Roggelieke L PP Ex

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Where am I from?
■ I Was born on 11/30/2000, in Zaandam (a city near by Amsterdam).
■ Zaandam is known for the windmills, wooden shoes and tulips. You can find all of
them at the Zaanse Schans. (Click and take a look)

Isn’t it pretty?
Some fun facts about the Netherlands
■ The Wilhelmus is the oldest national anthem in the world!
■ Dutch men are the tallest in the world!
■ Amsterdam has 1281 bridges and is entirely build on piles!
■ In the Netherlands there are twice as many bikes as cars with over 15.000 km of
cycle tracks!
■ Almost all Dutch people can swim, skate and ride a bike!
■ The Dutch ladies have to get kissed three times (right-left-right) on the cheek.
■ Dutch people eat chocolate sprinkles on their sandwich called “hagelslag’!
Some strange dutch habits

■ Cycle everywhere without bike helmets.

■ Eat very salty liquorice.
■ Ignore emerency alarms (if its on the first Monday of the month).
■ Celebrate birthdays by sitting in a circle with tea, coffee and a slice of cake.
■ Great eachother with 3 kisses on the cheek.
■ Celebrate the kings birthday by dressing up in orange end party all day.
Some nice pictures of the Netherlands

Meet my family

This is my dad!

This is my beautiful mom! This is my boyfriend and

Desmo his dog!

This is my sister!
Meet my friends
My sport
■ I play waterpolo since the age of 6 and I still love it!
■ I play for the national team of the Netherland, and i’m very proud to play for the sun
devils this semester!

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