Chapter-1 The Models of Teacher Education

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The Models of Teacher Education Demerits: In spite of its wide-spread usage, it has

The current educational climate is essentially driven some short comings:

by an overriding interest in preparing students to  Changes at the practical level applied by
become effective teachers. Therefore, some teacher practitioners are not taken into account; therefore,
education programs have been developed in order to their value is underestimated, thereby creating a
enhance this process. These programs explore the separation between research and professional
possible approaches which could encourage student- practice.
teachers or teachers-in-service towards learning-  The most serious problem occurs when the
focused teaching activities. Although teacher students are asked to apply on their own the
education programs have been in existence for a long scientific theories they have learned in classroom.
time, ESL teacher education is a relatively recent  Another shortcoming is the Applied Science
development. Numerous educational theorists and Model’s failure to address adequately many of the
practitioners have handed down different opinions on important issues in teaching English. There has
the possible models for teacher education from their been relatively little research that directly
personal point of views. However, most of the concerns the teaching and learning of English in
researchers shared three common views. Subsequently the classroom.
these three concepts attained worldwide critical  Many researchers claim that trainees who take
acclamation as teaching models. The latest models of courses based on the Applied Science Model feel
teacher education have been put forward by, Michael that such courses do not help them develop
J. Wallace in 1991. Wallace moulded his models after professionally, that is, the theoretical studies are
the existing concepts of his precursors, but in a more of no help.
convenient or transparent way.  Here the learner is passive, he cannot ask any
question. He just follows the instructions of the
1. The Applied Science Model: The Applied Science expert.
Model is the traditional and perhaps still the most  The Applied Science Model is somewhat limited
prevalent model underlying most ESL teacher in scope as it does not take care of student-
education programs. It was put forward by Michael J. teachers’ self-development or awareness of their
Wallace in 1991 based on the Technical role not only as teachers but as teacher-
Rationality of Donald A. Schön. The model derives researchers in their classrooms.
its authority from the achievements of empirical  In Applied Science Model teaching is based on
science, particularly in the 19th and the 20th centuries. external knowledge, because it is essentially
The Applied Science Model emerges on the depended on rules and principles derived from
following assumptions: preexisting knowledge sources.
 Teaching is a science and as such can be  The Applied Science Model is prescriptive since
examined rationally and objectively. it advocates teachers to follow some proven
 Teachers learn to be teachers by being taught teaching method instead of relying upon
research-based theories. individual or intuitive theories of teaching and
 These theories are being conveyed to the students learning.
only by those who are considered to be the experts  The Applied Science Model is a product oriented
in the particular field. model. It slavishly follows various established
 Teachers are said to be educated when they methods and theories to improve teaching ability.
become proficient enough to apply these theories In this model there is no scope for expressing
in practice. one’s creativity.
Merits: The Applied Science Model has the  Its major shortcoming is that it has not been able
following plus points: to deliver a relevant “scientific” solution to the
 This model takes into account the crucial element various professional dilemmas that the teacher
of the explosive growth of relevant scientific faces in real-life classroom situations.
knowledge in recent times.
 Its theory oriented study provides much
opportunity for the learner to achieve received
2. The Craft Model: The Craft Model is the oldest 3. The Reflective Model: The reflective practice has
form of professional education and is still used today become a dominant paradigm in language teacher
in ESL teacher education, albeit rather limitedly. Its education research and programs worldwide. But it is
conceptual basis, however, is widely utilized in not an innovation in teaching. It has its roots in the
practicum courses in which students work with work of a number of educational theorists and
classroom teachers, often called cooperating teachers. practitioners. Most definitions on reflective thinking
Its use in one course in a program of ESL teacher found in the literature of teacher education are based
education cannot be regarded as a model for an entire on Dewey’s inquiry oriented concepts. In the 1980s,
program. The basic assumptions underlying this Dewey’s foundational aspects on reflection were
model are as follows: further extended by the American sociologist Donald
 In its most basic form, Craft Model consists of the A. Schön. Later on, in 1991 Michael J.
trainee or beginner working closely with the Wallace described Schön’s critique in a more explicit
expert teacher. way.
 The practitioner is supposed to learn by imitating The Reflective Model is based on the assumption that
all the teaching techniques used by the teachers develop professional competence through
experienced teacher. reflecting on their own practice. In other words, a
 Knowledge is acquired as a result of observation, teaching experience is recalled and considered to reach
instruction, and practice. an evaluation and to provide input into future planning
and action.
For Wallace a teacher education course should include
two kinds of knowledge for it to be professionally
 Received knowledge: It is related to all the
theories, concepts and skills that are studied
during the student-teacher’s ELT methodology
Merits: The positive sides of this model are as
 Experiential knowledge: It is that knowledge
 The Craft Model of second language teacher
which is developed by the trainees throughout
education allows the learner to
their teaching practice.
develop experiential knowledge, since the
Wallace’s Reflective Model is applicable to both pre-
primary responsibilities of the learner are in the
service and in-service education. The model is
separated it into three stages:
 It is one of the quickest models of ESL teacher
1. The pre-training: It is believed that the person
education. Researches proved that students can
who has decided to embark on professional
imitate their teacher very quickly.
education does not enter the program with blank
Demerits: This model of ESL teacher education
mind. He has, at least, some pre-training
program suffers from several shortcomings:
knowledge about teaching.
 The most relevant strategies of training are
2. The professional development: It is the stage of
provided by experts; thus the student-teachers
professional education or development through
play a passive role.
theory and practice.
 The Craft Model is essentially conservative. It
3. The professional competence: The ultimate goal
does not account for any kind of change. It
of this model is to increase professional
depends merely on imitation.
 It does not handle the relevant scientific
Wallace presents the Reflective Model as a cyclical
process in which the trainees are involved throughout
 In this model there is no scope for developing
their teaching experience. Such a cycle aims for
one’s creativity since it does not allow suggesting
continuous improvement and the development of
new theories.
personal theories of action. There is an assumption that
the student-teachers already have some knowledge
that they acquired as students and during the
development of their English program. Once the
student-teachers have the opportunity to enter the Merits: Reflective teaching is very much beneficial
classroom environment, they discover the actual for teacher development. It offers more advantages
framework of teaching and become aware of the than disadvantages:
different classroom situations. Thus, they start  Reflective practice helps the novice teachers
recalling about their performance during the teaching become more aware of decision-making
practice, how some experienced teachers deal with processes to help them determine the effect their
those situations, and also, how they themselves could decisions have in the context in which they are
manage them. So, they make some decisions and think implemented.
about possible actions they could apply to their  Reflective Model is broad in scope since it
context. Or sometimes they simply reflect upon their enables teachers to investigate, and clarify their
classroom activities to evaluate their professional own classroom processes, and their individual
performance. Such a study helps them to figure out theories of teaching and learning, instead of
both the positive as well as the negative side of their relying on some specific method of teaching.
teaching strategy. That means reflection helps them to  The Reflective Model is a process oriented
avoid various future professional dilemmas by teaching approach since it provides an
recalling and evaluating past experiences. The opportunity for the teacher to reveal his creative
following illustration is a graphical representation of sides.
Wallace’s Reflective Model of professional education  Reflective practice provides an opportunity for
or development: the teacher to find a self-defined solution for a
particular classroom problem.
 With a sharp contrast to the other models of
teacher education, the Reflective Model does not
treat the student-teacher as a passive participant.
Here he works with his educator as a co-
 This is the only model that fulfills almost all the
requirements for teacher development.

This is a very common way in which professional

competence is developed, and in it the process
of reflective practice is clearly taking place, even
though the practice element occurs outside the formal
framework of the course. The use of reflective
practice is obviously valid, but it should be noted
that this sort of practice for professional education
carries certain disadvantages:
 The main disadvantage is that the experience is
private, not shared.
 The second disadvantage is the potential lack of
focus in the discussion.
 The third problem could well be the lack of
structure in the mode of articulating reflection.
 Ultimately, its flexibility and stress on participant
initiative and input may cause lack of
organization and a pooling of ignorance, at the
expense of genuine professional or personal

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