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Transcendentalist Journal 
John Yokoyama,  
Honors American Literature, Period Two 


Day One,

As I walk up the hill in my backyard

to begin my first day I am hit with a chilling

wind. It’s cold outside and since I’d been

inside of my heated house all day I was not

aware. I’ve made a few stops at the old

favorite places I always used to hang out

when we first moved here. The two

enormous palm trees that join together at the

bottom, siblings that come from the same

roots but go separate paths. The very top of

our hill, where on a good day, you can see

all the way to the coast. And finally, the

as these clusters of grass, coming in groups
rusty old tire swing that sways in the wind,
of about two or three. It reminds me of my
above the creek we call our own little river
lessons in early man’s history, settling along
running through the center of the yard.
the rivers. The rivers allowed for us to settle
That’s when I realize that for the first time
in one area and grow. This tiny ecosystem is
in a while it’s not dried up. It just finished
the same thing, just on a much smaller scale.
raining yesterday and there’s some water

going through. The water has sparked new

life on the river’s edges, moss has started to

grow, as well

The wind is starting to pick up now and I am amazed at how loud it can be when it blows

through the leaves on trees. Sounding almost like waves crashing against the shore at the beach.

These trees also have roots visible on the ground, spreading outward from the trunk until they

reach or little river. Finally being quenched of their thirst the roots look alive, they aren’t just

dead branches piled up on top of dirt, now they have color to them. I look to my left and I see the

remnants of a tree that my dad and I took down. We took down many trees after he decided it

was a safety hazard. I was climbing one and the branch I was hanging on broke, causing me to

fall and gash my right forearm open on another. Now, I regret having helped and am sorrowful

that I let my dad go through with it. The trees are sparse and it’s harder to find adventure in.

I’m not ready to return to civilization yet but my mom has just called me inside - she says

it’s too cold to be outside right now. Plus my grandpa will be here soon to take me to my music

rehearsal anyways. However, as I get ready to head back down, I am stopped by a sound. It’s a

sound that I’ve been hearing the entire time that I have been up here but haven’t acknowledged

it. It’s the sound of the river running. The sound of the trickling water is so subtle that I almost

missed it, but as soon as I noticed I suddenly felt a sense of serenity. I’ve never experienced this

before. Sure I’ve listened to youtube recordings of this noise but I was never really affected by it.

Sitting here on this rock, in my very own backyard is the first time I have ever experienced this


She’s calling again now, in a slightly more agitated tone. I better hurry up and get inside

before I get in trouble. I wind through the trees that are left, really taking my time (and pushing

my limits) finally reaching the path that leads down toward the back door. I’m back now and it’s

time to go to rehearsal. I’ll be revisiting my hill soon though. I feel like I’ll be going back a lot.

Day Two,

Today I’m bringing my Rav Vast with me. It’s a steel drum instrument that produces low,

resonant tones when hit. I use it to calm down when I’m stressed and I wanted to try playing it

up here. It’s night time, I’m seeing how different it is at night. For starters it was a little tough

getting to my spot, I almost fell about four times and when I finally reached the rock I slipped on

some mud. Nevertheless, I have made it. I begin to play the drum and let it’s warm melodies

pervade, creating a calming atmosphere. As I play I take another look at my environment. It’s

quieter than the last time I came. Only a few birds are singing now, the rest preparing for the

night. It’s not as windy so it’s easier to hear the little river run. This serenity is very different

from the normal, business of everyday life. I hardly ever get to stop and just take in my

environment, enjoying the quietness. Everyone should do this; it’s freeing to just let your mind

wander and forget about all the worries in life. Time to yourself is rare nowadays and needs to be

treasured, for only when you’re by yourself can you really be yourself.

I take a break from playing my drum look up at the sky. As I get lost in the stars my

thoughts drift toward the constellations. When I was younger I would try to make up stories in

my head about how they got there. From aliens shooting holes in the atmosphere to birds poking

holes in the big black blanket covering the sky, I had so many different ones it’s hard to keep

track. It’s sad thinking about how little we use our imagination now. Life is blander and less

thought-provoking than when we were all younger. I miss the old days of creative stories and

games that we would play. An ideal society would be one of imagination and creativity and

wonder. Life would be far more enjoyable and there would be less reason for sadness. Imagine

what the world would be like if we loosened up and thought more freely. I bet there’d be less

pain, less suffering in the world and people would live longer, much happier lives. We can only

change our own minds so it would be challenging but I believe with the right guidance it could

be a possibility. I might just be rambling, however.

After only the second time of me doing this, I feel more connected to nature. Nature is

incredible, I can’t believe anyone would willingly do any harm to it. It’s saddening to think that

we have to create punishments for destroying it just because some people are so inconsiderate

that they would kill it just for a profit. Some people are so selfish. Nature is sacred and should

not be disrespected like this. If only people would stop and think things through rather than being

so impulsive. Sitting here in my backyard has been an eye-opening experience to the beauties

that nature provides. Just simply being in my backyard allowed me to really embrace it’s a

wonder. I never would’ve thought it was this easy. It’s important that people spend time outside

and never forget where they came from. For we all are a part of nature.

Well, it’s time to go back inside, sadly, but it was a great day today. The music that I

made today is the best I’ve ever done. I definitely credit being outside for my success. I find it

much easier to get lost in the melodies and feel the music rather than play it. On only day two, I

have found a deeper meaning to my music and am progressing faster and faster each day. Simply

being in nature has permitted this big leap and I am forever grateful.


When I went out for day one it was day time. Birds were out singing their songs, flying

over my head into the trees. I could easily see all of my surroundings. The water was clear and

running, the trees were green and blowing in the wind, and I was able to observe the ground with

all of the new life that was sprouting up due to the recent weather. I spent my time thinking about

my environment and what it looked like, as well as remembering how it used to look like when I

was younger. The second day was quite different. For starters it was night time, the only light I

had was the light of the moon. This forced my mind to wander more and I came to thinking

about many interesting things. I also will say that I enjoyed the second day far more. One

because of the environment, it was far more peaceful and relaxing, and two because of my Rav

Vast. The music was really important for allowing me to feel true tranquility and it’s melodies

rung in such a way that was perfect for this environment.

These two visits to the outdoors were truly eye-opening. I hadn’t ever imagined myself

willingly going outside into the cold just to sit and enjoy what’s out there. It was a refreshing

change from the routine of going home, getting my mac, watching Netflix, and going to bed. The

calmness I felt and the sounds that I heard were almost completely new experiences for me, both

inducing true joy. My absolute favorite part of this project was my use of it to make music with

my Rav Vast. The music that this instrument makes is perfect for these environments and it was

the most beautiful that I had ever played. Letting my mind wander while I take in all my

surroundings and just feeling the music is the best way to play, my evidence being the

experience I had playing yesterday.


It’s a lot easier to see where the Transcendentalists were coming from now. After the first

day I wasn’t thinking much about them, but on the second, I saw myself making connections

between the thoughts I was having and the ideals of Transcendentalists. I felt the importance of

individualism because of the joy and peace that I found up there, at the same time. I had never

experienced anything like it before. All people need time by themselves to just experience nature

the way that I did. Also, I remembered how creative and imaginative I was when I was younger,

connecting it to the Transcendental ideal of idealism. We need to let our creative minds work and

not be stuck in the blandness of everyday life. Finally, I found the divinity in nature. Nature is

above us all. Being here on Earth longer, and ultimately being here for much longer, humans pity

in comparison to the power of nature. It is sacred and all people must learn to respect and

treasure it.

I will definitely be revisiting my spot on the hill. Days when I have nothing to do, days

when I’m missing the environment, or even days when I just need a break from society. That is

now going to be my spot, where I spend my time doing homework, talking with friends, and

especially playing my Rav Vast. I can’t think of a better environment.

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