Topics of Economy

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Principles of economics: essays

1. Diffusion of innovation: present the evolution of demand and prices on the chosen example
2. Role of word-of-mouth in diffusion of innovative goods and services
3. Tragedy of Commons: explain on the examples
4. A moral hazard problem: explain on the examples
5. The irrational consumers and the paradox of choice: why economics is wrong about how we
make choices?
6. The current examples of oligopoly. Do the society benefit from this market structure or not?
7. How does the cartel work? Explain on the chosen examples
8. Antitrust policy – explain how it works on the examples of firms that have been convicted by
antitrust practices
9. Rebound effect and Jevons Paradox: impact on energy efficiency and conservation
10. Explain the Free Rider problem on the chosen examples
11. Decoy effect: explain this phenomenon on the chosen examples
12. Explain the Prospect Theory on the chosen examples
13. Positive and negative externalities: how economies cope with them? Explain on the chosen
14. Ecology and economy: the EU case
15. Measurements of social and economic inequalities
16. Africa: poverty and development
17. Development of post-soviet countries
18. Microbanks: example of India
19. Countries with dictatorships and centrally planned economies
20. Economic development: example of Asian tigers
21. Crisis in Greece: explain it roots on the real economic data
22. Is deflation good or bad for the economy? Explain on the chosen examples

The layout of an essay

An essay should start with a short introduction, in which you provide the motivation and main
aims of your paper. In the main part of the text please present, describe and explain the topic of your
essay. Comparisons and analysis may enrich the content of the essay. Finally, in last section of your
essay please provide some conclusions. Do not forget about references in the end of the text.

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