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SIL is a food industry. Food industry is basically a type of
industry that manufacturers food products through various
raw materials and with various processes. There are
various types of food industries like dairy, poultry, honey,
sugar industry etc.
It is basically an industry that focuses on
products made out of food and fruit preservatives i.e.
products like jam, sauces, ketchup, mayonnaise, etc. This
industry operates in Pune and has been quiet successful.
This company has its own set of standard products and are
of specialized quality and excellency. This industry is
located at Saswad and has a big production unit and can
produce a huge number of products at a time.
SIL industry has been developing and growing since a
very long time and has been successful in food industry.
SIL Industry is a food industry which manufactures products
made out of food and fruit preservatives. It has been a successful
industry. It is a well known brand which operates throughout the
country. It is a Scandic Food India Private Ltd Company locally
branded as SIL and has been a very well developing food

Scandic Food is a 100% subsidiary of Denmark based “Good

Food Group A/S”. With factories in 5 countries, the group
produces, markets and exports food products to around 80
countries. The group’s principle product range comprises of
jams, juices, honey, dressings, nuts, and frozen fruits. Good
Food Group also weilds expertise in diverse food categories. In
March 2008, Scandic Food acquired the SIL range from Marico
in order to tap the Indian processed foods sector.

After acquisition by Marico, SIL continues to introduce

innovative products in the market. Its strong distribution
network further ensures easy availability of these products
across the country. SIL is determined to maintain its momentum
of delivering well researched, curated, finest quality products to
its consumers.
In 1952:- Mr. Rustamji , a Parsi Food technologist
commenced the SIL journey under the name – James Smith and
Co. The company set out as a processed fruit and continental
food brand with a variety of foods in cans and bottles. Even
during its early days SIL had around 60 products under this
brand. Then in the late 60’s it was acquired by “Rallis India
Ltd.” Rallis however, decided to continue with the same name,
brand and location i.e. Cotton Green, Mumbai.
In 1979:-Mr. Jeroo Mango from Mumbai and Mr. Vakil from
Pune purchased SIL in partnership under the same name “James
Smith and Co.” and soon operations were shifted from Cotton
Green, Mumbai to Khalad village, Saswad near Pune.

In 1980:-Manufacturing activity commenced at Saswad.

In 1991:-SIL was purchased by “Bombay Oil Industries”. The

company name “James Smith and Co.” was changed to
“Kanmoor Foods Ltd.” But the brand name and location
remained the same.

In 1993:-“Marico Industries ltd.” took marketingof SIL from

Kanmoor foods.

In 2000:-“SIL” manufacturing activity was also taken over by

Marico Industry.
In 2008:-Scandic Food India Private Ltd., a Danish subsidiary
of Good Food Group A/S acquired SIL from Marico
Industries.Presently, SIL is the second most leading brand in the
Jams category and leading player in all its other processed food
segments. Popular for “Lip- Smakin Goodness” SIL has a wide
range of products such as jams, sauces, ketchups, baked beans,
sweet corn soup and mayonnaise.
The Board of Directors have the power of all decisions
that are to be made, in regards to SIL industry. The
Chairman of SIL industry is Mr. Otto Christensen.
Board Of Directors of SIL Industry:-
1) Torben Christensen
2) Otto Johannes Christensen
3) MahendraSadashivDeodhar
The objective of SIL industry is to build a positive
response among the consumers and provide them with
high quality and wide range of products which would help
them to fulfil their needs.
This organization has a unique advantage, its strategic
location. Based in Pune city, a place with historic, cultural
importance and a major district in Maharashtra, India. The
city is known as ‘The City of Students’ because of its
large number of educational centers. Another major
advantage is that Mumbai is just 180km away. Thus,
using these key factors, they want to serve the state with
their superior quality of food products. They want the
state to crave for this superior quality of food products.
The main motive is not only to earn profit but also to take
care of the health of the consumers.
CSR stands for Corporate Social Responsibility.
CSRmeans a sense of responsibility towards society,
employees, people around and their welfare and
 To provide consumers with high quality of good

 To make products available to the consumers

whenever required.

 To take care of the health of the customers.

 To increase the economic health of the country.

 To ensure that the pollution does not increase while

manufacturing the products.

 To decrease the poverty of the country by doing

To avoid the usage of harmful products in the
manufacturing process.

To carry out activities which would help to build

welfare in the community.

To increase entrepreneurship development in the

minds of people.

The motive is to reduce the issues of hunger and


The SIL Industry produces jam by

cutting the whole fruit into pieces
or crushing it. Then it is heated
with water and sugar to activate
its pectin before being put into
containers. The SIL also

1.Mixed FruitJams,
2.Pineapple Jam,
3.Mango Jam, etc.
Ketchup is a sweet and tangy sauce, typically made from
tomatoes, sweetener and vinegar, with assorted
seasonings and spices. The
SIL also manufactures.
1.Tomato Ketchup.
2.Hot Sweet Ketchup.
3.Funmato Ketchup.
4.Hotmato Ketchup.

The soya beans are boiled, sorted,
and the impurities in it are removed.
Then the beans are baked and used
in making sauces.
There’s hardly any soul who can ignore
the sweet mellow appeal of this slurpy
delight. Especially when it’s
interspersed with chewy corn kernels.

Pickling is the process of preserving or expanding the
lifespan of food by either anaerobic fermentation in brine
or immersion in vinegar. The
resulting food is called pickle, or,
to prevent ambiguity, prefaced
with the adjective pickled.
Mayonnaise is a thick, creamy dressing often used as a
condiment. It is stable emulsion of oil, egg yolk, and
either vinegar or lemon juice with many options for
embellishment with other herbs and spices. The SIL also
1.Veg Mayonnaise.
2.Non Veg Mayonnaise.
3. Mexican Mayonnaise.
4.Cheesy Mayonnaise.
5.Garlic Mayonnaise.
6.Tikka Mayonnaise.
7.Mint Mayonnaise etc.

7.Spread Hazella

The goodness of chocolate and healthiness

of hazelnut, Hazella Choco is an instant dip
into happiness.

you have a knack to experiment with snacks, this super
slick, thick sauce will definitely garnish your food plates
and taste palates with a little something extra.The SIL
industry produces various Sauces such as-
1.Tomato Sauce.
2.Soya Sauce.
3.Red Chilli Sauce.
4.Green ChilliSauce etc.
Manufacturing Process are the steps through which raw
materials are transformed into a final product.
Manufacturing process is carried out in a very efficient
and effective manner. The manufacturing process is done
with proper care so that the high quality products are
made available for the consumers.The manufacturing
process of the baked bean in tomato sauce is carried out in
the following steps:-









The soya beans are soaked into the water for atleast 12
hours before boiling it.

After soaking the process of draining is done by draining
the water from the bean.

The beans are then washed properly after draining the

The washed beans are then cleaned properly by removing
the impurities from it.

After the process of cleaning the beans are boiled up to

To make the final sauce many ingredients such as sugar,
salt, spices, etc are added to increase the taste of the
The sauce is then filled in the cans or containers.

The final product is then sealed and

packed accordingly for selling in the
SIL Industry has a simple chain of distribution. They
follow two chains of distribution:-

Manufacturer Customer

Manufacturer Wholesaler Retailer Customer

As per the survey there is a little gap in the company’s

communication and consumer understanding of the brand.
Management should device “Pocket wise” aggressive
communication campaign.
As the product is not present nationally, Vernacular Press,
Cable TV network, Radio jingles, Shop front gates (low
budget advertisement options) could be used for
popularizing the brand
A manufacturing unit like the SIL Industry has many
machines, electrical units, etc. that needs regular
maintenance. SIL Industry has a fixed routine that covers
all the maintenance required units.

All machinery requires maintenance. The maintenance is

determined on the number of hours that it has been
operated. Based on this the wear and tear of the various
machines parts can be estimated. The parts that usually
require the maximum maintenance are the rollers of
packaging units. The machines that come in contact with
the sauces or jams are washed with boiling hot water, then
with a chemical, then with boiling hot water again and
then washed with cold water. This process takes place
everywhere with the small holding tanks.

Storage Tanks

There are two types of storage tanks when it comes to

maintenance, the big and the small. The big storage tanks
are washed on weekly basis while the smaller once are
washes on daily basis. The process involves, washing
with boiling hot water, then by chemical, then with
boiling hot water again and then washing with cold water.
Electrical Department
The electrical department is in charge of electrical lies
that run through the entire plant they usually have a
simple job of just changing the parts that whether down or
fuse. A major problem they face is rodents eating their
underground wires, however, they now run the cables
through G.I pipes. The other equipment that usually burn
out are the M.C.B.’s, wires that fuse, motor pumps, etc.

Pest control
Rodents are a problem everywhere. To take care of them
crews of pest control are called every one month to spray
the pesticides to keep the plant rodent free and hygienic.
Everywhere during the manufacturing process, the pest
control panels are available.
SIL brand is one of the most competitive brand. To
compete with its competitors it every now and then build
up some or the other strategies to strive in the competitive
world. The following is the list of the competitors in
particular products:
 Jams: Kissan, Mapro, TOPS.
 Sauce/Ketchup:Kissan, Maggi.
 Tomato Puree:Godrej.
 Canned and Bottled Products:Kissan.
 Pickles:Ruchi, Priya, Mother’s Recipe, Bedekar. etc
Industrial Visit to SIL Industry has been a very wonderful
experience. We learnt a lot and it was fun and
knowledgeable. SIL is one of the biggest and successful
food production industry in Pune. It has very interesting
production process. It has many products and are
standardized and are of good quality. Its hygienic and
clean and it has proper system and machineries installed
which are checked and maintained from time to time. It
was indeed a wonderful experience.
SIL gives proper quality products with high prices. The
production process are standardized and are made in
appropriate situation and conditions. The products are
properly tested and then kept for sale. All this aspects
prove that SIL products are good and healthy for use.
That’s why we should prefer SIL industry.

We observed that SIL industry has been one of the
famous food industry in Pune and has established a good
market base and as we had seen the products, they are of
proper quality which are packed properly. And many
more aspects makes this industry a successful industry.
SIL Industry visit has been a very good and
knowledgeable experience. The production processes are
of proper standards and are operated systematically. Their
products are of appropriate quality and of affordable price
which makes them successful. From this we conclude that
SIL Industry is a successful company and has been
leading food based industry in Pune.

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