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When we are still young,precisely at primary school age, we often hear the desire or

more familiar with the calling ambition.Many kind of ambition we are saying, such as "I want to become
a Doctor",a Police,a Soldier,etc and certainly our parents hope what their children ambition can to
achieve in the future.

I was not much have different from the other childrens who also have ambitions and I
was to become a teacher .I was inspired by seeing my class teacher in school who patiently taught his
student from begin not understand become understand, introduces letters, reading, writing etc and not
rarely,my teacher help their students to separate when we having conflict with our friends.And of
course, the teacher role as our parents when we are in the school area and many important because I
love the childrens joyful.After I finished my senior high school (SMA) and I will continue to college, my
parents tell me to prefer being a nurse, because they think being a nurse is a very great job besides we
can get scientific knowledge, skills and of course we can get reward from Allah SWT.They thought at
least I can to become a nurse to care our family. Finally, I was begin college study at the Polytechnical
Of Health Makassar in 2008 and I was graduate in 2011 as a Nursing Specialist, grade Diploma III (Three).

Now, I work at a Education Hospital in Makassar by the government, and while I was
work I also have status as a transfer students to grade one strata at STIKES Nani Hasanuddin Makassar in
school year 2016-2017.

My planning after I complete my one grade study I want to continue to get in two
grade study, and if I get a chance I want to back to the my past ambition become an educator or a
teacher and of course a teacher in the nursing department.

Thanks 


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