as in the other
models. The cell dimensions were chosen to represent the
ranges of channel-fill sandbody width, thickness and sinuosity,
and also to ensure that gravity segregation of the displacing
and displaced phases (e.g. resulting in gas tongues) was cap-
tured to a reasonable level of accuracy. Use of a refined grid, in
experiments not described herein, has little qualitative effect on
our simulation results.
Models were constructed using a simple object-based algo-
rithm, in which channel-fill sandbodies are placed in a shale
background according to the parameters summarized in
Figure 5. Channel-fill objects are assumed to extend beyond
the model boundaries (Fig. 6B–E). In the first three screening
studies, the internal heterogeneity of the channel-fill sand-
bodies was neglected and their constituent sandstones were
assumed to have uniform petrophysical properties (ø = 20%;
kh = kv = 180 mD); in the fourth screening study, the effects
of a simple upward-decreasing trend in permeability and of
permeability anisotropy in each channel-fill sandbody were
investigated. Shales are modelled to be impermeable. Although
these petrophysical properties are clearly gross simplifications,
their use precludes the effects of petrophysical variability
within lithofacies being convolved with those of lithofacies
architecture. Multi-storey channel-fill sandbodies are modelled
as single, large channel-fill sandstones (Fig. 6D, E), such that
the arrangement of single-storey channels within each multi-
storey channel-fill sandbody is not represented. Although this
means that there is overlap between the sensitivity parameters
describing channel stacking and channel dimensions, this Fig. 7. (A) Oil–water and (B) gas–oil relative permeability curves used
approach captures the range of channelized sandbody in flow simulations.
geometries observed in outcrop and subsurface analogues.
Stochastic uncertainty is inherent to each of the four
screening studies described above. A sensitivity test indicates realistic fluid PVT properties show qualitatively similar results.
that at least 13 stochastic realizations of each reservoir simu- The impact of the underlying aquifer and overlying gas cap
lation model are required to reliably estimate the stochastic was also neglected, and it was assumed that production in each
uncertainty in oil recovery for the third screening study. flank could be simulated separately; in reality, there is com-
However, the same sensitivity test indicates that three stochas- munication between flanks through the gas cap. The relative
tic realizations are sufficient to identify those heterogeneities permeability curves used in all simulations are shown in Figure
with an impact on recovery significantly greater than the 7; capillary pressure was neglected.
level of stochastic uncertainty. Consequently, three stochastic The production rate of each south flank model was set to be
realizations of each reservoir simulation model were generated c. 9% of the model STOIIP per year in the first three screening
in all four screening studies, to enable key heterogeneities studies. This is the target offtake rate for Azeri, although it
to be recognized. Estimates of stochastic uncertainty re- varies locally depending upon how well STOIIP is character-
ported in this paper would be improved by generating more ized. In the north flank, a production rate of 9% of STOIIP
realizations. per year corresponds to between 72% and 120% of the rate
required to maintain a gravity-stable displacement in our
Production simulation initial Dietz stability analysis (i.e. Dietz’s critical rate), depend-
ing on variations in the local tectonic dip around the structure;
Production was simulated assuming incompressible flow and the production rate in our models corresponds to 93% of
no dissolved gas in the oil, using the fluid properties summa- Dietz’s critical rate for the representative tectonic dip of 31(.
rised in Table 1. This is a major simplification of the PVT In the fourth screening study, the production rate is scaled
properties of the Azeri hydrocarbons, but allows us to use a appropriately to that used in the first three screening studies by
streamline simulator which includes gravity effects (Batycky matching the key dimensionless numbers that characterize
et al. 1997). The advantage of this approach is that production immiscible displacements (the effective aspect ratio, dip angle
can be simulated directly on models with a much larger group and buoyancy number; Shook et al. 1992). Production is
number of grid cells than would be possible using conventional simulated for 20 years in the first three screening studies and
simulation methods. Flow simulations that incorporate more for 10 years in the fourth screening study.
Controls on gas–oil and water–oil displacements 153

Fig. 8. Average percentage change in (A) oil recovered after 20 years, and (B) oil recovery factor after 20 years in models of gas–oil (north flank)
and water–oil (south flank) displacement in the first screening study, observed when each factor in the sensitivity analysis is varied from setting 1 to
setting 2 (Fig. 5). Pereriv B, C and D layers are included in the models. If the bar lies to the right then the change is positive. For example, modelling
Pereriv C with 45% NTG ratio (setting 2) increases cumulative oil recovery by c. 14% compared with modelling it with zero NTG ratio (setting 1).
The dashed lines denote the average percentage change observed from three different stochastic realizations. If the impact of varying a factor is at
or below the level of stochastic uncertainty then modelling decisions are unimportant for the chosen range of parameters.

RESULTS (Fig. 9). In models where the reservoir layers are isolated by
extensive interlayer shales, recovery is lower by c. 8% in the
north flank (gas injection) and c. 4% in the south flank (water
Screening study 1: analysis of Pereriv B, C and D layers injection) while gas production is higher by c. 6% in the north
In the first screening study (Fig. 5), simulated oil recovery in flank and water production by c. 3% in the south flank (Fig. 9).
both north (gas injection) and south (water injection) flanks is These results suggest that gas or water cross-flow between
generally high (70–80% and 63–73% of the original oil-in-place layers may increase sweep efficiency. Channel-fill sandstones
in north and south flank models, respectively). Recovery is within the low NTG Pereriv C layer can be poorly connected
dominated by production from the high NTG Pereriv B and D to the injection and/or production wells, in which case produc-
layers, and the variation in oil recovery is principally con- tion from Pereriv C and associated pressure support occurs via
trolled by the variation in NTG ratio in the Pereriv C layer the high NTG Pereriv B and/or D layers, so that recovery is
(Fig. 8A). Modelling Pereriv C with a NTG ratio of 45% improved when there is connectivity between the layers.
increases oil recovery by c. 14% in both north and south flanks Both channel sinuosity and channel stacking also have an
and delays gas or water breakthrough by c. 9–10%, which impact greater than the estimated stochastic uncertainty (Fig.
suggests that this layer does not act as a thief zone. Although 9). Decreasing the sinuosity of the modelled channel-fill sand-
oil recovery is increased if net sandstone is present in Pereriv C, bodies, or modelling the sandbodies as individual storeys
the recovery factor is decreased by c. 4% in both flanks because rather than as multi-storey bodies, reduces oil recovery by
the STOIIP is increased (Fig. 8B). This result is caused by the around 3% in both flanks and increases the volume of gas and
relatively poor connectivity of channel-fill sandstones in the water produced by c. 2% (Fig. 9). Further investigation in the
low NTG Pereriv C layer, as investigated further in the second third screening study shows that channel sinuosity and channel
screening study. stacking respectively control sandbody connectivity and sweep
Other heterogeneities have much less impact on oil recovery efficiency in the low NTG Pereriv C layer.
and recovery factor, with the average effect of varying these The impact of varying channel dimensions and channel
factors over the modelled parameter settings being close to or orientation is at, or below, the level of stochastic uncertainty in
below the level of estimated stochastic uncertainty in models of both flanks (Fig. 9), which suggests that modelling decisions
both flanks (Fig. 8). The second screening study focuses on are unimportant over the chosen range of parameters for these
models that contain net sandstone in Pereriv C, in order to two heterogeneities. Further investigation of parameters char-
understand more fully the impact of stratigraphic architecture acterizing heterogeneity within individual reservoir zones is
within reservoir zones in regions where Pereriv C is sand undertaken in the third and fourth screening studies, which
prone. focus on the low NTG Pereriv C and high NTG Pereriv B
layers in isolation.
Screening study 2: analysis of Pereriv B, C and D layers
(models with net sandstone in Pereriv C) Screening study 3A: analysis of low NTG Pereriv C layer
In this refined screening study (Fig. 5), simulated recovery Models of the low NTG (45%) Pereriv C layer exhibit a wide
factors are again high (66–80% and 64–74% in north and south range of recovery factors in both north (gas injection; 35–76%)
flank models, respectively). We find that the interlayer connec- and south (water injection; 20–75%) flanks. Varying the sinu-
tivity has a significant impact on oil recovery in both flanks osity and stacking of channel-fill sandbodies in these models
154 K. Choi et al.

Fig. 9. Average percentage change in oil recovered and total gas (north flank) and water (south flank) produced after 20 years in (A) north flank
models, and (B) south flank models in the second screening study, observed when each factor in the sensitivity analysis is varied from setting 1 to
setting 2 (Fig. 5). Pereriv B, C and D layers are included in the models; Pereriv C is modelled with a fixed NTG ratio of 45%. The dashed lines denote
the average percentage change observed from three different stochastic realizations.

Fig. 10. Average percentage change in oil recovered and total gas (north flank) and water (south flank) produced after 20 years in (A) north flank
models, and (B) south flank models of Pereriv C in the third screening study, observed when each factor in the sensitivity analysis is varied from
setting 1 to setting 2 (Fig. 5). The dashed lines denote the average percentage change observed from three different stochastic realizations.

has a large impact on their simulated production behaviour in intersect with each other in a given layer (Jones et al. 1995;
both flanks (Fig. 10). Moreover, these results underestimate Larue & Friedmann 2005; Larue & Hovadik 2006). Therefore,
the true range of reservoir architectures and associated pro- straight, parallel channels yield poor sandbody connectivity,
duction behaviours, because they are obtained from realiza- even though a greater number of such sandbodies is required
tions in which there is connectivity of the channel-fill to honour the modelled NTG ratio of 45% than for high
sandbodies between injector and producers; in other realiza- sinuosity channel-fill sandbodies, because each of the latter has
tions, the results of which are not included here (Fig. 10), the a greater along-axis length and, thus, volume. Increased sand-
channel-fill sandbodies were not connected to either injector or body connectivity would also result from assigning a range of
producer wells. non-parallel orientations to low sinuosity channels (e.g. only a
Channel sinuosity has the greatest impact on recovery; small segment of each sinuous channel is included in the model
modelling channel-fill sandbodies as being straight and parallel volume shown in Fig. 6D, such that each segment approxi-
to each other in Pereriv C causes a decrease in recovery of mates a straight channel with a different orientation).
c. 35% in the north flank and c. 55% in the south flank (Fig. Channel stacking has the second largest impact on oil
10). Channel sinuosity has a significant effect on oil recovery, recovery, and modelling channel-fill sandbodies in Pereriv C as
because it changes the connectivity of the channel-fill sand- individual storeys rather than as multi-storey belts leads to a
stones between injector and producers; in models with parallel, decrease in recovery of c. 34% in the north flank and c. 51% in
low sinuosity channels, a much reduced fraction of the the south flank (Fig. 10). Channel stacking does not signifi-
channel-fill sandstone volume (c. 9–22% lower) is connected to cantly alter the connectivity of channel-fill sandstones between
the wells (black bars in Fig. 11). This result is consistent with injector and producers (e.g. models containing single-storey
previous studies of low NTG channelized reservoirs, which and multi-storey sandbodies have the same connected fraction
show that parallel, low sinuosity channels do not areally of channel-fill sandstones, within the limits of stochastic error;
Controls on gas–oil and water–oil displacements 155

Fig. 11. Average percentage change in connected fraction of channel-fill sandstones between injection and production wells, and oil recovered after
20 years of tracer injection, in (A) north flank models, and (B) south flank models of Pereriv C in the third screening study, observed when each
factor in the sensitivity analysis is varied from setting 1 to setting 2 (Fig. 5). The dashed lines denote the average percentage change observed from
three different stochastic realizations.

Fig. 12. Plan view of thickness-averaged oil saturation after 5 years of tracer injection in north-flank models of Pereriv C in the third screening study
with (A) single-storey channel-fill sandbodies and (B) multi-storey, channel-fill sandbodies. The two producers and one injector are labelled. Flow
paths in the former model (A) are more tortuous than those in the latter model (B), resulting in poorer areal sweep of the oil.

black bars in Fig. 11). Rather, it controls the tortuosity of flow Screening study 3B: analysis of high NTG Pereriv B layer
paths and, hence, sweep efficiency, as demonstrated by a
comparison of tracer simulations in north and south flank In contrast to the low NTG Pereriv C layer, the modelled
models (Fig. 11). Tracer simulations omit gravity and relative range of heterogeneities has only a relatively small impact on
permeability effects (e.g. Batycky et al. 1997) and, since all simulated production behaviour in the high NTG Pereriv B
sandstones have identical permeabilites in these models, pro- layer (Fig. 13). The recovery factor of these models is uni-
vide a measure of the range of streamline lengths and, thus, formly high for both north (gas injection; 77–79%) and south
tortuosity. Decreased recovery in tracer simulations, as noted (water injection; 70–73%) flanks. In models of the north flank,
in models containing single-storey sandbodies rather than the impact of all heterogeneities on oil recovery and gas
multi-storey sandbodies (grey bars in Fig. 11), reflects production lies within the estimated range of stochastic uncer-
decreased sweep efficiency caused by an increase in the range of tainty (Fig. 13A), which suggests that modelling decisions are
streamline lengths. Flow paths are more tortuous in models unimportant for gas injection in high NTG layers, over the
containing single-storey channel-fill sandbodies (e.g. Fig. 12A) chosen range of parameters (Fig. 5). The same is also true for
than in models containing multi-storey channel-fill sandbodies heterogeneities in the south flank models, except for channel
(e.g. Fig. 12B), and consequently more oil remains unswept. orientation, which has a small but noteworthy impact on oil
156 K. Choi et al.

Fig. 13. Average percentage change in oil recovered and total gas (north flank) and water (south flank) produced after 20 years in (A) north flank
models, and (B) south flank models of Pereriv B in the third screening study, observed when each factor in the sensitivity analysis is varied from
setting 1 to setting 2 (Fig. 5). The dashed lines denote the average percentage change observed from three different stochastic realizations.

recovery; when the channel-fill sandbodies are oriented parallel or absence of impermeable mud clast lags at channel bases,
to tectonic dip, there is a c. 1.5% increase in recovery (Fig. and the degree of permeability anisotropy in the sandstone
13B). Channel-fill sandbodies oriented parallel to tectonic dip lithofacies within the channel fills (Fig. 15). The impact of all
provide a direct route between injector and producers, but flow other heterogeneities on oil recovery and gas production lies
must move laterally from one channel-fill sandbody to another either within, or close to, the range of stochastic uncertainty
if they trend oblique to tectonic dip, which subtly decreases the (Fig. 15). Note that the upper intervals of channel-fill sand-
sweep efficiency (Fig. 14). This effect is not so significant in the bodies, which have lower permeability, are swept because of
north flank (Fig. 13), because the mobility of the displacing gas the gravity-stable nature of the displacement and the tendency
is higher than that of the displacing water in the south flank. of the gas to segregate upwards. However, the displacement
These results support previous studies of water–oil displace- efficiency in these lower permeability intervals could be lower if
ment in high NTG channelized reservoirs, which show that the capillary forces were included in our models, which may lead
geometry and stacking pattern of channel-fill sandbodies have to trapping of oil (c.f. oil–water displacements; Jones et al.
little impact on recovery, provided that sandbodies are well 1994).
connected (Jones et al. 1994; Larue & Friedmann 2005). Permeability anisotropy within the channel-fill sandstones
However, vertical variations in lithofacies within channel-fill has the greatest impact on recovery, and modelling the
sandbodies, together with smaller scale variations in grain size channel-fill sandbodies in Pereriv B with a kv:kh ratio of 1
and sorting associated with cross-stratification and lamination, rather than 0.1 causes an increase in recovery factor of c. 14%
results in permeability anisotropy within channel-fill units. (Fig. 15). Permeability anisotropy within the sandstones con-
Mud clast lags at channel bases may also act as barriers or trols the gas displacement efficiency. In models with sandstone
baffles to vertical flow. We investigate the impact of these kv:kh ratio equal to 0.1, most of the gas moves along the bulk
genetic-unit scale heterogeneities on gas–oil displacements in flow direction rather than segregating vertically to displace oil
the Pereriv B layer in the fourth screening study. from the upper part of the invaded reservoir. The gas–oil
displacement is thus not in vertical equilibrium and, as a result,
gas saturations are reduced in the invaded zone compared to
Screening study 4: analysis of Pereriv B layer incorporating
models with sandstone kv:kh ratio equal to 1 (Fig. 16A, B).
lithofacies architecture within channel-fill sandbodies
Impermeable mud clast lags at the base of channels have
In addition to heterogeneity within channel-fill sandbodies, the second largest impact on oil recovery (Fig. 15). The mud
four inter-linked heterogeneities that characterize stratigraphic clast lags act as discontinuous barriers to vertical flow, and
architecture within high NTG reservoir zones were re- thus increase vertical flow tortuosity and decrease the effective
examined in the fourth screening study: (1) channel stacking; kv:kh ratio (cf. Begg & King 1985). Including mud clast lags in
(2) channel dimensions; (3) channel orientation; and (4) inter- the models yields a similar effect on displacement as reducing
nal layering due to the presence of thin, extensive shales (Fig. the sandstone kv:kh ratio; the oil recovery factor is decreased
5). For example, channel geometry influences the dimensions (by c. 3%) and total gas production is increased (by c. 3%).
of mud clast lags at channel bases, and may therefore have a Areal and vertical sweep patterns are influenced by the
larger influence on reservoir performance than indicated in the presence of thin, extensive shale barriers within the high NTG
third screening study. All channels were assigned a sinuosity Pereriv B layer (Fig. 16A, C), consistent with reservoir produc-
of 1.2. tion data which indicate that such shales form the boundaries
Modelling heterogeneities within channel-fill sandbodies in between hydraulically separated sublayers (Reynolds 2006;
the high NTG Pereriv B layer results in a wider range of Ibrahimov et al. 2007). However, there is only a slight reduc-
predicted oil recovery factors (59–73%) in the north flank than tion in overall sweep efficiency over the simulated production
was obtained from the equivalent models used in screening period (c. 1% more gas is produced in models that contain the
study 3B. This indicates that such small-scale heterogeneities thin shale barriers, which lies within the estimated range of
are important for gas–oil displacements. Two particular het- stochastic uncertainty; Fig. 15). This result suggests that the
erogeneities have a large impact on oil recovery: the presence absence of cross-flow between these sublayers does not
Controls on gas–oil and water–oil displacements 157

Fig. 14. Plan views of (A, D) shale distribution in a single grid layer at the model centre; (B, E) thickness-averaged permeability; and (C, F)
thickness-averaged mobile oil saturation after 5 years of water injection in south-flank models of the high NTG Pereriv B layer in the third screening
study with (A–C) multi-storey channel-fill sandbodies oriented parallel to tectonic dip and (D–F) multi-storey channel-fill sandbodies oriented
oblique (49() to tectonic dip. The two producers and one injector are also labelled. The model with sandbodies oriented oblique to tectonic dip
exhibits a wider range of thickness-averaged permeability (E), which results in a wider range of flow path lengths and, thus, slightly decreased areal
sweep efficiency and earlier water breakthrough (F).
158 K. Choi et al.

the high NTG layers (Pereriv B and D) and the adjacent low
NTG layers (Pereriv A, C and E).
Recovery in models of the low NTG Pereriv C layer
(screening study 3A; Fig. 5) is dominated by connectivity of
the channel-fill sandbodies, and the tortuosity of fluid flow
paths through the connected sandbodies (Fig. 10), consistent
with the results of previous studies of low NTG channelized
reservoirs (Jones et al. 1995; Friedmann et al. 2001; Larue &
Friedmann 2005; Larue & Hovadik 2006). These findings are
applicable to developments where only a low NTG layer is
produced, including much of the Balakhany Suite that overlies
the Pereriv Suite reservoir in the ACG Field (Fig. 2). However,
our work provides additional insight into the sedimentological
parameters which have an impact when low NTG reservoir
layers are in communication with adjacent high NTG layers.
In cases where channel-fill sandbodies in Pereriv C exhibit zero
connectivity between injectors and producers, these sandbodies
are still swept if they are connected to sandbodies in the
adjacent Pereriv B and D layers, which provide pressure
Fig. 15. Average percentage change in recovery factor and total gas support and a route for oil production. Thus, connectivity
produced after 10 years in north flank models of Pereriv B in the between sandbodies in adjacent high NTG and low NTG
fourth screening study, observed when each factor in the sensitivity
layers significantly enhances predicted recovery from low NTG
analysis is varied from setting 1 to setting 2 (Fig. 5). The dashed lines
denote the average percentage change observed from three different
stochastic realizations. Recovery in models of gas–oil displacement in the high
NTG Pereriv B layer (screening study 4; Fig. 5) is dominated
by permeability anisotropy within channel-fill sandbodies and
adversely affect sweep efficiency to a significant degree over the the presence of impermeable mud clast lags at their bases (Fig.
chosen range of model parameters and length scales. 15). Both of these heterogeneity types occur at small length
scales (within channel-fill sandbodies, Fig. 3C). Heterogenei-
ties at larger length scales (within reservoir zones, Fig. 3B)
DISCUSSION have little impact on recovery (Figs 13, 15) because channel-fill
sandbodies are well connected to injector and producer wells in
high NTG settings irrespective of their dimensions, sinuosity,
Which heterogeneities control flow in gas–oil and water–oil
orientation and stacking pattern. Consequently, sweep effi-
ciency is high (Larue & Friedmann 2005), although the pres-
In our models that incorporate gross zonation of the Pereriv ence of thin, extensive shale barriers, parallel to the boundaries
Suite reservoir (i.e. Pereriv B, C and D layers) and strati- of the high NTG layer, exerts a strong influence on early sweep
graphic architecture within these reservoir zones (screening patterns (Fig. 16C). Permeability anisotropy within channel-fill
studies 1 and 2; Fig. 5), simulated recovery is generally high sandbodies and the presence of impermeable mud clast lags at
because recovery is dominated by the high NTG Pereriv B and their bases are significant because these parameters reduce the
D layers. Within the chosen range of parameters, which do not effective vertical permeability of sandstones. Low effective
incorporate heterogeneity within channel-fill sandbodies, vertical permeability hinders vertical segregation of gas and
recovery from these layers is typically greater than 70%, and oil, such that the mobility-unstable gas–oil displacement is not
modelling decisions that influence the representation of hetero- stabilized by gravity. Under such conditions, the displacement
geneity in high NTG layers affect recovery by less than 2% does not reach vertical equilibrium and gas displacement
(Fig. 8B). This minor variation in recovery from the high NTG efficiency is low. Models that lack heterogeneities within
layers is caused by variations in areal and vertical sweep channel-fill sandbodies (screening study 3B; Fig. 5) predict
efficiency that depend on channel stacking and channel orien- uniformly high recoveries for gas–oil and water–oil displace-
tation (Fig. 9). When channel-fill sandstones are modelled as ments in the north and south flank, respectively. For the
individual storeys oriented obliquely to reservoir dip, then flow gas–oil displacement, such models significantly overpredict
paths are more tortuous than when they are modelled as recovery factor (by up to 20%, comparing the results of
multi-storey belts running directly down reservoir dip, so screening studies 3B and 4). Previous studies have found that
recovery is marginally lower (cf. Fig. 14). Variations in recov- heterogeneities within channel-fill sandbodies also have a
ery from these Pereriv Suite models are therefore dominated by significant impact on mobility-stable water–oil displacements
variations in the modelling approach adopted for the low in high NTG channelized reservoirs, because increasing the
NTG Pereriv C layer. This layer contributes a relatively small range of permeabilities and permeability anisotropy within
proportion of the total recoverable oil, so variations in overall channel-fill sandbodies generally results in more irregular sweep
recovery from models which include the Pereriv B, C and D patterns and reduced sweep efficiency (Høimyr et al. 1993;
layers are small. If there is net sandstone present in Pereriv C Friedmann et al. 2001; Larue & Friedmann 2005). Further-
then oil recovery is increased, although the recovery factor is more, oil is trapped by capillary pressure in cross-bedded
lower (Fig. 8). If Pereriv C is in communication with the sandstones, which reduces displacement efficiency (Jones et al.
overlying and underlying high NTG Pereriv B and D layers, 1994). However, permeability anisotropy influences displace-
then there is also an increase in oil recovery, and an associated ment efficiency in our models of gas–oil displacement, rather
benefit in reduced production of displacing water or gas (Fig. than sweep efficiency as in water–oil displacements (Høimyr
9). This result is significant, because it suggests that there is no et al. 1993; Friedmann et al. 2001; Larue & Friedmann 2005);
production penalty associated with communication between moreover, the effects of capillary trapping are likely to be less
Controls on gas–oil and water–oil displacements 159

Fig. 16. Central cross-section view of gas

saturation after 2 years of gas injection
in north-flank models of Pereriv B in
the fourth screening study. Channel-fill
sandstones either have (A and C)
isotropic permeability, with kv:kh ratio =
1, or (B) anisotropic permeability, with
kv:kh ratio = 0.1. In (C), a thin, laterally
extensive shale divides the reservoir
into two hydraulically separated
compartments. Model faces across which
oil production and gas injection occur
are labelled. Gas saturation in the
invaded zone is higher in the models
with uniform, isotropic permeability (A
and C) regardless of the presence of the
shale in (C). Models have the correct
structural dip but have been vertically
exaggerated by a factor of 10 for ease of
160 K. Choi et al.

Fig. 17. Impact of different heterogeneities on flow within Pereriv B, C and D in (A) the north flank and (B) the south flank in the second screening
study (Figs 5, 9). Absolute percentage change in oil recovered after 20 years is plotted as distance from the centre of the chart for each heterogeneity,
to enable comparison between simulations of tracer flow, gas injection, and water injection. The area around the centre of each chart represents the
average percentage change observed from three different stochastic realizations. The tracer simulations capture the rank order of heterogeneities
above stochastic uncertainty for both gas–oil and water–oil displacements, suggesting that gravity segregation and relative permeability effects are

significant in gas–oil displacements than in water–oil displace- generally high even in their low NTG (35%) models. However,
ments. Thus small-scale heterogeneities influence recovery in we find that heterogeneity (particularly channel sinuosity and
gas–oil and water–oil displacements in high NTG channelized stacking; Fig. 9) in the low NTG Pereriv C layer has a much
reservoirs for different reasons. more significant impact on recovery than in their low NTG
models. Channel sinuosity is important because it controls
connectivity, while channel stacking is important because it
Do the same heterogeneities impact on gas–oil and water–oil controls flow path tortuosity and hence sweep efficiency within
displacements? the connected sandbodies. Channel-fill sandbodies are gener-
In the first three screening studies (Fig. 5), the same hetero- ally large relative to the model dimensions in our experiments
geneities generally have a significant impact on both the (Figs 5, 6), such that the resulting connectivity between sand-
gravity-stable gas–oil displacement in the north flank and the bodies for a given NTG ratio is a local value that may not be
mobility-stable water–oil displacement in the south flank (Figs characteristic of sandbody connectivity in a larger, represen-
8, 9, 10, 13). This result arises because both displacements are tative model volume. This effect explains why channel sinuos-
stable for the proposed production rates, and because the ity and stacking have a greater impact on recovery in our
heterogeneities investigated impact on sandbody connectivity models than in those of Larue & Friedman (2005), which
to injector and producer wells, and the tortuosity of fluid flow contain smaller sandbodies relative to model volume, and also
paths in connected sandbodies, but not on the gravity stability why percolation thresholds for sandbody connectivity in low
of the gas–oil displacement. The results of tracer simulations NTG reservoirs (King 1990; Larue & Hovadik 2006) do not
support the interpretation that heterogeneities influencing flow apply consistently to our models. Larue & Friedman (2005)
path tortuosity control the behaviour of the stable displace- found that end-point mobility ratio was the most important
ments, because they closely reproduce the rank order of key control on recovery in their modelling experiments. In con-
heterogeneities in both flanks (Fig. 17). The results of the trast, our work suggests that heterogeneity affects mobility
fourth screening study indicate that additional small-scale unstable gas displacements in a similar way to mobility stable
heterogeneities control the stability of the gas–oil displace- water displacements despite their very different end-point
ment, because they control the kv:kh ratio in the sandbodies. mobility ratios, so long as the gas–oil displacement is gravity
We infer that varying the kv:kh ratio is likely to have relatively stable. The overall stability of a displacement is thus the most
little impact on the water–oil displacement, because flow is important factor controlling its interaction with heterogeneity,
principally parallel to stratigraphic layering. rather than the end-point mobility ratio.
The results of our first three screening studies are similar in We investigated the impact of displacement stability on
some respects to those obtained by Larue & Friedman (2005), recovery during gas injection from the Pereriv B layer in the
who found that stratigraphic architecture (channel geometry, north flank of Azeri by varying the production rate in the
dimensions and spatial distribution) had only a small impact fourth screening study models from 47–187% of Dietz’s critical
on waterflood recovery, because sandbody connectivity was rate for a gravity-stable displacement (Fig. 18). Permeability
Controls on gas–oil and water–oil displacements 161

Fig. 18. Average percentage change in (A) recovery factor and (B) total gas produced after 10 years in north flank models of Pereriv B used for the
fourth screening study (Fig. 5). A range of production rates was applied, with 93% of Dietz’s critical rate for a gravity-stable displacement
corresponding to the production rate used in the fourth screening study (Fig. 15). The points plotted show the response when each factor
(heterogeneity) in the sensitivity analysis is varied from setting 1 to setting 2 (Fig. 5), for the various production rates. The dashed lines denote the
average percentage change observed from three different stochastic realizations. Data points that lie within the estimated range of stochastic
uncertainty are not shown.

anisotropy within channel-fill sandbodies has the largest second largest impact. All other heterogeneities have impacts
impact on recovery factor and total gas produced across the that lie around or within the range of stochastic uncertainty.
range of simulated production rates, while the presence or Although variations in the displacement stability do not
absence of impermeable mud clast lags at channel bases has the affect the rank order of sedimentological heterogeneities, the
162 K. Choi et al.

magnitude of response to each heterogeneity is highest at vertical-to-horizontal permeability ratio of channel-fill sand-
sub-critical rates (e.g. 47% of Dietz’s critical rate) and bodies; and (6) the presence of mud clast lags at channel bases
decreases significantly as the production rate increases (Fig. in high NTG layers. The impact of these two small-scale
18). As the displacement becomes less stable, the influence of heterogeneities is large at low production rates when the
heterogeneity becomes less significant. At sub-critical rates, displacement is stable, but decreases with increasing produc-
permeability anisotropy within channel-fill sandbodies and the tion rate as the displacement becomes unstable regardless of
presence of impermeable mud clast lags at their bases are the heterogeneities. Models which omit these small-scale fea-
important because they control whether gravity can stabilize tures predict that sedimentological heterogeneity has little
the mobility-unstable gas–oil displacement. At supra-critical impact on water–oil or gas–oil displacements in high NTG
rates, the displacement is unstable irrespective of the influence layers, but fail to capture the effect of heterogeneity on the
of heterogeneity on vertical segregation of gas and oil. In gravity stability of the gas–oil displacement, which signifi-
contrast, simulations of oil–water displacements suggest that cantly impacts on recovery.
the opposite is true; the impact of permeability variations is
We thank the following colleagues with whom we have discussed
emphasized in unstable water–oil displacements (Jackson & sedimentological heterogeneity and simulated production behaviour in
Muggeridge 2000). In stable water–oil displacements in high the Pereriv Suite reservoir: Elmira Aliyeva, Andrew Bowman, Gary
NTG channelized reservoirs, permeability heterogeneity also Jerauld, Richard Jolly, Steve Lowe and Greg Riley. KC acknowledges
has a greater influence at higher production rates, causing both the financial support of the UK Engineering and Physical Science
sweep efficiency and displacement efficiency to decrease Research Council and BP. We also acknowledge BP and partners on
(Høimyr et al. 1993; Larue & Friedmann 2005). the Azeri development for permission to publish this study. We are
grateful to Roxar for providing the IRAP RMS software with which
the models were constructed, and Streamsim for providing the 3DSL
CONCLUSIONS software with which recovery was simulated. The constructive and
insightful reviews of Tom Manzocchi and Allard Martinius, and
The results of our modelling experiments indicate that sedi- editorial comments of John Underhill are gratefully acknowledged.
mentological heterogeneities in the channel-dominated, fluvio-
deltaic Pereriv Suite reservoir of the Azeri Field impact on oil
recovery only if they control: (1) sandbody connectivity and (2) REFERENCES
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Received 9 March 2010; revised typescript accepted 11 November 2010.

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