Barangay Health Care Services Sat - Survey

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A customer satisfaction survey is only valuable if the right questions are asked, results
reviewed and understood. Customer expectations are changing more rapidly than ever.
Evolving technologies and increasing global competition present customers with a greater array
of enticing options every day. Conducting a customer satisfaction survey helps you to stay
current with these developing expectations, as well as consumer trends that impact buying
decisions. This is essential for the continued success and growth of your business.
This descriptive method research utilized the triangulation of survey, unstructured
interview, and field visit to determine the extent of satisfaction of the respondents on services
being offered by the Barangay Health Centre in Barangay Dinapa. The Respondents Satisfaction
Survey (RSS) was prepared in English and was translated in vernacular language of the 242
randomly selected respondents in the locality that has been identified through stratified
sampling techniques with equal allocation each of barangay healthcare services. With the data
obtained from a sample of 242 respondents from three stratum, the results obtained shows
that there is no significant difference on the extent of satisfaction when respondents are
grouped according to their age, sex and monthly income. Findings of the study also shows that
respondents are satisfied with all the five services offered by the Barangay Health Centre. The
results on the present study also showed that although the respondents are all satisfied on the
services offered, some aspects of services indicated some degree of dissatisfaction.
Keyword: Respondents, Extent of Satisfaction, Barangay Health Centre, Services, Quality

It’s an old adage that you should “inspect what you expect.” Once your organization fully
comprehends the concept that the customer experience is a journey that starts with the first
encounter and should never end, it’s critical to evaluate your performance. The Centre For
Client Retention (TCFR) has developed the Repeat Business Scorecard, based on customer
satisfaction survey elements. These customer service skills are based on the areas covered in
Richard Shapiro’s newest book, The Endangered Customer, 8 Steps to Guarantee Repeat
Through TCFCR’s customer satisfaction survey tool, clients are able to see how their agent’s
customer service skills compare against other companies. These studies enables you to
measure your performance against previous results as well as other companies within and
outside of your industry, in an effort to achieve best-in-class service delivery. A thorough
understanding of the needs and expectations of the community about the healthcare services
can help in better delivery and higher utilization of services. Feedback from clients is vital if
deficiencies are to be identified and improvements achieved. Satisfaction can be defined as the
extent of an individual’s experience compared with his or her expectations. Customer
satisfaction is an important indicator of quality of primary care and healthcare performance.
Continuous quality improvement is linked to use of timely and useful feedback from clients.
The overall satisfaction is an important outcome measure for health services. Patient care
is not considered to be of high quality unless the patient is satisfied. This study attempts to find
out clients extent satisfaction of the primary healthcare services provided by the Barangay
Health Centre when they are group according to their profile in terms of age, sex and income,
test whether there is a significant difference in the respondents satisfaction ratings when they
are group according to their profile and identify their comments and suggestions to further
improve barangay healthcare services.


The study determined the extent of the respondents’ satisfaction on the services provided
by the Barangay Health Centre. It also aimed to test whether there is a significant difference on
the extent of satisfaction of respondents when group according to their profile in terms of age,
sex and income. Needs, comments and suggestions from of the respondents to improve
services of BHC were also identified.


The descriptive method of research utilized the triangulation of survey unstructured

interview and field visits in gathering the needed data. This study was conducted in Barangay
Dinapa, Castilla, Sorsogon. The total household population of the barangay is 816. Data
gathering was done by convenient a technique, 242 were chosen as respondents for the study.
They were taken through the use of random sampling.
The main instrument in this study is a one-page Barangay Healthcare Satisfaction Survey
(BHSS) along with the five services of the Barangay Healthcare Centre as part of their mandates.
The interview schedule was prepared in English and translated in vernacular language of the
respondents in the locality which hopes to draw information from a wide spectrum of
respondents belonging to different state of living. The five specific services includes availability
of medicine and first aid, actin on request medical services and projects, quality of service and
facilities and equipment offered, interpersonal relationship of the BHW to the client and other
services given by the Rural Health Unit.
The BHSS questionnaire has three parts. Part one of the BSS includes the profile of the
respondents in terms of their age, sex and income. The second part was the evaluation in terms
of the extent satisfaction along with the five identified services. The third part is the space for
the feedbacks including the general comments and suggestions to further improve the services
offered by the Barangay Healthcare Centre. A verbal consent was taken from the respondents
before starting to fill the questionnaire. The response was rated in a 5-point Likert scale as
“poor”, “less satisfied”, “satisfied”, “very satisfied” and “highly satisfied”.

To treat the data, statistical tools such as frequency count, weighted mean, percentage
and One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were utilized. ANOVA is used to determine whether
there are any statistical significant differences between the means of two or more independent
groups. According to Shutler, (2002), ANOVA is a general method for studying sampled data
relationships which enables to test the difference between two or more sample means to be
analysed achieved by subdividing the total sum of squares.
The result is the same as the t-test for independent samples when comparing two
different means (Ferguson, 1989) which considered this test as a special case one-way ANOVA
(Park, 2005). These are the statistical tools used in the study to identify the difference of the
level of satisfaction of the respondents when group according to their profile with two or more
variable means.


1. Extent of Respondents Satisfaction on the Services Offered by the Barangay Health Centre

Table 1 presents the extent satisfaction of the respondents in barangay healthcare

services provided by the Barangay Health Centre in Barangay Dinapa. The respondents
are satisfied on the given five identified services of Barangay Health Centre such as on the
availability of medicine and first aid (2.44), action on requests and medical services and
projects (2.67), quality of service and facilities and equipment offered (2.60),
interpersonal relationship of BHW to the client (3.08) and awareness on the program and
other services given by the Rural Health Unit (2.90).
Generally, the respondents are all satisfied with the services given by the Barangay
Healthcare Centre as shown by an overall weighted mean value of (2.74).
Table 1. Extent of Satisfaction of the Respondents Along With the Barangay Healthcare

Services WM Rank Description

Availability of medicine/first aid 2.44 5 Satisfied

Action on requests/medical
services/projects 2.67 3 Satisfied

Quality of
service/facilities/equipment offered 2.60 4 Satisfied

Interpersonal relationship of the BHW

to the client 3.08 1 Satisfied

Awareness on the program and other

services given by the Rural Health
Unit 2.90 2 Satisfied

Total 2.74 Satisfied

Satisfaction when Grouped According to their Profile

Table 2. Satisfaction When Grouped According to Age

below 61
Services 30 31-40 41-50 51-60 above WMA Description

Availability of medicine/first aid 2.96 2.72 2.73 2.63 2.71 2.75 Satisfied

Action on requests/medical Satisfied

services/projects 2.98 2.90 2.97 3.15 2.95 2.99

Quality of Satisfied
offered 3.02 2.93 2.85 2.96 2.82 2.92

Interpersonal relationship of the Satisfied

BHW to the client 3.74 3.01 3.29 3.33 3.34 3.34

Awareness on the program and Satisfied

other services given by the Rural
Health Unit 3.65 2.65 3.16 3.30 2.97 3.15

Total 3.27 2.84 3.00 3.07 2.96 3.03 Satisfied

F-value= 1.69684 F critical= 2.86608 Significant at α= 0.05 df= 4 & 20

When grouped according to respondents’ age, table 2 shows the extent of their satisfaction.
The F-computed value of 1.69684 is within the critical value of 2.86608 at 0.05 level of
significance with 4 and 20 degrees of freedom, the null hypothesis is accepted. This means that
the respondents did not differ significantly in their extent of satisfaction on barangay healthcare
services when grouped according to age. It shows that age is apparently not a factor in the
perception of respondents’ satisfaction. Regardless of age, the respondents have the same level
of satisfaction on the services provided by BHC. Ages below 30 has the highest satisfaction rate
in the services provided by BHC. This maybe explained due to the fact that ages below 30
frequently visit the healthcare centre with their children to have their check -up.

Table 3. Satisfaction Rating When Grouped According to Sex

Services Male Female WM Remarks

Availability of medicine/first aid 2.66 2.85 2.76 Satisfied

Action on requests/medical Satisfied

services/projects 2.98 3.10 3.04

Quality of service/facilities/equipment Satisfied

offered 2.85 3.02 2.94

Interpersonal relationship of the BHW to

the client 3.42 3.25 3.34 Satisfied

Awareness on the program and other

services given by the Rural Health Unit 3.03 3.42 3.23 Satisfied

Total 2.98 3.13 3.06 Satisfied

F-value= 0.000355 F critical= 5.317655 Significant at α= 0.05 df= 1 & 8

When grouped according to respondents’ sex, table 3 shows the extent of their satisfaction.
The F-computed value of 0.000355 is within the critical value of 5.317655 at 0.05 level of
significance with 1 and 8 degrees of freedom, the null hypothesis is accepted. This means that
the respondents did not differ significantly in their extent of satisfaction on barangay healthcare
services when grouped according to sex. It shows that sex is apparently not a factor in the
perception of respondents’ satisfaction. Regardless of gender, the respondents have the same
level of satisfaction on the services provided by BHC. Female has the highest satisfaction rate in
the services provided by BHC. This maybe explained due to the fact that women frequently visits
the healthcare centre and men are always at work.
Table 4. Satisfaction Rating When Grouped According to Income

Below 5,001- 10,001- 15,000

5,000 10,000 15,000 above n= WM
Services Remarks
n=196 n=33 n= 7 6

Availability of medicine/first aid 2.81 2.85 2.57 2.67 2.72 Satisfied

Action on requests/medical
3.05 3.15 2.86 4.00 3.26 Satisfied

Quality of service/facilities/equipment
2.99 3.09 2.57 3.17 2.96 Satisfied

Interpersonal relationship of the BHW

3.54 3.55 3.14 3.83 3.52 Satisfied
to the client

Awareness on the program and other

3.36 3.30 2.71 3.33 3.18 Satisfied
services given by the Rural Health Unit.

3.15 3.19 2.77 3.40 3.13


F-value= 2.750 F critical= 3.238872 Significant at α=0.05 df= 3 & 16

When grouped according to respondents’ income, table 4 shows the extent of their
satisfaction. The F-computed value of 2.750 is within the critical value of 3.238872 at 0.05 level
of significance with 3 and 16 degrees of freedom, the null hypothesis is accepted. This means
that the respondents did not differ significantly in their extent of satisfaction on barangay
healthcare services when grouped according to income. It shows that income is apparently not a
factor in the perception of respondents’ satisfaction. Regardless of income, the respondents have
the same level of satisfaction on the services provided by BHC. Respondents who has an income
above 15,000 has the highest satisfaction rate in the services provided by BHC.

Comments / suggestion Frequency Percentage

Additional of supply of
1 79 49.07

Provide additional
2 31 19.25

3 Provide Lying- in 22 13.66

4 Unity and Cooperation 8 4.97

Proper information
5 7 4.35

6 Proper Waste Disposal 6 3.73

7 Additional nurses/midwives 5 3.11

8 Provide medical assistance 3 1.86

TOTAL 161 100

Table 5. Suggestions to Further Improve Services of Barangay Health Centre

Table 5 provides the comments and suggestions offered by the respondents to further
improve the services of the Barangay Health Centre in barangay Dinapa. The most frequent
suggestion provided by 49.07% of respondents is to have an additional supply of medicine. And
31 out of 161 suggested feedbacks of respondents is to provide an additional equipment and
facilities, 22 out of 161 comments is to provide an additional lying-in, 8 out of 161 comments is
for unity and cooperation, 7 out 161 suggestions is for proper information dissemination, 6 out
of the total suggested feedbacks for service quality improvement is for proper waste disposal
and 5 out total suggested feedbacks of respondents is for an additional nurses and midwives in
the BHC. Only 3 out of 161 suggested comments of respondents is to provide and give a medical
assistance to every member of the community. What can be drawn from these suggestions is
that respondents would be certainly satisfied if they get fair and sufficient healthcare service
that would make them feel well served.

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